Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 435: Demon Dragon in the Crypt

When I heard Yeyue ’s shout, I immediately speeded up and started to climb forward, but the path was really very narrow, and my armor was not very smooth. It ’s really all sorts of creeping in this kind of place, but it ’s not dragon The soul suit is hard enough to estimate it must be scratched. ※% ※%,

It was easy to climb to the place where Yeyue was located, and then I found that this low passage suddenly entered a quite huge cave here. Of course, the cave itself is not surprising. What really shocked was the thing bound in the middle of this cave.

The structure of this cave is not horizontal, but a vertical structure similar to a missile silo. The overall shape is close to a cylinder, and the diameter of the bottom surface is more than 200 meters. The depth cannot be measured at all, and the space really is not ordinary. However, even this extreme space is not empty at all now, even a little crowded, because in this huge vertical shaft there is a dragon, a dark Chinese dragon.

The position we entered was the highest point of this vertical well, but the dragon was hanging upside down, that is to say, the tail was above and the head was below, so we could only see a huge tail. However, because I also have a Shenlong, even if I only see the tail, I can be sure that this is the Oriental Shenlong, and the unique momentum of the Shenlong can never be fake.

"It's so big!" Looking at the tail in front of me, I didn't even know what to say, and after a long while, I came up with such two words.

Yeyue also nodded mechanically: "It's really big. Is the body of the dragon girl half that big?"

I looked down a little, and then said, "Not only, the little dragon girl is about two-thirds the size of this dragon, but this guy is really big!"

"Isn't Shenlong the guardian beast of heaven? Why was it sealed here?" Yeyue asked.

"Remember the black unicorn?"

"You mean that black individuals are an ominous sign in the ethnic group? What does Tianting really believe in?"

I shook my head and said, "Heaven is not a fool. Black individuals are ominous signs. Although they are made up, the black individuals in the beasts are generally more than twice as powerful as other races. Individuals can even exceed dozens of times. And black individuals seem to have a stronger natural violent factor. This existence is like a child holding a nuclear bomb launch button. What do you think would happen if you were in heaven? "

Yeyue was silent after hearing my explanation, and she knew that if that was the case, Heaven's actions would not be so unacceptable.

After answering Yeyue's words, I started to observe the dragon again. Of course, this dragon will not be suspended in midair. At this moment, this guy is actually suspended in this vertical well. In this vertical well, a dense iron chain of two people embracing each other extends from the surrounding wall. It is then connected to the dragon's body, and it is not as simple as strapping on the body. At least half of the iron cables even directly anchored inside the dragon's body. I do n’t know whether it was hanging on the bone or simply wearing the body. And over.

In addition to these unclear chain links, I also saw dense seal runes on the wall behind me. These inscriptions were all painted with gold paint, similar to those on the wall. The contrast of black stones is strong, and even a little light can reflect a clear flash.

As a matter of fact, in addition to these runes on the wall, I also found that those chains also have runes similar to steel stamps. But unlike the golden runes on the walls, the runes on these iron cables are dark red.

"So exaggerated seal." Ye Yue also saw these things when I finished checking these runes, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's go and see."


Although there is no platform around the vertical well, but because of the dense chains, physical existence like ours is good enough to actually use the chains as a step to jump down. However, just when Yeyue and I fell on the first chain, the huge black dragon was suddenly twisted violently, and a roar that stunned the head also passed from below the cave. Come up. The huge sonic shock almost didn't turn us around, and at the same time, the runes tied to the chains of the dragon suddenly lighted up and quickly spread from the vicinity of the dragon's body to the surroundings. It quickly spread over the runes under my feet connected to the wall. After all the chains became red, the place where the chains took root immediately began to glow, and then the golden runes on the walls quickly lit up and spread radially around, and soon the whole vertical well was illuminated by shining runes. A piece of golden, even the black and bright dragon is covered with a layer of gold.

After the rune lights up, I obviously feel a huge air resistance. Obviously this is the power of the seal, but what I feel is only the power of the seal leaking. The real power is concentrated on that dragon. My side is just a little leaked. However, even Yu Wei was already so terrible. I can imagine how terrible the pressure of the seal itself was. But even such a powerful seal. The dragon was still struggling and twisting. Obviously, the seal could not completely suppress the action of this guy. If it was not for the chain, this guy could smash the surrounding walls and get out.

The dragon had been confronting the seal for a minute before it gradually quieted down, but the seal on the wall did not go out immediately, but kept on. I looked at the dragon, and then looked at the chain at my feet, only to find that the chain extended into the dragon's body. I knew instantly what was going on. This chain passed through the dragon's body and connected to the inside of the dragon's body. We suddenly fell from above and hit the chain. This is tantamount to pulling other foreign bodies stuck in the body. If it doesn't hurt, there is a ghost. No wonder that dragon struggled so hard.

After figuring out the reason, Yeyue and I began to carefully choose the chains to jump down. Not all of the chains were connected to the dragon's body. Only about one-half of the chains entered the dragon's body. The rest are simply strapped outside the dragon's body. These chains will not pull the wound, as long as you step on the chains, there will be no problems.

After jumping a few times, we saw the dragon's hind paw, which was really big and amazing. In this paw, it is estimated that grabbing a train is like pinching an earthworm. At this time, however, this paw is obviously unable to produce any lethality. Because there are actually claws on this paw. Each finger on this paw has a huge metal ring, and these metal rings are all connected to a disc-shaped metal part with a metal rod. This metal part has a huge Tai Chi diagram on both sides, obviously This is also a seal.

Continue down to get a long dragon body, and then we see the front claw of this dragon. Like the two claws behind, this guy's front claws are locked. And the lock was more thorough. There was a connecting rod connection between the Tai Chi discs on the two claws, and the connecting rod was still y-shaped, and a fork was connected to the huge collar on the dragon's neck.

The size of the collar locked on this dragon's neck is a ring square to us. In addition to the usual dense runes on this collar, there are a circle of spike-like protrusions around it, but if you look closely, you can find that these things are active, it should be possible to penetrate into the collar and start under some trigger Some kind of mechanism, or this thing is simply used to kill the dragon. of course. The latter one is unlikely, because if it can be killed, it will probably not be sealed at the beginning.

After crossing the collar like this big square, it will be the leader.

To be honest, the appearance of this dragon is still very good, and there is no such thing as those monsters. After all, this is a dragon, although it is black, but it is still a dragon, not a monster. The slender face is well-defined and looks even more beautiful. Especially the pair of corners. Black and bright can almost be used as a mirror, and the angle of bending and bifurcation is just right. It looks neither bulky nor small.

Of course, at this time, the shape of this faucet is actually very embarrassing. The body is locked like that, and the most aggressive head will naturally not be handled simply.

This dragon's mouth is covered with two golden yellow metal rings. The cross-section of this metal ring has a diameter of more than two meters, which completely seals the dragon's mouth. In addition, this guy's horns are also covered with a seal of invisible type. The structure looks like two bows, but you can feel the strong magic fluctuations above.

There is also a metal seal in the shape of two claws on that dragon's eyes, which looks like a monster in the form of a lion upside down under the dragon's head, and then covers the opponent's eyes with two front claws around the dragon's head. same. Of course, this thing is definitely a strong seal. Because I see the energy of advanced magic instruments on this thing.

In fact, the seal in the shape of this monster not only sealed the longan with the front paw, but also the two dragon ears with the hind paw, which means that not only the body of the dragon was locked, but also the sight and hearing were together. Sealed. Such a terrible seal is really cruel. If it is me, it would be better to be killed directly. This situation that cannot be seen and cannot be stopped, and the **** body is still hung in a sealed underground cave wearing a chain of iron, is definitely better than death. It's even harder. Imagine the imprisonment punishment in reality. That is still without confinement, and it usually does not last more than a week. But this dragon is not only made like this, but does not know how long it has been hung. This endlessness is endless. It is estimated that the human mental state has long since completely collapsed. But this dragon obviously does not seem to have lost its thinking ability, because the dragon had obvious consciousness when it screamed before, and that was not an instinctive reaction.

After observing the situation here, we landed on the ground at the bottom of the vertical well. The ground in this place is not dry, but is soaked in water, but the depth of the water surface is only a dozen centimeters. With the light emitted by the runes on the wall, you can see that there are also runes underwater, but they are not lit, only I can see it with the help of reflection. It is estimated that this is a powerful rune. Only when the dragon is struggling particularly hard will it react.

We have already calculated the size of this dragon before coming down from above. The maximum diameter of this guy's body is 160 meters, and the average is over 130 meters. The head part is the same as the general Shenlong. A lot thicker. The length of this guy is about 2,100 meters. This length is indeed more than that of Xiaolong Nu, but it is not the most exaggerated of the dragons, but the strength of the dragons is not necessarily linked to the volume.

When we stood in the water and looked at the head of this big guy, we never expected that the big guy suddenly made an action. This guy opened his mouth little by little, and the two circles immediately lit up the dense gold runes on the metal ring on the dragon's mouth, and then began to tighten, but the power of this dragon was really It was too big, and it opened the mouth with a small gap against the constricted metal ring, and then a pink tongue stuck out and quickly plunged into the water below and rolled back some water. After licking a sip of water, the guy immediately opened his mouth again, and then continued to lick his tongue to lick the water. Although he had to put in a lot of effort every time, he could barely drink a bite of water.

To be honest, looking at this guy, I even feel a little pitiful about this dragon, especially if I know that the seal of heaven is not always the existence of a great sin. Although Tianting has indeed sealed the existence of some demons, it is more about the existence of different interest groups than Tianting, which means that most of its detentions are actually their enemies and not necessarily bad people. The original black unicorn, the sealed demon tribe, and my magic pet red pimple are all real evidence.

Although pitiful to this black dragon, I dare not provoke this guy easily. The heavenly courts may bring in a kind-hearted but different existence from their camp ~ ~ but they will never spend so much effort to seal a trivial person. So, whether this guy is good or bad in front of you, at least one thing is certain: this is definitely a strong to abnormal existence.

Just when we were about to return carefully to the original road, and no longer disturb this guy, the dragon who was trying to drink water suddenly moved. The other party was struggling to drink water with his tongue, but suddenly stopped. After hesitating for a few seconds, the guy suddenly licked a sip of water again, and then seemed to be savoring it. Ten seconds later, when we thought that this thing was going to be quiet again, the abnormality came out.

The dragon suddenly lifted its head and began to struggle. The chains around it turned red instantly, and the golden runes on the wall, which had almost faded, changed instantly like searchlights. I can even feel the ground shaking.

During the dragon's fierce struggle, I suddenly noticed that the magic array under my feet actually turned on, and the magic of magic began to converge, and then a light ball gathered in the center of the cave, and then a large number of electric arcs from the light ball Flying out, inserting the dragon directly into it, the dragon immediately screamed and twisted fiercely, but this guy didn't mean to be quiet at all, but he struggled even harder.

"What's crazy about this thing?" (To be continued ...) u

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