Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 383: Urgent task

Volume 20 Chapter 13 Urgent Tasks

"Okay," Aphrodite finally nodded after thinking for a long time: "I agree to help."

"OK, then I'll make an agreement for you right away."

Aphrodite said disdainfully: "Agreement? What I promised will be achieved, and no agreement is needed at all. Besides, even if you do draw up an agreement, if I don't implement it, are there any other ways to punish you? Me? "Speaking here probably presumed the reality that I was caught here, Aphrodite added:" If you really want to punish me, it is the same whether there is an agreement. You think so Is something useful? "

I did not deny Aphrodite's words. This kind of agreement is actually shown to a third party. For example, if two companies sign a contract in reality, if there is any dispute after that, the contract is mainly for the court, not the parties themselves. Therefore, if there is not an absolutely powerful third party, the signing of the agreement between the two parties will have no effect. This is why things like tearing up agreements often happen in real countries, because there is no strong third party to guarantee the reliability of the agreement, and tearing up the agreement has little practical effect except being condemned by public opinion. .

Although Aphrodite's words made sense, I did not intend to give up the work of signing the agreement, because Aphrodite did not know that I actually had a strong and binding third party here.

"It's best to sign the agreement, but wait a minute. I have to invite a notary. If anyone of us breaks the agreement, the notary will punish the party that violated the contract."

Aphrodite also thought that the agreement was useless anyway, so I had no opinion on what I had been asking for to sign the agreement. After she nodded, I quickly summoned the gate of the earth, and then rushed in. Just as Aphrodite marveled at the horror that emanated from the earth's gate outside, I ran out of the earth's gate with a little girl who looked like a teenager.

Although the little girl I brought out was very cute and looked like a beautiful little doll, Aphrodite now felt that her entire spine was numb. She wasn't excited, but scared. Because at this moment the lovely little girl was experiencing a circle of terrible fluctuations of power, and Aphrodite felt that her power seemed to be a bowl of water in front of the little girl ’s power. The difference in the whole sea is negligible.

"Come here, let me introduce you." I took the little girl to Aphrodite and stretched out my hand. "This is Aphrodite, the beautiful **** of the Olympians." After that, I introduced Aphrodite to him in turn: "This is the sixth mother of the earth among the top ten gods."

"Up, up ... upper god?" Aphrodite was obviously snoring when she spoke, and I even thought she might faint at any time.

Of course I know the reason for Aphrodite's nervousness, and it is naturally my intention to invite the mother of the earth out. Of course, I hope that the Mother of Earth can come to our guarantee agreement, but it is my intention to ask the Mother of Earth to make a positive contact with Aphrodite. The purpose is to scare Aphrodite so that she can seriously replace it. We work.

Seeing Aphrodite trembling like a pendulum, the Mother of the Earth suddenly said: "Don't be afraid of me, poor child. Although I am much stronger than you, I am not a low-lying creature that kills. In fact we are superior God is the original **** who assisted the ring of commandment to create the world. All life in this world can be considered our children, so you do n’t have to be afraid of me. Unless someone wants to challenge the whole world, destroy the laws of the world, or have directness to me Provocative, otherwise I will definitely not attack any creature. This time I have heard what Ziri said, I am only responsible for guaranteeing the fairness of the agreement and will not do anything to you. You can start now And Ziri have drawn up the content of the agreement. You can rest assured that I will guarantee that both of you will sign the contract on a voluntary basis, and will not allow any of you to threaten the other party to force the other party to accept the other party ’s unwilling agreement. " The mother paused for a moment, then her voice turned cold, and she said in a very serious tone, "But since I came to guarantee this The fairness of the agreement, then once the agreement goes into effect, I will ensure that it is completed. If either of you violates the agreement, I will give the violating party the necessary punishment in the way stated in the agreement. I say it and I I believe no one can stop me from fulfilling my promise. "

Mother Earth's words are definitely better than the credibility of the bank, and at least she can't stop the words in the game. Of course, although Mother Earth said it was fair, in this case, I suddenly let her appear in front of Aphrodite, and she had already exerted strong psychological pressure on Aphrodite. It ’s like if you sign an agreement with someone, and the other party finds the chairman of our country as a notary, even if the country president says he absolutely guarantees justice, after all, people are invited by the other party. Do you think in your heart No idea at all?

The situation is the same now. The Mother of Earth did say that she would maintain justice, and the credibility of the superior **** is very reliable, but the problem is that the Mother of Earth was invited by me, and obviously it seems to have a good relationship with me. How could Aphrodite be under no pressure at all under this premise?

Because Aphrodite was scared by the breath of Mother Earth, the negotiations that followed were very smooth. On the one hand, the general content was negotiated before. On the other hand, according to the agreement, I must release Aphrodite before she can help me with the work. Therefore, Aphrodite did not worry that I would not confess the account. Under the influence, Aphrodite quickly signed the agreement with me.

The content of this agreement is actually very simple. It is not as complicated as the actual commercial contract. It is more like an oral agreement. The only difference is that we recorded it on paper.

There are only a few agreements. The first is that we must first release Aphrodite and ensure her safe return to the Olympus Protoss, and if necessary, even actively cooperate with her to perform the theater to help her gain the trust of her people. Secondly, after returning, Aphrodite must actively help us to detect the tone of all Olympus Protoss in the shortest possible time to determine whether the other party is likely to betray the Olympus Protoss. Then Aphrodite must Tell us about the list of people who may have defected. Third, Aphrodite must not disclose any content of this operation in any way before we officially take these people away, otherwise it will be a breach of contract.

The agreement contains these three articles, followed by two penalties. If our party violates the agreement, the Mother Earth will be responsible for safely returning Aphrodite to the Olympus Protoss and killing me completely, which is the type equivalent to being killed back to Novice Village. Of course, if the punishment is serious, I am not afraid, anyway, I have no intention to breach the contract.

If it was Aphrodite who violated the agreement, the punishment would be to capture her back and put her in shackles, making her a godhead who would only be loyal to me without any other thinking. In addition, if she breaks the agreement, her good friend Athena will be arrested together and she will receive the same punishment. Such double insurance can ensure that Aphrodite will never leak the secret. After all, if it is not her unlucky one who defaults, she will also implicate her good friend Athena.

After the signing of the final agreement, the original agreement was taken away by the mother of the earth, and the relationship between me and Aphrodite was slightly eased. Although Aphrodite still felt that she had been fooled, the agreement had been signed, and she had never figured out what was wrong, so in the end she could only act as planned.

Originally, after the agreement was signed, I planned to take Aphrodite to arrange the bitter plan, but I did not expect that I had just taken Aphrodite to go to Wina, and I suddenly heard the system prompt. "Player Ziri noticed that someone pressed your call bell, you can choose to go offline immediately or ignore it."

Suddenly I heard this prompt and I was stunned. But since someone rang the bell, I had to look at it first. Of course, I didn't plan to go offline immediately, but called Hades first and asked him to help arrange Aphrodite's return to the Olympian Protoss. Of course, I also notified the God of War to provide various assistance. I just said hello to the **** of war, and when I was going to explain two lines of guild affairs, suddenly the system prompt rang again.

"Player Ziri, please note that your call bell is kept pressed and you will be forced to exit after seven seconds, seven, six, five, ..."

"Fuck, what's so urgent?" I complained and chose to quit directly. The system screen immediately disconnected, the surrounding light flickered, and the various sensory signals on my body suddenly restored the connection.

When the physical body recovered its senses, my first feeling was to find myself soaking in the water. I opened my eyes and realized that I was floating in the cultivation tank.

"Fuck, why do you change places again? It seems that the wireless connection is not good."

Since the last time I was forced to go offline because I had to make adjustments to my body, I now generally use the wireless network connection used in games. The advantage of this is that in reality, if researchers want to make adjustments to me, they do n’t need to Wake up and change the room. Anyway, the current wireless network can cover the whole world. As long as they don't get me out of the earth's orbit, there is no need to wake me up. However, this is fine without being interrupted halfway, but it feels strange that I almost change places every time I wake up. It's as if you were sleeping in your own bed at night, and you woke up early in the morning and suddenly found yourself sleeping on a bus bench. The feeling of chaos in time and space is really uncomfortable.

As the senses gradually adapted, I found that I was now being installed in a huge culture tank, but at this time the liquid level in the culture tank was rapidly falling, and through the glass panel on the front of the culture tank, I could see that the outside was still Several people stood.

As the liquid level dropped rapidly, my feet finally touched the ground, and then the liquid level started to drop faster. Soon the liquid was completely drawn out. The glass panel in front of it also disappeared when the liquid level completely disappeared. . I directly jumped out of the frame of the glass door, and a researcher beside me quickly handed over a bath towel. I took a bath towel and wiped the pale green culture solution still dripping from my body. I looked directly at a researcher next to me and asked, "What's the matter, so anxious to wake me up?"

Before the researcher had time to speak, one of the young men in the group of raw faces wearing military uniforms who stood opposite asked and said, "You are the Cyborg?" Although the term Cyborg is not entirely wrong, But when this guy said these words, he showed a scornful and overlooking attitude, as if he was asking his new babysitter.

"Please pay attention to your words." As I returned the towel to the researcher next to me, I reached out and took a large bathrobe over my body.

"I ..." The young man seemed to want to get angry when he heard what I said, but an officer next to him grabbed him and said to me, "Brigadier General Shenlin, we have a mission that needs your cooperation this time, because things are very difficult It ’s urgent, so I can only wake you up directly. I think if you find it convenient, we'd better find a place to talk about the specific thing right away. "

As soon as I heard that there was a task that required my cooperation, I said nothing, and the attitude of the person was pretty good. After nodding my head, I said directly to him: "Thank you guys to go to the lounge with this researcher and wait for a while. I need a few minutes to wash and change clothes."

The young man wanted to rush forward when he heard this, and was held down again. The middle-aged officer nodded directly: "Okay, let's wait, but please try as quickly as possible, our task is urgent."

Upon hearing this, I turned my head and asked, "How many people are needed for the task? If we need more than one person on our side, it is best to wake them up now to avoid delays."

As soon as the middle-aged officer wanted to speak, the young man next to him jumped and shouted, "All of you, you are all called."

I fiercely turned my head and stared at the young officer and shouted, "Pay attention to your identity as Lieutenant Colonel. My rank is Brigadier General. You are only a small colonel. When you see a senior officer, you are neither saluting nor standing, and dare to use Speaking in this tone, do you think your rank is higher than me or do you want to die? "

The young man was almost like a rabies attack, and was in a state of extreme excitement from beginning to end, as if waiting to quarrel with others. But before he could speak, he was held down again. The middle-aged officer next to him signaled the accompanying person to hold him, then turned to me and said, "Sorry, this mission involves a person who has a close relationship with him. Personnel, that person may die at any time, so his emotions are more exciting. "

I nodded and said I didn't care. The officer first thanked politely, and then said, "This task belongs to the armed infiltration and rescue of personnel. It is temporarily uncertain whether the personnel are captured or sacrificed, but the rescue must be carried out. The number of enemies is temporarily Too clear, but it can be determined that the equipment is very good and there are a lot of heavy weapons. But we just go to the rescue and not fight the other side, so I think only 50 people are enough. After all, there are too many people and it is easy to expose the target. "

I thought for a moment and asked, "Is the fifty people you mentioned here 50 people from me or 50 people from you?"

"It's 50 of you." The army said, "We'll probably send a team of 150 people on our side, and we'll have 200 people together."

When I heard this guy's words, I immediately said in my heart: "Fuck, that's not enough? There are a lot of people pulling out a two-hundred team." Although I was in my heart, I'm not in a hurry to discuss with them now, so I Directly: "I see, but I don't think there should be so many people. Anyway, I will look at preparations, you go to rest first, I will arrive in five minutes."

After leaving the training room, I first determined where I was. After finding that it was in the headquarters base over Nanjing, I contacted my son-in-law to confirm the map of the base. Then I found a bath in my own lounge and washed away the rest of the body. The culture fluid was changed to a formal military uniform before walking to the reception room. Of course, my son-in-law had been notified to help wake up my men before I took a bath. But this time I didn't call too many people. In addition to the 21 bell knights, I only woken up Ling and Xiaochun as well as Jingjing, Lingling, Yeyue and Aimenis. Six of them plus seven of me, and twenty-one of the 21 ringing knights are twenty-eight. This configuration is quite a lot. Of course, you have to listen to the task introduction first, and you can add more people if necessary.

When I arrived in the lounge, the young man was booming there, and his voice was heard from my ears. Listening to their tone, it seems that this young man has a higher status than those of the officers. Although these people are colonels from the rank of the military, and this guy is only a lieutenant colonel, they have been scolded by him for a long time and dare not return Only the Brigadier General who had spoken to me before seemed to be able to communicate with this guy, but it was obvious that the identity of that person could not hold him back.

Immediately after I opened the door, the person in the room stood up. The Brigadier General also quickly inserted a piece of information into the nearby projection computer, and then introduced the task to the image on the wall.

In fact, the task is very simple, to rescue people from a newly established small country entering South Africa, but the problem is that the international power in this area is relatively chaotic, so our country cannot brazenly send large troops to rescue. However, the government forces and troops of the other small country have heavy weapons and are very barbaric. We do not take our warning seriously. The special forces we sent to rescue the trapped nationals have also happened with their government forces and armed forces. The exchange of fire caused damage to both sides.

Not many people need to be rescued this time, but there are many. The first was more than a hundred Chinese employees in a local Chinese company and more than twenty foreign employees in Europe. The second was a total of twenty-one people from the last batch of special forces. However, at present, how many people are still alive are unknown, because the local communications are now completely chaotic, the electromagnetic bombs on both sides are flying all over the sky, and the targeted protective military weapons can still persist, but can carry external The antenna communication system simply cannot work in this case, because it will burn out as soon as it is turned on.

After the officer introduced the situation, the young man broke free of control and rushed to the computer to call out a material and shouted at me: "This person must be rescued. Certainly, even if you die, she must be alive. I ... "The guy said only a few words and was pressed again, or the brigadier said:" Sorry, he's out of control now. But if possible, please pay attention to this group of people as much as possible. These six Individuals are two interview teams sent by our country. They are responsible for recording this rescue operation. In addition, this one. "The brigadier directly projected a front view of a very beautiful woman in a formal dress on the screen, then said: "This is a well-known reporter and host of the national TV station, Ms. Bai Bingbing. Her identity is special, if possible, please give priority to rescue."

Seeing the woman's appearance, and then looking at the young crazy dog ​​next to me, I pointed my thumb directly at the young man and asked the Brigadier: "His horse?"

Brigadier-General hesitated, but eventually nodded, but he added: "Her family is very powerful, so it's not just for us. We ..."

I reached out and stopped his intention to continue to explain: "No need to explain, I will pay attention. Isn't it a priority to rescue? Anyway, there must be a primary and secondary relationship to save people. In my opinion, the value of these people is It's almost the same, save everyone first. "

Brigadier General nodded his head towards me, even the "mad dog" over there was a little quieter.

"Well, now that the mission is finalized, don't delay. According to the information you provided, these people's material reserves will last up to two days, which is still no accident. But in that environment, I think it's a bit out of place. Accidents are far less unexpected than no accidents. So we'd better start as soon as possible. "

"Yes, yes, immediately." The mad dog rushed out again.

I thought for a moment and thought, "According to your task, even me, we will send 28 people and two dogs. The people on your side will arrange it yourself, but I prefer to act alone. If you are at ease, Better let us go by ourselves. "

The young man shouted directly after hearing my words: "Hum, don't be too arrogant. If it wasn't for my dad to let me take you, I would have taken someone myself."

When I heard the crazy dog's words, I didn't have any mood swings at all, and said directly, "I doubt something."

The mad dog thought it was a task, so he asked directly, "What's the matter?"

"Did your family hold you wrong when they gave birth to you in the hospital. How could your dad be so smart to give birth to your idiot son?"

"You ..." The young man was suppressed as soon as he wanted to get a blast, and the Brigadier General rounded the field to persuade us out of the room.

After leaving the reception room, I directly asked the son-in-law to use the lights and horns in the base to guide the group to the ground airport to wait for me, and I went to merge with Ling Ling and took the equipment together.

When I arrived at the airport with a group of men, the two Phantom II medium transport aircraft were already parked on the runway, and the front one was already full of people and supplies. The youth and the Brigadier General were sitting in the back of the transport aircraft. In addition to them, there were more than fifty special commander soldiers with jungle camouflage on their faces and a pile of messy equipment. However, these people are only special forces of the regular army. Although they are absolutely first-class masters among human beings, they are vulnerable to children like us. Of course, they do n’t know this. As for the Brigadier General and the officers around him, I do n’t know, but the young man certainly does n’t know, otherwise it is difficult for normal people to understand our strength. That kind of attitude to me under the premise.

When a group of us walked into the rear cabin of the aircraft, the plane immediately quieted down, and then until the last person, Skort, reached out and took a picture of the button to close the cabin to relax. Then I heard the mad dog making a wild laugh, and the special soldiers in his laughter talked to each other for a while, but did not show any excessive emotional changes. It can be seen from this that the professional qualities of these people are still quite high.

In fact, according to the perception of normal people, that crazy dog's reaction is the most normal. After all, this is the real world, and everyone's cognition stays at the level of reality. If anyone suddenly saw a group of people wearing gorgeous armors carrying cold weapons on the road, what would they think? Cos show? A certain crew is making a movie? This is all a normal guess. However, it is strange that such a group appeared on an aircraft about to go on a secret dive mission.

"Hahahaha, are you going to act or do something? Are you going to anime show?"

We didn't react at all to that guy's ridiculous ridicule, still doing their own things. We first opened the two boxes that were carried over, then took out a pile of armor parts from the inside, followed Xiao Bai and Bai Lang and walked to us, and we began to hang them in all directions. Load armor.

As a creature that has been cultivated outside the game, Xiaobai naturally grows artificial creatures, while Bailang is formed like my other magic pets by exporting consciousness from the game to external synthetic organisms. They are both modified creatures, and their appearance is similar. They look like two white giant dogs. Of course, this volume is not comparable to ordinary dogs. In particular, Bailang, if not for his slender figure, would be like a polar bear of a smaller size.

When we were on the plane, the special soldiers marveled at the size of the two dogs. Now we are even more surprised to see that we actually wear armor to them. When the six-barreled artillery weapon backpack was hung on them, even with the psychological qualities of these special forces, their mouths could be squeezed into a fist.

After completing the installation of Bailang and Xiaobai, we opened the other boxes, and then took out the standard long sword and hung it around the waist. Then we took out their own long guns and two pistols from the box. All hung on the body, and finally took out a few grenade-like things and hung it on the buckle on the belt of the armor.

When we saw our gorgeous ancient armor and took out the long sword that looks like a beautiful handicraft, these people thought that our nerves were abnormal, but when we saw our gun, they stung again. Our pistols are nothing special, except that they are strangely shaped and slightly larger than normal pistols. However, our spear is very amazing.

This kind of rifle is particularly large in the first place. Its length is almost one meter or more. This length is too long in front of weapons such as submachine guns commonly used in modern times, and the gun is very wide and very thick. Even without the sighting system and the grip below, the span of the upper and lower ends of the gun has reached a staggering twenty centimeters. You must know that this part of a general gun is at most eight to twelve centimeters. The span is really amazing. There is also the thickness of this gun. The distance between the left and right sides of the gun body is about ten centimeters. This thickness is more than two centimeters higher than that of ordinary firearms. Even the current light and heavy machine guns rarely reach this size. Of course, in addition to its large size, this gun's weird and futuristic shape is also an aspect that attracts attention. To be honest, normal people seeing this gun will feel that it has more props than real guns in science fiction movies. Even if you are hanging around on the street carrying it, others will at most think that this is a high imitation toy bought for children instead of real. gun.

The so-called layman looks busy, and the layman looks at the doorway. After observing the gun's external characteristics and weird shapes, the group of special forces, including those officers, began to notice some of its performance issues. First they found that we were carrying a large box on the back, and then we removed a little bit of tank-like belt from the edge of the box on the back and attached its two ends to the side of the gun body and the bottom of the box. On an interface. The special forces quickly realized that this was a bullet conveyor, and that box was clearly an ammunition box. Although the box is not large, if the inside is full of bullets, it is definitely more than the ammunition carried by these special forces. Of course, they would be even more surprised if they knew that all the bullets here had only a warhead without a shell, because our gun is actually an electromagnetic weapon, and it does not need to have its own propellant when firing, so it uses only a warhead and no bullet tail The biggest advantage of this design is that you can load as many bullets as possible in a limited space. After all, without a shell, you can save more than half of the space. As for the weight problem, we don't care so much anyway. Anyway, we have strength. The weight of the bullet is not a problem at all.

After we connected the bullet belts, we started to pull out some special boxes from the box, opened and took out some large cigar-like ammunition and stuffed it under the gun body. Of course, many people know this kind of grenade, but it is the first time that they have seen so many plugs.

Just from the process of preparing our weapons, those special forces realized that our weapons have very strong firepower, and they can be used as small howitzers. No matter how strange our armor is, they have at least confirmed that our attack power is absolutely powerful. Some of them even thought of us as small batteries for a while.

After we got the equipment, we went to the long boards on both sides of the plane and sat down, but this was the plane that gradually started to vibrate, indicating that the plane was taking off. The Brigadier then looked at us in surprise and asked, "What about your heavy weapons?"

"Ah? Heavy weapons?" I looked at him doubtfully, not knowing what he meant.

When the brigadier saw me like this, he could only ask again: "What about your tanks? Even without tanks, there must be something for armored vehicles?"

"Tank? Armored vehicle? What do I want for that thing?"

At this time the crazy dog ​​began to bark again. He growled and shouted, "You guys are making a fool. My dad also said that we only bring light equipment and heavy weapons are your responsibility. You you you ... you didn't bring anything? No, I have to let the plane land immediately , At least we need to bring more tanks. "

"Okay, don't get excited, isn't it called reinforcements." Seeing that crazy dog ​​really wanted to run to the cockpit, I hurriedly stopped, I didn't want the plane to fly and land again immediately.

The mad dog turned around and stared at me for a while, and suddenly screamed again after seeing me still for a long time. "Aren't you calling for reinforcements? Hurry up. What are you doing?"

"I've called it." We Dragons can use the chip in my head to implement wireless communication. Just now I have informed Lucky to bring his wife out to reinforce him, of course he will come with him.

I can only justify the screaming of the crazy dogs as the reinforcements of the Scoots they called. As to why he explained it, it was certainly not because I was afraid of him, but that I couldn't stand his noise. This guy is just like a sonic weapon, constantly making noise, noisy my head hurts.

I heard that we had called for reinforcements and the other party was a little quiet. In the next time, the guy kept telling us a bunch of things, and we really wanted to knock this girl out. But unfortunately, after I used the wireless network to contact the base and found my dad to understand the situation, I learned that this kid, his grandfather was a comrade with my grandfather, and his dad had a good relationship with my dad. In this case, I also It's hard to argue with him. The so-called don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, even if this kid is annoying, at least he has to give his dad and his grandfather some face.

In the noise of this guy, the plane quickly entered the stratosphere, and then began to accelerate. Although the Phantom II is a transport aircraft, it is originally a type of aircraft prepared for airborne operations of special forces. Therefore, it is not only stealthy, but also has a large transportation volume. The most important thing is that it is fast enough to easily get rid of the absolute world Most fighters and a few air defense missiles.

As the plane accelerated, the air pressure in the cabin began to become unstable. The crazy dog ​​was no longer embarrassed with us because of tinnitus in the ear, and went straight to the side to adjust the ear. It was rare for us to get clean for a while.

After more than two hours of flight, the plane finally reached the target area. Due to the nature of our operations, it is of course impossible for the plane to find a place to land, so we have to parachute here. The aircraft first lowered some altitudes and opened the hatches to let us parachute after reaching the minimum altitude allowed for skydiving.

In fact, parachuting at this height is very dangerous, because the altitude is too low, the landing will be very fast, if you don't have time to open the umbrella, you may fall. But after all, this is the site of others. Skydiving will be detected and intercepted prematurely. In contrast, it is better to jump safe here. Fortunately, the planes are all elite special forces, skydiving is a trivial matter. Even those officers were now equipped with the same equipment as the special forces. Obviously, they were also masters. The only problem was the crazy dog. What surprised me was that he was hung in front of himself by an accompanying officer, which was clearly the standard state of two-person skydiving. I guess this kid will either not skydiving or he can't complete skydiving at such a low place, so I specially prepared a professional nanny to take him to jump.

In view of the concealment and the convenience of meeting later, the time required to open the door of the aircraft must be shortened, so all of us stood at the door of the cabin, and the skydiving lights turned on as soon as the door was opened, and then the group of special forces immediately jumped one by one Out.

I waited for the special forces and the officers to jump out of the hatch with Ling and them, but unlike the guys, we didn't take a parachute at all. When the group of people opened their umbrellas in the air and watched us flashing past them at high speed towards the ground, the bosses with their mouths open, but they were still more surprised. Just when they thought we were going to commit suicide, two propellers popped up on both sides of our armor, and then we saw that we turned around in the air, the blue light flashed twice under the propeller, and then we stood directly and steadily. To the ground while they were still floating in the air.

Seeing us all landing, the group was just looking up in surprise, and suddenly saw two huge figures flew past them with a rumbling jet ~ ~ A closer look revealed that it was that Two giant dogs. I saw them with a pair of wing-like wings spread behind them, and they flew freely in the air with the power provided by two similar thrusters. Xiaobai even hovered for a while before flying away. These people thought the two dogs were well equipped from the beginning, but they never thought that they actually had the ability to maneuver in the air, which was really amazing.

Although very surprised, the group of people were trained special forces after all, and they eventually landed within a relatively small range and quickly gathered up the parachute and gathered together. Soon after they landed, another row of armored vehicles drove over.

Although the plane we were on was almost empty, that was because they thought we had a tank, so they reserved a place for us. Who knows that we have no heavy equipment at all. As for their own armored vehicles, they were all squeezed into the aircraft in front. There are a total of ten wheeled armored vehicles, each of which has a standard capacity of twelve people. If twenty people are hard-loaded, they can also sit on the roof. They took the car just to provide fire support, not to take steps, so it didn't matter if they were not enough.

"Okay, all the people are here, we will move in the direction of the highway first." The Brigadier General said when he saw all the people gathered. . ..


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