Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 405: 2 defeats

Above the British's flagship, a very luxurious room above the battleship was suddenly kicked open the door. There are not many things in this room. The space on the battleship is limited. Even if the design in the game is different from the reality, the so-called luxury rooms are not likely to be compared with those luxury hotels in reality. This room is only about 40 square meters in total. Although the area is not large, it is already very good on the boat.

The furnishings in the room are simple, with a single bed, a table and a chair, and a couch. At this moment there was a handsome man in a leather suit leaning on the sofa, holding a book in his hand, which seemed quite fascinating, but did not respond to the situation where the door was kicked open.

"Poseidon, it's your turn." The person kicking the door went into the room and said in a rather bad tone. There were four guards behind him, all of them looking.

The man lying on the sofa did not go to see the guy who entered the room, but continued to flip through his books and said, "What? You can't hold on so fast?"

"Hum." The person didn't answer, just snorted coldly.

At this time, the man lying on the sofa suddenly folded the books together, then sat up and said with a smile, "Don't be so angry. Anyway, we are also a cooperative relationship, aren't we? Well, I look at your face I ’m not kidding you. Let ’s be serious. Since you want me to play, then ... Is my appearance fee ready? ”

The man snorted again, then flashed aside. Two guards turned in the corridor outside the door. They also carried a box the size of three computer main boxes. The box seemed very heavy, and when the guard was placed on the ground, a muffled noise was heard.

"Hey, is that right?" The handsome young man walked with a smile and walked off the lid of the box. His face was stained with colorful colors immediately. Looking at the box, it was full. Colorful gems.

"We have taken the number you asked for, and it is time for you to fulfill your obligations."

"It's good to say. I'm still very professional. Since I've received your money, do I have to do anything for you?" The guy said, then closed the box on the ground again, and opened a space entrance to the box Throw it all in. After all this was done, the guy immediately walked out of the door, passing the guard, and deliberately hit the talking guy. The person who was hit wanted to explode, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it without impulse.

Poseidon was provocative. It's not really about him. So after hitting that guy, he didn't care about him anymore, but went straight out.

Poseidon, who soon reached the deck along the aisle, did not act immediately, but looked up at the sea. It is now the strongest sun in the afternoon, and the sun is very good. Nothing on the sea obscures sight. So the situation is clear at a glance.

After looking around, the guy suddenly stepped on the railing. Then he jumped out of the battleship and plunged into the sea. Immediately after he entered the water, a swell of waves suddenly appeared under the surface and headed straight for the Klistina, which was located in the middle of the battlefield.

The shape of this bulging wave is quite strange, and it is not the same as ordinary waves. It feels as if something is moving under the water at high speed, so that the surface of the sea is lifted up, and the speed of this thing is also very fast. In the blink of an eye, it passed the outer fleet ships of the outer fleet. Let the battleships on both sides start to shake.

You should know that battleships are not ordinary boats. These big guys of at least several thousand tons are not able to shake them by any wave. After all, large warships can pass through even if they are in storms. The surrounding warships shook, showing how powerful this surge was.

Just as the wave headed straight for Kristina, observers on Kristina also noticed the huge black shadow underwater. The observer immediately reported, and then Sophie also downgraded the steel claw unit to intercept. As a result, as soon as the two sides touched, a huge wave was raised underwater, and it felt as if someone was experimenting with a deep-water bomb under the water. Along with the rolling waves, a large number of bubbles continued to emerge from the sea. A few seconds later, a sudden boom blasted a water column, and at the same time a dark shadow flew out of the sea.

At first everyone thought that the underwater thing was out of water, but after the sea water that the thing brought off came off, it was a steel claw without a head.

Our people have not been relieved from the shock, and suddenly found that there were several water columns erupting one after another on the sea, and the bodies of the flying claws were all without exception.

"There are powerful creatures underwater, and the steel claws cannot stop them." The tactical commander quickly reported.

Sophie immediately ordered without hesitation: "Notify each ship to turn off the underwater listener, and use a sonic cannon to force it out of the water."

"Yes, all departments should pay attention to the preparation of sonic cannons, and every ship should turn off the pickup equipment."

As the order was issued, a section of the bottom of the ship Kristina suddenly suddenly swelled outward. If you look closely, this thing is clearly a turret, but it has been embedded in the bottom of the hull before, so it can not be seen at all.

After this sudden protrusion appeared, the front part suddenly split and spread to the sides, and then saw two crystal tubes protruding from the middle, and then the roots of the crystal tubes suddenly started to glow. When the light reached the extreme state, the aperture suddenly went smoothly. Moving forward with the two crystal tubes, they suddenly went out when they reached the tip of the crystal tube. However, although the light was extinguished, an invisible underwater shock wave spurted out suddenly, and a straight vacuum zone was opened underwater instantly, and all seawater in this area was instantly swept away.

Hum ... a huge and dull roar suddenly came out of the water, almost everyone on the battlefield heard the roar, and its volume was so loud that it overwhelmed the sound of cannonball explosions.

"I depend. What are we hitting?" The operators in the sound gun operating room were dizzy with this sound. Don't even think about it, it must be the result of the previous shot.

The complaints of several people here just heard the sonar yelling, "Large objects approaching at high speed in the direction of nine o'clock."

"Left full rudder, start emergency boost, the bow of the ship's bow is charged, and it is ready to resist heavy blows."

The right side of the ship's bow of Christina suddenly opened more than a dozen spouts, and the blue propulsion flame burst out more than 20 meters in length. At the same time, a row of booster openings on the left side of the battleship began to spray. Push assist steering. Cristina made an almost in-situ turn on the sea surface at the same time. At the same time, the sharp bow part of the front of the battleship suddenly turned red, and at the same time, the surrounding seawater seemed to encounter some resistance and actually avoided the ship. A small vacuum zone was formed in the sacral part.

As soon as the turn was completed, Sophie immediately shouted, "The propeller is at full speed. The auxiliary reinforcement mechanism is closed."

The thruster at the tail of Kristina made a huge spray of more than 100 meters long. At the same time, several auxiliary thrusters on the side of the hull were fully opened, and the battleship slammed forward, and inside the battleship, some places that were not normally seen. Many stored metal connecting rods or gates are all stretched out in an instant to lock each other. If at this point someone could do a tomography scan of the Kristina, it would be discovered. At this time, there were numerous support beams inside the Kristina. At this time, the ship's solidity was more than doubled suddenly.

Almost at the same time as the Kristina was ready, the sea surface suddenly bulged upward, and at the same time a huge one. With a faint turquoise head bursting out of the sea, and then bumped into the part of the ship's bow. With a sharp roar that broke through the eardrums, the ship's bow of the Kristina was suddenly cut into that huge head like a sharp axe, and the Kristina was naturally suddenly hit by the whole Bounce back, at that moment the tail of the battleship completely left the water, and even the bow and hull almost flew off the sea. It can be seen how huge this impact is.

The Kristina, which had already begun to accelerate forward, changed from forward to backward at the moment of impact, and all the people on the ship were thrown forward. People with seat belts are better. Many people who do n’t wear seat belts are thrown directly from their seats. They jump over obstacles in front of them and reach the front of the cabin before being blocked by the wall. This is quite light. Many people just cling to something because they are not seated, so they ca n’t resist such an impact, they just fly out and stick it on the wall in front of the cabin like a meatloaf. , Already dead can't die anymore.

Pah ... hmm ... hmm ... hmm.

There was a mess inside the bridge of the Kristina, the lights above her head had been extinguished more than half, and two or three small light sources were blinking like the ghost fire, and many cables fell out of the hidden interlayer. , Fell directly to the ground, not a spark flashed. There was blood on the bridge, and the helmsman was gone. From the large hole in the front window, it can be guessed that it should have been thrown out from the front at the moment of the impact, and it is estimated that it was now hung up.

Sophie rubbed her neck and sat up straight. She loosened her seat belt and rushed to the front of the bridge. She shouted, "First officer, first officer ... Is anyone still alive?"

"Captain, I'm not dead yet!" A man climbed up from a pile of pipes in front of him. Although covered with blood, he was obviously alive.

What else should have been said sharply, but the sudden cry made them startle. Sophie looked in the voice, but only saw a few children crying around the aunt who had died, and then she remembered that there were guests on her battleship. As Captain Sophie on the battlefield is very busy, so she has no extra attention to pay attention to these hitchhikers, and she did not expect such a thing to happen.

Only seven or eight of the children who came with the aunt of the regiment were alive. The rest were either unknown or dead. The bridge windows all burst open, and a strange sea breeze poured in through the window. Inside the cabin, the survivors swelled with a burst of gastric juices.

"Report the damage. Is anyone okay?"

The personnel in the operating position are basically okay. Because their positions are fixed, they not only have seats, but they are also equipped with cross-stabilized safety belts. Compared with other people, they are obviously more able to resist such traffic accidents. The general situation.

The damage manager immediately reported: "The stern UHF hot cutting blade was damaged, the main structure of the hull was intact, some reinforcements were deformed to varying degrees, the main damage of the hull was minor, all major functions were operating normally, and the power chamber was slightly overloaded. In 15 minutes, the power dropped by 30%. Casualties cannot be counted for the time being. Captain, we can still fight. "

"Fuck ..." Sophie was too excited because of her emotions, and her words were blocked. "There are no living people in the former main gun firing room. Give me concentrated fire and kill the thing in front."

At this point, less than two hundred meters directly in front of Kristina, a giant that was not much smaller than Kristina was sizzling in the sea. It was just this guy who used his own head to make a close contact with the ship of the Kristina, but it did not expect that the battleship of the Kristina was actually designed with a collision angle, which is even more exaggerated. The impact angle is not just a simple steel structure ~ ~ but a magic weapon. Of course, this guy is also a tragedy because he miscalculated the combat effectiveness of Kristina.

Originally, it detoured from the left side of the Kristina. The original goal was to hit the side of the hull. As a result, the Kristina turned too fast. It not only bumped into the stern angle, but also suffered from magic. Moving the weapon for additional damage, now this guy's whole head is cut open. Plenty of light blue unidentified substance spewed out of the big crack in this guy's brain, and as it struggled it was everywhere, some of it even contaminated the battleships of the United Fleet a few kilometers away , But it seems that this liquid is not lethal, it just smells a bit bad.

"Just a joke? Are the Frost Rose Alliance's warships alien-made? Even Poseidon has just defeated each other?" The British looked surprised when they saw the battle between Kristina and the monster. Stop talking. They all knew how powerful the monster made by the guy named Poseidon was, and that's why they were so surprised to see Kristina and the monster fighting each other for quite a while. However, what really surprised them is still behind.

Sophie stood in front of the console and shouted, holding the steering wheel in one hand and the communicator in the other: "I'm Sophie, commander of the fleet. Attention of the whole fleet, unknown target monster, full ammunition. Volley that beast! "(To be continued.)

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