Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 32: There are so many rewards

At first I was still very worried about this dangerous behavior. After all, there are too many enemies in this place. Although our strength is not good, our strength is also suppressed very much. At present, we ca n’t completely suppress it. These enemies, so that we are currently dealing with these hostile creatures is a kind of risky behavior, it is likely to be killed by these guys.

However, after actually fighting for a little while, I discovered a new situation, and this new discovery made me completely relieved.

In fact, these hostile creatures in front of us can provide far more than the ones we found before. The reason why we didn't find them at first was because we killed too few. After a period of fighting we found that the creatures here seem to carry a lot of messy attributes randomly. Among them, more of them are to increase one of our attributes. Among them, strength and intelligence are added more, and other attributes may appear occasionally. Some, just not so often. In addition, the creatures here will continue to provide ultra-high experience value, almost every enemy's experience value is top and outside the average experience value of two thousand level monsters four or five hundred times.

You must know that the monsters of level 2,000 are actually very monsters on the outside. That ’s why Kristina and I, real frontline players, can use this monster as a leveling object. Normal players encounter For monsters of this level, the best case when ordering is to retreat from the whole body. Normally, they are mostly killed directly. If the player team encounters monsters of this level, the battle can usually win. However, the player team generally does not deal with monsters of this level. After all, although the player team can kill monsters of this level, the relative investment is too large. In order to lose a lot of life and magic for such a monster, and then take medicine to supplement it, it is better to deal directly with the mobs, not only is it safer, but the percentage of experience value generated per unit time is actually higher. The most important thing is that it has less health and magic power to deal with low-level monsters. In other words, the money to buy medicine can be much less. The economic benefit is obviously higher than that of high-level monsters.

Because of this, monsters of class 2,000 are very cow monsters outside. Although not quite. But at least half of the players won't touch it easily. However, each of these hostile creatures around us has the strength of a monster of level 60 or 70, but their experience value has reached five or six hundred times the average level of a monster of level 2,000. If it were not because our own strength was suppressed to a level of only about one hundred levels, this place would be a paradise. of course. Even now. This place is definitely a good place to score points. Of course, it is better if the terrain is not so wide.

This place is open in space, there are many enemies around, and they are all active attack type. There is no way to attract waves of waves at your own pace, as usual, because from the moment we entered this place, all the monsters here have followed us. Otherwise, because they are very orderly, they will not push Squeeze our companions, we must have been crushed by this.

In addition to the experience value of these monsters and the addition of some attribute values ​​mentioned earlier, there are actually some monsters here that have a low occurrence rate, but they really have a small amount of rewards. Among them, Kristina and I each gave a three-minute experience double reward.

In normal game mode, doubling the experience in three minutes is not much use at all, unless this three minutes allows you to control when it takes effect, and then use these three minutes to get double experience at the moment of the last death of the OSS. However, what we get here is no control ability and experience doubled, that is, after killing an enemy with this attribute, we immediately start to experience double phenomenon, and this attribute immediately after three minutes Will disappear.

This property was really useless outside, but we found here that the doubling of this three-minute experience is really awesome. First of all, the monsters here have a lot of experience values. The normal 2000-level monsters have five to six hundred times the experience, and this double is more than one thousand times the experience. What is this concept? More than a thousand times the experience. I usually fight for a few days, and now I only need to make up for one or two monsters. You must know that the experience value of a monster is one thousand times that of another monster, which does not mean that you can gain experience one thousand times faster. In fact, the actual value should be more than one thousand times. Because according to the data calculation, the experience value of a thousand ordinary monsters is the same as that of such a super experience monster, but those monsters cannot line up one by one to fight you in order? If there are many monsters, then the monsters cooperate with each other in battle, and your speed of killing the enemy will decrease. And if there are not many monsters, it is even worse, you have to go across the mountains to find the next monster. Therefore, the time to kill a thousand ordinary monsters outside is definitely not equal to a thousand times the time to kill a monster, but it will definitely be longer. Of course, the situation I am talking about refers to killing monsters that are similar to yours. If you go to level 20 mobs, killing a thousand is just as likely as killing one. After all, For some big players who love advanced tricks, whether they are standing in front of a monster or a thousand monsters is actually a trick.

According to this situation, after getting double experience points in three minutes, the experience rewards we actually got are at least 1,200,300 times faster than outside leveling, which may be more than that. Moreover, there is another advantage here, that is, there are so many monsters here, we don't have to go to find monsters in the mountains. Although a large number of monsters crowded together also affected our speed of killing the enemy, after all, it was much faster than killing one for a long time. In this way, we can actually gain experience much faster than expected.

According to this situation, three minutes is actually a long time. After all, we are not wooden people. As a living person, of course, we have subjective initiative. Therefore, whenever we find ourselves receiving this double reward, we will start to explode, and all the skills accumulated in our body will be used to explode. Within three minutes, our number of kills can only be said to rise linearly, and the growth rate of the experience value shows that our own eyes are jumping. It can be said that since the beginning of the novice village, apart from the experience of the system settlement guild leadership after the guild war, I have never added such experience.

In addition to these double experience rewards, the creatures here also carry a lot of strange rewards. For example, True Red had hit an absolutely invincible state for fifteen seconds before. After that, the gold coins also played a death aura. After killing a target, all the enemies within a radius of five meters were suspended for a moment ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ I was shocked when I got the coins. Then, Kristina played a super mode unblocking scroll with good luck. According to the above recorded content, after using this scroll, any one of us can return to the state without being suppressed by the buff task. However, this scroll took effect for only three seconds.

If we could get us back to the normal state, even if it was only eight seconds, the significance of this scroll would be immense, because if there were eight seconds, it would mean that we could complete a super big move. No matter who of the four of us is the ultimate killer, we can instantly kill most of the enemies here. However, the time for this scroll is only three seconds, and this time is not enough to use large skills. The strongest skill we can think of is only Christina's medium-sized skills.

"What? Christina, use this one yourself. Try to attack as far as possible and give us a way out." I handed it back after watching the scroll that Christina handed over. .

Christina hesitated after seeing that I handed it back. It wasn't that she wanted to quit. After all, it was only given to me by the trust in my judgment. I hope that this thing can be used to its fullest value, but Since I gave it back to her again, that means that this thing is the most suitable for her. In this case, Kristina would certainly not refuse. However, she has to carefully consider what skills to use, otherwise this precious three seconds will be wasted. (To be continued ...)

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