Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 31: Find

Chapter 31 Discovery

General Shibuya is anxious, so are we! Now things are really sincere, and we don't want to delay more here. Naturally, the sooner the better.

Both sides are very anxious, so naturally there is no delay, we are already standing outside a half-spaced ship in a few minutes.

The pilgrims and creators are allies, and naturally they are very familiar with the creators' things, so I directly opened the spiritual network to help the pilgrims who have reached the base of Dragon Margin to help observe the spaceship together. The other person hesitated for a few seconds after seeing the spacecraft through my eyes and told me with certainty: "What you see now should be the 'century combat support ship' dedicated to the gravity circle."

"What it is?"

"Simply put, it is a medium-sized space warship dedicated to fighting within the gravitational field of the planet. It has the ability to get rid of the planet's gravity field without relying on external power, which means that it can freely travel to and from the planet's orbit and the ground without having to Make extra preparations and supplies. This type of support ship is one of the main weapons used by the creators in the Landing Warfare, and the number of equipment is very large. This seems to be a classic model and it is very collectible. "

"Is there a collection value that doesn't make sense to us, and I wonder how the door to this thing opens."

"You can't see the gate where you stand. The gate is under the boat."


"No, no, top, top," said the creator's leader. "The centurion battle support ship in front of you is belly-up in the current state, so the bottom hatch should be above, and it seems difficult to see the excavation situation. Go in there. "

"Is there no other way?"

"Of course. But you can't get in."


"Because it's an access corridor, we need a maintenance permit to open it. We definitely can't do this. You need to find a common entrance."

"That's okay." I turned to Shibuya, looking forward, and said, "I've seen this spaceship. You are digging in the wrong direction." I pointed to the rock above and said, "Dig the other side." Open, the entrance is there, it's covered now. It won't open at all. "

"Okay, this is okay." The alien spacecraft is too hard to open the Japanese, and there is no way for the rocks. The rocks are different. There are ways on the earth to solve these stones. General Shibuya gave a brief command. Then he pulled us and said, "It looks like it will take a little time here, let's go and see another spaceship first."

"Another spaceship?" I looked at him in astonishment and asked, "How many relics do you have here?"

General Shibuya said very seriously: "I know that you have a great relic in China, but we have the worst number of relics in Japan but the world's largest. There are at least 300 relics buried in this underground river valley. , But all of them are small and medium-sized, and they don't add up to one-tenth the size of your oversized ruins. "

After hearing General Shibuya's words, I thought about it and said, "According to the logbooks we found on all the remnant spaceships in China, the big spaceship we controlled should be something similar to the mothership. Before the final contact with the ground, the mother ship seemed to have fractured. The fracture location happened to be the berth area inside the mother ship. At that time, the berth area should be docked with many small and medium-sized ships and space fighters. I guess your large part is the time when the mother ship broke. Those little planes that spilled afterwards. "

"Is there such a record?" General Shibuya said in surprise. "That makes sense. No wonder there are so many aircrafts concentrated here."

As we exchanged information, we followed General Shibuya to a new ruin. This ruin is obviously a little different from the previous one. Because its color is very strange, it is actually golden, and for so many years, the surface is as smooth as a mirror. As soon as we get closer, we can show people's shadows.

"I rely on, what kind of material? How many years has it been? It's still so bright!" Ye Yue said, stroking the surface of the material in surprise. However, the original good spaceship suddenly made a long chirping sound like a whistle after the touch of Yeyue, and the whole cave shook. The rocks smashed down from the top, and the smashed group of researchers scrambled.

Seeing General Shibuya panickingly holding up a board, he ran over and tried to help me block the stone together. I laughed and took the board he was holding down and tossed it aside. Just as he was puzzled, a boulder fell and General Shibuya raised his hand instinctively to stop it, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. Looking up, we found that a transparent protective cover appeared on our heads, and gravel was constantly hitting it and then it was ejected. The protective cover was still standing, obviously not responding to this impact force at all.

If General Shibuya was just running by myself, I would definitely not help, but he could remember to come and save me at this time, and of course I would not protect him, anyway, it is just a matter of hand.

The shock did not stop, but there was a growing trend. At the same time, the surface of the golden ship suddenly began to change color, and soon black stripes appeared. With the golden background, it looked like a warning sign. However, soon the black stripes actually moved on the surface of the spacecraft, they continued to flicker forward and backward, like a neon light. But it makes people have an involuntary urge to stare, and the more you look, the more you feel dizzy, but you can't look away.

This stuff even had a hypnotic effect. This discovery surprised me, but soon the vibrations and flashes of the marquee stopped, and then the spacecraft returned to calm and soon calmed down.

Because I have been connected to the psychic network, the entire dragon clan has seen what I see, and of course the pilgrims have seen it. Before I asked, the pilgrim boss said: "First, I do n’t know this type of spaceship. Although we and our creators are allies, our creators are different from us. They have different types of equipment than us There are so many different things. This is obviously a model I haven't seen, but I know some of them. "

"Tell me."

"The flickering color you just saw indicates that this spacecraft is equipped with a second maintenance shield. This is a specific application of dimensional technology. The specific principle is not easy to explain. In short, it uses space technology to make the surface of the spacecraft a second layer. Dimensional space. You also know that two-dimensional space has only the dimension of length, width, and height, so ... "

"So there is no indicator of the thickness of this ship's armor layer. That is to say, nothing can penetrate this layer of protection, because it simply does not have the property of thickness that can be penetrated."

The creator leader said very surely: "Your guess is completely correct. Such a two-protection shield has no thickness, so it is impossible for anything to pass through it, because it has no third dimension that can be penetrated at all."

"I rely, isn't it invincible?"

"No, no, the technology level of the earth is too low, and I do n’t know how to explain something to you. Anyway, as long as you know, the dimensions are actually not as scary as you think. The existence of four-dimensional space-time can be affected by three-dimensional space-time objects. Later You will understand that as long as it can be affected, it can be destroyed. Therefore, for us, it is very easy to destroy you regardless of your multidimensional existence. So in the end, everyone competes against the strength of science and technology, and change their own dimensions. It doesn't make much sense. Of course, the second maintenance shield is indeed a very good protection system, at least for most kinetic energy weapons. "

"Do you mean that energy weapons can damage this shield?"

"No, no, no, the second maintenance shield just creates a two-dimensional space in space. It is not a concrete existence, so you cannot destroy it, just as you cannot destroy the unknown, because you are rooted. I do n’t know what that is. However, for most energy weapons, the second shield is actually meaningless, because most of the energy exists in the form of waves. Some exist in the quantum state, and the quantum state The biggest feature is the uncertainty of space, so the fact is that the second maintenance shield has almost no blocking effect on energy. Just now the second maintenance shield is activated, but you can still see it, which means that the light penetrates the second maintenance shield, and it is twice."

"At least this thing is not afraid of bullets."

"That's for sure. Mining ships of many races in the universe are equipped with such shields. They are used to directly hit large meteorites and crush them to facilitate the collection of ore."

"Use a spaceship to hit a meteorite?"

"Of course it is not a normal spaceship, but a mining ship, and it is a special type of specially designed collision ship. The weight on the bow can effectively crush the rocky asteroid, the power behind and the passenger compartment and the front impact. There is a soft connection between the devices to reduce vibration. "

"So it is. So what else can you see in this spaceship?"

The creator leader said: "Except for the second maintenance shield. This ship seems to use biological armor technology."


"Yes. The glittering shell you see is biological armor. This is actually not a metal, but a layer of active material. I just studied some information on the earth and found that there is a creature that can explain this well. Biological armor. "

"What creature?"



"Yes. The moss on your earth looks like a plant. Even many people on the earth think that moss is a plant. In fact, moss is a system composed of three things. Just like you can't simply Think of a large forest as a creature, and moss is not a single creature. Moss is actually composed of three parts-bryophytes, water, and phytoplankton. The bryophytes will grow in a place full of water vapor, forming a sponge-like The reticular structure fixes the water inside and reduces the rate of water loss. After that, the bryophytes will capture the phytoplankton spores in the air and make them grow in the mycelium formed by them. These phytoplankton are fixed by mycelium The moisture and photosynthesis come down to survive, bryophytes get nutrients from phytoplankton, and phytoplankton does not provide a water-rich environment. Phytoplankton depends on this environment to survive, and uses its own nutrition to supplement bryophytes. It is a real moss, and the bryophyte itself is actually a white translucent structure, and the green in the moss is actually a phytoplankton Colors, and under normal circumstances phytoplankton can not survive on land, they should live in the water, bacteria and moss to help them expand the living space. "

"Do you mean bio-armor is something similar?"

"It's almost there," said the creator leader. "There are also many kinds of bio-armor, but not just three, but six."

"So much?" I was surprised when I heard the number, it seemed like it was quite complicated.

The creator leader said: "Bio-armor is also called renewable biomass hybrid armor coating, and its core is something called Streptococcus aureus. I know you also have Streptococcus aureus on earth, but believe me, both are just names The same, in fact, it has no relationship at all. This Streptococcus aureus is a silicon-based organism, yes, they are not carbon-based organisms, but a silicon-based organism, which is equivalent to bacteria in silicon-based organisms. This bacteria will A very fine mycelium grows, this thing is very thin and very much, and its characteristics are similar to nanofiber bundles, which can produce an extremely strong pulling force. "

I interrupted the creator leader and asked, "Do you mean this kind of thing is like moss?"

The creator leader confirmed: "Similar, but not exactly the same. Because this group of golden chain **** does not completely form the armor layer ~ ~ They are simply fixed with each other by hypha and they are disordered. It ’s not good to grow. "

"That's to say there is a control center?" I'm not stupid, the creator leader said so clearly, of course I know something.

The creator's leader confirmed with certainty: "Yes, this kind of thing does not determine the growth location and thickness required, so it needs a control center. This center is another silicon-based life, a brain-like Existence, which we call thinking bacteria, is a group of bacteria that can accept external instructions and manipulate the growth of Streptococcus aureus. Finally, let Streptococcus aureus form a special shape according to our intentions, cover a reasonable position and keep away some Areas to be covered. "

"Does this form the basis of armor?"

"That's right, but that's not enough. Streptococcus aureus is just the foundation. What really matters is the things that are fixed by Streptococcus aureus. That's the key."

"What is that?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)


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