Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 473: Hunt

If the target appears, then there is no point in entanglement with these miscellaneous fish. [[As soon as I say hello, the team immediately advances towards the suburbs. The Indian commandos have been following the target team and are chasing at this time. Although the opponent's mobility is high, the Indian commandos are not stupid. They also grabbed a few cars and are chasing. What we need is Let them drag their goals as far as possible, and the rest will be easy as long as we arrive.

Of course, the Indian commando ’s attack has also attracted the attention of the rebels. The opponent is frantically intercepting the Indian commando ’s actions, so at present, both the chasing party and the fleeing party are in a very tense state.

"Here is the Indian commando. The target is in the f7 area, moving towards the g7 area, please pay attention to interception."

"Here is the Chinese commando. We have found the target, are ready to engage, and pay attention to accidental injuries."

At low altitude, Ling and I have seen the rushing convoy in front, and the head is a st1 main battle tank that storms forward. This gadget is a brand new high-speed support tank specially designed for sports warfare. Although the armor protection is not very prominent, this gadget has a very high moving speed and sports combat capability. All attack operations do not need to stop. Complete all attacks in the movement.

It can be said that st1 is the super run in the tank. The highway speed of this gadget is as high as each of these speeds. If you remove the speed limit device, most current private cars can drive to this speed. However, a private car with a weight of less than two tons can drive at 170 kilometers per hour, but a main battle tank with a weight of 32 tons can run at this speed is another matter.

When we saw the convoy, we just saw a st1 drifting across a crossroad at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and then a private car parked on the side of the road directly because of too much inertia sliding across the road. Hit the fly, and then restore balance and rush forward. Behind it is an armored car that flies out in a tail-flicking mode, the scene is more exaggerated than in the movie.

Can you imagine a 32-ton main battle tank racing on the street? This scene is now happening in front of us, what a domineering side leak! However, what we need to do now is to stop the gadget, because with it open in the front, it will be difficult for us to block the vehicle behind.

"No worries. Bailang, Xiaobai, Brigitte, Everett, where are you, we need heavy firepower."

"I'm Everett, I'm right behind you."

"Do you have something to kill that tank?"

"Electromagnetic guns can."

"Then bomb it for me."

"To understanding."

Because this is already the outer area of ​​the city, the buildings are very low and most of them are private houses. When the electromagnetic gun is fired, the recoil is very strong, so it needs a stable and solid foundation. Everett glanced around and determined a goal. This is a small three-story building, and the sign outside looks like a fire station. This is a reinforced concrete building, which is definitely much stronger than those houses.

A bang landed on the top floor platform. The electromagnetic railgun hanging on the back of Ivrit quickly rose, and then the bracket on the shoulder was unfolded and docked with the gun barrel. Ivrit also posed a relatively stable posture, and the fixing devices at the joints were locked to each other. Completely stabilize your body.

To penetrate the front armor of such a main battle tank, it is necessary to launch with full power, so it must expand the corresponding anti-impact structure.

Immediately after the development of Everett's side was completed, a blue arc lit on the electromagnetic gun, and then the arc became denser and denser, and at the same time, Everett's sight was on. A crosshair is slowly following the main battle tank, no matter how the opponent moves. The crosshairs locked their targets deadly.

"Preparation for launch, friendly units are careful to avoid attack lines." With the announcement of Ivrit, the people on our side quickly spread to the surroundings, letting off the attack route, and the next second Ivrit released the electromagnetic gun. When the energy reaches its limit, it is ready to fire, however. At the last moment of his firing, he suddenly heard a boom, and the iron door on the top of the building was kicked open, and then he saw a muscular man rushing out of the door with a shotgun. After this guy emerged, it was a shot at Everett, accompanied by a booming shot. Everett's crosshairs crooked a little immediately. The monitor on the side of Everett locked the person, but his body didn't move, the barrel was fine-tuned, and he planned to kill the tank first, but the next time he sparked again. The opponent's attack affected the crosshair he had just moved back again.

The next person started firing as he approached Everett, and Everett tried several times to adjust the crosshairs, but he finally gave up. "Report, there is interference in the attack location, I need to clear the interference first."

"Understand." I responded.

Brigitte's voice cut in. "Briggs arrived on the battlefield, taking over the interception position, and all personnel took care to avoid the attack line."

Brigitte did not land on the top of the building, but fell directly in the middle of the road. The people on the opposite tank certainly found the obstacle immediately, but Brigitte reacted before they could take action.

After landing, the slowly rotating disc behind Brigitte suddenly started to glow, and at the same time, a thing like a handheld speaker rose up behind her, but the shape of this gadget was more sci-fi, you can see the front sound reinforcement There are circles of blue flashes in the tube.

This thing is of course not a loudspeaker, but a very dangerous weapon-a gamma-ray cannon.

Unlike the electromagnetic gun that needs to be charged for seven or eight seconds, this thing has no preparation time at all. As soon as Brigitte poses, the thing immediately rises, and then you see the blue light inside the thing gradually change to orange-red. At the same time, it can be found that there is a layer of water ripples in the ring on Brigitte's back.

As the launcher became more and more red, the air in front of Brigitte began to shake, and it felt like the heat waves on the pavement in midsummer, distorting the air. Although it looks like this weapon is accumulating energy at this time, it is not actually accumulating energy, but has already been fired. That transmitter is turning red because the transmitter is overheating. Not a state of energy storage. The electromagnetic cannon stores energy for a long time, and then fires it out instantly. The gamma-ray cannon fires instantly, but it takes a long time to take effect.

The people in the tank opposite found that Brigitte would not wait of course, they immediately started to operate the loader inside the tank to load an armor-piercing projectile, and then aimed the gun barrel at Brigitte. In the process, everyone in the car felt a little uncomfortable. It felt as if my body was very hot, and I felt a bit dry and itchy skin, but after all, it didn't feel strong, and they didn't care. But when the captain locked the target and pressed the launch button, something strange happened.

The trigger failed. The captain pulled the trigger on the handle, but the shell did not hit, and when he tried to pull the trigger again, the tank's speed suddenly slowed down. At the same time, the people in the tank began to feel uncomfortable. Someone started to cough, and then tore his clothes neckline desperately, as if breathing was difficult. At this point, no one cared about the problem of the shell, because the three people in the tank were struggling in their own positions, and the tank felt as if they were put in a microwave oven. The whole body was intolerable, breathing hard, and Splitting headache.

By the tenth second of the irradiation, the tank had crashed into a house on the side of the road. Then he flattened the three-story bungalow and planted it directly into the swimming pool behind the house. The armored vehicle behind the tank suddenly started running on the road, and suddenly rolled over the next second, then rolled into the houses on the other side.

The armor plate of the tank is very thick, which can effectively block the radiation of gamma rays, but the armored vehicle is not enough, especially the bulletproof glass of the armored vehicle. The tank used a periscope. The armored vehicle is the window directly, but it is only equipped with bullet-proof glass, but the glass cannot block the gamma rays, so the people inside the car are illuminated by the gamma-ray cannons, which are weapons. There was a bubble in seconds. The whole person is like a mutant monster, and then the sound of a thick car sprayed with human bombs disappears completely in this world.

It can be said that the gamma-ray cannon is a rather cruel weapon, but cruel and cruel meaning is effective. The effect of this thing is absolutely incomparable with ordinary weapons, and the biggest advantage of this thing is that it can kill the surface, which can have a terrible killing effect on a large range of targets.

In fact, this kind of thing is already regarded as a nuclear weapon. However, unlike conventional nuclear weapons, its radiation is only generated when it is launched. After the weapon is closed, the radiation will completely disappear within a few minutes, and there is basically no pollution problem. . Of course, this weapon actually has a constrained launch mode that allows the power to be concentrated in a small range. The attack power in this mode will increase significantly, but the irradiation area will be much smaller. Just because Brigitte did not know the occupant position in the tank opposite, she used a wide-area attack, but she was not completely released, but instead focused her energy on a fan-shaped range with only a five-degree angle. Relatively concentrated and effective in killing targets.

The big brothers were not stupid. When they saw that the tanks in the front were dead, the convoy behind them suddenly rushed into the path between the two houses. This road is just the width of a car. After the cars turned in, even the fences of other people were hung up, but now it is escape, who cares about this. The team rushed across the horizontal fork to the next street, and then returned to the main road and began to run wildly.

Brigitte seemed to want to turn around when she saw the other person turning. Thanks to the speed I found, she quickly yelled, "Don't, be careful not to hurt yourself."

Brigitte straightened her body unwillingly, the Gamma-ray cannon behind her was folded back into the weapon backpack, and the round roulette on her back gradually faded.

"Everyone's attention, the enemy turned, current position g6, pay attention to the root." After the announcement, I jumped out from the roof of the previous station, and quickly leaped over the street to the opposite street, I can see the other side's convoy is charging in front of me on the street over there, but I don't worry about them running away because all of them are in front of me.

Xiao Bai and Bai Lang went side by side, jumping directly from the top of a house, and then fell on the street. The weapon backpack was unfolded, two small missiles ejected from the backpack, and then two beeps, the two missiles flew out with a howling sound. The armored vehicle in front saw the missile quickly and began to dodge. But too close to react. With a bang, the first armored car directly turned into a big fireball and rolled over. The roadside crashed and crashed a parked private car. The second missile continued to move forward, and then hit the center of a large, domineering large SUV. positive.

With a loud noise, the SUV was instantly wrapped in flames. But what made us stupid was that the car actually rushed out of the flame in the next second. Although the position of the engine in front of the flame was burning, the speed did not slow down at all, and it was still running fast.

"I rely, what kind of car?" Bailan and Xiaobai looked down at the car in surprise, then the armor plate on the top of the weapon backpack opened, six-tube machine guns rose from it, and there was a burst in the next second. A horrific orange-red steel torrent blasted out from the loud noise. The exaggerated suv splattered on Mars, hit by bullets, but rushed forward for more than ten meters, and then suddenly a large explosion of flames burst out of the body, then the body suddenly crooked, and then rolled and flew out.

After finally killing the thing, we were not happy here, and suddenly found that two armed off-road vehicles carrying unmanned turrets were thrown out from behind the team. This thing is not the same as an armored vehicle. Although it also has armor, its protection is much lower. But after sacrificing protection, you get the speed advantage. The two monster-like cars quickly overtook the team and Xiao Bai and Bai Lang tried to attack. But the other's unmanned turret quickly turned around. The main weapon of your turret is a 30mm six-barrel rapid-fire machine gun. The firepower is more fierce than that on the back of Xiaobai and Bailang. Xiaobai and Bailang supported the shield and wanted to carry it hard, but found that the energy consumption was too Big and had to hurry to dodge.

After the opponent successfully pushed back Xiao Bai and Bai Lang, they accelerated to the front of the team, but. Just when they thought it was successful, they suddenly felt that the body sank suddenly, and a bull-sized monster hit the roof directly, then the monster bit the gun barrel on the top of the unmanned turret. Teared back, accompanied by a twist of metal. He just pulled out the gun tube and the firing mechanism behind it.

After fixing the unmanned turret, he nodded with four fingers and fastened the roof. Then he stretched his head in front of the window and slammed the bulletproof glass in front of the car with his mouth. With a loud noise, Xiao Biao even smashed the bulletproof glass. The flame shone in Xiao Bai's mouth the next second. A pillar of fire was injected into the car body. With a heartbreaking scream, the body suddenly burst. A turn hit a lamppost on the side of the road, then directly broke it, flew into a garage on the side of the road, and then a big explosion occurred. But Xiao Bu jumped before the car hit the street light. After rolling over on the ground, he got up and ran, and the speed was comparable to the speeding team. The man in the car next to him realized he was what he was after he noticed that he was running with him.

In the panic, the people in the car did not forget what to do. The unmanned turret quickly turned around, and then the cannon started to roar, but the little one was not a car. He was much more flexible than the car. He decelerated to the back of the car and then flashed. To the other side, then suddenly accelerated to re-run with the armed off-road vehicle. Just when the turret was turned again on the opposite side, Xiao Budian suddenly slammed into the body and hit it. As if it was hit by a locomotive, the entire car flew across the ground instantly, and then crashed into a big tree, which exploded directly into a big fireball, and that big tree was also uprooted and turned into A big torch.

As soon as the car was knocked over here, a string of Mars broke out on the ground around him. The rear armored vehicle started firing, but the bullets basically hit the ground. Occasionally, the bullets did not cause any harm to the small dots. Instead, the launchers on the small dots suddenly launched, and the same machine guns as Bailang raised, and then He turned at one hundred and eighty degrees, and started firing at the back of the armored vehicle. The bullet stared at the opponent's driving window for a sweep of dreams. The bulletproof glass was continuously attacked, the cracks became larger, and finally it was penetrated. Died, the body suddenly slammed onto the sidewalk and turned overside to burst into a fireball.

"Nice, go up and drag them on." I didn't fight directly in the sky, but I surrounded them with commanders. As long as we can intercept these people, our task is even more than half completed.

Ling and Xiaochun chased them from the top of the left and right buildings. Various powerful weapons were directed at the convoy on the road. Many of the fleeing vehicles were hit with a lot of holes, and many directly rushed out of the road and rolled. Burst into a fireball.

"Old and big heart." I was directing a warning sound suddenly, and then an arrow appeared in my gaze. Suddenly I lowered my head and noticed that a missile came from behind, and it seemed to be coming at me.

"When I am bullying?" When I saw the missile, I immediately took out the sword and planned to come to the knife-splitter missile. After all, the missile was faster than me. Dodging was not feasible. I could only intercept it. However, the thing suddenly burst out before hitting me. Then a large green cloud spewed up in front of me. "bad!"

With a loud noise, the cloud suddenly exploded, and I felt like I was being photographed by a giant palm, smashing through a house and falling into the basement. The thing just now turned out to be a cloud explosion, and it was stamped. It was really foolish enough, and even escaped with this weapon.

Pushed away the rubble pressed on the body, it took a lot of effort to get one hand out of the large pit on the ground, and then supported the ground with one hand. My whole body finally crawled out of the big hole on the ground. However, I didn't wait for a moment to take a sigh of relief, and suddenly found that there was still a person standing next to the big hole I had smashed above, and that guy still had a large-caliber shotgun in his hand.

"I'm not ..." I broke the gun before I could explain to the other party, and you also know about shotguns. You don't need to aim at all. Basically, it's difficult to miss the target, and this thing is close range. The impact force is very large. So I accidentally fell into a pit with a backflip.

Fortunately, the shotgun has a small loading capacity, and I climbed out of the pit again when the opponent shot the bullet and reloaded. Then the man started to reload in a hurry. I was going to crush his gun in the past, but a guy suddenly ran out of the guy, and the other side picked up a m4 and pulled the trigger at me. The continuous clanging of Mars splashed on my body, but the bullet of this assault rifle is obviously too small compared to the shotgun and has no effect on me at all.

I looked up at the big hole above, and I had wings. The back of the super-electromagnetic thruster unfolded, and with the increasing roar, a blue ion flame spurted out from behind and under my feet, and then the whole person flew into the sky to expand the original hole again, and then rushed into the blue sky.

Turn around and look in the direction where the shells came before. The electronic eye synchronized our investigation unit, and then saw the source of the cloud explosion. Turned out to be the other's self-propelled artillery. I never thought that the other party even had this thing.

Fortunately, they sent a coordinate to the past and let them get the self-propelled artillery. I dived straight down and the goal was to pass a large SUV just below me. This suv is the kind of super suv that was particularly difficult to get before. Its protection is more exaggerated than ordinary armored vehicles. Although it is not as good as a tank, it is definitely not an ordinary person. Although the size of this thing is large, it is not as large as an armored vehicle. Its protection can only indicate that the material is very special, and the special material means that the price of this thing is absolutely exaggerated. The vehicles that can be used in the convoy must not be combatants, so this should be one of our goals. As for the car that was killed before, it should be a pilot car, and there should be at least two such vehicles in the back, but most of them should be vehicles that transport important people.

Since this car is already under me, of course I am not polite. Turning off the thruster, I hit the roof of the car directly from the air, and the body slightly shaken to restore stability. It looks like the chassis is quite good and is a good car.

Although this car is good, I am not polite. Kneeling on the roof of the car ~ ~ Hold the metal grille on the roof with your left hand, and then lift it from the right side. There was a bang in the faucet-shaped weapon box on the upper forearm, and the blade claws popped out, and then inserted sharply against the roof. Just like cutting tofu, the plasma vibrating blade cut the metal grid and roof armor very easily and cut into the interior of the car. A scream sounded immediately below.

Regardless of the screams underneath, the blade claws moved, enlarged the cut, then pulled out the blade claws, the blade claws were retracted, and then a punch was hit on the roof of the car. The board entered the inside of the body, and the people inside shot at once and attacked my hand, but of course the result was no response. I inserted one hand again, and then grasped the metal edge with both hands and forced it to both sides, and I just tore a big hole completely.

"Hi. It's time to go to hell. Escape is useless."

"Get away from you, the demon!" One of the bodyguards roared, and then raised his gun and fired wildly at me, but I did not dodge hard to reach for the bullet and grabbed the barrel in his hand, then pressed hard Squeezing, his gun exploded in an instant, and the fragments also wounded a woman in the back seat, causing another scream.

"I said, evasion is useless." I said, and then I reached out and yanked the bodyguard out of the car and threw it in front of the car, followed by a sudden jump along the body, with a scream of that guy. A ball of rotten meat. (To be continued ...) u

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