Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 211: Planning in progress

"It's so bullying? It's so ridiculous! Go, I'll go and get back where you are ... 23u. See the latest and most complete novel" Masamoto Matsumoto looks like a hot-blooded young man, and will pull those Japanese guilds The presidents go to the trouble of the Iron Crusades together, but of course the Japanese guild presidents do not want to get ahead.

Now that everyone is busy mining, it is the time to make money. It is justified to not mine more ore at this time, but if you are fighting now, the sound field task here will definitely be affected, so the Japanese guild The presidents did not want to be involved in this matter. When they heard that Matsumoto said he was going to help, they immediately wanted to oppose it.

"Sure enough, it's still Matsumoto Jundai and righteousness. Let's go to the Iron Crusaders to justify it."

The bullied guild president was immediately excited when he heard that Matsumoto was about to turn his head on. But as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by another Japanese guild president. "Wait." The guy stopped the president of the Japanese guild and looked at Masamoto Matsumoto, then said, "President Matsumoto, I still need to remember this from Zhang."

"Why?" Matsumoto said as he took it for granted: "Now it is our people who are bullied by outsiders, shouldn't we go back to where we are?"

"No, no, we feel that the current situation does not allow us to do this." Another president of the Japanese guild stood out and said, "Now is the critical period of development. Isn't everyone trying hard for such a benefit? Now this kind of If we are not doing our job properly, it will not only affect our own mining progress. More importantly, those members below will also be skeptical of us. We must know that our behavior is directly related to their interests! If What do we do when the people below are in trouble? "

Although this guy did not directly say that we are in the interest, but the meaning is already very clear. As for the following people's troubles, that is just a perfunctory word, it is simply an excuse.

Of course, Matsumoto is not really going to help, but the role he plays now is that very positive image, so of course he can't be softened by such a simple, still insist on going to help, and then say a lot of nothing. It is to prove that everyone is united to the outside world now.

The chairman of the guild that was bullied over there was terribly touched when he heard what Matsumoto said. However, when he thought that Matsumoto Masakai would go his own way, August smoked out. "I also agree with the presidents of the guilds. We cannot disagree with such things."

"Why?" Matsumoto looked at August in a rather surprised look and asked: "Why don't you even help me? Shouldn't we be united and united at this time?"

August Smoke said solemnly: "We really need to be consistent with each other, but also when and with whom."

"What's so good about this?" Matsumoto looked like he didn't understand.

August smoked: "The presidents have said before. We are now in the final stage of construction and mining of ore. Other guilds are working hard. We are not doing business here, this kind of thing is already quite Not good, especially if your opponent is going to be a problem. "

"Opposite?" Masamoto Matsumoto continued pretending to be an idiot.

August Xun continued to explain: "The guild that needs to be confronted this time is not a simple ordinary guild. It is the German Crusaders of the Overlord Guild. I believe that many of you presidents know this Iron Cross. Army, because we have fought many times with this guild before, and they have all failed. "

"Have we fought this guild?" Several Japanese guild presidents at the scene apparently didn't know about it. After all, the Iron Cross did not invade Japan in a big way, so except for some guilds that had contact with the Iron Cross Outside of Japan, ordinary Japanese guild presidents do not know this.

At this time, the president of a Japanese guild stepped forward and explained, "You do n’t know that this is normal. The Iron Crusaders did not appear very often, but they have actually come to Japan and participated in us several times. Large-scale battles. Of course, they joined the Frost Rose Alliance mercenaries and did not play their own banner, so many of you do n’t know. In fact, this Iron Cross and Frost Rose Alliance are similar technical guilds. They have a lot of advanced technology, especially stronger than the Frost Rose Alliance in terms of magic and kinetic energy conversion. It is said that the anti-gravity device used by Isinger's Mobile Fortress is from this Iron Crusade. "

"So strong?" Some Japanese guild president said in surprise.

August Xun continued: "It's not a question of strength or weakness. The key is that the Iron Crusaders are German hegemony guilds. They can use the power of the whole of Germany, and we are only a loose alliance. What's worse, we don't even represent The full power of Japan. So how do we get on the Iron Crusader, most of the bad luck will be us in the end. The more important point is that the Iron Crusader had a good cooperative relationship with the Frost Rose Alliance at the beginning of the game, and They have also established a fixed alliance since then. "

"This guild is the guild of the Frost Rose Alliance?" Some Japanese guild leaders asked in surprise, apparently they didn't know this before.

Matsumoto nodded and said, "I've heard of this. I was a little impulsive just now! If the enemy is stronger, that's okay, but it's different when it comes to Frost Rose Alliance."

The Japanese guild presidents heard that Matsumoto's tone was loose, and they persuaded: "Yeah! This Iron Crusader and the Frost Rose Alliance are alliance guilds, although we are cooperative in this development zone. , And also signed an agreement, but everyone knows the identity of Frost Rose Alliance here, that is, the existence of regional managers. If we conflict with the Iron Crusade, Frost Rose Alliance will come to arbitration, you think they will Who can I help? "

After hearing this, Matsumoto immediately began to pretend to be deep and no longer speak. The guild president over there understood that they were planning to sacrifice themselves, so the guy immediately jumped up and shouted: "You can't do this! How can you ignore us? We signed the agreement before!"

"The purpose of signing the agreement is for the common purpose of everyone. It is not to bring everyone into the ditch." A Japanese guild president said with confidence: "Since you still remember the agreement, you should take this breath, and then Back to the development strategy, we shouldn't worry about the little profit. "

The president of the Japanese guild was also softened by everyone, because he is now lonely, and even Matsumoto, who was more enthusiastic about him before, does not speak now, so he already knows the attitude of these people. And what those people said before is true. Therefore, he began to hesitate himself. Is it wrong to hesitate to fight against guilds like the Iron Crusaders?

but. How could we let him give in so easily? But we still count on this matter to carry out the next strategy. So the follow-up plan was launched soon.

"President!" Just as the president of the Japanese guild was about to compromise, the door of the room where Matsumoto congratulated them was suddenly opened and a Japanese player was pulled by two other players. But rushed in. And it looks like it's already lumped outside. Several guards fell to the ground, and some Japanese players of unknown origin were tearing at the guards.

Hearing this shout, the president of the Japanese guild who asked for help immediately turned to look at the player who was being pulled. Then immediately walked over emotionally and pushed away the person holding the player, and then said, "This is my member, what are you doing?"

The guard who was the New Black Dragon Society had previously been instructed by the Blazing Dragon Ji, so at this time it was not soft at all, but instead said with confidence: "Sorry, this is the place where the presidents of the guilds discuss matters, except No one other than the president of the Japanese guild can enter. Everyone's attendants are outside, and you are no exception. "

The chairman did not expect the other party to be so tough, but what others said was justified. All the people in this room are the president of their Japanese guild. Even if they are not the president, they are also vice presidents. There is no lower level. Why can their guild be an exception? You know, even if it was Matsumoto Masaharu, they didn't bring many people in. Masaru Matsumoto is the chairman, and August smoked, Sakura Yushin, and Blazing Dragon Hime are all vice-chairmen, and all three of them are top combat personnel in Japan, and are of course eligible to participate in such meetings.

Knowing that he was unreasonable, the president of the Japanese guild did not bother with this matter, but instead urged the intruding player to ask, "Is something wrong?" He knew that his people ran over and forcibly impacted the venue. There must be something wrong, and it is still a big deal, otherwise it will definitely not forcibly impact this conference hall.

Sure enough, the member glanced at the presidents of the Japanese guilds behind his president, and then said to his president, "It's the Germans! They even pushed the border directly towards us and pushed the mine. Fully zoned into their territory, and they directly bombarded our three mines near the border with a cannon, causing a large number of miners to die, and two of them collapsed, which was impossible in a short time. Mined. "

"What?" The president rushed out when he heard this. He can no longer take care of things here, and he also knows that these people here will not help him, even if he knelt down and scratched his head now.

Watching the chairperson ran out, Matsumoto Masa made a pose that he wanted to catch up with, but just when he ran to the door, a man stood at the door and pressed his hand against the door frame. The admiral stopped him. This person is none other than August smoked. "Matsumoto, please take the big picture seriously."

After hearing this, Matsumoto made a very shocked look. He looked at August smoked as if he didn't know her. He stepped back a few steps, and then looked back at those Japanese guild presidents. Everyone who was caught by his gaze was bowed or turned, no one dare to look directly at his gaze anyway.

After looking around these people, Matsumoto Masa suddenly sighed heavily, then turned and walked towards the other door inside the conference room. That door is connected to Matsumoto's temporary office. Going there means that there is no plan to help.

Seeing that Matsumoto Masaha finally gave up, the presidents of the Japanese guilds were relieved. At this time, a Japanese guild president came to August smoked and asked, "Miss August smoke, aren't we a little too much like this?"

"No, it ’s for the sake of the bigger picture. The necessary abandonment is worth it. We are too far behind other countries now. If we ca n’t bear the burden, we will never have a day ahead. So, gentlemen, do n’t be ashamed, we ’re not selfish. This is for the glory of our Great Japanese Empire. "

As if it was chicken blood, the presidents of the Japanese guilds who were present one by one heard the words of August smoked, and they were full of blood! Afterwards, everyone cheered a few long live the empire, and then went directly to each one to go and go.

It is said that the Japanese guild president left the meeting place and returned to the development site where he was, and then he saw the scene of corpses running wild. Ashford is specifically for trouble. Of course, I'm not afraid of the trouble, because I told him before, and if something goes wrong, I will punish them fairly, but I will compensate for all their losses afterwards. Give them, and the materials they sent before are the extra reward for their shots, so Ashford is now fearless. Anyway, after finishing the job, someone rubbed his ass. Of course, he is not too serious.

The president of the Japanese guild over here saw that the situation here was almost vomiting blood ~ ~ and the people sent by Ashoford looked arrogantly and looked at them with contempt and mockery. This time, even the other party is going to explode, so the next thing is the same as we planned. This group of Japanese guild players directly began to confront the Iron Crusade, and then the people sent by Ashoford were swindled. After all, there were not many people, so it was normal for them to fail.

Things were further escalated after the Iron Crusaders who had invaded this Japanese guild territory were killed, and Ashoford personally took off and took a large group of Iron Crusaders to the border of the two guilds. At that time, the Japanese guild was in a backwater battle, and it was impossible to retreat. The large forces on both sides quickly opened up their posture, and the battle seemed to be about to start.

But ... this kind of thing is of course impossible. What we need is this play, and of course it won't make them really fight. By the time the Iron Crusaders suffered too much damage, wouldn't it be a loss when our guild reimbursed expenses?

"Stop it for me." As soon as the two sides were about to fight, I rode the night shadow and suddenly teleported from the middle of the two armies. Then the large army of Frost Rose Alliance appeared to isolate the people on both sides . "What the **** are you doing? When I don't exist? Give me back, back." (To be continued ...)

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