Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 411: Cannon fodder

I thought the opposing fleet didn't find themselves, so Isinger's mobile fortress was still moving at a constant speed at a height of two kilometers from the sea, while the following fleet moved in a normal sailing posture and moved below. I really thought that this was the passage of two unrelated forces. & 26705; & 33310; & 23567; & 35828; & 32593; & 39318; & 21457; & 32; & 119; & 119; & 119; & 46; & 115; & 97; & 110; & 103; & 119; & 117; & 46; & 110; & 101; & 116;

However, when everyone thought that the two sides were about to pass through each other's area peacefully, the following fleet suddenly took the lead.

"It's now!"

With the roar of the commander, all the guns in the fleet suddenly started to raise and aimed at the area that could be aimed at, and then all the guns rang.

Unlike most surface ships, the guns used by the warships in this fleet are basically special. The elevation angles of these guns can actually reach 70 to 80 degrees. This elevation angle is absolutely not used in normal naval battles. Only antiaircraft guns need to be directed at the air, but the warships in this fleet are all magically equipped with such cannons that can shoot at air, and they include the main turret. The main gun on it is also a special cannon that can reach an elevation of 70 degrees.

Because all warships have an elevation of 70 degrees or higher, almost all of the warships in this fleet have the ability to shoot at air, and the fire density is very scary.

Almost immediately after the artillery sounded below, a dense explosion suddenly lit under Isinger's moving fortress. The distance of two kilometers, although it is vertical, does not take much time for the shell. Cannons with a muzzle velocity on average of two kilometers per second would hit this height target for more than a second, so almost as soon as the cannon rang, the Isinger moving fortress above flashed a spark immediately.

With the intensive explosion, a seemingly empty blue sky and white clouds in the sky suddenly appeared as if there were several large holes, and a large area of ​​black appeared, and then this black began to spread to the surroundings, and soon The overall structure of the Isinger Mobile Fortress appeared above the fleet below.

"Hahaha. It was finally forced out." The mysterious man in the fleet said to the fleet commander, "Hurry up, fight hard. As long as we can fight it down, we can grab the various technologies and hoarding wars inside. Materials, even if your entire fleet is lost, as long as you can successfully rob the Isinger Mobile Fortress. I guarantee you can build as many as you want. "

"I don't need you to say that, I know that it's troublesome to keep quiet now. I'm directing the battle." The person in front picked up the megaphone and shouted, "All the firepower of the fleet shoots freely. Don't worry about such a large target You ca n’t hit it. Give me all the shells at your fastest speed. "

The shelling continued, and all the cannons on the battleships were desperately firing at the moving fortress of Isinger, while the moving fortress of Isinger seemed to be dozed out, and there was no reaction at all for a moment.

In fact, of course, Isinger's Mobile Fortress will not be snoring. Although our players in the Frost Rose League may be dizzy, the **** of war will not. The direct control of Isinger's Mobile Fortress is in the hands of the **** of war, so Isinger's Mobile Fortress will never be snoozed. In fact, Isinger's Mobile Fortress was undergoing a war mode conversion at this time, and this process took time, so it seemed as if it had not responded.

Although the following group of people shouted excitedly that they had a big advantage, what they didn't know was that it was actually a very stupid way to launch an attack from below the moving fortress of Isinger.

What is Isinger Mobile Fortress? It is a flying city. How big is such a big thing? Such a terrible weight when landing. What kind of pressure is needed where the bottom touches the ground? These need to be considered clearly.

Since Isinger Mobile Fortress can support such a huge weight with the structure of its bottom, that is to say that the strength of the structure of Isinger Mobile Fortress is very scary. In fact, this part is indeed the thickest armor position on the Isinger Mobile Fortress. And this armor is mainly used to bear weight, not to resist attacks.

The people on the battleships below thought that they had caused continuous and serious blows to Isinger's mobile fortress. In fact, except that the main guns of the battleships could barely cause some damage to these armors, the auxiliary guns were just setting off fireworks. . The artillery shells fired by these small-caliber weapons are completely tickling in the boots for the armor layer at the bottom of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, which is based on meters. It does not work at all.

The outermost layer at the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is a soft armor layer used to disperse pressure. This layer uses something called bio cement as armor. This bio cement is actually a collection of microorganisms. After they are gathered together, they can multiply in large numbers, and then form a kind of highly viscous, similar to asphalt that is about to harden. The hardness of this kind of thing is much higher than that of rubber, even for the human body. This thing is almost inelastic, but it is actually the best buffer zone for such a tonnage as Isinger Mobile Fortress.

The benefits of this bio-armor are many, one is moderate hardness, and twenty can bear the pressure of this weight. The third point is the most important point, which is renewable.

In fact, the regeneration rate of this kind of biological armor is very fast. As long as the proper catalytic conditions are available, the volume can be doubled in one hour. Although the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress usually exists as a contact surface when landing, but after the Isinger Mobile Fortress flies up, there are many guns at the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress that can be opened. There are things like passageways and launches for large weapons, so you need to leave a lot of entrances and exits. In addition, because the Isinger Mobile Fortress can be moved on the ground using the crawler system, there is a closed armored door for the track walking mechanism under the Isinger Mobile Fortress. These places need to be opened and closed frequently. If ordinary armor is used, there will be a gap when opening and closing. After all, Isinger Mobile Fortress has a large tonnage. Even if the production process is very high, these gates can be closed tightly. However, under the repeated squeezing of the weight of Isinger Mobile Fortress, it is difficult to keep the original doors The shape does not change at all. Therefore. The benefits of bio-armor are realized.

These bio-armor can be cut before the hatch is opened, and then after the hatch is closed, these bio-armor will quickly grow and heal, and the opening will soon be invisible. As the bottom surface of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, when the Isinger Mobile Fortress landed, this part will certainly be pressed into the ground to a certain depth. It is normal to encounter water at this depth. Therefore, after the biological armor is closed, the intrusion of groundwater can be completely isolated. Damage to the internal equipment of Isinger's Mobile Fort is protected from moisture.

Of course, although these biological armors have the above characteristics, they are in the final analysis armor, so their biggest role is to protect against attacks.

Although the hardness of the bio-armor is not very high, the waywardness of this thing is particularly good, just like the nougat, if pulled dead, it can be pulled into a long strip without breaking. This kind of thing is the most obvious obstacle to high-speed flying objects, because if it is that hard material, once it is broken, it will not produce a blocking effect. However, soft materials with extremely high toughness not only exert resistance after being hit by high-speed flying weapons. It's like stepping on the brakes, which can quickly reduce the speed of flying objects.

Considering the volume of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, the biological armor below is too thin, obviously there is no way to distribute pressure and protection. Therefore, the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is actually covered with a layer of thick More than three meters of biological armor.

What is the concept of three meters thick armor? Although the biological armor is relatively soft, this thickness is quite scary. In fact, even if it is three meters thick, the blocking effect is very scary. Besides, this biological armor is much more powerful than rubber.

The thickness of the terror brought the horrible defense. Although the shells fired by the warships below seemed to explode at the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress. But most of them exploded in biological armor. These artillery shells will indeed make large holes in the biological armor, but at the healing speed of the biological armor, as long as the shelling stops, no damage will be seen within half an hour.

Therefore, with the exception of the main guns, most of the shells did not touch the real armor belt at the bottom of Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

In fact, even without biological armor. The armor belt of Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not something that these shells can deter. The outer armor of the type that Essinger's Mobile Fortress is equipped with is a special alloy, which has two sides. Facing outwards, the surface is carburized, which has amazing hardness and rust resistance. Reverse side inward. Multi-layer composite embedded magic array technology is engraved with three defense system spells: solid, energy absorption, and self-healing. Some key areas also have independent energy conversion shields. After being hit, some energy will be converted into magic energy to support the shield to resist subsequent attacks.

This type of armor alone is actually quite powerful, not to mention that our type of armor is only outer armor, and its thickness is as high as two meters. The two-meter-thick carburizing armor and magical protection, even if the 480mm naval gun's approaching shot is not a single shot. Therefore, at an altitude of two kilometers, this armor is almost invincible.

The following fleets played quite well, but unfortunately, their attacks did not produce any effect that could threaten the existence of Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

"Concentrate the firepower and hit me fiercely." On the battleship below, the commander yelled in excitement, hoping that his fleet could play at an extra level to give Isinger a stronghold. Of course, this can only be a luxury.

Just as the fleet below was playing well, suddenly a loud noise was heard, it seemed that some kind of organ was moving. Then they found that some kind of mechanism was really touched because the edge of Isinger's Mobile Fortress actually opened a lot of exits. Because the current intensity of the sunlight is not high, you can see the light shining through the openings, and in that light are densely crowded with small black spots.

Those fleet members who previously thought that the people at Isinger's Mobile Fortress were suffocated are now stunned, because the number of black spots in the exits is so numerous that they are completely innumerable. A quick glance at the dense black spots can determine that the number is at least 10,000, and there is no way to calculate how many are behind, because the exits are still taking out these small black spots like fountains, and I do n’t know the back There are many.

If the Rainbow Alliance people are here, they will definitely exclaim because they know these black spots. In fact, these little black dots are the drone attack aircraft that had been heavily damaged by the Rainbow Alliance fleet, except that Isinger's Mobile Fortress is different from our junior super aviation battleships. The junior Super Aviation battleship is large though. But the space above is limited after all, so the number of drone attack aircraft carried will not be too much. But Isinger moved the fortress differently. Because the space of Essinger's Mobile Fortress is so large that it exceeds the average city size, we can arbitrarily arrange a hangar or even a space compression cabin on it. Because of the size of the primary super-aircraft warship, there is no way to equip space compression equipment, so there is no way to carry an unlimited number of drone attack aircraft, but Isinger Mobile Fortress can easily fit various sizes of compression space. Therefore, as long as we are willing to spend money to build space compression equipment, theoretically we can park drone attack aircraft on Isinger Mobile Fortress indefinitely.

Of course, as a matter of fact, the drone attack hangar above Isinger Mobile Fortress is not equipped with compression equipment at all, not because we are not willing to spend money, but because it is unnecessary.

The space above Issinger's Mobile Fortress was already large enough. No need to expand space at all. In fact, even these hangars on the Isinger Mobile Fortress are not fully loaded. Most of the drone attack hangars are currently only equipped with about 30% of equipment, and most of the space is still empty.

Some people may think that although Isinger Mobile Fortress is very large, is it a bit too exaggerated to carry so many drone attack aircraft. Actually this needs to be explained.

The reason why the actual airfield cannot stop too many aircraft. That's because their planes are parked on the ground, that is, they are on the same plane. Because the size of the aircraft itself is not small, and it takes up special space after the wings are spread out, a large hangar can't hold many aircraft. However, drone attack aircraft are different. This thing is a drone, so don't worry about what to consider for the pilot, and because the logistical pressure of the equipment in the game is not as great as in reality, we don't need to build a super hangar for a few aircraft as in reality.

In fact, the hangar we designed for the Drone attack plane on the Isinger Mobile Fortress is not the hangar in the usual sense. It is a three-dimensional hangar. The drone attack aircraft in this hangar are like bananas growing on a banana tree. They are hung on a huge vertical parking rack. If these drone attackers are replaced with roast ducks. You will think that these parking racks are like the grill in the middle of the hanging roast duck equipment, and the drone attacker is the roast duck hanging on it. The difference is that we have a multi-layer structure. One shelf has a total of twenty layers of racks from top to bottom, and one circle per layer is six drone attack aircraft. In this way, each two layers of racks can be hung. A drone attack aircraft of the flying squadron. The 20th floor of a rack is ten squadrons.

This rack itself is vertical, so it does n’t take up much space. There will be about two hundred to four hundred racks in a hangar, and there will be ten to twenty such hangars behind a launch port. . In other words, at least 20,000 squadrons can be parked inside each launch port, and if it is an extra large launch port. Inside, there might be 80,000 squadron drone attack aircraft.

A squadron of 12 drone attack aircraft, 20,000 squadrons are 240,000 drone attack aircraft, even if the berthing rate is less than 30%, each exit has at least 70,000 or 80,000 drone attack aircraft. There are now as many as twelve entrances and exits below the Essinger Mobile Fortress, and it is unknown whether there are others that have not been opened, but even so, there are at least 800,000 in the sky. The above-mentioned drone attack aircraft, such a terrifying amount is said to cover the sky, which is not exaggerated at all.

"This, this ... this is the small number of self-defense aircrafts you asked to report?" The fleet commander asked, looking at the mysterious man gritting his teeth.

The drone attacking machine flying in the sky is like a large group of mosquitoes gathering in the sky into spherical clouds, and then it starts to dive in batches. Unlike the drone attack aircraft used to deal with the Rainbow Alliance's fleet, this time these drone attack aircraft are directly mounted with aerial bombs, and they are specially used to deal with warships' 500 kilogram bombs.

Normally the drone attack aircraft has four external racks and one built-in rack. This built-in pylon is usually directly loaded with a special bomb when performing suicide missions, but it can also be used to install bombs of normal types.

If it is an ordinary task, the drone attack opportunity hangs on the rocket, and if it is against a spacefight. It may be a liquefied magic crystal steam missile with it, and the suicide mission is to install the explosive with the greatest power as much as possible. However, it is now attacking the sea, so the drone attack aircraft does not carry rockets or missiles, because those things have their own power, and the manufacturing cost will naturally be higher. In contrast, it is much cheaper to rely solely on gravity to drop the aerial bomb above the target. Except for the initiation fuze, which has a little technical content, this thing is basically just a shell of explosives, and the cost is really low. Even because the technology is simple, our guild also used the method of outsourcing operations, so that the affiliates of our guild can help us only do these less advanced things. Anyway, the price of those guys is very low, we let them produce Closer relationships can help them get rich and increase our own bomb production.

Because the bomb is not expensive, the drone attack aircraft is not expensive. That's why our drone attack aircraft is so scary. We would n’t be able to equip so many valuable items like mobile angels, which cost dozens of millions. Haven't found that our guild has invented Mobile Angels for so long, has the number of Mobile Angels never exceeded 200,000? Not because it can't be made, it's simply too expensive to use.

However, relatively speaking, drone attack aircraft are much cheaper. This gadget is simply a typical product of unmanned assembly line operation, and it is fully mechanically produced. Except for a few maintenance workers, little management is required. Add raw materials from the feed port, and you can go out of the plane at the same speed as the canned Cola. Even under the modern industrial system. This production speed is also incredible enough, not to mention that everyone in the game is still mainly manual production.

These drone attack aircraft have a take-off weight of up to three tons. When using the Isinger Mobile Fortress for airdrop launch, a four-ton load can be directly loaded, but this load cannot be landed, and it cannot take off on the runway. It can only use Ising The special ejection launcher above the grid mobile fortress can take off.

This time our drone attack aircraft were all ejected from the catapult above Isinger's Mobile Fortress. So it's almost fully loaded. A four-ton bomb, of which a 500-kilogram aerial bomb was placed on each of the four wing hangers of the drone attack aircraft. This kind of bomb can already cause quite horrible damage to large warships, and the two-ton aerial bomb in the belly of the drone attacker is the real killer, because this level of bomb, even if it is nearly lost The hull keel can be broken by squeezing with the impact of seawater. It can also tear the surface armor, and has a terrible lethality to most classes of battleships except battleships. Of course, this is about a near miss. If you hit it directly, it will definitely be a hit for whatever battleship you have.

"Captain, those things rushed down!" Looking at the queue adjustment overhead, the drone attacking aircraft madly diving, the players on the battleships screamed.

"Don't panic, prepare for air defense firepower." The fleet commander yelled to command the battle, but those players below could only control the air defense firepower to intercept, but unfortunately faced with air attacks of this scale, even if they brought enough The anti-aircraft guns have no effect at all.

The roaring drone attack plane rushed through the air defense fire network in the first attack. Although a few drone attack planes were shot down and even detonated in the air, they also killed some wingmen who were too close. However, compared to the entire fleet, these losses can only be said to be ridiculous, completely irrelevant. Moreover, the damaged drone attack aircraft do not make various choices like human-valued aircraft. These unmanned drone attack aircraft do not even know what to fear of death. Anyway, as long as the aircraft has a problem, and With a bit of control, he will try to hit the enemy battleship. As a result, although many aircraft were shot down in the first wave of attack, at least more than half of these drone attack aircraft eventually fell on the battleship.

boom. Behind the large battleship where the fleet commander was located, a shot down drone slammed into the sea behind the stern and a violent explosion occurred. This drone attack aircraft was originally directed at the battleship. However, because the wing was damaged and it was difficult to control, it finally failed to hit directly, but instead hit the sea behind the stern. However, the bomb on this drone attack aircraft has not been thrown out yet. With a full four tons of bombs exploding less than five meters from the stern. This power is no joke. The fleet commander felt his ship slammed forward, then a sway, and the warship began to make a sharp turn to the left.

The fleet commander hurriedly shouted to the helmsman next to him: "Going in the right direction, we are turning!"

"Report, the servo is stuck!"


The helmsman looked at the prompt and said, "It may be that the explosion caused damage to the steering gear, and we have lost the steering ability."

Just after the helmsman had just reported, the driver next to him was shouting, "Report. The main thruster is damaged and we have lost most of the power. Currently only the left thruster can barely turn at low speed."

"Report!" The fleet commander heard the report again before he could say anything.

He asked with some depression: "What's the matter?"

"The damage pipe reported that a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared at the stern, which could no longer be closed. Now only the rear impervious tank can be closed. However, if the impervious tank is closed, there is no way to repair the rudder and thruster. Ask if it's closed. "

The fleet commander immediately felt that the first two were large. Although the ship was not hit directly, it had already had such a serious problem. The fleet commander, who originally thought that he could ambush Isinger's mobile fortress, and then easily get rich, had to face the situation that he could not lose even one of his fleet.

While the fleet commander was still hesitating there not knowing how to make a decision, a drone striker in front of it suddenly broke through the air defense fire network and dropped a 500-kilogram bomb towards the warship. Due to the severe drop in the speed of the battleship, the bomb was obviously thrown forward, but it eventually hit the bow of the battleship. With a boom, the foremost position of the bow turned directly into a large hole, and a small half of the foredeck was missing. The speed of the model ship decreases, otherwise the big hole will become an inlet. Then the ship can sink in a few minutes.

However, although the battleship had not yet reached the point where it would sink. However, the warships that had gradually lost their speed did not have any evasion ability. They had to stop there and wait to be bombed.

After discovering that the warship completely lost its speed, the fleet commander immediately started planning to change to a flagship, but before his order was issued, the latter drone attacker directly dropped the only one in the middle position of the warship. A two-ton bomb.

With a sound of impact, the bomb penetrated the ship island behind the second turret, and then continued through several decks and fell into the lower compartment. Only then did the delayed fuse detonate the bomb. Accompanying a dull bang, the warship made a metal-like twist like a sorrow of a beast, then jumped abruptly from the surface of the sea, and the hull was directly divided into two sections and pushed forward and backward. The distance, followed by smashing into the sea and quickly disappeared on the sea.

"Is the two-ton bomb a bit overpowered?" Looking at the results of the attack below. The eagle asked the **** of war next to him.

The explanation of the God of War is to ensure absolute killing. Bombs of this level are still very valuable. Besides, the amount of civilian explosives in the game is not large and the cost of materials is low. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to make heavy bombs than low-level bombs because For us, the shell of a heavy bomb is not much more expensive than the shell of an ordinary bomb, no matter how big the bomb is, the fuze is actually the same. Therefore, large bombs are actually more cost effective.

"Oh damn, the flagship was killed!" Among the fleet below, those who saw the explosion also yelled. They originally thought that this would be an ambush, but they did not expect it to become It looks like this. Although it is still in a big way, they were actually hanged by the big ones.

The air attack continued, and subsequent drone attackers began to enter the bombing sequence, and then the bombs were flying around. The following fleets had no way to resist so many bomb attacks. Even if their anti-aircraft firepower was strong enough, but The anti-aircraft fire was prepared to deal with the invasion of hundreds of enemy aircrafts, but now it is facing hundreds of thousands of drone attack aircrafts, and the data is a little bit different.

When the following fleet was struggling to support it, those drone drone attackers suddenly started to climb up collectively, then broke away from the range of the fleet, and looked at the area above their heads that were emptied in an instant. Those in the fleet There is still no response. But soon they realized why those pesky drones had retreated.

The reason for the drone retreat is simple. Within Essinger moved the fortress to zoom in.

At this time, under the moving fortress, the armor plate was slowly folded and unfolded, and a huge thing like the radar antenna carried on the back of the early warning aircraft was sticking out. Of course, the volume of this gadget is larger than that of the antenna of the early warning device, and a clear white ring can be seen under this thing.

As this thing protruded from below the moving fortress of Isinger, the ring above that thing suddenly began to glow. And it is getting brighter. From time to time, you can still see some arcs jumping on these rings, and some slight buzzing sounds have started to appear in the air, and this sound is still getting louder.

"What is that thing going to do?" The man on a certain battleship asked.

The captain next to him said wisely: "No matter what it does, it's not a good thing anyway, hurry up and destroy it immediately."

Many people have the same idea, but unfortunately the attack was completely unsuccessful. All shelling was blocked by a layer of protective cover outside the thing. The protective ability of this shield is extremely scary. So many attacks can't even make it shake. Obviously, there is still a long way to go.

As that thing gradually started to start, the buzz in the surrounding air began to grow louder, and soon someone discovered that something was wrong.

The first thing discovered was not a battleship, but blood. A player on the battleship was injured, but he found that the blood from his wound began to float in the air after being thrown off by himself, and then slowly drifted upward. After seeing this situation, the player froze, because he didn't think of so many things at first. I just feel very confused.

However, his discovery was soon discovered by more people. Because some small things inside the battleship started to fly upwards, and then many people felt that their bodies became much lighter, and then the abnormality of the gravitational field began to sharply increase, and some small tonnage warships began to gradually escape from the sea, even The sea water started to follow. In the end, even large warships gradually began to tilt away from the sea, and then spun up.

"I depend! What's going on?" All the warships in this area were in chaos. Because the warships were all flying. These warships are all standard surface ships. After flying into the air, they completely lose control. Although the artillery can still be used, due to the abnormal gravity, the trajectory is completely chaotic. Coupled with the warships starting to roll and tilt in the sky, there was no way to aim. One of the battleships did not know if it was out of order or what happened. The former main gun fired a shot, and then the entire battleship became a spinning top. Because the warships flying in the air did not have the resistance provided by the seawater, the recoil after the bombardment caused the warships to turn around in the air, and the shells also hit their own warships, making other warships afraid to fire again Already.

As the fleet rose higher and higher, the Essinger Mobile Fortress began to rise gradually. At this time, the height of the Isinger Mobile Fortress from the sea surface has climbed from the original two kilometers to four kilometers, while the battleships below all floated at an altitude of 2,500 meters from the sea surface.

Looking at the height, the iris on the ring under Isinger's moving fortress suddenly extinguished, and the arc and strange noise disappeared at the same time. Also disappearing was the strange gravity anomaly. After losing control of this strange phenomenon, those warships flying at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters recovered their normal characteristics in an instant and began to roll and smash towards the sea. Go on.

Boom boom boom ... The falling water and the sound of explosions mingled. Dropped directly from a height of more than two thousand meters, even this battle force could not carry it. If you are lucky, you will fall directly into several sections. The bad thing is that the ammunition storehouse burst into a flying metal wreck.

"What a joke!" At this time, players in several fleets who were lying on a floating object on the surface of the sea looked helplessly and sighed. They have now fully realized that the only thing to do with our Frost Rose Alliance is to find death, and the attempt to attack Isinger's mobile fortress must have been kicked by the donkey. They themselves were the kind of neurosis that had been severely kicked by the donkey, and they wanted to sneak attack on Isinger's mobile fortress. Was the Isinger Mobile Fortress a sneak attack? Even if there are ten fleets, the combat power of this thing is uncertain?

Watching the enemy fleet that fell into a pile of wrecks, Isinger moved the fort without any pause, and began to recover the drone attack aircraft while continuing to fly forward. There is still a very important task for Isinger Mobile Fortress, but it can't stop in such a place.

"We don't need to go down and see who is attacking us?" Eagle asked, looking at the fleet that was killed on the sea behind.

Rose didn't even look at those fleets and said: "The idiot who can do this idiot behavior must be an exploited fool. Those who really understand us will not want to attack Isinger's Mobile Fortress with a surface formation."

"No wonder!"

Immediately after speaking on the eagle's side, Rose said immediately, "However, although the fleet that attacked us was only an idiot sent to death, the people who really wanted to attack us must still be waiting for us. "

"Then we ..."

As soon as half of Ying's words were asked, he heard Rose suddenly say to the **** of war: "Don't care so much, order everyone to prepare as quickly as possible, and we will make a space jump."

"Ah?" Eagle didn't expect Rose's idea to jump so fast, but he wasn't that stupid person. Although he didn't react as fast as Rose, he quickly realized what he should do now. "Need to inform the Protoss of Chaos and Order?"

"Yes ~ ~ This must be."

After the order was issued, a large number of drone attack planes quickly returned to the interior of Isinger's Mobile Fortress at various launching ports below the Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and then the entrances were closed. A special halo lit up around the Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and the interior of the city Circles of energy fluctuations began to radiate outward.

On the sea directly below Issinger's Mobile Fortress, a metal block half the size of a surfboard is floating on the sea, and there are many strange protrusions on the metal block, which looks as if it is overgrown. Spiked turtle shell. However, under this thing, a wrist-thin cable runs all the way to more than 400 meters deep. There, a dark diving ship like a deep-sea monster was moving slowly at the same speed as Isinger's Moving Fortress.

Looking into the interior of the submarine, several people were sitting in a room like a conference room and watching the picture projected by a crystal ball, and the thing in the center of the picture was exactly Isinger above them. Move the fortress.

"Everyone, the goal has begun to enter the transition preparation stage as planned, and the next action plan can be started." (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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