Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 417: Change transportation

The rest of the journey since the unfortunate Korean fleet was leveled is quite calm, but I have no time to wait for the battleship to slowly return to Isinger. Although the speed of the battleships in the game is relatively fast, but for us Still can't wait.

I took Kristina and the few children who survived and flew directly to the nearby city, and then returned to Isinger by the teleportation array. The head aunt and the children who were previously hung up are now waiting for us in Isinger ’s Teleportation Hall. This is what I said before. Do n’t run around if you are lost. Find a way to return to Isinger. Wait outside. I did not expect that we had not even arrived at the first stop of this mission, and this initial agreement came in handy.

When Kristina and I came out of the teleportation hall with the remaining children, the head aunt immediately greeted the other children. Such a large group of people was very obstructing traffic at the entrance of the transfer hall, but the guards were notified in advance by the army god, and no one came to drive away the children, otherwise they would not be able to stand here waiting for us to come out.

After everyone met, they just briefly talked about the situation before the separation, and then the aunt began to ask me: "Your fleet has been made like that, how do we go to that island now?"

"Rest assured, I have arrangements for this, you guys come with me first, we will not take a boat this time."

"Don't take a boat?" The children looked at me puzzled and asked what was going on.

"It's a compensation for you!" I said helplessly: "I originally wanted you to drop in a boat by the way. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, and it caused you to hang up once, so this time it was me I apologize for your early taste. "

"Eat early?"

"You'll know in a moment."

Because I made it clear that I was going to give them a surprise, they did not continue to ask, but followed me to somewhere inside Isinger, but as we passed higher and higher, they began to discover that the situation was not That's right, when they finally realized that we were not walking outside the city, they realized that I was taking them to Sky City.

Eisinger Sky City and Ground City are a pair of twin cities. The two stand upright and stand upside down, like reflections in the water. Of course, in fact, the buildings of Sky City and Ground City are not exactly the same, just because the block planning is the same, and the buildings of Isinger are all in a style, so you will feel Sky City and the ground without looking carefully. The city is like a reflection.

Although the two cities are upside down, Sky City actually belongs to the closed area of ​​our guild and is not open to the outside world. These children and the aunt of the regiment have not joined our guild. Sky city from above. Of course, I can give them permission to open, but they have too many people, and it is very troublesome to open them one by one, so I plan to take them directly to the tower.

On the surface, it seems that each of the two cities has a gathering tower, which exactly corresponds to each other, and the two gathering towers also share the middle **** eye. However, in fact, these two towers are one. Although they seem to be unconnected on the surface, the internal space of the two is actually connected. There is a space channel in it that can be reached directly from one end. The other end. Moreover, this channel has no permission restrictions, as long as you can walk over, you can reach the Sky City above. Of course, the Juling Tower is located at the central point of Isinger, surrounded by all important departments, so do n’t talk about it, even the proximity is a problem. After all, there is the Temple of Chaos and Order next to the Juling Tower. For players, invading the temple is not a fun thing.

When we arrived under the Juling Pagoda, the guard had opened the door for us. This gate is usually closed and only opened when needed. After all, the usual role of the Juling Pagoda is not to serve as a transportation hub. So usually people don't come and go often.

The children were amazed when they entered the Juling Pagoda, especially when they looked up under the tower. I believe many people will have that feeling. If you stand in the distance and look at a building, you usually do n’t feel it, but if you stand up to ten meters from the side of the building and look up at the top of the building, as long as the building has ten Above the level, it will feel very high, and if there are more than 20 levels, it will feel like towering into the clouds.

The Juling Tower starts at the base and reaches a vertical height of 7,500 meters. This height is equivalent to a 2,000-story building. You can imagine what it feels like to stand under the tower and look up. In fact, if the eyesight of normal people is not good, the feeling is that a towering sky directly extends beyond the line of sight. After all, the height of more than 7,000 meters is not small. As for the Essinger Sky City above ... In fact, only a large group of buildings can be seen on the ground, and it is not clear what the details are. After all, the two Essinger twin cities have juling towers, so the actual distance between the two is actually equivalent to the height of the two juling towers, because there is a huge eye of **** in the middle. Besides, the Juling Tower itself is not located on the city level, but on the city ng

The highest place is yāng, so it's very high. In this way, the actual distance between the two upper and lower seats is more than 15,000 kilometers ~ ~ such a large distance, the eyesight of normal people can basically only distinguish objects over 100 meters , No matter how small, even a small black dot is invisible.

After the children lamented that the Juling Tower was tall, I brought them all into the tower. There are twelve elevator-like devices here, which are used to communicate between the two sides. After all, if the height of 7,500 meters is completely made of stairs for people to climb up with their legs, even if the players' physical fitness in the game is estimated to be exhausting, right?

Because it is a direct elevator, there is no pause in the middle, so the speed is very fast, except for passing ng

In addition to a brief pause when the gravity flipped the area, it basically soared at high speed all the way. Ten minutes later we successfully reached the bottom of the Juling Tower in the opposite Sky City of Isinger. After coming out of the Juling Tower, we started drilling directly into the city. Although our altitude has actually been rising during this process, because Sky City ’s gravity direction is reversed, it feels like we have been walking underground.

After we passed through the entire space inside Isinger Sky City, we passed through a gravity flip plane, and when we got here, we were above Isinger Sky City. This is actually the location of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and also the location of our guild airport.

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