Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 31: This is called welfare!

With my order, Christina and they immediately jumped off the platform with me. If we can't kill the other side this time, we will have no hope at all. So this time it can be considered a backwater battle.

Because Christina and I both have wings, the direction of the fall is controlled by both of us. Fortunately, we only need to take one person, so even if there is a forbidden area, we still accurately fall against the wall. Go on.

We must ensure that there are not too many enemies around before Christina gets her first skill, so leaning against the wall is obviously the most reasonable way. Before we were about to land, I directly held Eternal and swung it down hard. A red swordman immediately smashed into the crowd below, and instantly split a few enemies waiting to kill our enemies.

Zhenhong saw that I could use my skills and was immediately surprised and asked, "Why do you have skills?"

"Nonsense, didn't I just kill a few enemies just now? This skill was brought up. But just now I killed six enemies, removed one that was used, and made a net five skills."

"Does it seem that the amount of skills used is still very profitable?"

"Should be counted." I said that I have landed on the ground with everyone, because the skills just killed the enemies in our falling area, so we were not attacked when we landed, but the nearby enemies were not far away. Therefore, as soon as we landed, we immediately encountered a violent attack around us.

The whereabouts of the fall were unfortunate, and as soon as I stood still I heard the heavy footsteps screaming in front of me. Then he saw an overweight infantry who was obviously two feet higher than the person in front of him. He pulled away a light infantry in front of him and then rushed forward with a big stride.

When I saw this guy rushing up, I was going to block it, but I didn't expect that really red was pulling me to her side and changing my position, and then excitedly said, "This is me."

Although it was passive to be pulled over this way, this overweight infantry is indeed really suitable to deal with, so I didn't say anything, I just opened the position and waved eternity to block the two killed on the other side. Light infantry. These light infantry are very fast, and because there are no shields and metal armor, these guys have almost no physical limitations. When the two guys rushed in front of me, they even played a small cooperation, and one person stepped forward to force me to dodge. Then another guy took the opportunity to sneak attack from the side. Want to bring me down, but these two infantry are too underestimating my strength. Looking at the guy rushing in front of me, I did not dodge a large area at all. Instead, I slightly tilted my head and let his sword slide over the edge of my helmet.

Although it is not usually used, this kind of physical ability can not keep up with the nerve reflex. I can only play micro exercises. For example, the flick mode just now is the highest state of micro-manipulation. Facing the attack of the enemy. I do n’t need to do a large range of evasion. I just need to confirm that I ’m avoiding the attack line of the opponent. This minimum evasion action is the so-called scrub. This means passing the enemy's bullets without being hit.

Of course, this technique is difficult to achieve in reality, most of which are mostly luck, and only creatures like me, whose reaction speed exceeds human's normal level, can do this kind of thing. However, even at the speed of my nerve reflexes, this action is still quite dangerous, because you need to determine the range of the enemy's attack. Do n’t think that the opponent is stabbed with a sword. You are absolutely safe without being touched by the blade. Many weapons in "Zero" have magic attributes, and users have certain attributes themselves. Anyway, it is the attack of those weapons The range is often larger than its physical volume, and this extra part can be called the sword cricket. If this sword cricket is thrown out, it is the so-called sword attack. Because of the existence of this attribute in the game, we actually have no way to accurately determine the range of the enemy's weapon attack. We can only guess based on energy induction and our own experience. If you guess wrong in normal combat, the problem is not big. After all, the range of sword crickets is generally not large, but it is very dangerous in this scrubbing mode. A weapon that is not good enough to avoid the opponent's weapon, but not the layer of swords outside the weapon, is troublesome.

Although this rubbing behavior is very dangerous, it can almost be said that it is dancing on the blade, but I can still control my own rubbing risk accurately against these enemies, so the attack of this guy in the past was directly missed. Not only did I not have a large range of evasion, but because I just staggered the attack range of the blade, I rushed to him. Without waiting for him to react, I went straight to an iron mountain and knocked the guy out, followed closely by a dragon with a tail and a tail that would go to the side to attack me. Circle center.

Gold coins and Christina are waiting for an opportunity here, and of course I would not miss such a good opportunity when I suddenly kick in an enemy. The gold coin went up through the guy's shoulder blade with a sword, and then pressed it back to Christina. Kristina also moved quickly, took out the less commonly used magic sword and pierced the guy's back. Although the sword is not actually used for fighting, this thing is pointed after all, so the attack power is not bad. The main thing is that this is a light infantry, with only leather armor on his body and no protection on his head, so this time it was successfully terminated.

"Haha, I can use magic." After killing this enemy, Christina yelled excitedly, and then saw her step forward suddenly, the magic sword in her hand pointing forward, a white frost The corridor instantly appeared in the direction pointed by Christina's sword. In this one-meter-wide, fifty-meter-long frosty area, numerous sprawling ice thorns grew from the ground in an instant. At least dozens of enemies were hit by ice thorns because they were dodged, although not hit. All the people were killed, but this move killed at least seven or eight enemies, and the remaining ones were slightly injured.

A skill changed to more casting opportunities, and Kristina didn't immediately start Cyclonus skill. Instead, she rushed out by holding the magic sword directly. When she was about to contact the enemy in front, she suddenly pointed the magic sword towards the sky, and then we saw that all the runes on her magic sword suddenly turned on. Get up, immediately following the position of the sword tip, a circle of blue and white apertures erupted immediately. The dazzling aperture was like a shock wave that swept across the range of 50 meters around us. Then it disappeared, at least twenty auras flashed out before and after, and after the end of this magic, those enemies on the battlefield hurriedly touched themselves, only to find that there was no damage. but. When they were proud to continue to attack, they were surprised to find that they were frozen. Although the body doesn't feel cold, but the movement is a full third slower. The movement that can usually be completed in three seconds has now become four seconds. This extra speed delay makes these guys' movement very very Inconsistent. And the slow speed means that any of their attacks are very easy to dodge.

It can be said that Christina is indeed a fighting genius. At this time, she is not in a hurry to use the attack skills to brush up experience and skill usage. Instead, a non-lethal field-control magic was used to create a safe area for us. As long as it is within this range, the enemy will slow down, and in this case we can easily kill the enemy and temporarily accumulate the number of kills. This will not only get a lot of experience points, the most important thing is that you can also get a lot of skill usage, so that after we kill this range, we can jump into a distance, and once our skill usage can not keep up , You can stop again and do it again. So, Christina simply solved our biggest problem.

Faced with these slow enemies in front of me, Zhenhong and I are like no one. Originally, our attributes were higher than these guys. Now these guys have suddenly slowed down. Naturally, our fighting power can be fully exerted. While those guys are slow to react, we directly use the simplest way to attack their vital positions. This is difficult to do in normal mode. After all, everyone will instinctively protect their vital positions, but now these guys are slower, so they can't keep up even if they want to protect.

In fact, compared to us, the coolest thing is gold coins. She managed to catch an enemy with my cooperation and gave it to Kristina. This will cause her no worries, but Kristina won Skills go down and the problem is solved. The gold coins are considered to be half a melee system. After the enemy slows down, she can easily kill these guys. After the skills are restored, the gold coins immediately swell. Although her large sword-like array of ten thousand swords cannot be started for the time being, but even small skills are enough to abuse these miscellaneous soldiers, not to mention that the experience value of these miscellaneous soldiers is so scary that the killing of gold coins is a joy. I usually worked hard for two days, and now I can do it with only one sword. Anyone who makes such a profit must have a laugh.

The rise of killing on our side, but really red, suddenly came together and shouted at me: "Boss, I found a new situation."

"Ah? What happened?"

"The enemies in this place not only add experience, but also seem to add attributes. I just killed a super heavy infantry and the result showed that I got two strengths, and it was permanently increased. It will still take effect after the mission attributes are restored."

"I depend, can this work?"

Actually, really, those two power attributes are actually completely dispensable for the true red full body mode. After all, her power is already very large, so you can see more of these two points and less of both. Not coming out. However, these two forces are now of great significance. You know that we are still in the buff task, and our attributes have been greatly weakened, so our actual attribute points are not too high. However, these two strengths are directly added to the real strength attributes of True Red without being weakened and converted. Although the system prompts clearly stated that after we go out, these two points will not become a lot of points because of weakening the attribute restoration, but it will always exist, and under the current situation where the attribute point is generally not high, The meaning of point is great. Based on the current true red strength attributes, these two strengths are actually equivalent to more than five thousandths of her strength value, and this ratio is actually very large.

You must know that this attribute is definitely not an example. Although the hostile creatures here will definitely not have attribute rewards, they will definitely not have only this one. So, if we can continue to get the attribute bonus, then the battle will not be easier and easier to fight later?

I was thinking of a bright future here, but I didn't expect to hear Christina yelling, "President, then."

Suddenly I heard Christina's words and I instinctively reached out to pick it up, and then I found that I had something like a red glass marble in my hand. Although this thing is opaque, its appearance is very smooth and highly reflective, it looks like it is made of crystal.

After receiving this, I glanced at Christine in doubt, but the other side just said, "The monster just burst out. I need to be identified here!"

Since identification is needed, it is simple. Anyway, I have my own appraisal skills. Although the skills are valuable in this kind of place, I really want to know what this is, and I can fight in close combat. So skills are not very important to me.

Okay. The identification of this thing is not difficult. It worked once. After the appraisal, the beads suddenly changed from glass marbles to tennis balls. Although they looked like crystals, the inside became transparent. And in the center of this red bead, there is actually a golden Chinese character-soul.

"Rely on, what the **** is this?" Zhen Hong asked in amazement when she saw the suddenly enlarged beads in my hand.

I certainly can't answer because I haven't looked at the properties yet. Immediately after opening the property, I understood the usefulness of this thing, but immediately followed by a cold sweat.

Real Red and Kristina asked me immediately after seeing my reaction was abnormal. "What's wrong? That thing is dangerous?"

While resisting nearby enemies, I said, "No, I'm afraid! I'm scared!"

"Fear of the future? What are you afraid of?" The gold coin asked back and then fought against the enemy in front.

"Remember those zombie rewards we got over the front mausoleum?"

"Of course." Zhenhong said, "How long has it been? We are not so forgetful."

I continued: "That's not actually a reward. Those zombies are not rewards to us at all, they are actually mission goals."

"What are you talking about? Whoops!" Zhen Hong was so surprised because she was too surprised that she was hit by the enemy in front, but fortunately the enemy was slowing down. True Red reacted and quickly overthrew the enemy.

"Remember the corpse-like girl asked us to come to us when we entered the buff mission?"

"It seems to rescue them or something." True Red Road.

I followed: "Later we judged that because their souls got this side by that soul catcher, they were trapped here. Our task was to destroy the soul extractor, and the task would be completed. However, we were only half right. They were actually attracted to the extractor by the soul extractor, but their souls were no longer in the extractor, but were loaded with the zombies we encountered before. Body. "

Kristina exclaimed, "No wonder those zombies can do magic! It turns out they have a soul inside!"

I nodded and said, "Yes. But the key is not this. Before we got those zombies, it was completely a pit. At that time, if we sacrificed those zombies as cannon fodder, then our mission has actually failed, but because I There are a lot of summoning creatures, so those zombies have never been used, and I put them in the gate of the earth to install them. Thanks to my useless zombies at the time, these beads we hit now are actually to save those souls Props, just use this bead to gently smash the zombie's forehead, the opponent's soul will enter the bead, and then the bead should fly away by itself, and send the inhaled soul to where it should go . And as long as we save the soul of a hundred zombies, even if the mission is completed, the extra part will have additional rewards, and the more the number, the more rewards. "

"I trust, I remember a lot of the zombies we carried before, right?" Zhenhong suddenly asked.

In fact, not all of the zombies were dead before, just because I later found that these things were not very useful and I put away a part of them, so I didn't die, but to be honest, I am very happy that I can live now. If it was changed for the most part, he would be killed alive, and he would have killed himself. After all, the creatures found in the mission that can help the battle, of course, will be brought together to fight, who will collect them all like us?

Anyway, it was really thrilling this time, otherwise I wouldn't scare myself into a cold sweat. Kristina and Zhenhong also reacted at this time and asked me how many zombies were left, after all, they hadn't noticed this before.

"Relax, there are more than two hundred, enough is enough."

In fact, most of the dead zombies are male zombies who are not magical ~ ~ female zombies have been preserved. After all, these magical zombies are of research value, so I have reserved a few more as specimens Moreover, it is said that the master type is not rushed to the front line, so it is normal to have less death.

More than two hundred, as long as one hundred can complete the task, the rest is an additional reward. We have more than doubled the amount and this reward should be very generous. And ... the enemies in this room are actually rewards.

Before, we did n’t quite understand why we had to build a monster-heavy room here. Now I understand it. This is the bonus extractor that combines the dual rewards of welfare plus quests into one!

"Everyone let go of their hands and feet." Zhenhong shouted excitedly after reacting.

I quickly grabbed her and said, "Don't be impulsive, rewards are rewarded, we still have to be restrained. There are too many monsters in this place. In case we hang up, we can't keep the punishment from the system, so be careful. More Pay attention while protecting yourself. "

"Understand, to save your life first, to score the second?" Zhenhong said and rushed out again, and I had no choice but to follow behind and kill the enemy. After all, this is all experience! (To be continued ...)

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