Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 413: Passerby

The interesting thing I found was not really a creature under the water, but a huge iceberg. Of course, the iceberg is not unusual. What is strange is the iceberg.

This iceberg is very large, but there is a thin area of ​​ice on one side of it. Through the iceberg with good permeability, you can see a faint piece of wood inside the ice layer, and this The shadow looked like the tail of a ship.

Iceberg ghost ship, this thing can not be said to be rare in the game, but it is definitely a lot. This kind of thing is a copy task publisher on the sea. As long as you find this iceberg and then lean on it, you can most likely trigger the task. Of course, what kind of task is uncertain, and some Iceberg Ghost Ships are not pure quest publishers but pure monsters. If you encounter such a thing as a task publisher, it will be miserable. . Although the ghost ship is not a modern warship, because it is a ghost ship, this stuff is almost immune to the weapons on the modern warship. Therefore, if the modern warship encounters this kind of thing and cannot get the opponent at a long distance, it will be approached. very troublesome.

Although I don't know if this is a monster or a ghost ship of the mission launcher, it is the same for me anyway, because I am not a warship and I am not afraid of undead, so it doesn't really make much difference to me.

Quickly approached the iceberg, and then I summoned Xiaofeng. To get in touch with this ghost ship, at least, the ice on the outside must be removed first. In order not to hurt the ship's hull, Xiao Feng can only get on.

Only a layer of ice, Xiaofeng opened a few mouthfuls on top, and then shaken to open the iceberg. After the fragmented iceberg was separated from the hull, I successfully boarded the ghost ship.

Compared to the average ghost ship, the size of this ghost ship seems quite large. The 500-meter-long wooden battleship was definitely the overlord of the sea in the sailing era, but now this thing is basically the same as the junk. When it encounters the iron armored battleship, it is exploded into pieces of wood.

The hull of this ghost ship is actually well preserved. Although the wood looks very old, there is no obvious damage, and it is not known why it became a ghost ship.

Of course, there is nothing special on the deck, the ghost ship is not a large cruise ship, the ghosts are not tourists, and of course it is impossible to line up to sunbathe on the deck. The easiest way to find the ghosts on a ghost ship is to go down. It's also easier to see the ghost in a place like black paint.

I walked down the hatch entrance on this deck to get down to the first artillery deck easily. This place is a place for artillery. The height of the compartment is very low, only one meter seven. Even I need to bend down and lower my head to walk inside. However, this height is actually quite high in the era of sailing warships. The height of the artillery deck of real sailing warships is often only one meter five or one meter four, which is just higher than the cannon. Most people in this place I can only go forward with my waist.

A brief look at this deck, in addition to a few cannons that fell to the ground, there is a large hole in the gun position on the left side of the ship's side, and that position can now jump directly to the lower deck.

In addition to the cannon, there are many gunpowder barrels and some iron eggs on this floor, but because the time is too long, the gunpowder has become a whole piece. As for the iron cannonball, it has completely rusted into a whole. Can bring up all the shells.

Because I didn't find anything valuable, I had to go down. There is still a lot of artillery on the lower deck, but the height of this floor is a little higher, about one meter nine, at least standing here and walking straight.

In addition to artillery, there are some rooms on this deck, but they are not occupants, but are used to store weapons. Weapons cannot be damp, so they are placed in the middle of the cabin, and there is no water leakage on top.

After walking around the various rooms on this floor, nothing happened. It felt like this was not the way. I just let Sha Yezi and the King out. "Look for the ghost you are wearing. I have something to ask."

"Understand." The king and Sha Yezi turned around and left, one left and one right, and then pushed down the stairs one by one.

That's strange. The ghosts on the ghost ship are usually very active. As long as someone is on board, a ghost will come to say hello to you in less than five minutes. Of course, you do n’t know if you say hello or come up and bite.

However, the ghost on this ghost ship is definitely otaku class, we searched from the open deck all the way to the bottom cabin and finally found the ghost movement.

The king carefully pressed the handle, then pointed to a small hatch in the center of the bilge. Below this is not a regular cabin, but an irregularly shaped cabin that penetrates the hull. That cabin is actually a place where ballasts are placed. Generally, it is some cargo or something. Because the shape of the cabin on that floor is irregular, it is not easy to live.

As soon as the king came down with Sha Yezi, he saw the black smoke coming out of the hatch. It was not on fire, but death gas was spreading, that is, the gathering point of the undead creatures below.

When I saw the king pointing there, I walked over. In fact, I could see the dead gas, so now I can see this exit like a large chimney that is constantly blowing out black death. gas.

Going to the hatch, Sha Yezi gestured with his eyes, and the king carefully opened the cover with his weapon, and then slowly lifted it upward. However, as soon as the king lifted the lid halfway, the lid was suddenly knocked open. A red-faced corpse suddenly slammed up from below, and rushed directly to the presence of the creature that seemed to be most in line with the characteristics of life, which was me.

Of course, there is more than one monster underneath, because after this monster comes out, there are several red things underneath. I do n’t know what these things should be called. It does look like a humanoid, but the muscles are full and obviously not dry. But the more disgusting thing is that their skin is gone. You can see the red meat directly, especially on the head. Because there is no skin, the lips no longer exist, and you can directly see the reddish gums and ugly yellow teeth.

These things, which are regarded as living corpses, not only have good athletic ability, but also do not seem to be the kind of monsters that have completely lost their intelligence, because they have weapons in their hands. The one who came to me in the front was holding a short stick. The shape of this stuff was very strange. It was less than one meter long and the thickness was about the same as a rolling pin, but there was a metal wrap on one end.

This guy popped directly at me after he emerged, ready to throw me to the ground, but what he didn't expect was that I didn't panic back because of the sudden attack, but stood on the right hand in the calm depth of the place, Then he caught his neck exactly when he fell, as if he had brought it up by himself.

In fact, I was sure when this guy was flying in mid-air. This is a little dwarf. It is about one meter and six-thousands tall. It is not my height at all, so I squeezed his neck and lifted it in mid-air. The other side didn't touch the ground, so they couldn't make it strong. They could only struggle desperately, but the result was that they couldn't shake my power at all.

The corpse rushed to Sha Yezi was held by Sha Yezi and held his forehead, and then pressed his backhand on the ground. The king's side was more straightforward, and the one who rushed to him was kicked back, and by the way The dead body also crashed back under the deck, and the king closed the cover and stood up.

The corpse below struck desperately to hit the upper cover, but the height of this deck was only 1.9 meters. Although the king was not heavy, he stood on the cover and reached out to support the upper floor. The deck's support beams, no matter how the corpse below crashed, could not open the cover.

After the two living corpses above were under control, I brought the living corpse I was holding and looked at it in front of each other. The other limbs were very healthy and full, and there were no traces of dryness. What is wrong with normal people? Same, probably no skin. Yes, these living corpses are like living people that have been skinned, and the other person's eyes are red, and they are covered with bloodshot, and they look very crazy.

After checking this guy over and over like playing a ragdoll, I determined that this guy is just a low-level living corpse. This kind of thing is useless, because the soul is not here, this is just to drive the shell away. It just started, there is no way to communicate. Although the opponent will use weapons and seem to have a little bit of fighting skills, this is not because the living corpse has wisdom, but because its owner has this control ability.

Yes, that's right. This is not a simple undead creature, but a puppet that has been crafted and is one of the summons of the undead mage. Of course, this summoner is a more evil kind. According to the introduction, a living corpse is to use a living person, and then cut it alive to make it lose its reason in pain and finally go completely mad. After that, the undead mage will do something to this skinless madman, and his soul will slowly dissipate and merge into the body in the process, making the body a living corpse without soul but movable. Then there are more production methods.

Some undead mages like to pour venom on this living corpse, then make the living corpse covered with huge abscesses, and finally become extremely disgusting, like a human toad. This venom is full of poison throughout the body, and you need to keep a distance when fighting, because their venom will corrode the player's equipment and the player itself.

Some undead mages like to perform operations on living corpses, and then add something to them, such as carving magic arrays on bones, and then get the demon guard. This kind of living corpse is not the same as the basic model, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, but because the production technology is more complicated, the general undead mage does not turn at all. Besides, this series of living corpses is already disgusting enough. Generally, players rarely practice this branch. All the players who play this branch are all abnormal.

Of course, the living corpse in front of us is just the most basic living corpse. No second-order transformation has been performed, so the combat effectiveness is very bad.

Compared to ordinary zombies, living things are more flexible. Unlike those zombies like ten-year-old ladies, you can see the movements when they just attacked me. The movements of these corpses are just like the monkeys. The flexibility of jumping under the mountain stream is more than when they are alive. Be tall.

In addition to high soul level, living corpses also have the advantage of zombies, that is, resistance to fight. Skeletons soul degree is high, but not anti-beat, a few will be ruined. Living corpses are not the same. This thing has flesh, so it is very good at fighting resistance. Although it is not as good as zombies, it is much better than skeleton soldiers. In addition, living corpses can also eat. Because the organs are all intact, the living corpses still retain some of their abilities in life, and they can rely on the corpses to heal themselves. They can eat more or eat advanced species and evolve. This is one of the reasons why living corpses are more difficult to summon than zombies and skeleton soldiers, but some people still like to practice.

The living corpses we found now are all controlled by the undead mage, and I found the mark of control behind their heads. One-handed pressing on this thing, a group of flames was angry, and the living corpse immediately fell to the ground, but it did not completely lose its vitality, it just lay there and pumped, but there was no specific action.

Looking at the living corpse on the ground, I walked to Sha Yezi and raised my hand to erase the mark of the living corpse.

Throw the two corpses aside, then I motioned the king to open the lid, and then Xiaochun appeared beside me. A strong light radiated from the entrance instantly. The corpses that were about to jump out were immediately irradiated on the body. As if they had encountered sulfuric acid, the living corpses immediately began to scream and hide behind, and at the same time began to blister and fester on a large area.

Xiaochun does not use sunlight. Living corpses are not afraid of sunlight. Although the combat power will decrease in the sun, it will not cause Shanghai, but the Holy Light is different. The strong holy light hits the inside and instantly makes the living corpse chicken flying dog jump below. Although there are some individuals who want to rush up, the living corpses are really afraid to come out in front of the holy light, even if the owner's compulsory order is invalid. Already.

After seeing the living corpses at the door dodging, Xiaochun took out a transparent glass bottle with his left hand while maintaining the divine light on his right-hand staff. It contained a thick transparent liquid inside, as if it was very transparent. Like glue.

Seeing that the king and Sha Yezi both hurried back, I nodded, and both hurried back behind me. I also spread my wings to help them block a little.

Xiaochun saw that I was ready to throw the thing down, and then quickly closed the cover. There was no explosion, but in the gaps of the ship's board below, a strong light was suddenly projected, which felt as if a tens of thousands of watts of high-light lamps were installed in the cabin below.

Sha Yezi looked at Bai Guang and could not help but yelled: "I feel itchy all over!"

The king also twisted his body and said, "Xiaochun, don't use this next time, it's too uncomfortable!"

Xiaochun said with a smile: "I won't hurt you!"

"But it's uncomfortable!" When Sha Yezi finished talking, the light below had gone out, and this thing could actually last for a few seconds, but the screams under the deck hadn't stopped ever since. It was called a hissing exhaustion.

In fact, this thing is a holy light bomb. When dealing with undead creatures, the power is multiplied several times. Bombing undead creatures with this stuff is equivalent to sunbathing the undead creatures. You can imagine how terrible this is for the undead creatures. Okay?

After the thing went out, I went over and opened the cover. The screams below were not over, but I didn't hesitate. Holy light of this intensity. The undead creature below has also lost half life.

Sure enough, when I came down, the living corpses were almost gone, and the ground was full of human-shaped marks, which were the traces left after the living corpses were cremated by the Holy Light.

There are a lot of sacks stacked in this cabin. I do n’t know what ’s in it, but it does n’t look like it ’s because if it ’s food, it should n’t be placed in this kind of place. It's easy to mold here.

A lot of strange undead creature remains can be seen between these horizontal and vertical bags, some are obvious skeleton soldiers, and some should be zombies, but the zombies have already been burned into skeletons, so it is not easy to distinguish them, only from the bones It is judged whether it becomes black.

Behind these sacks, I also found a pile of sacks. It can be seen that it was temporarily made, because there are a lot of living corpses and skeleton soldiers in front of it, and a set of armors scattered on the ground should be undead. knight.

The scream came from behind the pile of sacks, apparently there were still many undead creatures behind. After I walked over, I dragged it and collapsed the place where the sack was blocked. It turned out that a lot of undead creatures gathered here, but these guys are now rolling around the ground, obviously they were not burned.

I looked around. There was a vampire who couldn't make a sound and could only slap on the ground. The half of this guy's face was burned out, and the other half looked quite handsome. But now it's a bit miserable, but the undead creatures recover quickly, as long as they don't die, they can recover soon.

This guy used to be a female vampire. This one is a little better. She has a large area of ​​burns, but it looks like someone helped her to block most of the holy light, so it ’s just a burn. It may not be a problem at all, but because it was burned by the Holy Light, the pain is not strong.

There is an undead knight next to the two vampires. This guy is lying on the ground watching me in a daze now. Obviously, the fire of flexibility has been partially burned.

Further down, you can see two skinny corpses, both of them wearing mage robes. At one glance, they were undead mages. However, these two have already transformed themselves into Lich, so they are unlucky to be transformed into this virtue by the Holy Light.

In addition to these two undead mages, there is one last undead creature here, but it is strange that I do not know this undead creature.

This is a very beautiful little girl. It looks like about twelve years old. The long one is called beautiful, just like a doll. Her face was paler, with long silver hair, she looked like a noble fan. At first I thought it was a vampire, but if I look closely, I don't feel the power of blood magic, so this should not be a vampire.

Although I don't know what this is, this little girl is definitely an undead creature, because a large hole was burned through the back of her hand, and the muscle tendons in this large hole are growing and healing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The wound will be completely restored as long as there are more than ten seconds.

This horrible healing speed is very similar to the characteristics of vampires, but this little girl really has no vampire breath.

"Powerful undead lord, please don't hurt us! We are willing to surrender!" The female vampire on the ground looked at me and begged, the burn on her face was healing rapidly, apparently the power of the Holy Light had passed.

In fact, the holy light bomb that Xiaochun dropped just now has a similar effect on undead creatures, but instead of letting the undead shed tears, it makes them feel extreme pain and temporarily suppress their ability. In other words, this thing will not actually kill the undead creatures. Of course, this thing is a weapon after all, so its lethality is still there, so low-level undead creatures such as living corpses will not work. It was burned clean directly.

When the vampire looked at me and spoke, I knew she was lying, because her hand was touching her back, apparently preparing to delay time, and started to fight back when the suppression of the Holy Light passed.

But am I so cheated?

"If you don't want me to let her give you a baptism in the Holy Light, it's best to put away your disguise." In my words, the female vampire on the other side quickly took out her hand and did not dare to touch the weapon, because Xiaochun was already standing Beside me, and the king and Sha Yezi also came down.

A goddess of light has already killed them. Besides, there are two powerful undead creatures who can't figure out the ranks. Of course, more importantly, my existence as a leader, the powerful dark magic makes These undead creatures felt the fear and awe from their hearts.

"Calm down? Okay, now I ask, you answer. Nodded clearly." The undead nodded very obediently.

I looked at the undead creatures with satisfaction, and then I turned to the undead knight who had just re-lit the soul fire. "Now you answer my question. Why did you attack us before?"

"Aren't you guys from the Hayer Empire?" The other side didn't answer the question, but instead asked.

Xiaochun whispered in my ear: "The Hayel Empire was a state-religion-integrated country established during the heyday of the Temple of Light, also known as the Second Light Empire."

After hearing Xiaochun's explanation, I probably understand the current situation. These are undead, and they think that we are the people of a bright empire, that is to say, they have come to kill them, so they will fight desperately. However, there is something in this content that makes me unreasonable. This place is where I did not summon Xiaochun before, but only came down with the king and Sha Yezi.

At that time, I only called the king and Sha Yezi because I knew that this was a ghost ship. The king and Sha Yezi, who were both undead creatures, couldn't easily fight directly when they saw the undead creatures. But the other side actually regarded us as the people of the Light Empire. Since this light empire is a country created by the temple of light, it is of course a force composed of those guys of the light department. I bring the king and Sha Yezi, a dark magic, how do these guys connect us with the light empire? How about it? These two are completely off the charts, right?

However, despite my doubts, I didn't have much doubt, mainly because the words were spoken from the mouth of the undead knight.

Undead knights are also knights. In fact, knight rules also have an effect on them, but individual terms may change, but in general, undead knights are also very well-behaved. Such things as deception are generally not done by the undead knight, so what the undead knight just said actually has a lot of credibility.

Now that I don't understand something, but I believe what the other person said, I directly asked my doubts.

The other party did not respond much to this, but simply said: "The light empire also has the existence of dark forces. The lethality is still relatively strong for our dark creatures, and the existence of those light systems is better for us. So they will keep some dark forces as their thugs. These people are called the fallen angel legion, they are all creatures of the dark forces, they only serve the temple of light. For the domestic dark forces, the conditions they give are either Join the army or you will be burned to the stake. "

I understand this explanation. "That being the case, I didn't care about your attacks on me before. After all, you are now being punished. However, if any of you still want to attack us, it will not be so easy next time. There are light forces and dark forces under my hands. You should understand that there are many ways for people like me to deal with you. "

The other side nodded in a hurry and said they did not dare.

Glancing at the undead creatures, I continued to ask, "What dark creature is that little girl? How do I feel like I haven't seen this creature? At first I thought it was a vampire, but I didn't feel it carefully."

"Of course, Her Royal Highness is not a vampire." One of the undead mages said with excitement, "His Royal Highness is the reincarnation of the goddess, and the true goddess of darkness."

"Dark Goddess?" I suddenly hesitated when I heard this. "Ling, is your mission over there?"

As soon as I started communicating, I found that Ling appeared directly next to me. "Meeting a merchant ship returning home, I asked them to help bring people back."

"I said why it was so fast." I turned to the little girl, and then said, "Ling, this is a child who is said to be the reincarnation of the Dark Goddess. Can you see?"

"Is there a reincarnation of the Dark Goddess?" Ling looked at the little girl in surprise, and frowned. "It seems that there is really a dark power! Come here."

The little girl seemed a little scared of life, and those undead also wanted to protect her, but in the eyes I finally gave up. Their current strength is scum in front of me. Resistance is tantamount to death. It is better to be obedient.

After seeing this little girl coming over, Ling started to check her, but Ling said it would take time, so I first asked the undead creatures to inquire about the previous battle.

"Come here first and ask you something."

"You said. As long as we know."

"There was a battle here before, there was a huge castle flying in the sky, and then attacked a ship under the water." Because these are undead isolated from the world, talking to them needs to pay attention to the way of description. "Did you see it?"

Speaking of this undead knight, it seemed to be exciting, and said excitedly: "I saw it. The castle in the sky suddenly shot a light towards the sea below, and then blasted the sea into a large hole, with a black one below. The monster was blown up. After that the castle in the sky was gone. "

I nodded and said, "It looks like you really saw it. The thing flying in the sky is actually called the Isinger Mobile Fortress, that's my city, a flyable fortress."

"Your fortress?" The undead mage exclaimed. "You are so powerful. There are such things. We wouldn't have been hit so badly by the Light Empire if we had such a flying fortress."

"To be serious." I continued: "Issinger moved the fortress here to launch a beam of light towards the sea to attack the black thing below. It is not a monster, but a ship that can dive underwater one day."

"But won't the ship sink when it gets under the water?"

"Don't pay attention to this, you just need to know that this boat is special, it won't sink under the water, and can run fast, and you can come up again when needed."

"Oh ~ Okay, we remember."

"Now the thing I want to ask you is, has that thing surfaced after my Isinger moved the fortress and left?"

"Yes, yes," said the Undead Knight. "That thing passed by us, but they didn't find us, thinking we were an iceberg."

"You say them?"

"Yes, there are many people on that thing. At first I thought that the monster was a human-made sea beast. Now it seems that it is indeed a boat with many people on it."

I asked a little bit excitedly: "Do you know where that thing went after?"

"I know." It was the undead knight who spoke enthusiastically. r1152



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