Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 434: alternatives

According to the guide of the little crocodile, we need Bai Ni to enter the cave of the sealed epic dragon, but the problem is that the cave's entry condition is to repair the magic array in front of it, and the magic array must be repaired with Bai Mu. So the problem came back.

"What now?" Cristina asked, looking at the little crocodile.

I also stared at him and asked: "You said that your guide would make us feel worthwhile, but now I feel very worthless! What advice do you say that you give? It is an endless loop, It doesn't seem to make any difference to know this in advance and to discover this secret after a while? "

"Hey, don't you be angry. Although this white mud is not easy to handle, my guide is really not a white trick. Since you think I'm not strong enough, then I will give you a strong answer. The white mud is necessary. Fewer repair materials, but that premise is that you intend to completely repair this magic circle. "

Christina and I are both human-like, and as soon as they heard each other's words, they immediately understood the off-strings in his words. "Your consciousness can be replaced with something else, but will it affect the operation of the magic circle?"

The little crocodile nodded: "The main role of white mud is to seal the magic array raw materials to hinder external magic interference, but if there is no white mud, it can be blocked with other things, but the material blocked by magic is not completely magic resistant. It ’s easy to find. A substance such as white mud that can completely isolate magic transmission is even more difficult to do than a magic superconductor such as Mithril. But ... if you just make up for a while, you can actually use an inert metal instead. Of course. Because the blocking effect of white mud is not good, the magic power release of the magic circle during operation may be somewhat unstable, and the magic power consumption will be relatively large. "

"Understand, we just need to use this thing to temporarily meet the requirements of the zombie girls, and then let them tell us how to unlock the seal lock of the epic dragon. After we see the epic dragon, we can take out the white mud by the way. Maintenance of this magic circle. "


"Then there is no need to delay time. Let's move quickly." I opened the Fenglong space directly, and then pulled out a black substance like mud from it. This kind of thing is actually not clay. Although it does not seem to be much different from ordinary clay, people who know the magic circle must know it, because this black substance is the famous black ochre gold. This so-called black gold is actually a metal. Although it looks like dirt. Shows a very loose form, but this is only under the premise of not being exposed to a specific substance. This obsidian gold can be solidified into a solid solid within minutes by mixing with a small amount of poison ivy juice. This process is similar to the change process after cement powder comes into contact with water, except that it is faster, and the set material is not comparable to cement. The material formed after the blackened gold hardens will have a hardness that exceeds that of steel. And its magic resistance is as high as 97%. Almost almost 100% of Bai Ni. This kind of substance can be regarded as a very good armor making material. After all, high hardness, low density, and high magic resistance, which almost meet all the attributes required by magic equipment. Unfortunately, this kind of thing looks good though. But they have a serious flaw: they are afraid of water.

Although this black ochre gold has an amazing hardness after solidification, as soon as it comes into contact with water, it will return to the previous powder-like state within a few seconds. Therefore, although this thing is very hard, it has no possibility of being used as a building or equipment material. After all, the fear of water is too terrible.

Although this thing is extremely afraid of water, we are only here to temporarily close the surface magic loop of the magic array, and this place itself is in the city center. Although it is open-air above, this space does not look like there will be weather changes. Look like. Besides, let ’s just make up for a while, why not be so unlucky, right after we get it right? Really not. I asked Xiaochun to stand here to support a protective enchantment. Is it okay to block the rain here?

After planning, Kristina and I started to act, but the so-called action was actually that Kristina was moving, and I was mainly responsible for command. Of course, Kristina is not fighting alone, because Ling and Xiaochun and the Dragon Girl are helping.

Repairing such things as Magic Array is a fairly professional job. Although I also have half a mage career, I will use but not do things like Magic Array. It would be no problem if you asked me to make a temporary guest appearance to create a simple energy gathering matrix. Don't count on this super large magic circle. Professionals still need to be handled by professionals.

Fortunately, Kristina's technical level is unquestionable, and Ling and Xiaochun are all experts in this area, so this magic circle was completely completed with the efforts of four people. During this time, the children have been giving us tea and water nearby, but they are beatings, but in my opinion, they are just making troubles. They can go faster without them.

It took us more than an hour to get this magic array into operation. After the trial operation was completed, with the input of a large amount of magic by Kristina, this magic array was finally fully operational ~ ~ almost also It was at the moment when the Magic Array was fully operational, the whole city remembered the screams of violent screams. This sudden situation surprised us, thinking that there was something wrong with that Magic Array. Fortunately, this scream was soon heard, and the results of the children's investigation also proved that this was just a normal reaction in the process of expulsing the negative effects of the magic circle and turning the zombies into humans.

With the start of the magic circle completed, we immediately took everyone and the four former zombie girls to the beautiful royal family to discuss the epic dragon.

Because it has returned to normal, of course this time the Queen came to talk to us. The queen standing in front of us, after observing the magic circle in person, said to us immediately, "Very well, you repaired it perfectly."

Although we use alternatives, one is 100% isolated and the other is 97%. The gap is not very large, so the type of queen who is not a professional mage at all cannot be distinguished at all. As for the auxiliary personnel such as the mage who should be around the queen ... please, their country has just awakened. How can the accompanying personnel react so quickly? It takes time, even to adapt to the current situation, right?

"We have fulfilled your request. Now it is time to tell us how to meet the epic dragon?" I asked the Queen. (To be continued ...)

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