Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 111: Resolution passed

"Why are there three sets different?"

"On this issue, it should be said that there are three sets that have been fused with the fusion, so it will be different." Hephaestus said.

When I heard Hephaestus' words, I immediately thought about the thing that Mother of Earth said before. Now I want to come to these three different sets of materials because of the absorption of the power of Mother Earth ’s partial laws. The equipment is different.

"That being the case, then we will go and see the condition of these equipment when we are free, but before that, we still have to finalize our cooperation with that group of Japanese."

Soon Matsumoto and the Japanese guild presidents were called back. As soon as these people returned, they immediately sat down and asked, "President Ziri, I think you should call us back. Already discussed the results? "

I nodded and said, "Of course. Regarding your cooperation intentions ..." I deliberately made a long note before I said, "We accepted."

As soon as I said something, the presidents of the Japanese guilds there were all relieved. Although there were some contradictions in their hearts, they suddenly relieved after hearing that I accepted their suggestions. Maybe from the subconscious, they actually feel that it is the right choice to cooperate with us.

Masamoto Matsumoto did not seem to feel relieved like the Japanese guild presidents, but has always been very calm. This performance was suddenly realized after the Japanese guild presidents saw it. Disordered, so these people quickly turned their faces into a serious look.

After seeing that everyone on his side calmed down, Matsumoto just said to me: "First of all, thank you for accepting our proposal from the perspective of interests. However, this matter is very complicated, so we are not the only ones. It is enough to reach a cooperation intention, and we need to further discuss the specific cooperation methods afterwards. I don't think you have any opinions? "

I nodded and said, "This is of course, but this kind of plan will not be made in a short time, so we need to wait a little longer. Our guild think tank is studying the information you give. As for It may take an hour or two to make a tactical arrangement or something. "

"Does the team take so long?" A Japanese guild president asked.

Rose immediately interfaced: "If you feel bored waiting here, you can choose to go to the functional building activities of the guild first. Or I can arrange someone to take you to visit the environment of Isinger. Of course. Some departments You do n’t see it, you know. "

Matsumoto thought about it and said, "I heard that Essinger has the best urban facilities in the world, so I want to experience it."

"Of course there is no problem, I can go with you." I was kind.

"It's better to be respectful then."

"So what's your choice?" Rose asked, looking at the remaining Japanese guild presidents.

These people were originally presidents of Japanese guilds. It's a bit of a tense to get to a place like Isinger. After all, for them this place is the enemy's nest. and so. In this case, when they are asked to visit, they always feel a little nervous. Especially when separated from Matsumoto Masa, it makes them feel more uneasy, so these people almost immediately chose to experience the features of Isinger with Matsumoto Masa.

Since these people's schedules are the same, naturally we will save a lot of work. I took them directly to experience the visit, and the Roses stayed to study the plan of action plan with the think tank.

Because these guild presidents and Masamoto Matsumoto could not show up in Essinger, we did not go to these functional building areas, but used the transport team inside the guild, and, in order to cover up our identity, we gave Each of them issued a robe. With the request from me, the bank players naturally did not dare to throw exploration on them, and the advantage of using the bank's special teleportation team is that there will be no lay player, so we are very smooth. Entered a functional building. As for the use of those buildings for a while, there is no need to worry, because almost all the functional buildings of the Bank have dedicated private rooms, so we need not worry about confidentiality.

Matsumoto is congratulating the first place they requested to experience is the training ground of our guild, that is, the challenge training center. In this place you can challenge the set of simulated enemies, and the types of this simulated enemy are various. Of course, the specific type of enemy is not built in this building, but needs the building owner, that is, our guild to catch it. We must catch a living creature and put it in the challenge field. After that, the challenge training center will automatically scan the combat data of this creature, and everyone in the field can challenge unlimited times. This creature is up. However, if it is a creature we haven't caught, there won't be any here, and naturally it can't be challenged. However, at present, the guild collects a large number of various monsters, so in this training field, you can find most of the common monster types, even if there are very few special monsters, but there is no guarantee that every All kinds of things.

In the implementation of this challenge training center, it's not just monsters that really challenge everyone. Here you can also perform simulation challenges between people. This simulation challenge is divided into two forms, one is a simulation person, that is, a player comes here to be scanned like a monster, and then everyone can challenge the player's simulation image here. The simulated player will have the full strength of the original player, but the simulator is not the player himself, so there may be some differences between the fighting style and himself. Of course, if you are looking for realism, you can also carry out real-world challenges, just like an arena. The two players really go to the training center to fight against each other. This form is similar to the arena, but the difference is that the challenge training center does not have a real pk mode, and can only conduct training matches. That is, after the battle, all data will be automatically restored, including medicines used in the battle, consumables such as scrolls, etc., and no death penalty will be performed. Anyway, there is absolutely no loss.

In addition to challenging monsters and other players, this challenge training center can also challenge itself. This challenge mode is to let the system simulate one to fight against itself. This simulated self has exactly the same attributes and equipment data as the player itself, and the system will simulate your own fighting style. Although it is slightly different from the real one, it is basically not too different. Big, that is to say that this simulator will even have some of your behavior habits, it feels as if you are fighting another one.

This kind of self-challenge is arguably the hardest part of all challenges, but it is also the most effective way to improve yourself. Because you can fight with yourself in addition to studying new tactics to match your fighting skills. You can also check your own flaws and defects by the way, so that you can better improve these shortcomings and problems.

Matsumoto Masayoshi brought this group of people here is not what we planned before, this can be said that Matsumoto Masayoshi made a temporary intention, but it is not a big deal to go to this place. Matsumoto is here to actually come here to relive the feeling of challenging myself. During the time of the secret special training of our guild, Masamoto Matsumoto did not train here.

At the beginning, the presidents of the Japanese guilds were quite unconcerned about our challenge center. Because they thought it was just a revision of the arena. But after we briefly explained the characteristics of this place, these people finally put away their arrogance and began to seriously study the magic of this place. However, these guys studied after less than five minutes. All of them chose to challenge me without exception. Of course, I can't accept the challenges of so many of them at the same time, so they are challenged by my simulator.

As the president of this guild, of course I left my scan data here. As a result, all these guild presidents of Japan chose to challenge me.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand why these people challenge me. Although my combat effectiveness is known to everyone, this kind of knowing is actually hearing or seeing some combat picture records. They don't know what my actual combat effectiveness is. Therefore, these people want to take this opportunity to experience this feeling for themselves. After all, if they really fight outside, I will definitely kill them, and they don't want to die for nothing like this for nothing. So, of course, they can't miss it if they can experience it here.

Because of my particularity, my characters are set to be very special here, and there are several other beings like me. They are all the players who have the highest strength in the bank. The biggest difference between this special setting and ordinary simulators is that our simulators will not use their full strength as soon as they come up, but can be set according to the needs of the user. You can set one of three modes, real mode, challenge mode and training mode, as your fighting method.

When the player participating in the challenge chooses the real mode, this my simulator will simulate my behavior based on my battle data in the game, that is, make the simulator's behavior as close to me as possible.

The challenge mode is actually the normal mode, that is, it does not follow my behavior habits, but uses the difficulty and method of system calculation to control. In this mode, the combat level of the simulated person will be more balanced, and the difficulty is slightly lower than the real mode.

The training mode is different from the first two. This is a kind of simulation training. In this mode, the challenge simulator does not actively attack at the beginning, but only passive defense. Over time, the simulator's fighting style will become more and more aggressive from the full-defense mode, and in the process, the simulator's combat power will gradually unlock. At first, you may not use the big move, but once the battle between you and this simulator has not ended for an hour, then the simulator will fully enter the full mode of the big move, and will play the object simulated by this simulator Full strength. The biggest benefit of this gradual strength increase is that you can train the combat skills of the combatants, because if the opponent is too weak, they will not be able to improve their combat strength, and the opponent who is too strong will be completely because of the gap. Nothing can be learned, so this kind of pair who will slowly improve strength is the best target for training.

After seeing the challenge mode here, the guild presidents of Japan actually found that my data still existed, and they all chose me as the target. But these people choose a different model. Because there are detailed explanations behind the options, they all know the meaning of the type they chose, so the presidents of the twelve Japanese guilds each chose their favorite type.

Eight of the Japanese guild presidents chose the training mode, while three of the remaining four chose the real mode and one chose the challenge mode.

The speed of the twelve of them was basically the same, that is to say, they started fighting at the same time, but the time when these people came out was different.

The guy who chose the challenge mode was the most unfortunate, and he was brought up in ten seconds. That speed was really fast, if not because he was the one who started late. I suspect that when he came out, someone might not have started the game yet.

In fact, it is normal for this guy to come out first. Because in challenge mode, that my simulator will use all of my attributes and skills to fight under the control of the system, which means that when you come up, you will fire at full force. In this case, of course, the president of the Japanese guild had no power to fight back, and it was normal to be thrown out in ten seconds.

The three guys who chose the real mode are slightly better than the guy who chose the challenge mode. Two of them came out after thirty seconds. Another one persisted for more than forty seconds. The reason they support longer in real mode. Not because the system controls me better than myself, but because my fighting style is like this. I usually do not use the full combat power to output when I come up, but I first observe the information about the opponent's combat mode and the approximate combat power level. After the information is collected, I will only use the body to fight. Only when I find that the enemy is not easy to solve, or if I need to deal with multiple targets, I will consider the summoning mode. This fighting method is my habit, and the system will learn my behavior habits in real mode, so in real mode, I will not start to output at full strength, and of course the result will be slower than the type of crazy attack from the first time a little.

Finally, of course, the eight people who chose the training mode. In fact, in this mode, no matter what enemy you are challenging, the time will not be shorter than one minute, because the first minute simulation target will definitely not attack, even if you stand still in front of the opponent, the opponent will It will only pose defensively and will not hurt you. This is the characteristic of the training mode.

However, one minute later, my simulator began to attack. The initial attack was a defensive counterattack after being attacked, and the frequency was low, and the attack power was deliberately suppressed to a very low level. After all, It's training. When you come up, you will kill the opponent with full output, so there is no training effect.

In this gradual mode, the first of these people to hang up for thirteen minutes, and the reason for his death was due to a mistake, which did not block a thief attack of my simulation.

After this player came out, it waited for almost ten minutes before another person was kicked out, and another one came out within 30 seconds following this guy. After that, the interval was very close, and all the remaining personnel were kicked out within three minutes.

"Wow ha ha ha, this thing is really good." The last Japanese guild that was thrown out was still screaming in excitement, among the others except the four guys who did not choose the training mode, the others People are very excited, because they all experience the effect in training mode. However, the excitement of these people quickly turned into frustration, because they suddenly thought that the more effective this thing is, the stronger the strength strengthening effect for our Frost Rose League players, and this is equivalent to the Sino-Japanese The gap between players' strength is getting wider. Therefore, the effect of this thing has nothing to be happy for them.

Although they are very jealous that we have such a training ground, they can only envy it. To build such a site, you must upgrade the city level, but the problem is that cities throughout Japan have been occupied by us, and the change of the city means that the level has dropped, so the current city level in Japan is actually not high. . In this case, the number of urban buildings that can be selected is very limited, and it is naturally impossible to build such a training ground.

In fact, there are currently no cities in the world like Isinger. The reason why Isinger's level is so high is mainly because of Isinger's mobile fortress.

Isinger is a city, which is systematically identified. However, Isinger is actually divided into several parts, from top to bottom: Isinger Mobile Fortress, Isinger Twins Sky City, Isinger Twins City Ground, and Isinger Land Heart city.

Of these four parts, the Essinger Geocentric City has the highest level of security, and in fact this part is very far from the body of Essinger. It has penetrated into the mantle and continuously absorbed the fire elements in the lava As a source of power, it supplements the energy needs of itself and the rest of Isinger.

This geocentric city is mainly responsible for some special research projects, as well as some places of detention for dangerous creatures. So it is not open to the outside world. Entry and exit can only rely on dedicated elevators, and there is a space blocker inside, and it cannot enter or exit by space.

By the way, the heart of Isinger is not the same as the underground city of Isinger. The underground city of Isinger is actually the underground part of the underground city of Isinger. Although this part is buried in the soil. But it is close to the ground city. And it is a part of the ground city itself, not independent. In fact, there is almost no other link between the Earth City and the main body of Isinger except the slender elevator passage.

Isinger Ground City. This is the only area in Isinger that allows laymen to move freely. Of course, part of the area that is actually open is not all.

Isinger Sky City is the part that stands on the top of Isinger's Ground City. This part feels like the reflection of Isinger's Ground City. People who don't know will feel like they are in Isinger for the first time. Above the ground city is a mirror that covers the entire city. The shapes of these two cities are almost exactly the same, and they are reversed. They look like reflections in the water, so the two together are called the Essinger Twin Cities, but in the system, they are actually the city of Essinger. In part, it is not two independent cities.

Finally, and the most important part, is the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

This part of the Isinger Mobile Fortress should actually be said to be the old town of Isinger, but because of technical transformation, it has become an aerial fortress. This part is actually part of the main body of Isinger, but because it can move and also carries heavy weapons, it often goes to other places to perform various cleaning tasks. In fact, when Isinger moved the fortress to participate in the battle, there was almost no place where we could not attack. After all, Isinger's moving fortress was too fierce. If it weren't for the scary energy consumption of moving, Essinger's Mobile Fortress would surely be as flaunting as the American carrier battle group.

As I just said, the main reason why Isinger's city level is so high is that this Isinger Mobile Fortress.

The upgrade of the city level is the same as the player's upgrade. It depends on the city experience value, and the city experience can be obtained from many aspects, but the most important parts are the construction bonus and the guild bonus. And combat experience.

Construction bonus points This section does not specifically refer to building experience in the city to gain experience, but refers to all creative points. For example, if you conduct business activities in a city, the capital flow brought by such business activities will generate experience value. Commercial cities are mainly upgraded by this. After all, commercial cities like Paris do not even have cities. If you rely on combat and experience, it is estimated that the city will be ruined before it rises to the level. After all, commercial cities The buildings are crispy and rotten at the touch.

What? You ask why Isinger's city is so strong? The answer is that because Isinger is a fortress city, the building structure will be different from ordinary commercial cities. Otherwise, why do you think our urban construction costs are 20% more expensive than others? The extra money was spent extra for reinforcement.

In addition to the experience gained from the construction of buildings and commercial activities, the floating population and resident population in cities also bring experience. Every time the floating population enters and exits the city, it will bring a certain amount of experience to the city, and those who have a fixed place of residence in the city will add experience every time they enter and exit, and will also provide a fixed amount of experience every day value. This setting is not exactly for players, and it is the same. This is also one of the main reasons why you have to open your city desperately in a fighting game like Zero, isn't it just to increase the flow of people and earn more experience?

These are the so-called construction economy points. However, this is only an approximation, not all, because in fact there are still many things to build extra points, such as if there are any technological achievements developed by research institutes in this city. This city will also get bonus points, and there will be upgrades among the fixed population in the city, which can also be regarded as a bonus for urban construction. There are actually many such fine-grained projects, but the proportion is small, so they will not be described in detail.

In addition to construction bonus points, another major item of city experience value is guild bonus points.

Isinger is our city in the Frost Rose Alliance. So whenever our Frost Rose League data changes. Will have some impact on city experience. For example, if the level of the guild is increased, all the cities under the guild will also increase their experience value, and this number is calculated based on the old city size. Big cities get more experience than small cities. Also. For example, the research on science and technology also has experience points. And it's a double bonus. For example, our guild researchers developed a technology in Isinger. Then Essinger will first get a certain experience value because of the extra points for urban construction, and then he will develop this technology because of our guild. Get another experience point. In other words, the two experience points plus Chengdu are due to that study.

Guild bonus points In addition to technology and guild levels, there are also population bonus points, map bonus points, and resource bonus points. As members of our guild, everyone provides a fixed city experience value every day, so in this regard, the guild is more cost-effective. In addition, every square kilometer that the guild masters increases the experience value of all the cities to which the guild belongs. Of course, the guild's own experience will also improve. In addition, if the mines held by the guild are mining minerals, the experience will be converted based on the system pricing. This is not to say that you want to sell minerals. The system does not care what you do with these minerals. As long as you mine, it will automatically settle the experience value according to the system pricing. Of course, this is also a two-way experience, which will increase the experience value of the guild and the experience value of the city to which the guild belongs. In addition, another condition is that if there is a mining area within the sphere of influence of the city, the bank will automatically give a certain amount of city experience value every day according to the total reserves of the mining area.

These are the main ways for other guild cities to gain experience, and the remaining one is combat experience.

In fact, as long as fighting takes place within the sphere of influence of the city, of course I am talking about fighting between city owners and other guild members. It is useless to fight with unrelated personnel. In other words, as long as it is our Frost Rose Alliance, attacking lay players in the area near Isinger, or killing monsters, Isinger can get the city experience value. Of course, this does not have to be your own offense, in fact the same is true of being invaded. If someone attacks Isinger, we will not only get the city experience in the fight. Finally, if the city is successfully held after the battle, a certain amount of experience value will be given at one time based on the total strength of the invaders.

The way to gain experience in this battle is different from the previous two in that it has a large number of experience points and is very fast, but because the city itself is a fixed object, usually you have no way to let the city take the initiative Provoke the enemy. In other words, although urban warfare can quickly increase the level of the city, of course I am talking about the situation of holding it. If you are occupied by the enemy, don't say anything. Although the city's experience value is increasing rapidly in this battle, you can't find people everywhere to invade yourself, right? Let ’s not talk about the risk of a city being captured, even if you do n’t worry about it, the enemy ’s failure to attack your city is also a problem. After all, others invading your city have certain predictable benefits, such as yours. What kind of city is on the main road of traffic, anyway, is the type that looks profitable.

Therefore, although the city's offensive and defensive battles can greatly increase the city level, but because you cannot determine the behavior of the enemy, this matter is very unreliable, and once the city misses and is occupied by the enemy, it will not only increase the experience value, but also lose experience. value. Therefore, although it is a quick way to improve the city experience through war, in fact, not many cities really do this, and this is not an easy thing to control.

In fact, I think many people should have guessed why Isinger's city rank is so high. The reason is that Isinger moves the fortress.

Other people's cities are fixed, they can only passively wait for the enemy to attack. Even if you take the initiative to harass others. It is not easy to attract others to attack your own city. People are not stupid. It is understandable to be fooled once or twice. How can they always be fooled? Besides, how can things like siege warfare be considered as a big deal? Which guild should not consider carefully the comparison between the enemy's combat effectiveness and the odds of winning and the rate of return in the future? When this happened, the probability of urban offensive and defensive warfare was actually very low. As for letting guild players kill monsters around the city ... This method is even more unreliable. After all, in addition to the monster siege that has just been built, a monster vacuum zone will appear around the city, and outside this area Even if there are monsters, they are all low-level monsters. Don't expect to see or large groups of high-level monsters around the city. so. Except for situations in which the players of the Bank have pk's outside the city where the Bank belongs to and outsiders' personnel. Hardly any experience value is easy to get. And the pk behaviors of our bankers and laypersons can't happen often. After all, if your city is to be economical, you need someone to come to your city. If the people in your guild always bully laymen around the city, who will come to you? so. Not only can we not increase such experience income. Also limit this to happen.

but. These problems are all others' problems, and in our case, at least in Isinger, there is no such thing at all. The reason is that Isinger's mobile fortress can run everywhere.

Everyone knows that siege warfare takes the city experience fast, but others cannot take the initiative to initiate siege warfare, but we can very easily create siege warfare, because others do not come to attack us, we can let Isinger move the fort to take the initiative Attack others. The system's calculation method for combat city experience values ​​is calculated based on the occurrence of battles around the city. It does not mean that someone must actively attack your city. Of course, for other cities, this is necessary, because other cities will not move, and cities will not be able to attack them if others do not attack. The Isinger Mobile Fortress does not have such a problem. It can drive directly next to the enemy's city and stand against the city walls of other people. Then all battles between the two cities are considered siege battles.

In addition, because Essinger's Mobile Fortress can move, it can also follow our large troops and follow us through the experience of ordinary guild battles.

To give the most direct example, during the time when Masamoto Matsumoto was still a true leader of Japanese players, we used the Isinger Mobile Fortress to attack Japan. At that time we even let Isinger Mobile Fortress land directly on the ground, and then rely on the giant track system below the city to drive on the ground like a tank. At that time, because we set the goal to Tokyo, Japan, all Japanese players came to intercept us, and our people just had to wait to move around the Isinger Mobile Fortress and move along with the Isinger Mobile Fortress. This Whenever someone comes to fight, our Isinger Mobile Fortress will get experience points. In other words, Isinger is getting experience points.

This method of obtaining experience that is exactly the same as cheating is the main reason why Essinger's city level is so high. Our city level rose by more than 20 levels in one operation in Japan alone. You need to know that the main cities of most guilds are less than 20 levels in total. We rose to more than 20 levels in that war alone. Can this number be scary?

In fact, the multiple outings of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress have helped us gain a lot of city experience. The ultimate effect of all this is that Isinger ’s city level has risen to a very exaggerated level, and with With the upgrading of this city, many powerful special buildings have gradually opened up.

These special types of urban buildings are often very powerful, but it is not enough to build them. You must first raise the level of the guild. When the level of the guild is reached, you can pick up the guild building task. After completing the task, you can get the architectural drawing. In fact, this drawing is not a very construction drawing, but something similar to a building permit. With it you can build this kind of building, but the specific shape can be designed at will, you don't need to refer to this drawing. In fact, there were no plans on that drawing.

After getting the drawings, although the guild can already build this kind of building. However, you also need a qualified city, because all such guild buildings with special system properties have architectural conditions. Just as the weapons used by players often require players to reach their strength or level to allow equipment, the guild construction industry requires how much your city level or city area can be built. There are even some buildings that require the city to be a specific type of city. For example, a guild building called an underwater altar requires the city to be a port city.

Because Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress has brought us to such a terrible level, even though the Japanese guild presidents are jealous, they have no way at all. Because they know that this situation is not reproducible. of course. If they also have the ability to create a flying city and ensure that it will not be destroyed, then it can be considered.

In fact, the Japanese guild presidents still have a bit of helplessness, and that is their own guild level.

In fact, there were many special buildings in Japan before. Otherwise, the Japanese players will not be so powerful when they first played against us. The Black Dragon at the time concentrated resources from all over Japan. Its guild rank is very high. The city is also quite exaggerated. Naturally there are many high-level guild buildings, and with the black dragon disintegration. Japan has lost this advantage.

The small guilds scattered by the Black Dragon are independent new guilds, and they have not inherited the guild level of the Black Dragon. As for the ghost-handed league of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, it was originally a new guild, and the new black dragon club that Matsumoto is currently establishing has nothing to do with the original black dragon club. At least the system doesn't recognize the connection between the two. In other words, there is no such large-scale guild in Japan. All guilds are small and medium-sized guilds, and they are formed in the form of guild alliances. The biggest problem with this form of alliance is that many of the systems prepared for the guild can not be achieved, because these alliances are not a complete guild, their respective independent data does not meet certain hard standards of the system, naturally It is impossible to turn on those special guild functions.

Therefore, even if these Japanese guild presidents were given a city like Isinger, they would still be unable to build such a training center because their own guild level was not high enough.

The presidents of the Japanese guilds were divided into two groups after the challenge failed. Some of them began to study other challenging God goals. For example, some people began to challenge Real Red and Christina, while others were discovering Matsumoto. After Masako challenged himself, he began to learn how Masamoto Matsumoto challenged himself.

Self-challenge usually takes a lot of time, because if you fight with yourself, because you know too much about your attributes, it is not easy to win and infusion is not easy. As a result, self-challenge usually takes a long time.

Fortunately, these Japanese guild presidents are using this system for the first time, so the fighting soon ended. Most of these guys are not very familiar with this way of fighting against themselves. However, they don't care how many times they die, there is no punishment anyway, and they are a little happy to play one by one.

The purpose of bringing these Japanese guild presidents is actually the same as letting them avoid before. It is to increase the authenticity. The battle plan has been completed long ago, but we ca n’t just show the details of accepting their proposal. Proposal? Isn't that a trick?

It ’s almost time. After the presidents of the Japanese guilds came out one after another, I stopped them and did n’t let them go in again. The excuse is of course that the plan has been completed and they will discuss it when they return. Soon everyone quit training and then followed us back to the conference hall.

The plan made by the Bank's think tank is not a paper plan, but a three-dimensional battle plan. This thing looks more intuitive and more suitable for our guild. However, the presidents of the Japanese guilds can only use their own pens to record. After all, although they can understand, they have nothing to download our plan. After all, this is based on crystal technology. They do not have similar equipment. .

After the presidents of the Japanese guilds were seated, I asked the **** of war to directly project the action plan in the center of the conference room, and then said, "The plan has been completed, but the content is quite simple. After all, the time is too hasty. Specific plans We will give it to you after we have perfected it. Before you left, Matsumoto gave us a plan proposal, and our staff can basically say that it has been accepted. "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds looked at Matsumoto Masa when they heard this because they had not heard of it before. Matsumoto Masa explained a little bit that these things were with the previous intelligence, and then those Japanese The guild president returned to normal.

I took a look at them and continued: "Matsumoto's suggestion makes sense ~ ~ There is a serious contradiction between Chinese and Japanese players, so if we rush to fight together, it is estimated that even if we can The restrained parties should not fight by themselves, nor can they achieve the purpose of superimposing combat effectiveness, and internal friction will almost certainly occur, resulting in combat effectiveness rather than when fighting separately. "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds also understand these paths, so they nodded after hearing what I said: "This was discussed when we were in Japan before. At that time, everyone decided that it would be better to divide their troops."

I nodded and said, "Yes, according to the prison book given by President Matsumoto Masagawa, we also support this setting. The two sides do not engage in large-scale joint operations, but instead respond strategically. However, we do a little Some changes have been made. Although ordinary players do not join forces, the action forces that **** technology need to join forces. Because this group needs the strong penetration ability, the number is next, so we need both of us to concentrate the elite. Up and use. "

"We have no opinion on this."

"If you don't have any opinions about this, the basic plan is set. You can understand the specific situation by looking at the dynamic diagram." (To be continued ...)

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