Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 305: Outsourced war services

"I just want to lie down and sleep." "Terry, this guy is about to be exhausted and waved at me and said," All command is yours, you can do whatever you want! This A few hours is a nightmare! "

"I trust, you really throw them all to me? Is your guild facing life or death or my guild?"

Terry's guy was lying weakly on the table and erected a finger: "10 billion crystal coins. In addition to this thing, I know you have been looking for this." Terry threw two black cormorants directly Stone on the table. The stone slid accurately along the smooth tabletop and stopped in front of me, and I slapped two stones on the table with the palm of my hand.

"What are you asking for?" I asked as I stuffed things into the gaps in the armor.

"Get that **** ..."

Although Teri's words were blocked afterwards, but I knew what he meant, and nodded his head, "No problem, I'm familiar with this."

"I know, isn't your Long Yuan doing this?"

"Longyuan War Agency is just a small subsidiary of our group. Please don't insult our profession." After I finished, I turned and walked outward.

After seeing me leaving, a guy who was still lying on the table immediately jumped up and asked, "Boss, what is Dragon Margin War Agency? It sounds good. The name never stops."

"Have you heard of Longyuan Group?"

"You mean ...?"

"Yes, the Longyuan War Agency is a subsidiary of the Longyuan Group. It specializes in undertaking various war services, helping to train soldiers, sending officers to assist the command, sending troops directly to participate in the war as mercenaries, and even directly contracting the entire War, as long as you pay, help you destroy the country you designated. After that, you can send someone to take over the territory. In addition, this company also has special police, spy and engineering construction departments, which can be provided in the occupied area. Short-term law and order maintenance services and some restorative construction work. Anyway, as long as they are used on the battlefield, they are in charge.

"I'm leaning, so bullish?" The surrounding Neptune Hall staff were all startled, did not expect such a company. "I thought Blackwater mercenaries were very bullish before. Longyuan War Agency seemed more exaggerated?"

"Exaggerated? It's quite exaggerated. Anyway, their company's orders are not small. Tens of millions of dollars are considered small things. You know that British holiday in Africa before?"

"That's what Longyuan War Agency did?"

Terry nodded: "Yes, that's what they did. What the British news was blowing, in fact, the British team did not participate in the battle at all, and their troops were still at the sea when the battle began. The troops of the Longyuan War Agency Co., Ltd. All the garrison troops in that small independent country were targeted for removal. Then the security forces were stationed to control the local law and order. The battle was actually over when the British landed. The British then rushed in with the reporters in the field and were already charged. The occupied city fired around. Then it captured the government building that had just been swept away a few hours ago. "

"No! Didn't the news say that the British had three injured people? Now that they have been occupied, where did the wounded come from?"

"You idiot! Since the British can make fake news, they haven't just come up with a few fake casualties list. But that casualty list is not completely fake. The British army did have three casualties at the time."

"There are still wounded in attacking the occupied place? The British army is not so dishonest?"

Terry thought of a sudden laugh here. "This has nothing to do with the combat effectiveness of the army. Do you know how the three wounded were injured?" Terry shook his head and said with a smile: "One was accidentally rolled down from the upper bunk while falling asleep. Another was I wanted to sit outside the tank and hitchhiked. When I got out of the car, my feet slipped and got hurt. The last one was the worst. When the ammunition was checked, the back of the man hit the guy's butt, which was the only one in this war. A wounded who was really shot. It was the guy who was later interviewed by the Queen in the news. "

"I depend, can this work?"

"That's what politics is all about, you guys don't think about it. By the way. Zi Ri will definitely not be able to go out alone. Batu Zicheng Bacheng will not obediently obediently, you all will help me, although command It was handed over to Ziri, but you are always responsible for giving orders! No one in our guild would listen to him without you! "

Although this group of people was still starting to look exhausted, they immediately jumped out of position after hearing Terry's words, apparently they were completely pretended.

In fact, I am not completely unclear about the situation of these guys. When it comes to playing with our eyes, the Chinese recognize the second, and the ones who dare to recognize the first are frogs at the bottom of the well plus arrogance. The reason why Terry wants to show frustration and exhaustion is to pretend to be pitiful. He just hopes that I think they are so miserable and can't bear to ask them any more harsh requirements. Moreover, although the main issue this time is not with our Frost Rose League, we are a little bit late, after all, so this part of the matter is strictly our responsibility. Terry pretends to be pitiful in order to make me feel that I have a greater responsibility, so I can pay a little less.

However, although I know that this is Terry's careful thinking, I did not go too far to bargain with him. On the one hand, the 10 billion crystal coins themselves are not a small number, although our Frost Rose League is not worse than this 10 billion. But it is also a big business, so it can still be done. In addition, in addition to this ten billion Terry, after all, found two discipline stones for me, the value of this thing is completely impossible to measure, if you say it is valuable, it is simply priceless. But on the other hand, if you say that this thing is worthless, it is really worthless. After all, no one except us can use this thing, so this is a particularly hard stone to others.

We always know how to do business. I will not give up if our advantage is one point lower. Do n’t fight if you do n’t need to, unless you do n’t plan to do business in the future.

After coming out of the Hall of Neptune Hall, I did not go far, but leaned directly on the wall next to the door. Then I took out a crystal map of the battlefield situation that appeared on the map while waiting for the people inside. After a while, he saw the group of guys expended by Terry burst out of the room. As soon as these people came out, they started looking around for my figure, but when I looked around, I found that I was leaning against the door. A group of people suddenly felt awkward. After all, they were talking with the dead dog one thirty seconds ago. I pretended to be dead there, and it was only a little while later that they were all alive and well, which made it clear that all the behaviors were just pretended.

I didn't wait here for a joke. While operating the display crystal without raising his head, he asked: "Is all rested?" A few people scratched their heads awkwardly and didn't know how to answer, but I didn't wait for them to answer. I have already checked the situation directly. Push the crystal back into the waistband of the armor and then say, "Come with me when you have a good rest. There are still things you need to do. If you have time, please report which part you are in charge of. I can arrange the work. . "

This group of people are not afraid to set a record in front of me now, and just follow up and start to report the situation seriously. I did not embarrass them, and after listening to what they were responsible for, I took out the real crystals I had seen before. Projecting the picture in front of us, I pointed out several points on the picture while walking.

"This is the focus of the defense. Now that you are in charge of several theaters in a city, you must not command them together, or you will be messy. Since I am here to command, your commanding ability can be ignored. So, Your next task is to give me a section command. Each person is in charge of a section of the city wall, and your own combat effectiveness is one of the best in the guild. So you have to be a mainstay for me. No matter what happens, give me Crucified in your sector, you ca n’t let the enemy rush through. If it ’s unbearable, call reinforcements, I will send someone to support you. ”

"But haven't you guys in Frost Rose League yet?"

"How much money we give and how much service we have always adhered to. Since Longlan's local tyrant has offered a price of 10 billion yuan, he can enjoy 10 billion yuan of services, so ..." Ringing fingers, there was suddenly a black sky above our heads, a huge space crack spread over our heads, and the huge figure of Isinger's Mobile Fortress was slowly emerging from the void and quickly condensed into an entity ~ ~ Almost in a blink of an eye, the huge Isinger mobile fortress completely covered the sky above the Temple of Neptune. It wasn't until Isinger's Mobile Fortress fully appeared that I continued in the stunned crowd: "This is a 10 billion service. Doesn't it feel powerful? Rest assured, this is standard service, and we can also give it a bonus Two devastating blows to city-level targets to ensure that the target area is completely erased from the map. Oh yes, considering that your project is relatively large this time, so I have purchased some additional combat power, but currently it is still On the way, it may take a while to get there, but I don't think it's a big problem now that Essinger Mobile Fortress has arrived. "

Those guys have been stunned by my words and the moving fortress of Isinger in the sky. Now they can only open their mouths and nod like fools. To tell the truth, they now have a blank in their minds, and we are completely fooled Already.

When these idiots were brought to the wall, these people finally recovered a little, but then they were busy. Essinger's mobile fortress can bring a lot of troops, and there is a transnational teleportation team, we can send more troops at any time. These guys need to coordinate our guild troops and their troops to form a mixed line of defense, even if we provide The communicator is also expected to exhaust their commanders. I hope they have enough energy points when they upgrade. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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