Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 418: Close to destination

"Wow ..." As soon as they came out of the bottom exit of Isinger Sky City, all the children were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Because Essinger Sky City is upside down, its bottom is actually located above, and this part itself is a whole flat base without any extra stuff. Under normal circumstances, the Essinger Mobile Fortress should be parked at the bottom center of the Essinger Sky City. There is a special connection device to fix the two together. Of course, even if it is not fixed, if you want to separate the two, the power required is very scary.

Although the bottom of the Isinger Sky City is mainly used to anchor the Isinger Mobile Fortress, but because the Isinger Mobile Fortress is not as large as the Isinger Sky City, there is a circle on the bottom edge of the Isinger Sky City Excessive open space exists. This blank area does not feel very big when viewed from a distance, because the size difference between Isinger Mobile Fortress and Isinger Sky City itself is not very large, so the edge of the extra circle does not seem to feel How big is it.

However, if you walk to this marginal area yourself, you will find that this so-called marginal area is actually very wide.

The bottom of the Essinger Sky City is a 29,000-kilometer square, while the bottom of the Essinger Mobile Fortress is a 25,000-kilometer square, so even if the Essinger Mobile Fortress is parked There is still a two-kilometre section of open space on the edge of Isinger Sky City. Although the two-kilometer wide open space is not prominent compared to the size of the city itself, the two-kilometer width is actually exaggerated. The length of such a wide area is as high as 29,000 kilometers, and the size of the entire area can be imagined. Of course it is impossible for such a large space to leave it there.

At first, the entire area was used by continuously mounting cannons, but later we found that this seemed to have little practical significance.

Although the guild mark of the guild is not in Isinger, it is a secret and not many people know it. In the eyes of others, Isinger is the headquarters city of our guild and the core of our guild's interests. In fact, the thoughts of others are exactly what we want them to think, so we are also deliberately showing the importance of Isinger. In order to make others mistakenly believe that our guild headquarters city is Isinger, so even if there is a conspiracy against our guild, and it happens to make the other party successful, at least it will not hurt our guild core.

Although we originally meant to use Isinger as a shield, but because of the development and growth of our guild, this Isinger's defensive strength also rose. As a result, Isinger has now basically become a solid superstar. fortress. Not to mention destruction, even a terrorist attack on it is not a simple matter.

Because of the strength of our guild, it is almost impossible for someone to actually hit the city of Isinger, and even if someone really does it, with Isinger ’s own defense forces, he can definitely guarantee that the enemy will not come back. . As for talking about breaking through the city ... don't even think about the kind of things like night and night.

Because of this situation. So now Isinger is obviously over-armed. In this case, it is obviously not a good idea to continue to add defense weapons to Isinger. Anyway, no one rushed in even with the current armed forces, and even if they installed a few hundred more cannons, it was still the same. In addition to making people feel safer, it didn't really have much practical significance at all.

Since the significance of installing cannons is not significant, it becomes a mentally ill behavior to fill all of these areas with cannons, so we only installed a few large-scale cannon positions here to suppress firepower. More areas are always blank. However, as the research on anti-gravity technology in this guild gradually entered the stage of practical application, this area finally has its place.

These blank areas are at the bottom of the Isinger Sky City, which is almost 20,000 meters high. The height of this place determines that it is very suitable for use as an airport, because if the aircraft takes off from here, no climbing process is needed at all, and it can just keep level flight. Of course, there is no need to lower the altitude when returning to the sea. It is enough to maintain this level and land. This height advantage is really a very good factor for the aircraft. And if a battle occurs, the aircraft takes off from the ground, then climbs into combat, and directly dives from high altitude to accelerate into combat immediately, the advantages and disadvantages of both are obvious.

In fact, in addition to its height advantage, this area is located on the edge of the city, which is also a favorable factor for takeoff and landing itself. There is also the fact that this place is empty, and now it is converted into an airport base, which naturally saves a lot of costs. You should know that Isinger's interior is basically planned, and some places are even rented or sold to individual players or other guilds. If we want to set up an airport in the ground city. It is inevitable that some existing buildings need to be demolished. This demolition work will definitely involve a lot of interests. The natural input cost and the operational complexity of the event will increase exponentially.

Based on this situation, it is more appropriate to use the empty area at the bottom of Isinger Sky City as an airport. Of course, the interiors of Essinger Ground City and Sky City are not without airports, but these are small airports and only used as temporary berths. Normally, our spacecraft will not stop at Essinger Ground City or Sky City. After all, the airports in those two places can be directly seen, so the confidentiality is not as good as the bottom of the Sky City. The place itself is at an altitude of 20,000 meters, and it is covered by the mist of Persian Death that comes with Isinger. Except for those who are in our guild, the outsiders who come are basically obscured, let alone stand on the ground. Don't expect to see what's going on when you fly to it.

The children who just walked out of the aisle at the bottom of the sky city of Isinger looked at a large row of battleship berths in front of them, and began to blink small stars in their eyes, and to their surprise, this place was still There are many large mobile devices that look a lot like modern construction machinery. These engineering equipments all use wheeled walking devices. The chassis looks like a shape, much like a large armored vehicle, and there are more varieties of things installed in the upper part. Some equipment can be seen at a glance what it is used for, such as an obvious one with a long telescopic arm is a crane, but more equipment can not see the specific use at all.

Although the children are very confused about these devices that seem to be modern machinery, I know that these things just look like modern machinery, and their internal structure is just an alternative application of magic crystal power. Even the top structure of some devices. Looks like a mechanical structure, but its practical is the same magic technology as the golem. If you smash open the things that look like flexible robotic arms, you will find that it is actually solid, there is no gear or drive shaft at all, it is completely solid, if there is no support for Golem technology Such things can't move at all.

The reason why we have to equip so many engineering equipment in the airport is also helpless. Don't look at our guilds now have practical battleships. But few people know how hard these things are. Even though many things in the game are much simpler than they are in reality, the Air Force is still a service with extremely high logistical requirements. Although there are not many combat personnel on these flying battleships in our guild, in order to allow these guys to fly safely, we have to prepare ground maintenance personnel three times as many combat personnel on the ground. This is still under the premise that we are equipped with so many large equipment. If it is entirely manual ... it is estimated that a spaceship with a hundred people will need one to two thousand people to go around it.

Because these guys have too much pressure on logistics, we have to have a large number of ground staff and large ground maintenance equipment. Although the cost of these equipment is not cheap, the role of these things often exceeds the role of ground staff. So even if it is expensive, we have to prepare a lot of these things.

Because the airport is only 2 kilometers wide and 29,000 kilometers long, commuting cars are inevitable in this place. Even with the physical fitness of the players in the game, it is not a joke to run for more than 20,000 meters on foot.

There are many people on our side, so it took only four cars to share. Fortunately, there are always many commuter cars waiting at the exit.

"Which berth do you want to go, president?" The driver in charge asked after we got on the bus.

I don't really know where to go, I just want to transfer a spaceship from here to take us to complete the mission. So I can only signal him to drive out first, and then contact the army **** as he drives.

"God of War, I need a spaceship to tell me which berth has an idle spacecraft that can take off right away. There are forty people on my side."

"Do you need a combat ship?"

"It doesn't matter, just don't delay normal tasks."

"In this case, you can go to berth Z872 on the Western Route."

"I see." I patted the drive immediately after listening. "Thin line, berth Z872."

"Ah?" The obvious stupefaction took a moment, and then quickly turned to make the car turn around and drive in the opposite direction.

"Is there anything wrong?" Because if it's just running in the wrong direction, that shouldn't have responded so much. After all, we have just started and haven't run far. But his surprised expression was clearly what was wrong with what I said.

Hearing my inquiry, the one immediately answered, "I just wonder, President, since you are going to the west line, what are you going to the east line of us?"

"Is this the Eastern Front?" I asked in amazement immediately after hearing the answer, because I already knew why the other party had responded so much.

The air port at the bottom of the Essinger Sky City is actually located at its edge. The middle position needs to be reserved for the use of the Essinger Mobile Fortress. Therefore, the air port is actually a square hollow frame. Because this airport is a hollow frame. So of course it has four sides, and these four sides have just been located on the four sides of the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

The western line we are going to actually refers to the air port facing the west, and we are now in the east port and because of safety regulations. Even when Isinger Mobile Fortress is absent, no vehicles or individuals are allowed to pass through the central blank area, because that place is the parking area of ​​Isinger Mobile Fortress, and Isinger Mobile Fortress itself can make space jumps. Yes, so no one is sure if it will come back suddenly next second. Therefore, we have set up safety regulations to prohibit any vehicles and pedestrians from entering this area, even if the Isinger Mobile Fortress is not present.

Based on this fix, if we want to run from the east line to the thin line, we need to run from the exit on the east line to the airport on the south line or the north line. It then crosses a 29,000-kilometer-long airport before turning to the western front. The magnitude of this span is conceivable. Judging from our current position, if you run past, you need to go through a distance of more than 35,000 kilometers, that is, a distance of more than 35 kilometers. Although the traffic conditions at the airport are super good, the speed of this commuter car can reach more than 200 kilometers, and it should not take long to run over, but this thing is really shameful to say. As the President of the Frost Rose Alliance. I couldn't even figure out what to do in the southeast or northwest, but I ran in the wrong direction!

Probably knowing that I must be embarrassed now, so the wise one didn't pick me up, but instead drove the speed of the commuter car to the limit.

The ground of the airport itself is artificially constructed, and because of the use of magic processing, even the actual airport runway is not as good as this. Ordinary traffic commuters use the three-story overpass structure of the commuter road. The left and right directions are all one-way streets, and the speed limits on each floor are different. Therefore, in this case, we directly drive on the top-speed lane, and because usually no one runs like a joke like me Wrong direction, so very few people generally come to the top highway.

There were no obstacles, and the commuter car quickly reached top speed. The western line port arrived soon. But after getting off the highway, you need to find a berth. Z in the berth number said by the **** of war represents the left half of the port, and 872 is the serial number. Because the serial number is always arranged from 001, you can easily find the corresponding berth by following the number.

When we found the berth that the **** of war told me, we found the spaceship we were riding on, because the surrounding berths were all empty, and only the berths in the ten segments nearby were here. A spaceship.

This is not a big spaceship, and this guy says it is a spaceship. Actually, I don't think it looks like a ship.

The flying device in the game relies on the huge magic stand generated by the sun furnace and the super-thrust thrust it generates, so there is no such thing as aerodynamic layout. Small ones such as mobile angels use jet propulsion. Therefore, the same principle as the real aircraft wing is applied to the wings, that is, the lift is provided by the pressure difference generated by the differential airflow. But as a large battleship, because the speed itself is not fast, even if it is shaped like an airplane, the buoyancy generated by the wings will not be much. In addition, although the wings of an aircraft can generate lift, that thing also generates lateral resistance while generating lift. Obstruct the speed of the aircraft when it is flipping. This is why the wings of fighter jets are usually not as large as those of civil aviation. It is because the large wing will affect the maneuverability. Although the lift can save power and enhance the carrying capacity, the fighter needs speed and flexibility, so it is inevitable to sacrifice a part of the carrying capacity.

Our flying warships themselves do not need aerodynamic structures such as wings to enhance lift. So for the sake of flexibility, the structure of the spacecraft does not need to consider any aerodynamic issues for us. The speed of the spacecraft itself is not fast. As long as we are not mentally disabled to make the aircraft into a parachute, in fact, any shape is not much different for us. Anyway, our spacecraft cannot fly like a fighter in reality, so the shape and other aspects can be completely disregarded from aerodynamic factors, as long as we consider the weapons and defense capabilities from a practical perspective.

The spaceship in front of me is obviously the product of this kind of thinking, or this thing is simply a stuff that the designer thinks of when he is bored, because its appearance looks like an atomic model. Its main body is a huge sphere with several huge metal rings on the outside. These rings are fixed on the central sphere using some horizontal metal structures, and it looks as if it is an electron orbit around the nucleus. What's more, the designers are actually equipped with "electronics" on these tracks. Each of those orbits has a small polyhedron structure that can move freely on the orbit. This small structure is much smaller than the large sphere in the center, but the actual volume of the thing itself is not really small. Although the distance is still not very clear at present, according to my estimation, each of these small structures may be as large as a minibus.

When we got close to this strangely shaped spaceship, we finally saw clearly that the small parts around the track really were slightly smaller than the bus, and although the polyhedrons on these tracks seemed to be fully sealed Yes, but I can see that there are actually opening and closing mechanisms on those polyhedra.

Although I haven't studied the ship carefully, I have basically understood it. These small pods hanging on orbit around the spacecraft may be its weapon systems. According to the structure of these orbits, these pods should be able to move around the spacecraft at a high speed, and the round hull structure does not have any problems of front, back, left, and right. Considering the technical characteristics of the solar furnace itself, I doubt this. The spacecraft may fly around like a spring ball. After all, the output of the solar furnace is known for its irregularity, and the spacecraft itself is a structure without a bow and a stern. It would be strange if it could fly straight.

Although I questioned the structure of this thing very much, I didn't come to inspect the spacecraft this time, so I didn't delve into it.

Probably the **** of war has notified in advance that when we arrived here, the crew on the ship was ready to complete, and the captain of the spacecraft had already waited on the dedicated rotary ladder under the ship.

See us there. The player immediately trot along the way and shouted, "President, President, come here!"

Of course, the general spacecraft does not want someone to guide the pedal ship. The key is that the spacecraft is too strange in shape. Without people's guidance, most people will never see where its entrance is. Fortunately, the captain knew that he was waiting for us below, otherwise we would have to work harder to get up.

The commuter car quickly drove the car under the call of the other party. After we got out of the car, we briefly talked to the captain and were led to the spacecraft.

Just like I guessed before. This spaceship is indeed not a mass production type, but an experimental spacecraft. Its main function is to collect flight data, so its own shape is slightly strange. In addition, the small pods around this guy are not all weapon systems we guessed. According to the captain, the pods that can move on the track are actually equipped with a new camouflage system, which has not yet been completely finalized, but already has an internal name called Magic Mirror.

"Magic mirror? The kind of magic mirror that can talk to the owner?" The head aunt obviously knew the fairy tales very well. After all with so many children, this story must be told many times.

The captain laughed after hearing the words of the aunt and said, "It's not that kind of thing. Our magic mirror is also a code, not a real mirror. However, it can indeed produce mirror-like characteristics when this thing is activated, but its function Instead of reflecting the light from the opposite side, but projecting the light from the back to the front, so that you can become a transparent existence in the propagation path of the light, and naturally will not be found. Compared to us now The mirage system in use. This magic mirror system will not produce any light distortion. As long as our spacecraft does not move too fast, it can basically be completely invisible. Moreover, because the method we use is not pure Magic camouflage. It just deflects the light, so ordinary anti-stealth magic is useless to us. "

"So powerful?" Kristina would also be stealth, so naturally this kind of invisible ability that cannot be detected is quite fancy.

The captain said proudly after hearing the words of Christina: "This is not my bragging. If our spacecraft starts the system, as long as we don't move, you don't want to see us even if we have anti-stealth magic, and unless You hit your ship with your own head, otherwise you won't see our ship at all. "

"Will this invisibility fail in the event of rain or fog?" Kristina continued.

The captain shook his head: "It's not clear yet. This thing is still in the experimental stage and has not yet been finalized. We will send you out this time. In fact, there is another task to test the performance of the spacecraft by the way."

"Test again?" The children who followed us were frightened last time, so they cried as soon as they heard another test.

I hurriedly comforted them that this was not a warship and that it would not be dangerous if tested. But after half an hour, even myself started to realize that my words were actually very problematic, because this test was not dangerous at all, but ... very dangerous.

"Ah ..." Along with a scream that cut through the sky, a huge white sphere suddenly surrounded by a bunch of small objects moving at high speed suddenly appeared on the sea with a zigzag discount movement, and the speed It was as if a white lightning had crossed the water. Of course, the acceleration change caused by this abnormal polyline motion is also very scary. So ... the children are all busy vomiting.

"So what ... how many more tests do you have?" Kristina asked, looking at the captain with an ugly face, covering her mouth. Although she does not stun the aircraft, this kind of abnormal general movement is really not suitable for normal people. In fact, except for me and the original crew on this ship, everyone else, including Chris Dina, could hardly stand up.

I'm fine because the brain's balance system is too efficient, and no protective reaction will occur because of this kind of thing, that is, it won't produce nausea and other feelings. As for the physical response ... Considering my attributes, this small acceleration is really impossible for me.

Except for me, those crew members who didn't respond much were counted. There are eighteen crew members on the ship, including the captain. There are not many people, but all are players, none of them. These people were all mobilized from the squadron of this guild. It is said that they were responsible for testing the extreme sports ability of the lance, so they have adapted to this abnormal air redirection movement. It's a pity that they have adapted. But Kristina and the kids couldn't get used to it. If it hadn't been for my foresight to send each of them a sealable container in advance, there would have been vomit everywhere in the cabin.

The captain probably knows that this kind of test can't be accepted by ordinary people, so he didn't joke, but said seriously: "Most of the tests have been completed before, and now there are only two tests left."

"Two more?"

"Well, rest assured. This test is very simple." After the captain said, he took out a large bundle of rope and distributed it to everyone present.

Everyone took the rope mechanically, but had no idea what the captain did for them. However, I quickly guessed the reason, and the captain didn't mean to sell it, and started to show us directly. It turns out that the role of this rope is to bind itself, and the role is to firmly fix itself on the seat.

This spaceship is a test spaceship with a lot of instruments on it and a lot of operating positions. But in fact, not every instrument needs someone to sit and stare there for a long time. Considering the kinematic characteristics of this spacecraft, the personnel on board are not very good, so the last method adopted is to let a few people manage more Device, anyway, those devices do not need to be managed at all times, just copy the data later. It is for this reason that there are so many extra seats on the ship.

Now the captain sends us a rope. And tying yourself to a seat, this behavior itself is quite strange, especially under the premise that these are actually equipped with cross safety belts. It can be said that in this case the rope is simply an extra item. However, the captain asked us to tie the ropes in the eyes of our inquiry. So everyone did exactly that.

In fact, after we completed the test, we realized that this rope is really necessary because several people's safety belts were eventually broken, and even some people's seats connected to the ground's fixed metal rods were deformed.

As soon as everyone fixed themselves to the seat with a rope, the players immediately started to operate the spacecraft to accelerate forward.

This spaceship is actually only slightly larger than that of a large torpedo boat, and even smaller than a frigate. A ship of this size can be said to be in the category of a small spaceship, but it is a large solar furnace that is only used by a large battleship, and it is a modified special version. The biggest difference between this special solar furnace and the ordinary solar furnace is that its power increases quickly, which is more than double that of the ordinary solar furnace. Although this technology cannot be popularized, at least this spaceship is enjoying the super speed brought by this super power.

The volume and tonnage of a small spaceship, and the propulsion of a large battleship, one can imagine how terrible the acceleration capability of this thing is. When our spaceship hurricaneed along the straight line, the lower sea surface was cut by a large groove by the air current brought by it, and when our spaceship passed, the water immediately burst into a waterslide. wall.

This rapid hurricane mode has lasted for five or six minutes, and we don't feel much about this process. After all, when you run a straight line, the simple acceleration only produces a strong back push, which makes people feel pressed against the chair. Coming feeling. Although this feeling is more obvious. But it was far from uncomfortable. However, just when we were wondering why we were going to tie the ropes, the spacecraft suddenly played a dry land on the sea and plucked the onions, and then we were taken to the sky. Although it was not possible to make a standard right-angle turn due to inertia, the turn was scary enough, and it accelerated at almost a vertical angle. This terrible gravity acceleration instantly pressed all our blood to the soles of our feet. A few children with relatively fragile occupations fainted on the spot. Kristina had to transform herself into elemental mode to resist this acceleration, while everyone else rolled her eyes and looked like she was hanging. Of course, although this acceleration is relatively terrifying, it is calculated in advance and is actually within the safe range. But then again. Although it is said to be within the safe range, it has reached the upper limit of safety.

Our side hasn't adapted to that kind of sudden acceleration. Kristina also just wanted to open her mouth and curse, and suddenly felt that the direction of gravity fell down. The originally rising spacecraft suddenly became an emergency stop, and then quickly It descends fast, as if it were a meteorite invaded by an alien planet. You can even see a pink light and shadow effect on the outside of the spacecraft, which is a high temperature phenomenon caused by excessive friction of the spacecraft.

"I rely, thanks to the transformation of the element mode in advance, otherwise you will not be killed!" Kristina is now in a state that can ignore the physical impact, so this sudden change in speed has nothing to her at all. Feeling, you can only feel that the direction of gravity has reversed, and there is no actual physical feeling.

Unlike Kristina, other people can only resist by physical fitness. Although this is a safe range. But in fact, the standard of this safety range is not to kill people, not to say that it does not cost blood. Players in the game all have life value, as long as the vital attack is not to reduce life first, so even if many people can't carry it, it is just a bit of blood.

Fortunately, this gravity turning is fast, and it completely ends in a few seconds. Then the spacecraft that fell to the sea began to decelerate immediately, and soon entered the stable mode.

"Huh, I almost thought I was going to die!" Said a child with a lingering fear.

His remarks drew a lot of debate, just now this kind of bumpy situation is more exciting than the roller coaster. Many people are fainted. Fortunately, there is neuroprotection in the game. If it is outside the game, I will definitely not let the children sit on this kind of thing.

The results of this gravity flip experiment were very satisfactory. A large amount of experimental data was collected, but the captain was still killed 10,000 times by the children with disgusting eyes. Who told him to do such an exaggerated action, he almost lost his life.

Fortunately, only the last test is left after this test, and this test is not a test of dynamic performance, but a test of internal instruments, so it has no effect on us.

At the end of the test of the spacecraft, we almost reached the sea area designated by the mission scroll. Because there is no test mission now, the captain is flying under our command.

According to the content of the scroll, we should actually come by boat. Because the content of the mission scroll contains a route map, this route is obviously not an air route, but a chart, so we can only fly against the sea.

One setting in Zero is that all mission areas can fly over, but only if you do n’t plan to do missions. For example, some missions have a clear target location, marked as a lake in the middle of a forest. If you fly from the sky, the lake in this forest is obviously a very easy to find target, and you can definitely see it at a glance, but if you really fly past, then there will definitely be many unexpected accidents midway, the system will Add a lot of trouble to you, to ensure that afterwards you feel that it is better to walk over.

In fact, it is normal for the system to have such settings. After all, Zero is very open. If players are allowed to play at will, many tasks cannot be done at all. It's not that the task is too difficult to complete, but that it is too simple and there are suspicions of giving points. Therefore, the system sets a lot of hidden restrictions that will not be marked without affecting the content of the game. These restrictions often require players to explore with their own lives. It is also one of these hidden settings that the task must be completed when completing the task. Even if you know in advance what the last part of the mission is, you must not skip the previous steps before, otherwise the mission will definitely fail.

Our mission in this part of finding the island is to use the ship to board the island, so we dare not fly at all, we can only let the spacecraft move on the sea.

"Strange, why can't I see this chart?" I took that chart for a long time and compared it for a long time. I couldn't determine whether we were in the right position. In fact, we found the approximate area marked on the mission, because there are many large reef groups exposed above the sea, and the arrangement of these reefs has a certain regularity. Can be used as a reference. Just because I saw these reefs, I was sure that the target island was nearby, but we had already been here for several rounds, and we still could n’t find the island. Now the sky is a bit dark, and the sun has turned into a large red fireball on the horizon. Seeing it will completely lose the sunlight. It is obviously more impossible for us to find an island that is not easy to find at night.

Just as we were thinking about whether to fly up to confirm the situation in the nearby waters, a child suddenly cried. "Look over there."

Looking down the finger of that child, I found a black shadow flashing across the sea. It can be determined that it is something like a fish tail, but judging by the size of the tail, I am afraid the fish will not Too small.

Although the creatures in the game are generally larger than the real ones, the fish are fish after all. It shouldn't grow that big. So, it must have been a monster just now.

"Everyone be careful not to get close to the ship's side."

There is a corridor around this strange spaceship, barely a deck. Since we couldn't find the target before, the children all ran to this deck and distributed the target with the naked eye in all directions of the boat.

Hearing my shout, the children all immediately obeyed and ran back, just as the aunt of the group leader who was walking at the end was preparing to enter the cabin. A huge dark shadow suddenly emerged from the surface of the sea, and then bite at the head aunt.

"Flash away." Kristina went straight to Yuan Wang mode, and stepped through the outer wall of the cabin to the outside. When entering the element mode, Kristina can pass through the walls. Of course, it takes magic power as the price, so you cannot walk through the underground environment for a long time, but it is OK to wear a wall or something.

Kristina, who flashed out of the cabin one step up, was an explosive bomb, and the monster was opening its mouth to eat. As a result, the explosive bomb was swallowed. Feeling that the monster biting something instinctively shut up and heard a bang the next second, the guy's head burst into a pile of minced meat flying everywhere, and some even flew into the cabin. .

Chris Dina was about to turn around and was about to turn back. He heard the voice of a child in the cabin and shouted, "Hurry up. Take that corpse, don't let it sink!"

Although I do n’t know why the child asked us to retrieve the body, Kristina still lost a **** in the past and tied the monster's body and pulled it to the side of the ship. She wanted to ask the child why she wanted her to protect her. At the time of the corpse, the child did rush out of the cabin in the wind, then ran to the edge of the deck and touched the fish monster's corpse, then immediately turned around and handed it to Christina a boxy white object.

Chris Dina looked at this thing in doubt and didn't know what it meant. As a result, she saw the child touch the fish monster again in the next second, and then she added another white object in her hand and stuffed it directly into her mouth. .

"I depend!" Chris Dinah now understood. For a long time, this child's auxiliary occupation is a chef. He is practicing skills! Although it was funny, it was pulled over anyway, and Kristina was also embarrassed to throw it away. Let's just take out the rope that fixed us before and fix the fish monster's body on the side of the boat to let the child play .

In fact, it is quite normal for this child to be able to do this kind of thing. They are all orphans. They are in the orphanage with the aunt of the regiment. The living funds are very problematic. In fact, they enter the game with the intention of earning a little money to supplement the living expenses. Because they are very short of money, children will always do everything possible to save money ~ ~ Do n’t look at this fish monster being attacked by Chris Dina, it seems that it is very weak, but the problem is that Klee Srina is the second-ranked player in the world ’s combat power list. The monster she shot in seconds may not be a weak chicken, and according to normal thinking, a monster that can exist in such a place far from the mainland cannot itself be a weak chicken. After all, the ocean is like a forest. The edges are all mobs, and the center area is basically SS.

This fish monster can appear here, even if it is the younger brother of a certain SS, its own level will not be low. Children's fighting power usually can't hit such advanced creatures, so now of course we should cherish this rare high-level monster corpse. After all, the assistant profession of chef is the same as the combat profession. Practicing with high-level monsters is definitely more important than using low-level experience Much more.

The child obviously had no storage equipment, so he could only touch the fish monster once to get a piece of fish. Fortunately, it was all human. After he got the fish, he could eat it directly for us.

Cristina and I both got a lot of this kind of fish, not to mention, the smooth and smooth taste is very good, and it also has a slight sweet taste, similar to the taste of cod. However, the child eventually got only a few hundred pieces of fish from the monster fish and was forced to terminate the training, because the boss of the fish monster that had just been killed just found it.

"I rely, is this a fish? Is this an island?" (To be continued ...)

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