Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 513: Hidden bucket

"You are Shenlin, right?" Seeing me and Chief One talking there, the US President and several other heads of state came over. √∟,

Looking at the talking president of the United States, I saluted and said, "Hello, I'm Shen Lin."

The President of the United States nodded and said, "I still know a lot about your affairs, but still lack some intuitive things. Most of the people present are like this. Besides, this world is not what we people say. Yes, although we control most of the forces in this world, but we are only the supreme rulers in name. The operation of the country still needs a large group of upper classes to manage it. We ca n’t do it alone. Now it is not a feudal society, Dictatorship has long been out of fashion. "

"So I also need to let those who help you manage the world realize our value?" I asked directly, politely.

The President of the United States did not react too much to my words, and nodded directly: "I know it's a bit aggressive to let you come here to do these things, but please understand our distress. As individuals, the belief that you are present will pay enough attention to you. But like I just said, we ca n’t represent all human beings. If you can help us prove to the group of people that our choice is correct, what we want to do next will be much simpler. So please, anyway Help us."

The posture of the US President can be said to be very low, and the heads of other countries have similar expressions. Obviously, the top leaders present did not have the meaning I had imagined before. I can still confirm this. . Although it is impossible to read them consciously, the shallow thoughts of the other party can still be felt. At least I can be sure that the leaders here do not look down on us, and sincerely hope that we can help them.

In fact, the reason why I have resistance to showing strength here is mainly because I initially suspected that these senior leaders did not take our dragons seriously. After all, this behavior is a bit like a rich big boss suddenly bought a terrible deal. Fighting dog. Then take out a fight with the dog, and then when the dog wins, point at the dog and say to others, "Look, this is the dog I bought, how about it? Great?"

Because I used to think that these heads of state had such ideas, I was very much against this party, especially after entering the hall before. Watching the performance of those people at the scene and their whispers made me very uncomfortable. But now, from the mood of these big men who have mastered the direction of the world, I realized a firm mood with a touch of sadness. At that moment, I understood why they knew that doing so might make me feel less of them. It still does.

After looking around the group of heads of state, I nodded solemnly. "I see. I will complete the task seriously."

"Very good." Chief One patted my shoulder and said, "The future of humanity is up to you."

"What do I do next?"

Chief No. 1 signaled Terry and then said, "Don't be so nervous first, just show your strength and let him tell you specifically. The specific arrangement was proposed by them, so I'm not particularly clear, he will tell What do you do to achieve the best results. "

I salute again. Then he turned and asked Teri, "What do we do now?"

"Come with me." Teri said a word of salutation to the heads of state, turned around, and left, Ye Ye and I also saluted and turned to follow.

Leaving this strange atmosphere of the greenhouse, instead of going back to the previous path, we went across the other path to the outside of the greenhouse. After exiting the glass-covered greenhouse, the outside temperature plummeted. After all, this place is not low in dimensions, it is a mountainous area, and the altitude is not low. The temperature drops at night. However, this temperature does not affect us.

After walking along the path for a while, we saw a log cabin in front, which looked like a temporary log cabin for the rangers in the forest. It may not be as large as the toilet in some luxury homes. In our doubtful eyes, Terry just let us all squeeze in, and then Terry let us sit on a bench beside the log house, and then grabbed a rusty ax on the shelf and pulled it out. I felt the ground under my feet shake, and then the ground of the whole cabin began to fall, and it was very fast. We almost felt like we were floating.

"Is there a military base below?" I asked curiously.

Teri shook his head: "It's a base, but not a military base. You can understand it as a place of entertainment for rich people, but with some auxiliary facilities."

I shrugged and then stopped talking, but Terry suddenly said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you. Your equipment has been delivered in advance. And your adjustment equipment, what adjustments will be needed in a while you decide . "

When we heard Terry's words, we didn't say anything, not because we didn't want to talk, but we were busy communicating with son-in-law in the spiritual network.

There is a taxonomy of species in western magical works, which define a race with four attributes: good, evil, lawful, and chaotic. For example, the race of elves has always been a firm, lawful camp in the typical Western fantasy works. Humans are often set in the good and lawful camp, while the undead are evil and lawful camps. However, in our opinion, this definition method is actually only suitable for those entertainment works created by human beings. In reality, human beings are actually not kind and orderly. The nature of human beings should actually be in the middle of the four attributes, that is, human beings have four attributes of goodness, evil, lawfulness, and chaos at the same time.

It is completely different from the human beings in reality. Our dragon is the true kind and lawful camp, and it is a purified race in the true sense. In other words, there is no heresy in our race.

The reason for the continuous war between human beings is that it is caused by competition for living resources, but it is further determined by human differences. As social animals, humans desire to live with a large number of individuals who want to be with them. However, because humans are a race with a perfectly balanced four-dimensional nature. Therefore, the intra-racial differences are almost like angels and demons belong to the same species. This huge difference causes humans to instinctively exclude individuals who are different from themselves. Although the intellectual identity of the other party is the same, the emotion is actually fundamental. Didn't treat the other party as the same.

In fact, these people who are quite different from themselves are not regarded as the same kind, so killing the other party becomes an understandable behavior, so war and crime behaviors frequently occur. This kind of candid killing within the race will only appear in the chaotic camp as set in Western magic. But it is super common among humans, which shows that humans are not only a downright neutral race, but they are also slightly inclined to the chaotic camp.

Our dragon race is a race created by human beings. Although the original design is not from human beings, in the final analysis we are human creations, we are not naturally generated, and there is no problem with this.

Because of this created relationship and my cognition brought about by the normal upbringing in human society, I think that the Dragons should be the guardians of humanity. Just like parents whose children are taking care of their parents, they should not abandon them because they have lost their strength and ability to bring benefits for themselves. This is the moral code of human society.

I was raised by my parents. Although they were not born by myself, after all these years of upbringing was not false, so I accepted and recognized the values ​​of human beings, and bound myself with human moral standards, as well as the entire Dragon race.

but. Now my concept has clearly shaken.

Of course, this shake did not happen suddenly. It's not because of this incident. In fact, the source of this idea should be the last time Longyuan base was raided by its own troops.

It is true that the last thing was decided by a small number of people without authorization, but this is actually the most annoying, because human beings are such a population of extreme individuals, which means that this hostility will not be eliminated at all. As long as humans still exist, things like last time will not be completely eliminated. You can kill all the people in the world who are against our dragon race, but that can only guarantee a momentary stability, because this is the nature of human beings. When you kill a batch, a new batch will naturally occur among human beings.

Humans are inherently chaotic, and the children of good people are not necessarily good people. The children of bad people are not necessarily bad people, and even worse, more than 80% of people cannot even define them as good people or bad people. It is totally different from those distinctive races in the novel. The children of the elves are always good, and the undead are always evil, so as long as you don't mess with the elves and kill all the undead, then the world is too peaceful. Because this situation can be stably maintained. But humans don't.

Humans are inherently full of variables. This is a human disadvantage, but it is also a human advantage. Because of differences, mankind has created a splendid culture, but because of differences, human beings are constantly struggling.

As a purified race, our dragon race should be weaker than human beings, but we are consistent, we will not be so fickle, so I really feel a little overwhelmed in the face of human beings. If only I am the only human being among my parents and those I love, then I am willing to take this risk. But the problem is that I am not only the dragon, but also the leader of the race. What is worse, the dragon has a cellular thinking network and a kind of collective consciousness. Therefore, if my decision is wrong, it may be buried. Drop the entire Dragon Race. This is not what I want to see, but also the responsibility I must bear.

Because of the fate of the same class, I struggle, I worry. Humans are at risk, just like the unfamiliar poisonous snake. When it's cold, they will shrink in your arms to warm, but you never know if it will drop sharp fangs into your body in the next second. What's worse is that once I decide to accept human beings and continue the previous moral restraint, this situation will become inevitable, because the infinite possibilities of human beings will inevitably make people do things that endanger the Dragons, and it is inevitable. All efforts can only delay or reduce the probability and frequency of such things, and can never prevent such things from happening.

Of course, there is a way to do it once and for all, and that is to abandon the human morality and worldview I insisted on in the past and think as an independent new ethnic leader. Just as the President of the United States can order attacks on other countries for the benefit of the American people, as a leader of the Dragon tribe, I can completely ignore the interests of human beings, as long as we protect ourselves.

This method is simple and fast. And once and for all, but it has not been all my previous cognitions and values, which makes me quite uncomfortable. One is the values ​​and ethics that I have established over the years, and the other is the interest of the race. Both are so important and hard to give up.

The proposals of the heads of state did not actually touch me this time. They just reminded me and made me realize again. Human beings are a cluster of huge populations, and he is not an independent existence. You can love some of them, you can respect some of them, and you can let some of them accept you and recognize you, but you can never become a common friend of all humanity. You cannot even become the common enemy of all humanity. Even if someone comes out one day and declares to destroy the world, and he really does, then there are definitely individual individuals in humans who appreciate him or adore him. For example, those who are evil. This is the kind of person who has a tendency to self-destruct is that whoever is worse to him, he pays sincerely to whom. Not surprisingly, such people do not only exist. And a lot.

For such a large and complex group, how do we live with them, and at the same time we must not be harmed by them?

Humans are too fickle, especially as a creature with a life span of only a hundred years or so, the rate of human replacement is too fast for us. The perception of one generation is not necessarily the perception of the next generation. In a movie called "The Wind Whisperer", a soldier in World War II said to a comrade-in-arms while fighting with the Japanese, "Isn't it strange? My grandpa was sitting at home fifty years ago. In the hallway, I talked to the National People ’s Congress about how many Indians he cut today for bounties, but fifty years later I was fighting alongside the Indians against the Japanese. Maybe I do n’t know how many years later my grandson will also be a Japanese Sitting together at the bar, drinking green wine and discussing whether to bully anyone together. "

This statement has actually been verified, because Japan became an American **** after the Second World War. It really started to help Americans curb our rise in China. Of course, this is not my concern. It is the variability and instability of human beings that this reality shows. This race is almost like a kaleidoscope, it cannot be defined at all.

Today, what will happen to me when I prove the strength of our dragons to these leaders?

Will they find out that we can invest in the future? Yes, I will definitely think that way, and many people will think that way. However, one of them will definitely see a different future.

A short essay is shown to a group of people, and someone will read it as a story. Some people find that the first word in each line of the essay is a sentence, some people find that all the numbers in the article are a mobile phone number, and some people notice that there are several typos in it. Ten thousand people can read ten thousand results.

I show these people the power of the Dragon Clan, and many people will be convinced that we can rely on the Dragon Clan and have a secure and stable future. But there will definitely be people who think that we will be the culprits of human destruction, that our existence will threaten human security. I have no doubt that such a person exists, because that is almost inevitable. The key to my struggle now is that I do n’t know if I should tolerate the remaining 1% for those who recognize us. I do n’t even know if I really should take the future of the entire Dragon race to protect my own worldview and morals. Concept.

This ruling is really difficult.

I passed on all my entangled brains to everyone in the spiritual network, and I felt a lot easier at once. This kind of thing was really uncomfortable. Everyone began to discuss my questions immediately. The dense radio waves passed across the dragons within the actual range. We bent into an information interaction equivalent to several hundred pb within ten seconds of the entire elevator descending. In a moment, there was congestion in the Internet all over the world, but at the moment when the elevator door opened, it was no longer important because I already had the answer.

Human beings are my responsibility and the responsibility of the Dragons. Family affection and my moral view are my obsessions, but not the dragon clans.

Although the Dragon's mental network has a collective will, this collective will has never been online, because I have been unable to completely transfer myself from an individual's cognition here. Because I have lived in human society for so many years, many of my habits and cognitions have been humanized, and this emotion has prevented me from integrating into the collective will of the Dragons. But after this whole exchange of dragons, I suddenly understood.

I do n’t have to bear any burden on the future of the Dragons, because I am the Dragons and the Dragons are me. We are dragons, we are one. We have no individuals, we are all dragons, each one is, and each is not.

Our bodies can die, we can be hurt, but the dragons are immortal. We are one. As long as an individual exists, the dragon is still a dragon. We can download the will of any individual from the psychic network, or we can upload any individual in turn. So we don't need to worry about anything at all. As long as no one can destroy our entire Dragon family at once, the loss of individual individuals is not a loss to us at all, because we will not really die if the Dragon family does not destroy.

This kind of fault tolerance determines that we can adapt to human changes. It ’s okay if you accidentally get hurt by humans, is n’t it fatal? As for those "thorns" ... just unplug them when you find them.

After thinking about it in my heart, my mood was naturally much better, and even the Yeyue who followed me became more brisk walking. Although Terry found that our emotions were abnormal, he said nothing.

After the elevator, disguised as a log cabin, descended into the mountainside, we walked a considerable length of aisle, only to find that there was a fairly large underground space outside. The area in this underground space is very large. It's an indoor stadium. It's a huge space that can be used for football matches just by laying a lawn.

The place we entered was not on the ground, but at the half-waist of this underground space. Here is a circle of hanging corridors, and many small decks were opened on the surrounding walls, which are basically semi-open. The kind of deck, inside or in groups, or a large group of people crowded inside laughing and talking, is obviously a very happy chat.

The ground is four or five meters below the escalator. There are more people there, and there is a lot of space around the wall just like the upper floor. There are small card slots inserted.

to be frank. The environment here is not as gorgeous as the main building when it came in, the main reason is that the walls are not painted, but the rocks in the mountain are directly exposed, but the red carpet and crystal lights on the ground and the like The things are a bit unambiguous, so other than the walls are relatively rough, the other steep is very gorgeous.

After we entered here, it was the same hall outside as before, and many people watched it. After some discussion, obviously everyone knows what we are doing today.

Terry touched me and then took me down the escalator. Although these people at the scene knew that we are the protagonists of today, but no one came up to talk, but they saw that we were approaching and all gave way. This kind of scene is understandable, because they are not sure whether we are worth the investment before the test is over.

In fact, in the perception of many people, we are at most similar to those of the super strong men in special forces, or there are some spy abilities, anyway, most people imagine that our strength is very ordinary, after all, we The existence of the Dragons is very strict even in China. Although these foreigners are all members of high society, their chances of knowing such secrets are still very slim. It can be said that we are like supernatural forces in reality. For those who do not know that there is a person like us, our power is completely unimaginable. That's why the leaders of those countries first show us their strengths, because if you don't see it for yourself, these people will treat us as a scam. Just like when you suddenly ran and told others that you have superpowers, most people will treat you as a neurosis, and will never believe you in the first place. Of course, if the other party is also neurotic, it may not be accurate.

Because most people do not believe in our strength, their attitude towards us can only be said to be quite indifferent. After all, according to their understanding, our investment value is quite low, and we still have to bear huge risks.

Terry looked around, and it seemed that no one planned to come over to say hello, and then said directly to me, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the host here."

"Um." I nodded and followed.

Walk through the crowd to a passage on the edge of the field, and walk a short distance to see a gate, but there are four bodyguards standing by the door. Seeing us coming over each other directly reached out and stopped our intention to move on. Terry didn't say anything. He stood directly on the side of a body-scale-like object and stretched his arms. The bodyguard next to him immediately took out a scanner that was carried around Terry and made sure that he was OK Let him down.

I was planning to go up and have them check. Unexpectedly, the bodyguard suddenly pointed at a humanoid depression on the other side of the wall and said, "Go there."

Terry looked at me in confusion and said, "I'm an acquaintance, so a simple check will do. You don't come often and you need a full check."

Since this is the rule, I didn't say anything. I stretched out my hands and stood in the humanoid depression. Then I saw a scanner protruding in front of me and scanned it automatically along the top of my head. After that, it was automatically folded and retracted. After the bodyguards signaled that I could come out, I walked out, and then Yeyue took turns to check in. Of course, there was no problem, and the reason was because this thing was controlled by us.

Electronic products are unguarded for us. This detection device is actually a simple x-ray fluoroscopy plus some metal and dangerous goods detection devices. If it is checked, the mechanical endoskeleton in our body will be found. So, in order to reduce the trouble, we directly controlled this gadget and fed back some false signals to make it misjudge, thinking that we were OK.

After entering the gate after the inspection, we immediately noticed that the environment changed greatly. The passages we just walked through were all natural stone walls. Although artificially smoothed, the rock wall itself has not been modified, but it gives a feeling of being in an ordinary mansion. The walls are full of mahogany panels with a blue-gold ceramic panel in the middle. The ceiling on the top is a vaulted structure, and there are also colorful paintings on it, and it can be seen that it is not a simple print, but it is drawn manually, because the scrolls are not repeated. It feels similar to the style used in ancient church buildings in the West.

The ground was of course a large, red carpet, and there was no sound on it. And very soft and comfortable.

If someone is sent here after falling asleep, they will never find that it is actually underground if they do not step out of the area after waking up.

After we walked in, Terry took us to the right channel and walked forward. There were a lot of doors along the way, but Terry took us directly to the past without a pause. I also encountered two sets of black clothes in the middle. The maid dressed as a maid, bowed slightly, politely. At first glance, it looks like it's trained.

Soon we arrived at a T-junction. Terry was about to take us forward, but a group of young people just came over in the left fork.

There are five in this group, two of whom are men and three women. After seeing Terry, one of the women suddenly said excitedly: "Terry, why are you here?"

Terry apparently knew these people. After saying hello to each other, she said to the woman, "I'll send Shenlin to see Mr. Mei Lin."

"They are ...?" The woman didn't finish, but everyone understood the meaning.

Terry nodded. "Yes."

After hearing that, the woman came over and immediately reached out and shook each of us, clearly and very enthusiastically, "Hello, my name is Katherine, Katherine.m. Rothschild. I'm glad to meet you."

"Rothschild?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's the one you want," Teri said. "They are very rich. A bundle of our two is only half of their assets."

Immediately after hearing Terry's words, Catherine said, "Don't talk nonsense, what is the use of money in this period. To be honest, now I would rather our family be a business. In this period, your consortium has more say. We The poor are left with money! "This remark is definitely a big deal, but from the mouth of the Rothschild family, it can only be said to be modest.

After explaining to us, Catherine turned to Terry and said, "Can you come to me as soon as possible after you send them over? There are very important things that you need to deal with."

Terri asked, "Are you in a hurry?"

Catherine nodded, "I would have dragged you directly without knowing that they were important guests invited by Grandpa."

Terry was about to speak. One of the four people next to him looked like a twenty-four-four-year-old young man, but suddenly said, "This is not easy. I'll take them there. Terry, you and Catherine are going to help you. Now. "

Terry looked at me a little bit embarrassed, and Catherine also refused: "No, Grandpa's affairs are more important. Terry, you should send them over and come back."

Although people say so, I can't behave too sensible. Immediately said, "Terry, you should go and get busy first. Anyway, someone will take us there, and we will not lose such an adult, you need not worry."

After hearing what I said, Terry frowned and said the young man next to him. "Hyde, I don't care what you usually do. Shenlin is a very important guest. This is an important decision between our big families. , So there can be no accidents anyway. In case something happens, you can't afford it. Do you understand what I mean? "

The Hyde said a little bit angry: "Oh, why do you look down on people so much! Isn't it just taking them to see Grandpa? I'm not a three-year-old child, can't this be done?"

Terry is obviously not good and really offends the other party, and Catherine's affairs are obviously really urgent and important, so after hesitating, he still said to us: "Shenlin, I'm really sorry, I have to deal with things over there You go with Hyde first. I'll go to you when it's over. Rest assured, I can find you here. "After telling me, Terry turned to Hyde and said," You must guarantee that absolutely nothing can go wrong. I Before you return, you must accompany them all the time. You must not let them suffer any damage, even if it is a face damage. Also, your fox friends and dog friends are not allowed to approach them, otherwise, even Catherine will not Let go of you. "

Catherine next to him immediately said: "Yes, that's what I mean, you must remember Hyde, otherwise I will never let you go this time."

Hyde said impatiently: "Everyone said I wouldn't, why don't you just believe me?"

When Terry saw that the other party ’s tone was about to explode, he could only give up: "I do n’t mean to distrust you. I just let you know that this matter is very important, not your usual trouble. We ca n’t take responsibility for anything. . "

"Okay, okay, I see, you guys go and do your work."

There were still some uneasy Teri telling again and again, until Hyde apparently showed signs of going crazy before helplessly followed Catherine away.

After they walked away, that Hyde turned around with a smile on his face and said to me, "Hey, come on, I'll take you to see my grandpa." We nodded and said "troubled" and followed. As a result, the other party just walked two steps and suddenly came over and asked, "Are you really not human? You look no different!"

I heard Ye Yeyue and I both had tight expressions, because in fact, they couldn't say that. I now understand why Terry was so uneasy before. In fact, he did not worry about us, but he did not worry about this Hyde. This kid is obviously an unreliable person.

Although I frowned, I nodded and said, "We are dragons."

"Dragon? Well. I heard that. This is your own name."

This Hyde started to inquire about our abilities, but spoke very inattentively. I found that this guy spoke very lightly and was nothing more than a brain. Not only did he have a clear style of courage, but he also had a little temperament. I really don't understand how a family like Rothschild could have such a person. It ’s understandable that the second-generation generations have some problems, because most of those people ’s homes are their fathers or grandparents, which means they do n’t have any details, although they try to pretend to be a superior person. , But in fact it is just an ordinary family developed, far from the true aristocracy. But Rothschild is not like this. This is a super large and ancient family, and the cultivation of offspring is very strict.

Because the family was very powerful long ago, the cultivation of future generations has formed a kind of institutionalization, very strict and efficient. In theory, even if it cannot be the same as a dragon and a phoenix in that kind of person, at least it should be cultural I am unable to understand the situation of highly educated people with a small mix of temperament in front of me.

After walking with Hyde for a while, after opening a door, I found that I actually left the underground space and appeared in a valley. There are very delicate natural landscapes all around, obviously the artificial environment imitated, because the real natural landscapes will not appear so densely, and the plants will not be so perfect. This should be an artificial landscape composed of superb horticultural techniques, but it borrows some natural landscapes. After all, here is itself a valley surrounded by mountains, and its natural environment is still good. As long as it is slightly modified, it is a good landscape.

As soon as we came out, we saw a large group of young people coming across. There are quite noisy men and women.

After seeing us, the people over there immediately greeted them loudly. Hyde was obviously very familiar with these people and immediately greeted them with a loud hello.

After the two sides approached, the other person immediately talked to Hyde, and we didn't know the road, so we had to wait beside. But Hyde and some of the group of people chatted and their attention suddenly came to us, but we didn't pay attention. Because I'm talking to son-in-law. There is a new plan for accelerating the immigration process at the base. I think Hyde and they will talk to the son-in-law directly about the immigration plan for a while, so they did n’t pay attention to the situation here.

The group watched us whispering for a while, and the crowd suddenly opened a gap, only to hear a guy yell very fakely: "Oh, my dog ​​ran ..." and then saw two Very huge hounds rushed out of the gap left by the crowd. I don't know this dog at all. It should be a new breed, but it can be confirmed from the size alone that it belongs to a large mastiff.

As soon as the two dogs came out, they rushed at the four of us standing outside the crowd, apparently the visitor was not good, and at this time, the guy from Hyde screamed at us: "Hurry away. That dog Will bite! "

There are flowers on both sides of the road in this place, and there is no place to avoid. Unless you run back and ensure that this distance is not overtaken, you will not be able to avoid these two dogs. Because people can't run dogs. Of course, we are not here. It's just that we have no plans to run.

The other group of people exclaimed falsely and then looked at us and waited to see if we were bitten by a dog. How could the action be a little panic?

Despite being angry with the behavior of these guys. Especially that Hyde did not care about us, and apparently collusion with the other side, but we did not make any radical reaction. Looking at the two big dogs that rushed to me in the blink of an eye, I just stopped talking to the son-in-law, turned my head to glance at the two dogs, and then saw the two dogs suddenly brake suddenly. At the same time, there was a scream of whine whining in his mouth while watching us in horror while running sideways.

The crowd behind did not think at all why the two dogs suddenly went crazy and turned back, and when they reacted, the two dogs rushed into the flowers and ran out of the road into the valley. The guy who held the dog not only did not have any regrets for letting the dog bite him, but instead rushed over and yelled, "You scared my dog ​​away, hurry up and get it for me. Don't let I want you to look good. "

It is said that Hyde, as a guide, is obliged to come out to safeguard us, but this guy is obviously the other party. At this time, he came out and said, "Oh, this is what you are wrong. We all know Chandler's dogs, but it is very rare to breed successful special breeds. It is very rare. If you lose your dog, you must hurry to help Find it out and apologize! "

Hearing Hyde's words, I looked at Hyde with a grimace and asked, "Do you mean what you mean now or your Rothschild family?"

"Oh, what are you talking about? I'm just asking you to get someone's dog back. It was you who scared you away. Isn't it natural to not find it?"

I was about to speak and suddenly received a reminder from Xiaolongnv from the spiritual network. "Master, those two dogs are back." Sure enough, Xiaolong heard two dog barks before her voice fell, but a more vigorous roar suddenly came in the next second, and I instantly It sounded like a tiger's voice.

Sure enough, after the scream, a bright and screaming hound screamed out in the dense forest in the valley in front, and then a big tiger at least two meters long flew directly in front of the landscape in a flying attitude. The flowers fell less than a metre behind the bright-haired hound.

Because I found the tiger, my electromagnetic induction was turned on at this time, and in the electromagnetic induction I quickly found something special and understood the intentions of those people accordingly, and my heart became even more furious.

In fact, my electromagnetic induction ability is not a threat, but a collar worn around the tiger's neck and electrical signals around it. With the powerful electromagnetic induction ability, I knew the structure and function of that collar in an instant.

In fact, that collar has only three functions in total. One is positioning, which makes it easy to know where the tiger is at any time. The second function is electric shock. There is a constant electromagnetic signal within a certain range on both sides of this path, and that collar is equipped with a receiver. Once this specific signal is received, the tiger will be shocked, and the stronger the received signal strength The high electric shock voltage will be higher ~ ~ This is equivalent to forming a forbidden zone around the path. Once the tiger approaches, it will be shocked, and the instinct of the animal is to avoid harm, and the tiger is not stupid. After the electric shock, it will naturally stay away from this area, so it acts as an electronic fence. Although no fence is actually built here, as long as the signal is still there, as long as the collar on the tiger's neck is not problematic, the tiger will never run to this road to hurt people.

In addition to the above two functions, this collar also has a function, which is to bring a certain amount of anesthetic injection function. When you need to check the tiger's body or need anesthesia for other reasons, you don't need an anesthesia gun at all. Just bring the remote control and click on the tiger. The collar will automatically inject anesthetics when the radio signal is received to let the tiger fall asleep. Approached safely. Moreover, the radio remote control and the electronic fence are two independent systems, each with its own wireless receiver and battery, which means that in the event of a problem with the electronic fence, the anesthesia device can also serve as a double insurance.

These people put the dog in the past and wanted the dog to bite us. It was probably planned in advance, but the scared away dog ​​was something the other party did not plan. But the other person quickly thought of a poisonous plan, that is, let us go to find a dog, and once we leave the road, we will enter the range of tiger activities. At that time, whether it is to let the tiger bite us, or to save us with remote control anesthesia injection at the critical moment Let's lose a little, that's what happened between them. (To be continued ...)

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