Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 30: Transnational cooperation

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Although very tactful, since we were asked to help, General Shibuya had to speak out his requirements, so we finally understood his intentions.

In fact, this thing is very simple. There are so many relics left by the creators on the earth, almost all over the world, and it is not surprising that Japan has some. However, there are some annoying problems in these relics, that is, they cannot be opened.

The creators' technology has reached an incredible level compared to the technology of the earth people. Although the crashed spacecrafts have gone through thousands of years, they are still what they were and what they are. Except for those parts of the spacecraft that broke when they fell from space, the other parts were closed and dead. Whether it was an electric drill or a laser cutter, they were almost powerless. Of course, it's not really completely open. Water droplets can still wear stones, not to mention electric drills and lasers.

Therefore, the ruins can be opened, but it is too laborious. If it was just pure destruction, it might be easier. But the problem is that people need the technology inside the ruins, so they can't simply destroy things. To open these solid ruins' shells, and not to destroy the contents, it requires a certain amount of control. Therefore, the method of breaking the door must be very Be careful. In this way, the development of the ruins is naturally slow and terrible.

Those remnants of the spacecraft are not full of scientific and technological literature. Some are only cold technical results. Reverse engineering research is required to obtain the technology. However, the creators' spacecraft are not all high-tech equipment, such as Things like the kitchen, storage room, bedroom, etc. need to exist even if they have reached the technical level of the creators. For example, some of the cabins are mostly empty and have little research value. To find a valuable room on the wreck of a huge spaceship and open it is basically just like luck in lottery.

If it can be researched without limit, it will be slower, but it is not a big problem. but. The country has invested so much manpower and material resources and has been unable to achieve results. No one can support it! Even those leaders know that this thing is anxious and will not take the initiative to urge. But if you don't press the top, the people below don't want the results? Even if not everyone is a research madman, as long as the results are achieved, the rewards must be a bunch of releases, so whether it is really for research purposes. Still for the reward, anyway, the people who participated in it are all thinking that they can produce results as soon as possible.

Moreover, there is a more serious problem now: immigration is imminent.

The immigration is about to begin. These relics are too large to be taken away at all, so if you can't get some results as soon as possible, it means that nothing will be discovered in the future. Under such circumstances, even the country leaders who have been very calm before can't be calm.

The big leaders above are not calm and can't come down to study by themselves, let alone they can't! and so. The top urges the middle, the middle urges the lower, and finally they can only bear the pressure of those who are directly responsible for research. But don't they want to be fast? That can't get up!

Although it is known that immigrants are about to immigrate and these ruins cannot be taken away, many destructive development methods have been used in the development of many ruins, but even so, the progress is still very slow, at least much worse than expected .

Under such circumstances, the person in charge of the ruins development site is naturally worried that he is about to pluck out his hair. Although General Shibuya was a bald head, he didn't have those three thousand troubles. But it does not mean that he is not upset. In fact, like the person in charge of the development sites of all the relics around the world, General Shibuya was worried that he could not sleep all night and all night.

At this time, countries began to unite under pressure. Some things that were previously blessed are now open to each other tentatively. Even worldly enemies like Japan and China have begun cooperation.

Of course. Technical cooperation has nothing to do with General Shibuya, but he heard a message from his internal friends, that is-we can open the remains of aliens.

We dragons are the creators of the creators, and for no reason, our genes can be used as passports in all creator spacecraft. This is the situation in the fourth special zone of our country. The central computer still operational in the Fourth Special Zone identified us very accurately as senior officers. And the intelligent system gave us the highest use right after testing and found that the other people on the ship were no longer. The central computer will execute without hesitation. This authority is already equivalent to that of the captain.

It is a pity that we also discovered this situation after the dragon genes of my body were fully awakened in the past two years. Otherwise, if all the hatches in the Fourth District were opened decades ago, our current technology is far more than now That's it.

However, although it is a bit late, at least all the movable gates and the like in the fourth special zone are opened, and due to our authority, the central computer will explain to us the role and approximate working mode of each cabin, and Will also actively cooperate with us for some operations. Such convenient conditions will undoubtedly speed up the research progress by several orders of magnitude. After all, it was a blind touch before. Now it is a purpose to try after knowing the general principle. This is not a little bit worse.

General Shibuya heard about it from his friends, so he imagined that we could help us to unwind the ruins here. However, although it is said that the countries are now uniting, China-Japan relations have always been like that after all. This suddenly said they wanted to cooperate. How could the people below suddenly change their attitudes? Therefore, General Shibuya did not expect to invite us to help him, and even if he did not even try it, he thought it was impossible. After all, according to the previous situation, whether they are here or ours, Existence is itself a secret in secret. It is said that the Chinese government cannot let us go to foreign countries, especially Japan and other countries to help, and even if China agrees, the Japanese government will definitely not allow foreigners, especially Chinese military background personnel, to enter such a country. Core confidential area.

Because of these ideas, General Shibuya gave up without even trying it, because he knew that such a thing would never succeed.

but. What happened today was to let him overthrow all previous cognitions, because just a few hours ago, the few national departments that could control him had sent him notices telling him that we would come to him this afternoon. . And asked him to hand over those aliens we had captured. This news shocked General Shibuya, and what he would not believe before killing him actually happened.

A secret that is extremely important to Japan-those aliens are definitely secrets that most senior government officials don't even know, so they promised to hand them over to us. This kind of thing made General Shibuya completely puzzled, and it was even more exaggerated whether they sent it out. Instead, we came directly to pick it up, which means that the default let us enter this base. If such a thing had been told before, he would definitely spit on the other side, but now it has happened.

Although when he heard the news, he even took out the telephone receiver in shock, but then he suddenly exulted after reacting.

He had previously fantasized about letting us help, but he was rejected by himself before he started, but what is the situation now? We actually came to the door. This good thing almost made General Shibuya excited, but he calmed down afterwards.

Although we came, we did not promise to do anything for them. As for the issue of transferring aliens ... Now that the above promises, it means that there has been an exchange of interests. In other words, they can't use this as a clue to let us do something more. This is equivalent to the fact that we have paid in advance before, this time it is just to get the goods, they cannot let us pay twice for one thing. However, it is a bit inappropriate to let go of such a good opportunity. So he finally decided to come up with this plan, but he must not let us talk for nothing, after all, everyone has no friendship.

Before we came, General Shibuya racked his brains for a long time, and finally thought of some means and exchange conditions, and this abnormal enthusiasm was one of the facts. The so-called do not laugh at people. He felt that there would be nothing wrong with tying up our relationship first, that the relationship would get closer, and then we could talk better. However, speaking of General Shibuya, after all, he was high-tech, he was originally a researcher. It is a scientist, although the supervisor who can mix here is somewhat more accessible than ordinary scientists, but after all, it is still not as good as that of politicians. It didn't take long for me to enter the subject directly after seeing us.

Hearing Shibuya's request, I looked at him with amusement. Then, without going around the corner, he asked directly: "Since it was invited to us, what have you thought of to reward us?"

Yeyue also interjected immediately: "That is, always pay for work?"

General Shibuya said with a smile: "Of course it won't keep you busy. I don't think so. I decide this privately, so there is no such thing as the above allocation, so naturally I can't give you any money. So My thought is, how about we even cooperate? "

"Cooperation?" I looked at him in amazement and asked, "How do you plan to cooperate?"

"The ruins are there, but if you ca n’t get in, you wo n’t get anything, so if you do n’t help, the ruins will be worthless to us. But if you take them all away, Inappropriate, after all, things are with us, our possessions. So, my idea is, please help open these ruins. If there is anything that can be moved, we divide equally by the number and type of the two, As for the things on the hull that cannot be moved, that is naturally ours. What do you think of this plan? "

"Your abacus is good." I said with a smile: "I've seen it on the way. All of you who fell here are battleships. There are no transport ships, which means that the hull itself is the most important thing. You only let us wear what can be moved inside, and only half of it, your abacus might be too fine, right? "

General Shibuya said with a smile: "I just give a suggestion. If you think it is inappropriate, you say a way, we are not playing tricks. As long as I think it is appropriate, you can make a decision on the spot without bargaining with you."

Unexpectedly, this Shibuya general was quite brave, and such words were spoken. But I understand his mind. Immediately after the immigration started, these things are no different from garbage. If we ca n’t talk to us for help, they wo n’t get any hair, and if we are willing to help, then how much can be studied now is considered extra money. He naturally does not Will be distressed for this, otherwise he would not be so generous.

Although I understood General Shibuya's thoughts, I did not intend to open the lion. After all, the hull really couldn't take it away. This is also no way out. As for the contents of the ship ... this is all luck, the ghost knows what's on board. It is normal for bad luck to have nothing but a pile of bones, so you cannot rely on this condition alone.

After weighing it a bit, I said, "Now this is a good thing, so I want to help, too. After all, you won't let me dry, which is a problem of more and less benefits. No, I ca n’t explain it back. I do n’t know how many of the moving things in these spaceships. They may not be the same, or they are very precious, so you ca n’t simply try your luck. ”

"Then what do you mean ...?"

"So ~ ~ we can actually distinguish some of the contents of the spacecraft. After we open the spacecraft, no matter what we see, we make a rough estimate and then divide it according to the valuation. We do n’t want half In addition, after we get things back, we both send observers to each other to study with each other. As long as the things taken out of these ruins produce relevant results, both of us will share the results with each other. In this way, we can not only get the maximum benefits, but also complement each other's technologies, and we can maximize the value of the things in this ruin. "

After listening to this, General Shibuya frowned: "This method is good, but I don't even talk about sending observers! Otherwise, wait a minute, and I'll ask for directions?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, you can ask for directions. I think the people over there should agree, after all, both parties are good. Oh yes, we only need 40% of the return, and let us get things first. Pick. Is this all right? "


General Shibuya moved quickly, and the Japanese government responded very quickly. Within five minutes, General Shibuya ran back with a smile on his face and said excitedly, "Okay, the above agreed. You see when will we start? ? "(To be continued.)

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