Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 261: Is this the rhythm to be pushed back?

"Hum, Ziri, you bullied us all the way, and it's time we reclaimed the interest." The Frozen Banshee stood with a small metal ball in the bow of the ship and laughed wildly. Then she threw the metal ball in her hand.

The small metal ball began to spin around the middle of the equator after leaving the hand of the Frozen Banshee, and then the upper and lower hemispheres suddenly came loose, and the contents of the shell were always exposed. It was a white light ball, and the surface looked full of burrs. It was not round, but it was very beautiful. From time to time, it would also emit some stars and light particles like a firework stick. However, it was definitely not Mars that flew out of this thing, because just a few seconds later, it suddenly exploded. A blue shock wave spread instantly, and then quickly spread to the surrounding area at lightning speed. In a blink of an eye, it covered a large area of ​​the surrounding sea area and the area of ​​the Twin Cities of Isinger. However, this is not the key. The key is that as the aperture spreads, the surrounding sea surface is starting to freeze outwards along with the aperture at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Almost, the ice seal has been completed while the aperture is spreading. Wait for everyone. When the response came, the sea around us had completely turned into a huge ice field, and it was completely frozen, including the twin cities of Isinger.

"I said ... what's the situation?" Looking at the sudden appearance of ice fields around me, I hadn't responded yet, but there was a sudden flash of light inside the bridge of the Eternity, and then it became completely dark. Then the spacecraft started to tilt and fell while spinning. "Is there anything wrong? What is going on here?"

"Boss, the power system is frozen! We have lost all power!" An operator was manually moving a handle up and down, and with him constantly shaking the handle up and down, the screen occasionally flashed, but as long as he The screen will go black as soon as you stop.

Chuang Wang glanced at the player and shouted, "Quick start emergency boost."

"No, the transmission controller is frozen!"

I didn't even think about it and just held down the communicator on my ear and said, "God of War, get me the engine room. Engine room, I'm Ziri, and we're falling. Any emergency equipment will start immediately. We are about to crash! "

The people over there didn't have time to answer my question at all. They were desperately rushing to a special device, and then a player jumped up with two npcs and grabbed the huge wrench and pulled down desperately, but the problem was on the bulkhead. It is now covered with a clear layer of hoarfrost. And it is constantly expanding its scope. That wrench has now been frozen there. Even if three people were hung up, there was no response at all.

"Give them all away!" As the three men desperately pulled the wrench, a roar came suddenly, and the three men instinctively glanced over there. Then quickly let go together, and then saw a player jumped off the second floor platform with a big hammer, and then hit a hammer on the handle. With a crisp sound, the handle rocker responded. Off, but it was finally smashed, and it is no longer in an upward state.

As the emergency device was dropped, the interior of the Eternity, which was smashing and hitting the ground, suddenly flashed. All the lights reappeared, and dozens of jets at the lower part of the hull suddenly sprayed bright white flames at the same time, which would block The ice at the spout was all smashed, but unfortunately the battleship no longer had enough buffer time. With a loud noise, the huge timeless slammed into the ice, breaking a large crack in the ice instantly, and then the battleship finally stopped after dragging the billowing smoke on the ice. It came down, and then the lights in the cabin flickered a bit and then fell back into darkness.

The fall of the Eternity was like a signal of the beginning. The spacecraft in the sky began to lose power one by one, and then fell like a dumpling, and soon fell all over the ground. If there is anything to be thankful for now, it is that our spaceships have lowered their heights because they are close to the Essinger Twins, and stopped in a relatively low place to prepare for the shelling with the Essinger Twins. Enemy, so although these fallen ships fell terribly, none of them fell apart.

"Oops ..." Chuang Wang pushed open a metal pipe that was pressed on his body, and then climbed up, touching something he didn't know. Inside the bridge was a mournful sorrow, and there were moans from the wounded. No light can be seen in the darkened cabin, and only occasional sparks can produce a faint lighting effect. However, before taking any measures, the cabin suddenly turned on, and the light source was a light ball.

Xiaochun and I stood not far from the Chuang Wang. Xiaochun was holding a light bulb for illumination. This thing is the only light source here. After looking at King Chuang, I looked at the surroundings. After looking around, Chuang Wang was surprised to find that the warship was lying on the bottom. We are now standing on the bridge's roof, and the floor is on top of the head.

"Boss, this ..."

"It's up to you. This is the case for flying warships, and our fleet is not expected. Let's look at our ground forces!" The gate, and then walked down the aisle towards the side of the hull, and soon I climbed out of the upside down and came to the outside.

My first feeling after coming out of the boat was cold, it was very cold, and there was a feeling that my bones were going to freeze. I still feel cold when wearing this level of equipment like Dragon Soul Suit, and the temperature is evident here. But think about it, how could it be possible to freeze the solar furnace of the flying battleship and cause the flying battleship to fall to the ground?

In addition to cold, there is another feature of the outside world that is bright. In fact, it should be dark now, but everyone knows that snow and ice are highly reflective. If it is on snow, as long as the moon is slightly larger, there will be very high visibility around it, which is caused by snow reflections. and so. Here we are in the same situation. The light on the ground is reflected so that it is already dusk, but unexpectedly bright.

After looking around, I flew up and climbed the bottom of the upside-down Eternity, and then stood there with a great view. The surrounding area was all white, whether that thing was magic or something just now, anyway, its frozen range was far beyond my expectation.

The battleships in our guild were basically the same as my prediction. The surface battleships were all frozen in the ice, although the turrets were still above the ice. But because the surface is frozen. Therefore, it was impossible to turn and fire at all, and even the gun chamber was completely frozen, and the rear door could not be opened at all. In other words, the battleships in our guild were basically reimbursed.

Compared to surface ships. Flying battleships are even worse. These guys have fallen quite well from the sky without falling apart. It is even more impractical to count on them.

Look across the fleet on our side. It can be seen that the fleet of the US-Russian joint fleet is also frozen in the ice. Fortunately, their freezing ability has no ability to distinguish between enemy and self, so their battleships are now frozen in place. but. Compared to us, the US-Russian joint fleet has at least one advantage, that is, their personnel have opened the door of the battleship in advance, so there is no need to smash the door there like our people.

The frozen banshee standing at the bow opened her arms and made a flying movement, and then took a sip of the cold air around her, then raised the corner of her mouth, and smiled and said, "I love the cold air." After her face changed, she suddenly raised her hand and waved forward, shouting, "Plan A begins, and the whole army raided."

With the cry of the Frozen Banshee, a large number of fighters began to pour out of some Russian warships. These are the Russian Marines, and they landed on warships. Of course, these people's hidden warships were specially modified, and some of them even used compressed space, so that the number of people on the ice far exceeded our original expectations.

Until the Russian players have run a few hundred meters, those talents of the Paladin Union reacted, and in the shout of the surprise of the gun god, they rushed out of the battleship and rushed towards the twin cities of Isinger in front.

To be honest, the scene in front of us has far more impact on Gunslinger than others. Even if we do n’t have a great reaction to Gunslinger, because Gunslinger, who was already desperate, suddenly found that he still has a little vitality.

The Gunslinger had even hinted that the Frozen Banshee had contacted the back road before, but that was also a helpless move, because he knew that the ships of the Paladin were not enough for the artillery bombing of Essinger Twins. So he felt that there was no hope, and that there was no hope for the Paladin, so he began to look for his next home. However, things are completely different now. The surrounding ice layer has completely lost the combat effectiveness of our Frost Rose Alliance fleet. More importantly, it has blocked all the weapons on the Twin Cities of Essinger, so they have become an impact on a city defense weapon. City.

At sea, their personnel need to be transported by warships, and the artillery fire of Essinger Twins is deadly to the warships, so the Holy Grail Union has no chance, even with the Russians. But now everything is different. The artillery in Essinger Twins was covered by the sealing layer. It took a long time to restart, and the scattered personnel had a far lesser sense of artillery fire than the warship. Even if our artillery recovered, it was impossible to rely solely on it. The shelling killed all of them.

As a prepared party, the number of marines on the U.S.-Russian joint fleet is quite large, but the side of Essinger Twins is in a state of emptiness, and even the city defense weapons have failed. If this can't be beaten again, the gun **** feels that he might as well buy a piece of tofu and hit him on the head.

"God of War."

"I'm here."

"What's the loss situation in Isinger Twins?"

"Chairman of the report, all artillery, magic crystal cannons and magic light cannons cannot be used because they are frozen, but pure energy weapons without mechanical parts can still be used."

"Finally, it's not completely impossible." I thought for a moment and said, "You immediately organize the troops in Essinger Twins to prepare for the defense, repair the equipment at the same time, and find a way to restore the defense facilities. Here I will block one block. Try to give you time. "

"If the president wants to gain time for us, I suggest you don't be too anxious, it is better to retreat within 10 kilometers, so that our energy weapons can help you increase output, as long as you can block the enemy in this range , We can continue to kill the enemy. "

"Well, I see. You can tell the people in the lower fleet that they can move to abandon the battleship and go to the city. Especially the npc on the ship, all evacuated. Also, check the condition of the solar stove over the flying battleship. Carry out an emergency recovery plan and prepare to explode if it doesn't work, but it can be used as a roadside bomb. "

"Understand, I will arrange."

After the communication was cut off, I quickly flew towards the rear of the Isinger Twins, and a large number of people in our fleet quickly rushed towards the direction of the Isinger Twins.

Although it is said that the Twin Cities of Essinger can be seen here, the old saying goes that Wangshan is running dead. This place is actually more than 100 kilometers away from the walls of the Essinger Twins, which is relatively large. In general, things can't be seen at such a long distance.

Fortunately, our fleet is closer to the Twin Cities of Essinger than the enemy, so we all returned to the city first. But ... as our people returned to the city, we found a serious problem on our side.

On the two sides of the Eisinger Twin City facing the sea are the city walls, and an artificial river-like passageway in the middle allows warships to enter the inner port of the city walls and anchor. The artificial canal that connects the inner harbor and the sea was originally closed by a gate that could rise from underwater. This gate is basically the same thickness as the city wall, and it will rise as high as the city wall. It can completely close the city wall on this side and make the side of the city facing the sea a complete city wall ~ ~ However, because The sea was frozen, so now the city walls that could have risen are frozen at the bottom of the river, and they can't come up at all. When our people returned here, they all ran into the city from the frozen river, and then someone discovered the problem and reported it. When I heard the following report, I was in a cold sweat. If the city wall does not come, can not the people of the US-Russian combined fleet run directly into the city?

Although there are a lot of blocked gates and other things inside the Essinger Twin City, the problem is that most of the equipment inside the city is frozen. Those devices that only have energy flow are fine, but these gates must have mechanical transmission. Device, these things will be frozen under the ice, so it can not be started at all. At present, almost all the gates in the city cannot be closed. Under such circumstances, the enemy can completely ignore the city walls and rush into the city. We have counted for nothing but the Frozen Banshee could have this hand!

"Boss, what are we going to do with the city wall? What are we going to do with such a big gap?" Nss Commander Vinda of Essinger Twins asked with a communicator.

I looked anxiously at the enemy that was approaching in front of me, looked at the huge gap again, and then turned to the enemy again, then suddenly my gaze fixed, a spirit smoothed my mind. "Yes." (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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