Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 319: inference

Because the current Nobunaga's ghost hand made me feel like I couldn't move, I also started to consider whether it was necessary to fight him. However, although I am not sure whether to fight or not, the ghost-handed Nobunaga is quite proactive, and in the face of such an enemy, what I can do is try it for the time being.

Although the previous speculation made me feel very collapsed, after all, one billion points of health value has exceeded most high-end, you must know that the average monster's health value is similar to me, at most millions of looks. Even in a small area with only one leveling area, the total SS generally does not exceed 20 million. However, if you look for it nationwide, some areas can indeed find that kind of life. The presence. However, this kind of monster belongs to regional super monsters. Generally, there are only a few in a country. As for the protoss, the reason they are powerful is the tenfold effect of the divine attribute, not the absolute value. If you look at the value, many of the protoss attribute values ​​are not even higher than some guild players, but they have divine power. Multiplying all attributes by ten is the attribute that appears in normal, so just looking at the numbers is useless.

However, billions of hit points are too much anyway, at least in my calculation range, it is difficult to consume so many hit points.

Probably realized that I was a little timid, and the ghost-hand Nobunaga suddenly exploded. This guy rushed up like a cow, and didn't know if I wanted to take advantage of my daze or rush to death.

Although I was just a little bit distracted just now, after all, this guy's weight was swaying there. After this charge, the footsteps sounded just like the earthquake. In the face of such movements, I may have to be awakened even if I fell asleep, so I woke up just after Nobunaga's hand took two steps.

He looked at the ghost-handed Nobunaga rushing forward like a bull. I directly danced the eternal hook sickle to a gun flower, and then directly held the eternal hook sickle and rushed towards him. It was more than two meters away, and I began to slam forward the eternal hook sickle. The opposite hand Nobunaga slaps it over. It seems that I want to shoot away my eternal hook sickle. He responds quickly. When the gun was pressed, he turned around and swept. The eternal hook sickle spun around me once and was flattened by me again, but at this time it had wrapped around behind the claws of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, and then I suddenly pounced forward.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga saw that my eternal hook sickle appeared magically behind the palm of his hand and immediately returned to try to block my eternal hook sickle. However, I turned the eternal hook sickle slightly. . Then the horizontal hook at the tip of the eternal hook sickle was on the back of his hand.

Unsurprisingly, with a bang, the palm of Nobunaga's palm was directly penetrated by the cross of the eternal hook sickle, and the entire palm was cut open, because the hook in the horizontal direction penetrated the ghost's letter After the long back of the hand, I immediately pulled the eternal hook sickle backward to pull it out, and the result of this action was that the horizontal hook sickle directly divided the back of the hand of the ghost hand Nobunaga from the middle into two. If it were a normal creature, the palm should be completely split this time. However, the super healing ability of Nobunaga's hand only made him scream in pain, and the two palms healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye and turned into a complete palm. Hurt the same.

This scary healing ability made me frown again, but I quickly turned this expression into an evil smile, because what I used to say to myself was not scary.

I just said it before. Dealing with such a ghost-handed Nobunaga seems to require some heavy hands. I'm not kidding or scaring the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but there is really a way. My battle just now was just a simple contact battle between the main body and Nobunaga's transformed form. This battle mode is my favorite battle mode, but it is not my strongest battle mode.

After all, I am an animal trainer. My strongest fighting method is to fight with my magic pet. Whether it is to spread them out and siege the enemy with me, or to let the magic pet fit with me with the skills of the **** domain, that is mine. The strongest state. And now ... one of the magic pets didn't come out. In this situation, the battle between us is really not a full-fighting fight, at best it can only be regarded as a warm-up.

The cut palm of the ghost Nobunaga glanced down at his fully healed wrist, and then turned his attention to me. After pointing his head in my direction, Nobunaga's hands showed the fangs in his mouth, and then made a sound similar to a growl. After this demonstration, I keenly noticed that Nobunaga's hand seemed to see something behind me. Then a little sluggishness appeared in his eyes.

Although I don't know what he saw, I didn't plan to go back and look at that thing, because it might also be the act of Nobunaga's deliberate distraction. Of course, I don't think Nobunaga is so smart, but sometimes this kind of thing has to be guarded a bit, in case the absurd Nobunaga suddenly becomes smart, I don't want to suffer.

At the moment when Ghost Hand Nobunaga's eyes shifted, I didn't hesitate to suddenly burst out with full speed and rushed up, and after I noticed my reaction, Ghost Hand Nobunaga immediately returned to my attention and moved my attention Body, but the next second he suddenly felt that a strong and terrifying atmosphere appeared behind him. The surprised ghost-handed Nobunaga turned back suddenly, and turned right into another me. This is slightly different from my usual image. At this time, my whole body was covered by a layer of purple and black flames. At the same time, my armor also found obvious variations. More importantly, my eyes were glowing with blood-red light, which was more scary than his evil image. .

Almost at the same time I saw this, the ghost-handed Nobunaga took a step back because he knew the consequences of being close to me. However, the moment he started to move, I suddenly slap it towards his head.

Seeing this action, the ghost hand Nobunaga stepped back immediately, and then leaned his head back to try to avoid it. As a result, the body just reached halfway, and I suddenly accelerated, and a slap fan hit his side. The ghost-handed Nobunaga felt his head buzzing, and then the whole person flew out horizontally, only to slam on the ground after turning seven or eight heels in the sky. And continued to glide backward for a long distance before it was considered a complete stop.

The ghost hand Nobunaga who barely supported himself to get back up from the ground as soon as he looked up was caught there, because he found that he saw two me at the same time. One of them was the one who first appeared in front of him. My equipment was normal and I didn't ignite the flames of hell, and the other one was a flame of hell. Equipment has also become a kind of speculation, but at a glance I can see more exaggerated me. Moreover, this seemingly more scary I just slap him so far away, the attack power is imaginable and terrifying.

The unknown ghost Nobunaga watched two of me walking towards him at the same time, and his head was turning left and right for a while, and he had no idea how to deal with which one was better for me.

Different from me. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is a player with his own fighting power, so he cannot deal with two enemies at the same time, especially if his opponent is stronger than him. However, when Nobunaga's Nobunaga was in a daze there, a large piece of rubble suddenly flew into the ruins next to it, and a voice shouted, "People who can run, run away quickly. I'll hold Ziri . "

Along with this voice, a large piece of rubble burst suddenly in the rubble over there, and then a player who could not see his face rushed out from under the rubble and hugged it just when I turned around. That ordinary me.

The reason this guy did n’t hesitate like Nobunaga's ghost hand did not know which one to attack, it was not because of his judgment, nor because he was more decisive than Nobunaga's eye, but because of his eyes in. There was only one me at the scene, and what stood or floated beside me was a large mass of unsmoked smoke.

Of course, it is impossible to have two me at the same time. After all, a player can only log in to one account at the same time. Even my double number is only a quick switch to achieve the effect of the double number coexistence, not to say that I Really can log on two numbers at the same time. However, although it is virtually impossible for two me to appear at the same time, it is possible for several enemies to appear at the same time in the eyes of the enemy.

First of all, I have two avatars, one fighter and one mage. Although both have their own characteristics. But after all, it is my avatar, and I can see my shadow in appearance, so for those who do n’t know, this can really exist as a fake. In addition, in addition to these two avatars, I also have a magic pet-II. The characteristics of II are exactly the same as mine. But the attributes are reversed with me. When I am black, he is white, so our equipment is completely reversed, but this can really exist as a fake.

In addition to the three of them, I also have Emmys. No matter if she is absolutely mirrored directly into me or she uses skills to simulate a lot of my illusions, she can be like me.

In fact, in addition to Emmys, there are magic pets that can become my appearance, such as-Lilith.

Lilith's characteristic is that she has no fixed form. She is actually a mass of meat, which can become anything she has seen and remembered. So, in theory, it's not surprising to be transformed into me.

However, the one who just attacked Nobunaga's hand was not any of the above me, but a person who is unlikely to become my existence-Rebecca.

Rebecca's race is fantasy, and her ability is not to transform, but to devour fear. This ability is similar to some demons in some Western legends. Anyway, you can't have the slightest fear of her. Once you start to fear her, she will absorb your fear and start to change appearance. First, she can detect the deepest thing in your memory, then change into the existence, and then get the power of fear from you. While you are afraid of each other, Rebecca will continue to grow until you have the power to completely overwhelm you.

The scary one I just saw in Nobunaga's hand was actually the image change that came with Hell mode after I used Divine Fit, and my combat power in that mode was close to the limit, which is my worst fear. when. Of course, although the appearance is what I am in that state, what Rebecca the Nobunaga actually sees, because the most feared by the Nobunaga Hand is my complete body form, so Rebecca reads This fear message has become my full body pattern.

Just now the ghost-handed Nobunaga was blown by a slap, it was not actually caused by Rebecca's power, because Rebecca's own attack power was actually not high, and the reason Ghost-handed Nobunaga could not stop that. It was entirely because of his fear that gave Rebecca super strength, so it was not so much that Rebecca fanned Nobunaga's slap in the air. The fan flew. Because the enemy is a source of strength, Rebecca is invincible as long as the enemy is afraid. But the other way around. If the enemy is not afraid, or the fear is low, Rebecca will become very weak.

Although Rebecca can absorb the fear of the enemy to strengthen herself, in fact, Rebecca's ability is personal. That is to say, if three people at the scene saw Rebecca at the same time, then the family and Rebecca did not deliberately let someone go without using illusions. Most of these three people would see three completely different things. If they see exactly the same thing. That only shows that the three people are afraid of the same things, and usually the things that everyone is afraid of are different, so when multiple people see Rebecca at the same time, what they see is different. not the same.

The guy who just crawled out from under the ruins is obviously because he hasn't been affected by Rebecca since he just came out, so he sees Rebecca's body, and this guy seems to be a bold person. Can be immune to Rebecca's illusion. After shouting such a voice, the guy rushed towards me directly, then suddenly stopped at the place when I was seven or eight meters away and took the exact same posture as me.

I was wondering what the guy was going to do, and suddenly I found that the ghost-handed Nobunaga seemed to turn around and run away. The decisiveness of this guy doesn't seem to be bad at all, but before he knew that if he ran, he might take the opportunity to zoom in and immediately lose it, so he didn't run. Although his theoretical life recovery limit is one billion, but if I can use a big trick to kill him in seconds, then his high number of responses will not be useful. After all, there is no such thing as a dead person.

Before I dared not run because I was afraid I would zoom in. Now someone dragged me, he naturally turned and ran, and speed was fast. When I found out that he was going to run, of course, I immediately wanted to chase him. Although I was worried that I couldn't figure him out before, but since he ran away, it means that his actual ability may not be as exaggerated as I thought, I certainly want to catch up. However, just when I wanted to hunt down the ghost hand Nobunaga, I was suddenly preparing to twist and raise my legs, but I found that my body was still motionless.

"I depend, what's the situation?" After two attempts, I suddenly found that I could control my eyes and mouth. I was completely settled.

To be honest, I have never found such a perverted skill before, after all, all the skills in "Zero" are actually linked to the level and strength, just like the death gaze skill, although the attribute is said to have a chance to see it in seconds. The goal. But the actual situation is that you can't drop a lot of enemies stronger than you at all, only those who are not different from you or stronger than you, and more powerful than you, death gaze The lower the probability of firing.

Although I have n’t seen many special skills, such skills as death gaze need a limitation after all, otherwise a 20-level player can lose a skill to a 2,000-level player in seconds, which is too unrealistic. However, the skill of this player in front of me has blocked the action of me. Although this skill did not directly hurt me, it is still terrible. Let's imagine. I was at war with Nobunaga, the opponent suddenly used skills, and then I would not move. The result ... think about it and snore.

Of course I was very nervous after my limb was sealed, so I started to try to forcibly move my body against this blockade, but I was relieved a little because I found that I was really moving. Although it was difficult, I was indeed a Moving my body a little bit barely made me turn around to face that player.

When I turned around, I suddenly noticed that the player still kept the same posture as me, and when I turned desperately just now, he actually turned around, and it looked like the expression on his face was gritting his teeth. . At that moment I suddenly realized that the skills of the other person did not completely hold me, but connected me with his body. In other words, our two actions should be completely synchronized now, and we think that we each have control over our bodies, so as long as he deliberately pushes against me, he can hinder my actions. Moreover, it seems that this obstacle is not power. Because my strength attributes are too high to scare people. If the other party is simply relying on strength to suppress me, then I should not be so strenuous. The opponent's strength can be at most one-third of me, even if he is a bull, and even if only two-thirds of the strength is left, my movements are absolutely very flexible. However, now I move slowly like an old lady recovering from a serious illness. My body is extremely stiff, and every movement makes me tired.

Although I don't know what power he is fighting against me, I just need to know that his actions are linked with mine. I started moving my body as I wanted to get out of the situation.

At first, the guy was still desperately gritting his teeth and insisting on restricting my actions. After finding that he couldn't completely control me, he suddenly said, "Don't try hard. Even if you can move, at this speed, you don't want to catch up and kill here Anyone. "

"It's not necessary, I just kill you. Without your interference. I can go and kill anyone."

"Why do you think you have the ability to kill me now?" The other party argued forcefully.

I smiled and said, "Just because I'm an animal trainer."

His ability is to block the action of the target, but it should not be possible to limit multiple targets at the same time, so I just need to release any magic pet. Of course, there is actually Rebecca behind me, but it looks like this guy in front of me is stupid and bold. Rebecca hasn't transformed until now, mostly because he can't detect the fear of that guy. So I need another magic pet. However, when I was talking and preparing to summon the magic pet, I was trapped there.

"Hahahaha, have you finally found it?" The other side laughed arrogantly: "Your skills are all blocked now, so don't think about it. Now your magic pets can't be released at all. And I tell you the truth, even if you release them, they are useless, because the magic pets are part of your skills. During the time you are sealed by me, they will be as still as you are, and they are worse than you .Hello, you can barely move with your own power, and they will be completely sealed. Until I lift the seal, they will be completely frozen, just like a sculpture. "

Although I do n’t fully believe this guy ’s words, I think at least most of them are true, because I ca n’t summon any magic pets at the moment, and the Rebecca behind me and a phantom that fits me Can't even command. It feels as if they no longer exist.

Skill failure, this result really surprised me a little bit, but soon I thought of another method. I controlled the body and slowly pointed the eternal hook sickle at the opposite guy, and then stepped towards him step by step, but ...

"Hahahaha ... don't you know yet? Although our actions are exactly the same. But my skill will limit the distance between us, so don't think that facing me will make us meet face to face, although I Will follow your steps forward, but the skill effect will push me back, eventually we still can not reach. Although your normal attack can be used, but you can not reach me I can not attack me, and long-range attacks are skills , But they have all been sealed. Do you feel desperate? Hahahaha, my skill is invincible! "

Although the other side laughed wildly, I really hesitated a bit, because it looks like normal methods really can't help him anymore. However, I am not absolutely unable to deal with him, I just do not want to use it. In fact, the easiest way for me now is to send the roses through the ring of love. Although she is a resurrection mage, combat players are always somewhat attacking, not to mention Rose's level is so high. In the situation where the guy and I couldn't move, any one who came here could easily kill any of us. So as soon as I summon Rose, he is dead.

However, one thing is very confusing. That is, now that we can't move and can't use skills, why no one came to kill me?

It is said that I ca n’t use the skills now, nor can I summon the magic pet, and the close-up attack is slow like the old lady because of the containment movement of the opponent. It should be said that I should have no threats, but nobody actually took advantage of this time to kill me. This is obviously not reasonable.

Although I can't figure out what is going on, the immediate priority is to kill this guy first to get me out of this state.

In fact, I have already thought of one thing now, that is that this ability of the other party is mostly a skill, and this skill is definitely going to consume magic. Then, there must be two situations for this mana consuming skill. One situation is when this skill is activated. Maintaining it requires constant consumption of magic. Another situation is that this skill only consumes magic power when it is activated, but each time there is a certain time limit, the skill will be invalidated after time. Regardless of which of these two, this skill must be time-limited. so. It cannot be maintained forever, and sooner or later it will unravel automatically. However, I don't want to wait that long because I don't know how long this skill can last.

In the arrogant laughter of the other party, it took me only a few seconds to think of another method out of the other party's control, and this was easier than calling Rose to help.

In order to verify whether this method is feasible. I need to do an experiment first.

Concentrated and began to control the body, slowly turning one direction along his body, the other side was forced to follow me in one direction. Immediately afterwards, I started to move forward, but only took a few steps. When I stopped, the other party began to struggle desperately. Because he finally understood what I was going to do.

Although the position where I am standing now is an open space, his position has changed due to the movement just now. The guy is now facing a stone pillar about seventy to eighty centimeters high. This thing should be one of the two stone pillars at the gate of the guild headquarters before, but the upper half has been shattered, leaving only seventy to eighty. A small piece is still standing there. However, such a height is enough for me to experiment.

In the horrified eyes of the other party. I first held up my hands, then grabbed my helmet and took it off, and the other person was dragged by me and dropped my helmet. Following this, I started to move the waist back and forth, and the other side began to desperately resist my command, but my control was obviously much higher than his. Although my actions were still affected after I concentrated my attention, it was actually possible to make Here comes a large and fast action.

In the panicked expression of that guy, I slammed a deep bow more than a hundred degrees in front of me, and then the guy followed me in the same motion. The difference is that there is air in front of me, so I just bow to the air. But the problem was that there was a big stone in front of him, and because the pillars were crushed, the fracture surface was not neat, and the uneven surface was like a nail plate. Without a helmet, he used his face to quickly approach such a thing. That turned out to be very beautiful.

I only heard a solid snoring sound and turned around, and the guy turned his head with blood on his face. I smiled at the result, and it seemed that my plan was feasible.

Now that the plan is feasible, the next step is to start killing the bastard. Since he volunteered to let others run away, that means he was ready to be a hero. Although the heroes are respectable, the problem is that enemy heroes are abominable to me. So I don't like him at all now.

Controlling his own body, he picked up the eternity just inserted on the ground, and then began to try to deform it. Although my skills are sealed, the eternal ability to transform is not my ability, but the ability to be eternal, so this ability can still be used.

Eternal gradually became a figure 7 structure under my control, but it has sharp blades at both ends. Insert the eternity like this directly on the ground, and then the 7 branch becomes a horizontal direction, and the height is just the position of the human throat.

The other person already knew what I was going to do when I saw this. In fact, he knew it when I let him hit the pillar, but he knew it, but he had nothing to do with me.

After finishing the eternity, I immediately controlled my body to move him together. Soon he was forced to move to the front of eternity, and then under his fierce resistance, I slowly took two steps forward. However, because he followed my movements, his throat hit the blade of the eternal cross there. This effect is basically the same as suicide. Of course, he is under my control.

After that guy's throat was pierced forever, my body was still not free, and I had to control him a little back. There was no eternity blocking there, blood and water immediately gushing out, and as his blood and water continued to spray out, the control on my body began to gradually relax. When he completely died a dozen seconds later, I finally completely recovered my freedom.

In fact, I have been wondering just now, why didn't he give up his control ability at the last moment, even if he would still be killed, but most of the normal people would not watch him slamming into the blade? The only conclusion I can think of about this problem is that the skill can't be freed. In other words, the control method is very rigid. Once it is started, it can only wait for it to reach its time limit or exhaust its magic power, or it may hang up between the control and the controller.

Although such a rigid skill, the effect is very bad, but to be honest, I even learned it. Most of the time, it will not be used. After all, if it cannot be released, many uncontrollable variables will be generated.

Walking to the guy's body, picking up Eternity, and then taking back Rebecca, I looked again at the direction in which the ghost-handed Nobunaga escaped. For such a long time, it is enough to run two back and forth with the teleporting reel. So Nobunaga's ghost is definitely not there. Although I did have a way to trace the information left by the teleportation magic to find the other party's teleportation target, the problem is that I do n’t even know where the ghost-handed Nobunaga last transmitted. How can you let me find it? Even if I could find the teleportation breath, it wasn't just a ghost-handed nobleman who just ran away, and so many guild presidents and players, these people must have left with the teleportation scroll. So many people, so many teleporting reels. How do I know which is Nobunaga? If you search one by one, you can't find it next year? Therefore, Nobunaga's ghost hand really ran away from under my eyelids this time.


Helplessly connected to the communication, I can only ask the situation over the meeting.

"What's the matter? I'm so busy here!" Rose seemed to be directing a lot of people to do something, and could constantly hear her doing this.

"I have some situations here, but now I lost my goal, I just want to ask you what is happening now."

"What else could it be? Isn't it just busy receiving the city! Oh, by the way, the new city hasn't been named yet. Do you want to name it?"

"No need," I refused, "you just get up. Anyway, this city won't stay in our hands for a long time, and it will change its name soon. It won't work anymore."

"That seems to be true!" Rose said as if she remembered it. "Then we won't bother to name it. This city will be named the unknown city for now."

"It's up to you. By the way, are there any senior staff in the city now?"

"what's wrong?"

"I met a few acquaintances here."

"An acquaintance?" Rose clearly didn't understand what I meant.

"The ghost Nobunaga and the Frozen Banshee," I said directly.

Rose asked with a little surprise: "Why did the two of them come to Korea? Oh yes, I haven't had time to ask before. What is the situation of Tianjimeng now?"

I briefly introduced the situation of Tianji League to Rose, and then said, "Now according to my investigation. The ghost Nobunaga and the Frozen Banshee and a part of the Korean guild should form an alliance. Last time in Fulcrum City The South Korean fleet that came to reinforce the Yakushi Serpent may be this alliance. Because if Nobunaga's hand is not fully involved in this matter, it is difficult to imagine that he will become a running dog of the Yakushi Serpent. "

"But if it's true like you said, then it's impossible to tell who's the dog!" Rose said.

Just like Rose said. Before, we thought that Nobunaga's hand had completely given up his dignity as a player, and he was willing to follow the back of a butt. Although this big snake is really a mess of cattle, no matter how cattle it is. However, if we assume that the alliance I met this time was established earlier than I expected, that is, the alliance was already established and the actual operation began before the last time the Korean fleet went to reinforce the Yagi Great Snake ... Then the ghost-handed Nobunaga is probably not a running dog of the Yagi Ogaki, and was thinking about doing it. The Yagi-snake might just be used by the Ghost-handed Nobunaga, or the Yagi-snake and the Ghost-handed Nobunaga have reached some kind of agreement, anyway The status of the Nobunaga should be higher than it is now, and it is not the loyal dog that has completely become the Yaki snake.

Although this kind of thing is scary, if you think about it, it seems that this is in line with our general perception. After all, no matter what kind of ghosts are long-distance running to be a running dog, this kind of thing is too outrageous. On the contrary, if our hypothesis is true, although this guy sounds scary. But the truth makes sense.

"If the ghost-handed Nobunaga really completed this alliance long ago, it means that this alliance has been in effect for some time. Then, based on this, it is inferred that the previous video leaked by the Yagi snake ..."

"It was got out of Nobunaga's hand." Rose cried immediately. "It must be him. The people who can reach the Hachichi serpent are all under Nobunaga's hands. Normally, Nobunaga's was in Japan at that time. Reputation, it will not be conscience to follow him. How can such a person suddenly find that his conscience has run to the forum to break the news? Therefore, this matter should be directed by someone, and the greatest possibility of this person is ghost Nobunaga himself. "

"That is to say, the Yagi snake is actually being shot by the ghost-handed Nobunaga?" I concluded.

Rose nodded: "This analysis is very reliable, and according to this analysis, many strange things that Nobunaga did before have also been explained."

I suddenly realized: "No wonder it seems that Nobunaga's hand has suddenly become dementia recently. What is wrong and what seems to be the level of intelligence has plummeted. If you look at this analysis, this series of situations are all The ghost-handed Nobunaga deliberately. He was showing weakness to the enemy, and at the same time he used his continuous mistakes to make the Yaki snake think he was a reckless man, so that the Yaki snake would not doubt him, and willingly gave him a shot. . "

"But. I don't think it looks right," Rose said suddenly.

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

"You think!" Rose said, "Although the strange behavior of Nobunaga's continuous stupidity has been strange recently, the former Nobunaga's previous look doesn't seem to be very smart, right? If only the wisdom of Nobunaga's wisdom, I can only Say it is slightly better than normal people, but Jedi is not considered to be among the people. He can get his current status in Japan. To be honest, luck accounts for a large proportion. He just happened to rise up in Matsumoto Masa After being hit by us. Japanese players have a special period of low mood. To put it bluntly, he is the hero created by the current situation. He is just a little stronger than ordinary people. If we have planned such a complicated large-scale plan ourselves Then, in the past, but people like Nobunaga, do you think he can think of so many things? "

"That is to say, Nobunaga's hand is only a participant, and it is not him who leads the plan?"

"It must not be him," Rose concluded, "you said that there were many Russians in the people you met this time, and you also saw the frozen banshee. The house of the banshee was in Russia. They have personally experienced that they absolutely have the ability to run this kind of plan, so say. If the ghost-hand Nobunaga is not the main messenger behind the scenes, then most of them are frozen banshees. "

I frowned and nodded, "If this is the case, then the trouble will be great. Although the Frozen Banshee's Banshee House is only a small guild in terms of scale, it is actually a Russian guild. The weathervane and headquarter of the conference. They have the resources of the whole Russia as a backing, and super research and development capabilities. Coupled with super combat capabilities. Now they have obtained a large group of Korean guilds and ghost-handed Nobunaga. Allies, and even the Eight-Big Snake became one of the forces they indirectly controlled. Such a banshee's house is already a very scary existence! "

"Don't forget that there are super bombs that can compete with nuclear weapons," Rose added.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it." I said, "Is there anyone on your side who can mobilize? Taking advantage of helping Park Yin get the trouble, I want to take the opportunity to make this matter clear as soon as possible. .The ghost-handed Nobunaga and the Frozen Banshees, their alliance is too dangerous, and must be investigated as soon as possible. "

"The underground world seems to be anxious. Would you like to deal with it first?" Rose asked.

When I heard Rose mentioning this, I remembered that the dark council had promised to complete the trade cooperation as soon as possible, but now it seems that I can't manage this matter. "Well, the guild is getting bigger and bigger, and I always feel a little overwhelmed."

"You can be content. With me and the army god, our guild has a lot less than other guilds. What are you going to do over the Dark Council?"

"The things on Nobunaga and the Frozen Banshee are too dangerous, and I must get this thing done first. But the things on the dark side of the council can be made as early as one day, and you can't make money. You can't delay it. This is it. There will be a senior player in the guild to talk to them, you can run it yourself. "

"You send me out of the field?"

"Isn't that helpless?"

"All right!" Said Rose. "So who do you need to assist you? I'll get you over."

"Of course, this kind of thing needs a master. What are those busy now? If you have no problem, please transfer them."

"Kristina is currently on the Russian frontline and does not expect to be transferred for the time being. She needs to be able to sit there and not move. True red has a job now and can't get away. The gold coins are free, otherwise I will let her support you in the past?"

"Just alone?"

"What then? Calling second-line experts?"

"Second line ... where is the Guild Protoss?"

"Isn't it? Those big gods are very troublesome to go out! Besides, the protoss forces in South Korea are still there. Are you not afraid to cause the Korean protoss to intervene to cause more trouble?"

"I ca n’t manage so much in times of crisis ~ ~ Besides South Korea is a big place, where can the local protoss be strong? And in terms of Korean history and culture, most of the Korean protoss have something to do with heaven. If it ’s involved, I ca n’t do it. I ’m holding a feather feather arrow and scaring them with the order of the King of the Kings. I do n’t believe that the group of Korean protoss dare to fight against heaven. ”

"This is also the way." Rose finally nodded: "If you are not afraid, the guild protoss side is basically free. Oh, yes, Persephone is not enough, she has to take care of the life in South America. tree."

"Then let Poseidon come over."


"South Korea is covered with water on all sides, and Poseidon's ability is very useful. Well, why not call Hades too?"

"Hey, don't you be afraid to cause disputes when you use such advanced power? Let's keep a low profile!"

"Then let Pandora come. Yes, let Pandora and Poseidon come together."

"Yes, I'll call someone." (To be continued ...)

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