Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 222: New city construction plan

While the elves were busy dealing with the aftermath problem, we were discussing how to solve the problem of city construction. (None.Bomb.Window.Small.Say.Net)

The volume and coverage area of ​​the Tree of Life are now seriously out of specification. It is impossible for us to build a city along its periphery. Because a circle has a larger radius, its area increases more quickly, so do n’t look at the current coverage radius of the tree of life seems to have only expanded by more than three times. But it's not just as simple as tripling.

Faced with such a large tree of life, we must find some ways to solve it.

In Essinger's conference room, we drove three-dimensional imaging while discussing the overall structure of the tree of life and the three-dimensional topographic map of the surrounding area while discussing the issue of city construction.

Hongyue first asked: "The first thing we need to decide now is whether the area of ​​the city needs to be expanded?"

Su Mei said: "The larger the city, the more competitive it is, but the proportion of increase in area and the space for competitiveness will not be directly proportional. If I estimate it well, this comparison may be a positive curve So we need to know if the current urban area is suitable for continued expansion before we can conclude. "

"I think it's important to think about money first," said Gold Coin. "The original city size is already very large. If we continue to expand, will our guild funds be sufficient? I seem to remember our guild funds. The proportions are planned in advance. If such a large investment is suddenly made, wouldn't our other projects be affected? Besides, our liquidity may not be enough? "

Rose shook her head and said, "The funds are enough, but the problem is still the problem that Su Mei said. Do we need to expand the city? Sometimes it may not necessarily be big!"

"It's useless for us to guess like this." I looked up and asked, "God of War, I seem to remember the economic model of Rose, do you know?"

The voice of the **** of war sounded above us: "I have records of relevant data. Do I need to do anything?"

"Let's do the calculations. See if the size of the city is expanded, what is the optimal area of ​​the city? Is it already exceeded?"

The God of War answered quickly. "The relevant data is seriously insufficient, and I cannot give an accurate judgment."

"The shortcomings are all fuzzy calculations. We only need a rough range, not so precise."

Army God paused for a while this time and then said, "The current coverage radius of the Tree of Life is 32.8 kilometers. According to my comparative analysis of the data I have, the optimal urban area in South America should be 3 It is below 1,000 square kilometers, which means that even if the urban space is no longer expanded, the current area is seriously beyond the reasonable range. "

"In this case, what needs to be resolved is not the issue of urban funds, but the problem of urban area." Rose said: "The coverage of the tree of life is seriously beyond expectations. Now we have only two options. One is Just build a city on the tree of life, like the medium-sized elven cities in the country, repair the entire city on the tree of life. The advantage of this is that it is more elven, and the city will look more rustic. But for now See, everyone may still prefer some fantasy elven cities. However, if you need to build some more elaborate elven cities, it is absolutely impossible to just follow the current way. But if you expand the city, it will go beyond the rationalization of the city. Oversized cities It will increase our burden, and the revenue will not increase the kill. It is not cost-effective. "

"What about your second choice?"

"The second option is a little more troublesome," said Rose. "I have passed through the Porsecione ditch before returning. The area of ​​the tree of life is actually not fixed. As a special plant, the tree of life can actually be It is self-regulating to a certain extent. To put it simply, the tree of life can actively shrink its area of ​​coverage and make room for us to build cities. "

"This method sounds good. But since you put it second, is that a flaw in this method?"

Rose admitted to my question and admitted directly: "Indeed, there is a very serious problem. That is, the tree of life can indeed change its form according to our requirements, but this process will not be the same as that of animals changing their body posture. Fast. With the power of the Tree of Life, adjusting it to the size and filling we need can take up to three to four months. We ca n’t start building the city until it is fully adjusted. ”

"Three to four months? How much money will you backlog?" Although Hongyue was not in charge of the economy, she was in charge of a guild before she became the vice president of our guild, so she said such a shallow funding problem She can still see it.

"The backlog of funds is second." Rose said: "You also know that the tree of life is not just a unit of production. Although she can produce many kinds of valuable resources, it is still. Once the tree of life enters the active state · Its consumption is even more than most animals, and considering her size, its consumption will be very amazing. And I have already learned from the elves. The recipe for the tree of life is very simple, except for natural sunlight, moonlight, and Apart from free energy, all that can be absorbed is the essence of life. "

"Essence of life? That thing is of great value!" Eagle exclaimed.

Rose shrugged helplessly, then said, "The tree of life eats this. I have no other choice."

I folded my hands to support the head under my jaw, and frowned, thinking when Rose finished saying: "I think this second solution can be abandoned directly. There are too many disadvantages, even if it is to expand the city. A city that is not optimal is far better than that. "

After listening to me, Rose herself said, "So I don't think this method is as good as the first one."

"But building a city directly on the tree of life, isn't it too monotonous?" Hongyue said, "Everyone should have played in the country's elven cities? The simple style of replacing the entire city with a tree In fact, only when I saw it for the first time, I felt pretty good, and over time, I felt quite monotonous.

I don't think this is appropriate. "

"Are we going to have people in urban planning and landscape design?" I asked suddenly.

God of War quickly answered: "There are such people, and there is a special department responsible for this. Do I need to call the heads of the two departments?"

I thought about it and nodded: "Notify them

The two responsible personnel came quickly and appeared in the office in less than three minutes. These two persons in charge are exactly one man and one woman, and one is the player and the other is the management of our guild. Not only are the players, there are also talented people, and there are many.

That man is an NP who is mainly responsible for urban planning. This department is not very suitable for players. The main reason is that this position requires high professional knowledge, not that you can do it well if you are interested. In addition, because of some special environments or rules set in the game, there are more things that need to be noticed than in the real world. At the same time, certain issues that need to be noticed in the game have become irrelevant things in the game. Because of these differences, even real city planners cannot directly plan their cities when they come to the game. On the contrary, they must know more about the world they live in than the players, so they The cities set are often much better than the players.

Another woman is a player of this guild. She is a non-combat profession. Her specialty is landscape design. According to the army god, she is an anime artist design, which means that landscape design is actually the same as her profession. At least it's a similar profession.

"Chairman, is there anything we can do?" The female player asked first. As a player, she is more casual. After all, for the player, the president is just like the child king. If you want to say that the status is definitely higher than the member, but really how strong it is to bind the member, it is really impossible to talk about. After all, it is just anxious to lose an account. Although it will be very reluctant, it is really anxious, and you will abandon it. Therefore, players are not particularly concerned about the high level of guilds. Because our guilds are relatively strong, they have high cohesion. Members respect the president and the high level of guilds, and in other guilds, especially those who are weak The guild, in fact, members do not care about the president or something. There are many small guild members whose mobility is very strong. For those who change trades for three days and two ends, they can only be treated as ghosts if they can respect their president.

Compared to players, the situation is different. It ’s impossible for them to leave the game. For them, the game world is reality and all. So for the president of their guild, it ’s almost the same as the ancient emperor, even more exaggerated. The restrictions in each rule, on the other hand, the president of the player's guild is much less restricted. So for the president, the existence of the horror is more terrifying than the emperor. That requires absolute care.

"The two of you come and sit down first." I greeted the two of them to sit in the two temporary positions, and then said to the **** of war, "tell them about the situation now."

God of War quickly explained to the two people the problems we now encounter in South America, the situation of the tree of life, and the two schemes mentioned by Rose. I did n’t tell them until after the **** of war said: "The second of the two proposals that Rose said before has been rejected by us. Now we have basically decided to adopt the first scheme, which is based on the tree of life. Build a city. But we do n’t want the city to have a simple big building there, which is too monotonous. We need a gorgeous, dreamy, and of course a natural spirit city. Our city will be a tourist city. It's a hub, it's a sign, so we can't make it look bare. Do you understand what I mean? "

After speaking, both of them nodded, and then the female player first asked me to give them some time, and then she left the conference room with that. After they left, we had to discuss something else first, and the designers did not return until more than an hour later.

"Chairman, we already have a solution." It was still the female player who spoke.

"Tell me."

The female player immediately asked: "Can you let the God of War cooperate with us? I know he can simulate three-dimensional images."

I nodded and agreed to let the God of War help, and then the other turned around and screamed outside the door, and then saw a few people coming in holding a pile of drawings. The female player worked with the planner next to him and the gang who came in for a long time before scanning all the drawings for the God of War. After finishing this, she returned to the table, and then coughed twice before officially introducing.

"God of War."

With her voice, the conference table in the center of the conference room immediately projected the tree of life now, and the three-dimensional image was still slowly rotating.

Immediately after this image appeared, she said: "This is the current situation of the tree of life. It looks really monotonous, and the root system on the ground is not suitable for the establishment of urban ground facilities. This is very bad. . "

"Then what are you going to do?"

The female player struck a finger, and the three-dimensional projection immediately moved laterally, apparently out of a place in the outer area of ​​the tree of life and highlighting a long bright line. She pointed to the picture and said, "The highlight you are seeing now is a river. I heard that because of this river, the president also thought of a way to solve this problem."

I nodded and said, "Yes, this river can easily flood during the rainy season. If we don't care, our city construction site will turn into a vast ocean ~ ~ So we thought of a way to bring the river water underground, so No need to worry about floods.

Wouldn't it be your idea to hit this river? "

What I didn't expect was that the female player actually said, "Yes, I just like this river. Our city area is now completely covered by the tree of life. If we want to adjust it, the amount of engineering will be huge. ... so I thought of this river. "

"Then your consciousness is ...?"

"Using a large-scale spell to sink the area where the Tree of Life is located, seal the underground ditches previously excavated, raise the terrain around the Tree of Life, perform river restructuring at the turn of the river, and force the river to divert Within our city. "

"I rely on, isn't our city a sea?"

"What we want is a vast ocean. Since we can't trim the ground on a large scale, why not just build a water city directly?"

"Water city?" All of us present were stunned when they heard the term.

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