Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 304: Massacre

"We decided to make the city ... the city ..."

"How about the city? Answer quickly, it's thirty seconds."

"We decided to keep the city ... for ourselves." As the last four words were spoken, the president suddenly took up his weapon and rushed towards me, but what he didn't expect was that while he rushed up Suddenly, a long sword held against the throat, and his action stopped abruptly.

"Oh, this is a really bad decision! You do n’t want a little bit of money in the end, do you? I'm really sorry. In response, I can only choose to completely wipe out your guild!" I said At a snap, the Death Guard and my other summoned creatures began to appear near the gossip building and rushed out to other parts of the city. What I have to do now is slaughter the city. As long as the number of people in the city is reduced to less than 5% of the total population at the moment when the guild war is started, the system will determine that the city is automatically owned by us.

The main reason for using the more time-consuming and troublesome method of slaughtering the city to save the city is to save money. After all, this city is the one we need. If we destroy the city directly, it will be faster, but then we need to rebuild the city. At least one week will not be able to use the city again. This is a big loss for us, let alone construction costs. No less. Instead of that, I now choose to slaughter the city. In this case, only a small amount of repair costs and a day can be used to run the city, which is definitely the most cost-effective choice.

With my order. My magic pets and various summoned creatures began to spread out in the city to carry out the massacre. Of course, the Promise and the players resisted, but unfortunately this is a very low-level guild. The player strength is even the average. None of them, so these people have no resistance at all in front of my magic pets and summoned creatures, and they are almost dried up like chopping melon and vegetables.

It said that the combat effectiveness of my batch-type summoned creatures is not very exaggerated. For example, the Death Guard and the Kirin Warrior have only a slightly lower average level of average players, and the one-on-one is almost a must. However, in terms of individual strength, my batch of summoned creatures are not as good as ordinary people in the player. But both the Death Guard and the Kirin Warrior are formed militarized units. In other words, I call the army, not the civilians.

A rigorously trained regular army, even if all infected people are in a fever state, their combat effectiveness is definitely higher than a group of ordinary people with the same health. One-on-one ordinary people can also rely on a healthy body to take advantage once they enter the group battle. The average person is absolutely only abused. This is the difference between a disciplined army and a skirmish.

Same thing. Players are players after all. Although the battle attributes may be relatively high, the Death Guard and the Kirin Warriors are regular troops. After the formation of the formation, formation and rotation structure can be formed. Its combat efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, my magic pet and bell ring knight can serve as the backbone of bulldozers. Therefore, my Death Guard and Kirin Samurai are actually equivalent to following the tank cluster. The infantry behind and the enemy's frontal combat power are basically assumed by those guys who are tank-like. Their task is only to support them in the back. In this case, it is difficult for the opponent to hurt the Death Guard and the Kirin Warrior. However, my Death Guard and Kirin Samurai wanted to attack each other but it was very easy. Under these circumstances, those Korean players are naturally only killed, and there is no chance to resist. After all, the summoned creatures are in communication with my soul. As soon as there is a blockage at any position, high-end force will be airborne to this area for removal, so the opponent can't form a decent resistance line at all.

There are my magic pets and summoned creatures out there. Naturally, these people here have to take care of themselves. Fortunately, the gap in strength is obvious, so I did n’t have much effort. I got the group of people in front of me in two or three. No one recruited. This is the normal state of Korean players. The average strength generally exceeds the average level of international players, but it lacks particularly powerful masters. Some of the major masters of large guilds are basically national treasures in South Korea, and they are here. The main force of the meeting went to other countries and could only be second-line assaulters. However, the ordinary players in South Korea have reached the combat power of other countries, but they are reserve members in the main team of other countries.

Don't underestimate the strength of these reserves. Because "Zero" itself is a battle-themed game, and the guild organization itself is an armed team. It is good to say that it is a soldier for all. In this state of full names, you can become the main team, which is basically equivalent to the elite units of the elite units in the army, which belongs to a very small number of powerful units. Of course, these Korean players are only equivalent to the elite reserve. It's not elite yet, but at least it can explain some problems. However, in the final analysis, this game still emphasizes individual heroism, so the average strength is not particularly prominent. If our country and India have a large population base and the average strength is outstanding, the overall combat power It is very impressive. However, there are not many people in South Korea. This average strength is high. When multiplied by the total population, the total combat effectiveness is still a little bit. Therefore, this advantage is not so much an advantage, but it is nothing at all. Nothing at all.

After I got the head of the household here, I left the building ~ ~ At this time, it has become a Shura field. The dead bodies on the ground are full of blood. There is no living person in the entire building. It is obviously meaningless to stay in such a place again, so I went out to fly to the sky and began to inspect the progress of the battle. If I encounter obstacles, I will also join in to help clear up, which can speed up the advance.

To be honest, although a guild was destroyed by one person before, the guild at that time was a small guild and their city was not large, but this guild was not large in scale, but the guild they occupied The city is really not small. This is the first time that I have attacked such a large city by myself, so the command is a bit confusing. Fortunately, the enemy's strength is not strong, plus my magic pet and summoned creatures are highly intelligent creatures, so there is nothing wrong.

"Wife. Are you free?"

"What? I'm counting supplies here."

"That's it. I just occupied a city on the Korean side and need some people to come and take it."

"Oh, I'll send someone over." Rose cut off the communication immediately after speaking, and then two seconds later the communication suddenly opened again, and the roar of Rose came out: "What did you just say? You occupied it alone A city? "(To be continued ...)

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