Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 433: Trouble and speed up

"Suspected soldier?"

Everyone is obviously a little confused about my answer.

"If this is also a suspect, then where is the real main force?" Hongyue asked.

"The real main force can be anywhere, but in general there are only two possibilities." I said: "The first possibility is that there is such an elite main force with a small number of people, but the combat power is super strong, more than a thousand. People ’s teams are much more sophisticated than a super power. They may now be lurking anywhere in the country and may be approaching their destination, ready to launch a sudden blow at any time. ”

"So, another possibility?" Hongyue asked again.

"The truth is nothing, the truth is nothing."

"Do you mean that the main force operating on the border line is actually the real main force?" Hongyue was not stupid. I just clicked twice and she responded.

Compared to Hongyue, Rose's intelligence is obviously higher, so when I said it was a suspect, she was already thinking about related possibilities, but she never spoke. Now, after I made such a judgment, Rose confirmed: "I agree with Zi Ri's opinion. The so-called elite of more than a thousand people should be a suspect, otherwise they cannot waste so much elite power. We are chasing around in our country. Moreover, I feel that Zi Ri is not comprehensive, and some of them should be able to diverge thinking. "

I turned to Rose in wonder and asked, "Where am I missing?"

Rose said directly: "As I just said, the elite army of more than a thousand people is not a force that can be wasted at will. If such a large lineup is used as a suspect, this investment is too large."


"So I think this suspect is indeed a suspect, but they are not fooling around without tasks."

Immediately after hearing Rose's analysis, I immediately told the army Shinto: "Sent me, a map of the whole country." The communicator's screen immediately showed a complete map of China in the game. "Now mark the opponent ’s suspect ’s moving route with a red line on the map." With my voice, a meandering line appeared on the map immediately. Although it looks messy, if you look closely, you will find The range of activity is actually fixed within a certain range. "God of War, show on the map all cities or supply points with teleportation arrays within a certain range around the line of action of the opponent." This time, a lot of red dots appeared on the map, but the range of these red dots was messy. And that circuit diagram does not seem to constitute any identifiable information.

Christina looked at the map beside me and said, "It looks like nothing special?"

Rose, however, supported my appraisal and said, "No. There must be something we haven't noticed. The scope of the other party's activities is obviously regional. Such an action should be purposeful."

I nodded and said to the **** of war again, "Mark the nearby roads and water network lines."

After the new screen appeared, and compared, there was still nothing obvious. So many of us looked at the map together and thought about it. I didn't expect that the eagle, who rarely spoke at the end, said, "Remove all the roads and surface water lines, and mark the groundwater system with blue lines. Mark with thin red lines. Lava passage. Mark the underground world with black lines. "

"Vice-President. Our guild has incomplete information on this!"

"It doesn't matter. Mark it up," I exclaimed.

God of War heard me say the same and immediately began to change the map, however, when the new image appeared. All of us are dumbfounded.

"The other side has been moving along the intersection of the underground world, the groundwater network and the lava channel, which is indeed premeditated." Kristina said first.

Hongyue frowned and said, "Even though we know the other party is moving along these lines, we don't know what their ultimate purpose is!"

"If you know these things, the purpose can still be inferred." Woma said: "Weak weak faults must exist at the junction of the lava pipeline and the water network, and the existence of underground passages means that the faults are weaker, and such places can be Let the other party easily intrude and do something. "

"What kind of things can they do?" Hongyue asked.

Woma thought for a while: "If it were me, I would consider finding some weak points in the fault and placing the directional blasting device. After that, as long as the blasting device is continuously installed at multiple nodes and the explosion sequence and interval are controlled, the lava can be made. Collision with groundwater creates an underground high-pressure area to pressurize the lava pipeline. If multiple explosion points are linked, an artificial volcano should be created at the point where the pressure converges. Of course, the technical difficulty of this matter is very high, and most people It should not be possible. First of all, we must have a map of our country and a map of lava, water networks and the underground world. Secondly, we must have accurate computing power to be able to calculate the time of each explosion point. The explosion is too early The pressure will be released in the opposite direction. The end result is that the entire explosion propulsion mode is blocked. If the explosion is too late, the lava pressure will drop, and it will eventually be absorbed and digested by the surface tension, which will not trigger a volcanic eruption. "

"It sounds really complicated, but the problem is that the Russians are not weak in technology, and they should be able to get it." I went on and said, "But it is impossible for more than a thousand people to just set up an active volcano. And their purpose may not be that simple. "

Rose suddenly said at this time: "I think I can understand the other party's thoughts."

"Tell me."

Rose directly said: "Actually, there is no suspected soldier at all, or the three routes are suspected soldiers."

"Ah?" Everyone on our side froze.

Rose didn't care about our gods, but explained it by herself: "On the surface, the Russians launched a large-scale invasion in the border area with large forces to attract our main force. In fact, it sent more than 1,000 people into the hinterland of our country. Running around. This is the opponent's first ambush strategy. The more than a thousand people on the other side are an interference signal on the one hand, but also a force with a real mission. They must set up an explosive device inside China in advance to detonate An underground lava pipeline creates an active volcano. "

"Then why do you say there are no suspected soldiers or all suspected soldiers? And three soldiers?" Hongyue asked.

"The answer is simple." Rose explained: "Although more than a thousand people have a purpose of action, the process of creating active volcanoes is on the one hand a suspicious plan, but on the other hand it does not fully meet their strength. If we have a With such a powerful team, do you think you will send them to create a volcanic eruption? Even if this eruption can destroy one city of the other, that is just one city. In the national warfare, the loss of several cities is really Nothing is too normal to scare people. So, if you just do this, the value of more than a thousand people will be wasted. So, there must be a third army on the other side. One Powerful special operations team. This team must not have too many people, no more than double digits, otherwise it will not be able to hide. Their purpose must be to carry out a surprise attack on our important hub. And once we are in chaos. The special forces with more than a thousand people can echo the chaos in the interior to further expand this chaos. Once we are caused by this kind of thing, Strategic tilt. Start to send frontline troops back to fight the fire, then the real killer of the other party should be fired. As for what this last killer is ... I think it should be the group of main forces on the border. Those forces are now obvious I did n’t do my best to launch the attack. On the one hand, it was attracting firepower. On the other hand, it was conserving strength. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest. Who can think of the opposing attacking force as the real main force? There was chaos in the rear, and the frontline troops moved a little. They could immediately seize the opportunity to explode. By then, our defense line would fall apart and there would be no so-called defense line at all. "

After listening to Rose's analysis, all of us are silent, because if things are really like what Rose said, then the challenges we face in this are too exaggerated.

"If Rose's guess is correct, what should we do?" Eagle asked.

Hongyue said directly: "Take care of him three hundred seventy-two, first destroy the team of a thousand people before talking."

"Now that we know that the other side's border forces are the real main force, then we might as well launch a violent attack directly on this unit and destroy their main force to see how arrogant they are." Kristina advised.

"No, no, such a rough intervention will definitely have a fierce reaction, and since the invading forces have already been mixed in, once that happens, it will not be guaranteed to be the result of both losses." Rose said.

"It won't work, that won't work, we can't just watch it like that, right?" Gold Coin said.

I thought for a moment and thought, "I actually have a way."

"Chairman, please tell me!" Chris Dina urged.

"It's a little tricky, and I have to go back."

"But we're on a mission!" Said Cristina.

"So I said trouble!"

"Now it's the national calamity, and you have to stop any tasks!" Zhenhong shouted.

"Isn't you exaggerating?" The gold coin said something to True Red first, then turned to us and said, "Your task will speed up. If we are here, I and True Red will go up. It should be OK. Did it work? "

"You two are useless, because you have your task." I said again, "Yes, you can do this. Vina, you send some chaos and order gods to cooperate with some."

"Let's get on?" Weiner asked in surprise: "Are you not afraid of the dead? Our gods are not resurrected after hanging up."

"Afraid to use it! You can't let the soldiers go to the front because you are afraid of sacrifice? But I won't let you die. In this way, when you leave, bring some mobile angels with you, and some Players, you are responsible for supporting when fighting, and you discover that there are things that threaten your life and safety. You can put the mobile angel and the player on top of it at the first time. You only need to output the firepower. Anyway, your mission is to keep your life first. "

"Of course there is no problem, but what are we going to do?"

"Your task is simple. First, remove the explosives placed in the lava pipeline by the other party."

"What? Let's get rid of the bomb?"

"No, no, your mission is not to detonate the bomb, but to cover the professionals to go down and detonate the bomb. You are responsible for dealing with the obstacles encountered halfway. I think, since we don't know each other's plans, then don't just guess They have their plans. If we blindly follow their plans to plug the loopholes, we will only fall into the rhythm of the other side and be trapped, so we have to find another way and make a new path for ourselves. Sit like this. The first thing to do is to tear down the opponent ’s foreshadowing. Although we do n’t know what the volcanic eruption will cause. But since it is the enemy's thing, we must be right if we do it the other way around. . In addition, this action allows us to understand what we should do next. "

"What's the allusion in it?" Hongyue asked puzzled.

Rose heard what I meant, so she helped explain: "Aren't we guessing that this thousand team is a suspect? Then this action can prove their purpose. If the opponent is really only a suspect, then they don't They will take care of our demolition of the bomb. If they fight back, it will prove that their main task is to arrange this explosive to trigger a volcanic eruption. "

After listening to Rose ’s explanation, Hongyue nodded and said, “I see, as long as the other party runs. There is no response to our removal of the explosives that they set, it means that they must have other tasks on them, so they must keep their troops. Fighting power, do not want to conflict with us in advance. And if the other party counterattacks immediately, then the volcano is their true purpose. "

When Red Moon said so, the rest of the people also understood the key points, so they nodded and expressed their support for the proposal.

After everyone agreed, this proposal was passed directly, and after a brief explanation with Wei Na, I asked Rose to go to the think tank to arrange the next step. Of course, Chris and Dina would have to **** this first. Only the task is done. Although we have now returned to the size of a normal person, the problem is that we cannot leave the island for the time being, so we must find a way to get the task here first.

We did n’t hurry when we were doing tasks before, so there was no risk of doing anything, everything was done in a steady and steady manner. But things are changing now, and we naturally have to change our tactics.

After greeting the children's team led by the zombie girls and the head aunt, we quickly found the entrance to the sky kingdom under the leadership of the zombie girls. This place is a kingdom, in fact, it should be regarded as an independent half-plane, and the loss is basically a teleportation array. After entering, I feel that there are many things in the internal space that are different from the outside world. At least the rules of the game here are different. . All the magic power in this place has been improved several times. It feels that the magic elements in this space are extremely active, and many things in this place have magic energy. Even the stones on the roadside almost have magic crystals. energy of.

Of course, although this place may seem beautiful, it is not. Although the stones here have an extremely high energy index, they cannot bring out this space at all.

Magic elements gather together to form magic energy, which is similar to electricity. When it is released at high speed, it often has some side effects, and these side effects generally include high temperature and strong light radiation. To put it simply, the magic can explode too quickly, which is why the magic crystal can detonate.

However, although magic crystal can explode, it requires certain excitation conditions. Normally, a magic crystal is placed there, and it will not explode. Although magic crystal has high energy storage, it is a stable combination produced under normal magic strength, so it can be said to adapt to a low magic environment, even if it is taken out and moved around. problem.

However, the concentration of magic elements in this sky kingdom is simply incredible. If the density of magic elements is compared with atmospheric density, it can be said that the density of magic elements in the sky kingdom is dozens of times outside. If a stone of the kingdom of the sky is moved from the world inside the kingdom of the sky to the outside world, it is equivalent to a balloon filled with air, suddenly entering a normal atmospheric environment from a high-pressure air bunker. In the high-pressure cabin, the air pressure inside and outside the balloon was basically balanced. Therefore, the balloon is only blown a little larger, and there is no problem, but it suddenly enters the normal pressure area, and the air pressure outside the balloon suddenly disappears more than half, but the air pressure inside the balloon has not changed, so the air pressure will push the balloon to expand. It could just pop the balloon.

The same is true of the stones of the kingdom of the sky. Once this kind of thing comes out of the realm space of the kingdom of the sky, its internal magic power cannot continue to maintain a stable state like the magic spar, but it will leak quickly, because in the process, high temperature will be produced. The high temperature will in turn activate the entire magic system. So shouting, a very ordinary stone in the kingdom of the sky, immediately outside it will turn into a bomb.

In fact, the magic of the country of the sky is not just stones. Many things in this place have strong magic fluctuations. After all, the concentration of magic elements in the air is too high. Even if the items with high magic resistance are left in this environment for a long time, they will be penetrated into some magic power. What's more, really high magic resistance is rare. The magic resistance of most things is a relatively moderate range, neither high nor low.

After entering this kingdom of the sky, Kristina has always been very excited because of the magic strength here, if it is not because the zombie girls are watching nearby. She almost experimented with massive destructive magic in her own city. Fortunately, this impulse always stays in the impulse stage and is not implemented.

"Well, we have entered your kingdom of the sky. What do you do next?" I asked out loud after entering this kingdom.

The four zombie girls have now recovered their saneness, and they have also communicated with each other and understood the beginning and end of things when we had a video conference, so now all four people can more properly guide our initial tasks. After I asked this question, the queen said directly: "All you have to do now is to help us activate the laws of this world, and in return, we will take you to the existence you want to see."

"The law of activation? It sounds hard!" Kristina knew that nothing was going to happen as soon as she heard the law.

The result is quite unexpected. The so-called activation law is actually to collect some magic materials and then repair the magic array in the center of a magic building located in the center of this country of sky. The structure of this magic array is quite strange. We have never seen it before. Even the learned protoss Ling cannot understand the working principle and function of this magic array.

Although it is unclear what this thing does, it is not a problem. Now I ’m glad that I chose the little crocodile as a guide before, because with his existence, we do n’t have to analyze the function of this magic array at all.

According to the little crocodile, in fact, the functions and detailed drawings of this magic formation can be found in this city, but in the process we need to face the zombies full of cities, and these zombies are the original nationals of the country of the sky. According to the content of the mission, the curse of zombies will disappear after we activate the rules, and then the people will return to normal. Therefore, when we kill these zombies, we are actually killing the nationals of the country of the sky. Therefore, the system defaults to kill zombies. Wrong behavior.

Mistakes in a task are of course deducted, so the more zombies we kill in the process of looking for drawings and repair methods in the city, the lower our final task score and reward. However, now that we have a little crocodile, we don't need that drawing and we don't need to understand the purpose of this thing. The little crocodile directly told us how to repair this magic array, and also explained in detail the specific functions of each magic array component.

According to the explanation of the little crocodile, this magic formation is basically a super-large blessing formation. It has a long-term large-scale protection effect and can expel all negative effects such as aging and disease. As soon as this magic formation is activated, the people of the Kingdom of the Sky will immediately return to normal.

After understanding the function, it is time to repair the magic circle.

This magic array is very damaged. The first step we need to do is to find the missing magic materials, and the second step is to repair it manually.

"What material does this thing need?" I asked, looking directly at the little crocodile.

The little crocodile did not answer me, but handed over a few sheets of paper, and as soon as I opened it, it turned out that it was a design. No wonder he said that we don't need to go to the design drawings, and after working for a long time, he had his own set.

Compare this design to the magic array with no arms and legs on the ground. The missing part is clear at a glance. Just check the column information on the design to know what is missing.

"It's Mithril! Such a large magic circle, at least one ton of Mithril is needed to see the missing part. What is his grandmother's task?" Cristina looked at the design and complained.

The reason why Kristina is so big is because the little crocodile said that this Mithril could not be collected here at all. Those who have to do the task must find a way to collect it, and then find someone to bring it over. Of course, in order for the player to complete this task, this task is given here a communication scroll and a fixed-point teleportation scroll, one is to facilitate the contact of outside people to prepare things, and the other is to get Mithril over.

One ton of Mithril is not a big problem for our guild. Atsinger's warehouse is piled with at least 50 tons of Mithril, but the problem is that the value of Mithril is very exaggerated. The financial resources of our guild are actually It can only be backed up by that point, and you can imagine how valuable this thing is. For such a task, one ton of Mithril is actually invested. If the reward given at the end of the task is not worthwhile, aren't we losing money? Thanks to the luck of the group of kids, I was actually brought to help them with this task. Even if all the previous levels had passed, it would definitely kill a lot of people. A ton of Mithril is not a ton of stone.

Use the scroll to contact the rose side according to the task requirements, and then call the guild supplies ~ ~ Within ten minutes Mithril was pulled directly by the fixed-point teleport scroll.

After Mithril got to hand, there were some weird auxiliary materials. This range is very wide and there are many, but according to the little crocodile, it can be found here, but it needs to be collected slowly. It's a pity that we are in a hurry now, so I don't bother to look for it. Open the Fenglong space directly with Chris Dina, and when you see any material that you have on your body, you take it out. Fortunately, although there are many types of these things, the demand for each one is very small, so the two of us just got together for a while, but there is just a thing called white mud.

"Where can I get white mud near here?" I asked, looking directly at the little crocodile. His guide is all-in-one, and you can ask anything directly, which is better than the task guide.

"White mud is in the cave over there, but there is a problem in it." The little crocodile pointed to a huge space door at the other end of the lower space, and then said, "The creatures in that cave are actually what you want to see. That epic dragon, and Bai Ni is right next to him, but you have to repair the magic circle to enter, and if you ca n’t get in, you ca n’t get Bai Ni, and you ca n’t repair the magic circle. "

"I rely on it, isn't this a dead loop?" I asked in surprise with Chris Dina. (To be continued ...)

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