Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 382: Hit you 1 foot

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People in the Rainbow League are of course weird, because this space jumping device is very energy consuming. Alas, even if they are using a dedicated space jumping ship, the entire ship's power is used to recharge this jumping device. But after all, this is to jump with the entire Rainbow Alliance fleet. This range jumps, and there is no receiving end, you can only forcibly tear the space to jump with everyone, this energy consumption is not so strange.

Because the energy consumption is very large, such devices start up very slowly. The reason for the rainbow league ’s fleet to jump between five minutes is actually only three minutes for cooling and more than one minute for charging the device.

However, this time is different from so many previous jumps. The controller on the side of the Rainbow Alliance just started the starter of the jumping device, and then found that the progress bar showing the amount of energy filling is rising at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. This speed is at least three or four times the previous, which means that It takes almost two minutes to complete the recharge, and now it only takes about thirty seconds to complete.

At first these people were just wondering why the filling speed was so fast, but soon their expressions began to change from doubt to panic, because after the progress bar had completed the blue scale, when they pulled down the energy supply gate At that time, the progress bar was still walking, and the speed did not drop significantly. It still passed the green range and entered the yellow area at the same speed as before.

This progress bar is actually made up of a series of densely-arranged spar, and there is a line drawn with paint on top of this row of spar. The leftmost side of this line is about 80% of the length. If the position of the spar below is on the blue area. That means there is not enough energy, and if you reach the green area, it means that the energy is sufficient. However, if you charge too much and you reach the yellow area, you are not a problem. The yellow area indicates exceeding the standard. But it still works, there is no danger, it just wastes energy. After the yellow range, there is a short red, which represents the danger zone. Once the energy reaches this range, it cannot be transmitted because it is likely to cause the system to overload and then explode. If the progress bar really turns red, the solution is to release the pressure, let the energy go free, and the entire system must be shut down. Then wait for it to cool down and check again to make sure there is no problem before using it again.

Although these are written on the instruction manual, because this thing is very slow to charge, as long as it is not negligent, you can accurately stop it in the green area by looking at the progress bar. In this range on the left half of the area, even the middle point of the green area is rarely reached. However, this time it seemed like it was going crazy and rushed across the green area. Even if the energy supply is cut off, the gadget is still running up. And the speed doesn't drop at all.

Seeing that the progress bar quickly ran through most of the yellow areas and hit the red area, the cold sweat on the heads of several operators came down instantly, but they didn't know what to do. They will only follow the instructions written in the operation manual. Once there is something not mentioned in the operation manual, they immediately get blind. This is the disadvantage of buying someone else's warship.

Our Frost Rose Alliance battleships were built by us. Not only do we know how those things are assembled, we also know why doing so can produce such an effect, that is, knowing why and why. Therefore, when our warship encountered some unplanned situations. Our people can quickly think of a solution, because they can probably guess what is going on. But people from the Rainbow Alliance ca n’t do it anymore. Their warships are all bought. What are the principles of these warships? They are obscured, so they do n’t know what else to do except to follow the operation manual. .

Just when these people were so confused and didn't know what to do, the communication stone in one of them suddenly sounded. Yusina's voice came from the stone. "Hey, what's wrong with you? There is space turbulence all around us. Just now, the mast of the No. 3 ship was cut off by a three-dimensional crack in the dimension crack. Can't you be more stable on your side? What's so fast about charging? We're not in a hurry! "

As soon as Yusina had finished scolding, she heard a crying voice across from her. "President, it's none of our business! This thing is out of control. The recharge progress has reached the red line and is still going up. We have thought of everything, but we can't stop!"

"What?" Yusina was shocked when she heard the bad news. She didn't expect anything wrong with the transmission. This stuff was just bought by them. The people on the ship just had a surprise training. Many people took instructions to watch and operate. In this case, you expect a few people to solve the emergency situation. ? What? Why do n’t you ask the staff for guidance without asking the seller?

Yes, they do provide technical guidance, but the problem is that they have said that technical personnel are very precious and cannot accompany you to the battlefield. If you are willing to let someone guide you in the back, they will guarantee to teach you, but if you want to go to the battlefield, then I am sorry, our technicians will not follow you to death.

Does Yusina have time for these people to train slowly in the rear? Obviously not, so they can only let their own people hold the manual to figure out the operation and then directly open it. Of course, in the beginning, Yusina thought that at most it was a discount on combat effectiveness, but now it seems that it is far from simple.

Although Yusina didn't understand any operation herself, she was smart, so she immediately thought of a solution. "You bastards, can't you shut down the energy gate if you can't shut down the machine? Even if it's broken, it's better than blowing up the entire fleet together!"

Yusina's words were a wake-up call to those in the dream. Those who had no idea what to do immediately responded. They frantically searched for something good to break the controller, even if the charge stopped. No, as long as the transmission device does not start. The space door will not fully open without teleporting, and at most after that, their ship exploded due to energy overload. The power of this explosion is, at best, blasting itself and causing minor damage to nearby warships. It is impossible to sink other warships of your own. The anti-seismic fleet has now arrived not far from Isinger. Even if you do n’t jump, you can reach the place very quickly, so whether the transport ship is damaged or not is not a big problem.

Although these people wanted to immediately smash the equipment in front of them, what made them helpless was the new ship. Everyone who has moved home should know that when they first moved into a new house, they were not the same as those that have lived for a long time. If you live in an old house, there will definitely be a lot of daily necessities in the house, and you can get some commonly used things at your fingertips. But the new house is different. The furniture and the house are new, and most of the carry-on items are placed in the cabinet or in a packed state, so the home will look particularly clean, and basically no small things will be seen.

This is also the case in the control room of this transport ship. If the warship has been used for a long time, the people on the ship will unconsciously bring something in, and then there will be more mops, brooms, coffee cups and the like in the cabin. However, this is a new ship. The clean mice in the cabin could not find where to go when they came in. At a glance, there was nothing to move except the device fixed on the wall.

It doesn't matter if there are combatants here. It's very simple to draw a weapon out of hand, but the problem is that all of them are technicians and they are all living occupations. They have no habit of carrying weapons at all. As a result, this group of people is completely tragedy.

Fortunately, there was a guy who responded very quickly, and opened the door and rushed out. He returned in less than five seconds. There is also a red jar in my hand. Seeing things in his hands, people around him also reacted, except for a fire storage room in this corridor. There was not only a fire extinguisher but also a fire ax for breaking the door.

This guy was holding a fire extinguisher in one hand and a fire axe in the other. After entering, he threw a fire extinguisher directly to his companion, and then went to the operating platform with the axe. However, as soon as he raised his axe, the progress indicator bar that had already reached his head burst suddenly. Then the arc flashed on the entire operation platform, all the controllers and instruments began to burst, and he exploded before he actively destroyed the console. However, although the console exploded, their danger was not removed.

Inside the bridge of our Junior Super Aviation battleship. The voice of the controller reported loudly: "The controller of the target teleporter is damaged and unable to activate the space channel, and each ship is ready to take over control. Energy guidance begins, with this ship as the core, to increase the strength of the energy channel, and start the countdown. ,three……"

With the countdown here, the entire Rainbow Alliance fleet and our six junior super aerospace warships were surrounded by a dense blue arc, but this space was not illuminated by the arc, but was getting darker. Already. When the countdown reaches one, the entire area has completely turned into a huge black sphere. This sphere is as dark as ink and looks like a black hole, but you can really feel that it is there.

The black sphere began to shrink immediately after it was closed, and it disappeared into the space in two seconds. The scene was the same as the previous jump, and there was nothing left.

After the black hole disappeared, everyone in the Rainbow Alliance's fleet stared at the boss, because they found that they were floating slowly, and some unfixed objects around them were slowly floating up.

"No gravity space?" Someone cried out in surprise.

A quick response also reminded loudly: "Not necessarily, maybe not gravity-free, but we are falling freely."

If an object is doing free fall, it will be essentially gravity-free before hitting the ground. Of course, this gravity-free just feels like gravity-free, not to say that gravity has really disappeared.

Although I don't know why this happens, the surrounding anomalies have made these Rainbow Alliance people nervous. They have jumped many times before coming here, so they know what a normal jump is like. But this situation is obviously wrong. Although only a few people knew about those messages that Yusina heard, most people didn't know that there was a problem with the transmission, but they can guess from their surroundings to their current status.

Not only did they not feel gravity in this place, but the terrible light around them was very dim, though not completely black. But only the occasional white light spots across the window can provide a small number of light sources, and in addition, it is a pitch black with no fingers.

This dark, non-gravity environment is very depressing. People in the Rainbow Alliance are particularly nervous because they don't know what happened. However, just when Yusina was going to do something to appease the crowd, the surrounding area suddenly lighted up, and then the gravity suddenly recovered without waiting for everyone to close their eyes. Many people have fallen asleep.

In fact, those who fell were lucky. The most unfortunate thing was that an artillery shell on a battleship had exploded, blasting the hull out of a large hole.

This ship also participated in the shelling of the junior super aerospace warships in our guild. After filling in a round of conventional ammunition, Yusina suddenly said that the conventional ammunition was invalid, and ordered the ships to change the compound ammunition.

The loaders on such warships can only load automatically, and they cannot return the shells filled in the cannon to the ammunition depot, so they can only manually discharge the shells and temporarily set them aside. Originally, this place also had ammunition racks, which could fix artillery shells, but they were unlucky when they did not expect to encounter a gravity-free environment. If it's just a simple shake. The ammunition rack can stabilize the shell from falling down and explode, but it was in a weightless state at that time. The shell flew directly out of the ammunition rack. When the gravity recovered, the shell rushed down and hit the ground. Because they had been fighting before, the people here had forgotten so much that they did not remove the fuze. As a result, the shells that hit the ground exploded.

The explosion was one of the most unlucky in the Rainbow League. Fortunately, other warships have not encountered this situation.

Yusina also saw the explosion, but she had no time to care what was going on there. What she is most concerned about now is her own position and the surrounding environment.

"The units report the situation." Yusina yelled and urged everyone to move.

There was a busy moment in the bridge, and then a player yelled: "Unknown coordinates, unable to locate."

"The environment is unrecognizable. We are no longer on the surface of the sea. Below are hilly landforms, all of them are forests, and no cities can be seen."

"The vegetation cannot be identified. The location cannot be determined."

Several players reported the situation separately, while Yusina could only listen.

At this time, someone reported: "Frost Rose Alliance battleships are leaving our formation."

Yusina jumped up as if she had suddenly thought of something: "Don't be dazed, catch up. They must know what this is. Even if they don't know, they must be beaten down first."

Of course, Yusina's words were resolutely implemented. All the Rainbow Alliance warships moved quickly, and they accelerated to chase after our six warships. but. Before the speed of their warships had risen, they suddenly found something that surprised them with their chins.

Because Yusina's ship was the first to pursue, although they were originally a little bit ahead of the core of the fleet, they actually ran to the front of the entire fleet. Because of its position in front, Yusina in the bridge can clearly see the front of our Frost Rose Alliance battleships, and those white photon bands that are slowly forming below the battleships.

After ten seconds of waiting, Yusina suddenly responded and shouted, "Hurry, attack, they are going to sub-space submarine!"

"What? The Frost Rose Alliance's warships can conduct subspace submarine diving?" Everyone felt incredible when they heard such words, but now they have no time to wonder, but they must fire quickly because they all know that regardless of our Frost Rose What is the original speed of the Alliance ’s warships? As long as we enter the subspace submarine state, they will definitely lose their targets, because the warships entering the subspace submarine state cannot be found, and we only need to find after entering the subspace submarine state. Driving in these directions for a period of time, as long as it is not coincidentally so unlucky that their speed and course are exactly the same, it is tantamount to leaving their line of sight. Therefore, if Yusina wants to stay with us, the only hope is to fire and destroy our snorkeling status before we dive.

Although Yusina's idea was correct, unfortunately, objective conditions determined that they couldn't do it at all, just when they were about to open fire, they found that our six battleships suddenly lit with orange-red flames, and then these six The battleships began to get smaller within their line of sight. This is a phenomenon in which we are accelerating. Obviously, our warships are much faster than their warships even without subspace submarine. The pursuit just now is the best proof. Although people in the Rainbow Alliance do not know whether our speed has suddenly erupted in a short time or they can continue to be so fast, anyway, they can't catch up now, and we can enter the subspace submersible state in only ten seconds. It was useless to catch up.

In fact, our fleet only flew that exaggerated speed for a few seconds and turned off the red light. But because the acceleration is already up, it won't slow down immediately, and because the distance has been widened, the people of the Rainbow Alliance will never take us for granted. We can only watch as we sink into the white light galaxy a little bit, and then after the photon band has completely disappeared, without the order of Yusina, all warships begin to slow down consciously. The place where they are now is a place they do not know at all. It is not a good habit to run around in such a situation that they don't know southeast and northwest, and they don't know when they can go back. Although the energy on board is relatively sufficient, the ghost knows that there is no place to add it. If there is not enough energy to find the direction to go back, then it will be over.

"President!" A player whispered, standing beside Yusina. Yusina had stood there for a long time, and no one else knew what to do. Apparently, the wrong transmission and the pursuit of the target just hit Yusina hard.

In fact, when the players on the Rainbow Alliance are in chaos, our side is also very busy, because we don't know where this is.

We used subspace submarine to get out of the sight of the Rainbow Alliance fleet and then came out of the subspace. At this time, we were 600 kilometers behind the Rainbow Alliance fleet. And we have already started the mirage system. It is impossible to see if we are not close. The mirage system of our guild has developed to the third generation. This is basically the iconic technology of our guild. Of course, these six junior super aviation warships are also equipped with this thing. With a distance of 600 kilometers and this mirage system, it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to find us.

Of course, people in the Rainbow Alliance do not see us, but it does not mean that we do not see them. Right in front of our fleet. A small reconnaissance ship was suspended about 100 kilometers from the Rainbow Alliance fleet. These are the standard auxiliary ships on the junior Super Aviation battleships, and they are equipped with three ships as standard. This thing is actually the most commonly used pilot ship in our fleet, which is a kind of auxiliary ship responsible for providing long-range fire guidance and front enemy reconnaissance for the main force. Of course, because the junior super aerospace warship is an air warship rather than a surface ship, this reconnaissance ship is also an airship instead of a surface ship.

Inherited the characteristics of the old pilot ship. This reconnaissance ship has the same design concept. A mirage system, ultra-small protective cover, a small amount of self-defense firepower, a super-aperture viewing platform, a triangulation calculator, and of course the most important-super-standard thruster are standard. Obviously it is only a small reconnaissance ship less than 300 tons, but it is equipped with two battleship-level thrusters. This flexibility and extreme speed can scare people. If you start the power to the limit when starting, the acceleration can be Kill everyone on board directly. But it is because of its speed and camouflage ability that it is beyond imagination, so its survivability is so strong.

Of course, we are not just sending out a reconnaissance ship. There are actually seven or eight reconnaissance mobile angels in front of the reconnaissance ship. The shapes of these mobile angels are different from the ordinary mobile angels. Their heads are very strange. One big and one small. And the big eye is directly an optical lens with a diameter of fifteen centimeters. You can count how many hairs are above your head two kilometers away. These eight mobile angels are hidden in the forest below the Rainbow Alliance. Anyway, the mobile angels are not too large. Although the reconnaissance mobile angels do not have a mirage system, they have jungle camouflage, so they hide in the forest and observe a large fleet. Still very safe.

Let our reconnaissance unit hang the Rainbow Alliance fleet in order to be able to attack them when necessary, but we ourselves have encountered a little trouble now.

This so-called trouble is that we are now as lost as the Rainbow Alliance fleet.

Although the previous jump was because we deliberately kicked the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet to make them jump over their heads, we had no intention of jumping with them. The plan was to kick them and let them fly over, and then we anchored ourselves in this space with the help of space anchors, and then we could wait for the Rainbow Alliance fleet to disappear.

but. In the end, the two transport ships in the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet were not effective, and their control system was out of order. Therefore, if we do n’t leave, then the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet will not go away. We need to send the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet away. , The only way is that we will follow along.

We have only six Junior Super Aviation battleships. Although these are new battleships, they are not only powerful, but also expensive, but after all, they are not comparable to Isinger's value, so we made a simple decision to follow the Rainbow Alliance fleet.

The advantage of this is that Essinger must be fine, because we have taken all the enemies away. But this decision has also brought benefits to Rainbow Alliance, that is, they are all here now.

This is not the case if we follow the plan at the outset. Our original idea was to fill the excess energy and overload the two Rainbow Alliance transport ships. After that, their jumping devices will not be able to be closed, and will only be forced to be sent away. But because the energy is overloaded during the jump, they will definitely skip the place, that is, fly to another plane, and the two overloaded transport ships will definitely disintegrate in advance because of the overload, and then the jump process will lose control. .

Once the transport ship exploded, it was completely out of control. Those Rainbow Alliance fleets that were originally gathered together will be thrown out of hyperspace, because they are not separated from themselves. It was thrown out, so these warships will not all land in one place. To be precise, they will not even land in one world, but don't fall on different planes. In other words, the fleet will fall behind while flying, until finally all the warships are scattered on different planes. Of course, it is also possible that some ships will be together. But most battleships are lost.

These scattered and scattered warships are bound to fall, so it is almost impossible for the Rainbow Alliance fleet to have combat power, so let alone they cannot come back, even if they can come back one by one, as long as they do not come back together. Then we can kill them one by one.

However, because the opponent's teleporter could not control the energy in advance, we had to take over the task of the teleporter to help them complete the teleport, otherwise the Rainbow Alliance fleet could not finish our Isinger. However, if our warships do not want to commit suicide, they cannot be rashly closed during the teleportation process. Therefore, we did a complete teleportation. As a result, although the Rainbow Alliance fleet was sent to this strange world, at least the fleet was still together . This can be regarded as a blessing from misfortune.

Although theoretical uploads to such other planes should be impossible, I'm not too worried. This so-called can not afford to return should mean that the fleet can't go back, but people should still be able to go back. There is even an insurance on my side to ensure that everyone on our side can return safely, and this insurance is the door to the earth. Just borrow a word from the Mother Earth's garden. Then you can walk directly to the Mother Earth Temple to return to the normal plane. Of course, this overturn can only leave people, and the battleship is definitely not going to pass.

In fact, even if I do n’t need the gate of the earth, I know there must be a way back to Isinger from here. There is no real closed space in the game. There are connections between any world. Even if it is an eighteen-layer **** known as a black hole, haven't black me and me come out of it? So let's not talk about people. Even warships can definitely go back. The key is whether you can find this way.

Of course, there is one more thing we must do before we go back, that is, we must get rid of the Rainbow Alliance fleet.

Like I said, there must be a way to get back to our plane. If we leave the Rainbow Alliance fleet here, what if they suddenly find the way back, and then appear in Isinger? ? In order to eliminate this hidden danger, the best way is to get the fleet in advance.

Don't look at the fact that we only have six ships, but in this situation without any worries, we really have confidence in the Rainbow Alliance fleet. You need to know that our ship is far better than them in terms of range, power, protection, or speed. Before, it was because of Isinger's presence that we were able to run the monk and couldn't run the temple, so we could not be forced. But it's different now. We are on the ectopic plane. Without the property of our guild, we can fight guerrilla warfare. Anyway, they can't catch up with us and they can't hit us. We can sniper in the distance, or ambush and sneak up, as soon as we have the advantage, they run quickly, anyway, they can't catch up with us. When their warships are almost hit, we can get them.

It can be said that my idea is still good. Of course, time is not infinite. Because although the Rainbow Alliance fleet was brought over, the people from Russia are still there. We are not the only enemy of the Rainbow Alliance. There are still a lot of people in Russia waiting in line to fight us!

"Did the investigating units spill out?" I sat in the bridge and asked the King's current situation.

The Chuang Wang reported: "The reconnaissance units have been dispatched. Except for those who monitor the Rainbow Alliance fleet, others have searched out with our location as the center."

"Did you find anything now?"

"The information currently found is that the vegetation coverage here is very high, and there are many animals in the forest, and there are some things about Warcraft. This is basically similar to the main map. It is basically the same as the main map environment except that it cannot be located. . "

"Is there any danger?"

"So far, there are no creatures that are not too threatening. At most, it is intermediate and advanced Warcraft, which can be handled by a high-level player. It is not too dangerous."

"How is our spaceship now?"

"A total of eleven pieces of external armor of the six junior super aerospace warships were destroyed. In addition, eight pieces were damaged, and the others were hardly damaged." Woma added: "The external armor is of a standard structure, and there is no difference in position. Replace it at will, so we have equipped each ship with two thousand spare plug-in armors. It is not a big deal to destroy a dozen. "

I nodded and said, "That means that we are in good shape. Then let's talk about the state of the enemy."

"We do n’t know what the internal state of the enemy is because there is no detection of mosquitoes. It is impossible to detect the internal situation of the other party. However, the Rainbow Alliance fleet still has 327 air warships, two of which have been scrapped. Flying, but their transmission devices have been completely burned, and the two have no weapons themselves, so now basically they can only be used as spare parts for other spacecraft. And I am very doubtful if the people of the Rainbow Alliance will repair it. "Worma said disdainfully.

Hongyue also nodded: "I don't think they will. Everything is bought. Even if someone gives you a repair manual, will you repair it if you look at it?"

"That's to say that their ship killed one less ship?" Cristina asked.

I poured cold water on everyone: "Our own ship also killed one ship and one less. Don't forget that we have no supplies here! The arrogant ideas are all put away. The number of enemies is more than 50 of us Times, pride is not this time! "

"Sorry President!"

"Okay, I just remind you. Keep reporting on the enemy."

"Okay," Warma continued. "The enemy's remaining 325 warships other than teleporters were damaged to varying degrees, and a dozen of them were barely able to fly. These were previously blocked by our interception fleet. Called out. "

King Chuang said angrily when he heard this: "If there were not too few warships, they would not have one left."

"Okay, we will take this hate sooner or later." I asked, "What specific information is there?"

"So much for now ~ ~ We don't dare to be too close, so the information collection can only be like this."

"Okay, then keep an eye on the other side. Let's try to investigate the situation nearby to confirm the security issues in the area. If there is no third-party threat here, we can start a harassment and harassment war against the Rainbow Alliance."

"Understood." The crowd promised, and they all dispersed to busy sending someone out for investigation, while I was in charge of commanding.

Compared to our planned actions here, the Rainbow Alliance has basically recovered a little from the previous chaos, but it is clear that there is still time to start planned actions. Gun God has returned to the bridge where Yusina is located, but neither of them has a good expression. It was already a surefire thing, but in the end it turned out to be this way, no one could be happy.

"What shall we do?" Yusina asked with a glance at the **** of guns. (The novel "From scratch" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" on the upper right and search the public No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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