Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 420: Unsolved levels?

The island in front of you is obviously not as simple as you think. The multiple powerful energy fluctuations represent multiple powerful creatures. In the game, the powerful ability fluctuations are generally ss or level. In short, you must Be there to fight. In this case, if this task can still be performed very simply, it is definitely that our task flow has gone wrong, so if nothing unexpected happens, we will definitely encounter a strong ss guard. Thanks to this group of children who came with me, it may be okay to complete the task if you change people, but it is definitely impossible to take them with so many people to complete the task safely.

"President, my canary is on the island," Cristina suddenly said.

I glanced at Chris Dina and said, "Send out a large search and see if you can find any useful clues?"

"Okay." Chris Dina has also seen the mission scrolls before, and she knows everything about the map, so there is no doubt about the way forward, so she immediately began to control the canary and began to explore the island ahead. Possible dangerous situation.

Although the Canary of Christina is already on the island, we still have to approach the island carefully, because the canary can fly, and the volume is small, even if there are any large monsters hidden under the sea. It will not attack such a small target, it is as if an ambush lion cannot suddenly burst out of the grass because of a mouse passing by. Canary roads are ok, but thunder can't. A monster of sufficient level would never attack such a small target.

Although we have been approaching the island slowly and carefully with 120,000 points for security reasons. But what struck me was that we actually landed on the island like this. After crossing the enchantment over there, I felt at least three waves of large creatures approaching our spacecraft on the way to the island, but I do n’t know for some reason that these creatures seem to have not found us, directly from the spaceship Below or in the surrounding area, I haven't launched any attacks with Ben.

I really do n’t know how to explain this weird situation, but it was a good thing not to be attacked, so I did n’t bother with this, and took everyone directly to the spacecraft in the shallow waters.

Although the spacecraft can fly. Theoretically, we can send us directly to the island. However, the island's vegetation coverage is very high, and there is no place where the spacecraft can land. As for hovering down ... Considering that most of the children here are not high-level, and are basically majoring in the auxiliary department, only a few older children are slightly better in terms of fighting ability. So we have adopted a relatively simple way. Jump straight in shallow waters. Then wade ashore.

Although it was not delivered directly to the island, the captain had tried to keep the spacecraft close to the coast, so the depth of our launch was just over a foot. Not far forward is a large group of reefs. The traffic conditions in this place are a little more complicated, but people can still walk easily.

Considering that the children's athletic ability is not very good, so I asked Kristina to add a wind-based auxiliary magic directly to everyone-lightness. The effect of this spell is to reduce the weight by half without any other effects. Although simple in function, it is very practical. Because I lost weight, I can jump very easily, and even if I fall, because I lose weight, it will be lighter than normal. What's more important is that this magic can make everyone move faster and increase the speed of instantaneous reactions when encountering danger.

We quickly landed on the edge of the island under the effect of light spirits, but there is no beach in this place. It is probably the role of tourism programs. Nowadays, as long as people think of the sea, they will directly imagine a sunny beach in their minds. In fact, not all coastlines have beaches. In addition to beaches, there are many types of rocks, cliffs, and swamps. In fact, the length of the coastline occupied by the beach is actually less than the length of the complex mixed terrain.

The coastline of the island in front of me is the kind of chaotic rocky area. After passing through this rocky area, it is not a sandy beach, but a gravel ground similar to the next door. This kind of gravel is very large in size, and generally has the size of a quail egg or an egg. The shape is not the round shape of pebbles, but it is angular and angular, and some are very sharp. Walking on this kind of ground is actually very dangerous. Of course, it is in reality. There are not so many problems in the game.

After passing through the beach of this gravel ground, you officially enter the forest area on the island. However, the plants on this island are slightly strange. They are not the kind of palm trees that are common in tropical regions, nor the trees that can be seen on general land, but some strangely shaped large trees.

The bottom of these big trees is not a sturdy trunk, but dozens of branches that are as large as the bucket and as small as the wrist are grown independently and grow more than one meter high before they start to converge toward the center point, and In the process of continual coiling and entanglement, a stout trunk was formed. The position where this trunk is formed is actually more than two meters high from the ground, and the length of the main trunk above is generally only three or four meters high, and then it is a huge canopy that spreads out.

The overall feeling of this kind of tree is as if an ordinary large tree was pulled up from the ground stiffly by more than two meters. As a result, the root of the tree originally buried in the soil was pulled out. Of course, because these structures may actually be very thick and numerous, even if they extend one or two meters above the ground, they can still stably support the trunk and canopy above.

In fact, plants of this structure are very suitable for island environments. It is very common to have a hurricane and tsunami on the island. No matter how strong the wind is, as long as the trunk is thick enough, or like a palm tree, you can swing the crown from side to side to reduce the possibility of the trunk being directly impacted and broken. Too big a problem. but. The wind can resist, but the waves are very troublesome. The resistance of water is much greater than that of air, so even a tree that can block a hurricane cannot withstand the tsunami. However, this kind of tree can bear the tsunami, because the root part of the bottom of the tree is a dense network structure, which can hold the ground stably on the one hand and ensure smooth seawater on the other hand Through the trunk without causing too much impact. What's more important is that the separated multiple branches are unlikely to all break at the same time, so even if the big tree is brought down by the waves, as long as the roots are connected to the ground, it will not easily die afterwards. You can continue to grow.

Although this kind of big tree with strange structure looks love is stranger. But it is only a product evolved by adapting to the natural environment, but this thing is a very troublesome thing that has brought us forward.

Probably no large creatures would come to the sea on this island, so the roots and whiskers of these big trees have actually grown across each other, and then formed a large fence like a wooden fence. Want to drill through between these tree roots. You must ensure that you have the same size and flexibility as a cat. And we obviously can't have that size. So what we can do is to use the most primitive method-open the road with a machete. However, in the ordinary virgin forest, there are only some vines or other blocking routes, but here are the roots. And some tree roots can grow thicker than a human waist. This kind of tree root is basically no different from the trunk. It is actually very difficult to cut down the root of this tree. Moreover, these tree roots are not like the dry firewood. They are part of the plant and have a lot of water, so they have good toughness. The general mountain knife has no way to take them. Fortunately, there is me in this team. In the presence of eternity, the roots of these trees are basically noodles, and they are all broken at will.

However, although eternity is sharp enough, our progress will not be greatly hindered, but the problem is that while cutting trees like this in such a place, our sense of direction will soon disappear. Basically, we can confirm that we haven't advanced to the center of the island in the previous direction after less than 200 meters, because we can clearly see that the route behind is not a straight line. If we walk in a straight line, the aisle that opens all the way should be able to see the beach all the time, but now if you look back, you can't see anything except to see more roots.

"Will you get lost if you go on like this?" Cristina asked carefully, walking up to me.

I looked in front, and because of the obscuration of the tree roots, the visible range was not more than ten meters.

"I knew I should have brought Persephone to me!" I sighed sadly. This kind of environment is full of plants. Having a Posevigne can definitely make you as easy as an outing, because as long as there is a Posevigne, the forest is your friend.

"Unfortunately it's too late to call her, right?" Kristina asked.

I thought for a moment and said, "No, just use magic beacons."

"Will that anger the dragon on the island?"

"I don't know about this. Forget it, don't use magic, let's use stupid methods."

My so-called stupid method is actually to use a large number of people to open a relatively wide straight, so that you can always see the sea behind you can adjust the direction of progress. However, this method only helped us to advance for less than 500 meters, because it was a huge stone wall in front of us.

The stone wall looked as if someone was resting often because no vines could be found on the wall. On this kind of building built in the forest, as long as no one cleans up, it will definitely be covered with various plants within two months. However, this stone wall not only has a clean and new appearance, but also has a lot of shiny magic arrays shining on the stone wall, which shows that this stone wall is not only maintained, but also has sufficient energy to supplement it. Otherwise, there are so many magical arrays on such a large area of ​​defensive walls, and their energy consumption must be very horrible. If no one manages this magic array system, the energy absorption in the magic array alone is not enough to support such a large magic array.

"Can you see what type of magic array?" I asked, looking at the magic array shining on the wall.

Kristina took a close look at the magic circle in front of her, then waved a wind blade to widen the channels on both sides outward by more than ten meters. This way you can see more magic formations.

After carefully observing the magic array patterns on both sides, Kristina just thought for a moment and said, "It should be an energy isolation barrier, the effect is similar to the forbidden magic field, but the driving method is not the same."

"Forbidden magic?" I muttered to myself, then looked at the wall again, wondering if I was going straight over, or when I was looking for the entrance, I suddenly saw a 7- or 8-year-old kid actually reaching out I'm going to touch the wall. This situation scared me, and rushed forward as I yelled, "Don't touch it!"

It's a pity, because there is Christina and several other children in the middle. So I couldn't rush to the kid at all. And the child didn't stop immediately when he heard me, but turned his head to look at me, and continued to unconsciously reach for the wall, and touched the wall before I rushed to him.

"Om ..." The moment the child hit the wall, I felt a deep, loud sound like a steamer's whistle blow in my head. And I'm sure the sound came directly in my head. Because my ears didn't actually hear anything. but. At the same time that weird voice appeared, the original dead forest suddenly came to life. The first is the sound of flying birds flying behind a wall not far away, accompanied by the roar of an unknown beast. After that, I also seemed to hear some strange sounds, feeling like sounds of many thin bamboo rods colliding with each other.

"I ..." The child who encountered the wall apparently knew that he was in trouble, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but I was a flashback to his back and covered his mouth. The child was still struggling at first, but after seeing that my attention was not on him, I realized that I didn't want to treat him, so he immediately calmed down.

I felt that the child in my hand gave up struggling, and then I lowered my head and gave him a glance. When he saw that he was looking up at me, I quickly put my finger to my mouth and made a snoring motion, and then carefully walked to the wall The upper ear is listening.

In fact, I just heard a little noise just now and then, but the people around me stopped after I just moved, so the sound suddenly became clear. All of us can clearly hear the sound of the thin bamboo rods rubbing against each other this time, accompanied by a gurgling sound, and it seems that many things are approaching us, because this sound obviously does not come from one or two Only creatures.

Immediately after confirming the voice, I immediately turned around and made a snoring gesture to everyone, then summoned Amenis and notified her with a spiritual connection to camouflage us all. Almost at the same time as our camouflage was completed, an ugly head popped up at the top of the wall in front of us.

The shape of this head is like a peeled sunflower seed, and there is a mouthpiece made of four scissors-like cavities at the tip of the seed, and it grows on this head, which is larger than a pig's head. With two black eyes at least the size of a slap.

The surface of this head has a black and bright carapace, and there are two long tentacles on the head. In addition to the fierce shape of the mouth organ, it can basically be said to be a bit like an ant's head structure. But even if it's not an ant, you can be sure it's an arthropod.

The creature on the wall did not come down immediately after it appeared, but it was shaking its head from side to side as if to observe the situation. At the same time, the two tentacles on its head were also swinging from side to side, apparently collecting confidence in the smell of air. However, this simple detection ability is not useful to us. The illusion of Emmys has evolved. Not only optical illusions, but also odor and energy fluctuations can be hidden. Of course, there is a limit to this concealment. Targets with too high energy will be more difficult to conceal, and if the opponent's detection ability is strong, this camouflage will be seen through. However, the creature with an ant-like head in front of me should not be a powerful creature, so I'm not too worried.

Unlike my side, the children are all very nervous now. Although both Kristina and I have signaled them not to move and not to speak, the children still shivered. They have hardly performed any decent tasks, so they are very scared of the ugly and vicious monster in front of them, and at the same time they are more worried about why I don't let them move. This is not that they have no confidence in me. It's human instinct. After all, Emilys's illusion ability is perfect, but the problem is that the covered target doesn't feel anything. In other words, although there is nothing in the eyes of the monster on the opposite side, we can clearly see ourselves and others around us who are also disguised. It ’s like you suddenly got invisibility, but you ca n’t hide your clothes together. At this time, you have to take off your clothes and go around the street. Although others ca n’t see you at all, you can see your body. under these circumstances. Most people will unconsciously want to cover the vital parts, although reason tells you that others cannot see you, but instinctively you will think that you are actually standing on the road naked, that tension in your heart In any case, it cannot disappear in a short time.

This is the case with children today. Although they knew what skills I must have used to make them all invisible. The problem is that they can't see the effect themselves! In their eyes, everyone just stood directly in front of the monster. So it is inevitable that you will be afraid.

Obviously, a child's psychological endurance cannot be measured according to adult standards. Even if these are orphans and experience a much more complicated life environment than children with parents, they are still children. Therefore, just when the monster seemed to be ready to abandon the investigation and returned to the wall, a younger girl suddenly turned around and ran away. If it's just a simple escape, it's not a big deal, and the illusion of Emmys doesn't mean that he will wear out at the first move, but the key is that the child not only turned around and ran, but actually cried.

I probably don't like the environment in the game yet. The head aunt has no consciousness of being in the task at all. After hearing the cry of the child, she chased after him instinctively, while yelling at the child's name.

Although the camouflage technique of Emmenis is more powerful, the powerful camouflage technique is not perverted to the point where we can have a singing and dancing party in front of the monster without being discovered. Therefore, the monster that was already ready to return suddenly Point your head at the little child running ahead.

Hum ... I originally thought that monster would jump off the wall and catch up, but what we didn't expect was that the monster first made a general sound of bomber take-off after locking the target, and then directly from Flying behind the wall.

As the creature completely left the wall, we finally saw the shape of the thing. In fact, the shape of this creature is not like an ant, but closer to a wasp. It also has carapace on its body, but it doesn't look as exaggerated as the head. There are eight arthropods underneath, but only six seem to be used for walking. The first two have evolved into a sickle-like structure like a mantis, but the proportion is not so large and slightly smaller. In addition, there are four thin transparent wings behind this thing. The vibration speed of this kind of wings is very fast, so it is not clear at all. I can only see a large wave of white ghosts, but I can probably know this guy. The wings are not very large.

At the end of this monster's abdomen, there is a sting like a wasp, and the color of this sting is actually big red. Such a bright warning color, fools know that this thing is absolutely poisonous.

Although the shape is strange, the overall size of this creature is only the size of an adult wild boar. Of course, this is only the external size. Because the body of this thing is not as fat as a pig, the actual weight must not be as long as several hundred kilos. However, it is conservatively estimated that this thing must be at least a hundred pounds or more.

This size of flying insects is of course very dangerous, but as a monster in the game, this size of bugs can only be regarded as cannon fodder, not even soldiers. However, things like insects rarely move alone, so ...

A half-drunk bomber group roared through the low-altitude field, and a large group of these creatures suddenly flew behind the wall that was four or five meters high, and it was not clear how many were behind. Thousands have already appeared near us.

"I rely on it! Chris Dina, start big! Clear the field!"

"Frost-Nova." After a roaring sound that was not too loud, a blue shock wave spread out, instantly knocking down all the bugs around us, and those flying insects became instantly. The ice sculpture shattered into pieces of the ground immediately after landing.

Such terrifying field control skills should be prepared a little for the average player. Chris Dina came to him by hand. But ... "I trust, I know that bugs don't mess with me!"

Just after Cristina had magically cleared away thousands of bugs, hundreds of new bugs appeared on the wall immediately, and then more bugs whistled and rushed towards the wall and pressed towards us. .

"You stand here, I'll see the situation." After screaming at Kristina, I turned the child in front of me to the older child behind me, and jumped up onto the wall myself. As soon as their feet touched the wall of the fence, they immediately felt the magic of their bodies running towards the wall like water contained in a perforated kettle. Obviously, this wall can absorb the magic of anyone who comes into contact with it, so the magic on my body will quickly drain away. But I am not without resistance. One wing. I just flew up. And that suction disappeared immediately.

It seems to have escaped the absorption of that wall, but you have just got up on my side, and immediately saw a large group of strange insects flying towards you, and rushed towards me instantly. Seeing this, a circle of purple flames popped up on me. Any worms approaching a certain range are immediately ignited. Then fell directly into the sea of ​​insects below.

That's right. It's the sea of ​​insects. Behind this fence, which is only four or five meters high, is a huge trench that does not know how deep, but is more than five hundred meters wide. The ditch is now full of bugs, and it is rolling and rolling. Apparently intending to climb out from below to attack us. However, because there are too many bugs, those bugs are blocking each other for a while, and only those bugs on the top edge can fly. However, even though it seems that most of the bugs are blocked, there are still a lot of bugs that actually fly. After all, where are the cardinal numbers of the bugs, even though most of them don't fly because of congestion, but even by chance Fortunately, the number of those bugs that flew up was easily broken.

Such a horrible scene is blocked by a fence, otherwise the children over there must be scared to death. Children are not afraid of bugs, but more children are more afraid of bugs. The billion wormholes in front of me even felt scalp scalp, if those children saw nightmares, they would definitely have nightmares.

Although the number of bugs here is a bit scary, I'm not so scared. After all, no matter how many bugs there are, they only need to be crushed to death.

"Xiaofeng, Ling, Lilith, go clean up."

As my order was issued, three figures appeared beside me, and Ling hovered near me, while the other two figures plunged into the sea of ​​insects.

Xiaofeng is a fire phoenix, so she doesn't need to fight, just run back and forth a few times in the sea of ​​insects. Any worms that are within five meters of her will be burned immediately, no exception at all, so she can cause the worms to suffer serious injuries by simply running back and forth among the worms.

Compared to Xiaofeng, Lilith's ability is obviously more suitable for this kind of thing. After entering the sea of ​​insects, Lilith became a large mass of flesh directly, and then spread out. Any insects that were contacted were immediately assimilated, and then more muscles emerged from the body to connect other insects. And the constant skin division like a virus infection, soon formed a huge worm ball, and continues to creep to spread around, any worm will be swallowed as soon as it gets a little bit.

Ling as a mage, of course, the fighting method can not be compared with the previous two, so she opened a black hole directly above the swarm, and then sucked back and forth along the large ditch in front of it like a vacuum cleaner. The insects below could not resist this at all. This kind of strong gravitation was forcibly sucked off the ground, and then formed a black torrent rushing to the black hole over there, and all of them disappeared into the black hole in the blink of an eye, but because more bugs were being sucked up one after another, So instead of disappearing, this black torrent is getting thicker and stronger.

Although my three pets here are almost cleaning the worms at a speed of thousands of wonderful ones, the worms below are not rare, but the worms on the sides of this large ditch have not been taken care of. Gradually left the ditch and began to surround us.

"I rely, this is too scary, isn't it?" I don't know when Chris Dina has arrived by my side, of course she also saw the situation around her. Although these bugs do not constitute any deterrent to us. We can do the tasks even if we don't care about them, but the problem is that the children can't!

"Are there any big tricks you can use to quickly get rid of these bugs?"

"It's okay to clear these out, but who knows how much is left under those big ditches?" Kristina said a little bit embarrassed.

Of course I also know what Kristina is worried about, but now the situation is not quickly cleared away nearby bugs, the children below are in danger. "You clean this up first, and then I'll figure out a way in the ditch over there."

"It can only be this way at the moment." After speaking, Chris Dina flew back directly to the children's sky, and began to use a magic I have never seen before. The effect of this magic is very strange. I can't see any actual light and shadow. I can only feel that the surrounding air is shaking, and I feel that people are blurred. And the image was shaking. But other than that, neither fire, explosion, nor any sound was heard. However, in this weird state, those insects near them suddenly inexplicably broke down into countless fragments, as if a professional butcher made a special classification of the insect's muscles and internal organs according to a certain classification method. The classification is the same. The worms broke down into parts in no time. and. This situation has not happened one by one. But as long as the insects approaching a certain distance will automatically become like this.

After getting this magic done, Kristina still broke away from the children and flew to my side, then said proudly: "How is it? My magic is great, is it used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers, the effect is not ordinary. Good. Not only is the magic consumption low, but the magician will be fine after using it. Even if he leaves the place, the magic will run autonomously until the magic is exhausted. "

"You're working this magic now?"

Cristina nodded: "But the magic I have is enough for ten minutes. If you're not sure, I can go back and add a little more magic. The recovery speed of my magic can theoretically be maintained forever. But I can't do anything else. "

I nodded and said, "No problem, just help me keep an eye on the children. Just let me see if the bugs are really endless."

There are actually many ways to deal with these bugs. What these guys hate most is not combat effectiveness but quantity, so one-on-one or even a small group killing skill is useless. To deal with these guys, you can only use ultra-large-scale killing skills, and this skill is generally either a curse or a super move, so it is very troublesome to release. Now, of course, I do n’t want to go directly to the big move, but I want to see if the big ditch here is really like a bottomless pit full of bugs. Of course, to do this, we must first dive into the bottom of the ditch, and this place seems to be completely filled with insects, and most people really can't go. However, this is not a problem for me, because I also have a mage mode.

Switch myself to the mage mode inherited from the small silver moon, and immediately start the sun field, then I plunged into the sea of ​​bugs below. Due to the high temperature on the surface of the sun, let alone these bugs rushed in, they were directly vaporized across a long distance, so as soon as I completed the transformation, the surrounding ground seemed to suddenly become a steamer, all Everything was smoking, and the nearby trees burned within seconds. This is still because the solar field has the ability to restrain, and it can restrain the high temperature within a certain range. If the temperature around me is completely released, it will burn more than trees. Based on the temperature of the sun, it is estimated that the surrounding ground will evaporate a layer of tens of meters within a few seconds. After all, at that temperature, everything will become gas.

Although the power of the sun field is huge, this skill can not last too long, after all, it consumes too much magic. So I started to dive immediately after completing the transformation, but what I didn't expect was that I had been diving down that ditch for 50 meters, but I still didn't touch the ground. Gritting my teeth and continuing down, I finally found the ground after I was more than 200 meters underground, and at this time I could not see the sky at all. There are bugs everywhere, up, down, left, and right, which is a world of bugs.

Watching the dense crowd of insects around and constantly evaporating, I felt my head began to hurt again. The number of these bugs is really amazing. If this position I sneaked into is not an exception, but the entire ditch is so deep. That is to say, the big ditch which is 20 meters wide and 200 meters deep and I don't know how long is full of bugs. The number of this bug has turned into an astronomical number, let alone a horrible number. Even if Isinger moved the fortress, it is estimated that it would not be possible to destroy the city by bombarding him three or five times. .

"Which **** guy did this **** mission receive!" Helplessly glanced at the nearby insect again, I summoned Lingling directly at the bottom of the insect sea, and then used Lingtai to directly let Lingling from this position. Fire the Holy Sword Verdict forward.

Lingling is a holy sword angel, originally a person from the Temple of Light, so she can transform into her own power by absorbing light energy. I am now in the state of the sun. So I'm the equivalent of a little sun. She stood beside me, it was equivalent to being connected to an external power source, so huff, Lingling's sacred sword ruling went directly to the max state, and she spit out three swords in a row.

Christina on the ground was intercepting the bugs that were flying towards her. Suddenly I saw the worms rolling in the ditch in front. Something seemed to pass through from Xiao Fang of Xiao Hai. And it looks like she also saw light flashing beneath the sea of ​​insects. However, this situation came quickly and quickly, but it just disappeared in a little more than a second. but. This situation did not end immediately, but happened again for the second time and the third time. After two consecutive flashes, Kristina found that the sea of ​​insects in front of him collapsed directly. I felt this was the first. We saw a significant decrease in Zonghai.

Even with the existence of my external power supply, Lingling was tired enough three times in a row, and finally I was sent back to the training space for rest, and I myself quickly penetrated the thick worm sea and flew to the ground.

"President, what did you just do below? I saw Zonghai suddenly lost a lot!"

"It's just a few big tricks, but it seems like a sloppy bucket!" I said, watching the ditch that was gradually rising in front of me. Although Lingling's big move just killed millions or even tens of millions of bugs, the problem is that the surrounding bugs are still being replenished. At this rate, we can't kill these bugs at all.

Kristina clearly realized that our killing method didn't help much. The surface seemed to be tens of millions or millions of worms, but it did not hurt the total number of worms. No itchy loss, in this case, we want to really solve these bugs, unless we spend a few days and nights with them here to make it possible, but the problem is that we ca n’t really fight them here How many days and nights!


"Huh?" I heard Kristina's voice and turned to look at her in confusion, obviously she had something to say. "Do you think of anything?"

"I think we probably missed something." Kristina said.

"Missed something?" I asked in confusion.

Cristina explained: "The task scroll is very clear. Although this task is difficult, it is only a level, there should not be such a level that we all need to take a few days and nights to get, so say this Either the level does not need to pass, or there is some other way to pass easily, instead of killing these bugs first as we think. "

Because I had been fighting before, my thinking fell into a dead end, and I was thinking about **** all the bugs in front of me, but the words of Kristina made me suddenly jump out of this situation and start thinking from the perspective of onlookers problem. Yes. Although the difficulty of this task is not low, it is impossible to have such a perverted task? Thanks to me and Chris Dina this time, if you change players, you will definitely rush. This situation can only indicate that there is a problem with the way the task is completed, because if it must be completed by a player of our level, the difficulty of this task should be at least 4s, and it can never be so low. So, there must be something wrong. Those bugs do not need to be hit at all, or there is another way to kill them once and for all, and this method should be easy to do.

Once you have the right direction of thinking, this problem becomes less difficult. Although I did not immediately think of a solution, I decided to first move the children backwards with Kristina and I was released by Xiao Xiao Feng and Ling were also called to come back to protect us to prevent insects from rushing in to hurt the children. As for Lilith, she is now our main force to deal with insects. Her flesh-and-blood fusion ability has no pressure at all to deal with the bug's sea of ​​insects, and the only thing needed is time. Even if you just leave Lilith here, and come back in a few days, there must be no worm left in this place. But we don't have that time!

My plan was to go back to the spacecraft with Kristina and take the children first, then exit the island, wait for the sea of ​​insects to return and then come back to find a way. However, just before we ran to the beach and had not stepped out of the edge of the forest, a red rune suddenly lit up above a big tree in the forest. Then it seemed to be infected. The surrounding trees began to light up red runes one by one, and then all the trees suddenly moved at the same time. Those bugs that chased us between the trees instantly Wrapped up by the white gas emitted from nearby trees ~ ~ Then the insects came into contact with these gases as if they had encountered sulfuric acid, and they were corroded in the blink of an eye. A little crushed slag.

"I depend! What is the situation?" When we ran out of the forest and looked back, we saw countless bugs rushing into the forest in succession, and then all were eroded into **** and fell under the root of the tree without exception. Turned into nourishment for the trees, but more bugs later continued to charge without fear of death. Of course, the result could only be fertilizer like their pioneers.

When I saw this forest consuming the number of bugs at a terrible speed, Kristina and I suddenly realized. Before co-authoring, we had troubled ourselves completely. The correct way to perform this task is to touch the mechanism by the wall and then the insects impact. Normal players will definitely resist, but they are not as powerful as us, so they will be forced to retreat after a while, and then as long as they run out of the forest, the bugs will be killed by the suddenly activated trees.

In other words, this mission level is actually a test to see if the player can survive the first wave of the worm sea and run away safely. It does not really require the player to kill all these bugs. In the end, because Chris and I were too strong, they went into a misunderstanding and actually played a war of attrition with the bug there. Thanks in the end, Chris Dina reacted first, otherwise we will still play the attrition war with the bugs inside! (To be continued ...)

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