Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 414: Undead knight with a problem in his head

This undead knight is simply a wonderful work of the undead knight world. Anyway, I can also be considered a dark background, and there are 10,000 and 10,000 of the various types of undead knights I have seen. However, except for the undead knight in front of me, all the undead knights I have seen before have a common point. .

If the characters of the knights are only more serious, then the undead knights are simply robots. These guys have always been scrutinized, and they will definitely not do more unplanned things, and never do less planned ones. thing. And, if you can't speak, the Undead Knights usually don't speak. These guys are the type of legend that three sticks can't make a fart. If 10,000 undead knights are gathered in an indoor place, as long as you don't arrange things for them, these guys will stand like puppets like 10,000 robots that are not turned on, and people who do n’t know will pass by outside. It would never have been thought that there would be 10,000 undead knights waiting by the wall. Imagine if there were 10,000 aunts in an indoor place, and there is nothing to do ... It is estimated that horrible noise can be heard a few miles away.

However, all of these are normal undead knights. However, this is clearly an abnormal category. This guy seems to be very positive in answering questions. Although there is still a certain distance from the words, but by the standards of the undead knight, this is definitely a wonderful work.

Although the behavior of this undead knight is a bit strange, 1c, w♂ww. But I don't mind. On the contrary, my favorite is this kind of captive who can speak enthusiastically.

"You know where they went? Then tell me where they went."

Immediately after I got there, the undead knight pointed in one direction and said, "They're heading north."

"Go north?"

"Yes, head north. It's about a hundred kilometers away from us now."

"Do you even know the distance?" I just wanted to know where the submarine had gone. How could I know that the undead knight even reported the distance from here.

The undead knight seemed very excited and said, "Because I thought it was a monster at first, so I was curious, so I marked it with my soul fragment. Now I can clearly feel my own The location of the small piece of soul. "

"What? Your soul fragment is on it?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?" The undead knight looked at me with a look of ignorance that seemed to have no idea why I reacted so much.

Although the other party was very puzzled, I didn't intend to explain it, because I thought the explanation was useless. Now I know why the character of this undead knight is so detached. It turned out to be because of incomplete soul. In other words, this undead knight may have problems in the beginning, not the undead knight transformed in the correct way.

The undead knight is fearless of death and injury, but he is undead after all. The body is not important, but the soul is different. Just like the skeleton soldiers don't care about their lack of arms and legs, as long as there is no problem with the soul fire, the undead knight will be a living undead knight if he replaces a corpse or armor, but once the soul fire is damaged, it will drop Order, and then the soul is flying. Therefore, normally all undead take great care of their soul fire.

However, the undead knight actually said that he threw his soul fragments onto the submarine. And the reason is because of curiosity. Have you ever seen anyone who still cuts off a piece of meat from himself because of curiosity? Of course, our meat has no traceability. But to put it another way. Have you ever seen anyone who simply threw their phone into someone else ’s car simply because of curiosity? No one can do this kind of thing, okay? Either this person is a genius, or this is a neurosis.

This undead knight is mostly in the category of neuropathy, and after the soul fire of the undead knight is damaged, it will cause changes in memory and behavior and even personality. Already.

Although this undead knight is mostly neurotic, I don't care. On the contrary, he could only toss the soul shard onto that submarine.

"Very well. You did a great job." I said to the undead knight. "You are now a pilot from now on." After that I looked at the other guys and said, "I've requisitioned your ship, Is it okay? "

These guys are my captives now, of course, what I say is what. Of course, I just requisitioned their ship, and they did not need to be responsible for the work of sailing.

"Where is the core of this ship?" I have played a lot of ghost ships and other things. Don't forget that Frost Rose League has a ghost ship of the entire fleet. and so. I am very experienced in manipulating ghost ships.

Unlike most ships, the ghost ship does not actually need to operate navigational equipment. If it is a sailboat, it does not need to manipulate the sails and cables, but if it is a motor boat. There is no need to control the engine room. As long as these ghost ships become ghost ships, they will become fully automatic ships. As long as you control the core, you can control the entire battleship by yourself. Of course, it is better if you have enough staff to stick to various positions, and it can also improve performance.

In general, the ghost ship is a lot more powerful than ordinary ships, and various special abilities can often reverse the situation. This is why our guild has even sky battleships, but it still retains a whole fleet of sailing era ghost ships, because even though these ghost ships are completely behind the modern battleships, they can still fight well. Those high-end battleships are evenly divided, and if it happens to be in bad weather, the ghost fleet can beat those modern battleships.

Because these ghost ships are so powerful, we Frost Rose League will keep so many ghost ships.

Now I have requisitioned this ship ~ ~ Of course, I need to figure out where the core is first, otherwise I ca n’t control it at all!

The hyper-excited undead knight rushed to speak again, and then served as the leader of the party to find the core for me. Although the passengers on this ghost ship are a little strange, the ship itself is quite normal. The core of this ghost ship is a captain's log. Seven of the ghost ships I have seen so far are using this captain's log as the core. At least 20% of the remaining 30% use the logbook. Anyway, these two This log occupies more than 90% of the core of the ghost ship. This ship is also a classic, using the captain's log.

After getting this captain's log, we reached the upper deck and followed the submarine in accordance with the instructions of the undead knight. As for the question of whether you can catch up ... I don't think it exists at all. The speed of the ghost ship is completely dependent on the supply of dark energy. If you let the Ditans guy hold the core, the ship can run out of supersonic speed. Although I hold it not so exaggerated, it definitely runs faster than that submarine. And I'm not worried about the other side diving and escaping, because the submarine carried the super weapon of Isinger's Mobile Fortress in front, so it absolutely lost its dive ability. In fact, I was surprised that the gadget could still move.


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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