Starting from Zero

: Chapter 48 Savage Investigation

Our side just flew away from the courtyard wall and saw a huge fireball flying out of the courtyard wall again. This time it is clear that the opponent is attacking us, because the fireball actually flew over the courtyard wall. After making a turn close to ninety degrees, it quickly pressed toward the ground, and then burst directly in the middle of a group of people on our side. .

This fireball is obviously an additive version. After landing, it is like a bombshell. The whole ground was blasted with a big hole. When we stood in a circle, we were directly overturned to the ground and turned over a few times. It is considered to have stabilized his body slightly.

"Back, back!" As soon as I got up from the ground, I shouted to the surroundings: "Jingjing comes here to stop first!"

Just after I shouted here, I saw a huge fireball flying out of the courtyard wall, Jingjing rushed up with the shield, and then voluntarily ran into the fireball. Accompanied by a loud noise, Jingjing was directly bombarded from the air, but the power of the fireball was indeed blocked.

While Jingjing was fighting for us, the people on our side quickly retreated down the mountain, and soon left the courtyard wall with a distance of more than 200 meters, although there were several fireballs flying over there. However, after leaving the courtyard wall for 50 meters, they can only fly straight. Obviously, the other party's control range is 50 meters outside the courtyard wall. No matter how far, the fireball can only fly according to the customary name.

Before, we were so embarrassed because the other side was unexpected, and secondly because the other side's fireball was controllable, so the flight angle was very strange, and we couldn't avoid it at all. However, as long as the opponent's fireball is not under control, it is not a problem. A fireball that can only fly in a straight line can easily flash away, and this type of fireball also loses its ability to explode. Unless it hits something, it will continue to fly until the internal magic loses control and explodes.

The other party obviously also knew that their control range was limited. After we withdrew from the 200-meter range, we just tested the surname and put a few more fireballs to stop the attack. We did not dare to check the damage until this time.

Fortunately, although the opponent's fireball hit us by surprise, neither of us was a fool. When the fireball burst in the end, everyone actually responded, so basically they were just shocked by the shock wave of the flame. It didn't cause much damage. If there was any damage, the most serious thing was that Christina hit her head when she fell, but it was not much pain except for the pain.

"I rely, this place seems to only be able to attack! We were all found before we even entered. It seems impossible to mix in!" Zhenhong said with some worry.

I thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Leave it alone, we'll take a break as planned, but the investigation must be done."

"The other party made it clear that they knew where we were, how could this be investigated?" Zhenhong asked.

I said with a smile: "The satellites of developed countries are still investigating over the heads of other countries. When did you see the satellites hit?"

"Oh, I see. Can I use super-altitude detection!"

"No, not this time."


I didn't directly answer the real red words, but after using the psionic crystals to temporarily unseal the seal for a short time after arriving at the soul well, I took the opportunity to sprinkle my ghost worm army out. I looked at the temple on the top of the mountain with surprised eyes and said, "This time I plan to use the cover investigation."

"I have to say that your trick is sometimes invincible!" Christina said, watching the worms in the mountains.

Although the Ghost Worm's offensive power is so small that it can be ignored, the surname of these guys is too ridiculous. When they enter the spirit mode, they can ignore physical attacks, and they can cross obstacles and see obstacles. Conversely, when they transform into physical mode, their bodies are diamondized. At this time, their defense force will enter a very horrible state. To kill them requires a very powerful attack, and this attack is often face-to-face. Last name magic is impossible. The reason why the surface-killing magic appears to be wide-ranging and powerful is that, for a human target of this volume, the area covered by the body has taken more damage than the upper limit of its own resistance. But Ghost Worms are different. The size of these little guys is too small, so if the range name is killing magic, the damage concentrated on them is actually very small, but these guys have amazing defenses, so these little things have produced a kind of annoying The special surname, that is, you can almost ignore most of the range of surname magic.

Of course, although the range name magic can't kill ghost worms, single magic and physical attacks can kill them. It's just ... How long do you plan to kill one by one when millions of bugs charge together? Don't forget that these little guys are not as big as the mouse in your hand, it is not easy to hit such a small target with precision.

Now I'm too busy to use a ghost worm to bully the prisoners in the temple. If the other party has a lot of helpers ... No, no, even if he has many subordinates, it may not be enough to face the army of ghosts with a million units on my side. In terms of the area of ​​that temple, even if it is stuffed like canned sardines, it can hold up to five or six thousand people. There are millions of ghost worms on my side, and the other party is absolutely not busy.

The army of ghost worms scattered by me soon formed a large encirclement around the temple, and then with the flash of one of my thoughts, all the ghost worms immediately started to charge towards the interior of the temple.

Sure enough, the inside obviously didn't want to let us in. The ghost worm saw a large fireball flying out of the temple before it reached the wall of the courtyard. After the fireball flew out, it immediately fell to the ground, and then a quite large Spectres within range were covered. However, after the fireball spreads out, the dead ghosts that are really dead are just like seven or eight, and the outer ghosts are just overthrown. There is no fart when they get up and they rush forward. These small charging methods are really too sturdy. They are rushing in a scattered array of scattered soldiers. They do n’t know what to fear. Although the opponent's fireball is fast, it can appear in a dozen or twenty together. , But in fact, you can get rid of more than a hundred ghosts every time. This number is really negligible compared to the total number of ghosts here.

Obviously, the blocking method of the other party could not intercept such a large group of ghost worms, so my army of ghost worms soon approached the wall, and then these small things began to divide the work. Most of the ghosts began to crawl up the wall, while a small number of ghosts began to dig down on the spot and soon got into the dirt.

The ghosts that climbed up the courtyard wall quickly reached the top of the wall, and then these ghosts began to divide again. Some of them jumped off the courtyard wall and started advancing along the ground, while the other part was simply on top of the courtyard wall. Spreading its wings and flying, it was as if groups of small reconnaissance planes were moving back and forth between the temples.

Watching the large group of ghost worms rushed into the temple, I immediately started to use the perspective of the ghost worms to observe the situation inside the temple. First I saw the general situation inside the temple from a ghost worm on the wall of the courtyard, then I switched my eyes to a ghost worm flying in the air, and soon I got the top view of the temple.

According to the feedback from the Ghost Worm, the area of ​​this temple is not very large, and the internal settings are relatively ordinary, but this temple has no gates, the courtyard wall is completely closed, and there is no opening at all. Inside the courtyard wall is a circle of open space without any plants, and further inside is a circle of hexagonally arranged houses. The interior may be a Buddhist temple or the like.

There is a circle of four houses in the middle of this circle of houses. These four houses are relatively tall, and you can see a little roof from the outside. In fact, if this temple is built on flat ground, we can see most of the buildings inside. The key is that this temple is built on the top of a mountain. The surrounding ground is shorter than the foundation of the temple, so the courtyard wall is covered. Most of our sight. However, because the four buildings are relatively tall, a roof can be seen even at this angle.

There is also a building in the inner circle of these four buildings. This is a very large building, which should be a main hall or something. But no ghosts have entered the interior yet, so I don't know what these houses do.

In fact, what I really care about now is not those houses, but what happened to us just now. I want to know in advance what kind of creatures we are going to face, and what kind of attack methods the other party has. This will be very helpful for our subsequent battles, because knowing the other party's attack mode can be arranged in advance for the surname. , Not only can reduce our injuries, but also can more effectively suppress and kill the opponent.

With the sight of the ghosts, I constantly switch in all directions in the temple. This way, if the average person is estimated to feel dizzy, because those ghosts invade from all directions of the temple at the same time, and the position of each ghost It ’s not the same, so when you constantly switch your sights, you will feel that the picture in front of you is always jumping. In this case, the vestibular function and the optic nerve function are slightly worse, they will have a reaction similar to motion sickness. However, I don't have this problem, so I can switch between these pictures at will to find the picture I need.

Soon, in the process of switching, I finally found a swimming ghost worm. When the guy just climbed to the top of a building, he saw fireballs flying from the front door of the main hall in the center of the temple. As soon as these fireballs came out, they flew along the gap between the buildings toward the courtyard wall, and then fell to the ground and burst quickly.

Although the ghost did not see the attacker, at least we now know where the fireball came from.

Under my control, the ghost worm immediately flew towards the building in the center of the temple, and at the same time I switched my mind to another of my magic pet darts.

During the flight of the ghost dart, the dart has already jumped up the courtyard wall in advance, and then flashed to the top of the outermost row of buildings, which is the position of the ghost worm that I previously controlled. After confirming the direction here, the dart immediately jumped off the building, and then instantly reached the second circle of the building and flashed past, directly to the outside of the innermost building. However, when the dart was about to rush in, something suddenly hit and was ejected directly, and just as the dart hit that thing, we all saw a golden ball-shaped luminous body appearing in the center of the temple. . This luminous body is quite large and seems to envelop the entire central hall. However, this thing is usually invisible, and only flashes when it is touched.

The darts bounced off the ground immediately after hitting it, and the light curtain disappeared quickly. However, when the darts were going to study in other directions, a row of seven fireballs suddenly flew out of the hall, and then they shrouded in a radial direction around the darts. This opponent obviously intends to block all the movement directions of the dart, and hopes that it can be done at once. However, this guy is too underestimated the speed of darts. The dart flickered immediately after the fireball appeared, and then reached the top of a building on the second lap.

The opponent apparently did not expect that the speed of the dart was so fast. The timing of the temporary turn of the fireball was slightly later. Two fireballs hit the ground directly and exploded. Only five fireballs were pulled back and flew towards the dart. However, even emergency steering is useless. Darts can move at the speed of light. The speed of this fireball is not even the speed of sound. This is strange if it hits. After chasing behind the dart for several laps, three fireballs missed the building in succession, and two were exploded by the ghost suicide attack in the air. All the other seven fireballs exploded, not even the hair of the dart. Came across one.

After successfully avoiding seven fireballs, the dart went directly to the front of the central hall, and then glanced inside. The inside of the main hall is very dark, and it is not very clear from the outside, but there is something vaguely visible there, but there has been no change since then. The fireballs flying around in the temple before did not reappear, and the interior of the hall was too dark to see what was going on. After driving the Ghost Worm to search the entire interior of the temple, I found that the surface of the temple looked very simple, but it was actually very strange.

Looking at the structure of this temple from the perspective of ghosts before, I found it very simple, but after the ghosts entered those buildings, I found that it was actually quite complicated.

First of all, I do n’t know what exists inside the central hall. Anyway, it can fire fireballs, and it is very fast. It also has tracking turning ability within 50 meters outside the temple and the courtyard wall. It is not fast enough except for tracking missiles. harm.

Secondly, there is a layer of invisible cover on the outside of this central hall that is normally invisible as long as it is squeezed by external force. It is not clear how much the defense of this thing is, but the darts can't be moved anyway.

Thirdly, the outermost building in the temple is basically empty, there is no trace of people living there, and nothing like the deities of worship can be seen. There is only one thing in all the buildings in that circle, and it is a strange installation. The main body of these devices looks like black rectangular stones with dense golden notches on the matte surface, and the light flowing on them is obviously a magic device.

I have let Ghost Worms try it in the past and can touch it, but because I dare not destroy it randomly, I can't figure out the specific purpose of these stones. Of course, no matter what it is, I have decided to move all these things back because these stones look very cool. The black stone with the golden curse, the mysterious and simple atmosphere gives a very strong visual impact, even if it is useless, it is good for decoration. Of course, I don't think this thing is useless, after all, those magic markings have magic power flowing, not like useless decoration.

Except for these large stones carved with curses, these buildings are really empty, not to mention the appliances, not even the doors. There is only a door frame on the building, with solitary pillars and white walls inside. The bluestone paving on the ground is really clean. You can see everything at a glance.

Phantoms also found a small amount of this momentum in the four buildings in the inner circle, but they had a strange device inside.

These installations are the fourth weird place in this temple, because these four installations do not look like magic props, but rather look like technological products. Of course, it's not the kind of cash electronic equipment, but a feeling similar to the device of the steam engine age ~ ~ Anyway, this thing is silly and rough, there are a lot of pipes and gears on it. Spray some steam out, it looks like a steam engine anyway. Of course, I know that this thing is definitely not a steam engine, because this thing has no output, it just runs there by itself, and I don't know what it is doing.

Unlike the stones outside, three of the four machines in the four houses are protected by a light film, and these three light films are quite special, the colors are red, green, blue, and a protective cover. one color. Correspondingly, three of the four machines are red, green and blue, and one is gold, but the colors of the three protective covers do not match the color of the device itself, that is to say The machine protected by the red protective cover is actually not red, and each protective cover protects a machine of another color. But one of the green machines was unprotected.

The preliminary investigation of the temple has been carried out here, so we can only find a way to go in and see it by ourselves. Anyway, what the ghosts and darts can check is this information. It is estimated that the stones with the engravings and the machines must be done by ourselves. However, there is a problem here, that is, once we enter the range of the temple, we are entering the range of fireball strike. The number of ghost worms is not afraid of death, the darts are not fast, and we cannot be beaten all the time! Once this is entered, this fireball becomes a big trouble, and we must first find a way to solve it. (To be continued.) Q

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