Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 112: Full confirmation

When the presidents of the Japanese guilds watched the dynamic description, I also said, "This plan description is actually very simple. Generally speaking, it is carried out as you have discussed before. We have made few changes. We can say that you The previous plan was quite perfect. Do you have any special military personnel? "

This thing was originally sent to Masamoto Matsumoto after we confirmed it, so of course I know the origin of this thing. The reason why I ask this now is to help Matsumoto Masahara's popularity. After all, this thing was proposed by Masamoto Matsumoto. The presidents of the Japanese guilds did not know that this thing was given to Masamoto Matsumoto. In their opinion, even if it was not designed by Masamoto Matsumoto, at least it was his group Come out. Although I am the object of hatred by Japanese players, my strength Japanese players are convinced. Therefore, when I praise this battle plan as an enemy, I will feel greater pride as a Japanese player. At the same time, they will also be grateful for Masamoto Matsumoto who has created such a sense of pride, that is, disguised and strengthened Masamoto's status in Japan, so that the presidents of these Japanese guilds can convince him even more. In order to support Masamoto Matsumoto, we really spared no effort.

After I said this, a Japanese guild president proudly said, "This is the plan we discussed with Matsumoto-kun, not by any professional." Although this guy did not know the specifics of this thing How it came, but he knew that he could not lose face in front of us at this time, so he said it on purpose.

Of course, other Japanese guild presidents also know this. So I didn't say anything, Matsumoto Masa naturally didn't say anything.

Immediately after he finished speaking, I pretended to look at Masamoto Matsumoto in surprise, and then said, "I can't see it, do you still have this ability?"

"It's just a little personal hobby." Of course, Matsumoto admitted that he was unceremonious. Anyway, his task in Japan was plainly to pretend to be 13, and the purpose was to let those Japanese players worship him, respect him, and submit to him.

I smiled slightly and then changed the topic and said, "Because the personnel on both sides did not actually join forces, we did not design the specific tactical arrangements. After you go back, you can plan your own operations in Japan. For this, we have the Frost Rose Alliance. It does n’t mean that it is annoying. We certainly have our own plans here, and you can leave them alone. But. The plans shown in this plan are all strategic situations. You must ensure that you complete them. I do n’t care how to complete them, but the designated stage Be sure to achieve the designated effect, otherwise it is likely to affect the future plan. In addition, I must definitely participate in the elite action team of the joint operation. It is estimated that Masamoto Matsumoto must also follow. So specific actions can be reached It was time for me to negotiate with Masamoto Matsumoto. Do you have any comments? "

Of course, the presidents of these Japanese guilds will have no comment on this, because they all know that they will definitely not be in this action team. So this kind of thing can be said to have little to do with them.

After seeing these Japanese guild presidents nodded, I went on to say, "Then, the action plan was initially set, and then the follow-up action plan and a very important detail." I patted and started. Then two more guards came up with two plates.

"These are the communicators that our guild specially prepared for the laymen, which are specially used by our commanders when fighting with other guild personnel. This time, although we are not on the main side, Contact, but after all it is cooperation, so the necessary communication is still indispensable. In addition, due to the combat effectiveness of Matsumoto Masa, you must join me to join the elite commando, so you Japan may only rely on you Command. In addition to contacting us, these communicators can also allow you to communicate with each other, so that you can communicate with each other. On our side of the Frost Rose Alliance, the command will be in charge of the vice chairman of Red Moon You can also talk to her directly through the communicator. If you need help, you can say that Vice President Red Moon will help you solve it as much as possible. "

"What is the communication distance of this thing?" One of the Japanese guild presidents picked up the earphone-like communicator and asked.

"In fact, the communication distance of a single communicator is only a little over five kilometers, but you don't need to worry about this problem, because the entire territory of Japan is within the coverage of our signal base station, and although the Russian region is not completely covered, there will definitely be a war zone. Signal coverage, after all, our own troops also need to be supported by communications. So, even if you do n’t go to the front line, it ’s okay to take this thing to conduct operations in Japan. Of course. I think you should still go to the front line, after all Such insignificance at this time will be despised by everyone. "

One of the presidents of the Japanese guilds said immediately: "Will our samurai of the Great Japanese Empire not be greedy for life and fear of death. In reality, our warriors can put aside life and death, let alone in the game?"

"That's what I said, don't be thrilled." I said with a smile on purpose: "Notice you another, because according to your plan, you will initially fight with the Russians in the name of cooperation, so we This side will not be softened to you. In fact, we will not inform our personnel about this cooperation at all. Except for the senior players participating in the commando, ordinary people will not know about this cooperation event in battle. Later, we may also deliberately distort the facts and interpret this cooperation as a coincidence in the actions of both parties. It is because of an accident that it looks like our two have cooperated, but it is only because we just want to deal with the Russians. That's it. We will use this as a keynote to explain. We do n’t want everyone to believe, as long as we can stir the water. You can choose at your side, as long as you do n’t provide us, we do n’t want people to know us. Frost Rose Alliance works with you Japanese ~ ~ This is bad for our reputation. "

"Rest assured, we are also afraid that Japanese players know that we cooperate with you!" Said a Japanese guild president.

"So, now that things are fixed, if everyone is ready, we will send you back?"

Matsumoto Masahe took the lead to stand up and said, "That's it. Let's go back and communicate with the other Japanese guild presidents. Anyway, there is a communicator. If there is a problem, we can contact it. By the way, you are not afraid of this communicator. Are we going to research and analyze your technology? "

"Since you asked, then I will mention by the way, this one is filled with eggs. If it is forcibly demolished, it will bang. Although it is not very powerful, it is definitely no problem to fry it into powder. So, do n’t bother to dismantle it. Also, you do n’t have to pay it back after this cooperation, just throw it away. We will destroy it remotely the next day after the cooperation. ”

Matsumoto nodded and said nothing, took the Japanese guild presidents out of the conference hall directly, and after we went out, I turned to other humanitarians: "Okay, the Japanese side is now done, we Let ’s start decorating here. ”(To be continued ...)

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