Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 241: 8-kids snake that is going crazy

Because Rose began to sing a rival play with Nobunaga's ghost hand, Nobunaga's hand soon lost the opportunity to let go. M didn't mean that Rose talked too fast and the ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't get a chance to intervene, but because the quarrel between the two was too bad. If it is said that Nobunaga's Nobunaga and I are fighting against ordinary masters and extreme masters, then Nobunaga's fight with Rose is basically a quadriplegic who is fighting a martial arts master.

Men are not women's opponents when it comes to quarrels. What's more terrible is that Nobunaga is only a little aggressive. The reason he was in the top position was because Matsumoto Masako lost successively in the war against our country. Japanese players were despondent and desperately needed a strong character to reverse this low celebrity mood.

As a power-bearer born under this kind of social mood, the ghost-hand Nobunaga must also meet the requirements of this kind of social emotion. Therefore, the ghost-hand Nobunaga is an impulsive and hard-hearted person. To put it bluntly, he is a reckless husband and may be a bit strong, but it is definitely not that intelligent person, because he was not a wise leader from the beginning.

As a matter of fact, the Nobunaga who is a ghost player who just became the leader of the Japanese player is worse than now. Later, he became the leader of the Japanese player and dealt with more things, and naturally cultivated some mentality and intelligence. However, even if his level has improved, the ghost-handed Nobunaga is not a wise man after all. And he is arguing with Rose now, isn't this purely death?

Who is Rose? The rose in reality is a domestically produced 007, whose parents are both spy reporters. She also received special training from an early age, and her mind and intelligence are not comparable to those of her age. After entering the game, Rose has always served as the chief financial officer in our guild, and she is also a member of the guild's staff group, which can be said to be a typical all-round military division.

You said that Guishi Nobunaga, a half-muscular man with a muscle in his head, was arguing with Zhuge Liang, a wise man like Rose, what wasn't he trying to die? The debate between the two people took less than ten minutes and was scolded by the ghost-handed Nobunaga. I didn't know how to say it. I felt that everything I said was wrong, and in the meantime Rose didn't even use a dirty word.

"I wipe, Sister Rose is too sturdy!" Because Rose and Onizuki Nobunaga opened one radio and the other used PA. So the duo could hear the whole debate. After such a quarrel ended, the gold coins stood beside and straightened out his tongue.

True Red also nodded in agreement with the opinion of gold coins. "Remind me later, don't fight with Rose."

Kristina said on the side: "I heard that in ancient China you named Zhuge Liang could directly suffocate enemies by quarreling. I think Rose has almost this level."

The gold coin nodded: "Yeah, absolutely. I guess there must be internal injuries in Nobunaga's hand now, you see his face is almost becoming a Hulk!"

In fact, when the gold coins were being guessed by them here, Nobunaga's hand was really smooth. He didn't take the initiative to stop just now, but he was so angry that he couldn't pick it up and almost passed by. Thanks to In the game. The system shields nerve signals that exceed the body's tolerance limits, so it keeps the ghost-handed Nobunaga awake. After all, the game "Zero" is really a game. If you let the player die in the process of the game, this thing is hard to say.

The debate outside was over, and the Nobunaga's side didn't know for a while whether to continue the quarrel or rush up to the final victory, while our side was waiting for the energy weapon to be charged, and then ready for the next attack. Under the circumstances, both sides naturally entered a short cease-fire phase. However, although there was a ceasefire outside, but within a short distance of the End of the World, it entered a state of fighting instead.

Because the acceleration mode within the horizon is optional. So of course I choose the acceleration method that is best for me. Previously, the Yaki snake entered a strange and dangerous environment, so he would be nervous, and nervous would consume physical strength, so I did n’t show up intentionally, so let him slowly consume physical energy there. However, waiting just like this is not a problem, so I used a full acceleration mode that is just a short distance away.

This so-called full acceleration is to speed up the player's body and mind at the same time. In this mode, the player will not feel any abnormality, because the flow of thought and time are exactly the same. This is like two cars traveling side by side at the same speed, and the person on the opposite car seems to be stationary. This is the relativity of thought and time.

I speeded up the time flow within the horizon, and at the same time, accelerated our thinking together. As a result, the Yachi serpent had no idea that the time had accelerated. And until he felt like he had been here for several hours, in fact the Nobunaga and the people in our guild had just entered the debate stage.

At this time, the outside world had passed for half an hour, and the interior of Tianya, which was driving eight times faster, had actually passed four hours. During these four hours, the mood of the Yagi snake has not been very stable. At first, he only knew from the divine power that the place was not safe, so he was nervous, but soon he realized that this place was a zero-energy world.

This so-called zero-energy world means that there is no energy that can be absorbed in the world such as magic, and even the most basic form of energy, such as light, does not exist. This environment is not harmful to most living things, but the problem is that zero energy means that energy cannot be absorbed, and energy cannot be absorbed, and its own energy cannot be recovered. Fortunately, as long as it is not injured, the life energy of a protoss is enough for him to live for millions of years. But life energy is more economical, but magic and divine power are not good! The Yagi snake cannot absorb any energy here, and in order to fight the darkness here, he still maintains the flame on the surface of his body. Although this is an instinct-like ability, it consumes a lot less than those skills that are learned later, but no less is it consuming? This ability has been maintained continuously for four hours, and the Yagi serpent has clearly felt that the divine power has dropped.

In fact, at first, the Yachi serpent only thought that his skills were consuming magic, and after about two hours he realized that the world was not just zero energy. Actually still drawing away the energy inside. But there is no energy in the environment here, so is it obvious where the extracted energy will be drawn from?

I found that even if I didn't do anything in this world, my own divine power would slowly drain away, but this result scared the Eight-Big Snake to death. What's more terrible is that I never show up. This place is equivalent to the world of the Eight-Big Snake. The boundless darkness, the deadly silence, the empty and monotonous metal world, all these things are tormenting the Yaqi serpent's not so strong nerves. The Yagi snake is a bit crazy now.

In fact, I was really anxious. After all, Tianya cannot adjust the time specifically for a certain person, so it can arbitrarily adjust the internal material time and spiritual time, but this arbitrarily refers to the arbitrary in the adjustment process, not that you can designate this person to accelerate that person to slow down. That is something that cannot be done. Therefore, the Yaki Snake felt here for four hours, and I was actually the same.

However, I have at least a few advantages compared to the Yagi snake. One is that I know this is within my reach, so I am not nervous. The second is that because there are ghost eyeliners that I arrange everywhere, I have the initiative on the battlefield. When you know that you can end the current disadvantaged state at any time, you will find that this state is not really unbearable, because you will feel that you have a retreat. So psychologically it is much stronger.

Although I also feel that it is uncomfortable and depressing here, I have arranged it myself. I can stop it at any time, so I feel much more relaxed in comparison to the Yaki Snake. Besides, the Eight-Big Snake still has to watch out for possible surprise attacks at any time, but I actually hide in a place far away from him to monitor him with a ghost worm, which is naturally not equal. So the Yachi snake was going crazy, but I just felt a little uncomfortable.

"Almost." Looking at the nervous Yagi snake that had begun to be a little nervous, I also planned to start acting.

Although it was said that he was going to fight against the Hachido snake, this guy is not easy to deal with, so I don't need to fight with him as soon as he comes up. After thinking about it for a while, I think it's better to use a more secure method before harassing the Yaki snake.

With the sight of a ghost worm. I quickly determined the location of the Yaki snake, and then went around his back. Of course, I did not enter into his range of perception. In fact, under normal circumstances, the Yagi snake can cover things within a radius of 200 kilometers with its divine power. Even if it is covered by obstacles, it can only reduce the detection distance, which does not mean that it can hide in the past.

However, although the power of the Yagi snake can cover such a large area. But the Yagi snake is a creature, he is not a radar station. It's like if your ears can listen to all sounds within a radius of 200 kilometers as long as you focus your attention, is it possible for you to listen around with this hearing all the time? When you first get this ability, you may use the heat more frequently for three minutes. After that, at most, there is nothing to use. If you keep it on, even if you do n’t go crazy, you may be annoying?

The situation is the same for the Yagi snake. Although he can detect such a large range, he usually does not open such a wide range of detection distance, and in this environment, he is even more afraid to use this ability. As I said before, this is a zero-energy world, and it is still slowly absorbing energy. The principle of divine power detection is actually similar to that of radar. You need to use divine power instead of electromagnetic waves to radiate outward. If in normal times, this radiation will consume a certain amount of energy, but in terms of the speed of the energy recovery of the Protoss, this consumption is really minimal. However, this is a world that can absorb energy. Here, the Yagi snake cannot be replenished at all, so every point of divine power is extremely precious. Moreover, in such an environment where energy can be absorbed, even if the Yagi snakes try to keep their strength together, they will slowly lose energy. If the divine power is sprinkled out like a large net, the absorption speed will be good. ? When it was thrown out, it was a hundred points of magical power. It would be good to get back thirty points, right? With such a large consumption, how do you say that the Yagi snake is dare to use it in such a place?

Because of the limitation of this energy environment, the Yaki Snake can now only rely on normal senses to explore the surrounding environment, but the problem is that none of these things have much effect here.

The vision of the Yaki snake is pretty good. After all, there are eight eyes and sixteen eyes. Others need to watch the six roads and have to lift the spirit of twelve points. But the Yaki snake is very simple. It's a pity that this place is completely dark. Except for the area with a radius of tens of meters illuminated by his own flame, it is completely dark and far from visible.

This eye is not useful, and the nose is even worse. The Eight-Big Snake wasn't originally a creature with a good sense of smell. Although the beast-shaped creatures are much better than human noses, I have a full-cover armor on my body, and I use the inner circulation for breathing. The smell on the outside is really It's too little. Regardless of whether the dog's nose can find me, at least the Yagi snake is definitely not.

Eyes and noses are useless, all that's left is ears.

Originally, hearing in such a dead place should be able to produce a very good detection effect ~ ~ But unfortunately, the environment of this place is all customized. Don't think that this is a closed illusion and there will be a lot of echoes. The steel thorns on this wall are not only used to restrict the movement of the Yagi snake. The thickness, spacing, and even direction of those steel thorns are specially customized. Together, they only serve one purpose: resonance. In this whole burrow, no matter if you cough anywhere, you can hear the cough anywhere in the whole burrow, and it feels like it happened in your ear. This is the effect of those steel spines. Therefore, in this kind of place, you can't hear the enemy's voice, but you can hear it, but you can't determine the distance, direction, and direction. Therefore, you can't hear or hear, it's actually the same.

In fact, although there is a dead silence in this burrow, it is not really quiet. On the one hand, there are a lot of movements made by the Yagi snake, on the other hand, I will let my summoned creatures come out from time to time and roar Two throats, anyway, is to exert continuous mental pressure on the Yaki snake. Of course, another advantage of this is that the Yaki snake is not so impressed with the sound now. He wouldn't react even if he heard any sound.

With so much prepared, it's time to toss the Hachichi snake. It took a lot of effort for me to design this space. It doesn't make good use of it, but I'm even sorry for it. (To be continued ...)

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