Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 393: Treasure Treasure

The magic spar mine is still quite far from our current location. Even the junior super-aircraft warship sailed at full speed and took twenty minutes to reach the place. ☆ → top ☆ → point ☆ → small ☆ → say,

This world does not know if it is a temporary structure, so in order to save system resources, there are no advanced creatures, that is, no intelligent race. And because there is no intelligent race, the mineral resources are in their original unexplored state. Although this mine was discovered by the mobile angel, it is just to confirm that there is a mine below, and it is not mined, so looking from above, this side is a large forest-covered hill, if not the two reconnaissance-type excitement The angel is here, even if we fly directly, we will not look down.

"Is this the case?" Under the guidance of the reconnaissance excited angel, the junior super aviation warship wrapped around one of the small hills. On the one hand, it was reducing the speed, and on the other hand, it was necessary to confirm the mine area by the way. range.

We don't want to mine this place, so we don't need too precise data, as long as we know the approximate reserves and burial range and depth. We don't use instrumentation because accurate data is not needed. To be honest, we didn't bring that stuff, because this is a warship, it is responsible for the big battle, not a resource exploration ship, it is impossible to bring a mineral detector.

We can only use the earth method now, that is to let Christina use her magic sensing ability to sense the approximate energy intensity and range.

Christina is the Yuan King herself, very sensitive to the energy of the magic crystal, so she only needs a little induction to know the magic crystal reserve here.

"Is it inductive?" I asked Christina after the Junior Super Aviation battleship circled the mountain.

Christina shook her head and said, "The mining area is larger than I expected. You first stop the primary super aviation warship a bit farther. Let's go down and check it on foot. This is more accurate."

"okay then."

There are only operators who need to operate the battleship. The commanders on our side followed them out curiously. In fact, it is not only Christina who can sense the magic crystal. Many of us here can sense the magic wave from the magic spar mine, but we are not as precise as Christina induction. However, the range and reserves of this mining area are very amazing, so we can all sense strong magic fluctuations.

We jumped out of the deck without waiting for the spacecraft to dock, and Christina transformed into a prince in the air, and then flew along with a little bit of crystal dust to another hill not far away. After stopping on this hill for a while, she continued to fly forward, and then reached the top of the third hill. After feeling here for a while, she actually started to fly forward again. Then he hesitated a little after reaching the foot of the mountain, then moved on, stopping at the mid-hillside of the fourth mountain in front.

After turning around here and there, she took a trick, and suddenly a ring of light appeared around her, and then a large group of golden elemental spirits flew out from it. These elemental elves are all the kind of elves that are the size of a slap, each one is very beautiful, and behind them are two crystal wings that are much larger than the body, but the wings of these elemental elves are golden in front of them.

Christina said something to them after summoning them, and then turned to our left and flew. Most of the elf called out flew with her. But one stayed in place, and then Christina started to leave the elf all the way, and once the elf around was not enough, she summoned a group again.

It took about half an hour for Christina to summon the elf six times before finally returning to the position of the first elf. Christina stopped when she found the little elf in front, then took out her staff and moved forward slightly. The elf in front of her immediately shook the wings after seeing Christina's movement. As a result, she immediately turned into a small golden light bulb and emitted a strong light, and as the elf lit up, the adjacent small The elves began to light up one by one, and they became faster and faster. Soon all the elves lit up in that circle.

"I rely!"

We already understood that when Christina took a large group of elves around, Christina was marking the area of ​​this mine area with elves. Her flight route is actually to circle around the periphery of the mining area, so that she just framed the entire mining area when she completed a lap. However, because this range is relatively large, after Christina's flight, we just know that the area is not small, but there is no too intuitive concept. However, when all these elves are lit, it is different. They are like a beacon light one after another connected into a line, very clearly marking the entire mine area.

At this time, we can clearly see that the mining area below is almost perfectly circular. Its scope is not much smaller than that of ordinary prefecture-level cities. At a glance, it seems that the two ends meet together far and far.

"This, this, why is this mining area not on the main map?" Looking at such a large area, Woma felt broken. In fact, it's not just her, I feel the same way.

Your sister's. Knowing that things in this mining area can't be taken away, only to find that this place is a cornucopia, can you say that I can be sad? Looking at this range, as long as the depth of the underlying ore-producing rock layer can reach half of the average thickness of the standard mining area, the total reserves of this mining area will also exceed the total reserves of all magic crystal veins currently held by the Frost Rose Alliance worldwide. one third. In other words, all the magic crystals in the mines owned by the Frost Rose Alliance have been mined, which is more than twice as much as here, not even twice.

"Can you determine the depth of the mine here?"

"I don't know yet, you need to dig down." Christina said.

I just shook my hands without saying a word, the rose vine and the trailblazer slammed into the ground, and then they went straight into the ground as if they fell into the water, but a huge pothole was left on the ground. It has been supported by rose vines with hardened branches, and will not collapse or scum.

"Look down."

I'm ahead. Christina followed me down, while others were asked to stay outside. This hole is also one person wide. Both Christina and I have to go up and down to get in. If two people are side by side, they can only be tightly attached to the wall, so there cannot be too many people down here, or they will be blocked inside. .

After I went down with Christina, I directed the Trail Blazers and Rose Vine Digging. And Christina's job is to tell me where to dig.

When entering the vertical downward channel about seven or eight meters deep, Christina reached out and grabbed a magic crystal from the gap between the rose vine branches and leaves on the wall. I immediately saw Christina's movements and looked up. Christina handed me the magic spar.

"It's blue."

"Blue Devil's Spar?" I took the piece of Devil's Crystal and turned it over and looked at it, then looked at the gem-like Devil's Crystal with a white light source of illumination.

Compared to ordinary magic crystal, this blue magic crystal is more transparent and clear, it feels like a piece of condensed air in its hand, it has amazing light transmittance, and it can see the flow of liquid in it Blue rays.

"This thing doesn't seem to be a magic crystal!" The output of magic crystals in our Frost Rose League is so high, of course I have to recognize them. This blue magic crystal has been seen before, but it is different from this one in my hand. Although this blue thing exudes a certain magic wave like the magic spar. But its energy is quite peaceful, unlike the energy of magic crystal.

Christina said: "This is really not a magic stone."

"So what is this?"

"Aren't you appraising?"

"Forget to be excited!" I embarrassedly appraised this thing, because my appraisal level is very high, so the appraisal was successful once. "I rely!"

"What's wrong?" Christina asked nervously, looking at me.

"This, this ... this thing is going to go against the sky!"

"What the **** is wrong?" Cristina urged me nervously.

I handed the gem directly to Christina's hand and motioned to see for herself. After identification, the attributes of the gem have appeared, and any player with my permission can view it. Christina exclaimed after taking a look at the gem. "This, this ... Is this a gem of the four seasons?"

The Four Seasons Gem is not a gem, but the common name of the four gems. There are four kinds of gems in this four season gemstone, which are named after spring, summer, autumn and winter. The property panel that we found directly wrote "Summer gems of the four seasons gems", which means that this is a gem representing summer.

Four seasons gemstones have no fixed form. Except that the permeability is particularly good, that is, the energy fluctuation is a bit strange, unless it is to view the properties. Otherwise, it is difficult to distinguish between the four seasons gemstones and ordinary magic diamonds with the naked eye, so the probability of this thing being found is very low.

Four seasons gems are different from ordinary gems. This thing is not embedded in weapons and equipment, but can be used as long as it is placed in the personal belongings of the character. However, a single gem of four seasons has no attributes, and this thing is very rare. So many people don't know the existence of this thing, and even those who have seen it also have many people who don't understand the preciousness of this stuff at all.

Of course, Christina and I understand the effect of this thing, so we are so excited.

In fact, four season gems need to be used in combination. Although a single one has no attributes, if there are two. It's different. When two Seasonal Gems are together, they have an effect-reply. Not only is the blood back, but also the magic and physical strength are recovered together, and the speed is very fast.

It's great when you have three gems of the four seasons. Not only are the attributes of returning blood and returning to magic still exist, but the speed of recovery doubles, and a new attribute is added-counterattack.

The effect of this attribute is a bit similar to Thorns Aura, but it will bounce part of the damage. Its rebound ratio is not high, but if you are besieged by a group of people, this rebound is very powerful, because its setting is that when you are attacked, 1% of the damage you take will be rebounded to all nearby enemy. For example. Suppose you are attacked and damage 100 points of blood. According to the attributes of this counterattack, you will bounce out 1 point of damage. It may not seem like much, but it will be different if you have a lot of enemies around you. Suppose you have a hundred enemies around you. Then each of these 100 people will be bounced by 1 point of injury. This is equivalent to causing a total of 100 damage to the enemy, which is equal to the damage you take. And if there are 10,000 enemies around you, the total damage from this rebound is 10,000. Therefore, if in the large-scale battles such as guild wars, let the strongest tank player of his own be equipped with three gems of the four seasons, it will definitely reduce the enemy's combat effectiveness.

This is still the effect of only three gems of the four seasons. It's even worse if you put together four.

Old rules. When the four gems are gathered, the previous attributes of recovery and counterattack can be retained, and the effects of these two attributes will be strengthened. The counterattack effect will change from 1% damage to all enemies to 2% damage to all Enemies, and one ten thousandth of your own attacks on the enemies will also splash on all enemies around you. This is a pretty scary property. If I were equipped with four four-season gems, then if I make a big move, all the people in the hostile relationship with me on the entire battlefield will be hurt by 1% of my big move. With my attack power, using a large skill, this 1% damage is enough for an average player of average strength to go straight to half the blood loss. In other words, if I can carry two or three big moves with four pieces of four season gems, basically I can clear all the people on the battlefield. of course. I'm talking about ordinary players, advanced players will not be killed so easily.

In addition to the above, when the four pieces of four season gems are collected, an attribute can be added-kill to gather.

The murderous aggregation attribute name is strange, but I think the name is actually quite appropriate. The effect of this attribute is like the assassin's gathering ability, that is, when you kill the first enemy, you will accumulate some power on yourself, and then when you attack the second person, your actual attack power will become yourself Plus the normal attributes of those who gathered before. And if you are fast enough, kill continuously. This effect will continue to accumulate, and your combat power will become stronger and stronger afterwards. Until your attack is interrupted, or you don't kill the next target beyond time. Although the lethality gathered by this murderous aggregating skill can theoretically be infinitely increased, it can't actually be done at all, because the heavier the aggression you gather, the more time it requires you to kill the next target The shorter the interval. It may take up to half an hour at the beginning, this time is certainly enough for you to kill a group of enemies. but. With more and more murderous, this time will continue to shorten, and may even become a second in the end, that is, if you cannot kill a person every second, you only need to pause for more than one second. All your accumulated lethality will immediately dissipate, this is the powerful safety valve that limits this skill. Of course, even this skill is really scary, because it is almost a skill designed to assassinate the other party's guild.

Of course, unfortunately, I have never got four four-season gems at all. Even if the whole bank is dispatched, there is no way to get four four-season gems. The output of this thing is really very, very low, and it is too easy to confuse with other gems, plus this thing has a very annoying setting, so the collection is more exaggerated. The content of this nasty setting is ... The gems of the four seasons must be one piece for each season. If you take four summers or mix other seasons, as long as it is not one piece per season, it will not count. Those attributes mentioned before will only take effect when the four seasons gems in different seasons appear together. No matter how many seasons are useless, this seasons gem has a very painful problem, that is, the output of the four seasons is different.

The data we are analyzing is probably like this. The highest yield of gemstones in spring, we set it to one hundred, which is easy to calculate. Then the output of gemstones in summer is about 50, which is only half of that in spring. Autumn is even worse, at most 25, only half of the summer. In the end, winter production is the most damned, only half of the autumn fall, and the actual output is only between 6 and 7.

Such a low output is already very problematic. What's worse is that the gems appear separately. Not that you suddenly dig for the four seasons of gems, but find one here and one, and one in the whole. Worldwide. In this process, various problems will inevitably occur, leading to the loss of a small number of gems, and the gems that are actually used are also scattered in the hands of different people, so that it is difficult to gather four different seasons.

Because the gems of the four seasons are difficult to put together, its anti-sky properties are not too surprising. After all, the harder things are, the stronger the attributes are. This is the basic law.

The gem in our hands is not the most precious winter gem, but a summer gem. Although it seems to be one of the four gems with a higher yield, it is actually a very rare thing because the actual output of the four season gems is low. Amazing. So far, there are a total of winter gems with news around the world, and it is said that they are not in the hands of combat players, but in the hands of a non-combat player, so unless that player is stupid to take this gem to the non-wild The safety zone was swaying, otherwise this thing wouldn't be snatched at all. Of course, it is also possible to spend money to buy, but the price offered by others is so scary that no one has bought it so far. Everyone knows that winter gems are very expensive, but the price paid by that dear is far more than its value. Naturally, no fool would buy it, and the guy just insisted on not reducing the price, so he never sold it.

It's very lucky to be able to pick up a summer gem in such a place. You must know that the current public selling price of this thing is 4 million crystal coins. If we ask for 3.8 million, it will be taken in minutes. Buy it.

"This is really a treasure spot!" Christina said, "I want to squat here for a year and a half before going back."

"Half a year?" Looking at Christina's face, I hesitated a little. Then he said, "Where do you live now?"

"Ah?" Christina didn't respond at all for a moment, because my words were too jumpy. "President, what are you talking about?"

"Where do you live in reality. Where?"

"France. What's wrong?"

"are you French?"

"I am French-English-German, but I was born in the United Kingdom and went to the United States after I was six. I moved back to Germany to live with my grandma when I was ten, and went with my mother when my fifteen died. France. Why? Suddenly you care about my life? "

Christina's words obviously meant a little joking, but I looked at her very seriously. Until her expression became serious, she said very seriously, "Do n’t ask me why, anyway you know that I won't hurt you. I need to know what your real family situation is before I can do it. Figure out what to do next. "

Although I do n’t know why I said such a thing suddenly, Christina did n’t think I had any bad intentions, so I just hesitated for a second and said, "I told you before my life. As for the family Situation, to what degree do you need to be detailed? "

"Tell me the people you care about most, their occupation, status, approximate financial ability, and place of residence."

Christina thought for a moment and said, "My mom and my dad have been divorced for a long time. My dad is in the United States and hasn't been in contact with us for several years. I haven't kissed him either. My grandma passed away, and now what I care about most My mother. She is now a senior designer at Xuelan Fashion Design Company. She is a senior designer. I ’ve never asked about it, it should be pretty high! Anyway, I do n’t think I ’m short of money. More affluent. Now I live with my mother in an apartment on the outskirts of Paris. In addition to my mother, I have a few real friends, but most of them are online because they are in the United States and the United Kingdom. But now they are all in I played "Zero" and it was in our guild. I introduced it and we met often. As for their family situation, I don't know much about it. Then there are your friends in the game. Is this okay? Need What's added? "

"Do you have no other relatives?"

"Dad is gone. My mother has an older sister and two younger sisters, but my mother has a bad relationship with them, saying that the relatives are almost the same as the enemy."

I nodded and thought for a moment, then said very solemnly: "Now what I said to you, you must make sure that you never disclose it to a third person, including your mother and all your friends. Do you understand? Yes Everyone, no matter how close, is for your good, and for their good. If the information I told you leaks, then all unauthorized people will be ... ”I made a neck wipe action. "This is not a joke. You should know my identity in reality. If I can say such a thing, it will definitely happen. It is not me, but your absolutely irresistible force to do all this."

Christina looked at me nervously and asked, "Then why are you telling me? I'm an ordinary person. Do you have any special confidential information to tell me? If you don't tell me, you won't leak it?"

"Because we are friends, I don't want you to have an accident, even if it's only possible, I don't want it."

"What can I expect?" Christina asked inexplicably.

I was a little tangled and wanted to tell her all, but reasonably told me that it was better not to do that. So I was very tangled. But I'm not the type of hesitant, and I made up my mind after just a few seconds.

"You know, I am the future heir of the Longyuan Group. We at the Longyuan Group hold incredible resources. In any country in the world, we have huge power. We can control the political situation of a country and we can launch a War, of course, can make countless people disappear silently. So we can get some state secrets that ordinary people can never know. Do you understand this? "

Christina nodded: "Isn't this taken for granted? Longyuan Group is so powerful. Of course, there are more information channels than us. Is it normal for your multinational group, political and business circles to have their own connections?"

After Christina nodded, I continued and said, "Just understand. What I can tell you now is that I currently have a secret. This secret is not only known to me, but it is known by many people around the world. However, the people who know this secret are either senior government officials or special military personnel, or very few scientists. This group is currently concealing the news. And I am also a member of this system. I cannot break the rules and tell the news You, but I know how to respond. So I can't tell you what this secret is, but I can tell you what to do. "

"Does this secret involve all human beings?" Christina is obviously of that particularly intelligent type. She is not the kind of vase-shaped beauty, but the very intelligent girl, so although I didn't say anything substantial , But she probably already knew that it might be something.

I nodded silently. After a moment of silence, he said, "You are lucky because France is a developed country and you have French nationality. Your government is already preparing for this. According to the information I have, France should be able to protect its country. More than 91% of the population, and according to your description, your mother obviously belongs to the elite class, that is, without accident, you and your mother are in that 91% range. However, that happened a little bit recently Changes have caused the situation to deteriorate sharply, so I do n’t dare to guarantee that you will be protected. However, even if the situation worsens, I think as long as the French government is not surprised, guaranteeing a protection rate of more than 60% should be It ’s okay, and your mother and daughter should be within 60%. But all this is speculation. I ca n’t guarantee that you will be asylum by the French government, and if you are not asylum ... ”

"Will you die?"

I nodded silently.

Christina asked again: "What time will it be?"

"I can't tell you, but not much time is certain."

"Then tell me these are ...?"

"I have the ability to shelter you, and as long as you can come to me, I can guarantee 100% protection of you and your mother. There is no doubt about this. Compared to you staying in France to gamble you in the asylum Possibility, I'm obviously more secure here. Of course, I can't make any decision for you, so you need to decide for yourself whether you want to come to China or whether you need my asylum. "


"You don't have to rush to answer me."

Christina nodded in response to my words. Although Christina is now a little uncomfortable with my problem, she also knows that I'm doing this for her, and the risk I have to take for this is actually very large. So she finally said to me very seriously, "No matter what I choose in the end, I thank the president for your concern."

I nodded and said, "Okay, let's clean up now, let's study the veins here."

"Okay." Christina quickly regained her previous working attitude and began to check the veins around it.

As we walked down the channel, we could feel very obvious magic fluctuations, and when they fell to a depth of about twenty meters, the magic fluctuations reached a peak state. At this time, we can feel very strong fluctuations just before and after us Right and left, there are powerful magic waves from the magic spar. Under this kind of fluctuation, we know that we can't feel how many magic crystals are below, because our induction is already filled with the fluctuations generated by these magic crystals.

"It looks like the vein reserves here are far above our imagination."

"We continue down. The veins here cannot be endless, as long as we know the approximate depth."

"Now we can only rely on this method to make a simple estimation."

Christina and I continued to go down, and after pushing less than a hundred meters, we found very obvious signs of magic fluctuations starting to weaken. However, the depth of the veins at this time is actually over 130 meters.

We felt that the depth of magic waves continued to drop more than thirty meters after we felt that the magic wave fluctuated. At this time, the surrounding magic wave was so small that we could barely feel it. It can be determined that the maximum depth of the veins is about this range.

"How deep are we now?"

"About one hundred and seventy meters."

"There is a city as large as 170 meters in depth. Such a large block is full of magic crystal mines. From the previous energy intensity, it can be determined that this is a high-density mining area. According to this speculation ..."

"What is the total reserves?"

"I can't give exact numbers, but I'm sure it's not much less than the total reserves of the magic crystal mines controlled by our Frost Rose Alliance."

When I heard Christina's report, I was ill all of a sudden. The spar reserves of this place are so horrible. As a result, we couldn't take it back. This is really a very painful thing. But it is useless no matter how painful it is. If we do n’t take it, we ca n’t take it away. We may be able to mine some of it for a short time, but it is only destined to take away all the reserves here.

In order to accurately determine that the reserves of this place will not have much deviation, we had to open a lot of channels horizontally in this place, and then let Christina check it all, according to Christina's inspection. We can determine whether the depth of the mining area here is uniform, because there have been cases where the burial depth on one side of the mining area has more than doubled.

It took more than an hour to check the situation here. At this point, we can basically determine one thing, that is, the reserves of magic crystals here are absolutely shocking. If it were not for the ore in this place, we would not be able to mine it for a long time, I would definitely not die. This place.

After checking the ore reserves here, we flew directly from below the mine, and the ground was not the same as when we first arrived. While Hongyue and I went down to survey the ore area, Hongyue organized a man to build a mine on the ground. At this time, the magic crystal had been mined. Although the structure of this mined mine is simple. The equipment is not very complete, but we do not need long-term mining now, it is simply to provide reserve energy for our warships, so it is not a big deal.

Guiling Mining Our guild was used to working with machines, just like the modern mining industry. It's fast and the output is high, but it is obviously impossible for us to bring out mining equipment, so the task of mining ore is now lost to gold coins. That's right, we replaced the excavator with gold coins, and the reason why we can do this is entirely due to the sword array of gold coins. Just let the flying swords form a roller-type cutting formation, and then hit the rocks in the mining area. Of course, this method consumes a large amount of Feijian itself, but considering the value of the mined spar mined, Feijian's repair fee is really worthless, so after Red Moon promised to reimburse the repair fee, the gold coins were completely Turned into a human excavator.

Not to mention, the speed of gold coins is really very fast, she has already made a lot of magic spar when we go on for a while. However, after seeing these magic crystals, we felt a little relieved, because all the white magic crystals were mined. Anyway, we can't mine the magic crystals in this place for a long time, so we can rest assured that the quality of the magic crystals here is inferior. If we know all the high-quality magic crystals here, we will only be more sad.

The number of magic spar required for the five junior super aviation warships is very large. These seem to be a lot of gold coins, but they are far from our needs, but we are not in a hurry. Let her dig slowly.

As soon as Christina and I came out to run for the king, they surrounded me and asked, "How's it going? How thick is the ore layer below?"

"From eight meters to 170 meters," I said.

The people around couldn't help taking a breath. This reserve is really horrible, but it is still the problem. The magic crystal in this place cannot be mined for a long time, so it is meaningless to us.

"So many magic crystals. Even if they are all white magic crystals, the power of the explosion is very terrifying. Will we pit ourselves in?" Chuang Wang asked with some worry.

"Now that you know the situation in advance, you just need to take precautions, you don't need to worry too much." I said afterwards, "You first mine the magic spar to supplement the warship supply, I will see if I can dig out the mother crystal. Christina follows me. "

"I'm here." Christina quickly dropped a magic spar that he had just played and followed.

The scope of finding the crystal mother is different from that of measuring the magic spar mine area. Compared with the measurement work, the task of finding the crystal mother is much more complicated.

Some people may find it strange that since the mother crystal is the basis for creating the magic crystal. Then it should be said that it should produce a very strong magic wave, that is to say, the magic of this thing is very strong, it should be able to sense it from a long distance. Then, just follow the feeling and move towards the place with the strongest magic power, and you can definitely find the crystal mother.

This idea is correct in theory, but in practice this method is difficult to implement. If we change the magic wave emitted by the magic crystal to visible light, the above theory can be understood as both the mother crystal and the magic crystal will emit light. The brightness of the crystal mother is very high, so as long as you pinpoint the brightest place, you can successfully find the mother crystal. After hearing such a theory, many people may have realized where the problem lies.

That's right. Because magic crystals and crystal mothers both emit magic waves, and magic crystals near the crystal mother are bound to be very dense. The magic waves generated by these magic crystals are like a super strong signal source. In this environment, our sensing ability will be completely invalid, and we will not be able to identify the surrounding signals at all. The only thing we can feel is that the magic power around us is very strong.

Therefore, although the magic power from the crystal mother fluctuates very strongly. But this does not help us find the mother crystal, its only effect is that when we find the mother crystal, it can help us to distinguish it from other magic crystals.

In view of the fact that the crystal mother is so difficult to find, the method we have adopted is not simply to punch holes inside the mining area, because then the workload is too much. My plan is to dig out all the magic crystals in the nearby area where the mother crystal is located, so it will be easy to find.

of course. Even if this method is changed, our workload will be very large, and it will certainly not be so simple to find the mother crystal.

To dig out the crystal mother and the magic crystal in the surrounding area, the first thing to do is to let Christina help me determine the scope of the crystal mother. Although Christina was unable to determine the exact location of the crystal mother, it was probably positioned.

After determining the approximate range, the rest is the matter of luck and plague. Although the dragons do not have the habit of burrowing, this does not hinder their speed of burrowing. The two dragons are like two excavators, supporting their bodies with hind limbs, and then the two forelimbs quickly dig on the ground. It feels like two dusters, the dirt in the back is flying, and the ground in the middle is falling rapidly. In less than a minute we dug out the topsoil and saw the veins below. A large number of finished magic crystals were dug out together with large demo fragments and turned to the ground behind.

Behind Lucky and Plague is Pepper, her task is to separate the finished magic crystal and stones with magic crystal from the soil and the rubble without magic crystal. Pepper's mental power can do this precisely, just like a precise sieve, can separate magic crystal and most impurities.

Some of these separated magic crystal mines are already formed magic crystals, which can be picked up directly. Of course, there are more magic crystals still stuck in the rocks. This requires a little processing. You can get the magic crystal inside by breaking the rock outside. Of course, this process requires delicate operations, so many people are needed. However, I have many magic pets, so I don't have a shortage of manpower here.

It took less than twenty minutes for Lucky and Plague to dig a large pit more than ten meters deep on the ground, and the area of ​​the large pit was enough for both of them to work inside without feeling crowded ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Of such a large area, of course, the amount of earth and stone produced is of course huge, but no one cares about dumping the soil anyway, so there is no need to clean up.

With the increase in the depth of luck and plague excavation, the content of magic crystals in the excavated rock formations began to rise significantly, and sometimes even groups of magic crystal **** were dug out, just like pomegranate inside. After knocking out the outer rock crust, it was full of dense magic crystals.

The value of this large and large group of magic crystal groups is very high, because almost all of them are magic crystals, and even if they are all white, the value will not be low.

However, the white magic spar changed quickly, because among the lucky spar that we dug out, we quickly found red spar, yellow spar, and a small amount of silver spar. These are all high-end goods, and the value is quite high, and here they are all in groups, and once they are dug out, they are a large group of several tons.

"Huh?" Huan's fortune that was dug suddenly stopped. We heard the sound and came over, not sure why he stopped.

"Lucky, what's going on? Why not dig?" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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