Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 242: 蹂躏 8 Qi snake

"Are you ready?" Looking at the Yaki snakes deep in the burrow, I used Spirit Connect to ask the tank around me. m. Now we are somewhere about three kilometers away from the Yaki snake, but because the pillars in the passage are neatly arranged, the passages in this crypt are straight, let alone three kilometers, even if it is Thirty kilometers, as long as it is in a straight line, it can be directly seen.

Now we are in the darkness three kilometers behind the Yaki snake, and there is no light source around, but the Yaki snake lights himself into a huge torch. With such a good target, how can we waste it?

The tank responded to me in a telepathic message: "It's ready. The magic light bombards three quick shots."


"Okay, I'm ready. I need to be notified when it starts."

"Okay, you wait." After talking to the tank in the mind link, I immediately started to move towards the Yaki snake, which was still ignorant at this time.

After moving to the vicinity of the Yaki snake, I did not enter the sensing range of the Yaki snake, but at a distance behind it, I first pulled out the dragon tendon rope to make a sleeve on the ground, and then pulled the dragon tendon myself. The cable roped around the pillars several times in the passage, so that the dragon tendon cable could not be easily pulled by the support of the metal pillar.

After arranging the tendons, I squatted near the position where the tendons were tied, and Victoria, who had already been released early, had been waiting for my order behind the other side of the post. As for Ling and my other magic pets, they are also waiting nearby. This time, we are going to give the Yaki snake a ruthless attack, and then leave immediately to ensure that the Yaki snake can withstand enough severe blows, but we will not give him any opportunity to vent, so that he can further accumulate his fear and let He was more restless.

Because we have a spiritual link for communication, the whole process is completely silent. After we are all ready, I give the tank the instructions to complete.

After receiving the communication from my side, the tank immediately began to charge the launcher that had already been deployed on his back. With a rapidly increasing buzz, the three-tube magic light gun launcher on the tank's back was gradually brightening. At first, the Eight-Big Snake, originally facing away from here, turned around suddenly and looked at the tank as soon as the tank began to charge.

Although three kilometers away, the flames of the Yagi snake did not shine so far, but because of the huge energy response of the magic light cannon, the giant snake still accurately captured his position, and with the magic light cannon As the charging progressed, the side of the tank was gradually glowing purple. This phenomenon completely confirmed the induction of the Yachi snake, so the guy turned without hesitation and rushed towards the side of the tank.

In fact, the response of the Yagi snake was normal. In this dark environment, an enemy was suddenly found, and the other party was preparing for a big move. Of course, the normal reaction of a normal person was to rush over to get him before the other party was ready. There was nothing wrong with this choice, but the key is that the environment in this place is extremely unfavorable to the Yaki snake, so he should take a prudent approach, but unfortunately because of the previous depression, the mood of the Yaki snake is abnormal. The Hachichi snake has actually started to fear this silent feeling, so after he found the target, he jumped up like a crazy dog. In fact, he didn't care if he could hit the opponent before firing. He just instinctively didn't want to experience the kind of dead silence he had before.

I had expected this kind of response from the Hachichi snake, otherwise I wouldn't set a trap halfway. Sure enough, the Yagi snake in the charge has focused all his attention on the tank. Without any worries, he simply stepped on the collar made by my dragon's cord without even intending to slow down, and then the next I was suddenly pulled by the second dragon's tendon, and the rope immediately tightened and hugged one of the front legs of the Yagi snake, and then the rope wound around the pillar was instantly stretched. The forward force was affected, and the Yaki snake Immediately came a sharp brake, the front half of the body sinked down sharply, and then slammed on the ground, while the back half of the body was still rolling forward because of the common name, the structure is Yaki The serpent made a forward roll on the ground before landing suddenly, and the loud sound shocked my eardrums.

The Hachichi serpent was tripped over here, and of course the many my pets hiding around were swarming up. The first shot was Victoria. She flashed out to be an arrow of destiny, but she won the prize, and the surname was a disease.

The content of the disease surname is to make all of the target's skills fail and cause the attack and movement speed to decrease by 20%. This surname is even worse for the current Yagi snake, and even more terribly, this surname makes Yaki The only place where the serpent made me dread is no longer there.

Originally, due to the limitation of the terrain, many of the abilities of the Yagi snake were stuck and could not be used. However, he is still a protoss, and his attack power is still very high. So even if his ability is limited, I still fight with him. Need to be careful. Now it ’s a lot easier. He directly killed 20% of the movement speed and attack power of the Yagi snake. This time, it ’s not easy for him to hit us, and it is even more reassuring that even if he can hit us now , He can't do a spike or damage me or my magic pet, in this case he can only be consumed by us a little bit.

"Master, the disease is a surname." As soon as the effect came out, Victoria shouted in excitement, and even forgot to link it with her soul.

Before I came here to warn Victoria, the eight-dimensional snake on the ground was suddenly roaring to support it, and it was about to get up, but just before he got up, he was hit by countless attacks one after another. The angry Yagi snake looked back but found that a large group of magic pets on our side were standing there using various long-range magic or crossbow or the like to attack him.

Under normal circumstances, the Yagi snake should not be afraid of this kind of attack, because this point of damage is not as fast as his own life's recovery speed, but the problem is that this place is a zero-energy world, and the life of the Yaki snake is fundamental. It will not reply, so it can be said that it hurts a little less. Moreover, unlike us, the Yagi snake is a beast-shaped creature, which determines that most of him does not carry medicine. You should know that there are not many medicines on your body, let alone beast-shaped creatures. In the absence of medicine, the recovery of life can only rely on its own healing ability or magic healing, but the problem is that self healing ability is not useful here, magic healing is equivalent to depleting the blood and infusing blood, in fact, it is dismantling the east wall and the west wall Anyway, the magic drained him, even if his life was full, he had to wait for death.

In fact, if fighting with other people, even if the Yaqi serpent cannot return to the magic, it is not afraid of such an attack, because he is a protoss, and the protoss are protected by divine power. The general attack will reduce the damage to them by 90%. However, he met me this time. There is a surname of God in my body, so the protoss that I attacked will not only enjoy the 90% damage saving, but will take double damage. This surname can be said to be a protoss killer. The general protoss would rather run into another protoss and never want to fight with me, because fighting with me is not only cheap, but also a mess.

"Damn, you bastard!" The angry Hachichi snake twisted his body desperately to get up from the ground, but as a result, the range of action became larger, and as a result, several places on the body hit the nearby steel. The stab, in the end, not only did not get up, but wounded himself.

The Yagi snake, which has been punctured by dozens of holes, is really angry and cannot be added. The deadly silence before him has driven him crazy. Now it is hard for an enemy to appear. As a result, it seems that he was suddenly escaped on his head. A black cloth bag, and then was slammed by a group of people. Do you think there is anything more depressing than this?

Instead of venting his suffocation, the angry Hachichi serpent was more irritated, so he started to become more angry, but he struggled again, but made himself hit the wall again, and of course he added something to his body. A row of holes.

Although the eight-dimensional snake that had not been up for several times in a row was angry, but finally recovered a little sense of reason because of the pain, he decisively realized that the state of the body can only be beaten, so he quickly became human.

The original Hachichi snake, which could not be played due to the limitation of the channel size, felt the world suddenly open immediately after becoming sincere and benevolent. The original feeling of inflexion disappeared immediately, and most importantly, because the body became smaller, it was originally set on the feet The noose on the wrist fell off by himself.

Actually designing this out, my purpose is to make the Baqi serpent return to human form, because only then can I cause him strong enough damage, otherwise he always stays in the beast mode, although we can also kill He, but that was also very troublesome.

Just after the Hachichi serpent turned back into a human form, I suddenly felt that the huge energy reaction that I had discovered for the first time had reached a critical point, and then he saw three light clusters in the distance flying in a straight line toward him. Come over. In the turmoil, the Hachichi serpents quickly fanned out two of them, but the last one failed to completely flash away and was rubbed a bit. The huge kinetic energy took him directly to fly, and the whole person rotated more than 3,600 baidus in the air. Then he fell on the floor and continued to slide forward for more than 100 meters before he stopped.

The Yagi snake from the ground felt that her entire left shoulder had completely lost consciousness, and her left arm was sore. It felt as if the left arm was not his own. This horrible power surprised the Protoss of the Eight Different Serpents. Of course, the main reason for his surprise was that he didn't know that my surname could cause double damage to the protoss, so he thought that my magic pet could have this level of damage.

When the Yachi snake climbed up from the ground while covering the wound and was about to fight again, he suddenly felt a feeling of extreme danger. In a panic, he hurried forward, but unfortunately it was too late. Suddenly a sudden pain in the leg caused the Yagi snake to quickly throw it forward, and then saw a small snake kicked by itself.

This snake is very small, less than half a foot in length, and it may be thinner than a human's pinky finger. Even the yellow cricket in a paddy field is much larger than this. However, the capacity of some creatures really can't be viewed by volume.

Just after the eight-dimensional snake kicked and flew the little snake, he suddenly felt a sudden pain in his ankle. Looking down, he noticed that two small red holes appeared on the ankle, and the two holes It didn't bleed out, but spit fire outwards.

The fire on the wound was even more amazing. I didn't expect that the flame started to spread upward along his ankle. Soon, the entire right leg of the Yaki snake was burned. The bone pain caused the Yaki snake to start crazy. Rolling the ground hopes to destroy this flame, but this flame is not affected at all. No matter how the Yaki snake rolls, they burn themselves, and do not take the Yaki snake at all.

Although this flame is very powerful, it is unexpected that this flame comes fast and goes faster. Five to six seconds before and after the flame suddenly went out with no signs, and even the pain was gone. However, after the flame extinguished, the Eight-Big Snake suddenly felt a little intrigued, because he found that his divine power didn't know when it would suddenly be one-fifth less.

In this kind of place where energy cannot be recovered, every point of power is precious. Many of the previous skills of the Yachi snake did not dare to use it, but the divine power value that was worked down hard was actually removed by a blink of an eye. This blow is really worse than the burning fire.

In fact, what Yagi Snake didn't know was that it was because of these divine powers that disappeared that he felt burning. In fact, the snake that bit him just now is my magic pet prison snake. This guy's attack power is not high, even worse than many low-level monsters, but his special surname is too scary. This kind of ability, like just now, should actually be called life burning. The effect is to let the vitality in the target body react with its own magic, magic, or divine power, and then burn itself. Just lost one-fifth of the divine power of the Hachichi serpent only shows that he has a high rank and a surname enough to burn, so he only burns this point. If the person is slightly weaker, the whole person will burn out directly . Therefore, the auxiliary ability of Hell Snake is too abnormal, even if it does not have the ability to attack normally.

While the Yachi snake was lamenting a sudden drop of life and divine power, a series of roars suddenly appeared on our side. Unknown, so that the Eight-Big Snake just looked up and saw a row of small flames flying in front of him. The Hachichi serpent who has seen the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon recognizes that this is a liquefied magic crystal steam missile, so now he cherishes the power and life of the extreme and immediately chose to escape, but he just found one of the liquefied magic crystals when he jumped up The steam turned abruptly towards him.

Although the Bachi snake has seen the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon, he has seen the old-fashioned liquefied magic crystal steam weapon of the ghost hand Nobunaga. Most of these things are direct-flow liquefied magic crystal steam rockets. And this Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missile is nothing at all. Our Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missile is a special rocket with a guided arrow magic array on the warhead. They are sufficient for tracking. Because of this special ability, the Yaki snake is a tragedy. The Yagi snake that had just flashed to the side was immediately set on fire by the liquefied magic crystal steam missile that suddenly turned. The Hachichi serpent, who had thought that he had escaped, was not only hit by the entire book of these missiles, but also unluckyly lifted out, and then fell into a group of steel thorns, and was instantly pierced by N multiple holes. .

"Ah ... Zi said you a bastard!" The furious Yagi snake was completely crazy. Instead of carefully pulling myself out of the steel thorns, I frantically twisted the steel thorns inserted into the body with brute force, then jumped off the wall, and then there was a burst of flames, using The fire swept through all the nearby channels in an attempt to attack us using this method. Of course, the idea is beautiful and the result is cruel. As early as when the Yagi snake was blown up, I estimated that this guy might have reached the limit, so I let everyone flash a bit earlier, so this flame is basically except that the nearby steel thorns have melted a lot. No further damage was caused. As for the stabbed steel thorns ... that's not a big deal. The world inside this world is very large. He burned one place, and we just change places. Anyway, he didn't have the ability to burn all the steel thorns here. Besides, the purpose of these steel thorns is to limit his huge body size, forcing him to use humanoid combat, and even without those steel thorns, the structure of pillars everywhere is really not suitable for his size.

After a blast of flames, apart from wasting some of his divine power for nothing, the Yagi snake was nothing, but after venting, he finally recovered some sense. If we do n’t disturb, he arrives. It is possible to calm down and think about countermeasures. But is it possible for us to give him this opportunity?

"Ready ... let go." With an order from my heart link, the Yachi serpent once again ushered in the second batch of Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missiles. I brought a lot of this thing with me. I did not expect to use these small missiles to kill the Yaki snake, and I used them to bother and disturb the Yaki snake, as long as it could make him restless, it would be achieved.

After two consecutive rounds of attacks, the Yagi snake has been blown up completely and has no temper. The speed of these liquefied magic crystal steam missiles is not very fast, and the attack power is reasonable. Each round is equivalent to a common attack of a protoss like him that does not use all its power. It belongs to the kind that will be very painful to encounter, but it will be short Deadly attack. However, because of the terrain environment of this place, the Yagi snakes can't completely avoid these liquified magic crystal steam missiles that can track, but if you carry it hard, you need to use the magic shield to consume blue, and do n’t open the shield to pay red. .

The stunned Yagi snake was trying to end this passive beating situation, but unexpectedly the surrounding attacks stopped suddenly. As if no one had ever been here, there was a dead silence around him, no sound of rocket ignition, no moving footsteps, no even breathing sounds. If it weren't for the messy caves that had been destroyed around, the Yagi snake would have thought that he had just gone crazy and had hallucinations.

"Damn Zi said, why did you hide again? Come and hit me. Come out with your gang of pet bugs and fight with me? What is it like you to hide in a cave like a mouse? You coward, you ... "

The swearing of the Eight-Big Snake became less and less ridiculous, and in the end even the dirty words came out. But what surprised me is that the system does not seem to block the use of language attacks, and players who use this method to curse people will most likely be covered by a "py". Of course, the scolding of the Hachiko snake was completely useless to me, and even I was quite happy. The more fierce the Baqi Serpent scolded, the more he hurt him just now, and this crazy behavior also shows that the Baqi Serpent has lost his mind. Rather than let him sit calmly and wait for the next attack, I prefer him to scold me like this, at least I know he is no longer worried.

In fact, I haven't used anything that is really scary in this world. You have to know that the most powerful thing in the world is time control, not the change in the environment like now. As long as the Hachichi serpent can calm down and use his ability to fight with me, he will not actually be so miserable by me. The reason why he was bullied so miserably by me was entirely because he didn't adapt to this environment, and his mental quality was too poor. I used psychological tactics to cause psychological panic, which led to his behavioral abnormality. We were abused. In fact, as long as he straightens his mentality, fights with injuries and confronts us head-on, he won't suffer much at all. Don't forget, it is absolutely fair within Tianya. Although I can design an environment that is useful to me before I enter, and I can change the flow rate of time at will even after I come in, but the environment within the horizon is just like everyone.

The Yachi snake has been worrying about the loss of his life and divine power, so he did not dare to make a big move. Later, he lost Victoria's arrow of fate and was directly abolished the ability to use skills. These are the results of his fear of losing his health and divine power. But he forgot. If his divine power and vitality cannot be replenished, why can we be replenished?

In fact, if you talk about magic and total health, the value of the Yagi snake is not much less than the sum of the abilities of me and my pet, and our family names are shared between me and the pets. It's not centralized, which means that if we play a one-on-one injury, we can't slow him down. It's a pity that the Yagi snake didn't notice it at all, and was thinking about how he could not consume the divine power and not lose his life, but the more he was careful, the more he lost. In the end, we were bullied into that kind of prowess. It didn't shake out at all, but it was bullied like an airbag.

Here, the Yachi snake is taking a verbal advantage to vent his depression, but our side is preparing for the next attack. Although the sneak attack was successful just now, the prepared Yagi snake was not so easy to attack. Moreover, sneak attack tactics are not suitable for playing a second time. Those on TV that others have used once and thought that the enemy will not come the second time are deceiving. In reality, the situation is to remedy the situation and take a loss. The normal reaction is to remember this loss, and you will not be given another chance next time. Eat the second time and lose exactly the same. Therefore, using the method just now will probably not work.

Through the eyes of the phantom worm, I watched the Yagi snake there for ten minutes, but I was resting while keeping myself at the lowest consumption state. Of course, I have an advantage over the Yaki snake, which is me. He was carrying a lot of medicine. Although I have a high-level nurse-type magic pet like Xiaochun, I also have such things as medicine, and the quantity is still quite large. Therefore, although the problem of returning blood and returning to the magic is the same as that of the Bachi snake, I can use the medicine to return to the return of the monster. Even when the medicine is used up, there is more than this reserve. too much. Therefore, as long as the surname does not consume life and magic power once, and fight hard to consume it, the Bachi snake is definitely not my opponent.

After my side is basically conditioned, the Yagi snake on that side has also stopped cursing. Scolded in the darkness for ten consecutive minutes without receiving any response. I don't think a few people can continue to scold like this, right? After the anger, the Yagi snake slumped to the ground like a discouraged ball, looking a bit listless. However, if you think that you can go up and abuse him, you must be prepared to be abused. Of course, I do intend to abuse him now, but I am not just because he is frustrated now ~ ~ but because I have no cards in my hand.

Just as the Yaki Snake was in a daze of a cucumber, there was a huge energy response not far from him. This horrible energy response even made the Yaki snakes feel a little trembling. However, although shocked, the Yaki snakes immediately reacted and rushed at lightning speed, but ... the result was very Sad reminder.

The energy shock sensed by the Hachichi serpent actually activated my ultimate ability, the Divine Realm, so now I am in full body form. The surnames of all my magic pets have been merged with me, and although they are not completely added up, they have at least increased in proportion. Now my monologue is not much worse than the Bachi snake, at least we can now have a serious battle. Of course, if I did that, I would lose most of the time. After all, although the basic surname is almost the same, no one parent can maintain this skill. So I did this, and the only result was that my skill time reached the limit, and then I was forced to disintegrate and be beaten by the Yachi snake. But would I be so stupid? of course not.

"Haha, Zi said, why don't you run away?" The Baqi serpent saw that I was standing there and thought that I was going to fight him, but I did not know that this was the beginning of his miserable fate.

(To be continued) q

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