Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 412: ran away

Above the Isinger mobile fortress, who is completely unaware of the situation below the sea, the space transition has entered the final preparation stage. As the energy of the transition equipment is about to reach a critical point, the space around the Isinger mobile fortress has begun to appear. Cracking phenomenon.

At the same time as these space tears appeared, a female player suddenly showed an evil smile on the huge submarine on the deep sea bottom. "The towing beam is ready, the space anchor is locked, and it is ready to fight against time and space pulling."

As the order was issued, a group of players operated on the equipment in front of them, and then saw the central position of their submarine. The location of the missile launch port on a ballistic missile nuclear submarine in reality suddenly opened four huge pressure hatches. These hatches are all round hatches like missile launchers, but below is not a launch tube, but a device that is a bit like a satellite receiving antenna.

The main body of this device is gathered like a large pot, and in the center of this large pot is a columnar protrusion. Unlike ordinary satellite antennas, the reflective surface of this thing is not a white laminate, but a pale green material like jade, and in the center of this thing, the protruding column-shaped object is also The same turquoise color material, and this thing is obviously much thicker than the receiver in the center of a normal satellite antenna.

This thing started to adjust its angle after protruding from the launch tube. The four launchers were aimed at the four corners of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, and then entered the final stage with the space transition of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress. These four launchers suddenly started to emit light, and inside them, Inside the green launch tube, you can see a lot of things like bubbles tumbling inside.

As the liquid inside this thing began to boil, and the seawater outside it began to agitate, the seawater seemed to generate a lot of bubbles as if it boiled. Then the four devices suddenly emitted a green beam at the same time, and the beam passed directly through the sea surface. , Then shot the four corners of Isinger's moving fortress.

There was no imaginary explosion or breakdown. The four beams were like four ropes connecting the submarine and Isinger's Mobile Fortress. They did not produce any lethality at all. Are connected.

Of course, we ca n’t miss this strange phenomenon, because Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress has entered the final transition phase, but now the control room is a red flash, at least dozens of alarms are sounding, and the control room is chaotic. The operators were simply not busy.

"The space stabilizer is overloaded!"

"The jumper's energy output is above critical."

"The pressure stabilizer started to intervene."

"The space was torn successfully, the passage has been generated, but the Isinger Mobile Fortress has not been detected to enter the space turbulence."

"Report, the energy stabilizer output is 80, and it is approaching the red zone."

"The radiator has arrived in the red zone, why haven't we entered the subspace?"

"I don't know, we seem to be dragged by something!"

Just as the control room was in a mess, a player suddenly shouted: "Isinger found a huge traction beam below the moving fortress, and we were entangled! There seemed to be a device like a space anchor on it, and we were locked in Time and space. "

"How can this happen?" Eagle frowned. "What now?"

Rose is also frowning, but she is a dragon, after all, she thinks fast. Just hesitated for two seconds and immediately started issuing orders. "Turn off the energy output stabilizer first. Open the pressure relief valve and transfer the energy to the energy radiation cannon for the city through the emergency energy conversion circuit. Weapon class, turn on the energy radiation running protector, whatever it is below, give it to me it."

The operator first watched Rose for two seconds, then suddenly reacted and started to operate, while Rose continued to shout: "Soldier, send a few ice mage to the core of the energy, the converter may be reaching the limit, help Cool down. "

"Already on the road," said God of War in cooperation with tacit understanding. "In addition, I just started the backup energy core without your consent, and the startup has now been completed."

Of course Rose didn't blame him when he heard the words of the army soldier, but said with a smile: "Good job. Operation console, report the core status of the backup energy."

"The spare core is online, the output is normal, and the work is stable."

"Very good, connect the backup energy pipeline, first transfer the power to the radioactive cannon for the city, and immediately convert the energy to the space jump device after launch, but don't excite, wait for my order."


With Rose's order, the armored door under Isinger's Mobile Fortress slowly opened. A launch port that felt very tall at first glance was slowly protruding from under Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and around this thing, A small circle of hood generators is protecting this thing.

A Russian player screamed in the submarine below. "President is not good! The radiation cannon under Isinger's Mobile Fortress is activated, and they are about to launch a big move!"

Hearing this voice, the Russian guild presidents who had thought that the winning ticket was in their hands came together because they had seen the fast-lighting transmitter port under the Isinger Mobile Fortress projected by the crystal ball.

"Shit, they really have to use big tricks!" Exclaimed a Russian guild president.

The frozen banshee standing on the theme said calmly, "Don't worry, we are under the sea water more than 400 meters deep. Even if the large weapons on the moving fortress of Isinger are powerful enough, it is impossible to hit them. Position. "

"But ..." a Russian guild president wanted to say something.

"Nothing," said the Frozen Banshee decisively. "Are you timid without a fight, are you still a Russian player? It might be better to change your name to Joker."

Those masculine presidents of the Russian guilds are a little embarrassed to hear this, but the words of the Frozen Banshee really calm them down.

After seeing the people quiet down, the Frozen Banshee said, "Did I not tell you? This ship also has secret weapons." After the Frozen Banshee gestured to a man next to him, that The man immediately ran to start the operation.

I saw a row of sixteen launch ports on each side of the huge submarine and four traction beam launchers in the deep ocean, and then a row of long tubular objects flew from those launch tubes. Come out. As soon as these things appeared, they started to go up with the compressed air, and soon reached the surface, and then these things rushed out of the water by inertia. As soon as the projectile left the water surface, the rocket ignited, these long large missiles began to accelerate instantly, and dragged a long white plume of smoke towards Isinger's moving fortress and shot straight away.

"Warning, large flying objects are approaching."

The siren inside Isinger's Mobile Fortress sounded for the first time.

"What about defensive artillery?"


A few small **** were opened under Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and then a small muzzle came out, firing a large beam of light at these missiles. Most of those missiles were intercepted, but two of them hit the energy radiation cannon. Of course, for such an important thing as the energy radiation gun, the energy value of the protective cover is of course very high, so although the two missiles caused serious damage, they only destroyed the outer armor and did not touch the launcher itself.

The Frozen Banshee pinched her fist in disappointment, but at this time, she had no good way. She could only hope that the equipment on our side couldn't support it first. After all, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is at the critical point of transition and incomplete transition at this time. The pulling force at this time is very heavy for the equipment. If the quality of our equipment is slightly worse, it will have burst now. But even with the best quality, in this case it is not possible to persist too long, so the key depends on our processing speed. Otherwise, being dragged in this way will sooner or later explode.

The space device explosion is not the same as the bomb explosion. The space cracks generated when this gadget explodes are enough to get a lot of things in, and the jumping equipment on Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress is originally a large device. If this gadget explodes, put Ising It's perfectly normal for a grid moving fortress to take on different dimensions.

Those Russian players just want this to happen, and the previous joint fleet of Korean players and a few Japanese players was just to stimulate us and let us know that there are enemies staring nearby, so we carefully decide not to save energy. , But jump directly to leave. However, the transition behavior of Isinger Mobile Fortress is exactly what the other party hopes, because they know that this method is very promising to solve the super trouble of Isinger Mobile Fortress at one time.

Soon the launcher under Isinger's Mobile Fortress reached a critical point. In the submarine under the surface of the Russian guild, the Russian player reported in a panic: "A huge energy reaction appeared below Isinger's Mobile Fortress. The value has exceeded the upper limit. , We cannot detect. "

Several Russian guild presidents prayed there: "Be sure to stand up!"

In the opposite prayers of both sides, the launcher under Isinger's Mobile Fortress suddenly lit up, and then a horrible white beam suddenly fell and hit the sea. With a loud noise, the sea surface was directly opened by the explosion and the shock wave, and the sea water was pushed in all directions, while a large bowl-shaped waterless area appeared on the sea surface of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, which felt like The sea surface suddenly sunk.

The Russian submarine was also shaking in clusters at this time. The various lights in the ship flickered, and the severe vibration even caused some unstable things to fall. The presidents of the Russian guilds were even more so. The ground gourd was shaken.

The rays below Isinger's Mobile Fortress lasted for ten seconds before they began to go out, and the Russians also had a shock in that submarine that lasted a full ten seconds. At this point, the submarine just appeared at the bottom of the bowl-shaped sea surface pit, and most of the submarine's structure had already surfaced, feeling as if it were about to fly.

"It's now."

With Rose's voice, the four drone attackers on the bottom of the moving fortress suddenly disengaged, then dived towards the submarine below. Before the Russian guild presidents came to celebrate their escape, they heard a loud noise, and four drone attack aircraft hit the submarine one after another. Although the submarine is very large, the fully loaded drone attack aircraft carries four tons of bombs, and the four drone attack aircraft are sixteen tons. The power of so many bombs is no joke. The launcher on that submarine was instantly destroyed, the four towing rays were instantly disconnected, and Isinger's Mobile Fortress was restored to freedom.

The operator who had been prepared for a long time quickly transferred the power on the backup energy core to the jump device. The space crack around the Isinger Mobile Fortress finally connected into a huge black hole and completely swallowed the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Then, The black hole closed and quickly narrowed, before disappearing on the sea surface.

After more than a minute, just after it was filled with seawater, a broken submarine was slamming out of the turbulent sea.

Although the towing device has been blown up, this submarine still carried the suicide attack of the drone attacker. It finally surfaced, but this thing is now barely sunk. If you want to say combat effectiveness, you can only say that it is Ten are not saved.

The frozen banshee standing at the bow looked at the rainbow formed by the condensation of the exploding seawater in the sky and said, "It was still letting them run away, and the Frost Rose League was not so easy to deal with."

"At least we interfered with their transition," said a Russian guild president.

"But we can't carry on with our plan!" Said the Frozen Banshee. "Their transition is still complete. We don't even know where they are now, unless they fall into our ambush circle, but that It's impossible to happen at all. "

boom. Just as the Frozen Banshees were guessing where our Isinger mobile fortress would jump to, there was a loud noise over the eastern **** of Mount Fuji, the most famous volcano in Japan. A A huge object instantly appeared in the sky on the side of the top of Mount Fuji, and as soon as it appeared, it hit the Mount Fuji. With a loud noise, half of the peak was knocked down.

The losing power of the Isinger Mobile Fortress stopped completely in the impact, and then the other end began to sink and slammed on the **** of Mount Fuji. Then the entire Isinger Mobile Fortress began to slide down the mountain for a short distance. After that, it stopped sliding, and At this time, Isinger's Mobile Fortress seemed to be leaning completely on Mount Fuji.

Red light flickered in the control room, and Rose and a group of commanders rose from the ground. Rose rubbed a large bag on her head and said, "Check the equipment and the departments report the loss."

"The main structure of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is complete and has not been damaged."

"The armor belt is normal, and the outer biological armor is slightly damaged."

"The basic defense system is working."

"The support system works fine."

"The closed system works fine."

"The main power core is overheating and is being forced to cool. The spare core is online and the output is stable."

"Space jump equipment is damaged to an unknown extent."

"Everything is normal for the city's radiation cannon, and it enters the forced cooling phase."

"Essinger Mobile Fortress has normal systems and the main power system is normal. The main equipment is normal. There are no major casualties."

After listening to the report, Rose finally felt relieved and asked, "Where are we now?"

"This seems to be Mount Fuji!"

"Ah?" Looking at Mount Fuji outside the window, Rose froze. "What a bad luck, why did you jump back?"

"It would be nice to be here," said Eagle. "At least we have allies here!"

Somei next said: "It's better than falling in Russia or the United States."

"That's right!" Rose asked after she figured it out. "Is the gravity resistance device still working?"

"everything is normal."

Rose nodded. "Then let's restore the balance before we say it."

At this time, one end of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is mounted on Mount Fuji. This has caused the Isinger Mobile Fortress to have a certain tilt angle. Although the Isinger Mobile Fortress is large enough, this angle is not particularly large. But it is crooked after all.

The commanded player immediately started to operate, and a large amount of black smoke was emitted under the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Then the Isinger Mobile Fortress slowly rose up a distance and quickly recovered its balance and exited the area of ​​Mount Fuji.

When Isinger Mobile Fortress re-floated, a lot of Japanese players around already arrived at the scene, but most of these people came to watch the lively mind, not intending to attack us, nor meant to help.

At present, our cooperation with Japanese players is still in an intermediate stage, and it is quite good that the other party can not mess up.

Looking at the Isinger Mobile Fortress that slowly lifted off, some Japanese players began to talk about it. After all, when the Isinger Mobile Fortress came over, it was still full of embarrassment. Although no damage was seen outside, it was absolutely clear It was not a normal landing, and this situation only showed that we were hit. So these Japanese players are now very curious what problems we have encountered here.

Although we are wondering what is going on here, Japanese players have no plans to get closer, after all, they themselves have not fully adapted to their new relationship with us. However, although most Japanese players have not moved, it does not mean that Matsumoto Masa will not come. In fact, Matsumoto was so fast that he arrived at the scene in less than ten minutes. After all, this is Japan. Of course, people here have local advantages. The teleportation arrays in various places can be used at will. It is naturally very fast.

Matsumoto Masahiro did not bring Blazing Dragon Ji this time, but came here alone. The main reason is that Blazing Dragon Ji and the three of them are now leading the team to fight with Nobunaga, but because they are not mass friction, Matsumoto did not participate. Of course, even if Matsumoto isn't congratulating, they still have the upper hand, because the Makimoto snake is on their side.

Compared to the real Yachi snakes from Nobunaga's side, the early Yachi snakes we found are much more normal in character. They are not as extreme and proud as that Yachi snake. Therefore, the ghost-handed Nobunaga can only ask his grandfather to tell his grandmother to ask for the help of the Yagi snake, so Yachi snake doesn't shoot every time. The Yagi snake we found was quite easy-going and thanked Ded for being very obedient. As long as Matsumoto shouted a word, he would not refuse at all, and what to hit.

Although the Yagi snake from Nobunaga's side is stronger because of his age there, but because our Yaki snake is more obedient and can cooperate with us, Matsumoto is actually better than Ghost. Nobunaga has been nourished. No matter how strong a disobedient army is, it is a waste. On the contrary, an army that can be stopped can be very useful as long as its combat capability is not too garbage. Although the Hachichi snake is not an army, the meaning is actually the same.

When Matsumoto rushed to the side of Mount Fuji, Essinger's Mobile Fortress had completed its attitude adjustment, and it was now descending. Rose intends to let Essinger Mobile Fortress land on the ground first, and then close it. As long as the device performs a deep self-check, after all, the previous damage to Essinger Mobile Fortress is quite large, so you must be careful.

I saw Rose immediately after Matsumoto arrived at the Essinger Mobile Fortress. After understanding the general situation, Matsumoto Masa left here. After all, Matsumoto Masa is the representative of Japan on the surface, and we It is necessary to make a good relationship, but too close a relationship is not enough. So Matsumoto did not stay too long, just made a gesture of polite condolences, and after walking around, he sent some supplies and then symbolically left a few people to help send out the whistle. Pay too much attention to this matter.

After sending away Matsumoto Masaru, the rose started to be difficult, because according to the time agreed before, there are tens of minutes more time for us to start the space transmission. But Essinger's Mobile Fortress is now like this, and it is clear that there is no way to complete the task on time. Therefore, we must now inform us that this plan must be postponed.

"Plans postponed?" We froze when we heard the caution over there. The thing is brought back by the player who is the liaison, because the two sides need to be synchronized, we specially arranged a few players to take offline to listen to the opposite message, and then go online to tell us, so that we can establish a slightly more stable communication.

In addition to telling us the time delay, this player also told us the reason for the delay, and we understand this situation better.

"I don't think the Russians can put us together at this time." Gold Coin said angrily.

Really red looked at the gold coin questioningly: "How do you know that the submarine is Russian? Roses are not sure of them!"

"Is this OK?" Said the gold coin. "On the motive, who would take this risk to cause us trouble? Except the Russians are Americans. The Americans have just returned, and now they have no time to engage in this. The rest is Only Russia. As far as technology is concerned, Russia just has the ability to make this kind of submarine. The guilds of other countries that can make this kind of stuff are full of no more than eight. Most of them are neutral with us. They don't need to offend us. The only one that is really suspicious is Russia, not just them. "

"The battleships in front ...?"

"It is either Korean or Japanese, but the composition of Koreans is more likely." Gold Coins inferred.

Because Rose didn't say anything about the fleet, naturally we are not very clear about the situation here, but it is generally known that a fleet attacked Isinger's Mobile Fortress, so Rose will let Isinger's Mobile Fortress make a leap, otherwise Was recruited in the meeting.

Woma looked at me and said, "Now Essinger can't keep up with the mobile fortress, we can only wait for it!"

"You don't have to wait," said the gold coin. "Boss, you can go back and forth anyway, just go back. There is a need for your fighting power over there."

I thought for a moment and nodded: "Well, there are you two here anyway, what problems do you really encounter? Ask Hongyue, she is more thorough than you think."

The gold coin nodded and said, "Okay! I know I'm an advanced thug, and I won't blindly direct."

After a brief exchange with Woma, I planned to go back to the main map first. Woma also specially brought me a lot of ore samples and said that I would bring them back for research by Isinger. The staff analyzes the ingredients.

It was certainly not difficult for me to return to the main map, and soon arrived at the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Rose was not surprised to see me, but Eagle looked very surprised.

"Why are you back?"

Rose responded to me instead: "There is an undeveloped world over there. There is no danger. It is waste to stay there for high-end combat power like Ziri, so come back to our side to help me."

Eagle nodded: "You can really help a lot when you come back. If you were on the moving fortress of Isinger before, we might not be successful."

"Where is Christina? Isn't she here?" I looked around and found no one.

Rose explained: "Christina is on the Sino-Russian border. After the Russians recaptured the development zone, they have always challenged us on the border. From time to time, they have taken the initiative to cross the line. When Christina came back, I was sent over to calm them down. . "

I nodded and said, "Russians shouldn't take advantage of Christina over there."

When Eagle heard me say this, he was excited and said, "Yeah! Christina is indeed the world's first battery turret! Just go there and stand on top of the last artillery cluster. If Russian players dare to cross the line, it is a death. One. Thousands of people have been killed in such a short time, and the other party is not afraid to provocate now. "

"Well, didn't Essinger say he had suffered some damage before moving the fortress? I didn't see any problem!"

God of War immediately reported: "Only there was something wrong with the space teleporter, everything else was fine."

"is it serious?"

"I don't know for the moment. Woma has been taken away by you. The technicians here are not all-rounders. They need to communicate with each other. The speed is a bit slow."

"Where did you get hit before?"

Rose gave a coordinate directly, and then asked, "Are you going to investigate the enemy?"

"It's not my habit to be bored."

"I don't have such a hobby either, so this time you must let our enemies taste the consequences of opposing us."

"Relax, they won't make them feel better."

After I got this coordinate, I left Essinger Mobile Fortress. The situation here seems to be stable. There is Masamoto Matsumoto taking care of it in Japan. No matter what Nobunaga's hand can do here, . Now that Matsumoto is in control of the vast majority of Japanese players, the ghost-handed Nobunaga have nothing to do in Japan and can only take his people to fight overseas. Otherwise, with Matsumoto's current strength, they will be surrounded in minutes.

After I left Essinger's mobile fortress, I went straight to the position on the coordinates. Of course, I could not fly directly. Instead, I used the Japanese teleportation array to go to a city in the northernmost part of Japan. After coming out from this teleportation array, Fly over with birds.

It wasn't long before I arrived at the location of the previous cannon fodder fleet. There were still many floating objects on the sea side, and there were actually npc sailors struggling on the water.

Because this fleet was sunk by the drone attack aircraft above Isinger's Mobile Fortress, no one rescued those below. There are no ships on our side, and the warships of the opponent's own people are all dead, so these people have no one to rescue at all, but can only float in the water.

Of course, I don't think these npcs will be here all the time. Someone should pick them up. After all, these are npcs that can operate warships, not free npcs. Even free NPCs are a kind of resource. Of course, these nPCs that can fight are more important resources. Even if it is to send a ship to rescue these npcs, it is well worth it. However, by the time the rescue team arrives, it is not certain how many people will be left in this place. This is not a Hawaiian beach. This is the sea north of Hokkaido, Japan, which means that this is already the entrance to the Arctic Ocean.

Do you know the Arctic Ocean? It's all ice. Although this place has not yet entered the Arctic Ocean, the temperature of the seawater is already very low. Soaking in the seawater at this temperature will quickly lose physical strength and then hang up. Of course, if you have a lifeboat that can get your body out of the water, it would be much better. However, most of the npcs I have seen so far can only hold some floating objects, and few ships. At present I have seen two lifeboats, which are already full of people, and there is no empty space at all. Many people hung on the side of the boat.

My presence immediately caught the attention of those npc. As npcs on the shipwreck, the morale of these guys has fallen to the bottom of the valley, and with my coercive attributes, those npcs have a very good attitude towards me. After all, I am now their hope for rescue.

"You are the crew members of those battleships that attacked Essinger's mobile fortress before?" I shouted to the sea with amplifying magic in the sky.

The npcs below are basically concentrated together, because the water falls for a long time, these npcs have helped each other to gather together in order to increase the chance of survival, so I can basically cover most of the npcs here.

The npcs answered my questions immediately after hearing what I said. Anyway, I knew they were affirming my judgment, so I put forward the exchange terms. As long as they join our guild, I will save them.

These are npcs who have participated in naval battles. Although I do n’t know the previous level, at least they are not novices after fighting a battle. Compared to those newly recruited whiteboard npcs, at least these are npcs with a certain experience value, so The value of these guys is actually quite great. If it is usual, someone packs and sells this kind of npc, and it is estimated that it can be worth at least tens of thousands of crystal coins.

Because life is now not guaranteed, and morale is almost zero, my persuasion was super smooth. Almost I just made this suggestion, and the npc below cried and yelled to abandon the dark cast.

I am the chairman of the Frost Rose Alliance myself. Of course, half of the transfer is a catch. After helping these npc transfers, this has all become our Frost Rose Alliance people. Of course, I have to do my best to help myself, but although my storage space is large, I am not extravagant enough to carry a few large warships with me. There are at least five or six hundred people in this area. Of course, the boat can't fit. But I also have my solution.

"Frost and Snow. Trouble you."

Frost and snow is an ice system. The best thing to do is to turn water into ice. The temperature in this place was only five or six degrees. At such a low temperature, the melting rate of ice is very slow, so frost and snow can maintain a large piece of ice without melting. As for why the ice layer should not be melted, it is of course because we need an ice boat.

There is no boat in the occupied area, but there is a lot of water! Therefore, as long as the seawater is frozen, huge ice floes can be produced. Let Frost and Snow constantly increase the volume of ice floes, and slightly modify the shape to get the shape of a catamaran, which is more stable and not easy to turn. Then I let the magic pets take the shot again, took out all the npc below, and asked Xiaofeng to help dry all these clothes. Although sitting on a floating iceberg will not be too warm, but as long as the clothes are dry, it can definitely be supported to return to the shore.

Dry these guys and send them to the ice boat, then let the little dragon girl add a gravity control to the iceberg to make it lighter, and then lucky and plague move the iceberg behind, the speed is quite fast.

In fact, this place is not too far from the northernmost point of Japan, so you should be able to reach the shore soon. Taking this opportunity, I started to ask these npc about their previous fleet.

Although those are the battleships they served before, but now these npcs are our Frost Rose Alliance, so this group of npcs sold their teammates and called it simply. Soon we had a rough idea of ​​those who attacked Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

The fleet that attacked Essinger's Mobile Fortress before was actually a mixed fleet composed of Korean and Japanese players, which means that this is not a fleet of any forces, but a fleet of temporary formations. In addition, the other party intentionally did not fly any flags, so that we would not see what kind of force this fleet is.

According to these npc narratives, most of the warships in this fleet belong to South Korea, mainly a warship provided by the guild called Jidao Society, and the rest are some small guild warships. The number is not large, and there are no Of course, the people on those boats were not very clear about the situation over there.

The fleet from Japan is mainly provided by a temporary formation of a small guild. This guild was established a few hours before the start of the battle. The fleet was sent by the ghost-handed alliance. In other words, although the Japanese fleet is said to be provided by the small guild, in fact, this guild is only equivalent to a leather bag company. The real backstage is the ghost-handed alliance.

However, according to the descriptions of these npcs, in fact, this plan was not developed by these people themselves, but it was a mysterious person who contacted them. Because these npcs will not be valued by players, players in Japan and South Korea will not avoid them, but they will not specifically notify these npcs. However, these npcs still heard some news.

Based on the same care as these fragments, it can be judged that the mysterious man is a white man, most likely a Russian player, and the plan was proposed by him. That Korean guild and Nobunaga's fleet were just participants.

I also asked these npc about the submarine, but it turned out that they didn't know that there was such a submarine, but it was right to think about it. The mysterious talent is the planner. The Korean players and Japanese players involved in the operation may not know that there is such a submarine ~ ~ let alone these npc.

Since these npcs can't ask anything here, I have given up my intention to continue to inquire about them here, but quickly flew towards the last jump position of the fortress in Isinger. Of course, the ice boat will be escorted to shore by my magic pets, and then they will be sent to Matsumoto Masako through the teleportation array to help him return home. As for my magic pet, because Ling is following me, I can return to the training space at any time and summon it back. I do n’t need to fly back so much trouble.

I rode a flying bird towards Isinger and moved to the last position of the fortress. I arrived at this coordinate not far after flying. This place is actually approaching the Bering Strait. The temperature around is quite low, but Not much ice floes.

"How do you find clues in such a large area of ​​water?" I said with a headache while watching the vast sea. However, when I was just starting to worry about how to find clues, I suddenly found a very interesting thing coming towards me. "Haha, I really dozed off and someone sent a pillow!" R1152



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