Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 47: Clearing the battle for BOSS

Following the direction of Christina's fingers, I quickly noticed the changes on the mountain. I saw that starting from us and heading towards the top of the mountain, all the tree spirits were automatically separated to both sides, and then formed a forest like Yin Avenue-like passage. Of course, this so-called tree-lined avenue doesn't have much flat ground, but the tree-lined sides are not bad at all.

Looking at this avenue that suddenly appeared, the fool also knew that someone on the mountain wanted us to go up, but to be honest, I really didn't make a good decision about not getting up.

The original decision was whether to go up the mountain first or enter the village below. This initiative is entirely in our own hands, and this choice is not burdensome, but the situation has become a little strange now.

The unknown existence on the mountain gave us this way, which shows that the other party wants us to go up the mountain, but according to my own thinking, what we should do now is not to go up the mountain but to sweep the nearby villages as much as possible to collect some crystals. Whether it is a psionic crystal or those red essences of life, it is actually very useful for us now.

I don't know how to decide, I just told my own ideas to Christina. Of course, there is another reason to go down the hill to rid the monsters. I think that if you go down to rid the monsters, you can find a few missing Matsumoto Masako. Our team is now missing three people, which is definitely a huge loss of combat effectiveness. Senior people like us know more about tactical coordination than ordinary players. Therefore, once senior players get together, the combat power often comes out in the form of a product. This is not a concept at all when the combat powers of ordinary players gather. For us, three people are missing. Not only is the three people lacking combat power, it is a huge impact on the overall strength of all of us. Take the supplementary magic for you just now, if the gold coins are here, I definitely won't let the Sakura Rain chicks add state to us. Compared to the Sakura Yujin, the gold coins have more auxiliary power. This alone has cost us a lot of fighting power.

However, the matter of finding all the people is not necessarily the same, so I have not listed this as the main consideration, but even if I do n’t consider Matsumoto ’s problems, the crystals provided by those monsters are already there. Very attractive.

Kristina and Real Red they hesitated slightly after listening to my thoughts. If the follow-up development of this task do not appear to set up a pit father. Generally speaking, going up the mountain is basically the same as finding an active decisive battle. After all, the scope of this mission map is so large. Most of our main missions are at the monastery on the top of the mountain, so that as long as we go up the mountain, we basically decide the battle.

Suppose our guess is correct. It is obviously not a good idea to go up the mountain. Because it ’s common sense to clear the mobs before the war. This will prevent the summoned mobs from coming to the station during the battle. Interfering with our siege plan. Second, cleaning up the mobs first allows us to get some additional benefits first, such as upgrading to a level to restore the state or something. This is the special role of mobs.

Now the ghosts in the villages below the mountains can basically be considered mobs, and most of them live on the mountains. So normally, we should go down the mountain, first clear up the mobs, and then talk.

However, normal conditions are not necessarily normal in this task. Considering those pit father settings that I encountered before, this buff task looks completely different from the outside task. Its task structure is quite chaotic. There is nothing to let you consider. I feel that the task is just two things. ——Character and strength. If the strength is not good, those monsters can toss you to death in minutes, and if the character is not strong enough, then be ready to trap yourself in the maze!

Therefore, based on the pit father setting of this buff task, we can't guarantee that the mountain is just now, and the mountain must be mobs. This task may even be hidden in an ordinary room in a village below the mountain, and if the mountain is not good, it is to defeat this necessary pass item or attribute. Anyway, it all depends on the task setting, and there is no trace of it. Intelligence can be used as a reference, the only thing we can do is guess with luck.

"Anyway, there is nothing to think about, why don't we decide to toss a coin?" Zhenhong suggested.

Kristina immediately said: "Instead of tossing a coin, I would rather go down the mountain first. Anyway, I can make more crystals, and one thing will not change. That is, there are more enemies under the mountain, and the average strength is very low, which is conducive to President Ziri has summoned a large number of creatures to exert combat effectiveness. "

Kristina's remarks came to an idea. My summoning creatures are amazing. Except for those monster pets that can join me in the battle, the summoning creatures are basically furnishings. After all, the strength of the death guard and the unicorn warrior is too low, it is no problem to form a battle line against ordinary players or the army, but it is difficult for them to deal with it.

After listening to Kristina's suggestion, I just hesitated for a second or two, and then directly clapped, "I decided, down the mountain, let's go and sweep down the mobs first."

"But what if it's underneath?" Blazing Dragon Ji asked.

"Anyway, we ca n’t guarantee that we wo n’t run into war first, so it ’s actually the same to go up or down first. Since those uncertain factors ca n’t be determined anyway, we just do n’t care about it, and make good use of us. The advantages are just fine. "

As chairman, my status in the Frost Rose League is still unanimously approved by everyone, so no matter what I usually do, as long as I make a decision, no one will object again. However, when I came over, I rarely acted arbitrarily without being sure. In general, I generally consider asking for your opinions first.

Since I say so now, they are naturally no objection. Everyone started to go down the mountain.

When we went up the mountain, we only had a few people, but when we went down, we became a whole army. Of course, the main members are my Death Guard and Kirin Warrior. There are more than 50,000 people in these two arms plus one. Of course, the scale is of course. It is quite amazing, but because of the severe suppression of this task, the current Death Guard and Kirin Samurai really have become like ordinary soldiers.

Although neither my death guard nor the unicorn warrior was a particularly advanced army, after all, the army that can be summoned in units of 10,000 must not be so strong, but anyway. After all, Death Guard and Kirin Samurai are mythological creatures.

Grim Reaper is Anubis's guard. Of course, this part of me was transformed into power. It can't really be as powerful as the Anubis's guard, but even so. The death guard I call is still a very powerful magical creature. Although they left Anubis, if my Majesty would become the same combat characteristics as me. Demon martial arts can also summon monsters to help. Although this caused them to lose their powerful fighting power as part of the Shenwei, the diversified fighting methods also improved their battlefield adaptability and survivability in disguise. It can be said that these dog-headed soldiers are inferior to the original Anubis Guards except for their absolute attributes. In fact, personal fighting skills and fighting methods are still beyond. Of course, I really want to let my Death Guard and Anubis's group of genuine Guards play against each other. It is estimated that the two Guards will be able to kill the Death Guards on my side. The guards are all protoss, and each one is a protoss, so the combat effectiveness is naturally impossible to compare with ordinary creatures.

Anyway, my Death Guard is also a Shenhua creature, and they have inherited many powerful characteristics from the original Death Guard, such as the characteristics of "no fear of death" and "no harm".

The feature of being afraid of death is very simple, which means that the death guard is not afraid of death. These guys are the minions of death, and being killed is just going back to their master to make a bend. How could a death guard be afraid of death in this case? And how horrible an army is not afraid of death, I believe that everyone can understand a little bit.

As for the feature of "does not hurt", the actual in-game name should be called "the body of the puppet". This characteristic does not mean that the body will not be injured, but that any non-lethal injury is meaningless.

Suppose a death guard is cut across the stomach by the enemy during the battle. If ordinary creatures must be flowing blood, the internal organs will be sprayed out if it is bad. However, this attack is meaningless to the Death Guard. Even if you cut tens of thousands of knives on his stomach, it will not hurt the guy at all. Similarly, puncture attacks are useless. No matter how you pierce him, it's okay, even if it is sieved in a short time. These death guards can still fight as if they were all right, and the wounds will disappear quickly within seconds. Situations such as limbs being cut and waist cuts have no meaning to the Death Guard, because their bodies are not injured. Even if you cut off his entire arm, these death guards can grow a brand new one in a few seconds.

Of course, although this cricket body looks very bullish, it is actually not immortal. The advantage of the puppet body is that it will never be injured unless a powerful attack on the deadly vital part occurs or the health is completely cleared. This feature is quite powerful, because once a normal creature is injured, the combat effectiveness will decrease, especially in the case of lack of arms and legs, the combat effectiveness is almost equal to the absence. However, the existence of the characteristics of the puppet body, unless the health value is completely gone, otherwise, even if there is only one drop of blood, the combat power will not be affected as much as full blood. In addition, the puppet body is actually a defensive feature, because the damage actually caused by their bodies is far less than that of ordinary creatures. If you add a person ’s belly, a hole is opened. If the blood loss is 100 points, the same wound appears on the owner of the cricket body, which is at most 10 points of blood loss, and the wound will heal immediately, not at all. How much damage will be generated. Such a setting will undoubtedly reduce the speed of battle damage caused by the existence of the cricket body. However, they can withstand more attacks with the same health value, which is definitely a terrible feature.

Except for Death Guard, my unicorn warrior is not a normal creature. The Kirin Samurai is actually a branch of the Chinese Tianbing Department. To put it bluntly, these guys are sky soldiers, but not a main force, but a special branch. Compared with the full version of the Tianbing Tianjiang, my Kirin warrior strength is much weaker, this is mainly not a problem of fighting methods, but the absolute attributes are too low. After all, the arms that can be summoned must be weakened. Otherwise, I will summon tens of thousands of full-powered version of Tianbing Tianjiang, let alone players, and I can stand with a big hand even if the main **** of a protoss comes. Watching him piled alive by my summoned creature. Therefore, the system cannot allow this to happen. but. Even if registration is restricted. The unicorn warriors are still very strong, at least they are all mythical creatures, and their combat effectiveness is still guaranteed. Of course, it is not possible to challenge the player alone, but if it is against ordinary players. Three or five hits generally guarantee a 50% win rate. This is already pretty good.

but. Although both the unicorn warrior and the death guard are very strong arms, it is a pity that both of them are now being suppressed. Think about how powerful I was during the heyday, and then look at how many attributes I have left? If you think about it, you can understand the situation of the death guard and the unicorn warrior.

If the physical data of human beings are attributed into the game. The current Death Guard and Kirin Samurai are probably the same level of combat power as ordinary infantry in the ordinary army in reality, and they are also cold weapon type personnel. Even the scouts of ordinary troops in reality are even stronger than the current Death Guard and Kirin Samurai. From this we can see that their strength is suppressed and dazzling.

Of course, although the suppression is very serious, the death guard and the unicorn warrior are not completely useless. At least they have a lot of people, and if necessary, they can kill some enemies even if they are used by people. Besides, these two arms also have a very good feature, that is, they are originally deified creatures, so they have the ability to directly attack spirit creatures, so you don't have to worry about the situation that ghosts can't hit.

After unifying the orders, we started to go down the mountain, and the first target was a village next to the village we were in. We intend to use this as a marker and then push clockwise all the way around the foot of the mountain to prevent a village from being missed.

After the order was given, my first death guard and unicorn warrior were the first to move, but Christina and I were not moving, because we were all staring at the situation on the mountain.

The existence on the mountain has opened a passage for us, which shows that the other party knows that we are here. Then, if we do n’t take this road, how will the other party react? There can only be two answers. Either rush down or ignore us.

If the opponent rushes down, then we need to engage in battle, which is why Kristina and I didn't go down first. I don't want people to be caught off guard from the back, especially if we already know that the other party exists.

Of course, the other party may choose to ignore our actions. If this happens, two conclusions can be inferred. The first is that the other party is oss, but for some reason was sealed in a temple on the mountain, so the following could not come. Another situation is that the other party is actually not a kind of existence with goodwill to us, and may just want us to go up the mountain to help us. Of course, here is the same as the previous argument, because there is no other information to refer to, so the choice is entirely based on guessing. Therefore, I simply did not think about some of these things, but I just concentrated on thinking about the other party What should I do if I rush down.

Fortunately, until the big troops on our side came down the mountain, there was no movement at all, but the road was blocked by the tree spirits again.

Since the other party didn't rush down, we didn't care about it and went straight down the mountain to sweep.

Although it was a sweep down the mountain, our actions were very careful. Every time I meet a village, I let my Death Guard advanced to explore the road, because we are afraid of encountering in which village.

Although we have no way to determine whether it is on the mountain or under the mountain, one thing can be determined is that this is bound to be trapped in an area that cannot be moved, because the map range of this place is very small, It is impossible to discover our existence, so the other party must have noticed us long ago. However, when the other party found us, they never kept attacking. This can only show that the other party can't move at all, and can only wait for us to come to our door, otherwise we will have no choice. The only way to explain why this guy didn't rush to us as soon as he came up.

Because it is determined that most of this has a limited range of activities, each time we explore these villages, we first let the death guards who are exploring the road go in to inspect it, and at the same time try to find ways to attract all the demons and ghosts in the village to the village center Came on the road, and then began to swallow these monsters a little bit. The reason for doing this is because of safety, and also because I have more cannon fodder, so I don't need to be as careful as before.

There are summoned creatures to help fight me and Christina. They have become an armed march. After following the death guards and the unicorn warriors around the foot of the mountain, we did not have any chance to make a shot. Those demons and monsters were all killed by our pets and summoned creatures.

Also. have to say. During this period we encountered another big toad that had run away before, but this time it was not so lucky. Last time, we were afraid to let go of our hands and feet because we were short of staff and we did n’t understand the situation. Now it ’s different. We have so many summoned creatures, don't we need to be careful at all? Three times, five times, and two divided the big toad upside down.

I found out earlier that the combat effectiveness of this toad is significantly more than that of other monsters in these villages. And in other houses, there are several monsters in one house. The house where this big toad is located is the one on the floor, and there are no other monsters. Based on this situation, I judge that this toad is very special even if it is not. Unfortunately, the first toad ran away, so this is just a guess. Not verified. And this time successfully killed another toad, I finally understood why this toad is so much stronger than other monsters.

In fact, as I guessed, these two toads are special mission monsters. They are monsters that must be killed by the mission itself. Other monsters in the village belong to monsters encountered on the road and can be killed. It is also possible not to kill, but these two toads cannot die, because after they die, they can get a kind of orb that has a seal-resistant effect from their bodies.

According to the introduction on the orb, this thing is actually a special mission prop for the temple on the top of the mountain. The temple on the top of the mountain is actually covered by a special seal. Anyone can enter it easily, but at the moment of entering, all your abilities will be folded in half. In other words, if we didn't choose to go down first, we went straight up. Then when we get inside the temple, only half of what we have now will be left.

Just seeing this attribute shows that both Kristina and I are scared of cold sweat, because even the current attributes have already made us feel very distressed. If this is reduced by half ... Anyway, I do n’t know What a fight.

However, although the seal is annoying, as long as there is this kind of orb we just dug out of that toad's belly, there will be no problem.

The nature of this orb is to resist that seal, but it doesn't leave you completely unaffected when you come up. In fact, even if we bring this thing into the temple, we will immediately suffer the effect of halving the attribute. However, as long as we kill any hostile creature in the temple, this orb will absorb a special kind from the other party. Power, and the specific amount of this power is proportional to the strength of the killed creature. In other words, the stronger the creature killed, the more special power this orb absorbed. And as Orb continuously absorbs this special power, it will make our attributes continue to rise. Moreover, as long as this orb absorbs enough energy of that kind, in the end, not only can we be completely unaffected by the seal in that temple, it can even allow us to break through the seal of the mission space itself, and let our strength keep rising The specific extent to which it can rise depends on how many enemies we can kill.

From this attribute, we can see that this thing is the key to battle, because it is impossible to overcome the bottom line with our current strength, let alone being weakened by half of the attribute. Therefore, we have to win that, then what we have to do is to avoid being killed directly after entering the temple, while clearing the mobs as quickly as possible to get more of our attributes back. Only then will there be chances.

what? Why don't you sneak into the temple and kill the mobs secretly?

Do you still need to ask this question? Even before we entered the temple area, people were already able to direct the tree spirits outside to make way for us to go up the mountain. This shows that the range of detection capabilities is very large. In this case, it is simply impossible for us to mix in. Therefore, as soon as we enter the temple, we will definitely run into that immediately, and all we can do is to hold it as far as possible not to be seconds, and then as long as we kill some mobs, our strength can be restored, even if it is May allow us to return to the complete state of the outside, at least we should also ensure that our basic combat capabilities are correct.

After looking at the properties of this orb, Christina suddenly asked, "Are we going to kill that toad?"

The reason for this problem is mainly because the number of this orb that appears now is a bit awkward.

Now there are five people in our team: Zhenhong, Kristina, Sakura Yu, and Blazing Dragon. There were just five orbs in the toad just now. At first glance we seem to be one by one. Just enough. However, we are not actually five people, but eight people have entered this map. Matsumoto Masa, August smoked, and gold coins were not found. At this point we have leveled all the villages below the mountain, so basically we can be sure that Matsumoto is not under the mountain. of course. The possibility on the mountain is not high. Because we have tens of thousands of people playing around the mountain. Even if Matsumoto is congratulating them to be deaf and blind, they should feel the vibration on the ground. So, there are only three cases where they haven't met us yet.

First, for some special reason, they were not transmitted to this map with us at all.

2. Matsumoto was congratulating them on the forest of tree spirits on the mountain, but was trapped by some kind of advanced monster. So there is no way to come down and join us. Of course, this is unlikely, because we have basically experienced the monsters here, except for the two toads, it seems that they are not very strong, at least in terms of our strength, there is no danger of life. Just be careful. So they are not likely to be trapped. Besides, even if they are trapped, they will not be able to send a signal to our rescue, right?

Third, Matsumoto is congratulating them in the temple on the top of the mountain.

The possibility of this third situation is actually the biggest, because the first situation is very rare, after all, it was a group transmission at the time, and there was no reason to leave three people without transmitting. As for the second article, I also explained it just now, the possibility is really small. This last and third article is actually the situation that we think is the most likely, because the temples on the hill and the villages below the hill and the situation on the hillside are completely two states. Since there is an independent suppression seal in it, then It shows that its internal conditions must be very independent, and since it was not found under the mountain, it must be on the mountain. In other words, the temple is protected by a seal that cannot be sealed out. In this case, if Matsumoto is congratulating them, even if they are not caught, it may be difficult to send us a signal or run out by ourselves.

Well, if this third inference is correct, then Matsumoto has three other possibilities.

First, they have been killed. If that's the case then there's nothing to say.

Second, they were not dead, but were arrested. If this is the case, we need rescue, and if they can be rescued, their fighting power is definitely running out under that kind of seal. Therefore, not only will they not be able to increase our fighting power, it will become a burden, This obviously does not work. Therefore, we need to prepare some orbs for them, so that they can have the same strength as us after rescued Masamoto Matsumoto, even if they can not share our pressure, at least it will not become a burden.

Third, not only are they not dead, they have not been caught, but they are dealing with the enemy. If this is the case, it is of course the best, and once we enter, we must give them one orb to fight the seal like the second one.

Regardless of the second or third article, anyway, Matsumoto is definitely congratulating them that they all need one orb. In this case, there will be a difference of three orbs. So now we do n’t just have enough, but we still need three orbs.

There are only two toads in this map. This is clearly the quantity ready. Therefore, if we want to enter the temple, it is necessary to find out the toad and get the orb in it.

It might have taken a bit of effort to find that toad before, but now that I have so many creatures summoned, this problem is not a problem.

The toad ran into the mountain before. This time we directly asked the death guard and the unicorn warrior to encircle the whole mountain, and then started to pull the net together to conduct a survey. Christina and I and our high-level magic pet are commandos. Death Guard and Kirin Samurai find where there are monsters and we will quickly fly over to kill them, so that we can not only find that toad, but also by the way Clean up the last monsters on the mountain.

It turns out that our approach is effective. Just advancing to the middle of the mountain, we found the toad. And the other side did not hesitate to find the death guard immediately after swallowing it. However, the guy immediately started to spit out less than a second after swallowing up the Death Guard, but the Death Guard couldn't spit out anyway. What it sprayed was nothing but some sand.

Grim reaper guards are made of sand. So once it dies, it turns back into sand. The big toad swallowed the Death Guard as if swallowing a pile of sand. It's strange not to spit it out.

At the same time that the death guard was killed, I also knew the location of the toad by induction, so I called on the magic pets around me to kill the past quickly, and as for Christina, they were asked to stay where I was.

That toad is fast. After killing my Death Guard, I spit a few sips of sand and immediately turned around to run, and my few Kirin Samurai and Death Guards immediately started chasing each other when they saw each other about to run. The toad was obviously not afraid of the death guard and the unicorn warrior, so under the premise of our active attack, he was immediately irritated and began to fight back.

The unicorn warrior and the death guard are now the level of ordinary people in reality. When encountering such monster-level toads, there is naturally little resistance, and they are quickly killed by seven or eight. Fortunately, their cannon fodder was completely completed. Although seven or eight died, at least the toad was dragged here until we arrived at the scene.

The toad obviously had some intelligence. After seeing me, he immediately ran away without a word, obviously remembering that we were not prone to mess.

We are here to kill this guy this time, of course we can't let it run away, so as soon as we see it going to run, we quickly rushed up. However, the strongest ability of that toad is not to run on the ground, but to jump. Seeing that we were approaching it fast, the toad was immediately charged again, and then suddenly launched the super ejection. However, although the guy took off as spectacularly as the last time, scattered scattered shock waves blown the nearby tree spirits up and down, but when he just left the ground less than two meters high, he suddenly saw a A large white net unfolded suddenly above it, and the guy smashed into it without any response at all. However, because this guy has too much power, even though it was caught by the net, it still lifted upwards to be more than ten meters high, and the reason why it only rose so far is because the other side hung me Magic pet.

In fact, I already knew that this guy would jump and run away, so I let the sickle shoot a huge cobweb directly above the opponent in advance. As a result, the big toad was completely unprepared and plunged into the net.

Of course, this toad can allow itself to switch between virtual bodies and entities, so theoretically it can be easily drilled through. However, you must know that the toad's speed is not slower than that when the mortar pops out of the chamber, so when it finds the big net under the hood, it is too late to transform its body. As a result, the opponent was covered by the sickle's large net.

Although this guy was entangled by the net originally, because it has a large upward momentum, it is entirely possible that it would fly into the sky with a sickle. However, we also know that the opponent ’s impact momentum is very large, and the sickle must not capture the position of the spider before it can be wound on a fixed thing, so the only fixed point is itself. But although the sickle's size is not very small, the weight of this guy is really not heavy. It is necessary to fly a long distance to offset the ascending momentum of that big toad with this weight, so we made arrangements in advance.

After the sickle fired a large cobweb. Fortunately, the plague immediately hugged the sickle one by one, but at the moment when the silk was tense, the two dragons were dragged to the ground stiffly, and they knocked down several tree spirits halfway. This shows how terrible the explosive power of that toad was.

However, despite being toppled over, the weight of luck and plague was there after all. Although dragged for a short distance, it stopped shortly, and the spider silk was almost all at this time. Pulled off. To be honest, this is the first time that I found that the silk from the sickle was going to be broken.

Although dragged back to the ground. But the toad did not intend to give up on it. But the body flashed out of the net. I was entangled in this spider web before just because the speed was too fast when I took off. When I saw the spider web, it was too late to blur my body. However, immediately after landing, the big toad immediately put himself into psionic mode, and then the spider silk passed through its body and fell to the ground. After all, the sickle's spider silk can only live physically. There is no way for spirits.

After successfully getting out of the sickle's cobweb, the big toad immediately adjusted his shape again and wanted to make another super jump. but. Just when it was just ready to exert its power, there was a sudden cry behind me: "Sacred Shield, resist."

A shield appeared suddenly over the toad. But the strange thing is that the front of the shield is not facing up but down, and the timing of this shield is similar to that of the previous big net, because the time card appeared so accurate that the big toad was completely missed. The reaction slammed into it. Of course, because of the previous lesson learned, the big toad has already entered the spirit mode when taking off, but it is a pity that Jingjing's shield can resist the spirit attack, so it must pass through the shield. You can only go through it with your strength, not that you can wear it as you become a spirit.

Because of the appearance of this shield, the take-off action of that big toad is like a person squatting under the table and suddenly jumping up. His legs had just straightened, and his head had hit the shield above. With a loud noise, a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye spread laterally in mid-air, and the Aegis disintegrated instantly. Of course, this is not a true shield, but an energy transmutation. The shield in Jingjing's hand was not so easily broken.

Although the strength was very powerful, but the shield was still the shield, after all, such a strong defense was shattered by a single blow. It can be seen how strong the impact was at the time. As the other of the two sides, the toad fell down this time. Great mold. Hitting the Aegis with his head is not a good choice, especially under the premise that this guy's head is not particularly hard. Although he did not directly kill himself, this guy was hit by the shield and then slammed back to the ground, and then there was no movement for a long time. He just lay there and pumped, and a large amount of blood gradually diffused under him. Come on.

"Ha ha ha, this stupid man, actually killed himself!" Looking at the big toad that fell straight on the ground, he was so happy that he ran over and stabbed the guy's belly with his hands a few times, and of course that thing Nothing happens.

I looked around from the other side to the guy's head, and the toad's entire head was almost gone. It was able to blast the Divine Shield into pieces, and it was absolutely not light at this moment, that is, this thing is an amphibious animal, and the nervous system is relatively simple, so there is still a little nerve reflection left there. If it were a person, it would be an absolute death on the spot if the head smashed into this way, and there would be no pumping.

Confirming that this thing is almost dead, I cut off the guy ’s head with eternity directly to end its pain, and then based on the last experience I quickly dug out five orbs from this guy ’s stomach . There are now ten orbs in our hands, which means that even if Matsumoto is congratulating all three of them, there are only a few more orbs.

"Do we still need to clean up the monsters on the mountain now?" Christina asked, looking at my new orb.

"It's all here anyway, and there's not much left, just finish it."

We have pushed all the way from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside in order to contain this large toad, and the **** of the mountain is larger as it is above, which means that the area of ​​the mountain top is shrinking very quickly. After we have swept the lower half of the mountain, it actually means that we have swept most of the area, and the remaining one-sixth of the total area is less than one-sixth. Anyway, five-sixths have been searched, which is not bad, so we just continue to sweep all the way up.

The area behind the mountain was originally small, and there were fewer monsters in the vicinity of the temple, so it took us a little while to get to the periphery of the temple. Looking at the ordinary temple wall in front of us, we really doubt whether it is really strong inside. After all, this place does not look like a place that can trap any advanced monsters!

"Do you want to go in?" At this time, really red but not too reckless, took the initiative to watch me ask.

I looked at the crystals in my hand ~ ~ and then said: "Go to the soul well and use all these crystals, then restore your strength and come back up to try to enter the interior with the best state."

After hearing my words, Zhenhong was ready to turn around and leave, but turned around and found that Christina was casting a spell. She asked in confusion: "What are you doing? The boss said that he would be ready to go in after a while."

Kristina threw her hands up, and she flew out a large group of crystal butterflies. Each of these butterflies is crystal clear and looks like it is made of crystal, and each butterfly has a touch of light color, there are lilac, light blue, and light red. It is multicolored anyway. The multicolored is very beautiful.

After those butterflies all flew up, Christina turned her head and said to True Red: "While we are recovering, first investigate the situation inside, I hope this seal enchantment does not block my magic transmission."

We did n’t know if Christina ’s prayers came true, because the butterflies had just flew up, and before they reached the courtyard, they were approached by dozens of golden beams from the temple. The air exploded, and we were all taken aback by this sudden attack and hurried back. We have all overlooked a problem before, that is, we may not be able to get out, but this does not mean that it cannot launch an attack! (To be continued ...)

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