Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 434: Barriers that only work for me

Although I know this place must not be left in the usual way, I ca n’t just sit here and wait! I tried to sense that the Earth Gate was still working, and I feel more relieved. If I can't find other ways to leave here, at least I can use the Earth Gate to leave, which is a little more troublesome. ☆ → ☆ →, but there are backup plans at least bottom of mind, no need to blindly ram around.

The first thing to leave here is of course to study along the normal path. Although I know that 80% cannot be opened, I always have to try to be assured.

After coming out of the room where I was just now, I entered a quite large room. This room seems to take into account the functions of the hall and the corridor, and both ends are open. You can directly see the situation outside the castle tower.

Looking at the woodland outside, I involuntarily walked to the entrance position on one side. This place is a circle of balconies surrounding the building, which seems to be unobstructed. You can leave the Tianshou Pavilion just five or six meters forward. But I know it won't be that simple.

From the steps on the balcony that surrounds the castle tower to the ground on the castle tower base. This pedestal is slightly larger than the Tianshou Pavilion itself, and is different from the wooden superstructure. The pedestal below is made of stone, which is the same structure as the city wall, but it is not a wall but a stone. The platform is much stronger than the city walls.

After walking down from the balcony to this place, there was only a fence more than one meter high between me and the ground outside. The height of this fence has just reached my waist, and even a fence of this height can't serve as a barrier for ordinary people. If you want to go past, you can turn it over at any time. But I wouldn't be so reckless, I really thought I could leave here by turning over.

I tried to open the Fenglong space and found that it was really usable. Then I took out a piece of garbage equipment that I did n’t know when to sweep in, and then I threw this equipment outside the Tianshou Pavilion without hesitation. Out.

Although my move is trying. But I actually have no hope. Even I can imagine that the thing bounced back or burned down by the barrier. However, when I thought that the equipment would be bounced back, the short dagger that was not very large actually flew out of the scope of the Tianshou Pavilion and inserted into the soft mud outside the Tianshou Pavilion without encountering anything in the middle. Intercept.

"I'm leaning!" I looked at the dagger inserted in the ground a few meters away in surprise, my mouth opened completely and I didn't know how to close it. "What's the matter?"

I'm still not sure about the success of the first trial. Quickly took out a two-handed epee from the space of Fenglong, and threw it out into the distance. The epee spun under my power and flew out for more than 30 meters and disappeared into the woods, because the trees could not see where it flew, but I was pretty sure it did fly out.

Two consecutive experiments have proven one thing: weapons can be thrown out. Now the structure of this seal is very different from the kind of protective cover that I imagined, at least I know that the weapons are free to enter and leave.

After thinking for a while, I suddenly snapped a finger, a death guard appeared beside me, then jumped out of the fence in front of me without saying a word, and then slammed on the ground outside.

"I rely! Death Guards can go out, too. Does this place have no protection at all? Or is it because Death Guards are not living creatures?"

I thought for a while and decided to try again. So summoned the red cricket. Hung Hom is a big demon native to China. Regardless of the biological characteristics of the seal in this place, as long as it can seal the big demon, it should be effective for Hung Hom, unless the seal can accurately identify the target and only the target. Creature, otherwise it should be triggered.

The summoned red badger jumped out quickly, and then broke my guess again. She actually went out.

This seal has no effect on monsters, so what does it do?

The characteristics of this seal are completely unknown. In the end, I could only try it myself. Anyway, even Hung Hom went out. It doesn't make sense that this thing will work exclusively for me, right?

After thinking about it, I took two steps back and started to accelerate forward. Stepped on the fence one step, then jumped out, and then saw a translucent light film in the air that had nothing in front of me suddenly flashed, and then I felt as if I hit the jelly, and the whole person was caught A smooth and soft environment, but the resistance in front of it is growing. Then when my inertia was depleted, this thing started to rebound, instantly bounced me back to the position I had previously taken off from.

"Your sister! I really have a reaction to me!" After I got up from the ground, my safety was an incredible expression. So many tests before, even the monster's red badger went out, can't I go out for the hair? Secretly said that I was more like a monster than Hung Hom?

Hung Hom outside the station looked at me and was quite surprised, and she jumped up before I ordered her. And it was not affected in the middle. After re-upcoming, Hung Hom tried to jump out again, but still went out without response.

After repeated tests, I got the result that all of my transformed creatures can enter and leave the Tianshou Pavilion freely. This place is no different from an ordinary house for them. They can enter and exit at will without any obstruction at all. However, as soon as I tried to go out, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of me to block me back. Even if I jumped hand in hand with the magic pet, the result was that I was bounced back and the magic pet flew out, and if I If you don't let go, you will even pull the magic pet back together.

"His grandfather, what the **** is wrong with this stuff? Why didn't you let me go out?" Looking at the sweeping air now, I just can't figure out why I can't get out.

Although I don't know why I can't go out, but since the magic pet can go out, we need to get things done first. Let Ling lead the team, lead my magic pet to go out and kill the two players, and then I left the corridor outside Tianshou Pavilion and returned to the inside to start investigating around.

This place can't really go out, there must be a way to get me out, but this definitely needs conditions, so I need clues now.

The area of ​​this castle tower is not small, so the investigation needs to be in order. Don't look around or you might miss some clues. I plan to look at the top first, because the height of this building is generally a relatively important location, and the relative area is relatively small, it can be found quickly, and the entire island can be viewed from above. This can determine the situation outside.

Ling's speed was obviously much faster than I expected. Before I even reached the top of the building, I heard a thunderous rolling roar from a distance, followed by a series of explosions, which seemed to be quite loud. .

Speed ​​up a few steps to climb up to the attic, and push open the window facing the direction of the explosion, just to see a red light flash, a large forest on the edge of the island suddenly fell, but did not wait for those trees to fall in front Suddenly a blue flash appeared, looking like something like knife air. However, as soon as the toy flew out, Mila suddenly smashed a claw, followed by Mila's mouth opening, a beam of destruction, and immediately there was a popping sound on the ground. A large fireball blasted into the air. I saw a person being taken off, but before it landed, it was penetrated by a straight beam of light suddenly rising from the forest, and the body was broken into dozens before it landed.

After this light flashed, there was calm in the forest, and then I heard Ling report that the mission objective had been killed.

Let Ling come back by themselves. I myself started to look up on the top floor. To tell the truth, this place is really nothing. The entire room is about five meters square, and the area is really small. And without any furnishings, a chair-like shelf is placed in the center of the room, and an armor is placed on this shelf. Of course, I would never touch this armor, because this thing is obviously the center of the seal. As long as you take this armor seal, it is completely done.

After turning around this seemingly gorgeous armor, I didn't find anything else in the end. Helplessly had no choice but to keep looking. The structure of the lower layers is larger than the first layer, but there is basically nothing inside. This is not a place to live by itself, it is just a seal, so there are no daily necessities and a lot of furniture, and there are only a few things. Almost every room can be seen at a glance, and basically nothing can be hidden.

It is because of the openness of this place that I am rather helpless, because I cannot find any clues at all! As soon as I returned to the second floor, Ling also returned. Of course, I also let them spread out to find out. Many people can always find something that one person would miss.

In fact, my idea was quickly verified, because we actually found the institution here, and this institution cannot be found by any means alone.

The design of this mechanism is very **** because it is a linkage mechanism. First of all, the armor I found on the top floor is not only the core of the seal, but also the switch of the mechanism. The armor was not a fragmented part hanging on a shelf, but a combined humanoid structure that looked as if it were sitting alone. However, the sabre hanging around the armor's waist is somewhat problematic. This sabre was not fully inserted into the scabbard, but a blade of about one centimeter was exposed outside, and the blade was not fully inserted into the scabbard.

This is actually the first triggering condition of the mechanism. To start the mechanism, you need to fully insert the knife into the scabbard, and you need to keep pressing this thing, because as long as you release the knife, it will pop out and become the same again. Reach out a little bit.

If it is a person, let alone the light movement of this organ does not work, even if it works, you will not see it, because the last entrance of the organ is in the middle of the lobby on the first floor.

The mechanism on this scabbard is actually equivalent to insurance. Only when the knife is fully inserted into the scabbard can the real mechanism for opening the door be activated, otherwise it is useless even if it is found. As for the location of the real agency ... you probably can't find anything like that.

The location of this second organ is between the second and third floors, not on the mezzanine floor, but on the stairs upstairs.

The post with a railing on the stairs from the second floor to the third floor is actually movable, and if the knife on the top floor is not inserted in place, this thing cannot be moved. Only after the knife is inserted into the scabbard can the railing be outward. promote. When this thing is pushed, the mechanism will not open by itself, you have to find the entrance by yourself.

The reason we can find this entrance is because there are so many people, so we came across it.

The first was Yeyue, who was looking for clues on the top floor. Because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which likes to keep everything neat and tidy, she saw that knife before she was fully inserted into the sheath. Secondly, when Yeyue inserted the blade, II was just down the stairs. As a result he heard a slight click from the railing next to him. This sound is actually the sound made when the locking mechanism of the lower mechanism is released after Yeyue opened the insurance. Of course, normal people will not go to the debris to pull the railing posts, but because I heard the abnormal sound, I tried it one by one. After a few posts near the place where the sound came out, I found the post that could be pushed away.

Of course, this is not enough. Because even if this mechanism is promoted, the entrance of the secret passage below will not be opened, it is just unlocked.

The really important thing was that I was discouraged because I found a circle without clues, so I was resting on a pillar in the middle of the hall. The Tianshou Pavilion has no internal walls, and uses a complete frame structure. Therefore, the four main support columns in the center of the hall are very thick and cannot be fully embraced by four or five people. I was leaning on one of the pillars at the time, and the result was just above the dark door. As soon as II found the mechanism, the hidden door lock behind me immediately released. The secret door suddenly lost its support. Then I fell backwards as a whole. If I didn't react quickly, I caught the border on both sides and almost fell down.

For such a complicated organization, if it weren't for my hard work, I wouldn't even find out where the organization was.

As soon as I found the entrance, I climbed up and found that the entrance was closed again, but it was easy to find once. I first learned from II that he found the organ, but I don't know why it couldn't be moved again. Ling quickly guessed that there were preconditions for the start of this institution, so he asked everyone what they had just touched, and they ruled out one by one. At last, the knife was discovered, so we discovered the operation mode of the organ.

Because the entrance to the ground is narrow. There are too many people to show up, so I put away most of the magic pets and let the two death guards start the institutions, and I myself brought Jingjing, Yeyue and the king into the cave together.

Jingjing took the shield and walked in the forefront. I followed the second to support and Yeyue was third. Queen's palace.

The pillar is actually a downward staircase, but it is very narrow and needs to be on its side to facilitate the downward movement. However, after descending to a height of only two floors, it was found that the stairs suddenly disappeared. The lower part doesn't look like it hasn't been repaired, but something was broken. There are only some protruding stones left on the wall, obviously the previous steps. However, this is not a problem for us. Anyway, the channel is not large. It bounces back and forth while stepping on the wall. This speed is faster than before, especially Yeyue. Her tail can look like a screw in this vertical channel To form a thread, and then rotate down, not only the speed can be controlled at will, but also stopped at any time.

The depth of this burrow is far less exaggerated than we thought, and it has reached the end after dropping about 20 meters. Below this is a circular stone room. There is a pile of broken stones on the ground in the center of the stone room. The material should be the previous stairs, but I don't know why it all turned into fragments and fell here.

There are only one exit in the stone room, so there is no need to choose a route. After exiting from the exit, there is a passage, but unlike Shishi, the passage is not renovated. In the previous stone room, there were blue strips on the ground and black bricks on the walls. In addition to the ground being roughly flat, the walls are directly like natural caves, and the passages are very narrow. In some places, You even need to knock out the protruding rocks on the wall to squeeze through.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the underground of Huxin Island. The channel is obviously very wet, the walls are all wet and the ground is super slippery. I have to open the claws on the bottom of the boots. In order to stabilize the body, the king and Jingjing could barely stand still. I finally had to take them both back, and they could n’t help here on the ground. However, compared to Jingjing and the King, it ’s difficult to walk. Yeyue is here just like the highway. The slippery ground is really suitable for her snake tail, as long as half of the usual strength Yeyue She can move at high speed on the ground at twice the previous speed, and the narrow wall not only does not affect her mobility, but allows her to change her coverage at will. She can even support the wall with a snake body and let herself follow The top of the cave hung forward.

"I said Yeyue, do you have to be so naked and superior? I know your tail works better than my legs, don't you need to stimulate me like this?" Watching Yeyue flying above me It's really speechless.

After hearing my words, Yeyue fell down from the top and fell beside me with a smile, and then said, "Don't I adapt to the environment here in advance?"

"Do you still adapt? I feel like you grew up here! Do you feel anything unusual?"

"To breathe ... I feel like it's getting colder here."

Although only the body is a snake body, Yeyue does have certain characteristics of the snake. For example, she is sensitive to temperature and can feel slight changes in temperature, especially when the air temperature drops.

"Cold?" After hearing Yeyue's words, I realized that the surrounding temperature did drop a bit, but this is not the focus of my attention. I asked Yeyue actually another kind of breath, a very evil one. My nose could smell a faint fishy smell in the air, not fishy, ​​but bloody.

"Did you not find out?" Yeyue looked at me in surprise and asked.

I shook my head and said, "The temperature has dropped a bit, but haven't you noticed a **** smell in the air?"

Yeyue took a few breaths immediately after hearing what I said, and then nodded after tasting: "Don't you say you didn't pay attention, just smell it carefully. Is there something hurt in front?"

"I think it might be a pile of bones."

"Here is the seal. Where did the bones let the monster eat?" Yeyue asked me instead.

I thought right! The creatures outside this place cannot enter at all. Even if they are eaten occasionally here, it is estimated that they have become bones early, and there should be no **** smell.

We can't figure out the reason why we decided to move on and see what happened. Anyway, we can't get out anyway now, we might as well explore it first.

After moving forward not too far away, we found that the aisle became much wider, at least there was no need to knock on the stones on the wall, and there was no need to move sideways. However, although the width of the aisle has increased, the height of the top of the cave has become shorter and shorter. Continued for more than ten meters, and then after turning a bend, the top of the passage suddenly sinks, and has become a state with an average height of only about 80 cm.

"I'm dizzy, why are you so short? Which **** repairs the passage below?"

Ye Yue said with a smile: "It doesn't affect me anyway ~ ~ After I say it, I just go in without waiting for what I say. I am more and more envious of this snake tail now, compared to people The legs are really easy to use.

Because the average height of the aisle was only 80 cm, I had to start crawling forward on all fours. What's more terrible was that the aisle started to narrow after advancing seven or eight meters. After walking another fifty or six meters, the passageway became less than eighty centimeters in height and only eighty centimeters in width. To be honest, this size is quite daddy.

Although in theory I can pass the height and width of 80 centimeters, the problem is that this looks like a natural cave, not artificially dug out, so you can't expect it to be flat. 80 centimeters is only an average size. The size is much smaller than this. Of course, if you take off the armor, you can easily drill through it, but how dare I take off the armor in such a dangerous place?

Helplessly crawling while constantly knocking off the obstructing stones with a hammer that has become eternal, the speed of the advance is less than ten seconds and one meter, and the old force was only advanced by fifteen or six meters. However, just as I was struggling to hit the stones, a cry of Yeyue suddenly came in front of me.

"Master is coming! Great discovery!" (To be continued ...) u

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