Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 419: Entrance

"I rely, is this a fish? Is this an island?"

The monster that came directly at us had almost no difference in appearance from the previous monster. The only difference was that this monster was at least several thousand times larger than the previous monster. Although the fish monster was not small before, even in the real ocean, there are many creatures larger than this. However, the thing in front of me is a bit exaggerated. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an island, and it is not only large but also surprisingly high in energy response.

"Strange, why haven't you found such a high energy response before?" I stared at the fish monster in front of me in surprise.

Chris Dina probably thought of something when she heard me, so she suddenly raised her hand and shot out with a cone of light. The light cone was obviously not directed at the fish monster, because the direction deviation was too much, but the light cone suddenly disappeared after a short distance behind the fish monster.

"Sure enough!" Cristina said.

"It turned out to be an enchantment, and it didn't look too small. No wonder I couldn't find the island before. I guess it's in it!"

The light cone emitted by Kristina can theoretically fly very far, but the light cone suddenly disappears before reaching the extreme range. In the process, no obstacles were encountered, and the light cone did not explode, so It can only be blocked by something, but the problem is that we don't see any cover, it can only be enchantment. The light cone must have flown into a layer of invisible enchantment, so it suddenly disappeared from our line of sight. As for the fish monster with a high-energy response ... It is estimated that it came out of it, otherwise such a high-energy creature is so large, and the detection capability of the test ship we are riding in cannot be approached by the opponent The other party was found within 100 meters.

Anyway, if you want to go and see it, you have to kill the thing in front of you. However, although this thing is very large, it can not be considered a troublesome thing for us.

"Cristina, I'll leave it to you." I briefly explained and turned back to the boat and let the captain advance in the direction in which the fish monster appeared. If no accident, the enchantment should be behind that fish monster, because the previous one The light cone also disappeared there.

"Understood." Chris Dinah stepped on the railing and jumped out after answering my question, and a huge light wing was unfolded behind the air. Follow the whole person to vacate. With one hand waving downwards, a huge lightsaber fell off. The fish monster felt the tremendous power of the lightsaber and turned to try to escape, but it was a pity. The lightsaber is not dead. Can turn during the fall. Just slightly adjusted the attack angle and split the fish monster's head directly in half.

Although the menacing fish monster was quite domineering when he appeared on the scene, it was a pity that he died too fast, and it was not in direct proportion to its image.

"That's it?" The head aunt said incredulously at the slowly sinking fish monster body.

The children were not so surprised. Instead, she watched slowly returning to the side of the railing, and Kristina was cheering for words like "Sister is so good".

In fact, this situation is very normal. Kristina's personal strength is there, and the damage output completely reaches the level of dealing with such advanced monsters, and the monsters on the sea usually use warships as imaginary enemies, so they have a slight ability to deal with players. A little worse. Of course, this just means that the sea monsters are not good at dealing with players, not that they can't beat the players. Chris Dina can easily get it because the strength of others is there, which may not be the case for another person.

While the fish monster's body was sinking slowly, the spacecraft we were traveling on was slowly advancing forward, and soon reached the position where the light cone disappeared. Of course, even if we guessed that there might be an enchantment here, we wouldn't be able to bump into it directly. So the spacecraft stopped here first, and then Kristina summoned two canaries out to explore the road.

The canary that was summoned was the same as the previous cone of light. It just disappeared from our sight just a few meters away, and this enchantment was clearly able to isolate energy fluctuations, because Kristina said that The magic induction between her and the canary was cut off. These two canaries were condensed with magic by Christina, not real animals, but magic puppets. This small puppet dedicated to investigation is fast and possesses a certain sense of autonomy. The most important thing is that they consume very little magic power, so it has almost become one of the necessary investigative methods for super magicians. As for why only the super magician can do this trick ... In fact, although this magic consumes very little magic power and has almost no attack power, it is actually a kind of super magic, which is almost a series with the forbidden spell. The spell is very short and the magic cost is very low, but the difficulty of magic control is abnormal, so the average magician can't handle this magic at all.

The sent-out canary was instructed by Kristina when she flew out, so even if the magic induction was broken, she could still perform the task according to the established plan. We waited outside for more than ten seconds, and one of the canaries suddenly got out of the enchantment, and then fell on the finger extended by Kristina.

As soon as this canary touched Kristina's finger, her eyes flashed, and then a picture above 50 inches was projected forward. The content displayed in the screen was still seawater, but it was in the picture. In the far end, there is a hazy island. UU reads and this island is invisible to us in our present position.

Of course, what Canary projects is the picture you see after crossing the enchantment, and there are no dangerous targets in the picture, and the canary itself goes back and forth very smoothly once, which shows that the enchantment itself is not dangerous. .

After confirming that the enchantment did not pose a danger, the spacecraft immediately began to move forward, and then we found that the front end of the spacecraft disappeared as if it had been erased by an eraser, and finally we ourselves were swallowed up by nothing, but This process is over in just one or two seconds. As we passed through the enchantment, the field of vision was restored immediately, and the image projected by the canary before appeared in front of our eyes.

"It's strong!" Kristina said suddenly when the spacecraft had not completely crossed the barrier, and I sensed several huge sources of energy fluctuations at the same time. From this powerful energy response, we can know that those positions are all There is something powerful. Not general strength, but ... beyond the level of existence of the lower protoss. Obviously, the dragon on the island is not an ordinary dragon, because ordinary dragons do not have such strong energy fluctuations, even my luck and plague do not have such exaggerated power.

"It looks like we are underestimating the difficulty of this task!" I frowned, looking at the direction of the island. (To be continued ...)

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