Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 404: Make a trick

5200 new chapters from scratch ()

"I rely! Why is there a machine skeleton inside Mobile Angel?"

"It's the core system!" Shouted a player who had fought on land before. This player was not in the sponge mix before. He had participated in a battle with our guild on land. During that battle, several mobile angels were destroyed and a robot skeleton popped out from the inside. So this guy has investigated this matter afterwards, and found on the forum that the Frost Rose Alliance of our guild also has a core system, and this system itself is also combat-capable.

The machine skeleton that popped out of the maneuvering angel of the ship is not really an undead skeleton soldier. Of course, they are not called machine skeletons. The real name of this thing should be called the angel core, which is the core component of the mobile angel. This part includes a set of the most basic moving parts. In addition, the artificial soul of the mobile angel and the moving core are located in the core of this angel. Therefore, it can be said that this core is actually the body of the mobile angel. As for the things outside, actually Both can be counted as plug-ins and can be thrown away if necessary.

Immediately after landing, this angel core rushed towards the nearest enemy. The player immediately saw the angel core's reaction and raised his sword to attack. How could this angel core be directly in the running suddenly? He fluttered forward, then turned into a running posture like an ape, and started running forward with his limbs. If it is a human in this posture, it will definitely not run fast, but the problem is that the core of the angel is not human at all. Although his structure is not much different from that of human bones, the thinking mode of this thing is not the same as humans, so even the limbs The combination does not slow down the speed, but rather greatly increases the running speed.

In fact, if the speed becomes faster, this angel core is not so terrible. The key is that the angel core's fighting mode in the non-human state is too unstable.

Mobile Angel has a huge external armor system. Although it provides super-defense and extremely exaggerated power, because the internal structure is already quite complicated, the external structure can only be simplified as much as possible. The end result is that the mobile angel's range of activity is actually very limited, which can fully simulate human's The action is already the limit.

However, without the plug-in, although the core of the angel has been significantly lower than the mobile angel in terms of defensive power and power output, his flexibility has been qualitatively improved, not only super fast. And the fighting style is very weird. It is no longer a physical skill used by humans. Instead, it has learned 10% of the wild animal's fighting habits.

The core of the angel in the charge state suddenly bounced off the ground immediately before the player touched, and the player immediately split it with a sword, originally expecting to cut the opponent twice. Who knows that the angel's core actually jumped on the outer wall of the ship island, and the sharp fingers were inserted into the ship body like cutting butter, and then climbed up along the wall on the side of the ship island with the force of the fingers.

The player who was waiting to fight with this angel core found that the angel core suddenly started climbing the wall and wanted to follow it, but found that his speed was not his opponent at all. The angel core quickly climbed down the bridge like a gecko along the wall, and then climbed upside down over the reverse projection of the bridge to the bridge's outer corridor. At this position, even ordinary people are expected to be able to climb up, not to mention the angel core. The angel core grabbed the railing with one hand directly, and then suddenly swung over the ring corridor outside the bridge. Followed by this observation window outside the bridge broke into the bridge.

"What's the joke?" The players below were really panicked and reacted. They climbed the stairs, climbed the stairs, climbed the walls, and rushed towards the bridge together. but. They had just climbed halfway and saw that the glass window of the bridge above had broken another piece, and then a guy in a navy uniform flew out of it and fell directly to the sea.

The combatants did not have time to take care of the corpse that had been thrown out, but continued to go up. However, from time to time, some people were thrown out of the window, and the people below were in a hurry and couldn't help.

Finally, the person at the front rushed to the escalator outside the bridge. Then this guy rushed all the way to the corridor outside the bridge, but he just felt the foot shaking just after holding the handle of the bridge cabin door, and the warship suddenly made a sharp turn. If he didn't just grab the handle at the time, it might be directly Dumped out. However, the person climbing the wall below is not as lucky as him. Originally, it was more difficult to crawl on the outer wall of the bare island. Besides, the warship suddenly made a sharp turn. People lying on the outside of the island naturally had to bear a very large centrifugal force. As a result, many people were thrown out.

Although the guy who grabbed the doorknob was shaken a little, but because he was still holding the doorknob, he quickly stabilized his figure, opened the door and rushed into the bridge.

When the guy entered the bridge, what he saw was basically a scene of Shura hell. The whole bridge was covered with red bloodstains. The crew and the control chair were filled with killed crew members. There were still crew members on the ground. A lot of blood has been gathered into a large area.

Although the battleships in the game also have side battles, they are not very common after all, and there are dedicated deck combatants on the battleships. It does not require everyone on the ship to have combat capabilities, so in fact most of the guilds Except for deck combatants, most of the battleships are players without combat effectiveness.

This ship obviously belongs to the more normal battleship, so the pilot position is full of civilian personnel. They had no problem operating the warship, but once someone broke into the bridge, these people were basically helpless.

Speaking of, this combatant entered the bridge a dozen seconds later than the previous angel core. I did not expect that it was such a short time, the entire bridge was killed, and the angel core was still moving. Battleship idea.

When the player came in, he just saw the angel core over there turning the steering wheel of the battleship, which was why the battleship suddenly turned. After the player entered the cabin, the angel core immediately glanced back at him, followed by the sudden holding of the steering wheel with both hands and pulled down strongly, only to hear a click, the steering wheel actually did not pull this guy from the bridge.

After destroying the steering wheel, the angel core did not stop there, but suddenly held the speed controller next to it. Then push all the switches to the top at once, and then continue to force, all the speed controllers are pulled off. Now, if you want to control the navigation of the warship again, you can only use the manual control in the engine room below, at least The bridge side has completely lost control.

The purpose of that angel core is actually this. After destroying the controller here, this angel core did not fight with the people who rushed in at all, but jumped out from the other side window at the moment when it completed its work. .

After flying out of the bridge, the angel's core grabbed a slowing outward force on the outer railing with one hand, followed the body straight down, and slammed on the deck on the other side. Then the guy immediately looked for the nearest hatch to open and got in.

The angel core entering the hull ran straight inside the ship. When it saw the downward staircase, it ran down and kept moving towards the stern. Occasionally, some people inside the ship were killed directly. These were warship maintenance personnel. . Equivalent to technical arms, basically not much combat effectiveness.

Of course, the angel core found the engine room behind the hull without any problems in the general direction, and then went directly into its interior, killing all operators and destroying the manual control system, and then left the wheel. cabin. From now on, the ship can't do anything except spin at sea, because its steering wheel is stuck in the direction of the maximum angle of rotation, and all possible control methods are destroyed, except to cut off the power and stop the ship. There is no other way to stop the boat from spinning.

but. After all, this is the battlefield of naval battles instead of ordinary seas. Especially under this enclosing tactic, the spacing between warships is very small. If it is normal, the distance of a few hundred meters is enough for these warships to maneuver. The problem was that the ship was spinning now, so it invaded others' fairways for granted. The surrounding warships had to dodge to avoid it, and a ship moved to force nearby warships to follow. As a result, a large number of nearby warships broke out of the encirclement and entered a state of chaos.

The angel core did not leave after doing all this. Instead, he started to run up again. Finally he reached the deck again. Because there are many passages inside the battleship and they are in all directions. So it is very difficult to find someone. There are not many deck combatants. In this case, they are naturally scattered everywhere. When the angel core returns to the deck, there are only a few people left. Most of them are chasing. It went down to the inside of the cabin, who knew that this guy actually turned back.

The core of the angel is extremely sensitive, so it can be said to be very cheap when fighting ordinary players, and it has the momentum on the ship. If it ’s a land battle, the opponent ’s staffing is usually relatively complete. As long as the soldiers can withstand a period of time, the wide range of magic of the mage can easily hit the angel core, and the defense power of these angel cores can be said to be very bad. , Once hit, there is basically no resistance. However, things are slightly different when at sea.

Even if a personal battle between players occurs in a naval battle, that is basically fighting on the deck, so the things under their feet are not ordinary land, but warships. In this case, if the mage uses a magic attack, as long as he cannot hit the target, he will probably hit the battleship. As a defensive person, he wants to prevent the battleship from being damaged. How can he actively destroy the battleship? Therefore, most of the fighters equipped on the battleships are soldiers, and there are very few mages. After all, the mage's destructive power is too great. If there is no battle in the warship, it is better to ignore the enemy's coming.

It is precisely because most of the battleships in the naval battle are soldier-type defense personnel, so no one will attack magic on a large scale. In this case, the angel core will naturally take advantage. Relying on his strong flexibility, this angel core bypassed those players easily, then rushed directly to the second turret, and then pulled in the turret door before they rushed in.

Of course, the outside combat players know that the personnel inside the turret can't figure out the angel core. After all, the turret is not the combat player. Although they can use the cannon to cause damage, they are not directly involved. The melee is definitely not comparable to the angel core.

Just because they knew that the artillery was not an opponent of the angel core, these people rushed out anxiously. Unfortunately, the angel's core speed is too fast, and the people inside are too weak. When they rushed into the turret, they were surprised to find that all the people inside were dead. Even more annoying is that the core of the angel is actually running out from the hatch opposite.

After seeing this situation, everyone planned to continue chasing, but the automatic loader next to it suddenly rang. The sudden sound made everyone stunned, instinctively looking at the loader, but it didn't matter if it didn't look at it. It almost didn't scare the soul away. I saw a shell on the loader without a front fairing being stuffed into the barrel, and even more terribly, there was already a shell in the barrel.

Under normal circumstances, even if you hit the ground with a cannonball, it will not detonate, because there is a fairing outside the detonator of the cannonball. This thing keeps the shells stable during flight. And reduce wind resistance. It is also a safety insurance. This thing has a certain degree of rigidity, and ordinary collision will not cause it to deform. As long as the fairing is not deformed, the fuze inside will not be triggered, so the shell will not explode. Therefore, normal shells are still very safe. Even if you accidentally drop it on the ground during handling, it will not be a big problem. However, the shell now being pushed into the cannon had no fairing, and a crystal trigger was directly at the front. This thing is not the same as the fairing. It has a very incisive feeling. Although it is not afraid of vibration, it is afraid of impact. As long as the collision force is greater than five kilograms, it can be triggered. And the pushing force of the automatic loader is far more than that. After all, to send hundreds of kilograms of artillery shells into the barrel, how can it be without a little energy?

Everyone who saw this felt that their hair stood up in an instant, and the person with the fastest response rushed up immediately and wanted to stop the shell from advancing. Unfortunately, the loader was too powerful. Just one or two people couldn't stop the force of its forward push. Fortunately, the people behind didn't respond slowly, and immediately came forward to help raise the warhead, so that the cannonball that had been lying on the track stood up.

Accompanied by Dang. The erected shell was pushed to the rear of the barrel, and of course it was stuck and could not be pushed in. After feeling the huge resistance, the loader automatically gave up and started to pull. This is a kind of protection device. Once the shell is jammed, this thing can ensure that the problematic shell is pulled out instead of continuing to press inwardly.

Although there was a loud collision sound from the side impact of the gun barrel, but because the trigger fuze did not touch anything, it did not explode, and everyone was finally relieved at this time. You should know that there are still several shells stacked inside the turret at this time. If it explodes, the power can definitely lift the front deck of the ship.

However, just as the crowds were relieved, the door where the angel core left was actually opened again. In the eyes of everyone's doubts, a small thing about the size of a moon cake was thrown in, and then the door was closed again. The little thing bounced on the ground and landed in the center of the turret. The next second, the center of this thing suddenly raised a small bump, and then the bump turned 90 degrees, and then suddenly fell back. With a flash of blue light, the people inside the turret knew nothing.

Although the people inside the turret failed to witness the effect of this thing, everyone outside saw it. I saw the second turret of the front of the Sapphire suddenly exploded, and at the same time the front of the battleship jumped up, followed by a sudden smash into the sea, but the bow part suddenly broke and began to sink.

In fact, the gadget just was a grenade-like device, which is part of the self-destruct device that comes with the angel core. Of course, it can also be used as a grenade when necessary. The small explosive device thrown in by the angel core just detonated a few unfired ammunition in the turret, and then further detonation detonated the ammunition depot below the turret. The end result was that the entire front of the Sapphire If it blows up directly, it is estimated that the rest will not last long. You have to know that the speed of this warship was driven to the maximum, and the control system failed. In this case, there is no prow and they rush forward all the way.

After this explosion, the battleship on this side was basically unsaved, and the angel core jumped into the sea immediately after throwing a small bomb. Because it is in the form of a skull, there is no way to maintain buoyancy after diving. The angel core quickly began to sink, but when it sank to a depth of more than a hundred meters, the guy's back suddenly opened two small thrusters. This small propeller is small and not fast. But it can guarantee that the angel core will not sink. Relying on the help of these two small thrusters, the angel core quickly moved closer to our battleship, after which it would find the nearest own battleship and climb up for recovery. After all, although the angel core has a certain combat effectiveness, it is not used to directly participate in the battle. This mode is only an emergency form. The mobile angels in this state will be more cautious and self-protective in their behavior, and they are not aggressive.

So far, although this mobile angel for ships has basically lost its combat effectiveness, it has already killed at least one battleship, and has also hit a heavy one, which is not a loss. but. Even so, the Minke Whale could not be let go. Because of this ship, we have already had two problems with the ship's mobile angels. One was directly detonated, and the other was forced back to its core form and returned to the fleet. It means that two mobile angels lost their combat capabilities. Can make us pay that price. Of course the Minke Whale can't stay.

"Is it tough!" Sophie, who had noticed this particular warship, had no scruples after seeing her own angel core diving, because the previous angel core was still on the sapphire next to the minke. So in order to avoid accidental injury, Sophie had never dared to fire here, but it is not needed now. "The magic light gun is ready. Target the warship that destroyed our two mobile angels. Sink it down."

Following Sophie's order, a hemispherical armored shield at the top of the Kristina was suddenly deployed, and then a bit like a satellite antenna. Something like a laser rig stuck out from it. Immediately after it was unfolded, this thing locked the Minke whale over there, and at the same time, a large amount of white steam began to spray out from behind it, and a circle of energy waves oscillating with it as the center.

"Beware, that ship is about to start!" The other person who knew the magic light cannon screamed immediately after seeing the changes on our side. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything at this time.

"Launch." With Sophie's final order, a thick blue-and-white beam immediately straddled a distance of more than ten kilometers and directed at the fin whale. Two warships blocking the way along the way were all halves and nothing. To any blocking effect. The Minke Whale itself, like the battleships in front, failed to persist for even a second, and was instantly penetrated by the island. Then the light beam extinguished, and the entire battleship started to catch fire and broke from the center into two parts before and after rolling into the sea.

"Launch is complete and the protective shield is closed." With the command of the chief officer, the magic light cannon started to descend slowly, and the external protective shield was automatically closed. Although this thing is very powerful, compared with ordinary artillery, the defense is basically impossible to mention. In fact, because of the problems of materials and structure, the magic light gun's ability to resist attacks is basically similar to porcelain. Not to mention a direct hit, even a relatively powerful cannonball that explodes nearby can directly damage it. If it weren't for our shield with a special structure capable of absorbing impact, we wouldn't have been able to carry weapons like magic light cannons on warships.

Of course, the above knowledge is aimed at large magic light cannons. In fact, the magic light cannon's defense force will increase greatly with the shrinking of the volume. However, this thing has a large amount of heat, so the power decreases after the volume is small. After all, the volume is too small for heat dissipation. There is no other way.

"Damn **** damn ..." There was a curse in the British fleet at this time. The large warships they just sent out trying to enter the inner defense line to strike us were either sinking in fire or sinking at this time. The guild ’s combat power against the ship ’s mobile angels was too exaggerated. As long as they cannot be intercepted in the air, once approached, the warship basically has no ability to fight them.

These horrible fighting machines have amazing defensive capabilities. Deck combatants simply cannot intercept the destroying operations of warships by warship angels. Most of the weapons on the warships are used against other warships, so the speed is very slow, and it is not at all Move at the speed of the ship's mobile angel. It can be said that in this case, the maneuvering angels against the ship are basically invincible. Except for the occasional encounter with one or two maneuvering angels against the ship to destroy or wound them, there is basically no actual result.

Of course, if you just can't figure out how to use mobile angels on ships. Anyway, by virtue of quantity advantage. It will take a long time for those maneuvering angels to ship their entire fleet, but the key is that they are not sure about maneuvering angels for ships, even our warships are okay.

Kristina will not talk about it, the surrounding warships that seem to be smaller are actually the same performance, all warships have two sets of protection systems, the outer protective shield is amazing, even It is rare for a set fire to break through, and several fish that miss the net will be intercepted by the transmission beam, and basically the shells after the interception will mostly miss the target.

Facing this one-sided situation. Even though they still have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, they have begun to lose confidence, no matter whether they are the British or the small guilds who follow them. Not to mention sinking, even if it can hurt our battleship. They all have some confidence, but the problem is that their shells have not even landed on the shell of our warships so far. It was truly unscathed. People are discouraged in this state.

"What to do? Are we just sunk by all of them, or are they fleeing?" Some of the representatives of the large and medium guilds who followed the British guild ran into the British fleet and began Ask what to do. The plans made before were obviously impossible to achieve, so they now need to be decisive and either evacuate immediately or stick to it. Indecision will only make things worse.

Looking at the surrounding presidents looking at their own eyes, the captains of the British guilds began to hesitate, and then their eyes focused on the fleet commander.

Haggs looked around in distress, and finally said, "In fact, we were really prepared this time out. I just didn't expect that the Frost Rose Alliance ’s battleship would be so hard, but you can rest assured that we It will not be defeated because we still have secret weapons in our hands. "

"Secret weapon? Why haven't you heard it before?" A guild president asked.

"Since it's called a secret weapon. Of course it's to be hidden secretly. If we meet people and say, what secrets exist?"

"Then you can always tell us what this secret is, right?"

After a little hesitation, Haggs felt that the fleet would collapse if he didn't say it now. So after thinking about it again and again, he decided to say it well. "In fact, this secret weapon is a player we have been hiding for a long time. He has a very powerful ability. As long as he is at sea, it can basically be said to be invincible."

"Invincible at sea? Same as the Frozen Banshee? Special environment-adaptive player?" A chairman immediately thought of the Frozen Banshee who claimed to be able to compete with me as long as he was within the Arctic Circle.

Hagers nodded: "It's a similar person, but the specialty of our member is not the ice department, but the transformation and summoning department."

"A relationship with Ziri?" The chairman immediately frowned. "If you fight with the devil, no one can do Ziri?"

"Hey, you're different." Hagrids said, "The summoning system used by our member is the type of orthodox summoning system, not the magical summoning system of Zi Ri."

The so-called Orthodox Summoning System is a view brought out in previous games, and was not formed in Zero. According to players' perceptions, the normal summoning system should not be the mode of capturing a large group of magic pets in "Zero" and then fighting, because the magic pets have always been around the players, especially the cancellation of the magic pet space. Later, because of the lack of space equipment, there are even less space equipment that can carry living beings, so most players' pets are following them. Although this kind of magic pet is also counted as a summoning creature, in fact, it usually does not need to be summoned at all, and it can directly act as a comrade in existence to cooperate with the battle.

Because of the characteristics and calling of magic pets, many players think that orthodox calling should be a fighting method that uses certain skills to summon powerful creatures that you cannot fully own. That kind of summoning has appeared in many previous works or magic content works, and that kind of summoning has also been recognized by more people. Therefore, this kind of summoning with magic pets has become unorthodox, and the kind of summoning The way aliens are called orthodox summons.

Of course, there is a large part of the reason for this situation because the number of magic pets in Zero is too small. When they first entered the game, everyone found that their magic pets carried only one to three. Many people have regretted it for a long time, because the “Zero” was announced during the publicity stage before. The only limitation of the magic pet system is the carrying capacity of the magic pet. Magic pet eggs. Therefore, when many people first entered the game, they were fantasizing that there would be a lot of powerful magic pets in the future. After all, the magic pet in "Zero" cannot be changed once selected, so this problem has troubled many players for a long time.

However, as the game time progresses. Players have finally realized that it is not your carrying amount that limits the number of magic pets of the player, but the number of magic pet eggs. That's right, those three or four hundred magic pet system stores are open for supply, how much you want. The problem is. How many people will actually buy it? Although that kind of magic pet egg is very cheap, but the pet pet's position is limited after all. The three or four hundred class of pets not only occupy the position of the pets like the three or four thousand class of pets, but even worse, they can hardly help anything in the battle.

Although the lower-level magic pet eggs are open, the higher-level magic pets are completely different. Players later discovered that obtaining the magic pet eggs was not as simple as expected. Many people initially thought that as long as you can defeat a Warcraft, you can take it as a magic pet, but there is only a problem of success rate, but everyone was surprised to find that Warcraft into a magic pet egg not only needs a kind of animal trainer Special profession, and the success rate of capturing the magic pet is actually low to that extent. It can be said that basically a thousand players want to capture a five hundred level of Warcraft programming magic pet. The success rate is never more than one percent, so it can be seen how magical pet eggs are, and the more advanced magic pet eggs, the harder it is.

The end result of all this is that players find themselves cheated. They imagined that with a large number of magic pet eggs and no place to put them, they became carrying a lot of empty seats and could not find the magic pet eggs. Rich players are better. Although there are not many people who are willing to sell magic eggs, but the world is so large, there are always people who will sell magic eggs, and some people have high skill levels because they are like me. Will also specialize in groups to catch magic pets to sell money. Because of the existence of such people, particularly rich local tyrants can still occasionally buy some magic pet eggs. As for the ordinary players ... except for praying for luck one day and accidentally picking up a magic pet egg, there is no other hope.

Because of the scarcity of magic pet eggs, most players do not have enough magic pets to use, so in the spirit of not eating grapes and saying grape acid, everyone agrees that using the magic pet's summoning is not called summoning, only the kind The summoning of summoned creatures is called summoning.

However, although everyone said so, this is not the case in the system settings. Although there is indeed a so-called orthodox summoning system in "Zero", the problem is that this is not mainstream, and related equipment and skills are difficult to achieve ~ ~ the difficulty of cultivation can be imagined. Although a good career has a great impact on player strength, if the level is too low, no matter how good the career is, it is useless. Even if you can learn more than a dozen occupations by yourself and become a full-time expert, there are still more than one thousand levels of poor people who have been abused. Therefore, the class of orthodox summoning that is not easy to upgrade and does not have the appropriate equipment is really very few people will choose.

Of course, there must be exceptions in everything, and the player that Haggs said is obviously the exception.

"President Hagris, you said so much, or would you please come out and let us see this secret weapon?" One president suggested.

Haggs nodded after thinking for a while, "Since he wants to see, I'll let him immediately help us get these battleships of the Frost Rose Alliance, anyway, what you want to see is his strength, not his appearance."

The chairmen nodded in agreement, and Hagrid immediately said to the first officer around him, "Go and inform Poseidon, it's his turn."

At this point, if I was present, I would be surprised by the player ’s name. He actually used a name with our Poseidon, but the one in our guild is the real Neptune. As for this one, it ’s just ... Only then will I know. From scratch

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