Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 64: Troublesome follow-up tasks

As a buff skill, true invincibility is indeed a very powerful skill. After all, it is quite terrible to completely copy the other party's attributes. And this copy is not just a copy, but a superimposed copy. In my opinion, it means that the attributes of the husband and wife are superimposed, then multiplied by 2 and divided equally between the two people. After processing in this way, the attributes of each person are equal to the sum of the attributes of the previous two persons.

This effect can be said to be ridiculous, because if I and Christina are husband and wife, the attributes of our two will definitely scare people. Of course, we are unlikely to change this attribute to change the marriage relationship. However, even the superposition of the attributes of me and the rose is absolutely quite scary. The more important point is that after the attributes are superimposed, both people can use each other's skills, and once the most common skills are used by me and Rose, the effect will definitely scare people.

As the strongest resurrection mage in the world, under the premise that the magic is not empty, Rose can theoretically save anyone, because the resurrection mage is not the same as the priest. The priest's job is to replenish the player's health before the player's health reaches the bottom, and to maintain the player's various auxiliary states to ensure that the player can face the best state. However, although the resurrection mage is the same as the priest in terms of support, they are two completely different models from the priest in life healing.

The work of a priest is similar to that of a doctor, that is, to find a way to prevent people from dying when they are not dead, and the resurrection mage is like the ghost of the Yang Yang Temple who specializes in the abnormal death of the soul. Let people come back to life after they die.

The difference between these two ways of working means that the priest never resurrects the mage as powerfully. Because once the priest is not fast enough, the blood replenishment speed does not keep up with the consumption speed, which will cause the player to die, and the resurrection mage does not worry about this at all. When the player fights, they do not care at all, as long as they wait for the player to die and resurrect it That's it. Although the resurrection also has a problem with the success rate, this is something that can usually be improved after a bit of exercise. It is completely different from the situation that is controlled by the player's own technical strength.

It is also because of the innate advantage of the resurrection mage in rescuing players, so if I merge with the attributes of roses and general skills, I can continuously resurrect my own pet in battle, and a magic pet will always be resurrected. The animal trainer represents what I believe everyone can imagine. That's why I say this attribute is very strong, it is simply outrageous.

but. Although for those who can use this property. This attribute is powerful and scary, but this skill is not of much significance to the entire country. As I said before, very few of these skills actually work on people. This attribute is completely unavailable when leveling normally, and when both sides of the battle can be used, both fathers will definitely be separated because of different occupations. Unless there is a husband and wife team in the guild. Otherwise, this buff can be said to be a complete decoration. Looked pretty. Actually useless. Of course, I can at least be sure that I can still use it occasionally. However, even for players like me, this attribute is not always available, because the rose itself belongs to the guild logistics director. So I can't always take her everywhere. Occasionally asking her to come out and do a task with me is okay, but it won't work if she keeps doing it. Rose's role in logistics and internal affairs is far greater than her role in battle, so even if Rose's combat power is improved to a level with me, I can't often take her everywhere.

After watching this true love is invincible, the buff sculpture has one last attribute left.

This last attribute is more reliable than the previous two attributes.

The second attribute of the buff sculpture, "Unexpected Joy" and the third attribute, "True Love and Invincible", both belong to the unreliable type. One is unstable, and I don't know what effect it can produce. Look at the goods, look at the cattle, useless types.

Fortunately, this last property is a good one.

The fourth attribute of this buff sculpture is called: Psionic Strike.

This attribute is a relatively reliable attribute. Its attribute effect is to absorb the soul power of the enemy you killed in battle, and then generate additional lethality when your next attack. This setting can be said to be quite simple, but the effect is visible and tangible, and in fact I have seen this property before, and it really worked well after using it for a while.

The characteristic of psionic strike is that the stronger the enemy you killed before, the more terrible the output of your next attack. Although the buff sculpture did not give a specific conversion rate this time, I have seen this skill before. If the skill attributes of the buff sculpture are the same as the one I saw, the conversion rate should be about 10%. Right and left, that's the property I encountered.

This 10% conversion rate is, in fact, nothing more than superimposing 10% of the health of the enemy you killed last on your own next attack. For example, the player you killed last time had a total of 3,000 health points. This 10% is 300 points. Then the next time you attack someone, the opponent must first reduce the damage caused by your normal attack, and then return it. You need to reduce these three hundred health points.

This effect can be said to be quite good. Although it can only inherit 10% of the life each time, it can be very useful to transfer to the next enemy to reduce the opponent's health by about 10% at one time. At first, 10% health is not small. Second, many players' large skills can only be released when their health is full, and if you can let the enemy reduce some health every time, this way The chance that the other party will give you a big move will drop sharply, which also guarantees that you will not be dropped. This is quite critical in combat, especially in the case of large corps operations, which can increase the actual combat effectiveness of at least 20% for the enemy.

After looking at the four attributes, Christina said that the effect of the buff sculpture was pretty good. However, the intermediate level 2 level is a bit unpleasant. As for the upgrade problem ... I have to wait at least four things before I can start to think about it.

The first of these four things is to find the gold coins and Masamoto Matsumoto and August.

In the previous buff mission, Matsumoto, who did n’t know what to do, four of them disappeared. Before, I thought they were stuck in a certain position in the mission and did not join us, but now the entire mission is over. It still doesn't appear, this is not normal. Anyway, these three are the important fighting power of our guild, especially Matsumoto Masa and August August. Although their fighting strength is not as good as gold coins, Matsumoto Masa and August August are my waste. The vigorous support has produced a far greater effect in Japan than the advanced combat power of gold coins. Therefore, even if you can't find gold coins, you have to find Matsumoto Masa and August smoke first.

In addition to this, there is another thing that needs to be done first to expand the buff sculpture.

At present, the buff sculpture in our hand is a buff sculpture without expansion. In other words, the buff attribute of this buff sculpture is only for the players in this guild. It is not aimed at players from all over the country, but what we need is a buff sculpture that can take effect on players from all over the country, so this expansion task must be done and it needs to be completed as soon as possible.

The expansion of this buff sculpture is the second thing. The third thing after that is to first investigate what is happening inside the various countries in the world.

Before, the system suddenly released relevant information about the buff task. As a result, all the major guilds in various countries hurriedly gave up the external war and ran back to deal with their own internal problems. Because everyone knows that once this buff mission starts to produce actual results, the country that first got the buff effect must be able to achieve an overwhelming advantage over other countries, so everyone is desperate to go back and speed up the strength of their own country first Unify it. Then, a national buff will be released as soon as possible to level up the buff attributes of other countries, so that the power of war can be restored to balance.

Of course, if you do n’t develop buff missions, but specifically obstruct others to do the missions, this is actually a solution, but this method is actually destined to be passive from the beginning, because you prevent a country from stopping all the world. Country, as long as there is a country that gets the reward of the buff task first, you are already behind others, and then you have to work hard to chase it. The price paid is not as simple as the price paid for grabbing the task at the beginning.

Because everyone is busy rushing to reunite with the domestic guilds to complete their own buff missions, it is necessary for us as the first guild to receive buff mission rewards to collect information on those hostile countries to find out the progress of others. What step has it taken. This is very important for our future strategic layout, so we cannot delay it.

Finally, if the first three things have been completed, then I have a personal problem to solve, and that is that I must find some strengthening tasks to improve my personal strength. Christina's recent improvement in strength is too fast, so that she and I are always ranked for a while. You will be one for a while, and one for me. The ups and downs of this will change my prestige. Influence, so it is necessary for me to strengthen my personal strength.

Although the four things are in order, I don't necessarily have to come to each of them personally, so I need to study the specific situation before making action arrangements.

"Christina, really red, have you two been in contact with gold coins?"

As soon as I asked Zhenhong, I said, "I've tried it several times, it's useless."

"Do you want to try offline?" Christina asked.

"Is the gold coin missing?" Rose also came across the attributes of the buff sculpture just after hearing it.

I nodded and said, "After entering the map where the temple is located, I lost all contact, and Matsumoto Masa and August smoke are gone!"

"All gone? Didn't come out after a mission?"

Christina said: "Matsumoto Masaga doesn't know if they have come out after the mission, maybe they have already gone to Japan."

True Red immediately said: "Then ask. Maybe the gold coins have also been transferred to Japan. Maybe we entered the task from Japan. When we came out, Sakura Yujin and The Blazing Dragon Hime were all teleported back to Japan, so it is difficult to guarantee that Matsumoto Masayuki will not be passed to Japan with the cherry rain gods? "

"It makes a lot of sense." I said directly after connecting to Shinto: "God of the army, help me to ask if you saw Matsumoto Masako in Japan."

"Wait a moment."

About two seconds later, the **** of war directly said: "Sakura Yuchi asks for a call and has already connected you."

Immediately after the voice of the army god, I heard Sakura Yushin asking anxiously: "Chairman, have you seen Masamoto Matsumoto and August smoked? We haven't seen anyone since we came out!"

"What? Not with you?" I asked anxiously: "Did you see the gold coins? She is gone too!"

"Maybe Matsumoto is congratulating them together!" Blazing Dragon Ji's voice suddenly appeared on the channel and said, "We didn't see three of them in the last scene of the mission before. Now the three of them are missing. Where are we stuck together! "

"But the buff task is an instant task, and it should be automatically closed after completion?" Christina said, "We are all out. The task must be closed. How could anyone be inside?"

"Isn't that the mission has not been closed?" Sakura Yu asked.

"I don't know about it," Cristina said. "We're all out too. Who knows what's going on inside! But there shouldn't be any situation where someone gets stuck in the task, as a general rule."

"The card is definitely not stuck." I said, "Zero uses intelligent management. The main system is equipped with artificial intelligence and will not make such low-level errors, so no player will be stuck in any place. Not coming. And if it really gets stuck, do you think the three of them won't go offline to tell us? "

After all, Zero is just a game. In case if you are really the owner of the game. With Matsumoto congratulating their experience. Of course, they will go offline first and use other communication methods to talk to us first, but they are not offline now, it means that they are not stuck. It's the task.

"Then we should go down and contact them now?" Asked Blazing Dragon Ji.

I thought for a moment and said, "Just ask me, it will save us guessing here."

After the decision, we chose Zhenhong as the representative to go offline and inquired about Matsumoto Masa and gold coins by telephone. After about ten minutes, Zhenhong was back online again.

"Are you connected?"

True Red nodded: "The three of them are together, now in a completely new independent mission."

"new task?"

"That's the expansion of the buff sculpture."

"Isn't the expansion task of the buff sculpture supposed to be reopened and then completed?" I asked in amazement.

Zhenhong shook her head and said, "I don't know what's going on. The time is too short to ask clearly, and Matsumoto may be confused by themselves! Anyway, they know that they are completing the expansion of the buff sculpture and they have It's about a third. "

"Are they pretty fast!"

"The main task is relatively simple." Zhenhong said: "It is said that the previous task is almost novice level, they almost completed a third of a cut."

"How do they know how much they have done?" Christina asked.

System tasks are usually not detailed, so players usually do not know how long the task is before the task is completed. This does not know the total length of the task, and naturally does not know how much they have done. This is very Simple reason, but according to true red, Matsumoto is obviously aware of how much they have completed, which shows that they are very clear about the subsequent task flow, but this is not the normal situation of system tasks.

Zhenhong said: "They said that the expansion task is not the same as the general task. After entering, they set a general goal directly. Their overall goal this time is to collect a thing called tears of happiness. A total of one vial is required. Now it has three points. One. "

"That is to say that the mission props have been collected by a third, but the overall progress of the mission is actually unreliable." Christina concluded.

Real Red nodded and said, "It's almost like death. But they said that the previous tasks were very simple, and there is no trend of increasing difficulty so far. If nothing else, they can complete them in another 30 or 40 minutes. . "

"So what do we do? Wait until they think about doing something else?" Cristina asked me.

Rose said directly: "If you have something to do first, anyway, I have to deal with the logistical work in the downline meeting anyway. All the work in the guild with someone to support you was thrown away. Goods from the port must be stacked outside the warehouse! "

After Rose said hello to us and left, I was thinking about what to do with the rest.

If Matsumoto Masayoshi said that the situation is normal, it means that not only do we no longer have to complete the task of finding Matsumoto Masayuki and gold coins, even the expansion of the buff sculpture can be omitted. This way we can save a lot of things.

If the first two things can be ignored, then the rest is only intelligence gathering and improving my personal strength.

Of course, I do not need to do the intelligence gathering. Just talk to the **** of war and let the personnel of the external intelligence team do it. In this way, there is only one thing left that I really need to do by myself. I thought things were coming. Doesn't seem so troublesome now.

I was thinking when things weren't that complicated. Unexpectedly, an accident followed.

The rose was less than two minutes away, and the cherry rain **** chick suddenly contacted us again.

"What's the matter?" I just received the communication and suddenly received the communication from the Goddess of Sakura Rain. They felt strange to me.

Sakura Yushin said very quickly: "Chairman, we have a situation on our side. Just a minute ago, an open public mission appeared in Japan. The content is to intercept gold coins to complete the expansion task of the buff mission. According to the task list list, Matsumoto Jun and August Kaoru have been counted as the interceptor side of the task. And there is a task schedule above, and the task's progress is indeed one-third completed. "


This is not good news, according to the content of the report of the cherry rain god. The expansion task of this buff task is actually the same as the buff task itself, which not only allows players to complete the task inside, but also allows outside players to go in for task blocking. However, since there is a mission interception, there should be a mission help. After all, the people in our mission are gold coins alone. If a large group of players in Japan enter the mission, the gold coins will not be bullish. Maybe one person can complete the task with so many people intercepting it? Therefore, if the system wants to ensure the fairness of the task, since the Japanese player's blocking task is opened, it should be opened to our side to help the task.

"Really red, you are fast. Hurry up and go to the mission hall to see if there is an open notice on our side to help gold coins complete the buff mission expansion mission."

Zhenhong promised to turn around and summoned the spear to jump straight up, and then flew over at a low altitude. Originally, Essinger was not allowed to fly according to regulations, but now he can't control that much.

The mission hall is a type of functional building that players often need to visit, so it is usually built in a location with convenient transportation and a lot of people. The task hall of Isinger is actually in the next block of this square. Zhenhong rode the spear to the door of the mission hall in only ten seconds, and then retracted the spear in the air. Her entire body almost flew into the hall by inertia.

Immediately after landing in the mission hall, it was really red, I immediately looked at the big screen, and found that there was too much information to find, and I rushed to the counter next to me, and regardless of the crowd there, I jumped behind the counter and The crowd around them caught the surprised eyes and shouted desperately: "Help me check if there are any tasks related to gold coins."

"You mean a funding task?" Obviously it was not clear which gold coin this gold coin was.

I was really stunned before responding and said, "I'm talking about the guild player's gold coins. You can help me check if there are any tasks related to her, or national buff task information. Hurry up, this It was ordered by the chairman.

People around were really angry to see True Red cut in line, and suddenly they calmed down when they heard that urgent tasks were being rushed, and some people urged to check it quickly.

He knew that this was an important thing, so he quickly opened a crystal port on the table and began to query information. Not to mention, it only took a few seconds to find the information.

"It's really there!" The person said the information and displayed it enlarged, and then people around saw the task information on the crystal screen in front of the table.

Zhenhong came up to take a look, and then immediately said, "Okay, tell everyone not to mess with this task first, we must arrange it before uniting."

"Okay, I'll block this task first." Zhenhong already jumped out of the counter and ran out when she nodded, and she returned to us after ten seconds.

"Boss, I really have a mission, just refreshed a few minutes ago!" Zhen Hong started to shout before she landed.

"Are you sure it's a buff mission?" Cristina asked.

Real Red nodded and said, "I see the details of the task, which is the extended task of the buff task, and the above shows that the people who need to participate can only be our guild people."

"Limited guild mission?" I frowned and asked, "Is there a limit on the number of people?"

Real Red shook her head and said, "No."

"That's bad!"

Zhenhong didn't understand why it was not good to limit the number, so she asked, "Can we not go in without more people to ensure the safety of the task? Why do you feel bad?"

Before I even spoke, Christina explained to me first: "Because the mission in Japan is open nationwide, it does not restrict a certain guild!"

True Red still didn't respond, still asked: "Yeah! They don't restrict the guild, but the whole country can enter the task to block the gold coins. Wouldn't it be more difficult for us to complete the task if we don't have more people?"

I still do n’t understand the real red, I had to explain: "Although this task is also carried out in Japan and our country at the same time ~ ~, but it is actually two opposite tasks of a task, so it ’s Many settings are related to each other. Our unlimited number of people means that there is also an unlimited number of people in Japan. If it is a limited number of people, we have a certain number of players on our side, and a certain number of people in Japan. The fighting power on both sides can still ensure a basic balance. But now there is no limit on the number of people, which means that all personnel can enter. Although our guild members have tens of thousands, but we have so many overseas colonies, how can we have everyone Evacuate to do the mission? So, the number of people available on our side is actually very limited. However, players from all over Japan in Japan can participate in the mission, so that the other party will have a population base of 200 million, even among them Only a quarter of the people are willing to participate in this task, and there are also 50 million. Do you think there are enough people here on our guild? Anti-million people do this? "

"How come I didn't expect it! Isn't this getting more and more dangerous?" Zhenhong was anxious after reacting. On our side, only one guild can come out, but the other party can enter the country, and this is a task, so it can't help, which has caused our guild to have a lot of high-end combat power. In this way, once a large group of players from Japan signed up for this mission, I almost certainly failed.

Just as we frowned and thought about what to do, Christina suddenly said, "In fact, what I think may not be so bad." (To be continued ...)

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