Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 223: New Guild Guardian

The person in charge of the landscape design of the guild explained: "The so-called water city does not say to float the whole city. M. I mean to build a city similar to Venice. The tree of life as the city's superstructure Covering the entire city, forming a huge umbrella cover structure. We can even use some natural magic to spawn plants such as rattan to hang some bird-house-like houses on the branches of the tree of life, which will look even more Beautiful.

The middle area of ​​the city is above the water. There are two options for this position. The first is to build a house with a fixed foundation like Venice. Of course, the architectural style can be selected from the plant buildings of the elf city, or human buildings. Or if you like nature, I suggest building floating houses. "

"Floating house?"

"Yes, floating houses. Use some simple buoyancy devices to make the house float. Below it is fixed with fixed anchor piles or simply with chains or rattan. The house is allowed to move within a certain range, but there will be no alternate house positions. Case."

"You just said that this is the middle layer, that is to say there is something underwater?"

"It depends on what you think." The design director said, "If you want to be a bit fancy, I suggest that you can set some transparent force field walls underwater or simply use a crystal cover. Anyway, it is to make a transparent structure. , And then build an underwater city. If you do n’t want to be too fancy, this part can be omitted. Of course, cities can be established under the root system of the tree of life, but it is no different from the underground city. The specific situation depends on what you want What kind of city we want, the bank seems to have no shortage of construction technology. "

I turned my head to look at the rose, but instead of answering it directly, she snapped her fingers. Su Mei and Hong Yue quickly got together with her and started a quick whisper discussion. After a few minutes, the two returned to their seats, and Rose said to me: "Since the city is not going to expand, make it gorgeous. Do n’t waste the city, the air, and the underground. We suggest that it is better to get two floating islands suspended in the sky and connect the ground with the cane of the tree of life. This may feel better. ”

Hongyue also followed: "The tree of life now occupies too much space. Although our new city looks very large, the available space is actually not rich. Setting up a high-, medium-, and low-rise building system can effectively use space to increase the city. Capacity. And this is a tourist city, practicality is not the main goal, and good-looking is first. "

"In this case, it is set according to the multiple structure. Moreover, I think it is better to build another connection channel to the sea if possible."

"To the sea?" I asked in confusion: "Why do we need to build such a waterway?"

The person in charge of the design said: "In fact, there are no waterways that can cross the sea, but I think that since it is an entertainment-oriented city, of course, the more complete the supporting facilities, the better."

"That's a good idea," Rose said, "so that's how we settle down."

I thought about it and agreed to this plan, but it was not that simple to implement. Although we have all the technologies available in this city, this cost issue is definitely not so well controlled. We need to know that we need to build a lot of special building structures that have never been seen before. These complex buildings are not as cheap as ordinary buildings. On the contrary, the construction costs of these buildings will be very exaggerated.

Although the cost has increased dramatically, in the end we chose to build a more gorgeous and dreamy city. After all, this is a tourist city. If it is not fancy, what do we sell?

I do n’t need to worry about the city ’s construction work. As long as I set the general direction, someone will naturally be responsible. After I have determined the city ’s construction work, I do n’t care about it, and I just leave the work to the construction department of the bank. . Of course, before I left, I still had a good communication with Persephone. After all, she was a deity. I was worried that I would not be able to control her as soon as I left. But it's not bad. When I said this to Porsefogne, Porsefogne behaved very well.

After talking to Persephone, I didn't take a break, but asked the **** of war, Radamantis' position. With the help of the army god, I quickly saw Radamantis in Tianyu City. At this time, she was surrounded by a tall defensive mother tree. She didn't know what to study.

"Ladamantis. How did you come here? I found you a great circle over Isinger!"

Radamantis looked back at me and began to take care of himself, but he said without a pause, "Don't you let me take charge of these four defensive mother trees?"

"I asked you to take charge of the four defensive mother trees, but the question is what do I want, the banshee?"

In fact, I brought the noisy banshee's lair back and let Radamantis bring it to plant. My ultimate goal was to add a powerful guardian to the guild. It can be said that defending the mother tree was just an accidental harvest. From the beginning, my goal was to protect the creatures, not the defending mother tree.

Radamantis did not panic when he heard my question, but said it naturally. "The Banshee's Lair has been completed, and you only need to add energy materials to produce it. If you want to see it, we can get some out now."

"What are you waiting for, get it done quickly, I want to see how the banshee fights. I didn't want to be a display after spending so much effort to get it back."

"Okay, I'll let them prepare things. But which defensive mother tree do you plan to specifically let the banshee hatch?"

"Use Isinger to move the defensive mother tree of the fortress. There are no outsiders over there. It is better to keep the work secret."

At present, three of the four defensive mother trees of our guild have been planted in place, and the remaining one is reserved for the elf city under construction. Three defensive mother trees have been planted in Fulcrum City, Tianyu City, and Isinger Mobile Fortress. Tianyu City is the transportation hub of our guild in Europe, so not only the guild players and domestic players in the city, but even foreign players are very many. After all, as an intercontinental hub city, the internal movement of people is conceivable.

Fulcrum City is slightly better than Tianyu City in comparison. This is a fortress city, and it is still a fortress of progress. It is also the only and final support point for our guild and the entire Chinese region in Japan. It is a strategic support in itself. Point, coupled with the recent ambiguity of the situation because of the Yaki snake, the fulcrum city has been completely closed by our guild, except for the guild players and a few guilds that have a better relationship with us. Player, we have not allowed anyone to enter the Fulcrum City. However, although the personnel is relatively simple, there are still outsiders after all, so this confidential work is not easy to do.

Compared to the previous two cities, Isinger's mobile fortress is completely different.

First of all, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is not a reading city in the true sense. In the system certification, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is a satellite city belonging to the Twin Cities of Isinger, not a reading city. Secondly, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is not built somewhere near Isinger, it is actually located at the bottom of the Sky City in Isinger's Twin Cities. Although it is at the bottom of Sky City, because Isinger Sky City is inverted upside down above Isinger Ground City, so Isinger Sky City is actually an inverted city, and its bottom is facing the sky. And Isinger Mobile Fortress usually stands on the flat bottom of the Sky City.

Because of this strange setup, the Isinger Mobile Fortress does not actually make contact with the ground, but rather sits quite high. In addition, although Isinger is an international metropolis that contains players from almost every country in the world, Isinger's development level is graded. The ground city of Essinger is almost a completely free city. Except for a few military facilities such as military camps, other areas are almost public areas, and any non-hostile players can enter and exit at will. However, this kind of opening is only for the ground city. Isinger Sky City is a semi-open area and is only open to our guild players and a few alliance guilds. Isinger Underground City, Isinger Mobile Fortress, and Isinger Mobile Fortress Both are completely internal areas. Among them, the Isinger Dungeon is open to all players in the guild, while the Isinger Dungeon is only open to certain players in the guild. Even ordinary members are prohibited from entering. As for Essinger's Mobile Fortress, that's another special setting.

When the Essinger Mobile Fortress was stationed in Essinger, there were almost no people inside the Essinger Mobile Fortress. Except for some of the personnel responsible for the weapon system and flight system of the Essinger Mobile Fortress, The Georgian Mobile Fortress is basically unmanned when it is not in battle, and when there is a need for battle, the troops and personnel will be temporarily stationed inside the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and any irrelevant personnel are prohibited from entering. Therefore, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is actually the safest of these three cities, and its degree of secrecy is definitely the highest among these cities.

After the target was determined, Radamantis and I directly transmitted to the Essinger Mobile Fortress. Under the leadership of Radamantis, we soon saw the newly transplanted defensive mother tree. At this time, the defense mother tree was planted on a small square. The center of the square was like a flagpole, and the defense mother tree was erected on the ground. However, a circle of fountains surrounded the trunk. This design made the defense mother tree It becomes a lot like a central sculpture, except that this "sculpture" is a little bigger.

"You would choose a place. The seed of the defense mother tree feels in line with the surrounding environment here, and it doesn't look awkward at all."

Radamantis shook his head and said, "Don't brag about me. I just like to study the creatures of the hawk series, gardening is nothing to me. This place is responsible for professional players in the guild. I'm only responsible for directing the migration. "

I nodded and said, "The design of these people is pretty good. By the way, what is going on in the fountain? How do I feel this water doesn't seem to be right?"

"Feel out?" Radamantis said to me with a smile. "Just take a look and see."

When I heard Radamantis, I went to the pool curiously, looked down, and then reached out to hold up some of it and put it to the mouth to taste it. As a result, the water immediately entered the mouth, and an extremely pungent smell spread out. Coming, so that I quickly sprayed all the water in my mouth. "I rely, is this dream spring? How does it smell?"

"You have a good taste." Radamantis said with a smile: "This is mainly ordinary water. We made a connection device on it. Every time after a while, a drop of dream spring water from the dream pool flows into this. The fountain, of course, can also be manually controlled to increase the injection rate and injection dose if necessary. "

"Do you want to use this method to power the defense mother tree?"

"It's true," Radamantis said. "But dream springs are not enough. We have connected the blood pool."

"There's blood in the blood pool?"

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think you tasted?"

"Nausea ..." I hurriedly took out the clear water in the Fenglong space to gargle, which was really unbearable. The **** water in the blood pool is not only a problem of **** water. The thing also has a variety of disgusting liquid components such as bath water and carrion water. It can be said that the thing is actually more disgusting than the pit. Although that thing can promote the surname for the player with the dark surname, but everyone is for external use, but no one will drink this thing. I did n’t know just now, but now that I know, I feel like my stomach is about to turn over!

Radamantis said with a smile: "Don't be so fussy, isn't it just a little blood?"

"The blood in the fart, I know exactly what's in it. At first, I made the first pool of blood!"

"Xing Xing Xing, do you understand?" Radamantis shifted the topic and said, "Well, now the place is here, shall we start hatching the banshee?"

When it comes to business, of course I take it seriously. First I looked up and down the defensive mother tree, and then asked, "How did this defensive mother tree hatch a banshee? Wouldn't it be like sarcoma out of other hawks series creatures, and then hatch larva?"

"Not so disgusting." Radamantis pointed above the lower trunk. I followed his fingers to see that there seemed to be a few oval crystals embedded in the trunk above the trunk, quite high above the ground.

"what is that?"

Radamantis explained: "That one is the incubator. Unlike the female nests of common hawk-like creatures, this defensive mother tree does not complete the initial reproduction by producing flesh sacs. This defensive mother tree is used to It is close to the way in which higher organisms reproduce in vivo. It will hatch the banshee in the body, and when it comes out, it will directly enter the adult body. "

"This is a good special surname."

"Nice?" Radamantis asked in surprise. "You're right? Do you know that this defensive mother tree consumes so much energy to produce a banshee? The main reason is that it uses in vivo reproduction, if it can be performed Breeding in vitro, you don't need to consume so much. "

"Does it matter? Even with in vitro reproduction, the initial energy is not yet protected by the mother tree. How much can the two differ?"

"You don't understand this." Radamantis explained: "Magic creatures are not the same as natural creatures. In addition to the energy they normally eat, the most important thing is to absorb the magic energy from the outside to satisfy them. Self-demand. If the defensive mother tree hatches the banshee itself, then the defensive mother tree needs to use its own magic structure to absorb energy into the banshee's body, which will cause the energy demand of the defensive mother tree to suddenly increase. However, if it is directly discharged If the cystic egg is not fully grown, then the egg must have its own energy absorption capacity. After that, the egg will hatch itself by absorbing free energy, and the defense mother tree does not need to provide energy. Of course, there are also ways to do this. Disadvantages, for example, the development of eggs will be slower, and it is the larvae instead of adults that reproduce, and the individuals that grow from reading embryos are usually much weaker than those that directly hatch, because the mother can continuously Genetic adjustment and optimization of the daughter, while self-developed eggs do not The treatment. "

"Listening to you, I would rather incubate the whole body directly like this now. The soldiers are not expensive, and it is okay to spend more money. You can't ask for defective products!"

"Now that you say so, shall we start now?"

I nodded and said, "Okay, let's get started."

Probably because of the supporting facilities, it is now very simple to catalyze the birth of a banshee. Radamantis threw the prepared pile of materials directly into which fountain, and the guard mother tree seemed to have no response, but in fact, it was continuously absorbing the substances in the fountain. Although I can't see how those substances disappear on the water, the pot-like sink is enough to explain the problem.

"How much material did you just throw in?" I asked, looking at the boiling fountain.

Radamantis shook his head as he continued to pour things down. "I never weighed."

"I'm not asking you how heavy things are, but I'm asking how many banshees you add to these things."

"Oh, you say this. I don't know the exact number for the time being, but according to the previous test of energy response, if there is no accident, these things are enough for the defense mother tree to produce more than one hundred banshees."

"The banshee who has finished production will come out of that crystal-like thing on it?"

Radamantis nodded this time: "Yes, just come out from there."

"Was I going to prepare some clothes here?"

Radamantis shrugged and said, "This is a mutant variety, and I haven't seen what they look like. If you are afraid of the delay, you can prepare it first, but I don't guarantee whether the banshee needs to wear clothes. . "

I thought about what Radamantis said, which seemed to make sense. The hawks are a kind of creatures that don't need to wear clothes. They have feathers all over their bodies. Although their bodies look like humans, the key parts are covered by feathers, so even if nothing is worn, that's no problem. But we don't know at all what kind of breed and what characteristics this banshee is. This information is too little to grasp, so we know nothing about whether the banshee needs to wear clothes.

"I think I'll be more prepared. It's better to go for a temporary visit." I said, and called out two Kirin warriors to let them know, and I started to help Radamantis into the pool. throw things.

Speaking of which, the fountain is actually not large. The things we threw back and forth have at least enough to fill the pool several times. But now, not only do we not see any deposits in the pool, even the pool water, which was originally slightly rippled, It gradually became transparent and clear.

"This pool of water ...?"

Radamantis glanced at the pond waterway: "This is caused by the defense mother tree, as long as you add some fantasy spring water and blood in the blood pool."

"It's really fast enough."

"So this thing is expensive." Radamantis sighed there after he said, "Fortunately, now we have joined our Frost Rose Alliance. If it was before the Olympian Protoss, even if there is such a defensive mother tree I can't have a woman coming. "

"Is the Protoss of Olympus poor?"

"That's not it, but it's not rich. There are not many forces willing to throw money like our guild."

"Our guild spends money on the blade. This is not a mess of money."

Radamantis smiled and said, "It depends on who you compare. If you have the ability, compare with the Holy See of Jehovah."

When I heard this, I stopped talking. No matter how economical we are, we can't compare with Jehovah. The guy said that he was a protoss, and I doubted whether he had been gangstered before he became a god. None of the world's protoss is as jealous as Jehovah. It is absolutely impossible to say that they are poor. The areas controlled by Jehovah are relatively wealthy, and the military expenses of the Holy See are very low. Without this most expensive head, I can hardly imagine that the Holy See would have no money. Therefore, Jehovah's usual performance is absolutely pretending to be poor.

After we added all the materials to the pool in proportion, the people I sent out to find clothes also returned. But because I didn't expect this, I didn't bring back any good clothes, but a lot of unmarked magic robes. This robe is the standard equipment of the apprentice mage, and the guild mage training center has a lot of this kind of clothing. It is estimated that the Qilin warrior went there to get it.

After putting the robe in place, Radamantis had stopped stuffing, and looked up at the breeding cavity of the defensive mother tree waiting for the birth of the banshee.

The benefits of in vivo hatching are now apparent. As long as the energy is sufficient, the incubation process in the body can be very rapid. Less than five minutes after our filling is completed, the crystal-like incubation chambers on the top suddenly start to fall off, but these incubation chambers do not suddenly fall off. Behind them is a thick rattan that is connected to the pit on the trunk. After the hatching cavity is separated from the trunk, the rattan begins to elongate and then slowly lowers the ground with the hatching cavity.

It was not until the hatching chambers were separated from the main trunk of the defensive mother tree that we discovered that these crystal-like hatching chambers are not actually crystals, but water polo. The shell of the incubation chamber looks like a very good membrane structure, and the contents inside it are likely to be some kind of liquid. However, because the color of this incubation chamber is relatively dark, it can only be seen faintly inside. Get humanoid, but can't see the specific structure.

When the rattans placed the hatching cavities on the ground, the parts where the hatching cavities and rattans were connected suddenly broke off, and then the rattans began to quickly retract into the pits on the trunk, and those fell to the ground The incubation chambers were bursting one after another and ejecting a lot of dark brown liquid.

With the bursting of the hatching cavity, the banshees originally soaked inside finally got rid of the embryonic state, but their current state made me a little stunned.

"This is the banshee?" I looked at the banshee who was crawling out of the hatchery closest to us. This creature that is actually related to the hawk banshee has a pinkish skin that is red and white, and has long hair of different colors. Some individuals have black hair, some have red hair, and green and purple. In short, there are all colors, but no matter what color of the hair, they do have a beautiful long hair.

In addition to pink skin and beautiful long hair, these banshees also have these slender arms, shapely long legs, double S-curved body, and extremely obvious female surname characteristics.

Combining all the things I saw, I finally found that apart from hair color, I couldn't find any difference between these banshees and humans. They have no fangs and claws, no wings, tails, scales, and other human characteristics, except for good skin, a little over-the-top, and some individual hair colors, humans do not have, how these banshees look like human female surnames, There is no difference at all.

But ~ ~ The above is what they look like when they are lying on the ground. When the banshee closest to me looked up and looked at me, I immediately noticed that they and humans s difference.

Not face. The banshee's face is very beautiful, small and exquisite melon seeds face, with nearly perfect facial features, although she lacks a little surname, she has to say that she is definitely a beauty. However, their eyes are different from humans. The banshee's eyes are slightly larger for humans. Of course, this can be regarded as a beautiful feature, but their pupils have the same color as their hair. The pupil of the banshee closest to me was dark red, and I also saw three in this color. In addition, there are two black eyeballs and two green eyeballs. In addition, there are purple ones. There are a few more distant places because of the wrong direction, so I can't see them temporarily, but I have found several of these. colour.

Except for the problem with the color of the eyes, these banshee's pupils are different from humans. Their pupils are like the eyes of creeping things, the pupils are upright, and there are actually two layers of eyelids. The outer layer is the same as humans, but there is also a layer of horizontal transparent eyelids inside, which are all things that humans do not have.

"Ladamantis, is this normal? Why doesn't it seem like there is no fighting power?"

(To be continued) q

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