Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 303: Korean guild situation

According to information transmitted by the Death Guard inside, there are now six people remaining in the room. Four people were blocking the door of one of the rooms inside to fight our Death Guard, while the other two were standing behind these people and not participating in the fight.

Judging from the current situation, most of the two who have not participated in the battle are the chairman and vice chairman of this guild. As for those fighting, they should be high-level guilds. The guild in the game is still very different from the political group. If you really say it, the guild in the game is more like a black guild. The bosses are mostly played, and their strength and reputation are more than their brains. important. Of course, the brain is also necessary, at least the boss without the brain is definitely not sitting long, but this is not the main direction in the game, after all, the personal combat power in the game is sometimes better than a guild, like me, ordinary people If he wants to usurp something, he has to beat me. Therefore, the bosses in the game are very strong, after all, the guild leaders can get various subsidies, all kinds of resources are more than ordinary people, it is a matter of course that high strength.

Since the other party was compressed in the compartment inside, I didn't have to wait in the corridor, and went directly to the entrance of that room. From here I could see a quite large room. The decoration in this room is very luxurious and it can be confirmed that it was later remodeled. I thought I had come in this room once, but it was n’t like this, it ’s much simpler than it is now, but now it ’s changed to a European style, and it always feels a bit nondescript.

To be honest, since European style, Chinese style, or other styles can become an architectural style, it is naturally worthwhile. If you don't like a certain style, it doesn't mean that this style is not good, it only shows that this is not your favorite style. The European classical style is known for its complexity and luxury, and it is generally brilliant. It looks very noble. However, it doesn't feel right to put this noble atmosphere here, because the whole building is a Chinese building. When the building was built into a gossip shape, its style definition was already very obvious. If you use the building to arrange a magic array, the European-style decoration inside is no problem, but it is already a building in the shape of a gossip array, and there are Chinese-style things everywhere between the buildings, but this room becomes With European style, it's like ordering a ball of cream in the middle of a plate of Mapo Tofu. Isn't butter delicious? delicious. But you put the cream in the middle of Mapo Tofu. This is awkward.

Although the decoration of this room was not possible, fortunately, only the original style can be seen here. Fighting has already taken place in this place, and neither side has any plans to protect the building. In addition, at this time it is already packed with Death Guard, and the density of personnel can be imagined. In this kind of environment, the decoration in the room has been destroyed for a long time. The only thing that looks clean is the reliefs on the ceiling.

In this room I can see the battle at the door. Obviously the other party wasn't really stupid either. They had retreated to the inside of the room and completely let the doorway out, but the four people surrounded the doorway over there. With the width of that door, at most one Death Guard from the Death Guard can pass through here. The other four were surrounded by a semicircle, and the Death Guard would be killed as soon as he entered. In this way, as long as those people were not exhausted, the Death Guard could not fill it at all. of course. The premise is that Death Guard will not destroy the wall.

In fact, after I entered here to release the Death Guard, I gave an order to these Death Guards, that is, do not easily destroy the building itself, you can destroy the furniture or something, but you cannot destroy the building. The reason for this is required. That's because this building was built by ourselves, even if Park Yin's Tianji League will not return here. We will not let it remain in the hands of others. We are definitely going to occupy it. Therefore, after this building, it is either our Frost Rose League or Park Yin's Tianji League, so now you can try not to destroy it without destroying it, and you need to renovate it afterwards, and the destruction will be destroyed. Damaged buildings can be laborious to repair, so be careful.

"You get out, here I come." I said as I walked towards the door, and the Death Guards quickly retreated to both sides to make way for me.

Several people inside the door found that no new Death Guard rushed in and stopped attacking, and then they noticed me standing at the door.

"Who are you the president here?" I asked outside the door.

The six inside were silent and did not respond, but after waiting a few seconds, one of the guys standing behind spoke. "Why are you attacking our guild?"

"I was bitten by a mosquito, of course I had to slap it to death. Is there any other reason why?"

"Good breath," said one of the men standing at the door and blocking the door.

"You can attack your guild headquarters, no matter how big the tone is, it is you. I was forced to do this, what is there to pretend? Really I am a bodhisattva?"

"You ..." A Korean player was stunned by the guy who talked before, and obviously this is their president. This guy held down the impulsive player, then stood up and said, "I'm the president of Promise Society. I know it's our people who attacked you first, but since this is already the case, do you think we need to cooperate with you? You won't let us go anyway, right? "

"Of course it is impossible to let you go, but I can still do a lot before killing you." I took out a few golden pills and shook them in front of them. "I wonder if you have heard of this expired elixir?"

Regarding whether the elixir has a shelf life, I really don't know, at least the elixir in the game settings is indefinite shelf life, as long as it is not destroyed, its attributes can be permanently saved. As for the expiration of elixir in my hand ... this is actually a joke.

The thing in my hand is actually the real elixir, and it is very rare to upgrade the elixir, which is the reward I got from Tianting a long time ago. This kind of elixir is not the same as general experience treasures. It is not as simple as how much experience is stored in the house and then released to you at one time through your use. This experience is like a modifier, as long as you eat it. You can directly modify your level to the level corresponding to elixir, and if your experience is not enough to support that level, elixir will automatically supplement you with the minimum experience value required to reach that level. For example, if you are at 20th level, this elixir is a 200th level elixir. Your experience value is definitely not enough for 200th level, but as long as you eat the elixir, you will immediately become a 200th level and have insufficient experience The value is automatically replenished, but the amount of replenishment is minimal. In other words, you are now 200 and have zero percent experience.

Although this kind of elixir sounds like a strong effect, the problem lies in that the effect seems to be too strong. Not only can it force you to rise from a low level to a high level, and automatically supplement the minimum experience value required, it can even pull you back from a high level to a low level, and automatically deduct extra experience.

It was a little late when I got this elixir. These elixir levels have been extended from level 50 to more than 1,200 levels. However, most of them are concentrated in the state of three or five hundred. At the beginning, our grades were very low. Eating this thing directly can raise the grade, but the problem is that I did n’t post this thing, but I put it on my body. It's been a long time now, and everyone's level is not the original state. The level of one thousand or more is now the standard level of mainstream players. At this time, if you give people five or six hundred levels of elixir, it is not upgrading but downgrading, and it is not as simple as dropping one or two levels at a time, but it falls to the state of five or six hundred levels at once. This terrifying effect is naturally unacceptable.

Because this elixir was originally a treasure that can be upgraded. But because I held it in my hand for too long, it turned out to be harmful, and the effect was like putting a magic drug for treating and saving people for too long and turning into a poison that could kill people. Because of this change, some people have joked that this is an expired elixir. So it has the title of expired elixir.

Presumably this thing was so vicious that the thing appeared. All the people at the scene all changed suddenly. They are not afraid of being killed, they can be resurrected anyway, and death is just a two-level drop, no big deal. However, if this immortal is forcibly poured ... Think of other players who are more than a thousand levels, and they become five hundred or six hundred levels at once, this horrible result will definitely make most people tremble when they think of it.

"How many? Want to try my outdated elixir or be honest with my questioning?"

Several people at the scene turned their attention to their chairman after I asked, and the guy looked left and right, apparently communicating with those people, but he finally looked at me and tapped He looked down, then said downcast, "We will answer your question, but you must ensure that we will not be forced to eat this thing."

"I can only promise that this time I won't, and I will be caught later, it depends on my mood."

The few people exchanged their eyes, and finally nodded, "Any deal. What do you want to ask?"

I waved directly, and the Death Guard in the room turned into black sand and disappeared in place. Seeing those horrible Death Guards disappear, one of those guys even glanced at me coldly, and at the same time his wrist touched his own weapon. However, just as his hand was about to touch his weapon, he suddenly felt a little cool on his neck. He immediately glanced down instinctively, only to find a hand holding a knife handle, and according to this angle, it is not difficult to see that the blade is already resting on his neck.

"I'm yours, you won't move your head." A cold female voice appeared behind the player, and then the cold breath disappeared without waiting for his response. Obviously, there are assassins in this room, and their ability can not sense each other at all. This discovery made those Korean players put away their plans to resist. In this case, counterattack is basically equivalent to death. Of course, it's good to die. In case of irritation, I feed them an expired elixir, which is really painful. "Looks like you understand your situation, right? Then we started to talk about business." I went straight into the room and sat at a desk opposite, and the six people formed on the other side of the room A half arc faced me.

"First question. How did you take over here?"

"Of course it was defeated, how can it be occupied?" The impetuous guy who was ready to resist said the first.

I shook my head and said, "I'm asking you how to get in here. This is not a land city, but a fortified island city. The whole city is an island, and the sea is outside the city walls. The Celestial Fleet is our frost rose The alliance eliminated and sold to them, although it is the eliminated goods. But the combat power is not comparable to those of your broken ships. The city teleportation can be locked in any state of war, so you can only attack from the outside. You cannot obtain it Under the premise of controlling the sea, I really don't know how exactly did you capture a fortified island? "

One of the South Korean players said: "What's difficult. Although our fleet can't beat their fleet, we can use our fleet to lead away the Tianji League fleet. Their fleet is not at home, we take the opportunity to raid, no Just rushed up? "

"Is the fleet not at home?" I froze a little, and then shook my head: "Doesn't it seem like you are not going to tell the truth! That being the case ..." I said, took out a dice, and pointed They said that each of you was: "One two three four five six, who is the time I threw out." I threw the dice as I said. It ended up being a five when the thing finally stopped.


As soon as the guy came and shouted two words, he felt that something was in his throat, followed by the equipment on his body, and automatically started to fall, and finally everything in his body fell off. The game "Zero" is similar to other games. The equipment also has level restrictions, that is, certain equipment requires a certain level to wear. This requirement is usually a minimum level. That is, you can wear it when you reach or exceed the marked level, otherwise you cannot wear it.

Just now that guy was playing an expired elixir into my mouth, this thing can be said to be imminent, and it takes effect instantly, and that guy instantly became more than 700 levels. In fact he was lucky. There are still a lot of expired elixir on my body that are even lower than this, but I just touched this, otherwise in case it was 200, Then he would be miserable.

However, although not once became the 200th grade, but suddenly turned into the 700th grade also made this guy startled. Worse, because the level has dropped. Therefore, the equipment on his body has become non-compliant equipment, and the non-compliant equipment will naturally fall off, so the guy's body will all fall off instantly.

"This is the price of playing intellectual games with me." After I said, I continued: "Don't think that you are the only intelligent people. Although I dare not say that I am the first person in the world. But compared to you, I think my intelligence It's still quite advantageous. So. You better not play with me again. You can't afford the price. "I said and pointed to the dumb guy:" Don't think you have fallen to level 700. Do n’t be afraid of me, but I still have 200-level expired elixir here, and do n’t want to try one more, just be honest with me. ”

My fist is not as big as mys, and I'm still eating hard. In this case, those guys are really scared. After looking at them, I asked again: "Okay, now tell me, how did you occupy this place?"

"Someone bought some players in the main management team of Tianji League, and then reunited with several vice presidents of Tianji League to overthrow Chang Pu Yin. We just came in while they were splitting up. .At that time, their own warships were firing in the port, and our ship came in from the outside and killed them all. In addition, the person who helped us buy Neiying also protected Neiying. The teleportation array was never closed. We passed A lot of people came in from the teleportation team, and this occupied the city. "

I nodded and said, "It's still a bit of a word. How can I say that a city like this will be captured by your garbage guild? It turned out that there was an internal conflict that made you cheap."

"We didn't actually find any cheap." One of the players said, "We also killed a lot of people when we captured it, and we spent a lot of money to buy the pass. Our return is because of reasonable investment. Not for nothing. "

"I'm not here to collect taxes, what do you explain to me?" I said directly: "Don't talk more than I asked. Now I ask you again. How is Park Yin's Tianji League now?"

"The specific situation is not very clear, only to know that after they were defeated by us, several cities on the land have also rebelled in succession, and then those cities have now separated from the Tianji League and established their own guilds."

Another player said: "It is said that Park Yin took some part of the original team and occupied a city somewhere, but it seems that it is the only city in the current team."

"What about the Celestial Fleet? No ship left?"

"Most of them attacked and sank during that period, and some of them were sold and sold to other guilds. Anyway, Tianjimeng is out of the boat. Besides, they now have one inside. Lucheng. And it's still in the mountains. The biggest current around it is a stream. Even if there is a boat, they have no place to stop. "

After hearing this, I can understand the general situation of Tianji League. I said why the girl was beaten so miserably, Pu Yin didn't come to us for help. After a long time, it is not that he will not come but that he cannot come. The guild was split, and now with the last followers hiding in the mountains and occupying a small city, let alone sending people and ships to contact us for help, it is probably a problem even to leave that mountain!

"It's so tragic to be so miserable!" I said to myself, and then said, "Okay, now ask the next question. What are some of the strongest companies in South Korea now? "

The original South Korea was a state of guilds. Similar to ours in China. South Korea has not been able to complete the reunification of guilds, which means that there are many guilds at the same time. However, although no guild dominates the hegemony in South Korea, there are still differences in strength. Park Yin ’s Tianji League has been relatively strong before and is one of the major guilds in South Korea. However, with the involvement of our guild, the strength of the Tianji League has continued to grow, especially after acquiring the warships eliminated by our guild. It has maritime autonomy, and various benefits continue to appear. The guild has grown rapidly within a few months. It has doubled the number of members. Of course, this change is also one of the reasons for the collapse of the current Celestial League. After all, the number of people doubling in a few months, the people who came in must be awkward, and they don't have a high degree of identification with the guild. In this case, there are loopholes in the management of the meeting, and there are several people who are interested in it. That division is also very normal.

However, no matter what happens to the Tianji League, he should have been in the forefront after all, and everyone should know the truth of being indifferent. Because there is a celestial alliance. Therefore, the strength of other guilds in South Korea will be compressed, which will gradually form the situation of the Tianji League family. but. The Celestial Alliance has suddenly fallen apart, and the change in the influence of the Korean guild caused by this situation has suddenly created a vacuum zone in the Korean guild. As the guild leader, the Tianji League suddenly disappeared, and the remaining space must be filled by someone. However, the specific person who fills in this is definitely not that you say that you must be yours if you come here. This requires strength, you need to fight and grab.

I now ask them which Korean trades are more powerful now that they want to find out exactly what is happening in South Korea.

Not bad. These people are the guild leaders and know more than ordinary players. The president said, "In fact, what we know is just some superficial information. We don't know too deep things."

"It doesn't matter, I just need superficial information."

When the other party saw me, he said directly: "At present, after the fall of Tianji League, there are three guilds that have become our pillars. One of them is the Gongrong Society."

"Kyoeisha? Listen, how does it remind me of Little Japan?"

"Actually, you guessed it," said the other party's president. "Gong Rong She is behind Japanese players."

"Supported by Japanese players?" Because I was so surprised, I almost shouted, "Why don't I know?" After all, the Japanese side is now basically controlled by Matsumoto Masa. If there are Japanese players in the wind and rain in South Korea, I ca n’t control it, at least I should receive some news. But Matsumoto's failure to report this fact indicates that he did not know. This is obviously unreasonable. However, I quickly thought that although Masamoto Matsumoto currently controls most of the guilds in Japan, after all, the group of people with a ghost hand Nobunaga is not controlled, so I can basically determine now what this is all Rongshe was developed by the forces of Nobunaga.

If my guess is correct, this Gongrong Society was made by a ghost-handed Nobunaga, then I will not worry about it. Now that the ghost-handed Nobunaga himself is about to be confused, it is even more impossible for his people to have much power in foreign countries. So if this Kyoeisha is really the power of Nobunaga, then don't worry about it. Not to look down on the ghost-handed Nobunaga, it is really that he really has nothing to scare me.

The president said: "This Gongrong Society is supported by a group of very mysterious Japanese. Their strength is okay, but they have always been relatively low-key, so we don't know much. Except for this guild There are also two guilds, one is called the Lion Alliance, and the other is called the Dragon Alliance. "

"So strange name."

"Although the name is a bit weird, but the strength is very good, especially the Longxing World Club. Now it is basically one of our top forces in South Korea. Except that the Awake League can compete with them for a long time, other forces It's been thrown away for eighteen thousand miles. "

I nodded and didn't pay much attention to these two guilds, but asked, "What's the sign of the Longxing World Association?"

"Sign?" The chairman gave a little sting, then responded quickly and said, "It's a flying dragon with a white cross at the back, which looks strange."

Immediately after hearing the description of the sign, I shouted in my heart: "It really is a ghost of Koreans ~ ~ In fact, I have seen that sign before, and it is equipped with super weapons. Obviously, the one who had been in contact with the ghost-handed Nobunaga before this is the Longxing World Meeting. However, it is strange that if this dragon-bounded world is connected with the Noble-handed Nobunaga, then the previous one is the same. What happened to Rongshe?

Although there are still many questions that have not been clarified, I know that this is probably what a few people here can know, and it is meaningless to ask again. I simply said to them: "Okay, I have so many questions, now I have two choices for you. First, our Frost Rose League invested one million crystal coins to buy this island. You leave in a day, this The city belongs to our Frost Rose Alliance. Second, I will leave now and will not shoot at you, but tomorrow, our army of Frost Rose Alliance will come under the city, we will storm the city and occupy it. You must be unable to resist us Invasion, so the city must belong to us, the difference is just the price paid. Well, I will give you thirty seconds, and you want to tell me your answer clearly. You can rest assured that no matter what you choose, I will not feed you this expired elixir There is no other advantage for me. One advantage is to talk about credit. If you answer my question, I will fulfill my promise. Well, think about it quickly. Thirty seconds is not long. "

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