Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 262: Confrontation

"War God, War God."


"Hurry up and contact me over the Eternal to see if the stove is removed."

The **** of war responded quickly, and I received a reply in less than twenty seconds. "not yet."

"Tell them not to tear it down first, and by the way help me connect with the person in charge of the eternal number."

"President, I'm Luoyang Shovel, Technician Eternal. What's the matter?"

When I heard the sudden connection in the communication, I quickly asked, "Can the Eternity still move now?"

"Move? What do you mean?"

I thought about it and found that it was n’t very easy to explain, so I simply said, "The gates of Essinger Twins City can't be closed. I want to use the Eternity to cross the door as an obstacle. Can you let the Eternal fly? "

The opposite side stunned for a moment, but quickly responded and replied: "Fly is definitely not able to fly, but it can barely support a certain weight, if there is an external support force outside ..."

"How much power is needed?"

"I'm not sure about this. The thrusters are basically frozen now, and emergency power is available, so I don't know the specific situation. The only thing that can be determined is that it should be able to support most of the weight, and even it may be I can barely move it, but I'm not entirely sure. So it's better to have outside forces to help. "

I thought for a while and said, "Then you guys prepare immediately, and wait for my order to start the spacecraft."

"Our side is always ready."

"Okay, just wait."

After I said it, I cut the communication to True Red, and then said, "Whereever you are, come to the Eternity immediately."

As soon as I shut down the communication side, I heard a dragon groan, and then I saw a five-pronged golden dragon rising up into the sky not far behind. Like a short-range ballistic missile, a parabola flew near the Eternity, and I was the first to summon the night shadow and then teleported it.

When Zhenhong saw me, she immediately asked, "What are you asking me to do in such a hurry?"

I pointed directly at the eternal number behind her: "Bring it to me at the gate of the city to be used as a barricade."

The really red chin fell off immediately, and then stared at me dumbly for two seconds before returning to normal and asked, "Boss, aren't you kidding me?"

"Who's kidding you?"

"No ... I have a lot of strength, but I'm not a jack! Let me say, let's not say if I can carry it. Even if I have enough strength, do you think the ice under my feet can hold it? Also, can the Eternity carry the shell? "

The outer shell of the spacecraft can of course support its own weight, but that premise is that you can't concentrate the weight on one point. Such a large spacecraft has a larger ground area than a football field. Natural unit pressure is not too high. But if you let True Red carry it alone, the weight of tens of thousands of tons will be concentrated on a small area of ​​the palm and shoulders of True Red. Once this area and weight are concentrated together, the pressure generated It's enough to penetrate any steel, so if it's really red it's really that dry. The end result is either stepping on the ice under the foot or the whole person sinking into the battleship, and cannot carry it at all.

"Rest assured that the spacecraft itself has power assistance, but the output is not enough, you just need to carry the rest."

Zhenhong finally understood what I meant, and then nodded, "It's just a push. It's no problem."

After I was done here, I prepared True Red directly, and just in case I let my large magic pet all surround the Eternal Horn. If the power of real red is not enough, at least it can help.

Immediately after arrangement of the real red side, I immediately informed the eternal to start the thruster. Along with a beeping sound like a giant beep and a blocked whistle, an air wave was instantly sprayed from below the Eternal to blow out all the broken ice residue on the ice. And at this moment, Zhenhong and my large magic pets worked hard together, suddenly lifted the warship up a little bit, and then began to flip the hull to restore it to balance. Even if you have to carry it, you have to carry it underneath.

After turning the Eternity back, Zhenhong immediately drilled into the bottom of the hull and directly supported the keel keel with her back, then strove upwards to lift the battleship. but. The true red force did not bring about the complete promotion of the battleship, but a sudden click came from under his feet. The ice surface under his feet cracked directly, as if it were glass penetrated by a bullet. Moreover, the steel main beam on the real red back also made a sound of metal distortion, and sunk a little.

This time, it scared us a lot, but fortunately, the Eternity is a flying warship. The ratio of weight to sturdiness is higher than the surface monitoring head. Although the main beam has deformed a little, it has not completely collapsed. It is holding up. As for the ice layer below ... Although true red has indeed broken the ice directly, but because the ice layer here has frozen to the bottom of the sea, true red is just the legs sinking into it and not directly pressed into the ice surface. under.

Although True Red looks very hard now, Eternity is indeed supported, but the output of the thruster is much smaller than imagined. True Red can't support it at all, only let me The magic pet's help to force it to barely hold it. Zhenhong tried it and found that she couldn't stand at all. Then, when she was fierce, she crawled on the ice with her hands and feet.

This crawling posture on all fours is certainly not very elegant, and if it is normal, it is actually quite shameful. But if you have the ability to crawl with a 10,000-ton air battleship on your back like true red, then no one dares to laugh at you. At least now the real red action in exchange for the eyes of a place.

In fact, at first, no one found that the real red was under the battleship. After all, the ship above was too big, and the magic pets holding the hull beside me were also very eye-catching. However, as the distance approached, everyone finally noticed the true redness of the hands and feet under the hull. At that moment, those who saw the real redness only felt the back spine straight.

"I'm dizzy, is that Red Sister? That's it ... is this the Hercules of the Olympus Protoss?" A member stunned as he watched Zhenhong crawling on the ground.

In fact, really red is tired enough now, after all, this stuff is too heavy. Even if she is now on all fours, there is still a clear and broken ice on the ground she climbs.

Although really red is indeed holding up such pressure. But as soon as I saw the situation, I realized that this method didn't seem to work. Although the location where the Eternity fell was not too far from the city walls, it was also a dozen kilometers away. The U.S.-Russian fleet is still about eighty kilometers away from the city walls. In reality, this distance definitely takes a long time to walk, but the problem is that the combatants in the game are all monster-level physical, so this distance does not actually delay too much time. The real red side is only a dozen kilometers away. But the problem is crawling on all fours, how could it get faster? At this speed, the enemy will definitely come to the wall first.

Realizing that this would not work, I immediately changed my strategy. Really red here, I contacted the army **** directly. "Is there anything else that can fly there?"

The God of War, as a high-level battlefield command computer, obviously has high intelligence. He knew that I wanted to use other flying units to help alleviate the pressure of true red, so ordinary flying units were useless. "Most flying units can't help, but there are still some newly assembled gravity resistance devices in the guild. We can install them directly on the deck and then connect the energy lines of the weapon system. It should be able to play in an emergency. It works. "

Not to mention, the suggestion of the army **** is quite good, I immediately decided to use this method. Soon we saw a group of mobile angels flying over holding a pile of boxes.

The structure of the gravity resistance device itself is complicated. Fortunately, this thing has a casing, so the device transported is a complete device, not a bunch of parts. Each of these things is the size of a mini car, and looks like a large diesel engine, with a large number of pipes and connecting lines on it, but most people don't understand what these things do.

There were eight sets of gravity resistance devices brought in this time, and the other boxes contained things like connecting pipes. In addition to these things, there were also a construction team of about two hundred people. These people were brought by the mobile angels with their equipment.

Watching the mobile angels put the technicians under them one by one, I immediately instructed them to start work.

Because the gravity resistance device provides lifting force, it needs to be ensured that it cannot escape from the hull. We wanted to be on deck before. But later, considering that it is difficult, we may not be able to withstand such a large amount of force after welding, so we temporarily changed our plan and welded the eight gravity resistance devices directly to the bottom of the ship, and then directly used the leads from the weapon energy line on the deck. Connect the energy, and then support the line to supply energy.

Thanks to this package, the packaged gravity resistance device is actually a device group. Otherwise, the energy output of the weapon line alone is simply not enough.

Everyone should remember that the gravity resistance device is not the same as the solar furnace. After the gadget is started, the horizontal coordinates are fixed and can only be moved up and down. It cannot move horizontally, so we later designed a crawler-type conveyor belt structure, using a single gravity resistance device as a paving slab, and then relying on the load-bearing wheels to support the load on the load-bearing plate composed of this gravity resistance device, When the load-bearing wheel passes, the gravity resistance device will cut off the energy, and then be sent to the front of the wheel again as the track rotates and roll under the wheel to start a new round of relay again.

Because of this arrangement, although these gravity resistance devices appear to be a piece of equipment, they are actually a series of small gravity resistance devices combined inside. Because it is not such a large gravity resistance device that is started each time, but some of them are small gravity resistance devices, so the energy consumption is naturally not too large, and the output of those energy supply facilities on the Eternal is also barely supported. stand up.

The eight gravity resistance devices were simply welded to fix the keel on the bottom of the ship, and then the connection line was connected. Because there are a lot of construction workers, all parts are started at the same time, which greatly speeds up the construction progress. After the welding of the gravity resistance device on this side has been completed, the above line has been pulled down, and only a simple emergency connection has been made. It is not intended to maintain it for any length of time, as long as it can support this dozen kilometers.

The pulled down line was soon connected to the connection of the gravity resistance device. Then I started without waiting for my command. With the activation of these gravity resistance devices, Zhenhong instantly felt a light pressure on her body. After continuing to climb for two steps, Zhenhong tried it. She just yelled, her waist was strong, and she carried the eternal number directly. Although the back camel is terrible. But it was always carried up, no longer need to climb on the ground. Moreover, although the ice surface under her feet still shattered and sinked, as long as she was not standing still, she could barely keep up with the speed of the ice layer breaking.

After confirming this situation, Zhenhong immediately carried the eternal battleship and began to rush forward, although it seemed that the pace was fast. But in fact the speed is very ordinary, because true red can't take big steps at all, and can only move forward in small steps. Because as long as she walked a little larger, the ice under her feet couldn't hold her weight and began to sink, she had no choice but to move forward with small broken steps.

Although this is still not fast, I calculated the speed. Barely, I could reach the gate of the city in front of the enemy to close the gap, but after a little thinking, I still summoned the Death Guard. There are a lot of these guys. Although each one is not very powerful when they are together, so many death guards can bear a lot of power.

With the addition of the Death Guard, Zhenhong obviously felt that the pressure on his body was much lighter, and this time he simply took a big step and ran away.

The speed of the real red side is obviously much faster after trotting, and the distance of more than ten kilometers soon passed, when the people of the US-Russian combined fleet reached about 50 kilometers outside the city wall. We have successfully reached the gate of the eternal side.

With everyone's efforts, the Eternity was turned ninety degrees, and then ran across the city gate.

"Okay, the battleship has landed. You can shut down. Hurry up and remove the gravity resistance device and the solar furnace."


The gravity resistance device temporarily welded up was unloaded and transported away in less than five minutes. In fact, the solar furnace is easier to disassemble, only one minute is enough, but because the movement is relatively large after it is released, it has been waiting for the removal of the solar furnace after the removal of the external gravity resistance device.

One of the precious things in a flying battleship is this solar furnace. Although the construction of this gadget is fast, the technical difficulty of this thing is very amazing, and this thing is a money-burning thing. Even our Frost Rose Alliance didn't dare to make more money, so we designed the sun stove on the battleship with a device similar to the ejection seat on the fighter. After the captain confirmed that the flying battleship had not been rescued. Then he can launch an emergency ejection when he feels fit, and then launch the solar furnace.

The solar furnace itself is the power source. And it can generate vector thrust, so it can actually fly autonomously, and without the tens of thousands of tons of load of the battleship itself, the thrust ratio of the solar furnace can be called terror. Of course, this thing is flying fast, it has no lethality except for self-detonation, and this thing is crispy, so the plan we designed is that once it is ejected, the solar furnace will be set according to the internal settings. The control quickly returned to the Twin Cities of Isinger or Steel City. The specific landing location depends on the distance.

After the removal of the gravity resistance device on our side, the personnel inside the ship activated the ejection device, and then the three solar furnaces on the Eternity ejected the cabin directly, and then flew towards the special recycling station inside the Essinger twins. .

After losing the solar furnace, the Eternity completely turned into a large iron block, but this large iron block weighed tens of thousands of tons and was protected by heavy armor. It was just like a slightly shorter wall in front of the waterway exit of the Twin Cities of Essinger. However, even without the walls of Essinger Twin City, this is not comparable to ordinary walls, after all, the width of the Eternity is there.

"Haha, let's see how you come in." With the eternal door blocked, I can safely intercept those in the front of the US-Russian combined fleet.

With such a large size, the Frozen Banshee of course saw the process of our movement, and the gun **** guy even shot at a long distance to interfere, but I was not idle. Bingbing and I have been holding the shield to pay attention to the action of the gun god, and I will go back to block his attack wherever he fights.

Although Gunslinger's guns are very powerful, they do very little damage to me without skills and special ammunition, and if I can successfully block with a shield, I will not have any lethality. Therefore, the gun **** did not continue to waste ammunition after firing a few shots. Because he knew that it was impossible to use ordinary ammunition if I was prepared.

The aggressive U.S.-Russian United Fleet players, who had been on the charge, suddenly stopped when they reached a distance of 20 kilometers outside the Twin Cities of Isinger. The purpose of running hard before was to get into the city while the people on our side were evacuating, but now our people have all gone in, and even the gates of the city have been temporarily blocked with the battleship wreckage, and there is nothing to continue the charge Meaning, it might as well take a break from this distance. At least relax the physical value. Even if the players and npc in the game are very perverted, running 80 kilometers in this breath will still consume a lot of physical strength. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break. After all, Isinger, the world's number one male city, is in front of everyone. No one will think that the next battle will be easy, even if Isinger's Twin City has been frozen.

"Why aren't they moving?" Asked the head of a Japanese guild beside Matsumoto Masa, stupidly.

As soon as he asked the Blazing Dragon Ji next to him, he couldn't help but despise, "Isn't this obvious yet? Prepare before the war!"

"But this distance is not within the range of your city defense weapons?"

"Yes, but that's exactly what they were for," August Fum said suddenly. "The defensive weapons of the Japanese guild president have a wide range of attack. But the artillery with the longest range has been frozen, and the range of the energy weapon is frozen. They are not high, this distance is just the critical point. They are deliberately inducing the Frost Rose Alliance ’s city defense weapons to fire them in advance, because the energy supply of energy weapons is very problematic, and generally a certain amount of energy is built in. Once they are hit It will take a long time to accumulate energy again. They hope that the weapons of the Frost Rose Alliance can be fired in advance, so that they can catch the energy weapon's attack interval and rush in to reduce casualties. "

"That's it!" Said a Japanese guild president with a sense of understanding.

Sakura Yushin added in the back: "Fighting wars can't be won only by brave martial arts. Courage is only one aspect, the key is here." Sakura Yushin nodded his head. "In the beginning, we just loved killing so much that we didn't use our brains. So we always suffer. Now it is rare to fight with Frost Rose Alliance. Frost Rose Alliance is the most complete fighting system in the world. We are good. "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds at the scene could not help but nodded when they heard the words of Sakura Yumi. The Japanese have never ruled out learning from others. In fact, this is their specialty. Many people in China like to say that the Chinese are the king of the cottage, in fact, Japanese talents are, and the characteristics of Japanese people are good at learning and optimization. At first, they learned from China when China was strong. Later, after the rise of Western civilization, they immediately became Westernized. This strong acceptance ability is very commendable.

Knowing that he is worse than others to hold those old things and not let go. That's really stupid. Don't be embarrassed when you learn something. If a country is capable of defeating each other with what it has learned from the enemy. That's the most proud thing.

The president of the Japanese guild at the scene knew this very well, so they didn't reject the words of Sakura Yumi. On the contrary, they are very agreeable, one by one, they are watching carefully how the guards in our guild are armed and how they cooperate.

When the group of Japanese guild leaders next to Masamoto Matsumoto stared at the eyes and had not taken out a notebook to record our tactical operations, the US-Russian joint fleet was also conducting a small-scale meeting. The Frozen Banshee was standing in the middle of this group of people, then looked at the people around them and said, "Our forbearance was for this moment, so many warships have been lost, but we finally sent everyone here. It was sent to the enemy's nest. So, in order not to waste our previous efforts, we must attack Isinger. Even if we ca n’t occupy it, at least it will cause considerable damage to it. Do you understand? "

A Russian guild president said: "We all understand this. You do n’t have to mobilize before the war. You are all on fire now. Just tell us how to fight in a while."

The words of the Russian guild president made the Frozen Banshe look around the other Russian guild presidents around. The Russian guild presidents also nodded when the Frozen Banshe looked over. It means they agree with the guy just now.

Seeing that all the people around me had this meaning, the Frozen Banshee no longer said anything, and directly rolled out a map. The scale of this map is small and the content is quite fine, because it is a map of the Twin Cities of Isinger. Because the range is not large, it is naturally more accurate.

Although Essinger Twins banned laymen from flying, it was open to the public after all. Even if some areas are closed, is there not a twin city like a reflection above them? Therefore, it is too easy to get a map of Isinger's Twin Cities. Just find someone to enter the interior of Isinger, and then find a place to lie down and draw against the city of Isinger.

In fact, this kind of map normally does not have much effect on the invaders. Once the defense of the Twin Cities of Essinger, most people can't touch the side of the wall at all, even if you touch it, you can't get in. So the map of Essinger Twins is simply not used. Second, even if it comes in, it's useless.

Essinger's characteristic is always highly automated. There are a large number of movable gates and telescopic separation walls in the city. As long as the enemy invades, the city's defense system will raise all the blocked gates. Only when our troops pass, they will open, otherwise The road will be closed, so it is useless to map the enemy after they come in, because the actual terrain will be very different from the map when they come in.

But ~ ~ this situation has changed now.

The unknown ball of light before the Frozen Banshee completely frozen Essinger Twins and a large area of ​​the surrounding sea, and this time it was frozen completely. All the gates inside Essinger Twins couldn't be closed because the gears and transmissions inside the gates were all frozen. Now even the gates of the city cannot be closed, and the wreckage of the battleship has to be used to block the door. This is also the worst time since the completion of Isinger Twins.

Because of the failure of these devices, the personnel of the United States and Russian Fleet have great hopes to rush into the interior of the Twin Cities of Isinger, and at that time the map can be used, at least they can know which places have the most attack value. After all, the Essinger Twins City is so big. If they see anything that damages them after entering, they may not be able to destroy too much if they are exhausted. And if it is ordinary houses or something, even if it is destroyed, there is nothing more. What's the point?

Therefore, this map is very useful for the current US-Russian combined fleet.

The Frozen Banshee pointed to a location on the map and said, "Come on, this is the gap that Zi Ri blocked with the wreckage of the warship. We want to ..." (to be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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