Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 512: Super High Party

A short time along the delightful Panshan Highway team arrived at the gate of a manor house, but only a little bit of the spire of the building could be seen far from the gate, and the other parts were hidden under the vast sea of ​​trees. △,

There is a huge iron gate at the entrance of the manor, but it is now open, but there are two guards wearing jungle combat uniforms standing on the inside of the door, and the two guards are actually armed with guns. I do n’t know what they thought Which den is it?

After walking through the gate, a small square appeared shortly before. You can see a few men and women who are well-dressed and celebrities are talking to each other, and a large group of staff are busy in an orderly manner. Although no one introduced them, you can probably see what these people do by looking at their clothes. The black suit must be a bodyguard, the white suit with a round hat is the waitress who is responsible for parking, and some are wearing a tuxedo and white gloves are the receptionists.

After our car came here, Terry walked out of the car first. When we saw him coming down, of course we followed, but the shape of my car was a bit special, but it attracted the attention of some people, except that there were only a few older guests besides the service staff at the scene. Young, I'm a little curious about this sports car, but there is nothing around.

After Teri came down, he came towards us. There were three parking boys on the opposite side rushed over to help us drive the car to the temporary parking lot on the side for temporary storage, but only Teri passed the key and I rushed Came to the parking lane: "No." Then turned to my car and said, "Follow mode, park."

"Mission, confirm." There was a sound of mechanical response from my sports car like F1, and then the cockpit closed automatically and actively followed Terry's car and drove out.

Shuangxue pointed at the parking lot not far away like me and said, "Go find a place to stop by yourself."

"Task, confirm." After the exact response, the heavy hammer closed the door automatically and then opened.

In fact, the parking lot is not far from the side of the small square. The area is quite small, but only a small part can be seen because most of it is built inside the mountain. After all, this is a mountainous area. There is not so much continuous flat land for you to repair the parking lot. Only a small part of this semi-underground garage is outside, and most of it is embedded inside the mountain. Seeing the two cars passing by themselves. It's not too strange that my little brother is parking. There are many high-end cars with automatic parking systems these days, but it is rare that we can find a place in the parking lot for the first time. Most of the types on the market require the owner to drive into the garage to turn on the scanning device and run a lap before parking next time. It's obviously a lot more upscale to find a place in the parking lot for the first time.

In the parking lane: "Hello Mr. Teri, Mr. Shen Lin, two beautiful young ladies. I'm very sorry, because a large number of guests have just arrived together, our shuttle bus has not yet returned, so we need a few wait for a while, Or if you want to walk past, I can guide you there. I do n’t know how many do I want to do? ”The waiter did n’t seem to be a general service staff, but he could call our name directly. I don't know if he happened to remember us or this guy carried all the guest lists and photos.

"Let's go there anyway? Not far anyway," Teri asked. He was very indifferent to the long performance of the waiter.

Since Teri is not far away, we naturally have no objection, and after talking with the waiter, let him lead the way. In fact, this small square is really not too far from the main building over there. I estimate that it was only four or five hundred meters dead. However, the women who come to this party must be wearing high heels, so it will be more difficult to walk. Therefore, a short-range golf cart is specially arranged to shuttle back and forth between the small square and the main building. However, the three women on our side are not humans, even though the three high heels they chose today are the very exaggerated 16-inch high-heeled heels. It's nothing at all for them. If necessary, the three of them can run back to New York at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour even in these high heels. After all, there is a mechanical endoskeleton in our body, as long as the foot support skeleton is positioned. Running at most is like stepping on stilts, but it doesn't really matter much.

We have no opinion on this side, the waiter immediately started to lead the way.

Walking and picking up cars are not the same way. From here, you can directly pass through a garden maze. The 400 meters I said before is the straight line distance. As for the shuttle bus, it is necessary to drive around the garden from both sides of the ring road. The distance is better than walking through the garden. It used to be much farther. However, the garden was deliberately a maze, although it was only one meter six. It ca n’t completely hide people ’s sight, but after all, it ’s really nice to walk around in time when the area is quite in a hurry, especially in the center of this labyrinth garden there is a small space with blooming flowers. The center is also the center point of the whole maze. The designer set up a white flower pavilion here. The surrounding rose bushes are really beautiful. Anyway, Xiaolongnv and Frost both like it, but unfortunately we probably don't have the chance to see such a place again.

This host was obviously professionally trained. When leading the way, he did not follow us step by step, but always stayed far ahead of us, ensuring that we could see him and not lose, but he would not let We are too close, so if there is anything to talk between the guests, just whisper a little, don't worry about the waiter hearing. As for what you want the waiter to do, you only need to speak a little louder to the other side. It can be said that the distance is one point over, and one point is less. It is really exactly the right distance.

Taking advantage of this gap, Terry did explain to me. Anyway, if I encounter any challenges tonight, let me take the initiative and don't hide the strength, because many people will evaluate our ability at night. The results will affect the subsequent series of decisions, and the better we perform. The more benefits we get later. As for why to do this, Terry always said nothing, which made us quite doubtful.

To be honest, my relationship with Terry can only be said to be an acquaintance. What a good word to say is really impossible to talk about, so I ’m actually quite distressed by what Terry said today because I ’m not at all I don't know whether to listen or not.

Although Terry said that the better we perform, the better we will be. But the ghost knows what they are going to evaluate accordingly, so it ’s not necessarily a good thing that we performed well, but Terry did n’t say anything about the situation, and we do n’t have anything to refer to, in case Terry said It is true that if we drop the chain halfway, we will pit ourselves. This is really difficult to decide.

Anyway, I don't know anything now. Instead of thinking about it here, I'd rather take a step and look at it. I'm not too entangled here, and verbally agreed with Terry's words. In their minds, they are constantly communicating with Yeyue using a spiritual network. It ’s a pity that Xiaochun and Ling were not brought here today. Otherwise, Terry's brain waves can be monitored. Unfortunately, these few of us are not good at this aspect. Although we can also, it is easy to be found, and we accidentally return It is easy to burn the target's brain directly. Although we and Terry are not close friends, they are not enemies, so it is absolutely impossible to do anything to hurt him. However, although we are not as good as Ling He's words, so I am more inclined to listen to his arrangements.

Just before our conversation, the garden exit appeared. This is completely different from the parking lot at the gate. There are many people standing bustling at the entrance of the luxurious villa main building. Men and women are talking or walking in the company. There are many black bodyguards standing around the main building. A little further away, you can see the armed forces of the black combat suit. The security guard walked back and forth with an authentic German black back and slanted the two of them. This security level is really high enough. In our electromagnetic induction, we even found that a "dandelion" mobile air defense system was hidden behind a rockery not far away. In addition to being equipped with four air defense missiles, this gadget also has a laser interception system, which can not only intercept aircraft flying at low and medium altitudes, but also intercept multiple missiles and artillery shells. Definitely one of the best in mobile air defense systems.

"Will the president be here tonight?" Frost asked jokingly.

Unexpectedly Terry asked in surprise: "How do you know? Not only our president is coming, but all heads of state participating in this joint meeting will also come."

"I depend, don't you say this is a private party?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not wrong, because the party tonight is unofficial, but you know ... now that the bosses of various countries have come. So there are things you know."

"Damn, you liar, I knew I wouldn't be here," I complained.

Terry shrugged and said, "I'm only planning first. If you don't come, the boss of your country will order you to come, so ... you know."


"Don't come to a conclusion so early, you haven't seen anyone who is really fucking." Terry signaled the front, and I noticed that a lot of people had appeared before, so I stopped talking about it.

After walking across the oil parking road in front of the main building and going up the stairs on one side, we went directly to the front entrance of the main building. The waiter who led the way sent us here and left, and Terry and I nodded slightly and then went inside. Go on. After passing through the crystal gate, which is more than three meters wide and high, there is a small hall. In the middle of the small hall is a circular fountain composed entirely of crystal glass. The crystallized trickle is layered from the flower-shaped water platform which is layered up to form a series of water waterfalls. It is matched with the right lights and crystal glass. The refraction of the pool itself makes this fountain look like a legendary fountain of dreams.

There is a small door on each side of the small hall, where you can see many waiters coming and going, but it is obviously not the place for guests to go. There is also a rather large arch behind the pool in the middle of the small hall. Just behind the arches with crystal bead curtains is the main hall of this main building. The magnificent main hall that is as magnificent as the Dragon Palace is at least eight basketball courts. The large number of crystal decorations and a small amount of gold and silver items make the entire hall look gorgeous and dreamy, and the style is obviously from the masters.

We are obviously late because there are already many people here. Although the main hall, which is at least eight basketball courts, is very wide, and there are two spaces at each end of the main hall, it is quite tense.

I don't know why. People here seem to care about our appearance. Anyway, as soon as we entered the hall, the eyes of the people all focused on us. Because there is a circle around the hall that is about 50 cm above the ground, and the position of the entrance is the same as this platform, which is 50 cm higher than the middle area, so we stand at the door and can be seen by the audience, of course. We can also see the situation in the audience.

The guests who were still laughing and joking were quiet immediately after someone found out we were there. Then more and more eyes are focused on us, and some people even show various complicated eyes in their eyes. Some people have excited eyes, others have the eyes of scrutiny, and even some have the eyes of disdain. I can't determine the cause of these strange eyes, but I probably know that it should have something to do with the test that Terry said.

After staring at the audience for a few seconds, the crowd moved again as if they were suddenly pressed the play button, but this time it turned into a small circle to discuss our affairs together. With super-strong hearing that surpasses humans, I did hear a lot of people talking about it. But what is heard from these populations is not too important, most of them are discussing our height and appearance, and some people say that we don't seem to feel well, anyway, it is all kinds of contempt.

I did not respond to the conversations of these people. For one thing, I overheard it, which is not suitable for publicity. For another, I don't care much about other people's opinions.

Terry took me and did not enter the lower hall, but walked along the outer fence to a crystal door diagonally to the left of the hall. The two waiters standing by the door quickly opened the door for us. We walked directly through the door and entered a tens of meters long corridor. The right side of the corridor is a royal blue base color, with a gorgeous wall composed of a large number of golden lines, while the left side is a row of two-story floor-to-ceiling windows. Through the clean glass, you can see the garden view of the elven garden. There is a small swing not far away, and a few hot girls are enjoying it.

The corridor is long though. But there are many artworks along the way, some are oil paintings, some are vases or ancient armors, etc. In short, it won't make you feel that this road is long. It is very emotional to appreciate all the way. feel. To be honest, I really like this manor more and more. Unfortunately, I know that even if people are willing to give away this kind of thing, I do n’t make any sense. We will leave the earth after immigration anyway, and I am afraid there will never be a chance to return.

After walking through this long corridor, we entered a huge forest-like indoor flower house, which is different from the six-meter-high corridor and the lobby. This flower house is as high as the main building. The shortest place on the ceiling is more than 12 meters above the ground. The highest place may be 17 or 8 meters. The huge flower house is attached to the main building like a half bird cage. At the rear, there is obviously a high-end air conditioner in the greenhouse composed entirely of steel frames and double-layer bullet-proof glass, because I found that the air humidity and temperature are too standard, which is the most comfortable temperature for the human body. This is obviously not the result of natural ventilation, and because There are so many plants here, so the air is exceptionally good.

Although this is actually an indoor flower house, the designer intentionally created a feeling in the dense forest. A large number of creeper plants such as wall climbing tigers are planted on the edge of the glass exterior wall, and the landscape tree made of cement is used as a support to allow it to be covered with creeper plants, thus forming a layer of natural plant curtains, allowing this flower room The central area becomes like a clearing in the woods in a strong contrast between light and dark. In a slightly dark environment, a few rays of sunlight are projected from the top, and through the sky formed by arabesques, there are several light spots on the ground, which look quite beautiful. It should also be noted that it is actually night, so the light is actually a kind of change in artificial light sources, but if it is daylight, this effect can be naturally exhibited without artificial light sources.

After walking through a road that was deliberately made into a forest path, I was surprised to find that a creek that was one meter wide appeared in front of me. The creek water flowed through the cobblestone-induced river bed, and some of the ornamental fish could be seen. It swims, and the "forest path" turns into several stones slightly above the stream when it reaches the stream, even an elderly person can step on these small stones. Easy to walk over, as far as young people are concerned. Anyway, the stream is more than one meter wide. Most young people can step over in one step, and it is not an obstacle at all, not to mention that people have left a stepping stone.

Had to lament the luxury of this manor again. The area of ​​this greenhouse is really a little bigger than imagined. If it were not because of its electromagnetic induction capability, it could scan the surrounding environment, plus our dragon sense of space is very good, we can roughly estimate the area here. If the average person is taken to the entrance with a blindfold, and then opens the blindfold to let him come here all the way, he can really treat this place as a virgin forest. After all, the surrounding landscape is really realistic.

"Nima ..." After walking through the stream, I walked a few steps and turned over a large tree. I couldn't help whispering, because I actually found a small pond here.

The area of ​​this small pond is not large, and the total area is about the size of a basketball court. Of course, it is not square, but irregular and nearly circular. The pond is obviously living water, and at one end is connected to the stream we came over, but the stream is injected here instead of going out. In fact, what really surprised me was not the pond itself. After all, it is not an exaggeration to put a pond in this greenhouse. What really surprised me was that there was a group of people here.

People are certainly not unusual, but what would you do if you suddenly saw a large group of heads of state cooking together? I am fortunate enough to see it all now. A small pile of bonfire is driving on the ground near the pond. On the side of the pond, the head of our country and the presidents and prime ministers of several other countries are fishing. The big man in Russia is holding a knife on the ground on one side. Clean up a few freshly caught fish. The US President is holding a few sticks and grilling the fish with the Italian President. Seven or eight bodyguards are scattered or sitting or standing in the surrounding woodlands. The middle group of countries The head of the state is a joy to play, a feeling of joy.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just a little entertainment." Terry apparently knew it before. So there wasn't much surprise, and took me directly to the past.

See me near. The No. 1 head, who was fishing, lowered his fishing rod and stood up, then walked toward me with a smile and said, "Shenlin, you are finally here. Come, come, there is a task for you."

I was taken a little dizzy in front of Chief No.1, and then Chief No.1 said directly to me, "Shenlin. I have a task to come to you this evening. I don't know exactly why or not. I ’ll just tell you a little bit. Because this time, the leaders of our countries discussed it together. We still need to further strengthen multi-national cooperation. Obviously, it is not feasible for us to do our own business. On the one hand, to reduce unnecessary losses caused by internal consumption, on the other hand, we can also make up for each other's weaknesses to make up for the weakness of everyone and help each other. "

I nodded and said, "This is a good thing, but why should I attend this level of meeting? This kind of thing doesn't seem to be my specialty!"

"Of course I'm not here to let you attend the meeting ~ ~ but to let them know about your dragons."

"Know the Dragons?" After thinking for a moment, I understood the meaning of the first chief.

In fact, the countries of the world have been cooperating before, but it was limited cooperation at the beginning, but now it is intended to unite as one. In this case, it is a good thing that this kind of thing happened in the United States. Sure enough, Sion lost his horse and knew nothing about it!

As for knowing the dragons ... this is actually simple. In the past, everyone played differently, of course, but now everyone intends to unite as one, then our dragon family is really responsible for the human navigator, and we will give us the future of all humankind. First, let's get to know our dragons thoroughly, how can we be assured? (To be continued ...)

ps: Mycoplasma was infected by her daughter one month ago, and the mixed infections occurred again. Old-fashioned pharyngitis also recurred, and the lungs almost coughed out. The treatment of levofloxacin in the hospital resulted in serious side effects, insomnia was very serious, and he was so sleepy that he could not sleep. Now I have a sleep every two days. I sleep for 12 hours each time. When I wake up, I have a headache and feel hungry. The condition has finally improved recently, and the update will soon return to normal. u

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