Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 69: Strange space

There are no ghost-handed Nobunaga who are guarding at the entrance, and the rest are just a group of ordinary players. Of course, with the strength of Baiyu Qilin, of course, it is easy to fall down like chopping melon and vegetables. Then we proceeded very smoothly to the task gate. Beside, but I was not in a hurry to enter, but waited for the follow-up reinforcements to gather near the gate and explain to them before getting ready to enter.

The entrance here is completely controlled by us after our people arrive. Although there are many Japanese players, the individual penetration ability is not strong. In addition, the Yagi snake is being hunted down, and we and you are still here. There are a lot of high-level protoss left, and almost no protoss in Japan has appeared. As a result, in the absence of high-end combat power, Japanese players can only use our lives to pile up our defense lines, but even this can only make us consume more. Some medicines, as well as the fatigue rate of people, are rising a little faster, and they cannot really cause much distress to us. However, even if they have high-end force, it is useless, because there are still many high-end goods in our guild that have not been put into use, but because there are no high-level players in Japan, we have to save costs. Consider that there is no use for high-end combat power that requires money. After all, Isinger's mobile weapons like the war fortress, although the combat power is sturdy, but moving it is worth hundreds of thousands of crystal coins, we really can't afford it, so we can not use it.

After the people on our side arrived, I re-arranged the entry list, because the ghost hand Nobunaga accidentally entered them, and our list of people has also been adjusted accordingly.

Originally, I planned to leave high-end force outside and only let a small number of people enter the mission, because the mission in the original plan was just a team of appearances. Anyway, gold coins and Matsumoto can also cooperate to complete the mission, if not worry Matsumoto's reputation has been affected, and it is OK for me not to send people here. On the contrary, the entrance must be blocked on the outside side to prevent the group of ghost-handed Nobunaga from entering, so high-end combat power is required to sit here. But now they enter early because of Nobunaga. Naturally, our tactics need to be adjusted. Nobunaga's hand will hinder our cooperation with Masamoto Matsumoto during the mission, so we need to kill it, and those who he brings in must also be killed, and this requires our fighting strength to exceed the opponent Many times can achieve accurate killing, so the previous staffing is obviously inappropriate. Besides, there is no ghost-handed Nobunaga outside, and so much high-end force is not needed.

The number of people entering the new plan is not large. In addition to me, there are real red, Christina, and ice grabbing. Plus a rose.

Although the number of entrants is not large, but these are all high-end force, especially the addition of roses can definitely increase our combat power significantly.

In fact, many ordinary players do n’t understand. I think that Christina and I are very idiots. They do n’t have any support staff around each time. This behavior is obviously not in line with the classic tactical teams summarized by players from the game. shape.

Actually about this issue. It can only be said that everyone is different from where we stand, so what we see is different. For ordinary players, a team should indeed include a tank-type person who can block the enemy and also output certain damage so that the opponent can't ignore it. After that, they also need to have a long-range strike and a main output with very high damage output. In addition, . One or more auxiliary personnel with healing, disarming, and curse capabilities are also essential. However, the above are only for ordinary players. It is actually useless in high-end combat.

The high-end force in "Zero" often shows characteristics in battle: high mobility, high resistance, and self-assistance.

This high maneuverability is well understood, meaning that the speed of movement of both sides of the battle is scary. This type of battle determines that positional battles are impossible. Not only the type of positional battles that dig trenches and occupy the top of the mountain, even the two-line confrontation of small teams cannot be achieved because the movement speed of the people in the team is exaggerated. Everyone can't guarantee the integrity of the formation in the movement, and it will definitely evolve into a melee. That is, it has almost become a situation of war. It's not that advanced players don't know how to cooperate, but at this stage they can't cooperate. In addition to occasionally helping each other to block attacks or a big reply, the cooperation is basically very small. Even for high-end players like Christina and Real Red, in most cases there is no chance to cooperate with each other.

This kind of high-speed battle determines that the auxiliary personnel get less protection than ordinary players' position battles. The result is that the survival rate of auxiliary personnel becomes very low, unless the auxiliary personnel also have superb battlefield survivability. , Otherwise it will not keep up with the main combatants. but. In fact, it is known that the support staff has never said that there is a particularly strong presence. Even the strongest support cannot keep up with advanced players in the later stage. So if high-end players fight with auxiliary players, they will feel like a group of more than 1,000 output and tank players with a 200-level auxiliary player to enter the advanced monster zone. I am afraid that most of your energy will be concentrated in the battle. With the help of protecting this newcomer, the real combat power has not been strengthened, but has become weaker. This is also the main reason why high-end players rarely bring support.

In addition to the chaos and complexity caused by mobility, the high resistance of advanced players is also one of the reasons why auxiliary players rarely appear.

High resistance means that the assisting player's field control skills are greatly weakened, and they are of little use except for blood replacement. In ordinary battles with ordinary players, auxiliary players can use auxiliary field control skills to limit attributes such as the enemy ’s range of movement, athletic ability, and even directly reduce their attack power. However, in high-end player battles, these capabilities of auxiliary personnel are often all The weakened can only play a little role, or even be completely resisted. This has caused the simplification of the ability of the auxiliary personnel, and the role has been greatly reduced.

Finally, the self-assistance ability of high-end players is also the main reason without auxiliary players.

Although high-end players are not auxiliary personnel, almost all high-end players have their own auxiliary capabilities such as blood replenishment and cleaning up negative conditions. Although they are not professional, but because they have them, it ’s a bit frustrating to bring an auxiliary person specifically for this purpose , Coupled with the reasons for the previous two features, most high-end players naturally do not want to bring auxiliary staff.

However, Rose may be regarded as one of the few particularly popular presences in the auxiliary staff. For one reason, because she is a resurrection mage, this is more useful than any auxiliary, after all, high-end players will die. In both cases, Rose is one of the rare high-level auxiliary players with high attributes. The disadvantages of the auxiliary players mentioned above are mainly because the strength of the auxiliary personnel and the main station personnel are disconnected, resulting in no way to cooperate with each other. In fact, it is not that high-end players do not need assistance, but because the strength of auxiliary players generally can't keep up with the needs, and they also have to be distracted and protected, it is better to bring a little bit of benefit. However, Rose is rare in that she does not need the protection of others, so it is no problem to bring her.

After our staff decided, everyone went into the mission space together. Everything outside was thrown to Red Moon Commander. Anyway, the high-level protoss of Wei Na's group were over there, and there would be no problem if they wanted to come. .

After entering the mission gate, we found that the entrance was actually a transmission channel. After entering, it was like a tunnel in space. The length is completely invisible, because there is no reference object here, and it seems that the environment is completely weightless, and there is no touch around it. However, as soon as the player enters here, he will automatically float forward, and he does not need to control it himself, and the channel itself is not long.

My first reaction after passing through the channel was a stun, because there was no slight change in gravity after I came out. You need to know that there is a gravity-free environment in the passage just now. If this is also the case, wouldn't it mean that there is also a gravity-free environment?

"I rely, what's the situation?" True red came out and found that there was a problem with the gravity here. The whole person started to spin in the air, and soon became the state of the head and feet. But because everyone doesn't have gravity sensing, even if they do the reverse, they don't feel anything.

After we all came out, we started to observe the environment of this place ~ ~ and found that this task space was really quite strange. Even without gravity, this place doesn't even have the ground. There is a vast expanse of space around us. It feels like it is in the sky, and it is all pale blue. It is not as dark as space, and there is oxygen. There is no gravity. And, the strangest thing is that there are many small and large debris floating around us.

These pieces of debris suspended in the air looked like a piece of land before, because there were not only dirt and rocks, but also some plants and animals. Those animals are obviously not living creatures in the air, because they are panicking and futile in such a gravity-free environment. Unfortunately, they are originally ground creatures. In this environment, there is no way to move. Drifting around in a direction they couldn't control.

"What's the situation here?" Zhenhong asked everyone again when she came out.

Christina looked around and said, "I feel like another continent has been crushed."

"It should be a floating island," Rose said with a firm hammer, and then stretched her fingers forward in our doubtful gaze. "Look over there." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.) 9

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