Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 304: Ceasefire

The speed increase of the American national weapon holder who has become a mechanical beast form is not particularly obvious. The key is that this guy's flexibility has improved tremendously. After the king rushed up, he slashed down with a sword, but the opponent was a flexible one. Dodging the king's attack, he then took a bite and bit the king's left shoulder.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely lose its combat power, but the king is a hero, and as long as it does not dissipate, it will not stop fighting. After biting his shoulder in one bite, instead of being slow or weak due to injuries, the king suddenly turned blue-violet light up and down.

"You ... give me ... go to death!" The king suddenly erupted after a short delay, and the province's rays skyrocketed, and then throwing away the sword in his hand, he suddenly held the guy's head with his hands, and then kept on his hands. With force, we even heard crunchy metal distortions from the deformed mechanical beast of the holder.

"Everyone ... fits together, with the king at the center."

The King ’s current situation is a passive skill called "British Soul". The effect is to triple the total stats in a short period of time, and the defense ability will increase to an almost invincible state during the limitation period. However, this effect can only maintain ten Seconds, and cannot be activated actively, only with a certain probability of the enemy to start.

Of course, as the master of the king, I know this skill, so I know that the king can't last long, so I directly asked all the magic pets to start combining skills, and use the effect of the combining to instantly pull everyone together.

Because the king hugged the guy's head so tightly, the other party couldn't break the king's control at all. We can only watch as we rushed into the king one by one, and then embraced his king. After a while of changes, the king appeared in front of him in my ultimate form.

"Don't you like deformation? Then change it completely." Holding the head of the Chinese weapon holder, I looked down at his eyes and said the words, and immediately activated the skills on the staff of the sun- The sun calls.

With the activation of my skills, the battlefield that had been restored to normal due to the disappearance of the glare illumination caused by Xiaochun's participation again turned white again, and the intensity of the light this time was simply outrageous compared to the previous one. . Some people who did not arrive far away from the battlefield instantly felt a severe burning sensation throughout the body. Many people fell to the ground while screaming and rolling, and the grass and trees on the surrounding ground quickly began to wither and turn yellow, and then suddenly Boomed and burned. At first, it was only the plants that burned, but soon the earth on the ground began to burn. It was really burning the earth.

The so-called summoning of the sun actually turns me into a little sun. If you just use the silver trumpet to release this skill, it is nothing, although the power of the skill is still great, but it is not too scary. But when I enter fit mode, I start this skill. The summoned sun will have temperatures close to the true sun. Therefore, it was only a moment that the surrounding earth was ignited and quickly began to melt into magma. As for the holder of the national weapon in front of me ... I don't know where it has been evaporated.

After seeing that guy was completely gasified, I immediately cancelled my skills. Then the normal light intensity was restored around, but the flames on the ground did not seem to be able to go out so quickly, and it would take at least three or five days for the ground-filled magma to cool completely.

The sudden burst of power just now was quite powerful. The troops on the side of the Rainbow Alliance and the troops on the side of the Neptune Hall suffered some casualties, but because our battlefield is closer to the side of the Rainbow Alliance, the loss on the side of the Rainbow Alliance Obviously bigger. However, this level of combat damage is nothing compared to the previous loss, so the two sides did not take this loss seriously.

Although neither the Neptune Hall nor the Rainbow Alliance took this loss seriously, the commanders on both sides stopped their troops in unison, and then began to retreat, apparently with the intention of disengaging.

In fact, I do not understand this kind of decision. Actually, both sides have paid a certain amount of money. Although the loss of Neptune Palace is significantly greater, the Rainbow Alliance is not without losses. Moreover, because of the long play of the two national weapon holders and the transfer of hatred of the Paladin, the Temple of Neptune was so embarrassed and retreat that the soldiers were defeated, and the campaign to annex the Paladin was almost changed Became a guild. However, all of this is done under abnormal conditions.

The performance of the Rainbow League is super long play. The Sharp Gun League is dying desperately. With the mood of the big rabbit, Neptune Palace accidentally caused the rabbit to bite, and then bumped into a big tiger. As a result, he couldn't find the north and fell all the way. However, if all three parties are calmed down, except for the Rainbow Alliance, the remaining two are actually unlikely to reproduce the previous battle. Therefore, although this battle is beneficial to the Rainbow Alliance, it is entirely because of its suddenness, not because of the true strength of the three parties.

Before, the Temple of Neptune has been in a collapse, as if someone was suddenly pushed out of balance by someone else, then as long as you keep pushing him until he finds the balance, you can easily make it never recover the balance until it is completely fall. However, as long as the opponent has established a foothold, it is a duel of power, and it will never be as easy as before.

Originally, according to the previous situation, this one-sided battle may have been hitting the headquarters of the Neptune Hall, but the problem is that I came and stopped the Rainbow Alliance's offensive momentum by thunder once. This allows the Temple of Neptune to find a chance to find a balance, then the battle will not be so simple.

In contrast, at the Rainbow Alliance side, they did not expect the battle to be so smooth at the beginning, so their supplies and npc troops and other war-related matters were not planned, and they had to fight all the way with their vigor. Now that this is the case, if you want to force the attack, the casualties will increase exponentially. This is not good for Rainbow Alliance, so the commanders of Rainbow Alliance have wisely selected a temporary ceasefire.

Although the Neptune Hall has been revived, after all, it is in a hurry, it is barely considered to stabilize the body, but this injury still affects the combat effectiveness, so the Neptune Hall cannot actively attack at this time. .

The guild leaders on both sides realized that it was not the time to attack, and that the SPG people were not in the attacking team at all, and the fighting naturally stopped. After all, neither of the authorities wanted to fight for the time being.

The Rainbow Alliance needs to prepare offensive supplies and plans, and the Neptune Hall needs to wait for our ally to arrive. Both sides now need time, so they took advantage of this opportunity to retreat by more than a dozen kilometers from their positive contact.

As soon as the two sides of the army separated, I released the fit mode, because the fit time was not long, so after the separation, it only shook a bit, and did not really lose its action. It's like rushing to find a place to talk and lie down and rest for a while.

Fortunately, only the magic pet participates in the fit, and in addition to the magic pet, I also have the demon servant and the calling creature.

Recalling all the magic pets, I myself went back to the line of the Temple of Neptune by Skott with the heavy armored dragon riding him.

Said to be backing out of the battle, in fact, the forces on the side of the Neptune Hall have all been withdrawn into the city. This place is actually only a dozen kilometers away from the last headquarters of the Temple of Neptune, which means that it has reached the periphery of the city. Rather than playing field battles with other people here, it is better to rely on urban defense to engage in urban offensive and defensive battles. This is why the troops on the side of Neptune Palace withdrew without hesitation.

As soon as I entered the city, I was taken to the conference room in the headquarters by the people at the Temple of Neptune. Teri and his men were already sitting here. But these guys are not in a meeting, but they are all resting there like a pool of mud or leaning or lying on their backs. At first sight, it feels like a drunk lying in a house.

"I am a sequelae of skills, what are you doing? Cos me?" An arm was placed on Skort's neck, and I was almost completely brought in by Skott.

Terry heard my voice and looked up at me before he reacted. I was in a weak state, so I hurriedly shouted to the people over there: "Give up the sofa to Zi Ri, you guys look elsewhere go rest."

A few players in the Temple of the Sea quickly gave me a place, and a visionary quickly came up to help Skort to help me to put me in the place. After looking down and thanking the player who helped me, I looked at Terry and laughed at it: "Aren't you very optimistic? What's wrong? How could it be a virtue to be beaten by that girl in Yusina?"

"I can't feel sorry for our guild being beaten like this?" Teri was full of confidence this time ~ ~ stood up and shouted at me.

"Okay, I know you're wronged. Don't be as good as being raped? Isn't it just losing the battle? Just come back and fight."

"Anyway, it wasn't the Frost Rose League that was hit. Of course, it's easy for you to talk big words. If Essinger had a pot, could you do that?"

"Who dares to touch my Isinger, I chopped him." After I said it, I glanced at the others here, and then asked, "You all lie on your stomach here. Is it really okay not to organize the troops? ? Usina's girl looked at a pretty lady, but she was doing it with rapture. "

"Anyway, this is the case. In the end, it is nothing more than defending the city. What else can we do? So many troops nest in such a big city, what else do I command? Waiting for the other party to come up and hiccup."

"I really don't know what to say about you." I clapped my forehead helplessly. "Forget it, if you don't want to control it, give me the command, I'll help you schedule the head office, right? The person who waits for me will come to me. Don't want our people to see a ruin. "(To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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