Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 381: Discover, follow, sync

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The eight junior Super Aviation battleships on our side of the Frost Rose Alliance left the airspace near Isinger quickly after a simple supply, and leaned towards the location of the Rainbow Alliance fleet. ◎ Vertex Novel,

Red Moon and Woma, of course, will also go with me. In fact, everyone on our side has actually landed on the battleship and waits for the battle to begin.

Woma explained a lot of things to us before, but in fact she introduced only a few of them. The number of new weapons equipped on these six junior super aerospace battleships is really scary, and there are a lot of things that are very amazing in function. It ’s better that I just found a lot of circular teleportation on the edge of the deck of the spacecraft. It ’s the same thing as a matrix, and then I found out that his grandpa was actually a teleporter, but it was not a point-to-point teleporter, but a special one.

Wal-Mart called this teleportation array an assault teleportation array. The name I think is quite appropriate, because the biggest role of this thing is to carry out assault.

Everyone knows that the battle in the game is different from reality, because players and some special creatures have powerful combat capabilities, and even there are many types of humanoid nuclear weapons like me, so although we can already use magic to build large spaceships and Various high-powered long-range weapons are available, but it is still unavoidable to face the super primitive fighting style of battle.

It is precisely because we cannot completely eliminate this method of side-to-side battle, so we need to adapt to this battle. The short-range defense system installed on the primary super aviation battleship is a weapon to prevent the enemy from jumping against us. This kind of thing can effectively intercept various types and speed targets at close range, and the interception effect is very good. So, in a sense, our junior super aviation warships don't have to worry about being jumped by the enemy. However, the enemy cannot fight against us. However, we also need to help the enemy jump. Therefore, in order to allow our people to quickly complete the gang-up battle, Woma specially designed and installed a special magic array for the primary super aviation warship, and this magic array is the assault teleportation array.

The difference between an assault teleportation array and a normal teleportation array is that this thing does not need a receiving end, which means that it works like a cannon. As long as someone is standing on this teleportation array, it can teleport people out. . The target is not another teleportation array, but an arbitrary spatial position.

Of course, this kind of transmission without a receiving end is very dangerous, and the energy consumption is very high, so long-distance transmission cannot be achieved. However, we just need to use this thing to jump help, this is not a big problem.

When players or our npc stand on these assault teleportation arrays, the teleportation arrays will be triggered automatically because someone stepped on them. After that, the user needs to set a target, and this target does not require input. Just specify it with consciousness.

Unlike the teleportation arrays used in cities to pay money, this assault teleportation array does not require users to recharge their batteries or own magic crystals, but directly powers the core of the primary super aviation battleship. That is, the solar furnace is responsible for energy supply. The user only needs to step on the teleporter to enter the standby state, and once the target is set and confirmed, it will be transmitted immediately. The efficiency of this method is very high. If the selected target is fast enough, this teleportation array can even complete the transfer of sixty people in one minute. That is one person per second.

Of course, the transmission of this gadget is very restrictive. Said before. This thing can't be transmitted too far. In fact, the distance is only two kilometers, and the target position must be a location that can be directly seen by the transmitting personnel. Otherwise, the transmission cannot be completed. What's worse is that the failure of the teleportation does not mean that you are standing still without leaving, but that you will be thrown out, but will not reach the designated position. It will fall in any possible position halfway.

Therefore, it is best to calculate the distance of the enemy before using this thing, otherwise it would not be good in case of exceeding the distance.

Although it only has a transmission distance of two kilometers, this thing is actually quite easy to use. Imagine when our junior super aerospace warships and enemy warships were facing each other at a distance of two kilometers. A pair of heavily armed Chinese personnel suddenly appeared outside the other side's bridge, and then the joy was great.

Our personnel can directly ignore the distance of two kilometers and directly appear on the opponent ’s hull. The battle will inevitably cause some damage to the battleship, so as long as our people go up, even if it is quickly killed, it will definitely cause some damage to the other battleship. This is definitely a headache for the enemy.

In fact, in addition to being used to teleport people, the assault teleportation array has a very good ability, that is, it can be directly used as a dropper to transmit bombs. Of course, the practical value of this thing as a bomb-thrower is not great, because with the German super-aircraft warship German firepower configuration, if it is close to the enemy within two kilometers, it can basically be within ten seconds. The victory was lost because the firepower of the junior super aviation warship was enough to tear a super battleship in a few seconds. Although the performance of the Rainbow Alliance's flying warships is still reasonable, it is definitely not a sturdy thing. If it is close to the junior super aviation warship to such a distance that the magic bow can shoot, it is estimated that it will take less than ten seconds for the other warship. Will be reached on the honeycomb.

After studying this assault teleportation array, I found a lot of strange devices inside the cabin of this junior super aerospace battleship. These things seem to be completely unseen types, and most of them have magic properties. The result is that I completely lost the magic perception ability on this junior super aerospace battleship, because the surrounding magic energy is too much and too chaotic. I am here as if ordinary people are standing in a machine tool factory, and there are roaring machines around. , Your ears are basically useless. This is the situation I have now. There are magic wave devices everywhere, so I have no way to judge which magic waves are from people and which are from devices.

Although the magic wave is a bit confusing. But the magic control on this junior super aerospace warship is still good. As long as the junior super aerospace warship enters quiet mode, the fluctuations on the entire spacecraft will suddenly quiet down, and it feels as if the machine tool factory that is still roaring has suddenly lost power. Instantly changed from a noisy environment to an extremely quiet state.

Of course, we don't need to hide anything now. Because the enemy simply does not have this remote magic detection capability.

"Is the position of the enemy determined?" After watching a few strange devices on the ship, I returned to the bridge and heard Red Moon's voice as soon as I entered.

A technician next to King Chuang pressed a few times on a large crystal communicator, and then said, "The enemy is in the direction of twelve o'clock in front of us, a distance of 450 kilometers."

After hearing the report, Chuang Wang quickly drew on the chart in front of him, and said while drawing: "It has been more than two minutes since the last jump, which means that if there are more than two minutes, the enemy will Start jumping again, now they are here. If the current heading and speed are unchanged, they should be in this position after more than two minutes. Then count the jumping distance and the other party will appear near this position next time. " King Chuang said that he had drawn a circle on the chart.

"How far are we from the target?"

"Eighty-five kilometers."

"Can it be more than two minutes?" Hongyue asked a little bit worried.

"It must be in time." Woma directly picked up the communicator and shouted, "Notify all junior superaero warships to close the doors and prepare for subspace submarine."

"What? Subspace snorkeling? This thing can still make space jumps?" Christina, who had been leaning against the window and watching the scenery outside, turned her head and asked in surprise.

Werma said angrily: "What's wrong with jumping? It ’s not strange to have a jumping device for such a large ship? Anyway, our junior super aerospace battleship is also three kilometers long. What a big hull ca n’t fit in what?"

"That's true too!"

In fact, Woma did not explain to Christina that this so-called subspace submarine is actually different from that space jump. This subspace snorkeling does not allow us to jump suddenly from one location to another, but instead allows us to enter the subspace and then reach the target location in a similar way as a short cut. This method can probably increase our speed by three to four times, and the energy consumption will not be as exaggerated as jumping. But this technique also has disadvantages.

Its disadvantage is that it takes time to dive or ascend. In this process, the primary super aviation warship is very dangerous. If it is hit by people, it is likely to be dragged into the space turbulence because of space instability.

Of course, a powerful attack is needed to cause this phenomenon, but we have no plan to joke our lives, so generally we will not start subspace submarine in front of the enemy.

Of course. Subspace submarine has its own shortcomings, and naturally has its advantages. Fast speed and low energy consumption are one of the advantages. Although it can't reach the destination directly, it can also increase a lot of speed after three or four times acceleration. Another benefit of this subspace submarine is that it can be invisible.

As long as we do not come out in subspace, the enemy can only find us using magic such as subspace detection, and ordinary anti-stealth or eyes of true knowledge can't detect the primary super aviation of subspace submarine status. The battleship, because we are not in disguise, but we are not in that position at all, so naturally we will not be found by ordinary investigation magic. However, the subspace detection spell is not a low-level spell, which requires a high-level wizard to release, so the probability that someone will use it is not good. This greatly improves our security, and the enemy generally does not find it in submarines. Ours.

With the orders from Woma, there were sudden alarm sounds on the six junior super aviation warships, and then the crew members who were still on the deck began to run to the nearest entrance, waiting for the last person to get into the cabin. After the inside, quickly close the door firmly, and then tighten the pressure valve.

When all the cabin doors were sealed, a crystal on the podium inside the primary super aviation warship suddenly changed from red to green, and the navigation control personnel immediately began operating the primary super aviation warship for submarine navigation. I saw a lot of blue and white light particles suddenly appearing on the surface and surrounding space of the primary super aerospace battleship in flight. These light particles are increasing in number and finally converge into a galaxy. At this time, the primary super aerospace The battleship, like a seaplane about to land on the water, gradually approached the river of silver light particles. When the lower part of the ship contacted the silver light river made of light particles, a large number of light particles sputtered immediately. However, the junior Super Aviation battleship did not slow down, but accelerated into the silver-white light flow.

As the hull gradually sinks into the light flow, it can be seen that the height of the junior super aerospace battleship has actually changed at this time. The light flow under the junior super aviation warship is actually not so thick. With the depth of the junior super aviation warship diving in, the bottom of the light flow should have been exposed below, but what is actually below the light band? Also invisible. It was as if the spacecraft had disappeared.

The junior super aerospace warship dived further, and soon the whole ship had only the highest observation capsule and some antennas still outside. At this time, the surrounding light particles began to gradually decrease and shrink toward the center. The flying junior The super-aircraft warship was completely and quickly immersed in the light particles. When the antenna on the top of the mast disappeared in the light flow, the light flow that could cover the entire junior super aviation battleship has become as large as a small destroyer, and with the disappearance of the antenna The remaining light particles also began to get smaller and disappear quickly. At last, when the last light particles disappeared in the air, the junior super aviation battleship had completely disappeared, and it seemed as if there had never been this around. This kind of behemoth.

With the disappearance of the first junior super aviation warship, the white photon tracks left by several other junior super aviation warships quickly faded and disappeared into the air. At this time, the sea also became calm, but in the subspace, the six junior super aerospace warships were advancing at super high speed. We can see a lot of dense light spots flowing outside the window, and there are still from time to time. The light particles hit the ship and exploded like firecrackers. Although it looks beautiful, it always makes people feel intimidated.

Although these particles look scary, most of us here actually know them. These particles will not cause any harm to our hull at all. Of course, this is just for the hull. If the human body goes out, it will definitely be finished instantly.

It took almost ten seconds to dive into the subspace, and in the subspace we directly pushed the speed to the limit, and soon we were ready to float again at the time.

Suddenly, a white photon trail appeared over the calm sea. Then the light particles began to increase, and several other identical trails appeared one after another. As the track appeared and increased, an antenna first protruded from the track. If there is a reference object at this time, it will be found that the antenna's moving speed at this time has far exceeded the limit speed of the primary super aviation warship. And it's more than three or four times. This is the speed bonus brought by the subspace acceleration effect. If we don't run in subspace, we can never reach this position so quickly.

With the appearance of the antenna, a huge tower quickly emerged from the photon ocean, and the tops of other ships appeared on the other nearby exits. Then the photon ocean began to spread and the hull Subsequent parts of the one after another appeared in the surrounding space. Finally, when the primary super aerospace warship in the light particles completely appeared, those photons began to slowly decline and fade as if they appeared, and finally disappeared completely in space.

The first thing Chuang Wang did after coming back was to position us. Another disadvantage of subspace submarine is that there is no way to locate it below, so I don't know if it is off course. Fortunately, our junior super-aircraft warships have an inertial stabilization system, and their own sailing time is not long.

Sure enough, Chuang Wang hurriedly read the coordinate positioning, then he was relieved, and then began to take over the command. "Attention all warships, slow down by one-third, turn, we overrun!" After shouting in the communicator, Chuang Wang immediately said to Woma again: "The data you calculated are inaccurate. This guy is in the subspace. The speed is definitely not as simple as three or four times, it is more than 30% faster than the nominal value, at least five times faster. "

"Why is it so fast?"

"How do I know? The ship was designed by you, and I'll just leave it." The Junior Super Aviation battleship had already begun to turn when King Chuang spoke. Because of the hurry, all junior super aerospace warships are using emergency power assisted steering. As a result, our group of people have to hold on to nearby things to fix themselves. Otherwise it will be thrown out. The three-kilometre-long battleship turned suddenly, but this inertia was incredible. If this ship had not been designed with many magical theories, relying on the laws of physics in reality, such a big guy would probably tear himself apart in an emergency turn.

After turning, the tail of the Junior Super Aviation battleship suddenly lit a circle of red magic, and the halo around the periphery of the Junior Super Aviation battleship, called the propulsion halo, began to glow hot. At the same time, the speed of the junior super-aerospace warship began to continue to decline, and soon completely stopped, and then resumed movement, but the speed direction was reversed.

As soon as the six junior super aerospace battleships on our side started accelerating in the opposite direction, they once again ordered the king: "All the warships spread out, forming a claw formation, and the other party will appear."

The six junior super aerospace warships just dispersed in accordance with the order of the King of Breakthrough. The junior super aerospace warships on both sides have not yet arrived and completed the formation and found that a lightning suddenly appeared in the space in front of us, and then it was like an electromagnetic storm There are arcs running around in space.

"I rely. The enemy is a dozen seconds earlier than we expected, and all the warships are accelerating to surround this lightning area. This is the enemy's teleportation range."

With the order given by the King of Breakthrough, all six junior super aerospace warships were moving rapidly, but the enemy appeared too fast. Our side just completed the encirclement and the enemy completed the jump.

"Haha, Essinger is ahead. We will be there soon." The gun **** standing in a flying battleship bridge looked at Yusina and said excitedly, "I will be to Essinger in a while. How about the Hell Eye that made me bombard them? I've waited for this day for a long time! "

Yusina was in a good mood because she was close to Isinger and was about to say something, and suddenly heard a stern sirens. The indicator light inside the bridge also suddenly turned red, and flashed again and again. Yusina rushed to the microphone next to her and shouted, "Why did the alarm go? What did you see?"

"Six Frost Rose Alliance flying warships were found in the direction of four to eight, with a distance of five thousand. The course is the same as ours. The speed is twenty kilometers per hour faster than ours. The other party is still accelerating.

After hearing the above report, Yusina immediately asked: "What level is the opponent's warship?"

"Unknown model, at least three kilometers long, is much larger than previous models."

"Did you see any weapon systems?"

"I found something like a cannon, but I'm not sure if it is."

Yusina frowned after listening, then looked up and asked the people around her: "How far is Essinger?"

"Keep your current speed. After another five minutes, you can jump directly to a few kilometers offshore Isinger."

After hearing this distance, Yusina suddenly laughed, and then said: "Then leave them alone. Anyway, our goal is Essinger, as long as we don't stop, they can't take us. Notify the ships and keep Speed. If the enemy attacks, you can fight back freely, but you are not allowed to chase and you are not allowed to slow down. "


In fact, under the current circumstances, Yusina's judgment is not problematic. They are going to our base camp soon, and we sent a small amount of elites at this time. Naturally, they can completely ignore us, because they now have a strategic advantage. As long as they reach Isinger, they win. We These harassment actions can only be regarded as tactical actions at most, as long as they cannot destroy their entire fleet, it is meaningless.

Would Yusina think we were capable of destroying their entire fleet? Of course not, because we only have six ships and they have more than 300 ships. Even if our warships are larger, then we cannot reverse this exaggerated quantity ratio. Besides, there is no time and space for us to play tricks Because there is Isinger behind us, there is no way back.

Because of these factors, Yusina is now well-informed, so she doesn't worry about what tricks we can play. But what she didn't know was that we could really play the flowers. One thing to remember at any time in this game is to fight against our Frost Rose League, then you can only desperately. Any slightest idea is not necessary.

When the Rainbow Alliance fleet appeared in front of us, to be honest, the people on our side were nervous and terrified, because our plan was to form a circle and then push them when the enemy jumped, sending them out of this plane . So the other party now appeared in front of us, blocking our encirclement route, which hit us very hard. As long as there are more than a dozen warships from the fleet over the Rainbow Alliance, come and intercept us. It would be impossible for us to surround them between Isinger, and our plan is likely to fail. The most depressing thing is that the reason for our failure was not because of the powerful enemy, but because our own design was too good, which caused the primary super aviation warship to be too fast and ran too far.

However, it is too late to say anything now. People on our side have even given up thinking completely and waited for the worst situation to occur.

but. Strange things happened. The Rainbow Alliance's fleet didn't seem to see us. Not only did it not have the slightest intention to detach the fleet to intercept us, it even had no intention to stop attacking us. As if they hadn't seen us, they kept their original course and drove straight towards Isinger.

After 30 seconds of suffocation, the talents on our side suddenly all reacted, but it was the first one called by Hongyue. "They thought we were a harassing fleet, and this was going to hit Isinger! Hurry up, speed up."

In fact, even if Hongyue didn't remind us, we already wanted to understand that everyone was busy quickly. Of course, I was busy quickly. In fact, most people are busy, only Chuang Wang and Woma are really busy. After all, this is on the ship, and we will not operate those weapons. We want to help unless we go out to fight, but now it is the encirclement stage. What we want is to compare the speed of the Rainbow Alliance's team and not start the bombing here.

In fact, when it comes to speed, the speed on our side really frightens those Americans on the opposite side. Because the distance between the two sides is only five kilometers. And our battleship itself is more than three kilometers long. With such a big head, what you see five kilometers away is a big ship, so people from the Rainbow Alliance can see us directly. However, in their gaze, our junior super-air warships are gradually surpassing their fleet at an incredible speed. And started to enfold them from both sides.

Although the relative speed of our battleship does not seem to be very fast, we must consider that they are already sailing at full speed. At this time, we can easily surpass it. This speed is not easy.

Despite being surprised by our high speed, Yusina and Gunner still had no interest in our warships. Although they also sighed that our Frost Rose Alliance's technology is really powerful, but there is no absolute quantitative advantage, and even this hidden super battleship is useless. Jusina and Gun God are convinced of this point, and they even found evidence for this, that is, we have not started to attack them. According to their ideas, our warships are really powerful and we should attack them right from the beginning, but we dare not touch their huge fleet at all, which shows that our warships are actually afraid of them.

Regarding Yusina and Gun God with confidence, we guessed that we didn't know anything at all, but even if we knew it, we definitely couldn't wait for them to think that way, because they thought it was a great help to us.

In more than three minutes, the warships on our side easily surpassed their entire fleet to complete the siege, and then formed a hexagonal siege circle around their fleet. Although this enclosing circle was sparse and seemed to have no deterrent, the expressions of Yusina and the Gun God suddenly changed.

Yusina and Gunslinger are not the kind of arrogance. They used to make wrong judgments because of the wrong form, but after our six junior super aviation warships formed this very standard hexagonal encirclement, Yusi Na and Gunsling discovered the wrong place almost at the same time.

If our fleet is only harassing, then they do not necessarily need to be surrounded to attack, and even if we need to surround them and attack again in order to output the maximum damage, we should not need to set up such a regular formation. The hexagonal standard formed by our junior super aerospace warships has an error of only a few centimeters. Although the error cannot be detected by the equipment on the side of the Rainbow Alliance, it is even more surprising to them. Because the conclusion they got after the measurement is that we have a team with zero error.

If in reality, the neat team of the enemy does not cause much panic to one's own side, at least it feels that people have a high training level and good military discipline, but this has a different meaning in the game.

As I said before, the foundation of the game world is the magic circle, and the magic circle is a precise technology. Those complex magic arrays are just like precision electronic devices. Any mistakes and errors can cause the entire framework to collapse. So, the only thing that needs such precision in the game is the magic circle.

We used six battleships to form a precise hexagon. This is the outer frame of an initial magic formation. Although Yusina and the Gun God could not imagine what kind of magic formation we could use a simple outer frame, But at least they think that if this is really a magic circle, then it really can turn the war.

In the future, Yusina knows that we will not waste time doing unnecessary work at this time, so they can be sure that our formation can really produce some effects. In these two cases, the technical strength of our Frost Rose League is very exaggerated. So if we really have such a way to use the battleship to form a magic formation, then Yusina and the Gun God will not be surprised at all, because this is like what we often do in the Frost Rose Alliance.

Because of this recognition, Yusina is pretty sure that we can really do this.

After realizing that the situation was not good, Of course, Yusina would not stand stupid. In fact, she acted at that time, and directly ordered all air battleships with angles to attack our nearest warship.

While Yusina's order was issued, the Gun God had also left the battleship where Yusina was located, but used an internal teleportation array to a battleship on the periphery of the fleet. After coming out of the teleportation array on the battleship on this side, the gun **** directly ran to the deck and looked at our battleship five kilometers away.

It was not particularly clear what the previous flagship in the middle of the fleet was shooting at. But when he came here, he could see clearly. This kind of battleship in front of us has never appeared in the battle of our Frost Rose Alliance, that is to say if this is not a newly-built new battleship. That is the long-lost killer. Regardless of the type, the combat effectiveness of such warships is bound to be unusual.

Just as Gun God was ready to continue his observation, he suddenly heard the sound of the cannon turning. I turned around and saw that all the warships were turning their turrets and aimed at our warships here.

After seeing this situation, the Gun God did not intend to leave, but covered his ears and planned to observe the effect of the attack nearby. After less than five seconds, all the cannons turned to the proper angle and then started firing. Yusina did not ask for a salvo. The distance is so close, there is no need to aim for a test fire or anything. All the warships turned around and started firing immediately. Suddenly, the gunslinger heard a deafening roar, and with the rolling smoke spreading on the side of the ship's side, a row of shells flew over.

There was a cannon on their side. The propulsion ring on the surface of the junior super aviation battleship on our side suddenly lit up with a different light, and then the gun **** found that all the shells that hit our hull disappeared as if they had penetrated into the different dimension space. No explosion, no breakdown, the shell disappeared as if it had suddenly disappeared. If it is said that there is no breakdown, then at least you should be able to see the flame, and if it is penetrated, then you should also leave a hole outside? But the result was nothing, no traces of explosions, no holes, not even shells.

The gun **** who almost fell off his chin opened his mouth and looked at the junior super aviation battleship in surprise, then suddenly took out a stone-like thing. This is a communicator obtained by Rainbow Alliance. It is based on magic and can transmit sound signals. It can call the target you want directly, like a mobile phone, and the transmission distance is quite long. However, the only disadvantage of this thing is that it is not too many. Even in this fleet, only the captains of those large battleships have one. The captains of small battleships have no such thing and can only rely on primitive communication. the way. As for what you said about the original communication method, I can only tell you that it is not by roar anyway.

After the Gun God took out the communication stone, he shouted into it immediately, "Chairman, let the battleship change the energy bomb to try. The Frost Rose Alliance battleship on the opposite side seems to have some ability to destroy the physical ammunition. Our first round All attacks were ineffective. "

"What? I see. Wait a minute."

After hearing the report of the Gun God, Yusina also stunned, but quickly issued an order for the warship to start changing weapons. Originally, the old battleships of the Rainbow Alliance had no energy weapons or few energy weapons, but because these flying battleships were newly purchased black technology battleships, they had a large number of energy weapons.

There is no way we can change the Rainbow Alliance's energy weapons. The beams emitted by the surrounding Rainbow Alliance battleships hit our junior super aerospace battleships immediately after being splashed by Mars, but because of the propulsion ring outside our battleships acting as an energy absorption system, and the external armor on the back also partially absorbed. Ability to offset energy attacks. Therefore, the attack of the opponent did not cause us any actual damage, but after all, it was effective. The Gun God looked at the attack results and held the communication stone. "The energy supply is useful, but the opponent's defense seems to be very strong, and the attack effect is minimal. You can let them try mixed ammunition again."


The so-called mixed munitions are actually ordinary artillery shells engraved with magic formations. This kind of artillery shell itself is a normal artillery shell, which is a physical attack, but because there is a magic array outside, it will carry a certain magic attack, and the biggest advantage of this design is not here. Rather, this is because it can also cause some physical ammunition that has been neutralized to have lethality. Gunslinger intends to try this ability to see if this hybrid ammunition can be lethal.

In fact, the God of Guns really got it right.

Although the scale-like exterior armored deck outside our junior Super Aviation battleship is engraved with a virtual force, it can let the shells of physical attack directly pass through. But this imaginary array is not a perfect one because it is a mixed magic array. Although there are multiple magic array structures on it, they cannot take effect at the same time. In other words, when an energy supply occurs, the virtual array will temporarily fail. This interval is instantaneous, as long as there is a time interval between the energy attack and the physical attack. Even if it is only a few tenths of a second, there is no problem, but this composite artillery shell is a combination of energy and physical attacks. Therefore, this external armor can actually only play a role in reducing the damage against this type of shell.

As the gunship where the gun **** was located fired a test ammunition at our junior super aerospace warship, the gun **** immediately saw a large group of flames burst out from the outer hull of our hull armor. You can also see that the location that was hit seemed to be a bit of an ignition star, and the hexagonal armor plate at that place appeared to have burnt marks.

This situation made the gun **** roar excitedly. "Effective. President, please tell everyone to change the mixed ammunition. This ammunition is effective for enemy ships."

Yusina also smiled slightly after hearing the report of the Gun God. Obviously she was also very happy with what the Gun God found out. I heard that Yusina was actually very nervous when the physical ammunition was invalid. Although there are many warships, if the attack is completely invalid, the battle will still be one-sided. But now she was completely relieved, and sure enough things were not as bad as she expected. A completely invincible battleship is impossible. The battleships of our Frost Rose Alliance can only ignore physical attacks.

The notified Rainbow Alliance fleet all replaced with mixed ammunition, and then began to aim at the warships on our side, firing, and we saw a burst of flames constantly on the armor of our junior Super Aviation battleship. And because of the continuous shots in many positions, the glittering hexagonal scale armor on the outside was broken by several pieces.

Seeing this situation, the gun **** is even happier.

Gunslinger originally planned to come up with his own weapons and also come up a few times. Although his weapon is used by a single player, it is the most powerful weapon in the world after all, so the gun power of the gun **** is not much worse than those of the naval guns, and even some medium caliber guns are not as good as him. The gun is powerful. This is still the result of the gun **** not using special ammunition. If you replace those gold coin bombs, the power of the gun of the gun **** is absolutely shocking.

However, just as the Gun God was about to come a few times, he heard a short and rapid siren. Upon hearing this voice, the gun **** immediately snapped, then hesitated a little, or quickly put away the spear just taken out and started running into the cabin.

The voice of Gunner has been heard several times along the way. This is the blast before the teleportation started. It is to tell everyone to hide inside the ship. Although the transmission is not the same as the subspace submarine, the submarine submarine is actually more dangerous during the transmission process, so it is not possible to stand outside the ship during the transmission process. Although the defense of the Gunslinger was enough to allow him to complete the teleportation outside the hull without causing danger to his life, he would still lose a large section of blood. The gun **** is not stupid, what's the matter? So after only two seconds of hesitation, he made a decision to get back into the ship.

Just as people on the side of the Rainbow Alliance drilled into the warship they were in, a warning sound suddenly sounded inside the bridge on our side: "Warning, space energy fluctuations detected, confirming that the enemy has opened space teleportation. Matrix, all warships activate the space energy filler, ready to locate the target fluctuation signal. "

"Is it started?" A few of us got together and looked nervously at the front of the console ~ ~ Although the invader is the captain, this junior super aviation battleship is newly built, so the invader is not Understand the operation method, and only cooperate with Woma to command. Woma pressed a few times in front of the console at this time, and then said: "The enemy has already begun, everyone quickly find a place to grab a fixed object. Our operation will definitely cause space instability, and it will probably be very bumpy for a while. "

"You don't need to worry about us, just control the conveyor."

Immediately after I finished speaking, Woma immediately shouted: "The target wave capture is completed, the docking process is started, and the ships pay attention, the solar furnace is started at full power, the space suppressor is released, and energy injection is started."

After the operation on our side, in the two teleportation ships on the side of the Rainbow Alliance, several operators looked at the energy display in front of them in confusion and said, "Strange, why is this gathering so fast? That charger Is it possible to upgrade? "(The novel" From scratch "will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat and click the" + "sign on the top right "Add friend", search for the public account "qdread" and follow it, speed up!) (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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