Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 394: Monster battleship

Fortunately, instead of answering me directly after hearing my question, I began to use my paw to carefully use the rocks and dirt near Bara. & 26705; & 33310; & 23567; & 35828; & 32593; & 39318; & 21457; & 32; & 119; & 119; & 119; & 46; & 115; & 97; & 110; & 103; & 119; & 117; & 46; & 110; & 101; & 116; I glanced at the situation below, and saw a bit of shiny silver.

"What's that?" I asked, standing by the pit.

"I don't know, but this thing is blocking my digging route." Lucky replied.

"Try to dig around and see if you can find the edge."

"I'm doing."

Fortunately, the edge of the unmovable place began to expand to the surrounding area, and the surface soil and rocks were excavated one after another. However, as the area to be cleared became larger and larger, the things below it still had no meaning. Fortunately, the plague came to help, the two dragons continued to expand the area together, and then quickly opened a large area with at least two basketball courts.

"My God!" As this area was cleared, the surface soil was carefully removed, and although the following things have not yet come out, at this time we can already see the exposed part of the top of this thing .

In fact, the thing we are seeing now is a magic crystal, and it is not a low-grade magic crystal of ordinary commodity color, but a very high-grade, silver magic crystal.

The silver magic crystal is a relatively advanced one among the magic crystals. Although it is not the highest quality, the output is equally scarce. This silver-white magic crystal is characterized by a very fast self-charging speed, almost equal to the colorful magic crystal, but only because its energy storage limit is not as good as the colorful magic crystal, so it is two levels lower. But even so, this can be considered an exaggerated source of energy.

In terms of the value of silver magic crystal, the price of a fist-sized silver magic crystal may be close to one million crystal coins. And this piece of silver magic spar with the size of two basketball courts in front of it is simply going against the sky!

"My God!" Christina exclaimed, standing by the pit, looking at the silver magic spar where most of the top had been exposed.

I glanced at Christina and said, "I think this time even if we are defeated by the Rainbow Alliance fleet. As long as we can get this thing back, we will not lose it."

Christina did not care about my ridicule, but said: "This is just tailored for Isinger Mobile Fortress!"

"You make sense, but we should get this thing out before discussing the purpose of this thing."


After digging up the dirt near this silver magic crystal, the rest is a bit simpler. All we need to do is clean up the dirt around this thing and get it out.

It took Luck and Plague a full ten minutes to open up the surrounding soil, and then the two dragons joined forces to lift the thing from under the big pit. This big guy just came out of the ground. The red moon in the distance exclaimed and ran over. So far away, you can see the figure of this big guy, and you can imagine the volume of this silver magic crystal.

"My God!" Chuang Wang looked at the silver magic stone and exclaimed: "This is going to be sent!"

"I want to know now how we can get this thing back." Hongyue looked at me and asked, "Isn't the opening of Fenglong Space so big?"

"Yes, you can't, but mine is OK." I just called Fenglong, and asked her to help put this huge silver magic spar in it. Although this silver magic spar exceeds the limit of the size of the entrance of the space passage that can be opened by general dragons, this dragon on my body is the queen of all dragons, so the space entrance that she unfolds is larger, just right You can stuff this silver magic crystal.

After the silver magic crystal was put away, everyone was still excited to discuss things about it, but soon our attention was diverted, and the reason was that the plague was found A thing.

"Willn't it be another oversized magic spar?" Chuang Wang asked.

"It doesn't seem to be." I frowned at the exposed part below the ground. This is a black substance. The part you can see now is the size of a car. But it looks like the part below is bigger, so we don't know how big it is below.

"Dig it out first," Hongyue said.

In fact, we need not say that plague and luck are already being dug. This black thing is obviously larger than the previous silver magic crystal. The previous silver magic spar was only the size of two basketball courts, and it was a regular polyhedron, which felt close to a regular sphere. However, the volume of this thing that appears this time seems to be close to the size of a football field, and the shape of this thing is not spherical, but oblong. And it's not that special oval. It can be seen by the naked eye that one end of this thing is thicker and the other end is smaller. Obviously asymmetric.

Although I don't know what this is for the time being, it is definitely no problem to dig it out first. Luckily and the plague worked for a long time, and it took even half an hour for Crystal and Xiaosan to help out before digging out the stuff completely from below.

The resulting object is really a large irregular ellipse. The surface of this gadget is black, cool to the touch, very smooth, and feels very good. but. Although the surface of this thing feels slippery, it does not look like a mirror effect, but a matte matte feel. This black surface material feels a bit like a stone, but it doesn't feel like it, because this thing is exuding a strong magic wave.

"What the **** is this?" Hongyue knocked on the shell of this thing. But I couldn't hear any echo. The hardness of this thing was very high. Fortunately, they had touched the surface of this thing with their claws many times before digging, but no trace was left. Although there are reasons why luck and plague did not work hard, but it can not change under the touch of dragon claws, which is itself a manifestation of hardness.

While we were still puzzled by this strange thing, the luck and plague on the other side found something new underground.

"Is this ghost place an asphalt pit? How can any messy thing be found?" Hongyue heard that another new thing was found and immediately ran over to see it. As a result, what was dug out from below was an obvious man-made object. This thing looks like a robotic arm. It should have been holding the black thing, but now it is buried in the ground like this, and it is very rusty. Fortunately, it was almost rotten when it was taken out.

"How can there be such a thing?" Hongyue asked in confusion.

I shrugged and said, "How do I know. Okay, luck, plague, keep digging down, let's see what can be dug out below."

Fortunately, the plague did not find anything too strange after digging out the same thing as the robotic arm, but large pieces of magic crystal are still found from time to time, but they are not as exaggerated as before. The biggest is about the size of a pumpkin. However, one of them unexpectedly found a colorful magic crystal with the size of a human head. The value of this thing is also quite high, so we are all excited for a while.

While we were very happy digging treasures, the Rainbow Alliance side was completely out of order now.

Both Yusina and Gun God are now tied to two metal pillars like cripples. The position of these two metal pillars should look like a mast, but now there are no flags on them, but instead Hung up Yusina and Gunslinger as flags.

Of course, Yusina and Gunslinger are not metamorphosed. How can they like others to hang them as flags? Both men are now struggling desperately. It's just that their hands and feet are fixed, they can't move at all, even if they are struggling, it's futile.

In fact, the reason why Yusina and the Gun God will become like this has to start from more than an hour ago.

Originally, after our junior super aerospace warships were out of the scope of the Rainbow Alliance fleet, the core of the Rainbow Alliance ’s main control core went crazy. He began to merge the Rainbow Alliance fleet madly, hoping to merge a super Battleship, and then defeat our Frost Rose Alliance fleet.

This idea was right. It's a pity that the core of the Rainbow Alliance was completely crazy at the time. It didn't listen to the advice of Yusina and Gunslinger. Continuously blending with the fleet of the Rainbow Alliance. You have to know that no matter how powerful the core of the Rainbow Alliance is, this fleet is, after all, something of the Rainbow Alliance, and it is Yusina's. If she doesn't agree, others can't mess with her things.

However, the core of the Rainbow Alliance is completely insane, and there is nothing wrong with a lunatic. It is a continuous fusion and re-fusion, completely regardless of all the Rainbow Alliance fleet will be fused.

After discovering that the main control core was abnormal, Yusina and Gun God began to try to discourage them, but the main control core did not listen to them at all, and they wanted to blend together. In the end, it was so unbearable that Yusina and the God of Guns planned to come for a final stab of advice.

In the end, of course they went to advise, and then the main control core refused again. And at this time it had completely ignored the opinions of Rainbow Alliance and Gunslinger. This attitude completely angered Yusina and Gunsling, and the two finally quietly discussed the countermeasures. Then, more than an hour ago, they suddenly launched a raid in the bridge, intending to give the master control core to the slave console. Get it down.

This idea was indeed correct, but unfortunately their plan failed because of inertia thinking.

Because of inertia thinking, they think this is their own warship, so they subconsciously want to not destroy it too much. As a result, they give up the only opportunity and directly use the violent means to tear down the main control core. Instead, he intended to hold the object by his hand and pull it down.

Of course, the damage caused by this method is smaller, but they have misjudged the intelligence of the main control core. In fact, their conspiracy has been heard long ago, so the core of the main control has been guarding them. When they were going to do it, the core of the main control actually did it first.

Two tentacles of metal that grew out of the ship's plate bundled Yusina and the Gunslinger, and took them directly to the mast, and finally formed a few fixed points on the top to fix them. The result was Although the Rainbow Alliance's fleet completed its final fusion, Yusina and the Gunslinger were hung on their own battleship masts.

Seeing that the boss of their guild was hung up, of course, the players and npc of the Rainbow Alliance were quit, so these people began to destroy the battleship. Want to save Yusina and the Gunslinger.

Unfortunately, their reckless actions did not bring any benefits, but instead made the core of the main control completely out of control. This thing was supposed to be an auxiliary device, but now he is completely anti-customer, not only hung Yusina and Gunslinger on the mast, but also captured all players and npcs on and off the ship.

That's not enough. After the fusion is completed, this guy is almost not a battleship. I do n’t know if it is the problem of the fusion itself or the madness of the main control core. In the end, all the battleships in the Rainbow Alliance were not a super battleship, but a super monster. This thing does not look like a warship at all, but instead looks like an armored creature. The body of this thing is huge. There are six legs on both sides of the body of 1,200 meters long. In front of the long neck is a strange head that looks like a dragon and a cow, and there is one behind this guy's body. Big tail longer than the body.

Now this thing feels like a dragon with a genetic mutation, and it is also covered with a layer of metal armor. of course. This guy has wings, and not one pair, but three pairs. Each of these three pairs of huge wings has a pair of circular apertures. This aperture seems to be a thruster that generates ascending force, but you can't see any ejection traces, indicating that this is not a device that relies on reaction forces.

Yusina and Gunner were fixed on the two highest spines or masts in the center of this guy's back, while the players and npc of the Rainbow Alliance are now all in a newly emerged organ inside the body of this big guy .

This magical organ is a cluttered room with weird pictures of red metal and muscle tissue everywhere. What is even more terrifying is that in this huge room, there are also numerous humanoid creatures hanging.

Because everyone ’s races are chaotic in the game, there are naturally all races in this room. but. These former Rainbow League players or npc creatures are all hung in the room like bacon, and it is not the ropes that hang them, but the pipes. The tips of these pipes all have metal thorns that penetrate deep into these people's bodies and then pull them off the ground and hang in midair. From time to time, there will be some unknown liquid in their bodies flowing along these pipes into the channel at the top of the room, and no one will guide where they finally went.

Although I do n’t know what these pipes absorb, at least the meaning is very obvious. The monster battleship integrated by the main control core is using these players and npc instead of reserve energy. It can be said that the main control core is actually equal to It's like eating people.

The situation of the mess in the Rainbow League is unknown for the time being. Although we left a junior super aerospace warship to monitor the fusion process of the Rainbow Alliance, because the previous Rainbow Alliance fleet showed an extremely high detection range, our junior super aerospace warships did not dare to get too close, and Can only hide and observe from far away. And because our junior super aerospace warships are far from the Rainbow Alliance fleet, we can only see an approximate situation. Although Yusina and the Gun God were hung outside the warship at this time, a person at this distance was similar to a small black spot. Naturally, it was impossible for our people to recognize that it was Yossi who was hung there. Na and God of Guns. In fact, even if we can clearly see it, most of us will think that this is some kind of strategy used by the Rainbow Alliance. After all, this kind of thing was devoured by his own warship ... I think it's a failure.

In fact, Yusina and Gunner are now in a mood to die, because they are really captured by their own warships. If they and our Frost Rose Alliance's fleet are defeated, they will not be so frustrated, because our Frost Rose Alliance's fleet is indeed very strong, defeated and defeated, nothing shameful. But now ... what do you mean by this? After this thing is known, it will definitely become a ten thousand year's talk and it will be said to death!

"What are we going to do now?" Gunsling asked Yusina hanging on the mast opposite.

Yusina lowered her head and said helplessly: "What else can I do? I can only pray that the Frost Rose Alliance will come to hit us as soon as possible, and then kill us and let us be free!"

"I hope that this crazy master control core can kill the Frost Rose Alliance fleet and let us die, at least so that we won't be too shameful."

"Have you not found out yet?" Yusina said helplessly, "This thing is completely crazy! How many odds do you think a lunatic has on the battlefield?"

"This one……"

Many people think that lunatics are very powerful, because they have no sense of fear, and the way they do things is very different from ordinary people, so they are often unexpected. There is also a last resort. Most people are reluctant to fight with lunatics, because they think that fighting with lunatics will be a loss, even if they are disabled, they will still feel a loss, because the mental advantage of normal people will make everyone instinctively feel that they and each other Life is bad for a life.

However, the above is just the situation in daily life. If it is on the battlefield, the lunatic actually has no chance of winning. Of course, the lunatics I mean here are really lunatics, not those crazy people. Commanders on certain battlefields like to take risks when fighting big battles. Regardless of the consequences, they will be called crazy. Such people are actually not crazy, but they are more daring in doing things, and their thinking is still normal. If it is a real lunatic, it will scare the enemy up to the battlefield. It will be killed afterwards.

This main control core is almost like this now. It's really crazy. So the acting style has become completely messy. If this main control core comes into contact with our Frost Rose Alliance fleet, then with this fusion warship that has become a monster, it really has the hope to surprise us, hit us by surprise, and maybe kill a few of our ships. However, it is impossible to win the final victory. As long as we slow down and find out the characteristics of this thing, we can counteract and kill this crazy master control core.

It can be said that Yusina's prediction is very accurate. Otherwise she would not be the president of the Rainbow Alliance.

Although the main control core on the side of the Rainbow Alliance has basically completed the fusion, the warship like that monster is still a bit far from the final transformation. So it didn't bother to come to us. As for us, we are still competing against that mine.

That is, after that weird metal robotic arm, we successively dug out some things similar to machinery, most of which were fragments, and they were very rusted, and some were even basically impossible to pick up. but. Not everything is rusted. A few minutes ago we discovered something magical below.

This is a body that is about one meter long and grows oval. The shape of this thing is very similar to a magnified metal corn. It has three petal-like things that can be unfolded on the outside. When they are closed, they can completely cover the internal structure, and the three petal-like things on the outside can actually be opened by hand without any fixing ability. It can almost be said to be completely hanging there.

The material of these three petals is a cyan metal, which is relatively rough to touch, and there are many traces on it. It seems that it has hit many times with something, leaving many traces. However, because these three petal-like things are very well protected, the corn-like structure inside is not damaged in any way.

This corn-like internal structure is mainly a stick. This short thick stick is like corn on the cob, and there are many small golden particles on the surface, like corn kernels. These small particles are regular hexagons. At first glance, you know that they are artificial, and the glittering shape on the surface shows that this thing is definitely a product made by quite advanced technology, but what is the use of this thing? Didn't figure it out. My appraisal is like insulation to this thing. It has been used for more than two hundred consecutive times, all of which are tips for appraisal failure.

Because we can't figure out what this is, we finally plan to get this thing back and study it later. In addition to this extra-large metal corn-like thing, we also plan to bring back the black thing as much as possible, but the volume of the thing is too large to fit in my Fenglong space. So we plan to wait until we can go and see if we can drag this thing behind the battleship, and if it does n’t work, we will be okay.

In addition to this gadget, we still have tons of magic crystals in our hands and don't know how many things we don't know at all. All we can do about these gadgets is to bring them back to study as much as possible. But it ca n’t be taken away, it ’s really wrong.

Time advances into the night of the day, around 1am. We finally found the mother with Christina's help. Sure enough, as expected, the crystal mother that can produce such a large piece of magic crystal mine is also a giant thing. The volume of this thing is almost as large as a bus, and it is actually silver. In other words, this is the crystal mother of a silver magic crystal. It is the highest grade among the crystals found so far in our guild. It is also the largest piece. It can be said that this thing is invaluable.

After the mother of the crystal was in our hands, we did not miss the massive magic crystal below, because we did n’t spend much time here.

The four junior super aeronautical warships that were reloaded with energy quickly followed the signal and returned to the vicinity of the junior super aeronautical ship that was left behind. At this time, the remaining five junior super aeronautical warships finally reassembled. Of course, after the meeting, you need to add energy to the junior super aviation battleship that has not followed. This process is very simple, just let two players with a lot of magic spar pass in the past, anyway, we have Fenglong space such an uphill transportation. So there is no need to worry about supplies.

After completing the replenishment, we first listened to the report of the commander on the ship left behind. The report is actually nothing, because the distance is too far, and the detailed content is invisible to him, so he can only know one. According to the information he provided, during the time we left, the Rainbow Alliance fleet merged to the point where there was only one battleship left, and the shape of the battleship at this time had completely changed.

I heard that this thing is deformed. Of course, I have to take a look. As a result, when the projection shows the picture that the observation system sees, my first reaction is not surprised. But doubt. "Hey, where are you aiming? Are you right or wrong?"

"Chairman, that's right, this is the warship that the Rainbow Alliance finally merged."

"What did you say?" I suddenly heard this player tell me that this dragon-like thing in the picture was a Rainbow Alliance battleship. I was really messy for a while.

"What are you kidding?" Before I reacted, Chuang Wang grabbed the guy and asked, "How is this thing considered a creature?"

"It's weird at the beginning, but it came out a little bit during our surveillance," said the player.

After hearing each other's words, I and the Chuang Wang calmed down. At this time, our people will not joke with us, so this must be true. That's the Rainbow Alliance battleship. Although the appearance has changed, it is completely impossible to connect the two, but I have to admit that this thing is likely to be the group of battleships. We already saw some clues when they started to merge. At that time, the process of fusion of warships had obvious biological characteristics, but it was not so obvious now.

Although it's hard to believe, the real things are there now, and we can't believe it.

"We need a former enemy reconnaissance." Hongyue said very surely. Not to doubt that player's words, but because this thing has completely departed from the concept of a battleship, its performance will definitely change with it. We now need to know what kind of existence this thing has become. If it still relies on long-range attacks like warships to fight, of course, we don't need to change any plans, but if this thing has some strange capabilities, it needs to be carefully considered.

Of course I also know that enemy reconnaissance is needed at this time, so I agreed without hesitation. As for the list of investigators. Do you still need to ask? Don't think about it except me and Christina.

Originally, neither Christina nor I was a scout, but the key is that our strength is here. As the strongest player in the guild, the safety factor is much higher when we go. Besides, I have Asuka, which is the fastest flying unit in our guild, so in case of danger, we can definitely run away.

Let all the five junior super aviation battleships back, and distance themselves from the Rainbow Alliance monster ship, and then we sent a reconnaissance ship here. The reconnaissance ship will enter the edge of the opponent's reconnaissance range and make observations, while Christina and I will be close to the target to see what changes have taken place.

The speed of flying birds is very fast, and within five minutes we have reached the detection limit of the other party. And this big guy is obviously the same as before, the detection ability of the player is very bad, anyway, there is no response to us approaching it.

Although it's almost two in the morning, I have perfect dark vision, so the darkness here has no effect on me. As for Christina. It can be done with a small spell, so darkness has no effect on us, but it can provide us with cover.

Under the cover of this darkness, we quickly entered within 50 kilometers of this big guy. At this point you can see the full picture of this thing very clearly.

After the complete fusion, the volume of this thing seems to be a little smaller than the data in the previous report. Now the body length of this thing is only about one kilometer. However, the actual length of this thing is very exaggerated considering the tail that is more than 1,000 meters long, the neck that is almost 600 meters long, and the head that is more than 100 meters long.

Such a large thing is quietly suspended in the night sky, it looks like a floating mountain. However, now we are not concerned about how big this thing is, but the two people hanging upside down on its back.

"Why do I feel like I want to see Elsa?" Cristina said doubtfully.

Elsa is the name used by Yusina in the game. Christina sees Yusina, but the gun **** was just blown to the back of the "mast" by the wind, so she was not seen by Christina.

Although Christina did not see. But I quickly found the God of Guns, and then exclaimed, "I rely on him, God of Guns too! What happened to the two of them upside down on the mast?"

"Did you say that there was a rebellion within the Rainbow Alliance?" Cristina asked.

I just vetoed this possibility with a little thought. This is a game and not a reality. Even if you want to rebel, there is no reason to rebel in this unfamiliar place! Even if the rebellion is successful here, when you go back, you will have to rebel again. Isn't this enough to support you? So this is definitely not a rebellion in the Rainbow Alliance.

"If it's not a rebellion, what are they doing there?" Cristina asked. "Don't tell me this is the special way of driving their new spaceship."

Of course I knew that Christina was joking, but for a while I couldn't think of why they were hanging there. As for the truth of the facts ... how could I have thought of such strange things?

"Will I go back and ask the Crash King to send a Junior Super Air Warship to help us with a fire reconnaissance?" Cristina asked.

I actually agree with Christina's suggestion. But I was a little bit afraid to do it, mainly because the situation is a bit strange now. If that thing had some kind of ultra-long-range attack, wouldn't our junior super-aircraft warship come to death once it appeared nearby?

Although our number is no longer a disadvantaged group, our strength is still estimated to be crushed. The opponent used a fleet to make such a ship. If it is not particularly powerful, it is too sorry for those investments in the Rainbow Alliance. Therefore, this monster battleship is a must. The key is to know how good he is.

"Isn't it possible I should try it?" Christina suggested again.

As a super player with the title of the world ’s first turret, Christina ’s attack power is actually not much worse than that of a battleship, so if she really came here in the past, maybe she could really test the combat effect of this thing. But I always think that the situation is very strange. So there was some hesitation.

Although I still have some concerns in my heart ~ ~ But it's not always a problem to consume so much. Anyway, we are here to scout, so I finally took my heart and rushed directly to Christina.

With my urging, Asuka drove the speed to a very high state, and we rushed to the Rainbow Alliance battleship there at almost seven times the speed of sound. However, the monster battleship did not seem to see us at all, and did not respond to our actions at all.

This abnormal situation makes us quite confused, because normally it is impossible for the other party to find us.

It is midnight. There is no moon in this world, and the surroundings are dark. When the birds are flying at full speed, a very high-temperature jet will be generated behind them. This flame cannot be hidden. And, even if the other party is blind and can't see the light in the night, then the magic wave generated by the big move that Christina is gathering should always respond? Such a big magic wave, the other party didn't find it at all? Can't this be justified?

Although we are very confused, there is no time to hesitate at this time. I was alert while speeding up the birds, and I had to try it once to know if I was alive or dead. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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