Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 30: Super pit

Can I say no at this time? Besides, there is no burden to run back. The route over there is the route we came over, and it has been cleared by us. Even the corpses on the ground have been cleared to both sides of the road, which is a smooth road. Anyway, there is no other way to try other than this, so we can only try this solution.

Although I want to go back, in order to prevent the plow truck from moving, I will not leave anyone to watch the plow truck. Of course, there are many ways to keep it from going back anyway. .

After making a few fixed piles on the ground, and then stuck the plow truck on the fixed piles, I put away all the summoned creatures and Kristina and they jumped on their respective flying mounts and ran back. Anyway, the ground is flat here, and the 20-meter-wide channel is enough for large creatures of any volume to move, so we are almost all summoning long-armed summoning creatures, and then flying back together.

It took a lot of time on the road when I came, but it was much faster. Even at the speed of the guard pistol, this road didn't take a few minutes, and when I silently calculated the moving distance and confirmed that we had reached the place where we had entered this place before, there was exactly what we entered here. That entrance and the **** that the zombies were afraid to enter.

Seeing this thing, our mood has actually been prevented a lot, because the presence of the door means that this is the end of the passage, and this situation shows that we can hope to leave this place.

Put away the spears and birds, and we landed lightly on the slope. Then everyone walked up to the door where we entered here.

Zhenhong stood in front of the door, put her hand on the door panel, then looked back at me and asked, "Is it open?"

I nodded strongly, and then really red opened the door immediately. However, when the door opened, we didn't feel excited or disappointed. how to say? It was a mixture of surprise, surprise, and surprise.

After the door was opened, what we saw was no longer exactly the same passage, which shows that the outside is not the cycle time corridor we experienced before. This gave us a big surprise, because we can finally get rid of this endless corridor. But although it wasn't the corridor we couldn't walk before, it wasn't the place we came in before. It's ... a huge stone room. A stone chamber packed with hostile creatures.

The stone room in front of him is very tall. The indoor space with a rectangular parallelepiped structure has a width of nearly two kilometers and a length of at least 20,000 meters. Anyway, after activating Star Pupil with my vision, I can only see the opposite wall vaguely. Speaking of which, this place is similar to the previous corridor. In addition to being many times larger. The only good thing is that you can see the end. Finally, it will not let us keep running silly. Of course, although you can see the end. But the spatial extent of this place is much larger than the previous one. With a width of two kilometers and a height of at least two hundred meters, no supports such as stone pillars can be seen inside, and it is not known how such a long span can be sustained.

We are currently in the middle of a narrow side of this rectangular stone room. It is not the middle of the ground, but the middle of the space plane, because the exit where we are located has a gap of more than one hundred meters from the ground, and the entire ground below us is a dense army.

The reason I think these are the army is that all the creatures here are clean. The largest number of them are several types of infantry. Although these guys do not have any formation at all, they are all wearing protective equipment and have weapons. The largest number is a light infantry, with a semi-covered helmet, sleeveless light armor, and hard leather boots on the feet. The defense should be medium, taking into account the duality of lightness and protection. demand. In terms of weapons, this kind of soldier uses a short sword and a small round shield, which can also be considered a satisfactory design.

In addition to this light infantry, there are two levels of heavy infantry. These two levels of infantry were equipped with full-covered armor, no skin was visible from the outside, and the entire person was wrapped in metal. However, although the coverage area is large, one of the heavy infantry's armor is known at a glance, their movements are more flexible, and their body looks similar to normal people, and there is no obvious difference. However, another relatively small number of infantry is scary. The armor of these guys is obviously quite thick at first glance, because these guys all have a sense of stumbling, but in fact their height is more than two meters and two meters, which is two times higher than those around them. Head. From the joints of their armor, we can see the side edges of the armor, which is three or four centimeters thick, and we can see how amazing the thickness of this armor is. Except that it is not mechanically driven, this is almost already catching up with mobile armor. Of course, to match these guys' huge reminders, their weapons are also exaggerated. There are three types of weapons for this guy: epee, prisoner of war, and warhammer, all of which are heavy weapons, which are more effective than chopping. As for the other lightweight heavy infantry, their weapons are standard one-handed epee and large tower shield.

In addition to these three types of infantry, there is another type of infantry that has no metal armor at all. This unit only has tight leather armor, and the coverage area is not large. The weapon used is only a one-handed sword without a shield. It is lightweight at first sight. Flexible arms.

Remove these infantry, and some monsters remain. There are many types of these monsters, but the distribution is completely irregular. Among the several monsters I can see include one that is 2.5 meters tall and some humpbacks that look like werewolves and bearmen in the Druid transformation. A mixed creature, but this creature has no hair on its surface, but is covered with scales, and its upper limbs are abnormally thick, a bit like a gorilla, except that the head looks like a standard predator.

In addition, I found a kind of spider-like creature, but it was just a bit like it. Because this thing has exoskeleton protection throughout the body, if it is not because the body is segmented, and the main part is not flat, it looks very close to the crab. Basically, this thing can be considered as a giant spider with a crab shell, but their heads seem to have a bit of canine features, which are different from crabs or spiders. In addition, there is also a thing behind this thing A long tail with large pliers looks a bit like a scorpion's tail, except that the tip is not a poisonous needle like a hook but a large plier like gardening scissors.

In addition to these two strange monsters. I also found a lot of other monsters. But the number is not large, and there are some humanoid creatures wearing armor below. Although the body is the normal shape of human beings, their armor is not only gorgeous. And the colors are special. Clearly different from those infantry. For these exist. I can only think of a leader level with special abilities.

"A lot of monsters!" Looking at the things below, the gold coins couldn't help swallowing.

"What's the big deal? As long as you're not strong," Zhenhong said.

"Hmm ... guys ... I think you need to check your skills list." We were discussing the monster below, and suddenly we heard Kristina remind us to look at the skills list.

Although very puzzled, we opened up our skills to leave the first time. Then they were there together.

"Why are all my skills sealed?" Zhenhong called out first.

Christina said next: "It doesn't seem to be my problem alone! But have you noticed? Our property columns are all full."

Before patronizing and watching skills, this time, when Christina said, we found that her life, magic, and physical strength had been fully filled. Of course, this fill is said to be in the buff task. The weakened state does not mean our complete form.

"Although the magic is full, but what can't I do with my skills?" The gold coin couldn't help spitting.

"Fortunately, life is a bit useful." True Red Road.

"But we didn't lose much health, did we?" Christina asked.

Anyway, all our skills are now blocked, and there are so many monsters below, this is just killing people! The combat methods we can use without skills are only close combat, such as me and really red, and gold coins can barely make up, but what should Christina do? You can't really let Christina go and hit someone with a staff?

"The question now is not how many attributes we can recover, but what do we do when we go down?" I looked at the monster group below and asked: "Kristina, can you guarantee that you are all right? I doubt we will go It may not come afterwards. "

Although we have n’t actually descended to the ground yet, I can probably guess that there must be restrictions similar to the airspace field, because to the naked eye, all combat units are almost Melee systems, not only a small number of individual long-range systems, but most of them are throwing spears, etc., anyway, not suitable for air interception. In this case, if we can fly, then this room is simply a decoration, because no matter how many monsters you put below, as long as they can't reach us above, aren't they just decoration? Therefore, there must be some restrictions in this place that can prevent us from flying, otherwise there would be no threat at all.

In the face of this situation, all we can do is go down and kill all the way from the monster group. The advantage of all enemies being melee is that we may not need to deal with all enemies. Although the enemies below seem to be densely packed with at least hundreds of thousands, in fact, what really can meet us is actually more than a dozen people around us, and if we keep moving in battle Then, even if you kill all the way from here, in fact, there are probably only tens of thousands of people who really have a chance to rush near us and fight with us. After all, we already know that there are too many enemies below, and it is impossible to kill them completely, so we will definitely converge a little, pay attention to the size when killing the enemy, only try to force the enemy back, and we will not think about killing the enemy in large numbers. After all, One death after another, the speed of killing has no meaning at all.

However, although we may not have to deal with all the enemies here, after all, such a long passage needs to be played from beginning to end, with no rest in the middle. It's not easy to protect Christina, who has no fighting power at all. What's more important is that we don't know the strength of the following creatures for the time being. In case of the existence of very strong cattle, then we are in trouble. However, I don't think the system is capable of convulsing to throw out a bunch of enemies that can't be beaten directly. Since there are so many opponents, the strength must not be too strong.

When Christine heard me asking if she could protect herself, she shook her head and said, "I do n’t have any skills right now, and the rest is the stick. If it is in full physical condition, I will use me to deal with melee and deal with it. Some mobs are still okay, but now ...! "

Although Christina did not finish. But the meaning is already obvious. When she arrived below, she could only rely on our protection. I was not surprised by this. Anyway, I had already expected this situation.

"Okay, you guys don't move first. Really red, you help me hold the dragon's tendons and let go. I'll go down and look at the situation before. Maybe these creatures are not strong enough to fight."

"Although I really want to comfort you. But I think your guess is mostly unreliable." Zhenhong said directly.

I also know that True Red is telling the truth, but now that this situation does not continue, there is no way to go, so we have no other way. I can only rush forward.

Pulling out the cable head of the dragon tendon and giving it to True Red, then I jumped straight from the edge of the platform. Although there are more than a hundred meters above the ground, I have wings. Even in the forbidden area, it only restricts flying and does not limit your gliding and landing, so I will definitely not fall.

The facts are similar to my guess. After leaving the platform, I immediately found that I had entered the forbidden area. Obviously, the entire huge room was covered by the forbidden area, only the entrance where we were. A small area is the unaffected area, and all of this is a no-fly area.

Although it can't fly, landing is definitely no problem. When I directly spread my wings and slowly glide to a distance of ten meters from the ground, I suddenly gathered my wings and smashed into the monster pile below. Not because I want to make such an exaggeration, but because there are too many monsters below, if I don't come down quickly and just go so slowly, then I guess I will be hit by the monsters below. There were originally many enemies below, and if I lost my first move, it would really be played to death.

Because of my sudden landing, the enemies below didn't respond at all and I was directly knocked over, and then I saw those enemies rushing towards me.

I certainly could n’t lie on the ground and let them fight. I turned around and jumped up from the ground. Then I raised my hand and punched out an enemy in front of me. I felt that the power on my wrist was not great. Obviously these The enemy's power is not as great as expected. But this is not absolute, because these enemies are divided into many arms, and the one I just flew is a light infantry with only leather armor, so I am not sure if other arms are so soft.

In fact, I quickly got the answer, because there were enemies all around, most of them were well-armed infantry, so I quickly encountered another heavy infantry. This so-called heavy infantry refers to the kind of soldiers that I saw in the beginning wearing thinner full-cover armors. Another type of armor with super thick armor was named super heavy infantry by me, and half-body armor. The light infantry was the light infantry, and the one that was just hit by me was the light infantry. These four infantry types make up the main arms below.

The heavy infantry rushed forward was not slow, but it still didn't look enough to me. When the surrounding enemies didn't surround me, I rushed forward to meet it, and then my wrist flipped, eternally detected. Collided with his epee. This time I wanted to try the opponent's strength and weapon quality, but the result was a bit unexpected. The opponent's weapon quality was surprisingly good. It wasn't broken by Eternity, but Eternity was considered to be performing well. More than a fraction, as long as the power is greater, it is estimated that this guy's weapon will be broken soon.

Although Eternal did not directly cut off the opponent ’s weapon, at least I knew that the hardness of the opponent ’s equipment was not too exaggerated, at least I could hurt. As for gold coins and real red ... I don't worry about it. Zhenhong usually does not use a sword, so the opponent's equipment is useless, anyway, it must not be able to stop Zhenhong's fist. Besides, it really ca n’t work. You can also use potting skills. This skill is not a skill anyway. The great thing is that the extra attributes added by the system are gone, and the technique itself can still work. As for the gold coin ... Anyway, her Heavenly Sword is also a very good weapon. I think it should not be a problem to break the defense.

Immediately after experiencing the hardness of the opponent ’s weapon, I took a step back and swayed, and the guy fell down with too much force. I slipped sideways to bypass his front to reach his side, and then suddenly raised my right arm with I slammed the guy's back with his elbow down, and the guy was knocked to the ground by just one click, and then nothing happened. Of course, this is not too life-threatening. So I immediately added another sword. Just piercing the guy's spine directly from the back of the cervical spine, the guy was instantly resolved.

I was going to kill this guy and I was going to deal with other people around me, but after killing this guy, I was a little stunned. I opened up several weapons and attacked. I was surprised to find that I had upgraded. I was instantly lost. Although I have stayed at the current level for a long time. A lot of experience has accumulated. But to our level. Upgrading itself is very difficult, so my level upgrade should be very difficult and slow, at least now there should be a long time before the upgrade. but. Just after I cut off a monster, I even upgraded directly.

At that moment, I wanted to open my own property panel to study what happened, but the enemies around me obviously didn't plan to make me wish. Many monsters swarmed and formed a dense encirclement around me. Restricting each other, they did not shoot together. These guys are different from previous zombies. Zombies don't have a sense of fear, so they will rush up crazy after seeing the target, regardless of whether there will be problems such as stampede crowding. Although this behavior does affect the individual's combat effectiveness, sometimes you have to admit that crazy behavior like a zombie is often the most impactful. No matter how good your fighting skills are, as long as a group of people who are not afraid of death rush up and hug you, and then follow-up people keep jumping on you, stacking people up and down, even if you are a martial art master, In this case, it can only be staring, because no matter how good the technology is, it will not work at this time.

However, after all, not everyone is as brave as a zombie, and most people have a sense of fear. Even if life and death can be abandoned for certain beliefs, everyone will instinctively choose to face it at the moment of death. As is the case now, if these enemies are rushing up, then I can only hack up the first few people, and then wait for me to pull out the weapons, and the people behind will completely bury me under the pile of people. This way, my technology will not work out. However, these people are afraid of death. After they rush up, they instinctively search for fighters, and they will flow out of the fighting space for other companions. In this way, only a few people can actually fight me at the same time. The others are here. When the opportunity rushed up, this gave me a time interval and allowed me to fight with confidence.

However, although the enemy didn't all jump on at once, but I had to face attacks from several people around me at the same time, I was too busy. It's not that my response can't keep up, but that my body can't keep up. My speed of thinking is unparalleled. "Zero" is a game designed for humans, and his theoretical reaction speed is also developed with reference to human data. Relatively speaking, my thinking speed is too fast, so there is nothing that I absolutely cannot react to, unless That thing was originally set in the game to prevent players from reacting.

However, although my thinking can keep up with the pace, my body is limited by the system properties, and in this case, I cannot completely keep up with my thinking. Sometimes I clearly see the enemy's attack, but my body can't keep up with the speed, just can't pass, and can only use other methods to respond urgently, but this is no problem once or twice. It can be very tiring after more times. However, although I felt very difficult during this kind of battle, I also discovered an extraordinary situation at the same time.

"I depend!" I couldn't help but scream when I first discovered the discovery.

Christina, who has been watching my movements above, immediately noticed my strangeness, and then didn't wait for them to respond. I jumped out of the monster group and jumped out of the thread take-up device. I pulled back to the platform with the take-up device of the dragon's tendon.

As soon as I came here, Kristina immediately surrounded them, and asked, "How? How powerful are the monsters below?"

"Whew. Wait a minute, let me breathe." I said after a slight delay: "The situation below is similar to what we had guessed before, but a bit different."

"Other situation? What kind of situation are you talking about?" Zhenhong asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. There is indeed a forbidden area below, that is to say, don't expect to come up after going down. I can now step on the point to use the dragon's tendon, and when moving forward There is no such good treatment. However, it is not lifeless below. "

"How to say?"

"First, I found some of the rewarding buffs in the monsters below."

"Rewarding buff?" The coin confirmed in surprise: "Do you mean that some of the monsters below will give you auxiliary attributes after being killed?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, and in addition to the addition of auxiliary attributes, I also found a huge benefit."

"Great benefits? What kind of good can be called huge benefits?"

"What else is there other than experience?" I said directly: "Just after I killed the first monster below, I found that I actually upgraded, and then I opened the property panel and watched the battle. As a result, after killing When I was an enemy, I found that the experience bar actually increased sharply. Although I do n’t know the specific rate. But I am sure that the experience value of the monster here is very exaggerated. If you hack an enemy here, you will be on top and we will practice outside. A couple of days. "

"So exaggerated?" Zhenhong asked excitedly: "If we kill all the monsters here ...?"

"You dream." Pond of cold water poured down the gold coins: "The system will not let us pick up such a large loophole, and there must be some kind of limitation in it, otherwise the number of monsters here, Would n’t we kill them by thousands of levels at once? Let ’s talk about it. Even if the system really gives us such benefits. Do you think we kill all the monsters here? It ’s true that we are exhausted here and there. ? "

Christina agrees: "I also think there must be some restrictions. And there are so many monsters here, it is good that we can kill the opposite side. The monsters and enemies in this place must not be killed."

"This place is actually an institution similar to a golden treasure." I said, "It is said that a grave robber discovered the tomb of an ancient king in the past. But the door of the treasure room in that mausoleum has an institution, and it is soon after each opening. It will be closed again, so each time you go in, you can only quickly get one or two things out. But all the grave robbers finally could n’t come out before the gate was closed because they did n’t want the treasures piled up in the mountains, and they were finally trapped alive. Death in it becomes a skeleton on the treasure heap. Now we are actually in the same situation. These monsters have a lot of experience points, this is a treasure, and if we desperately kill these enemies because of these treasures, Most of us can't stick to the opposite side. At that time, the system will inevitably have heavy penalties, which will be enough to offset the experience values ​​we get. I even suspect that this place will be set to deduct you from hundreds of experience at a time after death, otherwise The benefits of this level would be too obvious. "

Seeing that we all said that she could n’t help but said, “I ’m just talking, what are you doing like a batch meeting? OK, I ca n’t be too greedy. But what will Kristina do when I go down? ? "

"In fact, I already know the solution to this problem." I said with a smile.

Christina looked at me in surprise and asked, "What is it?"

I pointed to the enemies below and said, "Did you see those enemies? I just discovered that for every enemy you kill, you can use any skill once, which means you just go down and kill an enemy, then Assuredly driving magic skills all the way through. Of course, the premise is that each of your skills can destroy at least one enemy, otherwise you have to find a way to kill another enemy. "

"I rely on, if we let Christine prepare a big move, wouldn't she be able to raise her several hundred levels at once?" Asked Gold Coins.

I shook my head: "Unblocking skills can only be ordinary skills, and those large skills that are expensive are not included."

Kristina said with some concern: "I don't know if my rainbow spray is out of this range, if the rainbow spray can be unblocked, I can serve as a battery for you."

"Then let's try it now?" Zhenhong asked.

I thought about it and said, "First, after that, I'm still in front of me and Zhenhong, everyone is standing against the wall ~ ~ Gold coins. Do you think of a way to drag an enemy to death and drag it to Christie? Na kill, then Christine, you quickly see what skills you can use, and find a way to cover us, but pay attention to ensure that your own magic can be reused and not broken. "

Christina nodded, and then said, "Just give me a start-up skill, and it should be fine after that. By the way, what is the combat effectiveness of the monster below?"

"The attributes are about half weaker than us. One-on-one is very easy. It can be said that it is almost like an adult bullying a child, but there are too many other people, and I have just experimented with common enemies. None of those special individuals and monsters I don't know the specific situation, but I can foresee that it will definitely be more harmful than these miscellaneous soldiers. "

"As long as you have the skills," Zhenhong said.

I also nodded and said, "Everyone pays attention to save time when using skills. Killing an enemy will give you a chance to use skills, so don't waste skills if you can kill with ordinary attacks."

"Understand." Christina nodded in confirmation.

"All right, let's go down and start fighting now." (To be continued ...)

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