Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 372: Huangquan Road

Glancing at the woman on the ground and fainting, I directly guarded another death: "Back her and follow me."

The Grim Reaper grabbed the woman directly like a chick, and then gently threw it on his back. The other Grim Reef guard held up with the two children, and as for me, Ask Miss Shang to go forward together.

After my explanation, the young lady also had a certain understanding of the environment of the underworld, and she could understand what I said about the underworld. But in contrast, she is still a bit scared. After all, this is the famous Yincaodi government. For Chinese, this place is a ghost nest.

The location where we landed was not far from the Palace of King Yan. In the process of crossing the two interfaces, Yan Wangling can adjust the position of the landing point to a limited extent. Although it cannot allow me to teleport directly to the palace of Yan Wang, at least not too much.

After less than 50 meters, we walked out of the unknown grove that landed before. On the road ahead, we can see a large number of ghosts like migrant ants. These ghosts are without exception eyes, and move forward in the footsteps of the ghosts in front of them mechanically, while on their side and outside, there is a ghost standing at intervals. The gap between these ghost differences is very large, and the two ghost differences are barely able to see each other. The reason for this large interval is mainly because it does not need to be too dense.

The ghosts who can report to the underworld belong to the good people, and they themselves have already begun the process of reincarnation and reincarnation, so basically there is little need for vigilance. This ghost actually had no clear thinking before crossing the Naihe Bridge, and was in a state of trance like dreaming. In this state, those ghosts only know that the machinery follows the ghosts in front, and they don't even think of leaving the team. The reason why there is a ghost on the side is actually not to prevent ghosts from escaping, but to protect these ghosts.

Yes, that is protection.

There is a saying in the world that "Huangquan Road is not smooth". This sentence may have been a form of folk thought, but when the game was made, it referenced various folk legends and the like, so this sentence seems to have been transplanted into the game, and it actually exists. The way it manifests itself.

The road in front of us connects the entrance to the underworld and the palace of the king of the king, and this road is the legendary Huangquan Road. There are many ghosts walking on this road, but they are all without much consciousness. Until the judges wake up before arriving at the Palace of Kings for trial, they will remain in such a muddled state. Although they will not cause any trouble in this state, their ability to act will also be reduced to the lowest point. To put it plainly is to lose the stress response to the external environment.

There are woods on both sides of this Huangquan Road, and the woods are not empty. Apart from those trees, there are many evil beasts in the forest. These evil beasts are almost all creatures that feed on soul energy, and ghosts are just a mass of soul energy, so for these evil beasts, the ghosts on Huangquan Road are their best food.

If it is a normal person, they will run when they find these evil beasts attacking, but the ghosts here are all muddy, even if the ghost in front of them is thrown down by the evil beast, the ghosts that follow will never think to turn around immediately. Just run, but stay for a while, and then just look for a direction to continue to sway like a sleepwalker. Anyway, it is walking aimlessly, there is no consciousness of running away.

Because these ghosts are in such a state, if there is no supervision, those evil beasts will cause major casualties to these ghosts. As long as one evil beast can cause thousands of ghosts to completely disappear. Moreover, the ghosts that were eaten were second. The real trouble is that once the team breaks, those ghosts who only know that the ghosts that follow them will start to fall apart, and then the whole team will be scattered. The ghosts in the back will follow the ghosts in the front and walk into the nearby forest, and then either be eaten by other evil beasts, or they will slowly absorb the dark atmosphere and grow stronger. Once their souls are strong to a certain degree, the souls will resume that clear state, and once their minds are clear, these ghosts will often have other minds. Some may even be on the side of the Yin Cao Di government to want to set up an organization for King Wang and refuse to reincarnate.

This situation actually happened before. When I communicated and worked with the other ten kings, these things were told to me as a joke. It is said that a guy was a reckless hero before his death. Zhan Shan ruled the king. After his death, he happened to be attacked by a large group of evil beasts on Huangquan Road. As a result, the ghosts couldn't help but ran away. The guy survived in the woods, and then recovered his spirit, and then gathered the surrounding spirits and pulled up a team. Of course, this is not surprising. The really funny thing is that the guy actually took the team to attack Huangquan Road after pulling up the team, and then pulled a bunch of ghosts back and waited for them to slowly recover their wisdom and then absorbed them into their team. Strengthen the team.

In the first few times, because Yan Wangmen didn't take this guy seriously, he listened to it as a joke. As a result, this guy pulled up a team of millions of people.

In the world, there are literally a lot of millions of people in the army, but in hell, this order of magnitude is really nothing. Once Yin Cao Difu was full of yin, the ghosts would naturally grow stronger slowly in this environment. Neither cultivation nor eating was needed. Basically, there was no logistical pressure. Moreover, ghosts are not the same as living people. In reality, if there are one million people in a city, the elderly, children, women, patients, and disabled people will account for a large proportion, and the remaining men who can fight can be as high as one third. . But **** is different. All the ghosts here can fight, and the fighting power has nothing to do with the shape, it only has a certain relationship with the time of death.

There is no logistical pressure, and all the people can be soldiers. In addition, the ghosts of the underworld are continuously accumulated in the world, so the number of ghosts on the side of the Yin Cao Difu is far from the human population, and the number is scary. Millions are really nothing here. You see those undead mages, who can pull up hundreds or thousands of skeleton soldiers at every turn, why is it so easy? It is because the population resources of the underworld are almost as large as seawater, and they can be considered almost unlimited.

Besides, the reckless hero, after pulling up millions of ghosts, felt that he was quite powerful, and then this guy took his head to the Yincao Difu as soon as he was hot, and planned to grab a king of Dangdang himself.

The final outcome is of course very sad. When the guy rushed to the vicinity of the Palace of Kings with millions of dead souls, he met the guard general who did not know what was going on at first. The first reaction when he saw so many ghosts suddenly came Asked if the workman around him was fighting in the world, or a natural disaster, how could so many people die in one breath. As a result, Guichai opened the book of life and death and took a look at it, and found that these were all the "lost" souls.

As soon as I heard that it was a lost soul, the ghost would just run over to ask them to re-queue to enter the gate and go to the palace for trial. After all, many of the lost ghosts did return. After all, ghosts are humans, and some spirits think that after waking up, it ’s not a thing to sway in the forests of the underworld. Although it ’s necessary to drink Mengpo soup in Yincao Difu, you still need to be judged by the king of the king, but some people think I haven't done anything harmful in my life, and even rebirth is better than wandering in the barren forest, so many people still choose to return to the palace of the King to be tried and then reborn.

Because this kind of thing happens often, the ghost will think that this is a large group of ghosts suddenly recovered their collective intelligence, and then come back together to prepare to return to the team.

Of course, as soon as he got there, he met the big army of the reckless hero, and then he asked a sentence directly and arrogantly shouted that he wanted to surrender quickly, they would occupy the palace of the King of Kings and stand on their own.

The ghost was silly at the time, and it felt like you suddenly encountered a group of African refugees in your country, and then the other person pointed at you and shouted, "We want to occupy China to restore the imperial system, and you must surrender to me as a slave."

Seeing the other person in a daze, the reckless hero finally thought that the other party was suffocated by his own Wang Bazhi, and then started shouting to kill the past. The ghosts on the opposite side did not react until they were surrounded, but the ghosts who attacked him were even more surprised than him, because they found that they surrounded the ghost with a homemade weapon for half a day, and the home did not respond, it felt like It's the same as hitting the tank with an inflatable plastic hammer.

The ghost was stunned for a long time and found out that these wandering souls were actually playful, and then put away his astonishment and started to do business.

Although besieged by a group of ghosts, the ghost general snorted as if it were all right, and then the body swelled to ignite the purple ghost fire. Then the other side took the sword out of his waist and took a step forward. Sweeping, a blue light blade flickered, and a fan-shaped area with a radius of more than one hundred meters and an angle of about thirty degrees appeared instantly on his front. All the spirits in this area were in this blow. Down into blue and white light spots flying in the sky.

The opposite Rebel Army was frightened directly. They always thought that ghosts were just ghosts like them, at best they were better equipped and trained, but now they suddenly realized a problem. Ghost chaos seems to be the official establishment of the land government, and the land government is a subordinate institution of the heavenly courts, which means that other people's ghosts are divine, even if they are not powerful, they are ghosts and immortals. Their group of peasant rebels actually wanted to fight against the Shenxian Group. This can no longer be said to be looking for death. This is because they feel that death is not exciting enough, and they want to find abuse.

The spirits were stunned this time, but after the ghost shot, he completely recovered from the initial surprise. Turned around and shouted at the back, then a ghost shook his hands and threw a black tennis-size bead. This thing is just like a black pearl in his hand. Even with good eyes, you can find it inside. It seems to be translucent, and you can see stars and moons rotating in it, and a small galaxy inside.

The ghost will move forward after catching the beads. The photoelectricity that the souls that have just been scattered are turned into a vacuum cleaner, and all of them flew over, even the ghosts that were standing near them I felt a huge pulling force, desperately wanted to retreat, but the suction was getting stronger, and then with a scream, those nearby souls disintegrated directly into light particles without being injured at all and were sucked into the bead Go inside.

After sucking the nearby photoelectric, the ghost will directly hold the beads with one hand, and then chop with a knife. Every time he took a shot, hundreds of souls turned into light grains, and as long as the souls within three meters of him would naturally disintegrate into light grains and those hacked souls were sucked into the beads together.

Until then, those wandering souls didn't understand the gap between themselves and the generals, but it was too late. Just when those wandering spirits wanted to turn around and run away, the ghost behind him had already obtained a banner from the back, and then inserted in front of the ghost gate, the surrounding souls were frozen instantly as if they had been fixed, and then Beginning uncontrollably, he was pulled toward the black Ecstasy. There was a ghost who was holding a bead exactly the same as the ghost, and stood under the maggot, and as long as it was sucked in, it turned into light particles and flew into the beads.

In fact, those who can be mixed with ghosts in the underworld are all genuine ghosts. They are at least five or six hundred years of cultivation. Counting the positive **** position of Yin Cao Difu and the blessing of various equipment, the combat effectiveness is basically equal to Practice for about 1,000 years. It takes only a few months for these wandering souls to recover their intellect, and the longest of them are out of control for less than two years. Is there a fart repair? This existence is plainly still a wandering soul, there is no level at all, and it is a zero-level existence. This is to break the combat power to challenge the ghost, isn't this tiring and crooked? Those ghost gates and gatekeepers basically run up to five hundred levels, and those ghosts who shot can only be regarded as middle and lower levels among the generals, but they are actually a thousand levels. Facing this level of wandering soul, this kind of existence is naturally chopping melon and vegetables.

The final result is self-evident, all the ghosts were easily killed, and no loss was caused at all, and the reckless hero was also cut with a knife, and there was no room to fight back.

After I finished the news on Huangquan Road, our party also walked to the front of the gate.

This Ghost Gate is the first level in front of the Palace of King Yan. In fact, it is one of the only two levels. The other one is the entrance to the underworld, which is the capital city. However, that place is basically a transportation hub, so it can't play a big role. Generally, if you want to mix in, it is usually not too difficult. But Ghost Gate is different. This place is tightly guarded, and secondly, it is screened and diverted by the capital city. The souls here are only one eleventh of the weight. The number has been reduced a lot, and the natural inspection is even stricter. All need to be reviewed at Yan Luodian behind this, so this place has become a very important pass.

When we arrived at the Ghost Gate, it was still the same here, a large group of ghosts and ghosts would be directing those wandering spirits to stand in line, and then there was a special ghost to take them to the court of judges in front of Yan Luo Hall. In fact, Yan Luodian itself is not responsible for hearing those ghosts in the sun. After all, Yan Luodian has only eleven in total. One of them was recently built by us, and there were only ten before. So many people die every day in the entire China region. If one day of death due to natural disasters, thousands of people die without exaggeration. Therefore, the kings will definitely not be responsible for the trial of these souls. Otherwise, they will not do anything, and sitting there and interrogating the souls every day will exhaust them. And according to the speed of the kings, it is estimated that the waiting queues will only grow longer.

Don't think that only the human soul is coming to Yan Luodian. According to the theory of reincarnation, there is no essential difference between human souls and animal souls. You do n’t have much merit accumulated in your life, but there are no bad behaviors. In the next life, you may be born into the beast, that is, become something like a domestic animal, and then be eaten. If you have accumulated merit, you will be in your next life You can cast a good tire. Therefore, in fact, the dead souls that Yan Luo are responsible for are not just human souls. Strictly speaking, even if the mountain spirits and ordinary animals die, they are all under the jurisdiction of Yan Luodian.

Of course such a huge job can't be done by Yan Yan alone, so there is a judge under Yan Wang. The court of heaven actually did not specify how many of the judges of Yan Luodian should be, but according to what I know from the other ten kings, generally there are ten official judges under each king of the king. Such judges have the appointment of heaven The books and Fengshen list also have their names, which belong to the official post. In addition, there will be a varying number of deputies under each judge. These deputies are usually called judges, not deputy judges, but they are actually helpers invited by the judges themselves, and are not considered official positions. The number of such off-hands is completely unlimited. As long as you feel you can afford it, you can hire as many as you want, anyway, there are so many puppets in heaven, and it's completely your own job to recruit too many people to be puppets.

Other Yan Luodian judges generally have three to five deputies under their hands, plus they form a working group. This group usually works in two shifts and works on rotation, which is almost the same as a real company.

However, this Yanluodian under our Frost Rose League is slightly different.

Ghost immortals are also immortals, and money can't be said to be completely meaningless to them, but the court of heaven will certainly not use money to make money. In fact, the heavenly courts are the power of faith, and this thing is just what we call them. According to the internal distribution method of the heavens, this should actually be called a quota.

The court ’s quota of faith power for each position is fixed, so those judges dare not recruit too many subordinates to help share tasks, otherwise his faith power will be diluted a lot. Of course, you don't want to separate. As long as you are not afraid of getting tired and doing more, you can naturally hire fewer deputies. In this case, the power of faith can be a little more, but the busyness of itself will certainly rise. These are all things that can't be helped, and you need to work more if you want to get more benefits.

However, the above is the case of other Yan Luodian. The Yan Luo Hall of our Frost Rose League is an outsourced business. The heavenly court originally had only 10 Yan Luo Halls. We are a later institution. Because it is not a direct unit, the Yan Luo Hall of our Frost Rose Alliance is basically the same as the queen mother. In terms of work, we are not in line with other Yan Luodian, but we have to divide many tasks.

Before our Yan Luo Hall, the capital of the capital was divided into ten equal parts, and then sent to different Yan Luo Halls to ensure that the workload of each house was basically the same. However, after joining us, Bacheng City was not evenly divided into eleven, but sent one-tenth of all the total souls to us, and the remaining ten Yan Luo Temples only covered the rest. 90, that is, each of them only cares about 9, but we are responsible for 10, which is equivalent to handling 1 more ghosts per day.

Apart from doing more, we also earn less. The actual quota of faith of our Yan Luodian is only about 80 for the other ten Yan Luodians, and in most cases it is less than 80. Doing more and getting less is exactly zero-hour pay.

However, although it may seem unfair, our Frost Rose League has no complaints at all, and we have no complaints at all, both on the surface and in the secret.

Secretly we don't have any complaints, everyone must know. Following the status of Yan Luodian, our guild has been secretly collecting the power of the faith in the underworld. Compared to the power of those faiths we collect every day, the quota given by the court of heaven is not even a fraction. We naturally don't care.

Of course, if there is only such a secret benefit, I will definitely not run this Yan Luo Temple safely, because if I still do the task of this Yan Luo Temple safely under such a loss, it will definitely be there on that day I wonder if we are doing anything. Because my usual behavior shows that I do n’t want to suffer, how can I work with peace of mind in the case of obvious losses?

So, in addition to this benefit secretly, we are actually good on the bright side. At least heaven knows this benefit, and they think we are willing to take less money and more officers because of this benefit.

The so-called bright side benefit is actually the Yan Luodian itself.

Many people may not know that the benefits that Yan Luodian can bring us to the Frost Rose Alliance are definitely not as obvious as they seem. First of all, Yan Luodian is itself a super task publisher.

Many of those who came to trial have some last wishes or something else. These things are actually default tasks in the game. In contrast to other players who need to find tasks everywhere, players in our guild can sit there and pick slowly, because the tasks that Guangyan Luodian brushes out every day are enough for our entire guild players to do one month. With so many tasks, we certainly won't take all of them, but even if we choose only the most valuable ones, we will still be too busy.

In addition to the benefits of this mission publisher, Yan Luodian also comes with a lot of additional attributes. Although they are not attributes that directly affect combat effectiveness, they can often play a supporting role in missions and battles. These effects say that his key is a bit exaggerated, but with these auxiliary attributes, at least the difficulty of the task can be greatly reduced.

This is the second benefit. Then there is a third benefit, and that is the super copy.

Everyone knows that there are many duplicate missions in the game. These missions are not necessarily on the main map, and most of them are performed in closed spaces. Compared with those tasks that are completed after receiving, the advantages of replica tasks are obvious-short process and high profit. Although the difficulty is relatively large, as long as you have enough combat power, completing the quests will have a much higher return rate than those ordinary tasks, and the most important thing is that the quests are usually not delayed for a long time and are much more efficient.

Although this place in the underworld is not the main map, it also has a copy mission, and there are many. Some of them are even mission points that can be repetitively repeated, just like high-yield mines.

These replica missions in the underworld have a return rate of 15 or more higher than the replica missions on the main map, which is significantly higher. And the most important point is that almost no one will grab the copy missions from the underworld, because there are not many people who can reach the underworld. Considering the vast area of ​​the underworld, the number of replica missions here is better than the number of players who can come here That is, one task map for each person is not good and there is no task map.

The game Zero is very different from other games in that its copy mission is open, that is, it does not restrict personnel access.

Most of the copy tasks in previous online games are divided into two types. One of them is to continuously copy parallel space. For example, a copy of the mission allows one hundred people to work together, and then the players start to go in. After the one hundred people, the space is closed. When the one hundred and one people enter, they will find that the mission is still there, but inside On his own, this was the copy mission, which copied the map and reopened a game. It's like treating the player as a passenger, and the mission map is a car, and there are a hundred people in each car. The end point and route of each car are the same.

In addition to this kind of constantly replicating tasks, there is also a unique and exclusive task. This copy task can often enter many people at one time. Some of them start according to the number of people entering, and some start according to time. According to the number of people, as long as there are as many people as possible, the task will be closed, and then the task process inside will start to run, and people outside will not be able to enter this task during this period. The other is to start by time. It will start at a specific point in time. It will start directly regardless of how many people come in, and then suddenly end at a certain point in time. No one else is allowed between processes.

The above are closed tasks. The difference is that some can enter continuously, and some only allow a few people to enter, but the essence is the same for those who enter the task, because for each player, There must be only a few people in a task, and there will be no change.

However, the copy mission in Zero is different. Although there are also closed tasks here, most of the copies are actually open, that is, they do not limit how many people you can enter, or do not make hard rules, but use rewards or punishments to limit the number of people entering.

For example, some tasks are limited to one hundred people. The more people you enter, the more difficult the task will be, and the difficulty increase will be greater than the increase in strength brought by the increase in the number of people. The more difficult it is to complete the task. In the end you can only obediently follow the restrictions.

Of course, this is to say that the people entering are all a group. If someone who does not know each other enters a mission with a person in a hostile relationship, the system will simply assign you different mission objectives for you to fight in the copy yourself. In this way, although the task does not restrict the entry of people, the people who come in later may be your enemies, and the original obstacles to the task will not be reduced, so the difficulty of the task will increase sharply.

Because of this setting, players in "Zero" are afraid that the quest will be disturbed by someone. Because the difficulty caused by the troublemaker is not counted as the task difficulty, a player with a very low level can easily destroy the tasks of several advanced players, and the same, maybe three or five people can guild others. Collective mission messed up. This is the huge annoyance caused by the open copy mission.

Of course ~ ~ players are not stupid. Normally, those large guilds will have someone dedicated to guarding the copy task, that is to say, send two groups of people, one to do the task, and one to stay outside to prevent others from getting in. As for talking about small guilds, it depends on popularity. Therefore, too many enemies are difficult to mix in the game.

It is because of the open nature of the quests that everyone is afraid that someone will enter the quest to destroy it, so these quests in the underworld seem very precious. The underworld is sparsely populated, and there are not many players who can come in, so everyone can play separately. Unless there is really hatred, no one will make trouble in the copy of the underworld. Therefore, the third benefit that Yan Luodian brings to us is to allow players in our guild to freely enter and exit the underworld, and collect and use the resources of the underworld. This is basically equivalent to giving us an exclusive map.

Of course, the underworld's yin hurts most players, so you must have a spell from Yan Luodian to enter. However, the production of this thing is limited, and each spell has a time limit, so it can be considered as a limiting factor, but after all, it is not a benefit.

Because there are so many benefits, I would never go to quarrel with the people in Tianting for the things of Yan Luodian. The celestial court also feels that we have benefited, so it is normal to not quarrel. What they don't know is that what we really care about is actually what they don't care about. R1152

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