Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 373: Yan Luodian

In fact, speaking of Yan Luodian, it is also good for me. This benefit only works for me alone, that is, my status as a king.

Although the status of King Yan Luo is not meaningful to players, it has a strong effect on npcs, especially npcs in China. Moreover, this status will add a lot of attributes to me. same. The attribute brought by the identity of the king of mine on my body is the attribute that directly acts in combat. This kind of addition has far more significance for me than for ordinary people, because I am a dark system, and I need to have a lot of contact with the dark system. The existence of creatures, naturally, the identity of the king of the dark will increase my coercive effect on these dark creatures, which directly affects my influence on dark creatures.

In my introduction, the young lady had a clear understanding of our status in the Frost Rose Alliance in the underworld, but when she saw those wearing ancient armors and riding tall ghost horses, the peacocks were usually inserted behind the screen. When the ghost with an eight-handed sword ran to my knees on one knee, it was still unacceptable.

In the imagination of the young lady, the ghost should be the same powerful character as the goalkeeper npc, but in the end these guys came to me with no bit of discipline, and they almost became pugs.

Without explaining more to the young lady, I just said a few words to the ghost general, and then took them into the gate of the ghost door.

Behind the Ghost Gate is a large group of buildings. This is actually not the Palace of the King of the Kings, but the Palace of the Judges. After the Palace of the Judges, there are various functional buildings behind, and the number is very large. Because our guilds are not worried about the power of faith, and in order to prepare more places for the chaos and order, the deputies under our judges are particularly many. If there are more people, there will be more office locations, otherwise all of them will be crowded together and interfere with each other to reduce efficiency.

Behind the Ghost Gate, the young lady saw that the chins that were surprised by the dozens of long lines of ghosts were almost falling off. Knowing this is in line for trial. I didn't know it was the Spring Festival ticket office.

After passing through the Ghost Gate, these ghosts will be assigned by the leading ghosts to follow the teams, and then these ghosts will need to follow the ghosts in front and walk into the front of the Judge's Hall. Originally, I was going to take the young lady directly to Hades to look for the soul of the original owner of the skeleton, but the young lady proposed to look inside.

Now that the young lady has said so, of course I can only take her there.

Walking into the Hall of Judges next to the nearest team, you can see that this place is very new. Because our No. 11 Yan Luo Hall is a newly established department, we have only recently built buildings and everything. Naturally very new, but different from reality is that there is no smell of chemicals after decoration.

As soon as the gate of the Inquisitor's Hall came in, you could see a complex-shaped array on the ground. This matrix seems to be pure copper. It is divided into twelve concentric rings and a disc in the center from the inside. There is also an octagonal frame outside these.

All the souls entering from the gate will be guided to the central disc by the ghosts at the door. When those wandering spirits stand on the disc, the pattern on the twelve layers of rings around the disc will quickly light up red, but after the red light lights up, it will quickly extinguish, and then each layer of rings There will be only one character left on it. When there is only one character left on all the rings, the rings will quickly rotate, moving all the glowing characters directly in front of the wandering soul to form a glowing channel.

When the light-emitting channel appears, these wandering spirits can go out of the disc along this channel.

In front of this disc are two tables. There are ghosts sitting behind the table. The ghost that passed the circle detection will walk to the front of the table, and the ghost will judge based on what the circle shows before. However, after judging, they had only two actions. Either give the ghost a sign and let him queue up in front of the corresponding doors on both sides of the hall, or let him go out directly through the door at the end of the hall.

The young lady asked me with curiosity: "What are you doing? Why are the ghosts going to different places?"

I explained: "The disk on the ground is a magic weapon with a long full name. We call this thing a lifeline anyway. As long as the spirit is standing up, this thing will detect the lifegiving attributes of the spirit. All souls whose merits exceed sin barriers in this life will be divided into the front row of gates for trial. If the sin barriers are higher than merit, go to the front row of gates. If the two are equal, then No need to judge. Just go out from behind. "

"So what's the difference between these doors?"

"Basically not. The doors on both sides are the same as the small office. The entertaining soul will be judged by the judge. The row of doors on the left is responsible for rewarding the benefits of liquidation merit, and the row of doors on the right is responsible for liquidation of sin. After the completion of the event, those rewarded souls will be changed, and then let them go out from behind, like those souls without judgment. Cross the bridge, and then prepare for rebirth. Those on the right are basically bad things to do If there are more, they will accept punishment. Among them, the lesser ones are also directly changed lives, that is, the next life will be more unlucky or directly born into things like livestock. But there are exceptions. "

"Can you still go through the back door here?" The young lady clearly misunderstood the exception I said.

"The exception I am talking about is not going through the back door. It means that there are some ghosts with more serious insidious obstacles. These guys are not as simple as directly changing their lives. There are several low-level ghosts around the judge in charge of punishment. They will be sent directly to the Naihe Bridge, instead of drinking Meng Po Tang, but to the real King Palace. "

"Will the wicked souls go to the Palace of Kings?"

I nodded and said, "Yes. In fact, ninety-nine percent of the people have done almost the same thing after death, so the judges simply deal with it and it's over. Yan Wang can't handle so many things at all, so he can only be handled by his subordinates. Only those who are particularly serious and need to go to **** will be sent to Yan Luodian. However, even if they go to Yan Luodian, it is not necessarily that Yan Wang is responsible for the trial, but it will be tried by a judge. "

"Isn't this the Court of Justice?" The young lady asked in amazement.

"Yes, this is the Hall of Judges, but all of them here are actually deputies. The real judges are in Yan Luo Hall. Those evil spirits will be sent to those judges to judge. And these souls do not drink Meng Po Tang Yes, but after the trial, he was thrown into the eighteenth floor of **** and sentenced to death. Only those who have served their sentence will be sent back to drink Mengpo soup and thrown into the six reincarnation. Reborn as an ordinary soul. "

"So tight!"

"Isn't this normal?" I looked at the young lady in amazement and asked: "This is a game, so it has been simplified, but according to legend. Yan Luodian and the six reincarnations manage the cycle of all things in the world. This Would n’t it be a chaos if the general law of heaven and earth were not strict? "

"Oh, that's what I said." Then the young lady suddenly remembered what we were doing, and quickly urged me: "Hurry up, let's go and see the King."

"Why is this saying so awkward?" I said as I took the young lady out, "I forgot to tell you. The king is actually me, and now we are going to see Hades, our frost rose. The great **** dug from the Olympus Protoss. My status as a king is granted by heaven, but I ca n’t sit here every day to hear ghosts, so I handed it over to Hades. . Now that Hades is acting Yama, I am the genuine Yama. "

"Are you the King of Kings?"

"I haven't heard the news outside. So there are many people who don't know." I pointed to the front and said, "Look, the bridge is here."

The young lady really attracted attention, and looked at Nai Heqiao in front of him and asked, "Is this the Nai He Bridge? It looks very ordinary."

"That's because you have the charms stamped by Yan Wangling on your body. If you come down by yourself, the bridge will look as if there is no end, and you ca n’t see the other side of the bridge at all, but only See a fog. "

The young lady obviously didn't hear me, because she suddenly screamed and shouted at this moment: "Wow. So beautiful! This is really Yincaodifu? Why is it so beautiful? Shouldn't this place be very eerie?"

I followed the sight of the young lady and immediately understood the reason for her exclaim.

"This, I have not studied the legends in reality. But this place is like this anyway. The river in front of you is called Weak Water River, and those black things that look like gasoline are weak water, but your most Do n’t touch it, this thing is more powerful than positive sulfuric acid for positive energy creatures, and even if the undead fell into it, there will be no residue. The other side of the river is called the other side, not only the other side of the river. It also represents On the other side of life, because the normal soul wants to drink Mengpo soup on the side of Nai Heqiao, the memory of a person's life will be completely over here, so from the opposite side, even if it is the beginning of a new life, it is called the other side. You The flowers you see are the legendary flowers on the other side. Although they look beautiful, these things are actually dangerous. The floral fragrance is basically a powerful anesthetic to the soul. If it were not for this sign I posted, you were smelling After that scent will walk unconsciously, and then lie in the flowers will never get up again, and finally the root whiskers of other flowers will pierce your body and **** your flesh You become fertilizers. "

"So scary?"

"It doesn't look horrible, but the fact is horrible. If you go through the flowers, you will basically have bones on the ground. The flowers on the other side are bright because they are the flowers of the devil nourished with flesh."

"Isn't there any other use for this thing?" Sure enough, the young lady was not an ordinary person, and I wondered why we planted so many other flowers here.

I smiled and said, "Yes. The other shore flower is a medicinal material, and many advanced medicines in the game use this other shore flower. In addition, this stuff is also used when refining some magic weapons and equipment. We are here Side-by-side planting is also considered an additional income. "

"Your Frost Rose League really makes a lot of money!"

"Family is a big business and won't make any money. Don't you want to drink the northwest wind? Come, let's do the business."

When the young lady crossed the bridge, she still looked forward to seeing Meng Po, but only saw the two ghosts sending Meng Po soup there, and she felt quite surprised at that time. I also explained this. There is a Yanluo Temple on our side now, and there are eleven Naihe Bridges in the eleven Yanluo Temples. However, there are eleven Yama kings in the eleven Yan Luo palaces. There is only one Meng Po.

Because there is only one Meng Po and there is no separation, so Meng Po soup cannot of course be distributed by Meng Po himself. Besides, the ghosts on Naihe Bridge passed uninterruptedly. There is no day or night here, the ghosts will pass by here waiting to drink Mengpo soup, so if Mengpo really makes soup here, she will fly unless she can fly. Otherwise, there will be no time to cook.

Therefore, the local government uses a similar method to the filling factory to complete the distribution of Mengpo soup. Meng Po herself concentrates on cooking only in the place where she lives, and not her own. She is only responsible for guidance, similar to a technical engineer, and then there is a good female ghost who will give her a helping hand to help her. After the Mengpo soup is finished, it will be piled up in the open space behind the Mengpo's workshop, and then each Yan Luodian will be responsible for sending someone to pull the necessary Mengpo soup back, and then distribute it to the Nehe Bridge The ghost of Meng Po Tang.

After listening to my introduction, the young lady couldn't help but whispered: "If in reality Meng Po can go to a beverage factory and transfer to sell iced black tea."

"I don't know if Meng Po will make iced black tea, but the soul chicken soup she makes is really good."

"Ah? You dare to drink the soup made by Meng Po?"

"Who tells you that Meng Meng can only make amnestic soup? People are serious chefs, okay? The one that cleans the memory of the dead soul is called soul-washing soup. It's just one kind of soup. This soul chicken soup It's another type. It has extra attributes in addition to being particularly delicious. "

"A soup with attributes? Isn't it ...?"

"I want to come, too, but it's impossible. People will only do a little when they are in a good mood. It's impossible to buy in large quantities. At present, we have only had a few people drink at the guild."

"What property is this thing? Is it a permanent append?"

"It's permanent. As long as you drink the soul chicken soup, you can add mental power according to the amount you drink, that is, it has a boost effect on spell attacks, and the effect is very obvious. Basically, a bowl of soup is equal to your level of ten or more. Added. "

"So does she have any other soup?"

"Yes. But I have drank three kinds of it. This soul chicken soup is to add intelligence, energy and directly increase spell damage at the same time, and another is called Ningshen soup. After drinking, it resists mental attacks by a percentage. The last one is called Yin-Yang blend Agents, all negative energy attacks after drinking will be proportionally converted into health to supplement themselves. "

"Such a cow? That me ..."

"I can get you something, but it won't be possible when I get it. I can't control this at all."

"I know." The young lady didn't play tricks, even if she got my guarantee.

We have walked across the Naihe Bridge and across a large open field full of flowers on the other side. Behind this is a grand hall that is not as large as the building complex in the front. This is the real King Palace.

Hardis had heard the news waiting at the gate before we entered. After seeing us, Hades walked over directly.

"President, is there anything to come here at this time?"

I nodded and reached out and hooked back, and the skeleton immediately walked to my side. "The soul of this skeleton is no longer on earth, but he knows some information I need, so I will come here to see if I can find it."

"Oh. This is not necessarily the case," Hardis said uncertainly.

"I know, but now I can only pray that the guy hasn't produced any moths!"

Although there is no trace of a soul on this skeleton, it does not mean that the woman's husband must be on the side of Yan Luodian. After a person dies, only part of the soul goes on Huangquan Road. Some ghosts who do not want to leave the world will stay in the world. Afterwards, they will either be lucky to cultivate into ghosts or become ghosts and ghosts, and then be cut by whatever power Demon demon. Of course, I do n’t even know how to cultivate, and I have n’t become a ghost. After a while, my spirits are gone.

Moreover, even on Huangquan Road, you may not be able to reach Yan Luodian smoothly. There are more injustices who disappeared on the road, as mentioned before. Of course, the probability that we can find that guy here is still very high. After all, Yan Luodian and the six reincarnations are the basic rules for the operation of the laws of heaven and earth. Although there is no guarantee that all undead souls will follow this process, at least ninety-nine percent of the undead souls can definitely follow this path. So in general we still have a great chance to find him here.

After Hardis knew our intention, he took us to a room marked with copywriting room behind Yan Luodian. After entering, the young lady was dizzy.

How groundy does a place like Yan Luodian sound? I was looking forward to seeing a large library like the library, or even the library of the Jingjing Pavilion. However, what I saw after actually coming in completely subverted the imagination of the young lady. The reason why there is such a large gap is entirely because our Yan Luodian of the Frost Rose Alliance has begun-paperless office.

Yes, that's right. Just paperless office.

Do you think! There are so many ghosts here every day. Although the thing in the book of life and death is an artifact, it can be infinitely divided, and you can automatically find the display content according to your ideas, but the book of life and death itself is actually a big trouble because there are too many books. .

Although the book of life and death itself looks like a pda to me, the memory of this pda is obviously too small. A life and death book can only store a little bit of information. You must first find out which life and death book he is on according to the race, sex, and place of origin of the judged soul, and then let that life and death book show this guy's information. Otherwise, you will get the wrong book of life and death. There is no record of it. You can find it.

Therefore, in order to speed up the efficiency of Yan Luodian, we will use the crystal system of our bank for a long time, the technology has been very mature to move to Yan Luodian.

Although this room is now a copywriting room, it is actually a display terminal. Below this room is the real database. All life and death books are in the room below, and there is a small magic circle under each life and death book. The role of these magic arrays is to link all the books of life and death to the central crystal processor, that is, use the books of life and death as external storage, and our guild's crystal technology is comparable to a computer crystal system. It is the real core, as long as we operate any crystal terminal here, we can check all the information in the book of life and death.

Because the real books of life and death are all below, there are only rows of crystal displays, so it doesn't look like a library at all, but rather looks like an Internet cafe.

"You guys ..."

"Like an Internet cafe, right?" I said with a smile: "Although the background setting of the game is a magical world, the people who play the game are modern people! The things you make are inevitably closer to modern products, so here is the end That's it. "

The young lady didn't say much about it, because Hardis quickly found the information she needed.

"Our luck is not bad, this guy has been reborn."


"Well. This is a new identity." Hades pointed at the screen and said.

"I rely, why are you in Japan?" The young lady looked at the information and immediately became calm.

Hades looked at the young lady in wonder, "Don't you know?"

"What should I know?"

I explained: "All the ghosts in Asia operate on the side of the prefecture ~ ~ so theoretically the ghosts born in China will appear randomly throughout Asia and not just in China."

"Then let's go and find it?" The young lady was obviously short-tempered, and knew that she wanted to deal with this matter immediately.

Although I also want to deal with this guy's soul problem, but I know that there is no time to go now. "I think we probably don't have time to deal with this issue."

"Why?" Miss asked in doubt.

I glanced at the lady and said, "Because the owner of the house is back."

The young lady first apparently didn't respond, and after a moment's recollection, she remembered that we are not online at home now. (To be continued ...)



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