Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 70: Pitman plan

Along the finger of the rose, we found that there seems to be a faint channel between the densely packed shards ahead. Looking through the gap between the many floating objects, you can clearly see one ... No, it should be said to be half Floating island.

The half of the floating island is not very large. Although I don't know how big it was originally, the remaining part is only as large as two football fields. The remaining half of the floating island can be seen on the edge of the floating island, a pavilion half protruding from the edge of the floating island, in addition to a part of a large building hanging on the broken half of the floating island The marginal part, but because we can't find where the other half-pulled building went, we don't know how big the building was before, we can only estimate from the height that this should be a quite large building.

In fact, the biggest gain from seeing the Banla floating mountain over there is to help us determine that these messy things floating around ourselves are part of the floating mountain. After all, normally, soil and stones should not fly to the sky. Come up. Of course, the gravity-free mission space itself is already quite weird.

After confirming that the surroundings were all fragments of the floating mountains, Rose said, "Let's go up and take a look at the remaining half of the mountain over there?"

"Aye." Zhenhong said a hello and started to fly there. She has the ability to control gravity, so she can fly freely without being affected by this gravity-free environment.

I think Real Red has already flew away, so I had to spread my wings to catch up, and Rose and Christina followed. This proves the benefits of teaming up advanced players. The flight of the whole crew really saved a lot of things.

Although the floating mountain over there is not very far from us, the journey has been a bit laborious. The space between us and the Floating Mountain is almost everywhere. Floating Mountain fragments are everywhere. Really red, with thick skin and thick flesh, I can directly hit it. It is not a progressive type, and the defense is not so abnormal, so I pushed all the obstacles along the way and cleared a passage for Christina and True Red behind.

It was easy to get through the debris area and land on the remaining half-lafloat island. Zhenhong first rushed to the half-pull building that had become a dangerous building. But there was obviously no one in that thing for a long time, so it was really red, just looking at it in the past, and found nothing at all. Christina and I had known for a long time that there must be nothing there, so they didn't even look at it. The reason for coming up to this floating island. The purpose is not to find something. It's about finding traces.

Can crush such a large floating island half a pull. The people who shot are definitely good. However, no matter how strong the opponent's strength is, there will always be some traces when attacking. So we need to see if we can find some traces left by the opponent on the island.

It turns out that such traces are not only found, but also quite a lot. We wandered around the island casually, and soon found several marks. Several of these traces were the damage caused by some weapons, which belong to the traces left in the battle, but such traces are obviously not left by one person, because some are deep and shallow, and there are many types of weapons, obviously it is not Caused by one person.

In addition to these traces, there is also a trace of the rift on the floating island. Although the vicinity of the fracture in this place can be determined to be broken, but judging from the internal traces, it seems that a large weapon was cut from top to bottom. Of course, what we can be sure of is that this is the damage caused by a huge weapon. As for what it is, we can't see it.

After inspecting this floating mountain, we observed the surrounding situation again.

This mission world feels very strange, and actually can't see the ground. We can see a vast sea of ​​clouds far below the Ban La Fukong Mountain where we are, and the blue sky is up and around, and other floating mountains can be seen within the range visible to the naked eye. s position.

However, it is a bit inappropriate to say that these are floating mountains, because the floating mountains here are actually not buoyant at all. The world itself is gravity-free. As long as you don't drill down yourself, even if you jump out of the edge of the floating mountain, you will not fall down at all, but will fly forward with your jumping power. But do n’t expect to be able to fly out of space all the time, because here is a gravity-free environment, but there is air, so there is air friction, the inertia will disappear after flying a distance, and the speed will become slower and slower. If there is wind, You will even be blown away by the wind. Of course, what I'm talking about is that under the premise that you don't have the ability to fly, if it is like our side, it will fly, then there is no problem.

Except that the world itself has no gravity, the floating mountain in this place seems to have its own artificial gravity. As long as you fly directly above the floating mountain, you can feel the peace within a range of ten meters from the mountain. The same normal gravity on the ground, and this situation can only occur only directly above the floating mountain, so the floating mountain seems to have its own gravitational field.

"I didn't expect such a map world, what should we do now?" Cristina asked.

Rose looked around and said, "It's just a map structure change. In fact, the task form will not change much. The only thing that is a little special in the line of sight is the distant mountain in the distance, so we can choose to go there. That's it. And I'm sure there will be future mission clues. But we don't necessarily need to explore the mission step by step. "

I know Rose means that we have a communicator, just ask for gold coins and Matsumoto Masako's location. However, to be honest, I don't think the communicator can be used. This task space is obviously a kind of particularly large task space, and our communication crystal has a receiving range. If the gold coins and Matsumoto Masako are not near us, the communicator will be completely useless. This is task space after all. We do n’t have any relay equipment here.

"That being the case, shall we contact you now?" Zhenhong heard the rose and was anxious to contact Matsumoto Masa directly to ask for their location.

Although I don't think it can be connected, it's no big deal to try it, so I opened the communicator and tried it.

"Gold coins, can you hear me?"

"Boss?" Unexpectedly, our side was really connected.

"Well? It really works!"

"What really got through to fake?" Gold Coin asked puzzled over there: "Are you already in the task? If you do, hurry up and help."

"Are you in trouble?"

"It should be said that we are always in trouble." Gold Coin said: "The task itself in this place is not difficult, but this **** natural environment is simply a player killer!"

"You don't have to complain. The outside world is already huge for you all. Now the entrance to the mission world in Japan is blocking hundreds of thousands of people fighting there. By the way, Matsumoto Masa and August smoked at you Are you around? "

"We're here." Matsumoto Masahiro and August Kaoru heard their names in the newsletter and responded directly.

As soon as I heard them with the gold coins, I quickly said, "You have to be separated from the gold coins. Nobunaga's hand has just come in with a group of people. It may happen to you at any time, so the three of you must be separated and can't stay together anymore. Now. "

"What? Shouldn't I have to do the task alone?" Gold Coin asked in surprise.

"What are you worried about? Didn't we come in? Besides, even if they were separated, wouldn't Matsumoto Masayuki and August smoker really be able to fight you?"

"But there are two helpers in vain. The task must be much more difficult!"

"Of course I know that. But there is no way. Nobunaga's hands don't listen to me."

"Hurry up and kill him if you can't command."

"I think, unfortunately, they are more advanced than us, and it will take time to catch up with them. And no accident, they must have come to you first. In addition, this time I have no intention to simply kill the ghost letter long."

"Are you going to keep him without killing him?" Gold Coin asked.

"Of course not. You listen to me. I have a plan."

"What kind of plan?"

"Tell me where you are first, and I'll drive to you and say, so as not to delay time."

The gold coins immediately told us how to go to find them, not to mention that the route was quite complicated. However, there is a route indicated by gold coins, and it should not be difficult to walk.

After getting route information, Christina and I chased the gold coins and they explained my plan to them.

"The three of you are in the mission, and the outside things may not be very clear. After the three of you entered the expansion mission here, the Japanese region and the China region simultaneously opened up to the outside world, allowing Japanese players and us to frost. Rose League players enter the mission to help or obstruct it. "

"We guessed this long ago," Matsumoto said.

"What you can't think of is the back." I said, "Do you know why none of the three of you have been in the mission for so long?"

I asked Matsumoto Masako so that they were really confused. August Smoked thought about it and asked, "Is Sakura Yu or Blazing Dragon Ji doing something outside?"

I didn't expect that August smoked knew so much about the cherry rain gods, they could guess. I said directly: "Yes, it is the cherry rain **** chick and the blazing dragon ji thought of a way to block the Japanese players outside."

"The two of them can block players from all over Japan?" Gold Coin asked in surprise.

Matsumoto Masako immediately said: "Of course not by force, but by other methods." Matsumoto Masabu continued to ask: "Zuri, you say what is going on?"

"Actually, it's easy to say. On the surface, there are only three of you, Masaru Matsumoto, August smoke, and gold coins. Japanese players think you and August smoke are theirs, and gold coins are ours, so On the surface, the task is two-to-one, and you have the absolute advantage. Therefore, the cherry rain **** and the Blazing Dragon Dragon publicly declared this situation, and said that anyway, the task has already occupied the absolute advantage, and even more people have entered But it's the icing on the cake, and it doesn't make much sense. It's better to do something to send charcoal in the snow, and directly host this entrance at the position of the mission entrance. Otherwise, we will follow up the reinforcements of the Frost Rose Alliance. As long as the mission space is always only three of you, the surface From the point of view, the Japanese side has taken the big advantage. Under this call, most Japanese players agree with this idea, so they form a line of defense at the entrance, and want to block us all outside, so far Only someone came in. "

"No!" Matsumoto Masa said, "Since it has been decided to guard at the door, why did Nogizuki Nobunaga come first?"

"This can only be said to be the personal will of Nobunaga. The plans of Sakura Yujin and Blazing Dragon Hime Nobunaga were opposed at the beginning. He thought that all Japanese players should flow into the mission world together, and then Destroy the task. But because all the people in the past agreed with the plans of the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji, they are not good to openly oppose everyone's opinions. Therefore, I just managed to keep the door closed for the difficult. However. After the reinforcements of high-level protoss and high-end players on our side arrived, the ghost-handed Nobunaga probably knew that things could not be done, and regardless of the guards' work, he directly entered with his men. "

"What about your so-called plan?"

"My plan is actually very simple. The three of you were absolutely guaranteed to complete the task. According to common sense, we would not have to enter the task. You can successfully complete it. So whether we come to reinforce it seems It does n’t make much sense. But. In fact, we have to come, because if only you three are in the mission, Japanese players will think that both Matsumoto Masako and August smoked have failed to prevent the gold coins from completing the mission. This is hard for us to establish The rise of Masamoto's reputation is a serious blow, so we must send someone in, not to help you complete the task, but to make it clear to outside Japanese players that this is force majeure, and Matsumoto is not at fault by itself. "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "It makes sense."

I continued: "Now that the Nobunaga's hand rushes in, he has already made a mistake for the Japanese players outside, because everyone said that it was good to keep the door and block the entrance from letting us in As a result, Nobunaga's Nobunaga ran in, and we ran in, causing us to come in too. This is the fault of Nobunaga's offhand, but if Nobunaga's offense can prevent our task, then his small fault is also It ’s not a fault. However, we ca n’t let him stop us from completing the task. In turn, we have to push all the reasons for the success of the task to him, so that Matsumoto Masa and August smoke will not be Japanese players hate it. Instead, Nobunaga's ghost has helped you carry the blame. How do you say this?

After hearing this, Matsumoto said, "It sounds good, but how to do it?"

"In fact, isn't it so difficult?" August smoked suddenly: "If it's just to shirk responsibility, we can design a bureau, and then let me or Masamoto Matsumoto save the ghost-hand Nobunaga, and then save him I or Matsumoto hanged off, so our responsibility for interception failures is all on the hands of Nobunaga, it has nothing to do with us. After coming out, we only need to release the video, and complain a little, absolutely let the ghosts believe There is no argument for a long time. "

"That's right, that's what I mean. And when the time comes, we can act on the situation. If there is a chance, we can even create more accidents and make the ghost-handed Nobunaga become a complete fool. He will be among Japanese players in the future. His credibility is bound to plummet, to see how he will fight us in the future. "

"It sounds pretty good," Masamoto Matsumoto said. "Then let's hurry up?"

"We need to wait until we get there!" I said again and asked, "Where did you say the teleportation team leading down? We are almost on the floating island."

"It's not a teleportation array, it's a transmission channel. Anyway, it's in the house in the middle of the island. I just don't know if the ghost-handed Nobunaga will destroy that channel from there."

"Hey, hey, can you stop the crow's mouth at this time?"

Although I don't want that to happen, unfortunately, Matsumoto's crow's mouth is still fulfilled. When we reached the floating island, we saw the central hall turned into a ruin at a glance. We did n’t know what the building looked like, but now it has completely turned into a pile of ruins, and the so-called passageway ... well, even if the thing is OK, we do n’t expect to clear the ruins. Already.

Okay. Although the extended task of this buff task is a continuation of the buff task, its task environment is completely indistinguishable from the original task, so we are not restricted to any attributes, and all magic pets can also be summoned. The work of clearing the ruins is relatively quick with the help of my large group of summoned creatures. Several dragons pushed the pile of broken bricks and rubble to one side in twos and threes, and then the remaining part was cleaned up by the Qilin warrior. About five minutes before and after, the so-called transmission channel appeared in front of us.

Previously Masamoto Matsumoto told me that there was a transmission channel in this place, and I thought it was a teleportation array, but now I saw the real thing and found that it was not what I thought. This thing is not so much a transmission channel, I think it is more like a slide. The buried entrance is actually a huge hole, and below it is a pipe formed by energy. Just jump in and go down the pipeline. Finally reached the other end of the passage. This type of movement is not wrong when it comes to transmission, but this thing is the transmission of a conveyor belt, and the transmission array is not a concept at all.

After finding the entrance, we started to jump down. Of course, true red is still the lead. Christina is second. Rose followed, and I was in charge of the queen.

Looking down from above, the channel looks like a tube made of light, but after entering, it feels like nothing is around. It feels like I'm falling down all the time. Fortunately, although I can't feel anything, the falling speed is not out of control, and it is always maintained at a stable speed.

Although the stable speed is used, the falling speed of this channel is quite fast, and it took us only two or three minutes to reach the end. In the process of falling, because the surrounding pipe wall seemed to be non-existent, we clearly saw the situation outside.

This floating island is very high, and the clouds are far away below. Before I saw it, I felt a large white cloud everywhere, but I found it when I really fell into the cloud. The feeling is completely different. The clouds I saw above were all white, and it felt like a lot of marshmallows. It was very soft, but when we entered the clouds, we found that this was actually a rain cloud and that kind of lightning Thunderous cumulonimbus. As we shuttled down from the clouds, we could see the thick lightning arcs of the surrounding buckets winding down in the air, and sometimes they were only a few meters away from us. The horrible effect is generally scared to death.

Fortunately, although the falling process is always accompanied by lightning, we have not been hit. It is estimated that the light channel also has a certain lightning protection effect, otherwise it is impossible that such a dense lightning has not hit us alone.

After successfully landing, we observed the surrounding environment for the first time, and found that this place is completely a barren mountain without a village and a shop. Fortunately, the location of the landing is just on a lake, and the lake is only A trail, so unless Matsumoto is congratulating them underwater, you don't need to worry about finding the wrong way.

The ground here is actually a mountain forest. The surrounding plants look ordinary and the scenery is average, but I do n’t know why, I always feel colder and colder.

"Have you noticed that the surrounding temperature has been falling?" I couldn't help asking.

In fact, everyone felt cold, just because it was not too serious, so no one has said it. Now when I say that, everyone immediately said that they also felt very cold.

If it is in reality, the cold may be caused by wind, or the temperature may be really low, but in the game, the conditions that can cause the air to become cold may be more, so we do n’t know for the moment whether this is what happened.

Everyone communicated with each other and didn't find out why it felt cold, but at least we can be sure that this is not an illusion, because we all have the ability to detect illusions, so if this is an illusion, it must have been discovered long ago.

We ca n’t figure out the situation, and we do n’t want to waste time on this kind of thing. Anyway, it ’s not cold enough to affect our combat effectiveness, so everyone did n’t care. However, as we continued, we soon discovered a situation that surprised us a lot.

We walked well, but a Japanese player suddenly appeared on the road ahead, and it has become a corpse. After playing this game for a long time, of course we have seen many corpses, but this weird is the first time we have encountered them. In front of this Japanese player, there is a thick layer of hoarfrost on the entire body, and when he strikes, he will make a gurgling sound. Obviously it has been completely frozen. However, although we have come along this way, we really feel that the temperature in this place is getting lower and lower, but it is only a bit cold, and the ambient temperature is at least ten degrees or more. Even the surrounding green plants are flourishing. This is obviously a sign that the temperature is still normal. However, at such a temperature, a frozen body appeared here, which is not normal.

"Is this guy attacked by ice-bound magic?" Zhenhong asked, knocking on the corpse on the ground.

Christina shook her head and said, "Not very much. Most of the ice magic is mixed attack magic like ice cones. In addition to the ice seal, it will also have a physical attack effect. Most of the simple ice seal magic is face. Killing type. But you see, the surrounding plants are not frozen at all, but this person is frozen, which is obviously not a characteristic of ice magic. "

"If it's not an ice spell. Is it a special attack?" Rose stood up and looked around. Then he said, "What do you think it will be?"

"That's probably not true," Cristina said. "There are too many strange creatures in the game. The various abilities are also weird than one, and it's not surprising what happens."

"If that's the case, then we need to be careful about what we do next," I said.

Rose nodded and said, "Everyone still be careful. The gold coins also said that the task in this place is not difficult, but the environment is very harmful to the safety of the players, so we still have to be cautious, but do n’t capsize on such small things . "

Both Real Red and Christina nodded, and then approached them carefully. I also took Eternity off the back of my hand and turned it into a sword shape. At the same time, I took out the shields that I do n’t usually use and lifted them directly. In your hands just in case.

After passing through the body of this Japanese player, we walked a distance forward and actually encountered another Japanese player's body, and this time it was worse than the last time, not only the body was frozen, but also broken Now, the ground is full of debris. Fortunately, the fragments were frozen, so they were all white, and it didn't look disgusting.

"How many people did they come in before, Nobunaga?" He asked, seeing the debris on the ground.

Christina thought for a while and thought, "It seems like thirteen, not fifteen, not too clear."

"Fifteen. I remember," Rose said.

"There are thirteen left now." Zhenhong looked down and said, "Do you guess there will be any ahead?"

"There shouldn't be only two of them," Christina said. "It's normal to lose three or five. We can still see at least one more body."

In fact, Christina's speculation was quickly confirmed, and not only the bodies were found, but a bunch appeared at one time, but not a bunch of corpses, but a pile of corpse fragments. Judging by the identifiable parts, there are three people in this place, or maybe four. The fragments are too fragmented and mixed together, which is really unrecognizable. But three or four people are about the same.

"It looks like this attacker is quite powerful!" Christina said, "The first and second times can be regarded as a sneak attack. Two dead people have killed their ghosts, and their vigilance must have improved. Dead three, the opponent is definitely very strong. "

Rose added: "And did you notice it? There was no trace of fighting at the scene. The other party apparently appeared suddenly, and it was a one-click attack. They had no chance to fight back."

"Is that a highly mobile creature?" Zhenhong said. "It should be my strength."

"No, this is my strength." Christina said suddenly looking at the woods on one side.

It was discovered that Christina's reaction was abnormal, and several of our eyes moved immediately, and all of a sudden we all saw the thing that Christina noticed. Now we can understand what is going on with the gang of Nobunaga.

Just in the direction Christina looked at, a faint, transparent outline was sneaking between the trees. This thing looks like a transparent mass of gas. It has no color and is not reflective, but things seen through it will be distorted. Although you can't notice it, you can find it if you look closely. As for Christina, of course she didn't see the thing because her eyes were sharp. The reason why Christina can find that thing is because the energy induction is relatively strong.

Compared to the appearance of force. The energy form of that thing is obviously much clearer, and anyone who can see the energy form can find this thing. However, this thing is not the kind of master who slams forward. Even if it can be invisible, it still consciously uses the surrounding plants and other objects as a cover to move. This method is definitely a great attempt to enhance the secret of this thing. Mobility. It is estimated that they were not noticed before, but they still noticed that they noticed.

This thing was around the circle around us at this time, obviously looking for a chance to start, and it was very sensitive. Before Christina looked at that thing and then caught our attention. That thing was an instinctual stop. It didn't start moving again until we looked away. This clearly shows that this thing has certain anti-reconnaissance consciousness.

Immediately after we pretended not to find this guy, it started that sneaky way of acting again. It moved from lightning behind one tree to another behind it. Although it was transparent at all, it still had the habit of finding shelter.

I think it's almost ready to start. That thing started to approach us carefully. Then gradually approached us.

This guy's first target was actually Rose, and he didn't know how he could confirm who of us was the weakest, but judging by this action, it was quite accurate.

That thing circled us around n times and finally moved to the edge of the woods. The road ahead is ours. But the guy was still very careful at this time, and moved to the side of the road next to the tree closest to us. Then, as soon as I clenched eternity and was ready to shoot, the thing suddenly moved. Its speed can be said to be as fast as lightning, even though my reaction speed almost didn't keep up, but fortunately, I was close to Rose, but it happened to catch up.

Just when the thing rushed in front of the rose, I also happened to kill it from the side, picking it forever, the body of the thing was immediately cut off a small piece, and the thing suddenly seemed to be scared. It was used more than before. The fast speed retracted into the woods that had been hiding in a lightning speed, and ran out for twenty or thirty meters at a time before stopping.

This time, the total battle time was less than 0.1 second, and the speed was as fast as lightning. Ordinary players don't even talk about fighting, even if there is no reaction, they will end. The vigilance of that thing is also quite exaggerated. After being hit, more than 20 meters flashed in the blink of an eye. This security awareness is really strong enough.

Seeing that thing ran so far, obviously I didn't plan to return to attacking power in a short time. I took the opportunity to look at the small group of things that I cut off on the ground, only to find that the thing was missing.

"Don't look for it, that thing will naturally evaporate, and you will dissipate in the air before you even cut it." Rose seemed to find that I was looking for the fragment, so she reminded.

"Boss, your sword!" I heard Zhenhong shout as soon as I heard Rose. Looking down, I noticed that a thick layer of hoarfrost was actually hanging on the first half of the eternity. Now we know how the previous ice corpses came from.

"What the **** is that?" Cristina asked. "Don't you read the attributes of the targets you have met? Did you see the attributes of this object?"

I nodded and said, "This thing is called the lonely spirit, the undead, and the ghost branch species. The specialty is the cold heart, which can freeze all targets."

"Freeze everything? Isn't that invincible?" Zhenhong asked in surprise.

"It's not invincible ~ ~ This kind of freeze has restrictions, as long as the comprehensive attributes are stronger than him, it will be fine."

"That means we are all fine?"

"It's not necessarily, just to say that the freezing effect will be much weaker if we are encountered, nor that it will be useless. But at least don't worry about directly changing the ice sculpture."

"That's fine. But this thing is so fast. How can we kill it?"

"Why kill it?" I asked, looking at Zhenhong.

Real red looked at me in amazement, and then suddenly reacted after a few seconds. "Boss, aren't you ...?"

"You guessed right." I directly affirmed the really red guess. "Since it is necessary to find a reasonable situation for Nobunaga and Nobunaga, what happened in this sudden attack is reasonable and reasonable, and it is suitable for the reasonable death of Masamoto Matsumoto."

"But how can you be sure that this thing will attack the Nobunaga Ghost Hand first?" Cristina asked. (To be continued ...)

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