Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 474: Made 1 pot of porridge

After killing the bodyguard, there were five people left in the car. The only thing that can be said to be a little combative is the driver in front. This guy is actually a bodyguard, but he has to drive and can't make it. The next four people are two men and two women. They look like they should be a family of four. The parents bring a pair of children. Of course, the parents are all in their fifties and their children are less than thirty.

Seeing that I turned my eyes back again, the young man in the front was frightened and shrank down, afraid that I would kick him out and throw it in front of the car like a bodyguard, but what surprised me was that the young woman next to me Quite awesome. Reached out to pick up the pistol that had been dropped by the bodyguard and raised it towards me. Of course, the pistol ammunition is unlikely to have any effect on me. When Mars flashed, the bullet flew directly.

He turned around and looked around, and sure enough he saw a sickle figure not far away. Reaching out for a hand, a few vertical jumps of the sickle came near me and you | You | You | | More | New | Most | Fast | .. | When I saw the sickle, I immediately reached out and grabbed the young woman, lifting it up in the screams of each other. The remaining three people didn't mean to help the woman get caught out, they just tried to hide backward.

After grabbing the woman, she threw it directly in the direction of the sickle. The sickle jumped up to catch the target in the air, and then sprayed a lot of spider silk at an incredible speed to turn the target into a huge cocoon hanging nearby. A tree, and then quickly chased it up.

When I saw the sickle coming back, I immediately dragged the older male out again, and then processed it in the same way. In less than thirty seconds, all four of them became cocoons and were hung on the tree. Then I let a bell knight stay under the tree to prevent the enemy from approaching. Although the rebels wanted to rescue them, they did not dare to use heavy weapons because they were afraid of the four people hanging on the tree. However, light weapons had no effect on us, so their rescue operation was basically equivalent to death.

After all four had been dealt with, I followed the SUV in the back, but the other side rushed into a house on the side of the road as soon as my eyes turned around. The house is wooden and can't stop this armored car-like SUV at all. The car passed directly through the house, rushing out from the other side with a scream.

I looked at the situation around me, and then turned to catch up, but it was a sudden brake when I passed the house that was broken. My electromagnetic induction found a faint sign of life, just under the pile of rubble. I glanced at the distant vehicle, hesitated a little, and I turned around and walked over. Grab the pieces of wood on the ground and open them, throw away all the things pressed on them, and then see a small bed that collapsed. Grasp the bedboard with one hand and lift it, and immediately underneath a little girl holding a doll. The little girl had a small amount of blood on her body. She activated the X-ray and scanned her body. No obvious problems were found except for the skin trauma.

"Don't be afraid, you didn't hurt your bones. Stay here and don't move. Someone will come to your rescue." After I said it, I turned to the SUV that was over there and chased after it. And every time I lift my foot, I will bring things on the ground behind me, like shells.

The explosion of power on this scale certainly brought super high speed, and I almost chased the SUV near the grass. Although this guy is also fast, it is not very possible to drive fast in the city. Although there are not many cars on the road now, flying bullets and shells are more scary than cars.

After easily catching up with the car, I did not jump up to catch people, but slammed into the door from the side. With a loud noise, the door suddenly recessed into a large piece, and the body was immediately out of balance, rolled over in the air and fell to the ground, and then slid out along the inertia all the way to be stopped by the roadside building.

Go to the upside-down car, reach for the edge of the chassis and pull down. The car lying on its side immediately turned over and landed on four wheels. However, it is no longer possible to drive because I found that the driver Lost.

After looking at the situation in the car through the glass, after confirming that there are still survivors, I raised my hand and suddenly punched the window. With a loud bang, the body bounced and almost turned over, but my eyes quickly helped and I did not turn it over.

Looking at the car that had stabilized, there was only a white, cobweb-like column on the glass, and it didn't break. "I depend, so strong?"

Although I was surprised at the hardness of this thing, I didn't worry too much. Hold down the body with your left hand to prevent it from turning over again, and the right fist recharged. This time, instead of consolidating strength, I mobilized all my muscles to punch it up. With a bang, the fist penetrated the glass directly into the body. I turned my elbow to grab the edge of the door, and then pulled it backwards, and the door was pulled by me and thrown aside.

There are also six people in this car, but now only two are alive, and the rest are hung up.

Surviving is a white male in his forties and a ten-year-old mixed black pearl. Although the man was not dead, he was almost there. Because his lungs were pierced, and the weapon was an M4 assault rifle. This thing tells us that it is better not to put sharp objects in the car.

Because the man was 100% dead, I simply pulled out the large pistol on my leg and made a shot at the guy's head, and then pulled out the awakened black pearl.

This girl really was wilder than the white girl. Immediately after she came out, she stepped on the side of the car and kicked my head with a sweep and kicked, and she actually kicked under my inaction. Of course, the result will only develop as I intended, because the other party is human and I am a dragon.

With a scream, Black Pearl fell to the ground and hugged the painful sorrow of the calf, but I reached out and grabbed one of her legs to carry her to the roadside. Seeing the sickle catch up, she threw her over.

Opening the electronic map in my brain, I quickly saw the current distribution of the enemy and us. I found a place where no one cares about and ran over. Anyway, there were people chasing and blocking in other places, so we don't need to worry about it.

By the way, I also communicated with Terry by the way. At present, Terry has reached the city center, which is where we landed before, but they will not be able to pass for the time being, because the main force of the rebels is right now. city ​​center. Terry originally planned to come over to capture people, but was blocked by the rebel main force. They couldn't come at all. They could only fight in the city center with the rebel main force. To make matters worse, the main forces of the rebels actually merged with the city's police forces and some civilian volunteers. These unidentified people are helping the rebels attack the commando, and Teri is hesitant to know that these people have been deceived. Fortunately, it was Terry who was a bit jealous. The commandos of Italy, South Korea, Japan and India were a bit rude. Anyway, they are not people in their country and dare to attack themselves, of course they did not hesitate to fight back.

Although Terry saw other commandos attacking ordinary people and police, he didn't have a stand to stop the ceasefire. He couldn't say "don't attack, let them hit you", right?

Because the troops of other countries have been dragged on, we can only do it on our own, but this is not the worst. The most terrible problem is that the enemy is scattered.

The fleeing convoy was a complete convoy, and we just had to chase it all the way, but the other party suddenly opened up without knowing how to do it. The convoy suddenly dispersed into a two-car or three-car formation, and then started in the city. The road is chaotic, and there were few people on our side at the same time. It is not easy to hunt down the convoy members while opposing the rebel forces of the other side. Nowadays, the world is chasing. This is really life-threatening!

"I depend, this job can't be done!" Lingling just chopped an armored car and watched the empty street weakly shouted in the channel: "Boss, the enemy has all run away. What about the troops of other countries? Emotions are all here Is it our task? "

"Don't complain. The people in other countries are worse than us. We are lucky here, at least the main force is not on our side."

"This is luck?" Yeyue also stepped in and said, "Isn't the American Air Force very bullish? Where is it going to die? Fighters in the city can't help, how many helicopters are there?"

I originally planned to enlighten Yeyue and they came, but the words suddenly got stuck, because the American command center actually sent a reinforcement message. "Hey hey, look at this." I said to transfer the information I just received to others, and then Yeyue and they were happy, because the US Air Force they were still complaining about actually came.

In fact, it was not a simple air force, but an air force deployed from multiple places, including a group of A200 thug attack aircraft from a nearby combat readiness base, and some AHs that took off from another nearby secret airport. -182 Ghost Gunship, and finally several F-48 Super Archaeopteryx support fighters taking off from the carrier. These aircraft come from three directions, the F-48 will arrive first, but their mission is to cover the battle of helicopters and attack aircraft, and they will not directly participate in ground strikes. As for the helicopter formation, although the flight speed is slower, it will arrive first because the distance is relatively close, and finally the attacking aircraft group. However, the time between the two will be at most ten minutes, not too much.

When we received the notice, the fleet actually took off for a while. I even saw the F-48 position in the radar information on the United Information Platform, which was only a couple of minutes away from us.

Because we know there will be air support for a while, we are not in a hurry to catch people everywhere, anyway, after the air force sweep is complete, we just need to clean up the remaining targets. Now we are catching up. When we catch up, it is estimated that the plane has arrived. We have to leave the convoy to avoid accidental injury. We simply do n’t rush to catch up.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the roar of the fighter jet was very accurate overhead, and then these super-archaearchs began to circle over the city. But what made me feel a bit strange was that instead of patrolling around the city, these planes hovered above us. Their mission should be to monitor the nearby airspace to prevent other aircraft from shooting down subsequent attack aircraft and helicopters. In this case, the search radius should be increased. What do you say you are doing in circles around our heads? We don't need aerial cover.

When we were weird, the helicopter group quickly entered the line of sight. The number of ghost helicopters in this group was more than 80. The number can be said to cover the sun, and you can hear it for a long time.咚 Propeller sound.

Immediately after seeing these helicopters, I opened the battlefield information sharing, and then marked the positions of the enemy and us. This can help the helicopter to quickly lock the target and avoid accidental injuries. Of course, I also posted a message to the followers by the way, telling everyone not to approach the enemy, so that air support accidentally hurt us.

As soon as the information on our side was released, the helicopter group came to our heads, and then I noticed that two ghost helicopters suddenly tilted slightly and pointed their noses at me. I saw the two helicopter wings in the next second. The rocket nest below suddenly started flashing, and then a large rocket shouted. Because the distance was too close, I didn't even have the chance to dodge. As soon as I supported the shield, it was covered by a dense rocket.

After a violent explosion, my magnetic shield was crumbling. For a while, I almost thought that I would not be able to carry it, but in the end, I survived the rocket fire.

"Asshole, what are you doing to me? I'm Shenlin, the captain of the Chinese commando. Your targets are those vehicles." I scolded angrily in the friendly channel that Teri told me, but the answer was four. Helicopters around and more rockets.

I was covered by fire because I wasn't prepared. This time I took a look and saw the opponent ’s helicopter form a siege. I quickly turned around and ran, but the opponent immediately followed, and the rocket chased me all the way back, along the way. The ground is almost like it was turned over again, but fortunately, I was faster, but I was not hit.

"Damn! Terry, your helicopter is attacking me. What's wrong?" I asked in a desperate manner on the communication channel.

As soon as Terry was about to answer, I saw that the Super Archaeopteryx that was circling in the sky suddenly started to dive, and then fired a string of rockets in the direction of the city center. Then I heard Terry's A string of explosions. The communication channel was full of curses from commandos of various countries. It seemed that Italian commandos had casualties and were calling for medical support, but our side was busy and could not help because we were also attacked by the other party.

This group of planes even attacked Teri. That is not a problem of accidental injury, but the other party is simply a rebel. We are actually stupid. We sent them the position information of the personnel on both sides. This is simply posted on ourselves. Let's hit a target!

"What's going on with you, the U.S. government? Are all of your command systems under control? Why are all the people in the reinforcements?"

Terry's voice was crying. "I don't know what happened! My side was bombed just now. My power armor is now broken and my left arm is completely immobile. If I knew how terrible I was?"

"Okay, you just say what to do now?"

"I don't know!" Terry said in a crying voice.

I thought for a moment and said, "I have a way, I just don't know if you can do it."

As soon as he heard that there was a way, he immediately hurriedly asked, "As long as I can really solve the current trouble, I will do it. You first talk about what kind of way it is."

The solution is also simple. "First of all, say hello to the rear, and then cut off the communication. From now on, we will no longer accept the command of the United States government, so as not to be used by rebels who have penetrated the United States government. The channel issued a notice to keep all nearby troops away from us, and all US troops moving to us are treated as rebels, so as to prevent the enemy from getting more help. "

"But then we still have to face the enemy's superior force attack!"

"You listen to me. In addition to the above, the next step is for the US government to open up an air corridor for us. I informed Longyuan to send reinforcements and redeploy troops from China. Your US troops have no way to judge at all. Which are your own people, but our troops at Dragon Margin are absolutely reliable, so as long as our people arrive, we can solve the immediate trouble. "

"It sounds good, but it takes at least two hours to fly over from China. Counting the time you have to gather your troops, when they come to our side, we think we are dead?"

"How is that possible?" I explained: "The Longyuan base has our Longyuan security forces. It doesn't require assembly time. It only takes a few minutes to greet two or three thousand people, and the combat effectiveness is only slightly worse than us. , Even stronger than the commandos of Italy, Japan and South Korea. As for the time delay on the road ... We can use the sealed Moonlight Goddess Butterfly sub-orbital bomber, our dragon edge troops have single-armor armor, short break away The atmosphere is okay. You can reach the United States in up to five minutes, and the assembly time is up to ten minutes. "

"Well, I'll ask first. I rely on ..." I heard a violent explosion and Terry's cursing before the communication finally closed, apparently it had been bombed again. However, we have n’t seen much better here. Most of the helicopters in the sky started to attack us. We did n’t even have the chance to fight back for a while, because if we pause for a while, we will be covered by the fire. If you dare not stop, you will naturally not have time to fight back.

When I was running around by a group of helicopters, I suddenly heard a low whistling coming from the front, and then I saw an ugly aircraft flying almost across the roof. However, this aircraft did not attack me, but suddenly opened fire in the air. The three artillery guns under its wings and under the nose instantly ejected a large barrage, which directly detonated the five or six helicopters behind me. The helicopter was scattered around to avoid it.

"I rely on ~ ~ what's the situation?" I was a little dazed when I watched the roaring attack aircraft. The American troops are now in a mess, some help the enemy, some help us, Who is who? Who is completely confused?

Suddenly Ling told me in the communication: "Shenlin, the attack aircraft seems to be under the command of the US government, and they are helping us drive out those helicopters."

"I see it. Everyone pay attention to resetting the enemy and friend identification signals. Attackers are allies, helicopters and fighters are enemies."


"Lucky, where are you?"

"On the outskirts of the city, the remaining enemies are being cleared."

"Don't worry, I suddenly noticed that several fighters in the sky had left the formation and flew towards us. I instantly understood that they were trying to intercept the attack aircraft and cover the helicopter formation.

"Fortunately, the mission changed to block the dive fighters and cover the formation of attack aircraft."

"Understood. Began to cover attack formations." R1152

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