Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 210: Come to the pit

"Do you want to know why you harmed another one and made you the target of Japanese players?" I asked, looking at the Yaki snake. . .

Hachichi nodded his head and looked at me pleadingly, saying, "I have never been sought after by anyone, and I would like to know how the situation you said is realized!"

"In fact, this thing is very simple." I said, "Your later generation, that is, the real Yagi snake, is actually an idol in Japan today. His reputation in Japan is very high. But what about , We also told you before that the guy from the Yakita snake had actually gone crazy when he arrived in Japan. Now the guy from the Yakita snake is a very crazy guy, and his position in the hearts of Japanese players is actually a little bit wrong. Actually, this is not his original intention, so Japanese players' impression of him is very different from his own image. "

"But this ..." I was interrupted as soon as the Oki serpent was about to speak.

"Don't hurry, listen to me." I appeased the Yaki snake and then continued: "Because the image of the Yaki snake in the mind of the Japanese player does not match his actual situation, when the Japanese player saw the real Yaki There will be a psychological gap when the serpent is large. This gap is very large. Moreover, you may not know that the current eight-various serpent has got a core of divine power, which is very strange and has a lot of faith. Of course, you haven't seen the core of divine power, so you don't know what it is, but you can imagine it as a natural treasure, as long as you get it, you can greatly strengthen your ability. "

The Yachi serpent nodded as if he didn't understand. I wanted to say something. But when I saw it again, I asked him not to hurry, so I put up with it again.

I saw the Yagi snake continued without saying: "That, because this Yaki snake has got the core of this divine power, so his strength has been greatly exaggerated in a short period of time. You know, you were very powerful during the flood season Yes, you know this yourself? "

The Yachi snake nodded: "I know, but what does this matter?"

"Yes, of course. Although you are very powerful, but you lost some of your strength after being cut off, and later hiding in the volcano, the healing power is gradually declining. For so many years, the Yagi snake has been around. The state of hiding. So the psychology will be distorted, and in this case, the strength of the Yagi snake that suddenly got the core of the divine power suddenly returned to the previous level, even more than a lot. In this case, he would I do n’t know if the sky is thick, and he feels that he is the best cow in the world. So he totally disregards what others think of him. The behavior is extremely arrogant. It is very bad. Moreover, because he was healing before, he did n’t go out and walk around. So the Japanese player doesn't have any intuitive impression of him, but since he got the core of this divine power, this guy's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and there is no need to hide it to heal, so he is constantly active outside now. This activity is inevitable More contact with players, and now he is this character, naturally offending people often Others will never stop saying anything, they have a very bad attitude towards everyone, and they will treat others as his slaves, and as long as he thinks about it, he will have no influence on others, no matter whether If you do it, you don't care about the life or death of others.

Under such circumstances, you can imagine the image of the Yagi snake in the hearts of Japanese players. However, although a private part such as the Yaki Osu destroys his image, Japanese players still have expectations of his reputation, which is why he still calls for many people. "

"Then I continue to destroy the reputation of the Yaki-dake Serpent. After that, am I more difficult to call on Japanese players?" Ya-chi-dake asked puzzled.

"No, although you have destroyed the name of the Hachiko Serpent, but when you really walked from behind the scenes to the stage, we will have Matsumoto Masako to cooperate with you and declare that you are the real Hachiko Serpent, and That big snake is posing as you. "

"You mean upside down black and white?" Hachichi snake asked in surprise.

I nodded and said, "Yes. We will say that you are real, that the real Yagi snake is a fake, and then you have to show a completely different image from that Yaki snake. His personality is already like that, Everyone knows that it must be unpopular, and as long as you show mildness and normal behavior, do n’t do anything too exaggerated, naturally there will be a lot of Japanese players coming to you. They do n’t believe you. Or the true Yaki snake, but chose to believe the image of the Yaki snake in their hearts, so it doesn't matter who makes this Yaki snake, as long as the Japanese player thinks this is a qualified Yaki snake, then he is The Yagi snake. "

The Bachi serpent asked, seemingly incomprehensible: "So how do I go to the stage afterwards?"

"We'll talk about this later. After all, you have just arrived here. Your task now is to get familiar with our environment as soon as possible, and then cooperate with our staff to destroy the image of the Hachiko Serpent, and try to stink it as soon as possible. It ’s so good that we can get angry. ”

"Then what am I going to do?"

"I will tell you the specific method. Now you first come to get familiar with the people here. We need to cooperate with you in the future, so it is essential to get familiar with your own people."

Of course the Hachichi snake followed us very obediently. After all, he has become the magic pet of Matsumoto Masa. Even if it is not complete, it is also a magic pet, so it is necessary to follow us.

Under my introduction, I introduced the high-level players in the Frost Rose Alliance and the high-level deities in the Chaos and Order Protoss to the Yachi serpent. After all, these people will need to deal with him often.

After these people were introduced, we talked casually for a while, then I asked everyone to leave first, and then stopped Wei Na.


"What's matter?"

"It's true." I beckoned towards the Yachi serpent and called him over. Then he said, "Take the Eight-Disc Great Serpent to the Divine Core of our Chaos and Order Protoss, and then teach him how to control the Divine Core."

"You're going to be so quick to grab control of the Divine Core with the Yagi snake?" Wei Na asked in surprise.

I shook my head and said, "That's not it, just because this time Matsumoto Masahara just happened to be here with us, so let me teach you how to control the core of the divine power while the Makimoto Serpent is waiting until Masamoto Matsumoto They are gone, and it will not be easy to return. After all, who we are ... "

"I understand." Weina waved at the Yaki serpent after she said, "Come, follow me, and take you to see the core of our divine power of chaos and order."

The Yagi snake looked at me, and then looked at Masamoto Matsumoto. I smiled and waved at him with Masamoto Matsumoto, and after seeing the Yachi snake, I followed him obediently. This guy has become very restrained since he got here. I guess it's mainly because after becoming the magic pet of Matsumoto Masa, he always feels that he is under the fence now. So everything becomes more restrained than before. However, I think he will recover as long as he is familiar with the environment here. After all, the current Yagi snake is not cut off by a person like the real Yaki snake, and it is also very healthy in terms of natural psychology. So easy to go wrong.

I saw Matsumoto Masako and August smoked them after seeing the Hachichi snake and Wiener leaving. When I told everyone to leave, Matsumoto congratulated them that they didn't leave. Because they all know that I definitely have arrangements. After all, they need to use a teleportation array to leave now. The teleportation array outside Nantianmen is locked, and they only have a single-use permission. If they are to be used again, I need to open them.

As soon as I turned around, Matsumoto congratulated them and stepped in. Then Blazing Dragon Ji directly asked: "President, do you have anything else to tell us?"

I nodded and said, "There is something to tell you."

"Let's talk then." Blazing Dragon Ji was an impatient.

I said with a smile: "You have just heard the things that discredited the Yagi snake, and now I have an idea to start using it immediately, and I need you to give me some opinions. After all, you are more familiar with things than Japanese players."

"Boss, just say it." Masamoto Matsumoto said.

I nodded and said, "This time in Russia we are saying that we have overfulfilled our mission, but the resources on Russia's side are too rich to simply use predatory mining. But in the early stages of mining, the benefits you get are definitely very Considerably, there should be jubilation among the Japanese guilds you bring now, right? "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Although I'm not here these days, I think about this kind of thing."

"So, you say, if at this time, a gleeful guild who is mining ore suddenly hears that their rear home is ruined, what will they feel?"

Sakura Yushin immediately said: "Think about it in other words. If we encounter this kind of request, it will definitely be soaring! After all, it is a very bad thing to be dealt with in our hometown, plus we need to go back to deal with Attackers, the mining progress here will decrease, and the loss will be even greater, so I must be very angry about this kind of thing. "

Blazing Dragon Ji also nodded: "Of course, this kind of thing is to go back and find someone dead. Any questions?"

August Xun's thoughts are obviously different from those of Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji. As the oldest person here, she thinks more. "Chairman, do you mean that the Yagi snake that we brought back attacked the guild's headquarters in Japan while we are now attacking?"

I nodded and asked, "How about? Is it feasible?"

Both Matsumoto Masaka and August smoked frowning, while Blazing Dragon Hime said eagerly, "Can we participate?"

Sakura Yushin patted her angrily and said, "You need to save and save! If you dare to appear there, I believe the president will not mind throwing you on the moon."

Blazing Dragon Ji immediately looked at my face after hearing the words of Sakura Yumi, and I glared angrily at Blazing Dragon Ji who was a bit heartless, and then asked, "Matsumoto Masa, what do you think? Give me A word? "

Matsumoto Masako hesitated a bit and said, "It works in theory, but I'm a little worried."

"How do you say?" I thought it was easy. I didn't expect Matsumoto to congratulate them with a very nervous look.

Matsumoto Masako thought for a moment before he said, "It's okay to let my Yagi snake go back for damage and attacks. According to the way you discussed before, there should be no one who finds two Yaki snakes. It doesn't matter if someone finds it, because they can't determine for themselves whether they're wrong. After all, things like the two Bachi snakes are so strange everywhere. "

"Then why are you so hesitant?"

"I think Jun Matsumoto and her sister are worried about the guild here," said Sakura Yumi. I looked like Sakura Yumi was waiting for her acceptance, and Sakura Yumi immediately said, "First of all, we attacked a guild's station. This kind of thing is very simple. Everyone's main forces are on Russia's side. Therefore, it is definitely easy for Japan to succeed, not to mention that the Yaki snake is absolutely no problem. So. The first step is no problem. The key is the latter situation. Of course, the attacked guild will get the news quickly. Knowing that their hometown has been calmed down, they need to go back to the rescue afterwards, and they are all brought out by us. Although everyone is actually a combination of interests. But it is really when we need us. They will not be like this Said. "Sakura Yushin's head analysis of Tao said:" These guys will finally hold a point of view. That is what we bring them out, so we need to be responsible, they need to be responsible for their safety. Now their The headquarters was attacked. We are an alliance, so we need to go back and help them solve the problem. "

After hearing this, I already knew where their concerns were, but I decided to listen to the explanation of Sakura Yumi.

Sakura Yuchi continued: "We will face two choices at this time. Or we will leave them alone and let them go back and save themselves. In this case, although we will not lose anything, we will still be able to beat Take a look at the guilds that usually do not listen to us. After all, the target of this attack must be the thorny guilds that did not listen to us at first, so we can refuse to reinforce them for this reason. However, this situation Although we have reasonable reasons, the presidents of the Japanese guilds don't think so. They just think that we are ungrateful, and when we come out with them, we will ignore the benefits, so they will think that we are not worthy of allegiance. "

I frowned and said, "You have another option."

Sakura Yushin immediately said: "Not to mention the other option. We help them to help, this kind of thing is not the same as our original intention. What we need is to beat these guilds, in order to establish us At the same time, our own prestige smeared the Yagi Great Serpent, but if we really ran back because of this matter, we would delay the mining of the ore, so that we would have a substantial loss, and this is not what we want to see It ’s here. So, if we implement this kind of plan in the future, although we have smeared the Yagi snake in the end, we also need to invest a certain amount of loss. So I do n’t think it ’s great. If it is important, we are willing to pay some price for this, and we certainly do not mind, anyway, we are all your subordinates, and everything is listening to you. "

After hearing the analysis of Sakura Yumi, how could I continue this plan, at least I can't implement it like this. After pondering for a while, I looked at Matsumoto Masako next to me, and asked, "Are there any particularly disobedient ones among those guilds that are developing with you now?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Of course there are, but even in particularly disobedient guilds, they were asked to rescue us after they were attacked. After we refused, the results were the same! This analysis of the Sakura Yumi chicks before Is it thorough? "

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that." I went on to say, "Actually, I thought, since you can't let those guilds that follow you chill, if you don't follow you, or the guild against you will be If it's attacked, then it has nothing to do with you? "

After listening to all my words, Masamoto Matsumoto stunned for a moment, then responded and asked: "President, do you mean to let us deliberately create friction, and then let one of the guilds completely fall out with us, Then let the Yagi snakes attack the guild's station. At that time, they had just fallen out with us, and they must have been embarrassed to come to us for help. And even if they were really cheeky, we could not let them go. And when we do this, no one feels that we are doing something wrong. Even if we are righteous, we cannot know that people will not take us seriously and rush to help others, right? "

After listening to this method, Sakura Yushin said with a smile, "The chairman is still the smartest, and this method can be thought of. But how can we create a contradiction!"

After listening to this, Blazing Dragon Ji directly took a picture of Sakura Yushin and said, "You are really clever and confused for a while. It is not easy to be friends with others. Is it not easy to find trouble in the eggs?"

After hearing this, Matsumoto did not agree, but looked at me and said, "Chairman, to be honest, the matter of contradictions is simple, but if we deliberately find fault, the purpose is too obvious. I I think we still need to think of a safer way. "

In fact, I think Matsumoto is also very reasonable. But this method is not something you can think of. So I frowned and started to think, but there are other people on my side who can help me think.

"Lord of God, please help me to contact Sumei and Rose." We talked to Rose and Sumei about the things we were going to create friction. Then I asked: "Can you think of any way?"

Rose and Sumei are the smartest think tanks in our guild. Among them, the rose is mainly a sound mind. There are more ways to deal with big macro issues. And Su Mei is basically quick-witted, that is, there are more smart people, so the two can complement each other very well.

Immediately after I finished speaking, Su Mei said, "Isn't this problem easy? Brother Ziri, you can't even imagine it!"

"Is it that simple? Don't you think everyone is a child prodigy like you, OK?"

"Haha! Can I understand you are bragging about me?"

"No. I'm scolding you. Now that you're simple, you must be thinking about it, tell me quickly, or I'll spank you when I go back."

"Ha ha ha ha! Okay, I'll tell you!" Su Mei no longer joked, but said positively: "In fact, this kind of thing is very simple! If it is Matsumoto Masako they go to conflict with that guild, the purpose Too strong, the traces are too obvious, especially when this kind of thing happened in your country, there was an immediate problem in China. Even if people are not sure, there will always be a hint of suspicion in the heart. Therefore, Matsumoto can not congratulate them on this matter. Take the initiative, let the other party take the initiative. "

"How can we let the other party take the initiative to trouble us?" Sakura Yu asked directly.

Somei explained: "This matter is quite simple. Although Matsumoto is not suitable for this kind of thing, it is only necessary to find a third party. Matsumoto is congratulating them if they have just been in conflict with others, and they will immediately ignore them. People, this kind of behavior will not be said, but people will think that you have a small amount of energy, and your recognition of you will decline. This is a bad thing. However, Japanese players are not saints. There are so many here Foreign guilds, as long as you just find a guild to create some friction with that Japanese guild. After that, Matsumoto will congratulate you with stability and unity. The development of minerals is important. The reason to appease the guild will not let them care about others. Provocation. Of course that guild will not listen to you, because the harassment of the guild is for purpose. This kind of harassment does not seem serious, but it has a great impact, so they must not be able to bear it. You ask him to refrain, other Japanese guilds will not help this guild, but will support you because it is not them who are being harassed They do not want to mix this matter, after all, mining being dug Shuang, who would not go looking for trouble delayed nothing to do their own thing. "

Matsumoto nodded straight. "That makes sense! For their own benefit, guilds that have not been harassed will definitely be united with us, and even if I pretend to help, they will hold me firmly."

Su Mei nodded and said, "Yes, you can improvise by then, pretending to be a hot-blooded youth, you have to give others a shot, and then those other Japanese guilds will definitely hold you back, and you can just go down the donkey and directly Quit the rescue. "

"But how can it become a contradiction between us in the future?"

"It's very simple." Su Mei said, "Let that foreign guild continue to have conflicts with this guild, and then the conflict intensifies, and the other party struggles with a part of the guild that supports itself to have a large-scale conflict with you, and let you these The Japanese guild has suffered some small losses. In this way, you will suffer additional losses because of this guild. In this way, those Japanese guilds will have a very bad impression on this guild, and you You can take advantage of this opportunity to have conflicts with the other party, accusing the other party of not listening to the advice and causing losses to you. Because you are speaking on behalf of those Japanese guilds, so other than the guild that was split out The Japanese guild will be on your side. At that time, the other party just got angry from outsiders and was isolated by you. Naturally, you will be even more angry. After that, you just need to dial it up. I think it is not difficult to turn everyone's anger into armed conflict Right? "

August smoked with a smile and said, "What do you have in your head? You can think of such a bad idea!"

Su Mei said with a smile: "It's not that I have more bad ideas. After all, things were brought up by you. You are really bad. I'm just a poor child being used."

"Hey, you don't want to sell your spite maliciously. Hurry up and say, what do you do afterwards?" Matsumoto asked anxiously.

Sumei said helplessly: "What else to say? Direct conflict and then split. Then Frost Rose League came forward to preside over the big picture. Let the parties return to their respective positions. And make all the guilds involved in this conflict A certain amount of punishment, so that those Japanese guilds will hate this independent Japanese guild. Then then do n’t tell me? Do what you want to do, and no one will hinder you. And you It will stand on the moral high ground, no one can despise you, only you to look down at them. "

"It looks like the problem is solved," Rose added, adding: "Remember not to use your own people when creating friction, and let Ashoford think of a way, or they can do it themselves."

The relationship between the Iron Crusaders and our Frost Rose League is quite good, so it is no problem to find the Iron Crusaders in this kind of thing, and Ashford will not even ask me why. As for Matsumoto's congratulations on their division with this guild and the attack on that guild, Ashoford may find it strange. But this is a matter for Japan, and it is not directly related to their Iron Crusade, so they will not pay too much attention. In addition, our Frost Rose Alliance and the Iron Crusaders are strategic alliances. Even if we guess something, Ashoford will help us hide it and not say it. I am still sure of this. So, this kind of thing is perfect for Ashford.

"This is a good candidate." Su Mei said, "I'll be busy if there is nothing else."

"You're busy." I closed communication after I said it, then turned to look at Masamoto Matsumoto and asked, "Are you all clear now?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Everything is clear, but we are not suitable to contact Ashoford now, right?"

"Of course you are inappropriate, and he doesn't know your relationship with us."

"The boss, you have to ask yourself?"

"Nonsense, who wouldn't I go to this kind of thing?" I said to them after I said, "Okay, you go ahead and deal with things in the guild! After so many hours, I guess your side is the same The chaos is chaotic. Just go back to work and produce evidence of absence, and you can get an impression at that time. "

"Well," Matsumoto said after greeting August smoked them, "Let's go."

"Remember that you do n’t choose Essinger fortresses to find your own city. The portals on the Nantianmen gate need a specific teleportation point to enter, and any teleportation point can be connected when going out."

"It could be this way! I thought I had to go to Isinger to move the fortress!" After Matsumoto Masahe finished, he took the cherry rain gods and they left directly, but I looked to the other side of the hall outside.

At that moment I seemed to feel that someone was staring at me, but that feeling disappeared when I turned around. I don't think it is Xin, because if she is against me, she can do it directly. I can't resist anyway. And Xin just gave me so much help, and turned around and started to hurt me, right? In addition to Xin, there may be gods in heaven, but I feel that this kind of thing is not reliable. Because Tianting knows my ability, they will definitely not send someone to monitor me. Besides, I am discussing the following things, which have no interest at all. The Emperor Jade has no reason to risk breaking with me and send someone to listen. ? Moreover. Even if the Emperor Jade Emperor really sent people, can't we let the clairvoyant and the wind come down? These two investigations are absolutely invincible, and there is absolutely no need for someone to turn us around for surveillance.

After thinking about this cause and effect, I was even stranger. Emperor Jade, they cannot come to watch me, and Xin cannot, but who else is out of heaven in such a place? No one's yard in a place like heaven, is anyone coming in?

Because I don't understand, I want to know what kind of request is more. So he walked out of the hall directly, then suddenly jumped on the roof, then reached out a finger, Bai Lang and darts appeared on the left and right sides of the hall. In this way, the surrounding environment is all within my sight.

Looked around. Nothing was found, and then I let Bai Lang smell the place where I felt the breath, and found nothing.

Although all the signs indicate that it may be my illusion just now, the problem is that I am a dragon and not a human. I will not have the illusion of memory confusion. So I was 100% sure what I just felt. It's just not sure that someone is watching. After all, the surge of magic tides can also cause this.

Because I believe in my feelings, I intend to confirm it, however. Just as I was about to summon my magic pet to search over this carpet, suddenly I heard the voices of the four kings appearing below.

"President Ziri, what did you do on the roof?" The Four Heavenly Kings were because we saw our people leave one after another, but I did n’t come out, so I came over and found that I was standing on the roof alone. So I asked aloud.

I glanced back at the Four Heavenly Kings, feeling that it was not their breath, and then I jumped down. "I just noticed a strange wave. It feels as if someone is nearby, but I don't see it back. Will there be no one on your side?"

As soon as the four kings heard it, they smiled and said, "President Ziri is really joking. The guard in the heavenly court is so strict. How can anyone mix in?"

I think it's weird, but it's a matter of heaven. I didn't think about it. I said, "Maybe I'm wrong. I'll go now, and I'll give it back to you."

"President Ziri walks slowly."

After leaving Nantianmen, I went straight back to Isinger Mobile Fortress, but instead of coming out of the teleportation hall on Isinger Mobile Fortress, I landed directly in the conference hall on Isinger Mobile Fortress. China specializes in the teleportation array used for meetings of senior members of our guild.

When leaving before, Matsumoto Masako and they left from a different teleportation team, but we left at the same time. Now Matsumoto Masako and I will be back as soon as they come back. It ’s still a little bit like talking about such things. Well, in order to prevent any possibility that may be connected to us, I did not pass by the nearest teleportation hall, but came out of the conference hall on the side of Isinger Mobile Fortress, and then walked to the inside of Isinger Mobile Fortress. The hall of teleportation looks like I have been moving inside the fortress in Isinger.

Teleport from Essinger's Mobile Fortress to the area they control under Ashoford. The city here has been repaired, the installation of the later armed system is underway, and my arrival has made it here. Player froze for a moment.

"Isn't this President Ziri?" An Iron Crusader player on the teleportation side recognized me and asked directly.

I nodded and said hello, then asked, "Where is your chairman?"

"President Ashford went to another city nearby."

"Another city nearby? How much do you occupy? Why is there a second city?"

"The place is not big, that is, there are too many mineral resources in the city, so if there is only one city, there will be no place to take care of it. President Ashford said that we can put three cities together to form a triangle. You can protect all the minerals. "

"Ashford's guy is really stingy!" I asked after I said, "How much is the transmission code in that city?"

"No teleportation." The player pointed out of the city. "Fly to the shore and you will be there in three minutes at your speed."

I nodded and jumped up to summon the birds, and quickly flew over. Sure enough, the city over there was very close to this side. The two cities can see each other directly and are very clear.

When I got here, I found Ashford directly on the wall. This guy is directing several players to install a very strange device at this time.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing is to experiment with our new equipment." Asheford turned to me and said, "Why are you free to come to me? I heard you recently went out, very busy Look! "

"You are as busy as an Iron Crusader, don't you know how big our Frost Rose League is?"

"If you want to show you the Frost Rose League, just say, don't make such a roundabout. Okay, don't refute, now let's talk about what you are doing here. I know you are such a busy person and you will not run around."

"It really makes you right, but it doesn't fit here. Let's change places."

"no problem."

Soon I and Ashford switched to a large hole here and started to discuss the problem. This place was originally the base of a cannon turret, but the cannon has not yet been put in. There is only one big hole left here. People around the Iron Crusades are working. After Ashford said hello to keep people away, we got in and started talking.

"Say, what's the matter?" Ashford asked openly.

"Actually, this matter is not too complicated." I said my request directly, of course I did not say anything about Masamoto Matsumoto's side. It is not necessary to hide Ashoford. But this matter has nothing to do with him. There is no need to rush to tell others.

Sure enough, it was exactly what I thought. Ashford said: "You still have a trip on this matter? Just find someone to pass a message, isn't it a big deal?"

"This is really a big deal. It's just that the part you are responsible for is not big. Anyway, you can help me with snacks, depending on your performance."

"Okay, isn't it a fool I can't handle this?" Ashoford patted his chest confidently and assured him.

Germans are very rigorous in doing things, as long as they promise you most of the time, there will be no problems. Immediately after receiving Asheford's assurance, I left the Iron Crusade city and immediately sent a large amount of construction materials. This thing is here with particular care. On the one hand, sending things over can disguise the content of the conversation I had with Ashford before. People who do n’t know will think that we are talking about the purchase and sale of materials. In fact, the real purpose of sending this stuff is to pay back Ashford. They help with the favor. After all, everyone is a cooperative relationship, and it is not easy to take advantage of others.

Do n’t think that taking advantage is a good thing. You will often understand that taking advantage of others is that you have to pay for it. Many people think that they have taken advantage. In fact, he does not know how much he has lost. People who usually eat small losses are not easy to suffer big losses.

After getting things done here, I went straight back to the tension of Isinger Mobile Fortress and started to use the observation facilities to remotely monitor events. This kind of thing is inconvenient for me to come forward now, so I can only watch it from a distance, and I can take people out to clean up the mess when the situation has reached the same level. After all, we are afraid of being involved in such things!

Ashoford's speed was really fast. First they cooperated with a nearby guild, and then replaced a piece of land with a part of the land because the Iron Crusaders needed a special ore here, and this guild did not use this kind of thing So both sides changed.

After this exchange, the Iron Crusaders and the target line we selected will become neighbors, and the two sides will now become close to each other.

The target we chose was not blindly chosen, because the edge of the guild's control line happened to have a very special mineral, and this thing happened to have a small part in other territories, that is, Ashoford they just The land that was exchanged for. Therefore, this can be the trigger of the dispute.

Immediately after Ashurford changed here, the Japanese guild immediately found that the guild around them had changed, but they did n’t care at first, but soon they did n’t care, because Ashurford The German Iron Crusades opened their pit openings directly on the border. According to the position of the pit opening downwards, it will soon be dug to the site of this Japanese guild. Although people have not yet started digging, is the pit set up just for storage? Therefore, after that, disputes became an established fact, so the Japanese guild first came to the door.

It ’s not far from the location where Essinger ’s mobile fortress stops, so law and order is better. At least these guilds do n’t dare to be too chaotic because of our Frost Rose League, so the people in this guild just started When looking for Ashford, they were more polite. However, Ashoford they came here to find the difference ~ ~ How could they be at peace with them? Therefore, after a brief contact between the two sides, some bad things happened because of the extremely arrogant attitude of the people on their side.

At first, the conflict was only pushed by someone, and then it quickly became a small-scale fighting. However, because there were not many people coming from Japan, they were beaten so badly that they were put back. After all, Ashford They are mainly to pick things, not to kill.

After being beaten here, of course, it was called back, and then the later things were simple. The president of the Japanese guild immediately brought people to look for Ashoford theory when he heard this, but Ashoford Their attitude was arrogant and the conflict escalated.

The Iron Crusade is a German guild. This Japanese guild is only one of the stronger guilds in Japan. The gap between the two is obvious. So afterwards, you can imagine that this guild was quickly defeated. Hughford didn't kill many people, they just killed a few of them, most of them were beaten to death and thrown back.

The Japanese guild knew that they could not beat others, so they came back and found Masamoto Matsumoto in accordance with our plan and began to ask them to join forces to deal with the Iron Crusade. At this time Masamoto Matsumoto entered the performance state immediately, quickly The enthusiastic youth began to flicker according to our designed discussions. (To be continued ...)

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